ndustrial structure in urban accounting

DP RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-105 Industrial Structure in Urban Accounting OSHIRO Jun Okinawa University SATO Yasuhiro University of Tokyo The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry http://www.rieti.go.jp/en/

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DPRIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-105

Industrial Structure in Urban Accounting

OSHIRO JunOkinawa University

SATO YasuhiroUniversity of Tokyo

The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industryhttp://www.rieti.go.jp/en/

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RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-105

December 2016

Industrial Structure in Urban Accounting1

OSHIRO Jun Okinawa University

SATO Yasuhiro University of Tokyo


We develop a multisector general equilibrium model of a system of cities to study the quantitative significance of industrial structure in determining spatial structure. We first identify three types of wedges that capture the extent to which the standard urban economic model fails to explain empirically: efficiency and labor wedges, and amenity. We then calibrate the model to Japanese regional data and run counterfactual exercises to identify the significance of each wedge in each sector. Our analysis shows that (i) the labor wedge plays the primary role in determining the spatial structure, and (ii) the secondary sector is the most influential. Keywords: Urban accounting, Industrial structure, System of cities, Agglomeration JEL classification: H71, O18, R11, R12, R23

RIETI Discussion Papers Series aims at widely disseminating research results in the form of

professional papers, thereby stimulating lively discussion. The views expressed in the papers are

solely those of the author(s), and neither represent those of the organization to which the author(s)

belong(s) nor the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.

1This study is conducted as a part of the “Spatial Economic Analysis on Trade and Labor Market Interactions in the System of Cities” project undertaken at Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). We thank Tomoru Hiramatsu, Tomoya Mori, Özge Öner, and Takaaki Takahashi for their helpful suggestions and comments. We are grateful to participants at Chukyo University. Keio University, Kagawa University, Osaka University, and the 55th annual meeting of Western Regional Science Association in Hawaii.

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1 Introduction

We identify the dominant industry in determining the population distribution in Japan.As Fujita and Tabuchi [19] and Fujita et al. [18] showed regarding Japan in the Post-WorldWar II era, industrial structure has been one of the dominant factors that determine spatialdistribution of population. For instance, Japan experienced urbanization in accordancewith a secular transition from an agrarian economy to industrialized one. The rise ofservice industries fueled by technological change and globalization proceeded along withsalient agglomeration in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Despite these apparent relationship,it is not yet clear which industry plays a key role in forming spatial configurations. Thequestion of this paper is how important each industry is in shaping the spatial distributionof population.

For this purpose, we extend an urban accounting model of a system of cities developedby Desment and Rossi-Hansberg [11] by introducing multiple industries. An urban ac-counting model, which is analogous to business cycle accounting models a la Chari, Kehoe,and McGrattan [8], assumes wedges in summarizing the observed regional characteristicsthat a simple and competitive urban economic model fails to capture. Following Desmetand Rossi-Hansberg [11], we introduce three types of wedges: the first type, called effi-ciency wedge, is the revenue-based total factor productivity; the second type, labor wedge,is the gap between the marginal product of labor and the marginal rate of substitutionbetween leisure and consumption; the third type, amenity, is treated as a region-specificresidual. These wedges can be used to measure regional characteristics, involving produc-tion, consumption, employment, and population, explained by underlying distortions onoptimized behavior by agents. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the modelcan assess the quantitative importance of a broad class of distortions by inspecting therelationships between wedges and regional characteristics. In addition, the model allowsits application potentially to a wide range of policy simulations.

Our study proceeds in several steps. First, we construct a multiple-sector generalequilibrium model of a system of cities. A property of equilibrium is analogous to thatin Henderson [24] where the size of a region reflects the balance of agglomeration anddispersion forces. Next, we calibrate wedges to match Japanese prefercture-level data.While the data is based on a coarser spatial scale than metropolitan area, we can utilizeconsistent long-term information at the sectoral level. We characterize industrial structureof regions by exploiting across-region variations in wedges. Finally, to quantify how theindustrial structure relates to the spatial structure, we compute the equilibrium distri-butions of population under several counterfactual scenarios that hypothetically changewedges.

We find that labor wedge is the most responsible for shaping the pupulation distribu-tion in Japan. The efficiency wedge comes the second, and the amenity is least significant.Because the labor wedge captures agglomeration externatilies/disexternalities and the effi-ciency wedge should reflect productivity and demand, the Japanese urban system is morelikely to be explained by external effects than by demand and supply structure. Moreover,our analysis on each industry shows that the secondary sector, which includes the manu-facturing sector, plays a key role in determining the Japanese spatial structure. We alsoshow that declines in productivity and hence the efficiency wedge of the primary sectorduring the past several decades had major impacts on the Japanese spatial structure.

The article most closely related to ours is Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11], which havedeveloped urban accounting procedure and applies it to the United States and Chinese


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urban systems. They have shown that a capability of cities to manage congestion exter-nalities, which is captured by labor wedge, is a key driver for the uneven distribution ofpopulation, which is common to our results. However, we observe the following differ-ence: whereas their counterfactual exercise reveals that the elimination of labor wedgedifferences brings about dispersion of population, our exercise suggests the contrary, withpopulation becoming more concentration by such elimination. Moreover, we uncover thedominant industry in determining the population distribution, which is not explored byDesmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11].

This paper is also related to the following two strands of literature on city size distri-bution. One is the structural estimation of models of city size distribution. The existingstudies in this strand structurally estimated models having explicit structure of agglom-eration externalities and disexternalities, and then conducted counterfactuals.1 Theiranalyses naturally hinge on the assumption regarding the explicit structure. In contrast,urban accounting models assume “wedges” that can be interpreted in various ways anddecompose the determinants of distribution into a few sources. Because we are uncertain apriori about which would be the suitable explicit structure in capturing the agglomerationforces, we believe that the method employed in urban accounting is reasonable and cancomplement the existing studies on structural estimation of city size distribution. Theother related strand is on empirical regularity in size distribution of cities, well-known asthe rank-size rule or the Zipf’s law. The body of work in random growth theory showsthat location-specific productivity has been regarded as a key determinant for city-sizedistribution.2 By contrast, in this paper labor market and land market play a crucial rolein determining the observed rank-size relationship.

The elements of the model are described in Section 2. Section 3 documents dataand calibration. Section 4 reports the results of counterfactual simulations. Section 5concludes.

2 Baseline framework

We exend the framework developed by Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11] by introducingmulti-industries in each region. Consider a competitive economy with I regions, indexedby i (= 1, .., I). Each region hosts one final good sector and J intermediate good sectors,indexed by j (= 1, .., J).3 The final good is the numeraire, can be freely traded acrossregions, and be produced using the intermediate goods under constant returns to scaletechnology. The intermediate goods are not traded across regions.

Each intermediate sector produces according to the Cobb-Douglas technologies:

Yijt = AijtKθjijtH

1−θjijt , (1)

where Yijt is output, Aijt represents productivity, and Kijt and Hijt denote capital andsector-specific labor inputs, respectively. Time is discrete and is denoted by t. θj ∈ (0, 1) isthe capital share. Since both capital and labor trade in competitive markets, equilibrium

1See Au and Henderson [3] and Behrens et al. [5].2Gabaix [20], Eeckhout [15], Duranton [13], and Rossi-Hansberg and Wright [31] are classic references.

The view is challenged by Berliant and Watanabe [6]. Duranton and Puga [14] gives a recent survey.3In contrast to the traditional system of cities framework a la Henderson [24], we implicitly exclude the

possibility of complete specialization.


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factor prices are given as

wijt = (1− θj)PijtYijtHijt

, rit = θjPijtYijtKijt

, (2)

where Pijt is the price of the j sector’s good, and wijt is the return to a unit of sectorj-specific labor. Capital is assumed to be freely mobile across sectors so that the rate ofreturn on capital in region i is equalized across sector and is denoted by rit.

2.1 Households and urban structure

We follow a long tradition of urban economics in assuming the monocentric city structurea la Alonso [2]: Production occurs at the central area of each region where Nit identicalhouseholds are commuting from their residences to the central area. We adopt the largefamily assumption under which each household contains one unit of J type of differentiatedlabor, provides it for each sector, and pools the income. For simplicity, we assume thateach household consumes one unit of land per period. In addition, we assume that ahousehold maximizes a present value of the utility stream,

∑∞t=0 β

tuit, with the followinginstantaneous utility:

uit = log cit + ψJ∑j=1

log(1− hijt) + γi, (3)

where cit > 0 is the numeraire consumption, hijt ∈ (0, 1) is the labor supply to sector j,β ∈ (0, 1) is the time discount rate, ψ > 0 is the parameter of disutility from working, andγi is the location-specific amenity.

At period t, a household faces the following budget constraint.

ait+1 = (1 + rit − δ)ait − cit +J∑j=1

(1− τijt)wijthijt + ωit. (4)

Here, ait denotes per household assets held at the beginning of the period t with ai0being given, and δ is the depreciation rate. ωit is the composite of the lump-sum transfer,payment for land rent and commuting cost, which will be independent of location withinthe region. τijt < 1 is tax-equivalent distortion on labor earnings and will be transferredto the residents in a lump-sum way. We call τijt the labor wedge that represents the overalldistortion to the household’s choice regarding consumption and leisure. Households takeboth the labor wedge and the transfers as given. The labor wedge could be tax system,labor market institution (Cole and Ohanian [10]; Ohanian [29]), sticky wage and monetaryshocks (Chari, Kehoe, and McGrattan [8]), matching friction (Cheremukhin and Restrepo-Echavarria [9]), or financial friction (Buera and Moll [7]). The labor wedge also reflectsunmeasured differences in taste for sector-specific labor supply since the preference forleisure is treated as symmetry in (3) (i.e., ψj = ψ for all j).

The labor wedge is also consistent with models of system of cities (Henderson [24];Rossi-Hansberg and Wright [31]). Suppose, for instance, that the production function has

a term representing the Marshallian externalities as Yijt = AijtKθjijt[g(H ijt, Nit)Hijt]

1−θj .

Here, H ijt represents the total labor demand in sector j in region i, and firms regardH ijt, and Nit in the function g as fixed. Because we consider a representative firm, inequilibrium, we have Hijt = H ijt. Profit maximizing developers offer local households aspecific level of utility and organize fiscal instruments that internalize the externalities.


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A Pigouvian subsidy, which is observationally equivalent to the labor wedge, is set to theelasticity of the Marshallian externality to labor supply, τijt = −gHHijt/g (Appendix Ashows this in more general environments). In addition, the labor wedge can be foundin traditional urbanization models with unemployment initiated by Harris and Todaro[22] in which households in a city face the expected wage that equals (1 - unemploymentrate)× wijt.

Let z ∈ R+ denote the distance from the household’s residence to the center of theregion. The commuting cost of a household residing at distance z is zT (Nit) in termsof the numeraire. The function T : R+ 7→ R++ allows region-wide net externalities ofagglomeration via congestion or sharing public infrastructure. Households are costlesslymobile within region and thus the land rent per unit of land at z, denoted by R(z), isgiven by R(z) = (z − z)T (N) for all z ∈ [0, z], where z is the distance to urban boundaryfrom the center of the region. The land rent outside of the urban boundary is normalizedto be zero.

Let n(z) ∈ R+ be the population density of available land at z in each region. n(z) isassumed to be proportional to z, which implies that regions spread sectorally or circularlyover two-dimensional space. The population in region i satisfies Nit =

´ z0 n(z)dz. The

total commuting cost is given by TCCit =´ z0 zT (N)n(z)dz, yielding the total land rent

as TRLit =´ z0 R(z)n(z)dz = zT (N)N − TCCit. From the assumption of proportionality

of n(z) to z, we know that2TLRit = TCCit. (5)

Given the linear commuting technology assumption, we can inference the urban cost perhousehold by using the information of total land rents although we cannot directly observethe total commuting cost in a region.4

Land is owned by the residents and thus the land rent in each region is redistributedto the residents in the region, as assumed in Michaels, Rauch, and Redding [28]. Thenon-wage income ωit is given by

ωit =∑j

τijtwijthijt − 2TLRitNit


The first term is the transfer from the labor wedge. The second term is the net urban costper household—the sum of land rent and commuting cost minus the land rent revenue.We ignore crossownership of land as well as inter-regional redistribution of wealth.

We allow the labor wedge to vary with size of the region through certain agglomerationexternalities and consider the following specification:

1− τijt = (1− τijt)N ιit. (6)

That is, the level of labor wedge now depends not only on the exogenous region-sectorspecific wedge, τijt, but also on the population with the elasticity ι ∈ R. This specificationis motivated by Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11] in which the labor wedge increases withthe total commuting costs in a region and therefore with population.5 The parameter ι

4If the density function n(d) is independent of d, e.g., one dimensional linear cities, (5) becomes asTLRit = TCCit. In this case, dispersion force becomes weaker than that in the benchmark specification.Still, the qualitative and quantitative results would be hardly affected. The linear assumption we use isemployd by several studies including Rossi-Hansberg and Wright [31] and Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11].

5If we ignore externalities in the labor wedge, the dispersion force becomes so weak that only a 1%change in amenity level, for example, causes extreme agglomeration where no one lives in the most of theregions.


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measures the elasticity of externalities with respect to population size, which is assumedto be common for all regions. Appendix C gives details in the differences between Desmetand Rossi-Hansberg [11] and us. The specification of labor wedge may be analogous to aHarris and Todaro economy in which unemployment rates depend on the population.

2.2 Steady state equilibrium

We impose rit = δ+ ρ for all i and t, where ρ = β−1− 1, to ensure that both consumptionand asset are constant over time, i.e., cit+1 − cit = ait+1 − ait = 0.6 Henceforth, whenpossible, we omit time subscript. In a steady state, the capital-labor ratio, denoted byκij , is given by

κij =Kij


(θjPijAijδ + ρ

)1/(1−θj). (7)

PijAij in the right hand side represents the total factor revenue productivity (TFPR)which we call the efficiency wedge as in Foster, Haltiwanger, and Syverson [17] and Hsiehand Klenow [25]. We focus on TFPR that captures profitability rather than the familiartotal factor productivity, Aij . Although we can solve Pij by specifying the productiontechnology of the final good sector, it is difficult to credibly identify them from availabledata. The efficiency wedge could reflect not only productivity in the sector but also relativedemand to the sector that the relative price should reflect. Note also that total factorproductivity may capture agglomeration forces as an externality discussed by Rosenthaland Strange [30].7

The intratemporal optimization of households implies that marginal rate of substitu-tion between labor and consumption must be equal to the net-tax marginal product oflabor, that is,

ψci1− hij

= (1− τij)wij . (8)

From the asset market clearing condition, aiNi =∑

jKij , the steady-state budget con-straint becomes as

ci = ρ∑j

κijhij +∑j

wijhij − 2TLRiNi


Combining the first-order condition (8), we have

ci =

1 + ψ∑j

wij + ρκij(1− τij)wij

−1 ∑j

(wij + ρκij)− 2TLRiNi

. (9)

6Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11] instead set rit = δ. However, if doing so, the transversality conditionwill be violated.

7Efficiency wedge, including relative prices, is treated as exogenous in our counterfactual simulations.Including some economies of agglomeration through which regional sizes affect productivity in the regionenhances agglomeration. The distribution of population then gets skewed and the indirect utility levelrises according to the strength of the external effects. Although we have performed some regresssions ofTFPR on population to identify the strength of the agglomeration effects, we have failed to find out robustrelationships between TFPR and population. For example, regressing logPijAij on logNi one obtains acoefficient of 0.034 with a White standard error of 0.113. If we specify an endogenous efficiency wedgeas PijAij = PAijN

0.02i a la Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11] and conduct simulations equalizing some

wedges, we unsurprisingly observe that equilibrium population distribution exhibits concentration and theindirect utility rises without any change of our qualitative results.


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In equilibrium, the mass of households living in region i, Ni, is determined by theutility arbitrage. Hence, the utility level becomes equal across regions. Letting u ∈ R bethe equilibrium utility level, we obtain

ui = u for Ni ≥ 0. (10)

We set Ni = 0 if maxNi∈R+ ui < u. The population constraint in the national level isgiven by


Ni = N. (11)

The total population in the economy, N > 0, is exogenously given.The national capital market clearing condition determines the rate of return on cap-

ital and the intermediate good market clearing conditions determine Pij in each region.With Pij in hand, we can fix the value of the efficiency wedge. Because the amenity isexogeneous and the labor wedge depends only on Ni, we can determine the equilibriuminstantaneous indirect utility in each region for a given population distribution. Finally,I + 1 equations (10) and (11) determine the population distribution, Ni, and the util-ity level in the economy, u. While there can be multiple equilibria, we focus on stableequilibrium, that is dui/dNi < 0 for all Ni > 0 (see Appendix (B) for details).

Intuitively, the equilibrium level of population results from the balance between ag-glomeration and dispersion forces. A high level of revenue-based productivity promotesagglomeration since only a marginal increase in labor supply can earn high income inthat region. Amenity-rich regions also attract residents. Dispersion forces are comprisedof two distinguished channels. First, a larger region involves higher urban costs, that is,d(TLRi/Ni)/dNi > 0 and d(TCCi/Ni)/dNi > 0, which we confirm later. Second, increas-ing population leads to magnifying labor market friction that appears in labor wedge ifι < 0 and τ > 0. The labor wedge itself affects the magnitudes of both the agglomerationand dispersion forces.

In steady state equilibrium, households and firms optimize, the factor markets clear,and land is allocated to people with the highest bid. Note that an equilibrium allocationdoes not generally coincide with optimal one because migration behavior of householdscauses externalities and there is no planner nor competitive developer to internalize suchexternalities.

3 Data and Calibration

We calibrate our model to the Japanese regional data and implement counterfactual sim-ulation to uncover the effects of each wedge (efficiency or labor wedge, or amenity) ineach sector on population distribution. We begin with a description of the variables andparameters used in the counterfactual exercises.

3.1 Data description

The purpose of the counterfactual simulation is to illustrate which wedge governs the spa-tial distribution of population observed in Japan. For this exercise, we use Regional-LevelJapan Industrial Productivity (R-JIP) Database 2014 provided by the Research Instituteof Economy, Trade and Industry, the Annual Report on Prefectural Accounts (ARPA)


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published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, and the Housing and Land Survey(HLS) given by Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

The R-JIP data is consistent with the 1993 System of National Accounts and is compa-rable with the EU KLEMS project. Industries are classified at 23-industry level of detailbetween 1970–2009. The labor input incorporates human capital that varies in age, edu-cational attainment, and sexes over observations by a calculation that all types of workersare translated into unskilled equivalent unit with weights based on wages. We normalizeaggregated labor input per capita to one fourth on average to ensure hijt ∈ (0, 1).

We use data from the ARPA for final demand. As a spatial unit, we employ prefec-tures mainly because of data availability. Among 47 prefectures, we omit five prefectures,Shizuoka, Hiroshima, Tokushima, Kochi, and Saga, due to the lack of information for theimputed rents of housing services enjoyed by owner-occupiers, and set the number of theregions I = 42. All data in the ARPA are measured in constant price deflated by the ratioof nominal output to real output in the R-JIP database.

The total land rent is inferred by the imputed rents of housing services. Assumingthat there is no difference between rental housing and owner-occupied housing, we dividethe imputed rents by homeownership rates, which come from the HLS data, and use it asthe total land rent.8 From (5), we obtain the total commuting cost by doubling the totalland rent.

The measure of consumption per capita ci is consumption net of urban costs, whichare land rent payments and commuting costs. The consumption includes both private andgeneral government consumption. The urban costs per capita is a triple of the land rentper capita as suggested by (5).

The model is fitted to annual data for the period 2001–2008 as a benchmark case since2001 is the first year for which imputed rents data are available. The variables are simplyaveraged over the periods.

We aggregate 23 industries into 4 broad sectors: primary, secondary, construction, andtertiary sectors. Appendix D summarizes the detailed classification. By this aggregation,which is similar to one in Valentinyi and Herrendorf [32], we can investigate the differentmodels typically employed in the literature: tradable (or regional base) and nontrad-able; primary, secondary, and tertiary; goods versus services (Jorgenson and Timmer [27];Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [12]). In Japan, national land use policies conducted over thepost war era, called Comprehensive National Development Plan (Zenkoku Sogo KaihatsuKeikaku), have provided various fiscal supports with the peripheral regions in an effort toreduce spatial inequalities. In particular, the government has given favorable treatmentsfor the agricultural and construction sectors. This is why we treat the construction sectorseparately from the secondary sector.

3.2 Estimation and Calibration

Urban costs, which consist of housing and commuting costs, are one of the dispersiveforces working in our model. In estimating urban costs, we use a generalized linear model(GLM) with an inverse link function.9 That is, the total land rent per capita, TLRi/Ni

is drawn independently according to a Gamma distribution with mean 1/µi and variance

8We calculate the homeownership rate except in 2003 and 2008 by using linear interpolation.9Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg[11] and Behrens, Duranton and Robert-Nicoud [4] have run linear models.

Although linear models have an advantage in tractability, it may heavily suffer from misspecificationwhen the relationship is not linear. Because dispersive forces play an significant role in shaping urbanconfigurations, we employ a more general model to avoid damages from misspecification.


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GLM OLS (in log)

constant 1.624 (0.058) -2.793 (0.592)population -6.629×10−8 (1.110×10−8) 0.167 (0.041)

residual deviance 1.283AIC -53.93 -14.34Efron’s pseudo R2 0.510Adjusted R2 0.278

Table 1: Estimates of the effect of population on land rent per capita.

µ2i such that µi is linear in Ni.10 In this specification, TLRi is positive for all Ni > 0 as

long as ci > 0.Table 1 presents results of the urban cost estimation with a GLM model and a log–log

ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression. Both regressions implies that households residingin a larger region significantly pay higher total land rents per capita. In other words,we observe congestion externalities, which act as a dispersion force. In the followingsimulations, we employ the GLM model.

In our baseline calibration, we follow Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg[11] and set the disu-tility of labor ψ = 1.4841 and the utility level u = 10. The remaining parameters arecalibrated as follows. For the annual depreciation rate and the time preference, we chooseδ = ρ = 0.05. We calculate the capital share in the Cobb-Douglas production functionby weighted averages of the ratio of the nominal capital cost to the sum of the nominalcapital cost and the nominal labor cost. A different sector has a different capital shareas noted in Acemoglu and Guerrieri [1] and Valentinyi and Herrendorf [32]. Qualitativeresults are robust to the choices of these parameters.

We now derive the three wedges. First, as mentioned before, as the efficiency wedge,we use TFPR instead of total factor productivity, and obtain TFPR from the followingequation:

log TFPRij = log


)− θj log




Data of nominal value added are used as PijYij . For later use, we also estimate TFPR andcalculate the capital share for the periods from 1972 to 1979.11 Second, the labor wedgeis derived from (8). We in turn decompose the labor wedge based on (6). The value of ιestimated by OLS is ι = −0.493 and it is significant at the 5% level. The negative valueof ι is also consistent with the specification in Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11].

Finally, we identify amenity as a residual from the theory. Amenity solves (10) asfollows:

γi = u− (1 + Jψ) log ci − Jψ logψ + ψ∑j

log(1− τij)wij .

We substitute (9) into ci, (1), (2) and (7) into wij , and the fitted model of GLM intoTLRi/Ni to obtain γi. The estimated levels of amenity are shown in Figure 1. Amenity

10We select a distribution family under the GLM since population takes a nonnegative value. Themodified Park test is also used to select the model. Even if we use an inverse Gaussian distribution, theresult will remain unchanged.

111972 is the first year when data of Okinawa are available. The results are unaffected by the choice ofthe data span.


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under 8.358.35 − 17.5517.55 − 18.218.2 − 19over 19


Osaka Aichi




Figure 1: Map of the estimated amenity.Note: The shaded areas are out of the sample regions.

has a positive correlation to population and is spatially autocorrelated. Regions in sub-urban areas of three largest cities, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya (Aichi) tend to have a highlevel of amenity. One interpretation for it is that amenity reflects market potential—theaccessibility of a region to demands—which is absent from the model. Another interpre-tation is that amenity might capture social capital accumulated trough past public goodprovision by local (prefectural and city level) governments, which tends to be abundantin large cities.

Table 2 gives summary statistics for the estimated wedges and Figure 2 represents thedistributions of estimated efficiency and labor wedges (transformed to 1 − τ in log), foreach sector. We can see from the figure that both the efficiency and labor wedges areheterogeneous across sectors. A few comments are in order. First, the primary sector hassignificantly lower efficiency wedges and lower negative labor wedges than other sectors.Second. the construction sector has higher efficiency wedges and smaller labor wedges. Thelow labor wedges in these sectors reflect the Japanese government’s favorable treatments,which yield a higher efficiency wedge in the construction sector but are not sufficient tomake up for lower productivity in the primary sector. Third, the secondary sector hassimilar efficiency wedges and higher labor wedges in comparison with the tertiary sector.Note also that the secondary sector has a larger variety in the efficiency wedge than theprimary and tertiary sectors. Finally, the efficiency wedges of the primary sector in 1970sare higher than that in the 2000s, which reflects higher relative prices of agricultural goodsin 1970s than in 2000s. Because of the data availability, we cannot yield the labor wedgeas well as amenity for 1970s.


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PijAij τij τij γi PijAij at 1970s

Arithmetic Mean 4.448 0.467 -673.23 18.234 2.930Median 4.535 0.956 -59.92 18.160 3.102

Standard Deviation 2.647 0.908 1175.57 0.851 1.373Max 12.155 0.998 -1.15 19.711 7.114Min 0.393 -3.211 -7989.31 16.730 0.750

Table 2: Descriptive statistics of estimated wedges.

primary secondary construction tertiary







primary secondary construction tertiary




− tau.tild


Figure 2: Distributions of estimated TFPRs and adjusted labor wedges (log(1− τ)).

4 Counterfactual experiments

To quantify how important are the wedges in determining the spatial structure, this sec-tion conducts counterfactual thought experiments eliminating the differences in wedgesfollowing Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11]. After manipulating particular wedges, we findout new equilibrium population and utility level by using (10) and (11) with nonnegativeconstraints on population and consumption.

The first scenario eliminates inter-regional differences in amenity. By replacing theactual levels of amenity with the population weighted average level of amenity, we calculatethe equilibrium population distribution and the level of utility. Figure 3 shows the resultingdistribution. The regions in the lower tail of the size distribution lose their populationwhereas the sizes of the three largest regions get larger. However, the actual largestregion, Tokyo, becomes smaller under the counterfactual because amenity equalizationreduces the attractiveness of Tokyo arising from high amenity. In contrast, Hokkaido andAomori, which locates in the northernmost in Japan, gain the largest population. Byequalizing amenity, Hokkaido and Aomori would resolve their disadvantages in marketaccess captured by amenity. The utility level in the counterfactual is higher than that inthe baseline by 5.32%.

In the second scenario, we equalize the efficiency wedge across regions within each sec-tor. In so doing, we calculate the average TFPR weighted by population across regions ineach sector. This counterfactual highlights the technological gaps between regions. Figure4 illustrates the result. When we equalize the efficiency wedge across regions, we observesimilar changes in the size distribution to the one observed under the amenity equaliza-


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11 12 13 14 15 16










actualamenity equalization




Figure 3: Amenity equalization.

tion: the distribution becomes more concave, and large cities and their neighborhoods losepopulation whereas regions having less congestion attract large population. Regions withhigh efficiency wedge, in particular for the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, wouldunsurprisingly lose their population. Such the regions are likely to have low labor wedges(both τ and τ) in the manufacturing sector. The efficiency wedge equalization increasesthe utility by 3.69%.

Third, we eliminate differences in the labor wedge unexplained by population, τij ,across regions within each sector as in a similar manner to the case of the efficiency wedgeequalization. Figure 5 shows the result. Changes in labor wedges drastically affect the sizedistribution: people move from smaller regions to already large regions, and some regionsthus disappear (Ni = 0), resulting in an extremely concave distribution. After eliminatingthe labor wedge differences, most people move to the Pacific Belt Zone spreading fromTokyo to Fukuoka, which developed as the central place of the Japanese economy alongwith rapid industrialization during the 1960s. Those regions have advantages in prof-itability and amenity, thereby attracting people once the labor wedge is equalized. Thepopulation of agricultural regions that are likely to have high efficiency wedges in theagricultural sector and also have low labor wedges would decrease if differences in laborwedges. By this equalization, the utility rises by 11.15%.

We next confirm findings obtained from Figures 3-5 by parametric description of thepopulation distributions in the counterfactual scenarios. Table 3 reports parameters ofthe population distributions derived in the above counterfactual exercises without regionsof zero population (parentheses are values including zero population regions by settingNit = 1 for such regions). Pareto exponents are estimated in a way proposed by Gabaixand Ibragimov [21] although Pareto distribution poorly fits with all the cases. The log-normal distribution is also fitted by using Maximum Likelihood methods. The “lognormallocation” and “lognormal scale” correspond to the mean and the standard deviation ofa natural logarithm of population, respectively. Table 3 gives p-values of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises tests for the lognormal fitting, which implies that lognor-


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16










actualTFPR within sector




Figure 4: TFPR equalization.

8 10 12 14 16










actuallaborwedge.tilde within sector




Figure 5: Labor wedge equalization.


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16











actualwithin primary

10 11 12 13 14 15 16











actualwithin secondary

10 11 12 13 14 15 16











actualwithin construction

10 11 12 13 14 15 16











actualwithin tertiary

Figure 6: TFPR equalization within a particular sector.

mality is not rejected for all the cases excluding nonzero regions.We can see from the table that all counterfactuals accelerate population agglomeration

and increase the variance of population distribution. In particular, we can confirm thatthe labor wedge equalization has large impacts on the distribution, and nonnegligiblenumber of small regions disappear. The labor wedge predominantly governs the populationdistribution because currently larger regions have advantages in amenity and TFPR. Thesefindings are consistent with the results shown in Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11].

4.1 Impacts of each industry

Now we investigate the impacts of wedge equalization in one of the four sectors. Figures 6(a) to (d) show the results: (a), (b), (c), and (d) represent the results of efficiency wedgeequalization in the primary, secondary, construction, and tertiary sectors, respectively.We first note that the efficiency wedge equalizaion in the primary and secondary sectorssignificantly change the population distribution. Second, the efficiency wedge equalizationin the construction sector has small effects on population distribution. The tertiary sectorhas moderate impacts. If we compare these figures to Figure 4, we know that the effectsshown in Figure 4 come mainly from the primary and secondary sectors. Surprisingly,the efficiency wedge equalization only in the primary sector increases the population ofagricultural regions which have high levels of efficiency wedges. The local labor marketsin these regions suffer less distortions, in particular, in the manufacturing sector. Thedecline in agricultural profitability by the equalization allows people to engage in the lessdistorted sectors, thereby enhancing utility to live in.

Next, we equalize the labor wedge τ in one of the four sectors, of which results aresummarized in Figures 7 (a) to (d): (a), (b), (c), and (d) represent the results of laborwedge equalization in the primary, secondary, construction, and tertiary sectors, respec-tively. In this case, the secondary sector has dominant impacts. The primary sector hasthe second largest impacts. The construction and tertiary sectors have small impacts. Ifwe compare these figures to Figure 5, we can see that the primary driving force resulting


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8 10 12 14 16











actualwithin primary

8 10 12 14 16











actualwithin secondary

8 10 12 14 16











actualwithin construction

8 10 12 14 16











actualwithin tertiary

Figure 7: Labor wedge equalization within a particular sector.

in Figure 5 is the secondary sector, which is reinforced by the primary sector.The results shown in Figures 6 and 7 imply that the secondary sector is the most

influential in shaping the population distribution in Japan, which looks reasonable givenits role as the leading sector in Japan. It is somewhat surprising that the tertiary sectorhas small impacts despite of its salient share in GDP (around 45 % in 2013, SNA (NationalAccounts of Japan)). This would reflect its low productivity as shown in Figure 2. Theprimary sector also has non-negligible effects on population distribution, which indicatesthe efficacy of subsidies and favorable treatments by the Japanese government.

4.2 Productivity restoration

Finally, we carry out an additional exercise to investigate what makes the spatial trans-formation over the past four decades in Japan. We substitute TFPR during the 1970sinto the model with other wedges and parameters being unaltered.12 This implies thatthe efficiency wedge declines from 4.4 to 2.9 on average (see Table 2), which decreases theutility by 20.15%. Figure 8 shows the resulting distribution along with actual distributionat the present and the past.

In this case, the spatial structure becomes more concentrated, rather than dispersed,than the actual distribution at 1970s. This implies that the evolutions in labor wedgeand amenity over the decades have led to spatial concentration while changes in revenue-based productivity have prevented it. It suggests that technological progress or changes inrelative demands across sectors would not sufficiently explain the spatial transformationin Japan because such changes should be aggregated to changes in the efficiency wedge.

To illustrate further which industry accounts for the relocation of population, we runscenarios in which TFPRs for only some sectors are replaced by those during 1970s. Specif-ically, we consider changes in TFPR of only (1) the primary sectors (primary) (2) thesecondary sectors including construction (secondary); (3) the tertiary sector (tertiary);

12Unfortunately, because of the data availability, we cannot obtain the labor wedge and amenity for1970s, and hence we cannot implement similar analysis for them.


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12 13 14 15 16










actual (2000s)actual (1970s)TFPR at 1970s




Figure 8: Productivity at 1970s.

(4) the goods sectors (i.e., excluding the tertiary sector) (goods); (5) the tradable goodssectors (i.e., excluding the construction and the tertiary sector) (tradable); and (6) thenon-tradable goods sectors (nontradable). Table 4 reports the Spearman’s rank correla-tions between the actual populations and the counterfactual populations.

The transition in the agricultural sector is the most influential on the distribution ofpopulation. Once the efficiency wedges of agriculture are restored at the 1970s levels, alarge fraction of population will relocate to regions with advantages in agro-industry. Inother words, the decline in agriculture over the decades causes the outflows of populationfrom agricultural regions to non-agricultural regions. At the same time, such counter-factual equilibrium features spatial concentration more than the observed one, suggestingthat the postwar spatial concentration can not be explained by the changes in agriculturalefficiency. To match the observed distribution of population, we thus need to considerother agglomeration forces generated by transformation in labor wedge or amenity overtime.

Note finally that if we substitute only TFPR of the construction sector during 1970s,the middle and the upper tail of distribution are fairly unaffected while the small sizedregions lose their population. Put differently, not a few peripheral regions have experienceda growth of the construction sectors. This is consistent with the fact that Japanese regionaldevelopment policies epitomized by the Comprehensive National Development Plan havebeen substantially directed toward public spending on civil engineer.

5 Concluding Remarks

We constructed a model of competitive multisectoral economy with distortional wedgesand externalities to sketch which factor affects the observed spatial structure. We thencalibrated our model to the Japanese regional data and implemented counterfactual exer-cises. Our analysis showed that differences in labor wedge are the key player and especiallythe secondary sector dominates the other sectors in forming the Japanese spatial config-


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uration. In contrast, the tertiary sector plays little role. We also showed that delines inproductivity of the primary sector during the past several decades had major impacts onJapanese population distribution.

Although we ignore inter-sectoral externalities in efficiency wedges, multisector settingwe develop could incorporate economies of urbanization or coagglomeration (e.g., Ellison,Glaeser, and Kerr [16]; Hsu [26]; Helsley and Strange [23]). Future work may addressto incorporate interregional as well as intersectoral linkages. We do not explicitly dealwith transaction across regions except migration. Amenity therefore absorbs some sort oflinkages, for example, market potential or cross-border commuting which is less likely tobe exogenous to the distribution of population. It would be thus promising to endogenizeamenity.


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A Labor wedge in a urban system model

We demonstrate the relationship between the labor wedge and behavior of city developerswho internalize Marshallian economies of agglomeration in a system of cities framework.

Consider a production function with labor-augmented externalities Yij = AijKθjij [gj(Hi, Ni)Hij ]


where Hi is a J-dimensional vector of Hij . Rossi-Hansberg and Wright [31] employ simi-lar technology. The continuous and differentiable function gj can vary across sectors andallows cross-sectoral externalities ∂gj/∂Hil ≡ gjl 6= 0 for l 6= j. The steady-state wagerate is then wij ∝ gj(Hi, Ni). Given the national level of utility u, developer of regioni sets labor tax τij and lump-sum tax Ti and chooses consumption and hours worked tomaximize her land rent revenues:

maxci,hij ,Ni,τij ,Ti,

TLRi +∑j

τijwijhijNi + TiNi,

s.t.ui = u,

ρai +∑j

(1− τij)wijhij − Ti = ci + 3TLRi/Ni,

ψci1− hij

= (1− τij)wij .

The first constraint means that the regions are small open. The second constraint is thebudget of households which differs from our benchmark model because land rents are nottransferred to households. The last constraint captures the households’ optimization. Thedeveloper knows Hij = hijNi.

The first-order condition after some manipulation characterizes the optimal tax rateon labor at sector j:

τij = −gjjHij

gj−∑l 6=j




That is, the labor wedge consists of a Pigouvian subsidy that internalizes the Marshallianexternalities depending on the own elasticity and the cross elasticities weighted by relativewages, which varies with population. Without any external effects of labor supply, thelabor tax equals zero.


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The externalities of population ∂g/∂N affect the level of the lump-sum tax. In ourmodel, amenity absorbs this external effect.

B Stability and computation

In our environments, equilibrium is not necessaliry stable nor unique. This appendixdiscusses the stability and the computation at the simulations.

To examine stability of equilibrium, we check the marginal effect of population onindirect utility, dui/dNi, around the equilibrium. This derivative captures the trade-offbetween agglomeration and dispersion forces. The dispersion forces work through theurban costs, d(TLRi/Ni)/dNi > 0, and through labor wedge, dτij/dNi > 0 for τij > 0provided that ι < 0. A higher labor wedge fuels a labor-tax-equivalent distortion andtherefore lowers the utility. For a negative labor wedge τij < 0, which is often observedin agricultural sectors, an increase in population rather reduces a subsidy-equivalent dis-tortion, thereby acting as an agglomeration force (more precisely, the agglomeration forceprevails when the subsidy exceeds capital income). The equilibrium can be unstable wherethe agglomeration force dominates the dispersion forces. Such unstable equilibrium tendsto occur when Ni is fairly small (typically Ni < 1000). The utility ui displays invertedU-shape relationships to Ni, analogous to the models of system of cities, for plausibleparameters.

The derivative of utility is




∑jwij+ρκij(1−τij)wij − J

1 + ψ∑


− 2(1 + Jψ)∑j(wij + ρκij)− 2TLRi/Ni



). (12)

The second term is negative and induces a dispersion force through urban costs. The firstterm captures the external effects of population on labor wedges, and its sign is ambiguousand depends on the signs of labor wedges. The overall impacts of population, dui/dNi, isthus ambiguous.

An interior equilibrium satisfying (10) is given by



(wij + ρκij)−

1 + ψN−ιi∑j

wij + ρκij(1− τij)wij

N Jψι1+Jψ

i exp ξi, (13)


ξi =u− γi − ψ

∑j log {ψ/ [(1− τij)wij ]}1 + Jψ


Equation (13) is nonlinear in Ni unless ι = 0 and thus one cannot explicitly have the equi-librium populations. To obtain stable equilibrium configuration, we calculate equilibriumallocation the following steps. First, for a given level of the common utility u, which isinitially choosen to be 10, we compute population in all regions according to (13) subjectto nonnegative constraints on variables (in particular, Ni > 0 and ci > 0). If there is nointerior equilibrium, we set Ni = 0. To exclude an equilibrium that belongs to unstableone, we then evaluate the first derivative 12. If there is a region i with dui/dNi > 0, weperturb the initial value of population and recalculate interior equilibrium population. Fi-nally, we continue to change the common utility until the sum of the obtained populationequals to the actual total population (equation (11)).


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7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0




correl = 0.22




1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




correl = − 0.04




4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0




correl = − 0.04




2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0




correl = − 0.14




Figure 9: Labor wedge in each sector log(1 − τij) has little systematic correlation withpopulation.

C Explanatory power of labor wedges on population

This section discusses the identification and the variations of wedges to clarify the dif-ferences between Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg [11] and our specifications. Desmet andRossi-Hansberg compute ‘excess friction’ which corresponds to τ in our model by thefollowing equation:

log τi −1

2logNi = (constant) + τi.

Labor wedge in our specification can be rearranged as follows:

log(1− τij)− ι logNi = log(1− τij),

with ι = −0.493.In Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg, excess frictionτ accounts for substantial variations

of population particularly if there are minor variations in τ . Indeed, more than 70% ofcity-size differential is explained by the variation in τ .13

On the other hand, τ in our specification can exploit variations across sectors within aregion in labor wedges that do not obviously correlated with regional population. Figure9 shows that neither wedge in a sector appears to be closely associated with population.While τ plays a prominent role in explaining the shape of population distribution shownin Section 4, this is not driven by construction of labor wedge since τ does not absorbmuch of cross-regional variations in population.

D Sector assignment

The four sectors focused in the paper contain the following sectors:

13These statements are pointed out by Tomoya Mori.


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• Primary: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing.

• Secondary: Mining: Manufacturing; Electricity, Gas, and Water Supply.

• Construction.

• Tertiary: Wholesale and Retail Trade; Finance and Insurance; Real Estate; Trans-port; Information and Communication; Service Activities; Producers of GovernmentServices.

The R-JIP database ensures an additive consistency property of the real variables.