navigating the shoals of portfolio implementation susan kahn and lynn ward indiana university-purdue...

Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

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Page 1: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation

Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Page 2: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

One student’s perspective

“So you get here and they start asking you, ‘What do you…want to major in? …what courses [do] you want to take?’ and you get the impression that’s what it’s all about – courses and majors. So, you take the courses. You get your card punched. You try a little this and a little that. Then comes GRADUATION. And you wake up and you look at this bunch of courses and then it hits you: They don’t add up to anything. It’s just a bunch of courses. It doesn’t mean a thing.”

Page 3: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

AAC&U Project on Integrative Learning

Definition of integrative learning:

• Integrative learning is “the ability to make, recognize, and evaluate connections among disparate concepts, fields, or contexts.”

Page 4: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Why now?• Knowledge explosion• Contemporary problems and solutions are multi-

disciplinary• Information encountered in daily life is

increasingly complex and fast-moving• In civic life, need to be aware of complex

interdependencies, connect theory to practice• In professional life, need to move among

different areas of expertise

Page 5: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

The Principles of Undergraduate Learning (PULs)

• Core Communication and Quantitative Skills• Critical Thinking• Integration and Application of Knowledge• Intellectual Depth, Breadth, and

Adaptiveness• Understanding Society and Culture• Values and Ethics

Page 6: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Complete Pending Ready Locked

Page 7: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

The IUPUI ePortfolio (ePort)

• Definition:

A selection of purposefully organized artifacts that supports retrospective and prospective reflection, as well as documentation, assessment, and enhancement of student learning over time.

Page 8: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Implications of ePortfolios for Learners and Teachers

• Learning-centered vs. teaching-centered• Support active learning pedagogies aimed at

promoting deeper learning• Support integrative, reflective learning• Support formative and summative

assessment• Thrive when faculty collaborate to develop

coherent curricula and well-defined learning outcomes

Page 9: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Introduce ePort in first-year experience courses

• Training to prepare faculty and advisors

• Assumption that interest would grow among faculty, advisors, and students, as they became aware of the benefits

Initial Implementation Strategy

Page 10: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Immature technology; technology not matched to institutional vision

• Forced adoption• Portfolio pedagogy not well understood • Portfolio treated as add-on, not integrated

into work of course/TLC• Perceived as top-down initiative• Lack of campus-wide buy-in to PULs and to


Initial Obstacles

Page 11: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Small grants to interested departments and schools

• First year designated for department-wide curricular and pedagogical preparation

• Intensive one-on-one guidance and support• Projects geared to needs the academic unit

wants to address (e.g., customized matrices/wizards geared to program outcomes)

• Faculty in these departments are providing guidance for ongoing software development

Current Strategy: Integrative Department Grants

Page 12: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Other Enablers

• Center for Teaching and Learning: well-developed structure for supporting pedagogical and curricular innovation with technology

• Well-developed institutional and (some) program-level assessment programs

• ePort integrated into course management system

• Development of a few good examples/cadre of early-adopter programs

Page 13: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

On the brink of wider adoption?

Current planning to:• Use ePortfolio in conjunction with Personal

Development Plan in first-year seminars• Use ePortfolio as site for artifacts and

reflections in new campus-wide experiential learning initiative (RISE)

• Adopt campus-wide at satellite campus

Page 14: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Immature technology

• Forced adoption

• Portfolio pedagogy not well understood

• Portfolio treated as add-on, not integrated into work of course/TLC

• Perceived as top-down initiative• Lack of campus-wide buy-in to PULs and to


Initial Obstacles

Page 15: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Small grants to interested departments and schools

• First year designated for department-wide curricular and pedagogical preparation

• Intensive one-on-one guidance and support• Projects geared to needs the academic unit

wants to address• Faculty in these departments are providing

guidance for ongoing software development

Current Strategy: Integrative Department Grants

Page 16: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Know your key stakeholders• Talk with and listen to your stakeholders• Build from a campus need or point of strength• Engage and sustain campus leaders in

supporting and advocating for implementation• Secure solid funding

Secure Campus Buy in

Page 17: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Provide virtual and “live” opportunities for peer support relative to both the technology and the pedagogy

• Eport user site• ePortfolio Community of Practice planned• Professional development workshops

Foster Collaboration

Page 18: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Start small and keep project limited in scope• Design for scalability

– Technology– Assessing student work– Support structures

• Allow sufficient time for project planning– Help guide the process– ePortfolio readiness matrix

More Lessons

Page 19: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Each project has an assigned support team consisting of an instructional designer, instructional technologist, and an assessment specialist

• Semi-annual ePortfolio symposium• ePort Readiness Matrix• Online user community

– Implementation examples– Articles– Sample rubrics– Mailing list and discussion forums

Project Support

Page 20: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• Outcomes mapping (mapping PULs to disciplinary outcomes)

• Curriculum mapping (determining where in the curriculum students learn and practice specific outcomes)

• Developing evaluation criteria (expectations and rubrics)

• Developing mastery assignments• Communicating purpose and value of

project to faculty and students

Common Planning Activities

Page 21: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

ePortfolio Readiness Matrix

Page 22: Navigating the Shoals of Portfolio Implementation Susan Kahn and Lynn Ward Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

• A systematic approach to planning and analysis

• Acquaints project team with the software early in the planning process

• Allows project team to learn from the work of other projects

• Documents use and value of portfolios to individual schools, departments, faculty

ePortfolio Readiness Matrix