nearly finished kia

1 .Phoned up about the kia optima 2. Explained I wanted this as a taxi over the phone 3. Went through the F inance application orms stating taxi driver as m! "ob #nd was accepted in principal. $. %n the agreement o bu!ing the kia& I convinced suttonpark to do a ull service as or '1$&((( and the car being on 1$&)))miles & the service interval or the optima is 2)&)))& so I didn*t anc! pa!ing another '$)) on a service in +))) miles& as being a taxi I would do that in 3 months & which the! agreed to do. ,. I didn*t even test drive or view the car beore hand or speak ace to ace until the da! I bought it. +. %rganised m! - axi insurance through lv as well as separate #P insurance beore I travelled. /. -ook the + hour "ourne! to 0utton park & 0utton oldeld b! train& met at the station b! m! sales advisor& I would have explained this was a taxi again in the chit chat&as that was m! sole purpose o travelling this ar . . went through the paperwork& some bits were either not seen or not noticing some ver! important parts& which I was not made ull! aware or was diverted awa! rom it. i.e  0he managed to ll out m! 4, address incorrectl!& which in turn meant I never received m! 4, until /5 months ater m! purchase 6but somehow managed the right address on the nance orms7  #lso wrong date o birth 2/.1.1(// should have been 2/.)+.1(//  -he most important part was ticking the box 89%: that states 8is this vehicle to be used within the r estrictions placed on it b! t he policies available 6ie no rall!ing & no racing& no commercial uses:7 6even took me a ew attempts to decipher what that actuall! meant& not exactl! cr!stal clear reading7 i this statement was true then !es I would be eligible or the 1))&))) mile warrant! but as m! wish rom the ver! start was to be a taxi& which with all things considered & this vehicles lie is to be a taxi rom here on in& then she should o ticked 8;E0:it will be used commerciall! i.e taxi  -hereore restricting m! mileage to +)&))) miles as per the restrictions in their policies #t that ver! point she should o inormed me that i this vehicle was to be used as a taxi then sorr! !ou will onl! get +)&))) miles as to get the 1))&))) the car

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1 .Phoned up about the kia optima

2. Explained I wanted this as a taxi over the phone

3. Went through the Finance application orms stating taxi driver as m! "ob

#nd was accepted in principal.

$. %n the agreement o bu!ing the kia& I convinced suttonpark to do a ull serviceas or

'1$&((( and the car being on 1$&)))miles & the service interval or the optima is

2)&)))& so I didn*t anc! pa!ing another '$)) on a service in +))) miles& asbeing a taxi I would do that in 3 months & which the! agreed to do.

,. I didn*t even test drive or view the car beore hand or speak ace to ace untilthe da! I bought it.

+. %rganised m! -axi insurance through lv as well as separate #P insurancebeore I travelled.

/. -ook the + hour "ourne! to 0utton park & 0utton oldeld b! train& met at thestation b! m! sales advisor& I would have explained this was a taxi again in thechit chat&as that was m! sole purpose o travelling this ar.

. went through the paperwork& some bits were either not seen or not noticingsome ver! important parts& which I was not made ull! aware or was divertedawa! rom it.


  0he managed to ll out m! 4, address incorrectl!& which in turn meant Inever received m! 4, until /5 months ater m! purchase 6but somehowmanaged the right address on the nance orms7

  #lso wrong date o birth 2/.1.1(// should have been 2/.)+.1(//

  -he most important part was ticking the box 89%: that states 8is thisvehicle to be used within the restrictions placed on it b! the policies available 6ieno rall!ing & no racing& no commercial uses:7

6even took me a ew attempts to decipher what that actuall! meant& not exactl!cr!stal clear reading7

i this statement was true then !es I would be eligible or the 1))&))) milewarrant!

but as m! wish rom the ver! start was to be a taxi& which with all thingsconsidered & this vehicles lie is to be a taxi rom here on in& then she should oticked 8;E0:it will be used commerciall! i.e taxi

  -hereore restricting m! mileage to +)&))) miles as per the restrictions in theirpolicies

#t that ver! point she should o inormed me that i this vehicle was to be used

as a taxi then sorr! !ou will onl! get +)&))) miles as to get the 1))&))) the car

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must be rst registered as a taxi rom the registration date and does not appl! toex demonstators as !ou are technicall! not the rst owner.

I I had heard those words in either the ver! rst phone call or lling in thenance orms or being their ace to ace& I wouldn*t o signed the contract and Icertainl! wouldn*t have agreed to bu! the car.

I would not have bought this car because

1$&))) miles on clock

+)&))) <iles warrant! 6ailed to disclose7

Would leave me with $+&))) miles o warrant! i the! told the truth

<! taxi would cover 23&))) miles a !ear eas!

<eaning 2 !ears o warrant! mileage

Forgive me here but never in a month o 0unda!s would I agree to.

, !ears pa!ing '3,( a month

 costing me a total o '21&$))

 or a car with onl! 2 !ears warrant! and another 3 !ears let to pa! the nance

with no warrant!

i I could a=ord '3,( a month or , !ears costing me 21> I would certainl! nothave chosen a kia?

#udi@ A<W@ Powerull cars.

Aut this was a uel eBcient car I wanted to carr! passengers in

I eel with them not disclosing the proper acts or bringing to m! attention thever! important aspects& warrantied mileage etc I bought this car under alseintensions.

I am now on (2&))) miles which I use dail!& I have onl! "ust ound out about m!car not being registered as a taxi&as m! seats have splitCtorn or the 3rd time in$2 months@@ I said it is &because the lad! registered or me when I bought it& orsomething likeD !ou will still get the 1))&))) miles which I believed& as I signedall paperwork& bought and drove the car rom the showroom or $ hours back toevon

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0ome problems I had in the rst !ear to 1 months and be!ond o owning thissub standard over priced imo car.

ow can kia "usti! repairing a car or 2$ da!s to see satisactor! results leavingm! livelihood and well5being and possibl! nanciall! bankrupt due to theirvehicle taking so long to recti!& never in m! lie have i endured 2$da!s at agarage even m! older bangers never had this much trouble& so I thought I wasrelativel! sae to assume bu!ing a '21&))) car with / !ears warrant! I would beGuids in& how likel! is a new car bound to be in the garage& !es ok ma!be acouple o da!s tops but never 2$ da!s.

 -he saga starts here

ar problems ive had with a '21&))) vehicle

1. Front aux leather seat split

2. Heversing camera stopped working 6intermittentl!7

3. 0at nav C audio s!stem reees 6intermittentl!7

$. ear selector went into reverse without liting knob up 6saet! issue7 iended up reversing into some bins denting m! boot lid& ok I was driving but when!ou come out o reverse ater doing a 3 point turn !ou expect to sta! in neutral

and select rst gear& not actuall! going back into reverse because o themechanism on the gearbox?

,. igarette lighter didn*t work

+. Jsb charging socket ails to charge

/. Fog spot lights stopped working

. ard to nd m! gears6linkages7

(. lunk! gearbox changes

1). 1st paid service at kia parkside came out worse than it went it& knockingrom underneath engine& developed a sport mode@ <eaning I put m! oot down

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in 3rd and the revs would shoot up and the car would accelerate & which was notwhat the car was supposed to do & then it went into a sae mode and I couldn*ttravel an! higher than 3)mph & I promptl! rang parkside and gave them an earul& as the service and 2 new t!res set me back '$))& to come out with problems isprett! poor on parksides abilities & turned out the! orgot to tighten up theundertra! & prett! basic mechanics i !ou ask me.

11. lutch replaced under warrant!& onl! to be tted with a ault! clutch&which was rereplaced again& nall! had m! car back ater2$ da!s the! had m!car in a month?

12. %n replacing the clutch & the! removed and replaced the gearbox& on aroutine brake pad change at m! own garage& the! noticed rom the apparentclutch replacement m! brakes pipes had not been securel! astened back to thechassis and were rubbing on metal & which in turn could o ended up in brakeailure.

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13. #ircon stopped on the hottest da! in 2)1, 3)c outside?

1$. 0eats split 1st !ear

1,. 0eats split 2nd !ear

1+. 0eats split 1 months later 6apparentl! out o warrant! now7

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1/. ear selector selecting reverse again without liting up knotch6saet! issueagain7

I will admit I have been prett! nast! and horrible to all o kia*s sta= at eitherparkside or kia uk customer service& but so would !ou be i the vehicle !ou reliedupon to earn !ou mone! was taken awa! rom !ou in the busiest part o our

towns summer season where or / months I have been waiting to earn somedecent mone! in the summer.

Problems with m! gear selection.

I was inormed the reason or the car going into reverse without liting up thegear knob and not nding m! gears eas! was down to the clutch.

Jnortuantle! the! couldn*t be to sure unless the! inspected urther which mentremoving the gearbox and the clutch& I was then told the clutch is not covered

under the warrant! as its classed as wear and tear& which in normalcircumstances I would agree& but not a car that*s onl! 1 months old andcovered $$&))) miles I threw out the notion it was the clutch&as a lot o otherdrivers see ()&))) miles beore a clutch is needed so must be something else& Iasked how much a new clutch was& I was then inormed the clutch or m! carwould be '/)) and i the! ound it to be the clutch I would be charged '3,) orthe removal o the gearbox in the rst place.

0o I was aced with the dilemma o either "ust tr!ing to carr! on with m! businessor letting kia inspect the clutch with the notion it could end up costing me'1)))? Which I didn*t have &and was a scar! situation to be in.

<arvellous m! rst venture into business which was meant to be m! perect caro choice& / !ear warrant! & some o m! colleagues "oked that I bought a >ia but Iwas determined to make them laugh and I thought I was bu!ing something thatwould make them eat their words& how wrong I was.

I went awa! rom kia eeling prett! anno!ed that I was acing a bill o '1))) or aclutch on an 1month old car& I scoured the internet or inormation and alsovisited an independent garage or advice and asking a lot o people what the!thought could be the problem& most people were adamant the gear stick goinginto reverse was nothing to do with the clutch at all& so in theor! I could havespent '1))) on a new clutch onl! to be let with the same problem o the gearstick going into reverse without liting up the gear stick.

I went back to the garage eeling positive that the clutch was ne and somethingelse was amiss & so I stated that the problem with the gear stick is totall!unrelated to the clutch so beore we even contemplate a new clutch I want !outo nd the problem.

e! presto the! ound that their was a problem with the gearbox selectorassembl! but as this part was rare it will have to be sourced rom korea@ Heall!@

I waited about a 2 weeks or this part& although I still had ull use o m! car atthis point m! gears b! this time were becoming diBcult to locate & parksideeventuall! rang me to sa! the part was in could I bring it in& it will take 3 hours&

the part was tted in an hour and a hal& but I was inormed although the selector

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assembl! has cured the reverse problem it has onl! made a slight di=erence ingear selction and I will have to take it awa! to see what I think.

Jnortunatel! it made little di=erence to the gearbox selection which I wasdisappointed with as it looked like I would need a new clutch ater all?

I got home and trawled the internet or similar issues with kia and