nazi propaganda

Nazi Propaganda Today you will be taking notes. Please take out your copybooks

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Nazi Propaganda. Today you will be taking notes. Please take out your copybooks. Nazi Propaganda. Propaganda is the use of the Media to aggressively promote one point of view. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Nazi Propaganda

Today you will be taking notes. Please take out your copybooks.

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Nazi Propaganda

• Propaganda is the use of the Media to aggressively promote one point of view.

• The Nazis created propaganda as a way of ‘brainwashing’ the public and convincing them of an ideological viewpoint.

• Basically, what this means is that they used propaganda to make the German people believe the same thing they did.

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Nazi War Propaganda

• Nazi Germany was noted for its psychologically powerful propaganda, much of which was centered around the Jews.

• The Jews were the “scapegoat” for Germany economic woes. In other words, they were to blame for Germany’s lack of economic progress and poverty.

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Nazi Propaganda

• The Nazi’s quickly recognised the value of the media. From the early days of the party they used aggressive advertising to promote the nazi ideology.

• Goebbels was in charge of ‘enlightening’ the German public.

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Nazi War Posters

• Josef Goebbels was the “Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda”.

• His main responsibilities were the creation and distribution of Anti-Semitic and Pro-Nazi material for the party.

• Anti-Semitic: Beliefs against the Jews and the Jewish faith.

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Nazi War Posters: Target Audience

• Nazi Propaganda before the start of World War II had several distinct audiences:

(1) German audiences: who were continually reminded of the struggle of the Nazi Party and Germany against foreign and internal enemies, especially Jews.

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Nazi War Posters – Target Audience

(2) Ethnic Germans (i.e. Germans living in other countries): were told that their bond with Germany was stronger than to their new country.

(3) Potential Enemies: Like France and Britain who were told that Germany had no quarrel with them. It was their government that wanted to start a war with Germany.

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Nazi Propaganda – Target Audience

(4) All Citizens: were reminded of the greatness of German culture, scientific and military achievements.

• The Nazis targeted these four groups to gather up support for what was to come, the “cleansing” of Germany.

• Look at your package of German posters. Which ones do you think were used before the war?

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Nazi Propaganda: Methods

• Posters

• Radio

• Film

• Newspapers

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Nazi War Posters – During the War

• German propaganda emphasized the power of German arms and humanity German soldiers had shown to the people living in the countries the conquered.

• The Allies were portrayed as cowardly murderers. The Allies included the USA, Britain and The Soviet Union.

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• Posters are cheap and easy to distribute

• Placed in prominent positions they act as a constant reminder of ideology

• Can be used for many purposes

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Examples of Nazi Posters

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Radio and Film

• Hitler’s Speeches: Hitler is considered to have been one of the greatest public speakers of all time.

• Film was used to show Hitler in a positive light as often as possible.

• The Nazi’s commissioned several films, each carefully portraying a certain image – try to think what this may have been.

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• Censoring newspapers ensures that only the news you want people to read is available to the public.

• Nazi party members wrote many articles for the press, ensuring that the message was always positive.

• Many publications were banned.

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Nazi War Posters - Analysis

• Look at the package of German war posters. Using the answer sheet, indicate what it was used for:

(1) The struggle against the Jews and the allies.

(2) The strength of a united German population.

(3) Blaming other countries for starting a war.

(4) The greatness of the German culture and military.

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American War Posters

• In World War II, one of the main goals of American propaganda was to show the Germans and the Japanese as anything but human.

• They did this by giving them animalistic and demonic characteristics to their appearance.

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American War Posters - Themes

• American war posters had four (4) distinct themes.

(1) Dehumanization: The enemy is shown as animals with devil-like intentions.

(2) Preying on the weak: Images of Americans that include helpless women and innocent babies at the mercy of the Germans and the Japanese.

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American War Posters - Themes

(3) Straightforward: Images and message is direct. Words communicate a sense of urgency and need for defense.

(4) Good Vs Evil: Includes a portrayal of the Germans and Japanese as the “evil” and the Americans as “good”. The Americans are portrayed this way through the use of women, children and American homes.

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American War Posters - Analysis

• Now, go back to your package of American war posters. On the answer sheet, figure out which of the following themes are being shown:

(1)Dehumanization – Enemies as creatures.

(2)Preying on the weak – Helpless women/babies

(3)Straightforward – Direct messages of defense

(4)Good Vs Evil – Japanese/Germans are evil while the Americans are good.

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British War Posters

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British War Posters

• The British, similar to the USA and the Nazis had very distinct purposes for their propaganda.

• Three things were always needed if they wanted to win the war: Soldiers, Money (for weapons) and Bare Necessities (food and fuels).

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British War Posters

• The British also had other concerns. The morale of the people and soldiers was low, the government was in fear of German spies and maintaining the safety of the citizens.

• These issues were what British propagandists targeted in the war posters.

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British War Posters - Themes

• So, in total, the British war posters had six themes.

(1) Specialist Recruiting: • The British started recruiting soldiers long

before the war started and therefore had little recruiting once it started.

• Recruiting posters were nevertheless all over but in the case of the British were targeted towards women and the services they could provide.

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British War Posters - Themes

(2) Industrial Production: • World War II placed great emphasis on

sophisticated weapons of war. • Tanks, aircrafts, ships and ammunitions

were in need of being manufactured quickly.

• Thus, the British propaganda sometimes targeted factory workers to increase the production of these things.

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British War Posters - Themes

(3) Maintaining Morale: • World War II involved not only the armed

forces, but also civilians who were threatened by the bombing of the populated parts of the countries.

• Therefore, an effort was made by British propagandists to keep people’s spirits up.

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British War Posters - Themes

(4) Security Concerns: • During a war there was always a concern that

military secrets would be leaked out in a casual conversation soldiers would have in bars between each other or any “entertainment” the would be spending their money on.

• They were made to believe that German spies could be anywhere, even dressed as women, and would take the information back to the German army.

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British War Posters - Themes

(5) Savings: • The cost of waging war was and still is very

expensive. This put big strains on the already weak British economy.

• This resulted in posters focusing on people giving money through war bonds, saving food and not wasting resources.

• People were actually encouraged to grow their own food in a garden and not go to the stores.

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British War Posters - Themes

(6) Health and Safety: • The hazards of enemy attack or the

consequences of a potential attack was a realistic situation faced by all British citizens.

• Posters depicting the destruction of British building and what cities would look like after an attack by the enemy were found all over the city.

• This reminded citizens to continue do all they could to help the war effort.

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British War Posters - Analysis

• Look at the your package of British war posters. Using the answer sheet, indicate what type of propaganda was used for each one.

• Then, figure out which one of the six themes it is emphasizing:

(1) Specialist Recruiting – Getting soldiers and women to work(2) Industrial Production – Encouraging factory workers(3) Maintaining Morale – Cheering up the British people(4) Security Concerns – The fear of German spies(5) Savings – Saving money, food and supplies(6) Health and Safety – Showing potential destruction.