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Business Brokerage

Sale of Businesses

Businesses Acquisitions


CBRs (Confidential Business Reports)



NBB (National Business Brokers) is a partner

of EBB (EuroBusinessBrokers) and Swedish

Business Brokers SFFAB, which have sold over

2,300 businesses in 22 years.

EBB and SFFAB have been offering specialised

services for business sellers and buyers from 30

offices throughout Europe from the inception of

the European Business Brokerage Market in the

late seventies.

NBB plays a leading role within the international

network of business intermediaries. The Brokers

provide clients with access to buyers and sellers

across Europe. Specially trained brokers use their

unique skills to bridge the gap between buyers

and sellers.


● Deliver business brokerage services with a

highly professional team of partners and

associates in a continuously growing network

of local NBB offices all over Europe

● Provide our clients with products and services

that are responsive, creative, unique, value

added, and continuously improving

● Achieve long-term financial goals

for our clients

● Promote and unlock shareholder value

for our clients

Selling Businesses Confidentially

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NBB partners are professionals with great expe-

rience, applied to their client’s needs. These con-

sultants are trained to use their abilities in order

to facilitate negotiations between buyers and


NBB partners have degrees in several areas of

management and respect for the basic principals

of ethics and professionalism.



NBB manages the entire selling process inclu-

ding planning and analysis, valuation, preparation

of a CBR (Confidential Business Report), confi-

dential solicitation and qualification of prospecti-

ve buyers, assistance in negotiating and structu-

ring the purchase agreement, securing financing

and coordinating due diligence/closing, perfor-

ming going-concern valuations for business

sales, as well as for partner disputes, buy/sell

agreements and estate planning. “The key to

selling a business is showing it to the right per-


NBB protects the seller's financial privacy and

intellectual property from those who lack the true

ability to buy, at the same time providing the

prospective buyer with a carefully screened busi-

ness to match his expectations. NBB speciali-

ses in marketing thriving businesses to qualified

individuals and companies who can make them

grow and prosper. The professional team of

NBB Brokers assures both seller and buyer the

best possible representation and support. To

assist in the buying and selling process, NBB

offers general guidance pertaining to both due

diligence and taxation. In addition, clients may

wish to access a list of recommended indepen-

dent legal, accounting and banking services.

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Success results when knowledge, skills, tools

and judgement are properly focused and applied

in managing, acquiring or selling a business. It is

an art mastered by years of experience. Selling

businesses requires professionalism. Value can

be gained or lost at every turn. Skilfully managed,

the process leads to quality transactions, liqui-

dity, personal fulfilment and financial security.

NBB is aware of the challenges and problems

involved. We are permanently committed to ensu-

ring our clients’ success in the acquisitions mar-

ket. Our expert team has many years of direct

experience. We will discreetly and efficiently

achieve your goals with high sensitivity to your

transaction's importance and its confidential

nature. At NBB we know the local, national and

international markets, where we have thrived for

the past 22 years. This knowledge is comple-

mented by our full range of resources, market

access and expertise, that enable us to deliver

transactions at quality value for our client's one



Selling Businesses Confidentially

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All owners must exit their businesses at some

point, but when is the right time? Is the company

truly ready? What is it worth and how should it be

priced? How do you prepare it so you are posi-

tioned to get the best value? How do you identify

the most qualified buyer discreetly? In our pro-

fession we know that if you only have one buyer,

you don't have the buyer - the buyer has you.

These are just a few of the most fundamental

issues in selling a business. Although expert at

operating his business, an owner is seldom ski-

lled at selling it. Most owners have had little or no

experience in selling businesses. The resources

and skills required are also quite different from

those of an owner's traditional advisors such as

accountants, lawyers or consultants.

NBB professionals are a team of specialists. We

are experienced in the complexities of business

sales and have refined the techniques of getting

to the heart of the issues of positioning, valuing,

marketing, overcoming obstacles and negotia-

ting. Working with clients to fulfil

their personal objectives, NBB pro-

vides insight and leadership, sho-

wing the way and improving value at

every stage in the sales process. From initial pre-

parations through to closing, we free the busi-

ness owner to remain focused on the business,

while we confidentially carry out the sales pro-

cess. Our clients benefit from the added value

that can only be gained through full-time, full-ser-

vice dedication to the business acquisition pro-

fession. Capitalising on well-developed proces-

ses, refined systems, widespread networks and

market knowledge,

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Selling Businesses Confidentially



Individual and corporate clients improve their

results by using NBB as their market maker and

transaction developer. Our clients benefit from

extensive market access, contacts and know-

how in refining criteria, researching, analysing,

negotiating and closing deals. Our reputation

provides access to regional, national and interna-

tional opportunities, enhancing the ability to find

fitting acquisitions at the right terms for our



NBB evaluates privately held businesses in

today's economy, blending transaction experien-

ce and professional training. Appraisals are pre-

pared for strategic decision-making, financing,

buy/sell agreements, purchase evaluation and liti-

gation support.


NBB's brokers

offer insightful

b u s i n e s s

knowledge as practical advisors to owners, who

are preparing to sell their business, obtain capi-

tal, resolve problems, and revise strategic focus.

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● Exclusive Selling Mandate

● Gather, analyse and

prepare information

● Conduct price/value analysis

● Identify and value, strengths

and opportunities

● Prepare a CBR

(Confidential Business Report)

● Develop clear objectives

● Create a sales strategy


● Approach market

● Target quality buyers

● Obtain confidentiality agreement

● Evaluate prospects

● Disclose information and create interest


● Sell value and opportunities

● Overcome obstacles and objections

● Address serious issues

● Pre-negotiate purchase proposals

or letters of intent

● Solicit offers


● Coordinate due diligence

● Work with bankers, lawyers, notaries

and accountants

● Communicate among all parties

● Resolve issues and problems

● Facilitate final contract

● Close the deal

NBB's approach is

full-service. We care-

fully plan the course

and then execute the

plan from the earliest

stage through to clo-


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Selling Businesses Confidentially


Affiliations offer important ways to give somet-

hing back to our communities as we serve our

clients. NBB's criteria require that they fit these

purposes. We are not passive partners but active

participants, providing quality leadership that

enriches the community, the client and our team.

NBB's local, national, and international contacts

provide vital links into our business communities.

They enable us to develop key contacts and gain

access into important areas. They provide valua-

ble learning opportunities and are resources

upon which we draw.


An international team of professionals with a

broad range of business experience and techni-

cal skills are united under IBBA's (International

Business Brokers Association) and The Brokers'

Code of Ethics. They specialise in the sale or

acquisition of privately owned businesses. The

Brokers are also well connected with qualified

professional business intermediaries throughout

Europe and parts of the Americas. They can

assist in locating sellers or buyers locally, regio-

nally, nationally and internationally.


EBB – Euro Business Brokers

Swedish Business Brokers SFFAB


IBBA International Business Broker


M&A Source

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With a full-time and full-service commitment from

initial preparations through to closing, NBB

strengthens your position, giving you the edge

you need when dealing with something as delica-

te and important as your investments and dives-

titures. In choosing NBB you will gain…


Understanding both the market and the full value

of your business.


Well-conceived marketing documents, strategies

and proven experts on your side to corroborate

your company’s value.


Confidentially dealing with multiple, qualified,

prospective buyers.


Leaving nothing left to chance.


Dealing with informed buyers who are confident

in the value of your business.


Negotiating your way to the most advantageous

price and terms to meet your personal and finan-

cial goals. All owners must exit their businesses

at some point. When and how to do this is often

the most critical decision an owner ever makes.

The reasons for selling may vary, but the goal of

every participant holds steadfast: value maximi-


NBB enables business owners to discreetly

explore their options to make quality decisions

regarding their future. Owners enter the market

informed, prepared, and on their own terms. We

succeed only when our clients succeed in mee-

ting and accomplishing their goals.

Choose NBB, because only the most qualified

professionals should be trusted to look after your

best interests.

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Contact NBB –

National Business

Brokers in Portugal


P c t . D . N u n o Á l v a r e s P e r e i r a , 2 0 - D B

4 4 5 0 - 2 1 8 M a t o s i n h o s - P o r t u g a l

Te l : + 3 5 1 2 2 9 3 9 5 0 0 9

F a x : + 3 5 1 2 2 9 3 7 2 3 5 0

E m a i l : i n f o @ n b b r o k e r s . c o m

w w w. n b b r o k e r s . c o m

Selling Businesses Confidentially

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