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  • 7/27/2019 Necron Rules.pdf



  • 7/27/2019 Necron Rules.pdf


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    BACKGROUND............. ...................... ..................... ....... 3

    SEQUENCE OF PLAY.............. ..................... .................. 4

    Before The Game Starts ..................... ...................... ... 4

    Marine Players Turn...... ..................... ...................... ... 4

    Stealer Players Turn........................... ...................... ... 4

    Necron Players Turn ................... ..................... ........... 4

    End Phase ................................................................... 4

    SPECIAL RULES............................. ..................... ........... 5Regeneration (Repair)........... ...................... ..................... 5

    Repair Decision Table.............. ...................... .............. 5

    Necron Repair Table...... ..................... ...................... ... 5

    Phase Out........................................................................ 5

    Psychic Combat ............................................................... 5

    Psychic Attack Card Exceptions........................ ........... 5

    NEW WEAPONS ............................................................. 6

    Overview....... ..................... ..................... ..................... .... 6

    Gauss Flayer.................. ...................... ..................... ....... 6

    Gauss Blaster............................ ..................... .................. 6

    Gauss Cannon ................................................................. 6

    Heavy Gauss Cannon ...................................................... 6

    Staff of Light.. ..................... ..................... ..................... .... 6

    Particle Projector......... ..................... ..................... ........... 6

    Warscythe...................... ...................... ..................... ....... 6

    Particle Whip.................. ...................... ..................... ....... 6

    NECRON TROOPS.............................. ..................... ....... 7

    Necron Lord ..................................................................... 7

    Wargear........... ..................... ..................... .................. 7

    Chronometron................ ..................... ...................... ... 7

    Disruption Field... ..................... ...................... .............. 7

    Destroyer Body ..................... ..................... .................. 7

    Gaze of Flame ............................................................. 7

    Lightning Field ............................................................. 7

    Phase Shifter ............................................................... 7

    Phylactery........... ..................... ...................... .............. 7

    Phylactery Repair Table........ ..................... .................. 7

    Resurrection Orb...................... ...................... .............. 7

    Solar Pulse .................................................................. 7

    Veil of Darkness (Teleportation)................. .................. 7

    Teleportation Result Table ...................... ..................... 8

    Pariahs................. ..................... ..................... .................. 8

    Special Abilities........................ ...................... .............. 8

    Psychic Combat...... ..................... ..................... ........... 8

    Close Assault.......... ..................... ..................... ........... 8

    Immortals ......................................................................... 8

    Flayed Ones............ ..................... ...................... .............. 9

    Warriors ........................................................................... 9

    Wraiths............... ..................... ...................... ................... 9

    Phase Shifting..................... ...................... ................... 9

    Movement.................................................................... 9

    Close Assault............ ..................... ..................... ......... 9

    Destroyers............................ ..................... ..................... .. 9

    Movement.................................................................. 10

    Scarab Swarms......... ..................... ...................... .......... 10

    Tomb Spyders........... ..................... ...................... .......... 10

    Spawning........... ..................... ..................... .............. 10

    Movement.................................................................. 10

    Heavy Destroyers... ..................... ..................... .............. 10Movement.................................................................. 10

    Monolith ......................................................................... 10

    NECRON FORCE LIST......................... ...................... ... 11

    Ranged Weapon Reference Table................... .......... 13

    Close Assault Weapon Reference Table... ................. 15

    Character Summary............ ...................... ................. 15

    MISSIONS................................... ..................... .............. 17

    Campaign: The Changing of the Foe.. ..................... ....... 18

    Into The Fray ............................................................. 18

    New Arrivals............................ ..................... .............. 18

    Survival of The Fittest .................... ..................... ....... 18

    Campaign: Tomb Raid........................... ...................... ... 18

    Into the Unknown:........ ...................... ..................... ... 18

    Breakthrough: ............................................................ 18

    Strive for Reward: ................... ..................... .............. 18

    Tactical Retreat:.................. ...................... ................. 18


    There being no official rules for Necrons within the game of SpaceHulk (at the time of writing anyway), I resolved to create some sothat I could use these wonderfully obscene creatures within theconfines of a derelict (or should that be dormant?) space hulk.

    Fortunately, I was not alone in my resolution, and these rules aremade up from several sources (see credits below), as well ashaving my own stamp of authority on them by having tweakedsome of the values and expanded on them to flesh out the finerpoints of playing Space Hulk as a Necron

    The rules presented here are not intended to teach a new playerthe complete rules of Space Hulk, rather they are presented asadditions to the already-defined official rules, each section detailingrules specific to the use of Necrons within the game of Space Hulk.

    All other rules pertaining to Marines and Genestealers areconsidered still to be in effect.

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    Original Force List andWeapons tables: N'Guyen Nhu Quang

    Xenotron font: HYBRIDspace

    Necron board sectionsand counters: Mark Nutter

    Necron model images: NU Gaming(


    These rules are not an official production of GamesWorkshop Ltd., nor are they endorsed or licensed byGames Workshop Ltd. Warhammer 40,000, SpaceHulk are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd.These words and phrases are used without permission.No challenge is intended to the status of these or any othertrademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. Use of these wordswithout the appropriate symbols should not be construedas a challenge to such status.

    These rules and the phrase and logo NECRON! arecopyright Paul de Valmency 2002


    Star Gods! The name alone brings images to mind ofimmense beings of incalculable power. Yet this is exactlywhat the word Ctan means in the ancient Necrontyrtongue.

    The origins of the Ctan are only known by what is retold inlegends, but it is believed that they wereamong the first sentient life in theuniverse and differ entirely fromalmost any other life-formin that they are vast energybeings, feeding off theenergy emitted by suns.

    With life-spans measured in aeons, theyshorten the life of the stars off whichthey feed, moving from one star systemto another as each sun begins to falterfrom their unending appetite.

    Under the blind gaze of the Ctan, newlife-forms began to flourish, the mostprevalent being the Old Ones. Theirtechnology and longevity enabling themto traverse the galaxy, spreading theseed of life wherever they went.

    By the time that one particular race,

    the Necrontyr, made their firsttentative steps into space, the OldOnes influence spanned thegalaxy. In contrast to the OldOnes, the Necrontyr were cursed with very short lives.Their native suns emissions poisoning their frail bodies,causing horrific cancers and mutations, the Necrontyrdeveloped a new technology, based on what is now calledliving metal, to help prolong their short and horrific lives.

    Endowed with this technology, the Necrons began toexpand their empire, eventually encountering the OldOnes. At first in awe of the abilities of the Old Ones, theNecrontyr naturally resented the beauty and longevity oftheir race. The resentment grew, festering into abjecthatred of not only the race that had what they craved, butfor all other living things.

    Battle ensued, with Necrontyr fighting the Old Ones onevery front, their desire to eradicate the Old Ones leadingthem to ever more desperate measures.

    However, living metal or not, the Old Ones technology wasfar superior to the Necrontyrs, and slowly but surely, theNecrontyr were pushed back towards their home-worldwhere, almost wiped out, they stayed to re-group and re-think their plans, and look for other ways to extend theirlongevity until they could rise again once more.

    Their attention turned to their sun. Unnatural anomalieshad been discovered in its activity, and further investigationled to the discovery of the existence of the Ctan that wasfeeding off their sun. Ironically, it was this Ctans feedingthat was poisoning them, directly causing their horrendouscondition.

    Gradually, they came to understand this new beingspowers, and they began to worship it, idolising its immenselife-span and awesome power. How they made contactwith it is unknown, but they cast for it a body made out oftheir living metal: a vessel for it to occupy so that it could

    walk among them and be ever more worshipped. Intriguedby this new notion and the succulent energies that seemedto be given off by the Necrontyrs emotions, the Ctanbroke from its feast on the sun and entered themanufactured body.

    In this form, its powers contained and directable in a waythat it had not previously experienced, the Ctan was raptwith the adoration mingled with the underlying hatred that itcould sense in these small beings. It fostered thesefeelings, savouring the energies that it produced, goadingon the Necrontyr to ever-stronger feelings of hatredtowards their old enemies, the Old Ones.

    The Ctan helped the Necrontyr to further develop theirtechnology, and with renewed vigour, the Necrontyrdecided that with the Ctan at their head, they could not failto obliterate their ancient foe.

    With promises of immortality, the Ctan convinced theNecrontyr to abandon their fleshly bodies, and pass theirsouls into beautiful, newly crafted bodies that would befeared across the galaxy. They would obtain immortality,but most of all they would reap revenge against theirenemies, and live to see it through to the end.

    Thus were born the Necrons, the oldrace of the Necrontyr gone like a

    discarded garment. And,as promised by their

    Star God, theylaunched an almostunstoppable assaulton every race and

    creature that they cameacross, stamping their mark on

    every world as they traversed thegalaxy, driving the Old Ones almostto the point of extinction.

    With the decline of enemies to fight,the feeding frenzy of the Ctan wasbrought up short, and so theydecided to go into hibernation andsleep until such time that the galaxy

    was populated with more life to beharvested. With this, the

    Necrons built vast stasis tombson various worlds across thegalaxy, and entered them for

    aeons of slumber.

    But something has now triggered their awakening, andreports of raiding parties of Necrons are starting to surfacein ever increasing numbers
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    Before The Game Starts1. Determine Initial Trump Suit:

    Shuffle and cut the cards to find the trump suit placethe trump suit counter on the colour track.

    2. Deal Cards:Deal each player their normal hand of cards, startingwith the Marine player.

    Marine Hand: 2 cards plus 1 card per psyker in play

    Stealer Hand: 4 cards whatever the number ofpsykers in play.

    Necron Hand: None.

    Marine Players Turn1. Marine Timer Phase

    Remember to add +30 seconds if youve got a psykerin play this is because the psychic cards phase ispart of the Marines timed turn.

    2. Command Points Phase

    As in Space Hulk3. Psychic Cards Phase

    Draw 1 card for each psyker in play, up to a maximumof 2 cards above your normal hand. Then discard anycards of your choice to reduce your hand to its normalsize.

    4. Action Phase

    As in Space Hulk

    5. Section Effects Endphase

    Roll a dice for all Vortices to see if they move direction of movement is shown on the marker.

    Roll for additional damage for any model in a sectioncontaining a Hellfire or Vortex marker (unless thesection effect was cast during this Marine turn).

    Roll to decay any psychic section effect marker ofyour choice roll one die for each, with a 6 meaningits decayed.

    Play force cards to disperse any psychic section effectof your choice that you didnt try to decay. The effectmarker is removed unless the Stealer player retaliatesand begins a force battle to keep it on the board.

    Stealer Players Turn1. Psychic Cards Phase

    Discard 1 card if you want, then draw as many cardsas necessary to return your hande to its normal size.

    2. Action Phase

    As in Space Hulk

    3. Section Effects Endphase

    Roll for Vortex movement, additional damage, decayand dispersal as in the Marine players turn.

    Necron Players Turn1. Necron Repair Phase

    The Necron player rolls a die for every killed Necronmodel on the board. The die roll determines whetherthe model comes back to life or is completelydestroyed (see Regeneration (Repair) page 5).

    2. Necron Phase-Out Phase

    The number of remaining Necrons is determined, andif the total is 25% or less than the starting forces, theNecron player automatically loses the mission (but notnecessarily the campaign), regardless of any victoryconditions imposed by the mission. Refer to thePhase Out section of the Special Rules on page 5.

    3. Necron Timer Phase

    Unlike Genestealers, Necrons are about as fast ashumans, and therefore are under the same timeconstraints as a Marine player would be.

    The Marine player (or the player that precedes theNecron player, if playing a multi-player game)

    announces the start of the Necron players ActionPhase, and starts the timer.

    The Necron player has 2 minutes and 30 seconds asa standard action allowance, augmented by thenumber of Necron Lords in play, similar to the MarineCommanders. The Necron player receives anadditional 30 seconds for each Necron Lord in play.

    4. Necron Action Phase

    The Necron player activates any or all of his pieces asrequired.

    Any opposing force may use any spare CommandPoints to move, fire and/or close assault with theNecron forces.

    5. Section Effects Endphase

    Roll for Vortex movement, additional damage, decayand dispersal as in the Marine players turn.

    6. Necron End Phase

    For two-player missions: the Necron player removesany expired area effect markers from the board, alongwith all Overwatch counters for the Marine player.

    For multi-player missions: the Necron player removesall Overwatch counters for the next player, and anyarea effect markers placed by the next player.

    End PhaseMove the trump suit marker one section to the right and thetrump track (or back to the beginning if it is at the end).This marks the new trump suit until the the end of the nextturn.

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    Ill be back!yep the phrase associated with theTerminator robot really applies here.

    Being, for the most part, machinery, Necrons are verydifficult to kill. Not only are they difficult to actually kill, butthey have an innate power to regenerate or repairthemselves on the battlefield, with individual body partsbeing able to magnetically draw themselves together overdistances and rebuild themselves back into their originaldesign while their opponents look on in despair!

    When a Necron model has sustained a critical hit, insteadof being removed from the board, it is placed on its side toindicate that it has been damaged.

    Whilst on its side, it can no longer be fired upon, and isinstead, treated as rubble or battlefield debris (seeDeathwing for rules regarding the use of rubble).

    During the Necron Repair Phase, each damaged model islooked at in turn to decide whether or not it can attempt to

    repair itself by reading down the following table andstopping at the first applicable test:

    Repair Decision Table

    The square is occupied by anothermodel.


    The model was killed with an Auto-kill weapon.


    The model was killed with a Powerweapon and is not within 6squares of a Resurrection Orb.


    The model is a Necron Lord. Yes *

    A similar type of model is within 6squares of the damaged unit.


    A Tomb Spyder is within 12squares of the damaged unit and asimilar type of model is in play.


    None of the above.No remove the

    unit from play

    If the unit cannot be repaired then it is removed from theboard and counts towards any victory conditions.

    If the unit is eligible for repair, the Necron player throws adie and the decision is based on the Necron Repair Table(below).

    * An exception to this is if the model is a Necron Lord, and

    it has been equipped with a Phylactery (see Phylactery,page 7).

    Necron Repair Table

    1 3Model is destroyed (remove the modelfrom the board)

    4 6 Model stands up (with 1 remaining hit)


    If a Necron force is reduced to 25% or less (rounding up) ofits starting value, it will disappear in an eerie fashion,leaving behind nothing of its presence.

    If this happens, the Necron player has lost the mission,regardless of any stated victory conditions.

    For example, if a Necron force starts with 50 models and isreduced to 12 models, it will disappear from the board.

    Note: only models with the ability to self-repair counttowards these values.


    Psychic combat within Necron! can be dealt with usingeither the quick points-based system defined withinDeathwing, or the Psychic Force Cards system as definedwithin Genestealer.

    Necrons are soulless creatures and have no presencewithin the warp. Because of this, they are not visible from

    the warp and are not, therefore, susceptible to psychicattacks that rely on attacking a beings soul. They are stillaffected by physical emanations created by psychicattacks, and so most attacks can still have the desiredaffect on a Necron.

    The only exception to this is the Pariah. Pariahs areeffectively anti-psykers, absorbing any and all psychicfluxes flowing near them, effectively nullifying any attemptto attack them by psychic means.

    When using the points system, enemy psykers can still usetheir psychic energy to modify their die rolls, but also haveto pass the Psychic Abomination rules for Pariahs.

    When using the Force Cards, the Necron player receivesno force cards whatsoever, and has to rely upon anyPariahs in play to damp down and disperse psychic affects.

    Regardless of the system in use, Pariahs still receive anyadditional powers as described in the Troops section onPariahs (page 8).

    Psychic Attack Card ExceptionsThe following psychic attacks do not work against Necronsin the way that they were intended:

    Control: This attack relies on the psyker taking controlof the enemys soul, but as Necrons do nothave a soul, this attack has no effect againstany Necron.

    Miasma: This section attack is normally used to stopenemy psykers from making attacks into orout of a particular section.

    As Necrons have no psychic abilities, thisattack has no effect on them. However, ifcast, this section affect still affects psykers ofother races.

    Jinx: This section effect is intended to stop enemyweapons from working by making theirmoving parts malfunction. However, Necronweapons contain no moving parts and canstill fire within and out of a section affected byJinx.

    Ironically, Necrons themselves are made upof mechanical moving parts, therefore:

    Movement into, out of or within a sectionaffected by a Jinx is blocked.

    Necrons within a section affected by a Jinx

    cannot defend themselves against a close-assault and are automatically killed.

    Condition Repairable?

    Die Roll Result

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    All Necron weapons employ the same base technology,varying only in the size and devastation of the blastproduced by each weapon.

    A complete analysis of retrieved Necron weapons has onlyreinforced the belief that from both a mathematical andengineering perspective, it should be impossible toproduce such a weapon and make it work. The guns areessentially a linear induction motor that eject a particlebeam, known only as a Gauss field, that pulls the targettoward the gun at the sub-atomic level, effectively rippingthe target to pieces as it is stripped one particle at a timealmost instantaneously.


    This is the most basic of the gauss weapons, yet this beliesthe devastation that can be produced by this weapon, withvery little armour being able to withstand multiple blasts.

    The weapon of choice for Necron Warriors, it is light andmanoeuvrable, making

    it ideal for fastground troops, and

    also incorporatesa small Force

    blade for usein closeassault.


    The heavier version of the Gauss Flayer, used mainly byNecron Immortals as they have the bulk to wield a blasteras though it were a light weapon.


    Being a heavy weapon that no infantry could reasonablycarry, these are mounted on Necron skimmers and usedas fast attack vehicles. The power of this weapon hasbeen reviewed and heavily documented following severalencounters by Imperial troops. Most documentaryevidence points to its abilities to easily pass throughseveral layers of heavy tech armour without any visible

    sign of deflection.If encountered on the battlefield, the vehicle on which thisweapon is mounted should be taken down as quickly aspossible, regardless of all other threats, as history has

    shown that its presence will result in complete devastationof Imperial units.



    This is the heavier version of the Gauss Cannon, beingcapable of inflicting even more damage against all types ofarmour than was ever thought possible.

    Also mounted on adapted Necron skimmers, these arerarely encountered, and the only information that we haveconcerning this weapon has been gathered as smallfragments of tech-video recovered from downed armouredvehicles as well as the dying testimonies of our braveSpace Marine brethren.


    Both an item of arcane technology and a symbol of power,the Staff of Light is carried exclusively by a Necron Lord,and is capable of emitting a bolt of gauss energy.

    Its only limitation is that is has a comparatively short range,meaning that a Necron Lord must put himself well withrange of normal weapons to be able to use it.



    Only ever seen as an attachment or modification of a TombSpyder. Basically a modified gauss cannon, they haveslightly less impact, being designed more for the defensiverole of Tomb Spyders than the attack role of Destroyers.Nevertheless, they still deserve the respect of any troopsthat go up against them.


    The weapon of the Pariah, it is, to all intents and purposes,a Force Staff with a built-in gauss blaster.

    The gauss blaster attachment acts exactly like a normalgauss blaster, however the gauss-powered Force blade ofthe Warscythe is rumoured to be powerful enough to sliceeffortlessly through any type of armour, making it one ofthe most devastating close-assault weapons in the Necronarsenal.


    This is a section-effect weapon used by Necron Monoliths.It is, in effect, a tightly-focused particle beam which is thenused as a carrier for a blast of Gauss energy, and causes asimilar effect to that of a frag grenade.

    Monoliths are far too powerful (not to mention large) to beused within the Necron! Rules, but they are mentionedpurely for completeness.

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    The most sophisticated of the Ctans servants, the NecronLord act as leaders and energy loci for the NecronWarriors. Clad in

    crumbling vestmentsand wieldingancient, arcanestaffs, they are achilling sight inbattle, directingtheir warriorsattack inunnaturalsilence. Thepatina of agemars thesilveredperfection oftheir formsand they wear

    theaccumulatedpower ofmillennia like arobe. Glitteringarcs of energysurround their every gesture and soulless fires burn in their

    empty eye sockets.

    WargearNecron Lords are capable of wielding a large array ofdifferent items of technology and weaponry. All of thesesitems are grouped under the collective heading of

    Wargear, and the Necron player equips his Lord with anyof the options available or those as specified in the Necron!missions being played.

    ChronometronThis device is not currently supported under these rules.

    Disruption FieldDisruption Fields make the metal claws of its Necron usercrackle and spark with a forbidding glow, virtually warpingwhatever the Necron touches out of existence.

    They are used in close assault, usually with vehicles,allowing a Necron to effortlessly tear open the vehicle toattack whatever hides inside, however within the confinesof a space ship or a tomb complex, they provide just asgood an offence against enemy troops.

    Equipping a Necron Lord with a Disruption Field gives theLord a +1 Weapon CAB.

    Necron Lords are not the only sort of Necron that can beupgraded to have a Disruption Field. Refer to the NecronForce List, page 11 for details of which model can beupgraded.

    Destroyer BodyThe Necron Lord can be fused with a Destroyer Body,enabling him to gain additional vital speed (+2 APs) on thebattlefield.

    However, in the confines of a space ship or a tombcomplex, there may be passageways down which aDestroyer Body will not fit.

    Gaze of FlameThe eyes of the Necron Lord glow and flicker withiridescent fire, casting horror and doubt into the minds ofany attacker foolish enough to try to engage in closeassault with the Lord.

    Any attacker gets a 1 Skill CAB during the close assaultround.

    Lightning FieldThe Necron Lord is joined to his surrounding troops by anetwork of rapidly coruscating arcs of lightning, chargingup the living metal of the Necron troops that it touches.

    Any opponent that close assaults a model under thisumbrella of protection is immediately shocked and burnedas the lightning makes the jump from Necron to attacker.

    The Necron player gains an additional CA die in the closeassault.

    Phase ShifterThe Necron Lord gains Wraith-like abilities, being able towalk through walls and other obstacles.

    Refer to the Phase Shifting rules on page 9 for details onmovement and bonuses.


    This is an ingenious device that, to an outside observer,appears to be a magical charm. It is, however, a powerfulself-repair device containing thousands of miniaturespyder-like machines that swarm all over the Lord, instantlyrepairing any damage that occurs.

    A damaged Lord equipped with a Phylactery, rolls from thefollowing table during the Repair Phase:

    Phylactery Repair


    1 2The Necron Lord is destroyed as normal(remove the model from the board)

    3 4 The Necron Lord stands up with 1 hit left

    5The Necron Lord stands up with 2 hitsleft

    6The Necron Lord stands up with 3 hitsleft

    Resurrection OrbNecron Lords equipped with a Resurrection Orb can strideacross the battlefield, silently gesturing at fallen Necrontroops who then magically repair and stand up ready foraction.

    During the Repair Phase, damaged Necrons within 6squares of the Necron Lord qualify for repair, regardless ofwhether or not they were hit by a power weapon.However, the rule of needing to be within 6 squares ofanother unit of the same type (or 12 squares of a tombspyder) is still in force.

    Solar PulseThis device is not currently supported under these rules.

    Veil of Darkness (Teleportation)A Necron Lord can be equipped with a Veil of Darkness.

    This gives him the ability to teleport himself and any otherNecrons within 2 squares to any position on the board.

    On an open battle field, teleporting in this manner is highlyreliable, however within the confines of a space ship ortomb complex the teleportation is often performed blind,making this amazing ability somewhat hazardous, possiblyresulting in the loss of all models completely.

    To teleport, the Necron player declares his intention toteleport, indicates the Destination square and which othermodels (if any) are to be teleported with the Lord. TheNecron player then rolls a die to determine the outcome.

    Die Roll Result

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    The cost of teleportation to the Necron Lord is 4 APs for anormal Lord and 6APs for a Destroyer Lord. Theaccompanying models do not pay any APs to beteleported, and, if they have not already been activated,may be activated after they have been teleported.


    Result Table


    The Necron Lord is teleportedsuccessfully to the Destination square,with any facing that the Necron playerchooses.

    The Necron player then attempts toplace each accompanying model within2 squares of the Necron Lord, again withany facing.

    2 5

    The opposing player chooses a newDestination up to X squares from theoriginal Destination, with X being thenumber thrown on the die.

    The new Destination must NOT containany model/door/bulkhead, or otherobstruction.

    The Necron player places the NecronLord on the Destination square with anyfacing he chooses.

    The Necron player then attempts toplace each accompanying model within2 squares of the Necron Lord with anyfacing.

    1The Lord and all accompanying modelsare lost.

    Units that cannot be placed due to the presence of walls orbulkheads are lost.

    Units that cannot be placed due to a door, results in thedestruction of both the unit and the door.

    Units that cannot be placed due to another model, resultsin the destruction of both models.

    Teleportation and placement of units is deemed to besimultaneous, therefore if a model is lost because a doorwas in the way, that square cannot then be used to place asubsequent model.

    Lost models count towards victory conditions.


    Crafted from a terrible symbiosis of Necron technology andhuman evolution, Pariahs represent the next phase of theCtans ideal forthe galaxy.Resemblingartificial beings

    of soullessperfection,Pariahs radiatea sense of palpablemenace andhorror to thosearound them.Blotting outpsychicemanations andinfusing thosenearby with thesense of theirown mortality.Pariahs embody

    the ultimatehorror of theNecron threat.

    Special Abilities


    Being anti-psykers, Pariahs are the major Necron threat tothe Imperiums force of psykers, draining psychic energyfrom nearby psykers and making nearby non-psykersdoubt their actions as they reel in horror.

    Due to this effect, any enemy model within 6 squares of aPariah sustains a 1 Skill CAB if engaging in a closeassault, or a 1 on any ranged weapons roll. These

    modifiers take effect regardless of whether or not thePariah is the target of the attack.

    Psychic Abomination

    Additionally, at the start of the non-Necron players turn,any psyker within 6 squares of a Pariah must make amorale check by rolling 1 die. On a roll of 5 or 6, thepsyker is overcome by the dread emanating from thePariah, and cannot move towards the Pariah that turn. Thepsyker may still fire and/or engage in close assault andmove away from the Pariah.

    Psychic CombatPariahs have no soul and are, therefore, not visible to thewarp and all its denizens. A side-affect of this is that theyare immune to any psychic attacks made at them or the

    section that they are in.This does not mean that enemy psykers cannot attackpariahs, indeed they can, but to do so is pointless, as nopsychic attack will work and the enemy psyker will simplywaste psychic attack cards.

    An additional side-affect of a Pariahs soulless attribute isthat they when they move into a section containing apsychic section effect, they immediately nullify the sectioneffect, providing that the section effect allows movementinto the section. Other forms of section effect that blockmovement into the section still block movement into thesection by Pariahs and are not dispersed.

    Pariahs are not psykers, and cannot, therefore, performany form of psychic attack.

    Close AssaultIn close assault, the Pariahs Warscythe can be used toparry one attack from any of the front 3 squares.

    If attacked with a Force weapon, the attacking psykercannot channel psychic power into the weapon by way ofpoints or cards to augment its abilities, only the baseattributes of the weapon can be used.


    The immortals were among the most favoured Necrontyrservants of the Ctan, and were the first of their kind to giveup their cursed, fleshly bodies to become the soullessNecrons. Implacablemetal giants, thelustre of their

    gleaming bodieshas been eroded bythe ravages of time.Fleshless metalskulls strike fearinto the hearts oftheir foes and theeerie silence oftheir advance ismore unnervingthan abloodthirsty battle cry.

    Wielding Gauss Blasters that pack twice the punch of thestandard Gauss Flayer, these are the Necron equivalent ofthe Space Marine Terminator; built to withstand morepunishment than normal and equipped to deal a heavy

    blow to any foe foolish enough to stand in their line of fire.

    Die Roll Result

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    Twisted and ghoulish terrors of the night, the Flayed Onesadvance before the Necron force, spreading fear like aplague before them. Stooped yet terrifyingly agile beastsfrom mans darkest nightmares, the Flayed Ones longflensing blades can strip the skin from their prey inseconds. Thin and wiry, they adornthemselves withthe still-wethides of

    theirvictims,leaving theskinnedcorpses tosow fearandconfusionamongst theirenemies ranks.

    Built for effectiveclose assaultcombat, any Marine foolish enough to let one get close willalmost certainly suffer the same fate as being attacked bya Genestealer.


    The skeletal form of a Necron warrior is a spine-chillingsight, as bullets and lasblasts bounce harmlessly from itsmetal limbs. The gauss flayer that it wields is no lessterrifying, as it strips itstarget atom by atom,in a heartbeat itdissolves skin,muscles and thendisintegrates boneuntil nothingremains.

    The back-bone ofthe Necron force,these skeletal

    warriors usuallyswarm in battle,normally moving insquads of no lessthan 12 Warriors.More agile thanTerminators, theyhave the advantageof being able to move sideways, making them formidableopponents in heavy fire-fights.


    Grotesque floating killers, Wraiths move like ghosts,shifting in and out of phase. A Wraiths spinal cord iselongated and fluid, equipped with powerful shock lashes

    and blades.Wide, hunchedshoulderssupport aleering skullface, and long,whip-like armswield scalpelblades forfingers and anightmareassortment ofarcane surgicalequipment.


    ShiftingNecron Wraithscan phase shiftas they move,allowing

    attacking blows and shots to pass straight through them asif they werent there. This gives Wraiths a 4+ InvulnerableSaving throw against any successful attack.

    Phase Shifting also allows them to pass through allinanimate objects at will.

    Wraiths can therefore use their APs to allow them to movethrough walls, bulkheads and closed doors as if they werenot there.

    There are two restrictions:

    1. Wraiths must not end their move inside an object(e.g. a bulkhead) or between walls (i.e. off of theboard).

    2. Wraiths cannot pass through any enemy models.This specifically includes passing between twodiagonally occupied squares.

    MovementWraiths can move in any direction for 1AP, turning 90degrees for free. Being designed for close assault combatonly, their ability to suddenly appear from a wall behindenemy lines makes them one of the most feared

    opponents within confined areas such as space ships andstasis tombs.

    Being air-borne as well as being able to phase shift,Wraiths can pass over/through low level obstacles such asrubble without any movement penalties.

    Close AssaultIn close assault, Wraiths benefit from an InvulnerableSaving Throw as a direct result of their ability to PhaseShift.

    What this means is that should a Wraith lose a closeassault round, the Necron player throws a die, and theWraith survives on a throw of 4 or more.


    Necron warriors fused to skimming flyers are known andfeared as Destroyers. They are a heavily altered form ofthe Necron Immortal, equally broad with a morepronounced spine from which their terrible weapons drawtheir power. The speed and ferocity of their attacks areundiminished by their antiquity, and they remain at theforefront of the red harvest.

    Destroyers, being somewhat larger than most Necrons,take up more room on the board, using up 4 squares (2wide by 2 long) instead of 1. This means that they cannot

    travel down corridor sections that are 1 square wide, orenter rooms via doorways that are 1 square wide.

    Additionally, due to their size, their perspective of line ofsight and fire arc are wider than normal models.

    ##Example of LOS

    ##Diagram to go here

    ##Diagram to go here

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    NECRON LORD 5 Points

    1 Necron Lord Staff of Light

    OPTIONS (5 Points Max) Points Cost

    Replace Staff of Light with Warscythe 1

    Chronometron N/A

    Disruption Field (+1 Weap CAB) 1

    Destroyer Body (+2 APs) 2

    Gaze of Flame (opponent in CAsuffers a 1 Skill CAB)


    Lightning Field (+1 CA die) 1

    Phylactery 1

    Phase Shifter 1

    Resurrection Orb 1

    Solar Pulse N/A

    Veil of Darkness 2

    PARIAH SQUAD 8 Points

    4 Pariahs Warscythe

    OPTIONS Points Cost


    5 Immortals Gauss Blaster

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip whole squad with DisruptionFields (+1 Weap CAB)


    Add 1 Immortal to the squad 2


    4 Flayed Ones Scythes

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip whole squad with Disruptionfields (+1 Weap CAB)


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    WARRIOR SQUAD 10 Points

    12 Warriors Gauss Flayer

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Add 6 Warriors to the squad 5

    Equip whole with Disruption fields (+1Weap CAB)


    WRAITH 2 Points

    1 Wraith Claws and barbed tail

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    DESTROYER 3 Points

    1 Destroyer Gauss Cannon

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip Destroyer with Disruption Field(+1 Weap CAB)


    SCARAB SWARM 2 Points

    Picture to go here

    3 Scarab Swarms Special

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip whole squad with Disruptionfields (+1 Weap CAB)


    TOMB SPIDER 3 Points

    1 Tomb Spyder Assault Weapon

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip Spyder with Particle Projector(lose 1 CA Dice)



    1 Heavy Destroyer Heavy Gauss Cannon

    OPTIONS Points Cost

    Equip Destroyer with Disruption Field(+1 Weap CAB)


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    Ranged Weapon Reference Table

    Roll to Kill/Destroy

    Weapon Range



























    Gauss Flayer UL/12 Target 1 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 Yes No UL

    Gauss Blaster UL/12 Target 2 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 Yes No UL

    Gauss Cannon UL/12 Target 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 3 6 Yes No UL

    Heavy Gauss Cannon UL Target 3 4 2 2 3 4 4 Auto 4 No - UL

    Staff of Light 12 Target 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 No - UL

    Particle Projector 12 Target 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 3 6 No - UL

    Warscythe UL/12 Target 2 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 Yes No UL

    Storm Bolter UL/12 Target 2 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 - Yes Yes UL

    Heavy Flamer

    Self Destruct





























    Assault Cannon

    Burst UL/12 Target 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 Yes Yes* 10

    Full Auto UL Fire Arc 3 3 Auto Auto 2 3 3 3 - No Yes* 10*

    Malfunction - Adjacent 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto 5 - - -

    Grenade Launcher 8 Section 1 4 2 2 4 6 6 6 - No - 10

    Thunder Hammer

    Self Destruct - Section 1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto - - - -


    Range 1-12 12 Target 1 3 Auto Auto 2 4 4 2 - No - UL

    Range 13+ UL Target 1 3 Auto Auto 4 5 5 3 - No - UL

    Conversion Beamer UL Target 1 4 5 5 4 3 2 Auto Auto No - UL

    Missile Launcher

    Crack Missile UL Target 1 2 Auto Auto 2 3 3 Auto 5 No - UL

    Plasma Missile UL Section 1 4 2 2 5 6 6 6 - No - UL

    Bolter UL/12 Target 1 6 4 4 5 6 6 - - Yes No UL

    Bolt Pistol 12 Target 1 6 4 4 5 6 6 - - Yes No UL

    Heavy Bolter UL/12 Target 2 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 - Yes Yes UL

    Lasgun UL/12 Target 1 6 4 4 5 6 6 - - Yes No UL

    Laspistol 12 Target 1 6 4 4 5 6 6 - - Yes No UL

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    Ranged Weapon Reference Table

    Roll to Kill/Destroy

    Weapon Range


























    Las-Cannon UL Target 1 2 Auto Auto 2 2 2 Auto 2 No - UL

    Plasma Gun UL Target 1 4 2 2 2 3 3 5 - No - Special

    Plasma Pistol 12 Target 1 5 2 2 3 4 4 5 - Yes No Special

    Heavy Plasma Gun

    Rapid UL Target 1 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 No - UL

    Maximal UL Section 1 2 Auto Auto 2 2 2 2 4 No - Special

    Nemesis Weapon UL Target 2 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 - Yes Yes UL

    In Close Assault 1 Target 1 3 Auto Auto 2 3 3 - - - - UL

    Range: UL = unlimited range 2nd

    number is range for overwatch. Ammo: 10* = remember that full auto uses 5 bursts of ammo. Special: see the

    Jam: Yes* = malfunctions (only occurs after 1st

    reload on rolling a treble). Necron Scarab Swarm: Auto = All 3 hits are taken at once.

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    Close Assault Weapon Reference Table




    Weapon Notes

    Power Glove 1 Yes

    Chain Fist 1 Destroys Door for 1AP, Bulkhead for 2APs.

    Power Sword 1 Yes Parry one attack to front or right.

    Force Axe 1 Yes Channel psi points to augment blow.

    Thunder Hammer 1 +2 Yes

    Storm Shield - Parry one attack to front or left.

    Lightning Claws 2 +2 Yes

    Warscythe 1 +2 Can parry one attack from any side.

    Molecular Claws1 perclaw +1

    Disruption FieldAs permodel +1

    Staff of Light 1 Can parry one attack from front or right.

    Character Summary

    Model APsCA



    Encum-bered Repair Hits Notes

    Marine 4 1 - Yes No -

    Sergeant 4 1 +1 Yes No - +30 Seconds

    Captain 4 1 +2 Yes No - +2 CPs, +30 Seconds

    Librarian 4 1 +1* Yes No -

    Grey Knight

    Marine 4 1 +1* Yes No -

    Sergeant 4 1 +2* Yes No - +2 CPs


    Purestrain 6 3 - No No -

    Hybrid 4 1 -2 Yes No* -

    Warrior 4 1 -2 Yes No Yes Ground troop

    Necron Scarab Swarm 4 3 -2 No No No 3

    Necron Immortal 4 1 -2 Yes Yes Yes Ground troop

    Necron Pariah 4 1 -2 Yes Yes No Ground troop

    Necron Flayed One 4 2 +2 No No Yes Ground troop

    Necron Wraith 6 3 +2 No No Yes Airborne, 4+ Inv Saving Throw

    Necron Tomb Spyder 4 2 +1 No Yes No 2Airborne, Scarab spawning,Repairing

    Necron Destroyer 6 1 -2 No Yes Yes Airborne, Various weapons

    Necron Lord 4 2 +1 Yes No Yes 3 Ground troop, +30 Seconds

    Skill CAB: * = Can augment the roll further by the use of psi points or psi cards.

    Encumbered: No* = Unless carrying a heavy weapon, Yes = cannot defend close assault if carrying anything (i.e. automatic kill).

    Unencumbered Necrons can turn 90o

    for free, but pay 1 AP for the next even-numbered 90o

    turn (e.g. the first turn is free, the secondturn is paid for, the third turn is free and the fourth is paid for, etc.).

    Scarab swarms do not have any facing, and can be treated the same as Genestealer blips for movement.

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    The Ctan Unleashed

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    These campaigns require the use of new board sections depicting the internal layout of a Necron stasis tomb. The pieces are made upof 2-square-wide and 3-square-wide corridor sections so that larger models can fit down them easily. Of course, 1-wide corridors willstill be very much in evident, as will small rooms.

    For a mission including a Monolith, a VERY large room will be needed to portray a space ship docking bay/cargo hold or tomb storagechamber.maybe later, eh?


    A space-ship-based campaign where the Space Marines board what is apparently a Genestealer-infested hulk.

    Into The FrayWhilst the Marines are fighting what appears to be a losing battle, the Genestealers mysteriously run away, only to be replaced by amore sinister and deadly foe: Necrons!

    New ArrivalsRealising the importance of the finding of this ship, a large contingent of Marine reinforcements are teleported aboard in an attempt tosecure the ship for the Emperor.

    Survival of The FittestSensing that their only hope for survival is to defeat the Necrons, the Genestealers return to the fray under an uneasy truce with theMarines, all the while waiting for the right moment to turn on their new-found allies


    Into the Unknown:

    The Space Marines launch an assault on what appears to be a deserted Necron tomb complex. All goes well with the exploratorymission, until the Marines find themselves surrounded by a small squad of Necron warriors, fresh from stasis.

    Breakthrough:The initial vanguard defeated, the Marines regroup, and are informed that they are to retrieve some valuable Necron technology fromdeeper into the tomb. They push forward into ever-increasing resistance in an attempt to breach a building Necron defence, to make asafe path for a retrieval team.

    Strive for Reward:The breach secured, the retrieval team push on, with a large support squad running point, and plunge into the heaviest resistance yet.The technology secured, they then have to retreat the way they came.

    Tactical Retreat:With the technology secured, the whole company of Marines must retreat from the entire tomb complex, protecting the new technologyas they go.

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