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International GeneralCandidates Observation CertificatesSheet(2011 Specifaction) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _01 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Workers carrying building rocks from dumping point to foundation basement (distance 30 mtr approx) manually Increasing suck of manual handling will lead to server beak enjoy over a period of time. WRuld fatigue.Provision of suitable handling aid to carry the rocks to minimize the manual handling risk.Provision of road facility closest point where the rocks are actually required to eliminate or reduce manual handling.One month

01 week

Workers were picking up the second filled baskets in stamping position for putting it in the cement mixer during concrete work. Possible risk of back pain and lower back injury over a period of time. Hazard of ergonomics. Sand to be unloaded on a hip-height platform to eliminate requirement of stooping while lifting Tool box on correct lifting techniques and consequences of continuous bad lifting to all workers.From next load(01 day)

03 days

Workers ware required to carry the sand from dumping point to the cement mixer which was 10 mtr away this repetitive work needing stooping and twisting continuously. Increasing risk of severe back pain and lower back injuries.Provide a handling aid to carry the sand baskets introduce job rotations to control risks of repetitive job.Plan the task in such a way that , sand , concrete, cement etcAre to be unloaded very close To the position of the cement mixer to minimize manual handling risks01 day

03 days

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidates observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _02 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Two workers were doing hand drilling work platform without guard work on a side wall at nearly 4 mtr height using a badly constructed work platform without guard rails and toe boards possible falling from height or collapse of the plate form. Stop the work, and contractor to provide a suitable and safe work platform to recommence the work.Inspection of all work platforms and access equipments for safe construction.) Routine inspection for continues monitoring also regular to be ensured.Immediate

2 days regular

Plastering works on first floor of the building. The workers were standing on a scaffold without guard tails and toe boards. Risk of falling people and object from height. Provide suitable guard reacts & toe boards to the scaffold provide safety net under the working platform to reduce the injury of falling from height.01 day

01 week

Workers carrying out firing of wooden planks on an unprotected edge at the second floor of the building without any safety precaution increased risk of people falling from height causing serious injury or death.Provide safety harms to the works and ensure good supervision

Provision of guard rails and toe boards at the unprotected edge. A suitable safety net also to be positoined to prevent falls from height.Immediate

01 week

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidates Observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _03 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Workers throwing debris from rooftop of the there storied under construction building. possible risk of serious head injury to the people down below.The workers are to be instructed to refrain from this unsafe act.A suitable debris chute should be positioned to safe disposal of rubbles from all the floors.Immediate

One week

Cement bags stacked improperly on an over head height .the poor stacking can cause falling of heavy cement bags on the workers leading to serious injury. Cement bags are to be rearrange properly and to be sacked as per laid down standards.Tool box talk to all supervisors and contractors on safe stacking procedures. 01 day

01 week

Used wooden pieces with rusted nails littered at the work site. Risk of penetration of rusted nails leading piercing other ill health effects of iron rust is tetanus.House keeping staff to be instructed to carry out thorough clean ship of the worksite on a regular basis.

Effective supervision of housekeeping activities fixed routines to be promulgated.Immediate

01 week

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidate Observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _04 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Conveyor belt operator was without a hard hat. Risk of accidental hit of conveyor basket leading to serious head injury.Hard hat to be provided to the operator the reduce the risk of head injury.Toolbox talk on importance of wearing personal protection equipment while at work.Regular work place inspection .Immediate(01 day)

01 weekongoing

Conveyor belt operator was sitting on hand seat : fully exposed to total vibration of the machine. Possible risk of serious nerve or joint damage and muscle weakening due to long them exposing to vibration. Frequent breaks and job rotation to reduce the effects of vibration .Seat is to be modified to a more comfortable seat preferably with cushion to minimize the exposure of vibration. 01 day

01 weak

One window in the work site office was blocked by card board boxes and stationeries, in the office increased. risk of fatigue and drowsiness due to thermal stress & lack of oxygen supply to the brain.All the obstructed materials ore to be rumored and properly cleaned thoroughly. Empty card boards and concern packing materials are to be stored in separate location.01 day

01 week

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidates observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _05 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTime scale

Site Supervisors computer screen is not in line with the eye sight. Risk of Musculoskeletal hazard and can lead to neck and back pain and eye strain.Monitor to be adjusted to bring it in line of the eye.Ergonomically safe chair with height suitable system is to be purchased to all computers users. 01 day

01 month

Cement unpacking labors standing bore footed. Risk of dermatitis and other ill-health effects due to irritant behavior of dry cements. Gum boots, overall and gloves to be provided to the worker. Training session to all workers on all health effects of exposure to dry and wet cement. 01 day

01 week

Plastering labor including women helpers fully Exposed to dry and wet cement.Increased risk of dermatitis and corrosive burns following long terms expose to dry and wet cement. Provide overall, gloves, filtering face piece respirators and gum boots to reduce the all health effects.Training session on different ill-health consequences of long term exposure to dry and wet cement. 02 day

01 week

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidates observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _06 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Filled cans of petrol and diesel are kept in the office space risk of fire hazard. Also risk of ill-health effects creating the fumes of the improperly stowed petrol and dieselPetrol and diesel are to be removed from office space and to be kept in a safer place.Designated storage area for inflammable fuel to be implemented as per land down standards.01 day

01 week

Empty and foul gas cylinders are kept in one place. the place is not marked increased risk of fire hazard. Empty and failed gas cylinder is to be separated and to be chained upright. A friends and open area storage place to be designated with suitable gate with lock this to be marked and signed appropriately. 01 day

01 week

Arrangement sufficient water points with 20 ltr water dispenser made throughout the work site.Good practice to be MaintainedOn goingMonitoring

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidates observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _07 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

Dustbin in the site super visors office is overflowing increased risk of fire hazard:Biological hazard, Burn injuries Properly, damage.Housekeeping staff to be instructed for clearance of the dust bin. Effective supervision of housekeeping staff for timely clearance of all dustbins. Immediate

01 day

Protective cover of concert conveyor machine was kept open. Increased risk of entanglement or drawing in by the machine will lead to serious injuries.Operator to be instructed to close the machine covers to eliminate the entanglement hazard.Tool box talk to all machine operators on risks and consequences of hazards associated with running machines. Immediate

01 week

Cement mixer was positioned on road side very near to a busy state, highway junction without any precautionary measures.Increased risk of high speeding valances hitting the workers.Cement mixer to be repositioned to a safer place. Proper barricading and suitable signages to be provided.Proper planning on positioning of equipments for work provision hi-vis jackets to workers.ImmediateOr 01 hour

01 week

INTERNATIONAL GENERALCandidates observation CERTIFICATEsheet (2011 specification) IGC3-THE HEALTH AND SEFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONsheet number _08 of _17_

Student Name MUHAMMAD ASLAM ZEB ___________ Student number 00224185 Place inspected KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Observation Hazards and consequencesControl Measures Immediate and longer terms actionTimescale

The plug sockets on extension board used to operate the drilling machine was broken and in very badly maintained condition.Increased risk of electrocute and fire from electrical spark . Stop work and provide a new extension board to recommence the work. Tool box talk to contractors & workers on precautionary measures while working on electrical eqvipments.Immediate

03 day

5 Amps power supply sockets in the office is using by 03 users.Risk of over loading the socket leading to heavy spark and fire also risk of electric shock. Additional plugs are to be disconnected from the socket.Appropriately rated extension board to be used for meeting the requirement Provision of sufficient power supply sockets in the office to avoid overloading of single socket.Immediate

01 week

Emergency contact numbers not available in the site office or site supervision.It will lead to panic situation in case of emergency. Contact numbers of nearby fire station, hospital, and ambulance service, police station to be collected and displayed.Mock drills with emergency services to be carried out.01 day

01 month

Good general lighting and comfortable temperature level and office space is observed . Good practice to be maintained On goingMonitoring

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report template CERTIFICATE (2011 specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014 REPORT ON RISK ASSEMENT MADE AT CONSTRUCTION SITE OF MANZIL CONSTRUCTIONINTRODUCTION :-This is a precise report on risk assessments carried out in a building construction site of KARKON construction at KDA road, Karak (kpk)The inspection was made on 03 march 2014 to assess the risk and hazards arising daring various construction activities and the adequacy of the control measures taken in the construction site.Around 150 workers and 40 contractors were working towards building a three storied commercial shopping complex of 8713 sq.ft on the banks of the busy state highway.There I had meet with M.Nouman the site engineer who provided a had full of help to complete this assessment.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY :-The inspection focuses mainly on health and safety hazards associated with various constructions activates at the work associated with various construction activities at the work site.The main topics outlined below and a detailed description is placed in the main body of this report.Few points related to lack of emergency procedures which required attention were also mentioned

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report template CERTIFICATE (2011 specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014.(A) PERSONNEL SAFETYRisk of people and objects bulling from height due to working with improper workPlatforms and badly maintained access equipments were clearly visible during theInspection.Musculoskeletal hazards of excessive manual handling due to improper lifting techniques and continuous stopping and twisting motions were also assessed.(A) HAZARDOUS SUBTANCE SAFTY :-Risk of continuous and long team exposure to hazardous clearly noticeable in the work Site provision and usage of appropriate clothing and PPEs are found essential to minimize the ill-health effects to workers.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014(B) FIRE SAFTY :-Presence of fire hazardous materials and improper storage of inflammable materialsIncreasing the risk to maximum tolerable extend. These are to be controlled by designating suitable stowage area and necessary precautionary measures.MACHINE AND VECHILE SAFTY :-Risk of entanglement due to improper usage of rotating machineries is need to be controlled by importing training and effective supervision working in close prominently to vehicle road traffic should be avoided to possible extend if unavoidable , adequate safety measures are to be adopted .(C) ELECTRICAL SAFETY :-Risk of electrocution and electrical fire due to sparks from defective or poorly maintained Electrical equipment / fittings exist in the site.These are to be addressed and necessary corrective measures are needed.A number of breaches of legislation rules related to variable to various issues also noticed and mentioned in the man body the good practices mentioned in the observation are to be acknowledged and appreciated.These are to be maintained through continuous monitoring. MAIN FINDINGS :--The inspection highlighted many issues relating to health and safety hazards associated with various construction activities at the worksite. They are persuaded below in details

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/0141 . Safety of peopleWorking at height . Working at height always involves potential risk of serious injury or fatality to the workers. Many of the working platforms and access equipments in the work site were prone to this highly Alerted risk due to either improper design or poor maintenance. Some of the elevated work platforms are in badly maintained condition. But still in use and not provided with guard rails and toe boards these represent infringement of Rule 5(2) of Regulation of Employment and condition and workers Act 1996 by Republic of Indian Immediate attention required on following points: Replacing of poorly designed and badly maintained scaffolds and elevated platforms Provision of suitable guard rails and toe boards to the unprotected edger and work platforms. Routinely inspection and periodic maintenance of scaffolds work platforms and access equipments Provision of sufficient number of safety harness and other Protective equipments and proper supervision to ensure corrector usage of PPES.Estimated cost for the above control measures would be 2,70,000 inr(a) Musculoskeletal hazards :- The tasks involving carrying load manually to longer distance and repetitive stooping 01 twisting motion are prone to various musculoskeletal disorders like back injury , tendon and ligament injurious wruld etc These risks are to be eliminated or minimized by proper planning of posting for unloading construction materials and ways of appropriate handling and following actions are strongly recommended Proper planning and supervision to ensure the material or unloaded at the possible nearest Point where the items are actually required Provision of adequate and suitable handling aids for conveying goods. Estimated cost for above remedial action would be 50,000 inr(b) Falling of objects from height Is a common hazards in any construction site. Also, deliberately throwing debris and rubbles from heighted floors to ground might increase the risk to theINTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


STUDENT NUMBER 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014People below strict measures to be implemented to control these unsafe acts following action are required. Contractors and labor are to be clearly instructed not to throw rubbles from roof floors to ground. Suitable debry chute to be imported for safe disposal of rubbles from every floors to ensure safety of people below it also comply with rule 52 of Indian building and construction workers central rules 1998 which says the employer shall ensure at a construction site of a building or other construction work that (a) debris are handled and disposed of by a method which does not cause danger to the safety of a person and (b) debris are not thrown inside or outside from any height of such building or other construction work. Hard hats are to be made mandatory by internal laws to comply with the rule 54 of Indian Building construction workers central rule which says the employer shall ensure that all persons who are performing any work or services at a building or other construction work wear safety shoes and helmets conforming to the national standardsEstimated cost for the above control measures is 30,000 inr The stacking of cement bags was found improper and appropriate corrective actions to be taken as per standard codes in place.This should comply Rule 51 of Indian building construction workers central rules 1998 which says the employer shall ensure at a construction site of a building that all building materials are stored or stacked in a safe and orderly manner to avoid obstruction and danger to any passageway or place of work.2 Hazardous Substance Safety : Cement and sand dust are the most common health hazards in a construction work site. Direct and long term exposure to dry and wet cement might cause series ill-health effects like dermatitis and corrosive burns to workers.Following control measures are to be implemented urgently to minimize these effects: Provision of gloves, overalls, gum boots and filtering face piece respirator to all personnel exposed to hazardous substances like cement, metal, sand etc . Health surveillance of these workers is to be conducted and details to be recorded.INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 Specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014 Training sessions for creating awareness among workers on ill health effects of various hazardous substances Estimated cost for these control measures would be 40,000 inr 3 FIRE SAFTY:The inspection reveals some of the fire hazards and risks arising from improper storage of gas cylinders inflammable fuels etc. and accumulation of paper wastage due for poor housekeeping Non-availability of designated storage place for storing the gas and inflammable fuel containers are they key issues which required immediate attention . Lack of effective supervision on housekeeping activities also ignites the fire risk. Under mentioned prevention measures accorded priority to reduce occurrence and spread if fire in the work site. Arrangement of safe, suitable and dedicated storage aria with proper fencing and lockable gate Keeping gas slanders this area to be marked with proper sign and warning boards. Empty and Filled cylinders are to be stored separately and to be chained upright an inspection schedule of this storage area by competent personnel also to be promulgated and ensured. Another safe stowage area for keeping the liquid fuel containers also to be earmarked. Procurement of new first aid fire extinguishers. Ensure good supervision on housekeeping routines for timely clearance of dustbins and other waste materials.Estimated cost for these control measures would be 1, 00,000 inr.3 MACHINE / VECHICLE SAFTY :-During the assessments, some points related to machine and vehicle safety did also Come in light usage of rotating machineries without proper guards and protective covers Was observed. This could lead to serious injurious fractures due to entanglement,Entrapment or drawing in this represents clear infringement of Rule 37 of Indian

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


Student number 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014Building and construction workers central rules 1998 which says An Employer shall Ensure at a construction site; (a) All motors, cog wheel chairs and friction gearing, fly Wheels, shafting, dangerous and moving parts of machinery (whether or not driven by Mechanical power) and steam pipes are securely fenced or lagged: (b) the fencing ofDangerous ports of machinery is not removed while such machinery is in close proximately to the vehicular traffic was not addressed at all and it indicates clear breach of Rule 48 of Indian Building and construction Workers central rules 1998 which says whenever a building or construction work is being carried on or is located in close proximity to a road or any other place where any vehicular traffic may cause danger to building workers the employer shall ensure that such building or other construction work is barricaded and suitable warning signs and lights displaced or erected to prevent such danger and if necessary he may make a request in writing to the concerned authorities to control such traffic.Following corrective measure is to be implemented with immediate effect:- Ensure availability of guards and protective covers while running any rotating machinery Barricading , signage boards and hi-vis jackets white working in close proximity to road or any vehicular traffic Information , instruction , training and proper supervision while working with rotating machines Estimated cost for these preventive measures is 30,000 inr4 Electrical Safety :_-Poor maintenance and unsafe working practice with electrical in the work site.Over loading of power sockets and using of electrocution and fire to be heavy sparked the following corrector are to be implemented to eliminate / reduce these risks:INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


STUDENT NUMBER 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014 Poor maintenance and unsafe working piracies with electrical circuits were observe during assessments inspection in the work site over loading of power sockets and using badly maintained extension boards were possible risks of electrocution and fire due to heavy spark. the following corrective measures are to be implemented to eliminate reduce these risks. Poor maintenance of all electrical equipments and tools by equipments Instruction and training on safe working practices with electrical equipments and super vision Estimated cost for these remedial action is 30,000 inr CONCLUSION: _-In any work place or organization the health and safety culture should be visible from top of the management level the employer , manager , supervisors , contractors should give adequate preference and importance to safety related issues to maintain an accident free and healthy working environment in the site .The finding and the remedial actions mentioned will definitely help to improve the health and safety environment in the workers.The hazards and unsafe practices identified during the inspection might lead to ill-health problems and serious injuries to workers.These can cost the management and many direct and direct ways the financial implication mention will surly cost lesser then these exposes that might occur following an untoward incident some clear examples of good practices like provision of sufficient whole some water to all personnel and good general lighting in common areas were acknowledged .The report also indicates a number of breaches of national legislation rules, which may invite enforcement action and other consequences including heavy lines in the criminal courts.Above all human life is the most precious and safety of that should be given the topmost priority.

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL Candidate report templateCERTIFICATE(2011 specification)


STUDENT NUMBER 00224185 LOCATION KARKON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Date of inspection 03/03/014 RECOMMENDATIONS:-The recommendations suggested for control meaning of the risks and hazards identified are on follows. RECOMMENDATIONS LIKELY RESOURCE IMPLICATION PRIORITY TARGET DATE


Replenishment of scaffolds & other elevated platforms Replenishment/Repair of defective access equipments Procurement of safety helmets aids Procurement of handling aids Implanting of debry chute

1,50,000 INR

40,000 INR

50,000 INR

50.000 INR20,000 INRHIGH



MEDIUMHIGH10 March 2014

10 March 2014

10 March 2014

25 March 201410 March 2014

2. Hazardous substances safety Purchase of gloves, over all, gum boots and filtering face piece respirators Health Surveillance for worker by approved medical practitioners Training Sessions on awareness of ill-health effect of Hazardous substances. 50,000 INR

20,000 INR

no are very low external cost HIGH



10 March 2014

25 March 2014

20 March 2014

3. FIRE SAFETY Arrangement of designated Stowage area for inflammable Materials Recruitment of new fire extinguishers Training and mock Drills with fire station 30,000 INR

70,000 INR

20,000 INRHIGH



06 March 2014

06 March 2014

20 March 2014