navigating the middle grades (2012)

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  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


    Michael J. Kie

    William H. Mari

    Apri l

    Navigating the Middle Grades:

    Evidence from New York City

    Working Paper

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


    Navigating the Middle Grades:Evidence from New York City

    Michael J. Keiffer

    Teachers College, Columbia University

    William H. Marinell

    The Research Alliance for New York City Schools

    April 2012

    2012Research Alliance for New York City Schools. All rights reserved. You may make copies of and distribute this work for non-

    commercial educational and scholarly purposes. For any other uses, including the making of derivative works, permission must be

    obtained from the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, unless fair use exceptions to copyright law apply.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    I. Overview .................................................................................................................1

    II. Analytic Approach ..................................................................................................3

    III. Data ..........................................................................................................................4

    IV. Findings ..................................................................................................................5

    Whos on track to graduate and why? ............................................................................... 5

    What do students grade four-eight achievement and attendance trajectories look like? ............... 5

    Does students grade four-eight achievement predict whos on track in grade nine? .................... 7

    Does students grade four-eight attendance predict whos on track in grade nine? ...................... 8Do particular demographic groups of students demonstrate middle-grades trajectories that are

    associated with being off-track in grade nine? ................................................................... 12Is middle grades performance equally predictive of later on-track status across ethnic and

    language groups? ....................................................................................................... 17Do these patterns hold across schools? ........................................................................... 17

    V. Exploratory Analyses ...........................................................................................20

    How do high-growth and low-growth schools compare? ...................................................... 20

    VI. Conclusions & Implications ................................................................................. 22

    VII. Notes and References ..........................................................................................23

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    Educators have long asserted that the middle grade years (typically, grades six through

    eight) are a time of both great importance and vulnerability in students K-12 schooling.

    Anecdotal and empirical evidence suggest that students encounter new social and emotionalchallenges, increased academic demands, and major developmental transitions during the middle

    grade years.1 These questions have gained more prominence in New York City as the new

    Chancellor, Dennis M. Walcott, has made middle school reform a central priority for current


    The Research Alliance for New York City Schools has been investigating these topics in

    New York City through collaboration with principal researcher Michael Kieffer (Teachers

    College, Columbia University). The study is motivated by an interest in learning more aboutwhether and when students struggle during the transitions into, through, and out of the middle

    grades, how early in their schooling vulnerable students can be identified, and whether the

    challenge of supporting students in the middle grades is prevalent across different demographic

    groups and across schools. In this study, we investigated whether and how students achievement

    and attendance change between grades four and eight and identified moments during this period

    when students achievement and attendance suggest that they will struggle to graduate from high

    school within four years.

    Despite the academic and developmental challenges associated with the middle grades

    transition, we know very little about whether changes in students achievement or attendance

    during this period can help us anticipate their progress toward graduation.

    Our findings are as follows:

    We can identify students who will struggle to graduate after four years of high school quiteearly in their schooling. Students grade four attendance rates and their scores on New

    Yorks grade four math and English language arts (ELA) assessments all help predict the

    likelihood that students will graduate after four years of high school. Students performance

    on the grade four ELA and math assessments are particularly strong predictors of the

    likelihood that they will graduate on time.

    Despite these early grade four warning signs, it is also important to monitor studentsprogress through the middle grades, as students whose attendance and achievement decline

    during this time period are less likely to graduate after four years of high school. In other

    words, the middle grades are not too late to fail: Even students who are performing

    reasonably well at the beginning of the middle grades can fall off-track during the middle

    grades, and these declines have consequences for students progress towards graduation.

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    More specifically, students whose attendance falls during the middle grades are particularlyat risk for not being able to graduate after four years of high school. While most students

    attend school regularly until the spring of grade six, their attendance begins to decline after

    this point, and falls quite rapidly between grades seven and eight. Many of the students

    whose attendance declines during this final middle grades year are on a similarly troubling

    trajectory at the end of grade nine, one year later.

    While slightly less portentous than attendance, students achievement during the middlegrades also helps predicts which students will graduate after four years of high school. In

    particular, students whose math scores decline during the middle grades (relative to the

    scores of their peers) are particularly less likely to graduate after four years of high schools.

    These relationships are largely the same for students from different ethnic backgrounds andfor English language learners. African-American, Native American, and Latino students are

    more likely than their White peers to demonstrate poor attendance and achievement during

    the middle grades, which in turn are associated with their lower probability of on-time

    graduation. English language learners demonstrate slightly better attendance but substantially

    lower achievement during the middle grades than their native English-speaking peers,

    whereas students who speak another language at home but are not designated as English

    language learners demonstrate consistently better attendance and achievement than native

    English speakers.

    These trends hold across schools in New York City. The vast majority of variation instudents middle grades performance is between students attending the same schools and

    exploratory analyses with selected school variables (e.g., student demographics, teacher

    experience) suggested that substantial overlap in middle grades performance across schools

    with different characteristics. These results suggest that all schools need to be concerned

    about identifying and supporting those students who fall behind during the middle grades.

    These findings suggest that struggling students can be identified quite early in their schooling

    and that changes in students achievement and attendance during the middle grades can help us

    anticipate which students will struggle during high school in their progress towards graduation.

    The findings also point to some evidence of students resiliency in the middle grades, suggesting

    that interventions during the middle grades are not too late to prevent students from falling off-

    track in their progress towards graduation. In the remainder of this report, we describe our

    analytic approach and the data sets that we use in these analyses, then we describe our findings in

    more detail and raise questions for future research. Readers who are interested in even more

    detail about our analyses are referred to the technical appendix to this report.

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    Previous research has demonstrated the importance of students performance in grade

    nine in predicting the likelihood of their graduating after four years of high school, which we

    refer to throughout this report as graduating on time.3

    These findings have prompted urban

    schools systems, such as those in Chicago and NYC, to develop on-track indicators, which

    identify vulnerable students in an attempt to help ensure that these students graduate on time and

    are prepared for post-secondary work or study. Following this precedent, our first set of analyses

    investigates the relationship between NYC students performance in grade nine and the

    likelihood of their graduating after four years of high school. Based on this analysis, we create a

    high school on-track indicator (i.e., a composite of student performance measures in grade nine)

    that maximizes our ability to predict students graduating on time. Subsequently, in our second

    set of analyses, we use this indicator as our new outcome, and we examine whether students

    performance between grades four and eight predicts their grade-nine indicator scores and, thus,

    their probability of graduating on time. In our third set of analyses, we investigate whether thesepredictive relationships hold across student groups and school. In particular, we investigate

    whether these relationships are the same for students from different ethnic backgrounds and for

    English language learners compared to native English speakers. We further investigate what

    proportion of the variation in middle grades performance is between children in the same schools

    and what proportion is between different schools, with the intent of describing the extent to

    which the patterns we detect are similar across the variety of schools in NYC. We end by

    providing exploratory descriptive analyses of some school characteristics for schools with high,

    medium, and low rates of average growth in attendance and achievement.

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    These analyses draw on a number of student-level data files from the New York City

    Department of Educations (DOE) archive. We use the DOEs audited J-Form Register and

    Longitudinal Cohortfiles to identify first-time grade nine students and to monitor their progress

    through their high school graduation. TheNY State ELA and Math Test Scorefile is the source of

    information on students English language arts and mathematics test scores in grades four and

    eight, and the student-level Regentsfile contains information about whether students attempted

    and passed Regents exams in grade nine. We obtain information about students grade nine

    course-taking, as well as the number of credits that they earned from these courses, from the

    Course Detail Records file, and information about attendance from the DOEs official

    attendance system. In all analyses, our target population is all students in New York City

    schools, including English language learners and students with disabilities.

    For the first set of analyses, which predicts the probability of students graduating after

    four years of high school, we examine the progress of the cohort of students who were first-time

    ninth graders in the 2005-2006 school year. We begin with the 2005-2006 cohort because our

    data span the cohorts progress from grade four through high school, including the cohorts

    graduation in the spring of 2009. To examine whether the on-track indicators that we create for

    this cohort are robust across a different group of students, we conduct a series of parallel

    analyses for students who were first-time ninth graders during the 2000-2001 school year.

    For the second and third set of analyses, which examines students achievement and

    attendance patterns as they transition into and through the middle grades, we examine the

    progress of four cohorts of students who were first-time fourth graders between the 2000-2001

    and 2003-2004 school years. Our data cover the former cohorts progress through high school

    graduation and the latter cohorts progress through grade nine. We focus this second set of

    analyses on the entire population of students who ever appear in these four cohorts (N =

    303,845), although we also conducted additional analyses with the subset of students with

    complete data for the entire range of years and variables (see technical appendix). Results were

    largely the same for the entire population and the smaller subset.

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    Whos on track to graduate and why?

    The preliminary results from our first set of analyses suggest that indicators of students

    performance in grade nine are strong predictors of the likelihood that students will graduate after

    four years of high school. These grade-nine predictors include credits earned, courses failed,

    grade point average, attendance rate, whether a Regents exam was attempted, and whether a

    Regents exam was passed. These predictors remain strong when controlling for students grade

    eight test scores in English language arts and mathematics and for school effects in other

    words, the role that schools play in influencing students performance. The single best predictor

    of students graduating on time is the number of credits students earn in grade nine. For both of

    cohorts that we studied, students who earned 11 or more credits in grade nine (i.e., one-quarter of

    the 44 credits needed to graduate) had a predicted graduation rate of 83 percent or higher,

    whereas students earning eight or fewer credits had a predicted graduation rate of 20 percent or


    Using logistic regression to find the relative weights of each of the multiple predictors,

    we created a grade-nine on-track indicator that summarizes these predictive relationships into a

    single predicted probability of graduation for each student. The median predicted student

    graduation rate was 67 percent. Students with on-track indicator values in the top quartile had an

    average predicted graduation rate of about 92 percent, whereas those in the bottom quartile had

    an average predicted graduation rate of seven percent. Based on this analysis, we can also

    calculate the grade-nine indicator score for students who have yet to graduate, as long as we have

    their grade-nine performance, an approach that we use in the second set of analyses below.

    What do students grade four-eight achievement and attendance trajectories look


    In the second set of analyses, we describe how students achievement and attendance

    fluctuate between grades four and eight. This description serves as the basis for our investigation

    of the extent to which students performance during the middle grades predicts their grade-nine

    indicator score. Our preliminary results suggest that there is wide variation in both the levels of

    students attendance and achievement and in the extent to which these levels change during the

    middle grades.

    Attendance rates are generally high and stable across students from grades four through

    eight and then drop off steeply between grades seven and eight. Figure 1 illustrates this overall

    pattern by displaying growth trajectories in students attendance between fall of grade four and

    spring of grade eight for 20 students that we chose at random from the dataset. As Figure 1

    depicts, most of the students have high attendance rates (above 90 percent of the days enrolled)

    until the spring of grade six, when they begin to fall steeply. In addition, some students

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    attendance rates fall much more dramatically than others during grades seven and eight.

    Moreover, students past attendance is not helpful in predicting which students will fall behind

    most in the later periods. Students grade four attendance does not correlate with their change in

    attendance in grade eight; in other words, the students who fell behind dramatically in grades

    seven and eight were equally likely to have high attendance as they were to have low attendance

    in earlier grades. The patterns that Figure 1 features also illustrate the general patterns across the

    entire dataset.

    Figure 1:

    Patterns of Change in Attendance between Fall Semester of Grade 4 and

    Spring Semester of Grade 8 for a Random Sample of 20 Students in New York

    City Schools

    Note: Whole numbers indicate fall semester (e.g., 4 = fall of grade 4) while .5 indicates spring

    semester (e.g., 8.5 = spring of grade 8).

    Students achievement test scores are more stable than their attendance over time, with

    many students remaining at similar levels, relative to their peers, from grades four through eight.Figure 2 illustrates this general pattern by displaying the patterns of change in mathematics

    achievement for 20 students that we selected at random from the dataset. As shown, those

    students who have higher levels of achievement in grades four and six tend to be those who end

    up with higher achievement in grade eight, while only a few students move from above-average

    to below-average (or vice versa) over time. It is worth noting that these figures like the

    analyses on which our overall findings are based use z-scores, which categorize students


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    performance relative to other students in the same grade and have an average of zero in each

    grade. Thus, the flat nature of the overall trend is a result of our choice of measure and does not

    indicate that the average students mathematics performance is stagnant over time. Although the

    overall trend depicts stability across students relative performance, a minority of students fall

    substantially behind the bulk of New York City students, while others catch up with or surpass

    their peers. These patterns are largely similar for mathematics and for English language arts.

    Figure 2:

    Patterns of Change in Students Relative Rank-order in Mathematics

    Achievement for a Random Sub-sample of 20 Students in New York City Schools

    Does students grade four-eight achievement predict whos on track in grade


    We find that students grade four achievement tells us a great deal about how they will

    perform in grade nine (i.e., predicts their grade-nine indicator score) and, thus, their likelihood of

    going on to graduate high school on time. However, changes in achievement during the middle

    grades also provide important information about how students will perform in grade nine.

    In particular, changes in students math scores between grades six and eight are much

    more predictive of their grade-nine indicator score than are changes between grades four and six

    gradehighlighting the importance of students performance in math during the middle grades

    for their eventual graduation. For reading scores, changes between grades six and eight areequally as predictive of students grade-nine indicator score as are changes in students reading

    scores between grades four and six.

    To illustrate these findings, Figure 3 displays achievement patterns and the associated on-

    track indicator scores for four hypothetical students with prototypical performance. The left

    panel displays trends in students achievement between grades four and eight. As shown, the

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    student trajectory displayed in blue starts at the NYC average in mathematics achievement in

    grade four and remains at the average level through grade eight; the student trajectory in green

    starts at the NYC average but falls substantially behind in grades seven and eight (i.e., has a

    slope that is 1 SD below the sample mean slope);4the student trajectory in red starts substantially

    below-average in grade four5

    Does students grade four-eight attendance predict whos on track in grade nine?

    (i.e., with an initial level that is one SD below the sample mean)

    but maintains this level; and the student trajectory in purple starts substantially below-average in

    grade four (i.e., one SD below the mean) but falls even further behind (i.e., with a slope that is

    one SD below the mean slope). Given the relationships we find above, these differences in

    achievement patterns predict major differences in students grade-nine on-track indicator score

    and thus their probability of graduating on time. The right panel of Figure 3 displays the percent

    chance of being on-track for graduation for these same four prototypical students. As shown,

    only the student trajectory in blue is associated with a greater than 50 percent chance of later

    graduation. Most notably, a student who starts at an average level but falls behind during the

    middle grades (i.e., the student represented in green) has a less than 50 percent of graduating on

    time, which is only marginally better than a student who starts behind in grade four (i.e., the

    student represented in red). We found similar patterns, though to a somewhat lesser degree, for

    reading achievement.

    As with our analyses of students achievement, students grade four attendance is an

    important predictor of whether students are on-track to graduate by the end of grade nine.

    Further, we find that students attendance during the middle grades may be an even more

    important source of information about their later success than their test scores.

    To illustrate these findings, Figure 4 displays attendance growth patterns and associated

    on-track indicator scores for four prototypical students. As the left panel shows, the blue and

    green trajectories both represent students who start with average attendance in grade four (i.e.,

    attendance rates of roughly 94 percent); while the blue trajectory represents a student who

    maintains this level, the green trajectory represents a student who fall behinds sharply in

    attendance in grades seven and eighth (i.e., missing an additional 9 percent of days each year).

    This later drop represents a slope that is 1 SD below the sample mean. Similarly, the red and

    purple trajectories represent students who start with below-average attendance (i.e., attendance

    rates of roughly 87 percent or one SD below the mean); while the red trajectory represents a

    student who maintains this (relatively low) level, the purple trajectory represents a student whofalls even further below (i.e., with a slope one SD below the sample mean). Our findings indicate

    that these differences in attendance patterns predict differences in students on-track indicator

    score and thus their chances of going on to graduate on time. As the right panel shows, a student

    who falls behind in the middle grades (i.e., the green trajectory) has only a 57 percent chance of

    going on to graduate, compared to the 75 percent chance for a student who maintains an average

    level of attendance. A student with a consistently low level of attendance (i.e., the red trajectory)

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    has only a 43 percent chance of graduating, while a student who low attendance in grade four

    who falls even further in grades seven and eight has only a 25 percent chance of going on to


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    Figure 3:

    Fitted Trajectories for Four Prototypical Students wi th Average or Below-average Levels and Rates of Growth in

    Mathematics Achievement (Left Panel) with their Predicted Ninth-grade On-track Indicator Score, i.e., Percent

    Chance of Being On-track for Later Graduation (N = 303,845)

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    Figure 4:

    Fitted Growth Trajectories in Attendance for Four Prototypical Students between Fourth and Eighth Grade (Left

    Panel) with their Predic ted Ninth-grade On-track Indicator Score, i.e., Percent Chance of Being On-track for Later

    Graduation (N = 303,845)

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    Do particular demographic groups of students demonstrate middle-grades

    trajectories that are associated with being off-track in grade nine?

    We find that Latino students, African-American students, and English language learners,

    on average, have lower attendance rates and achievement scores in the middle grades, as we

    might expect from other research.6

    For attendance, gaps between African-American and Latinostudents and their White and Asian counterparts begin in grade four, but grow most substantially

    between spring of grade six and spring of grade seven, as shown in Figure 5. Achievement test

    score gaps are large in grade four and remain so through grade eight, as shown in Figures 6 and


    Figure 5:

    Attendance Growth Trajectories Fit ted by Ethnici ty

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    Figure 6:

    Mathematics Achievement Test Scores Fitted by Ethnici ty

    Figure 7:

    Reading Achievement Test Scores Fitted by Ethnici ty

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    These differences in middle grade performance by ethnic group are associated with

    substantially higher levels of risk for being off-track in grade nine for later high school

    graduation. For instance, students with middle-grade attendance and achievement at the average

    levels for White students have grade-nine on-track probabilities near .88, suggesting a high

    chance of going on to graduate, whereas students with middle-grade attendance and achievement

    at the average levels for Latino and African-American students have grade-nine on-track

    probabilities of .69 and .66, respectively indicating substantially lower probability of going on to

    graduate. It is worth noting that actual graduation rates are lower for all students and particularly

    for Latino and African-American students, in part because other factors beyond middle grades

    performance contribute to graduation.

    Students designated as English language learners when they enter grade four have mixed

    performance, with slightly higher attendance rates but much lower achievement, compared to

    their peers from native English-speaking backgrounds. Figure 8 displays attendance rates for

    three groups of students: native English speakers; students designated as English languagelearners in grade four; and language minority learners (i.e., students from homes in which

    English is not the primary language) who are not designated as English language learners. As

    shown in Figure 8, English language learners have consistently, if only slightly (approximately

    one percent) higher attendance rates across the middle grades, compared to native English

    speakers. Large and persistent achievement test score differences were also found between

    students designated as English language learners and native English speakers for both

    mathematics (Figure 9) and reading (Figure 10), though there is some evidence that English

    language learners narrow achievement gaps over time, as shown by the narrowing of the gap

    between the green and blue lines in the Figures 9 and 10. These differences in middle grade

    performance by language background are associated substantial differences in students

    probability of being on-track in grade nine. For instance, English language learners have an on-

    track probability of approximately .62, compared to probabilities of .72 for native English

    speakers and .85 for language minority learners who are not designated as English language


    In contrast, language minority learners who were not designated as English language

    learners in grade four have consistently better attendance rates and consistently higher

    achievement compared to native English speakers. This is consistent with research that suggests

    that language minority status, in and of itself, is not a substantial risk factor, that bilingualism

    can be a benefit.7

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    Figure 8:

    Attendance Rates by Engl ish Language Learner and Language Minori ty


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    Figure 9:

    Mathematics Achievement over Time by English Language Learner and Language

    Minority Status

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    Figure 10:

    Reading Achievement over Time by English Language Learner and Language

    Minority Status

    Is middle grades performance equally predictive of later on-track status across

    ethnic and language groups?

    In addition to investigating whether ethnic and language groups have differing levels of

    middle grades performance, we also investigated whether the predictive relationships found

    between middle grades performance and later on-track status held across ethnic and language

    groups. We found that largely the same pattern of predictions held across groups. For each

    ethnic group, attendance levels and changes during the middle grades were robustly associated

    with on-track status in grade nine. Similarly, for each ethnic group, achievement levels and

    change during the middle grades were strongly associated with on-track status in grade nine (see

    Technical Appendix). Across groups, the overall pattern held, indicating that middle grades

    performance matters for all ethnic and language groups.

    Do these patterns hold across schools?

    We conducted analyses to investigate whether students levels and changes in attendance

    and achievement were associated with the schools that they attend. Specifically, we conducted

    analyses that allow us to partition the variation in performance into the portion that is associated

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    with differences between students attending the same school (within-school variation) and the

    portion that is associated with differences between students attending different schools (between-

    school variation). We partition this variation for both levels and rates of change for both

    achievement and attendance. We found that for both attendance and achievement, that vast

    majority of variation is associated with individual differences between students attending the

    same schools rather than due to differences between schools. In particular, the changes in

    attendance and achievement that we have noted and have found to be associated with later on-

    track status appear to vary across students within schools. This suggests that some students in

    nearly every school serving the middle grades in NYC are declining substantially in achievement

    and attendance and that some students in nearly every school are maintaining or improving in

    achievement and attendance. Figure 11 displays the proportion of variation that is within-

    schools and between-schools for achievement and attendance levels (in grade six) and change

    (between grade six and grade eight).

    The importance of individual differences between students within the same schools holdsparticularly true for attendance. Only two percent to five percent of variation in attendance is

    associated with differences between schools. For achievement, a more substantial proportion of

    the variation in grade six level (27 percent) is associated with differences between schools;

    however, a much smaller proportion of variation in students changes in achievement between

    sixth and eighth grade (10 percent) is associated with differences between schools. Together,

    these findings suggest that the problem of students falling behind in attendance and achievement

    in the middle grades is not isolated to specific schools, but is a relatively universal phenomenon

    across schools in NYC. It also suggests that all schools have some students who are maintaining

    or recovering success in the middle grades.

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    Figure 11:

    Proportion of Variance that is Associated with Differences between Students

    within Schools (in Blue) and between Different Schools (in Red) for Achievement

    and Attendance Levels and Slopes

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    How do high-growth and low-growth schools compare?

    To provide additional insight into how these patterns differ across schools, we conducted

    an exploratory analysis involving selected publically-available variables for school

    characteristics. Specifically, we identified which school students attended in grade six, then

    categorized schools based on their average estimated achievement and attendance growth into

    four quartiles. We next estimated the mean values for selected school characteristics for each

    quartile. Such an analysis has the value of looking beyond schools average levels of

    achievement and attendance to instead explore schools average rates of growth in achievement

    and attendance.

    These analyses suggested that the associations with demographic characteristics found for

    the student level (described above) largely hold at the school level as well (see technical

    appendix for details). For instance, schools which demonstrated higher rates of growth inattendance during the middle grades tended to have fewer African-American and Latino

    students. In addition, we found that schools with higher levels of growth in achievement and

    attendance tended to have much fewer students receiving free lunch, compared with schools with

    lower levels of growth in achievement and attendance. As shown in Figure 12, schools in the

    first quartile, whether the quartile was based on achievement or attendance growth, had much

    higher percentages of students receiving free lunch than schools in the fourth quartile.

    We also conducted exploratory analyses with teacher characteristics, including variables

    for teachers years of experience and the percent of core classes taught by highly qualified

    teachers (as defined by No Child Left Behind). However, these variables appeared to berelatively unrelated to school averages for achievement and attendance growth (see technical

    appendix). Schools classified as high-growth had similar proportions of relatively new and of

    more experienced teachers, compared to schools classified as low-growth, and this held whether

    the classification was based on achievement growth or attendance growth.

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    Figure 12:

    Percent of Students Receiving Free Lunch for Schools, by Quartile based on

    School-average Achievement Growth between Grade 6 and 8, School-average

    Attendance Growth between Fall, Grade 6 and Spring, Grade 7, and School-

    average Attendance Growth between Spring 7 and Spring, Grade 8

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    Together, these results suggest several important discoveries. First, we have confirmed

    earlier research conducted in other contexts by finding that ninth grade performance provides

    strong information about whether students in NYC go on to graduate on time. Second, echoing

    research on the importance of early learning,8

    These findings suggest that initiatives to prevent declines in students attendance and

    achievement in the middle grades may well help accomplish their intended objectives. Our

    preliminary findings also suggest that focusing on students achievement alone may be

    misguided. While relative improvements or declines in students test scores are predictive of

    students progress towards graduation, changes in attendance during the middle grades are also

    equally, if not more, predictive of the likelihood that students will be on-track in grade nine to

    graduate from high school within four years. In finding similar relationships across demographic

    groups and across schools, these results suggest that attention to middle grades performance

    should cut across settings and groups. In light of Chancellor Walcotts call for middle school

    reform, these findings suggest that such attention to the middle grades is warranted, although

    they cannot speak to the efficacy of particular strategies for such reform.

    we find that NYC students attendance and

    achievement towards the end of the elementary grades tell us a lot about the likelihood that they

    will be on-track to graduate at the start of high school. Third, however, we find that the middle

    grades may not be too late to prevent declining attendance and stagnant achievement, given that

    changes during these years (not just prior levels in grade four) are predictive of students later

    success. Fourth, we found that these patterns largely hold across students of differing ethnic and

    language backgrounds and that students middle grade performance may explain much of the

    attainment gap in high school graduation. Fifth, we found that these patterns hold consistently

    across schools, such that little of the variation in attendance and achievement growth is

    associated with differences between schools. Sixth, we found that the aggregated demographiccharacteristics of schools, including concentration of students receiving free lunch, did appear to

    differentiate between schools in which students demonstrated more and less positive growth in

    attendance and achievement, but that teacher characteristics did not appear to differentiate

    between these schools.

    These analyses also raise questions for future research. Most pressing for NYC

    educators, there are many open questions about how to intervene in the middle grades to promote

    positive trajectories in achievement and attendance. In that this analysis found relatively little

    existing variation between schools in these variables, such interventions may need to look

    beyond what is currently happening in New York City schools. In addition, such interventions

    will likely need to addresses gaps in achievement and attendance within schools of various kinds

    and configurations.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)




    1Eccles, J. (fall, 1999). The Development of Children Ages 6 to 14. The Future of Children: When school is out,

    9(2). Retrieved on February 17, 2011 from

    Eccles, J., Midgley, C., & Adler, T. F. (1984). Grade-related changes in the school environment: Effects on

    achievement motivation. In J. G. Nicholls (Ed.) The development of achievement motivation (pp. 283-331).

    Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

    National Middle School Association. (1995). This we believe: Developmentally responsive middle schools.

    Columbus, OH: Author.

    Seidman, E., Aber, J. L., & French, S. E. (2004). The organization of schooling and adolescent development. In

    K. Maton, C. Schellenbach, B. Leadbeater, & A. Solarz (Eds.),Investing in children, youth, families, and

    communities: Strengths-based research and policy (pp. 233250). Washington, DC: American Psychological


    2New York City Department of Education. In major policy address, Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott calls middle

    schools ripe for opportunity, lays out a bold strategy for success. News Release. Retrieved February 2, 2012 from

    3 Allensworth, E. M., & Easton, J. Q. (2007). What matters for staying on-track and graduating in Chicago Public

    High Schools: A close look at course grades, failures, and attendance in freshman year. Retrieved on February 17,

    2011 from

    4For all of these prototypical cases, a major decline is defined as one standard deviation below the sample mean

    for true rate of growth. For mathematics achievement during the sixth to eighth grade period, this is equivalent to

    approximately .2 z-score points.

    5By substantially below average, we mean one standard deviation below the sample mean in true scores for fourth

    grade status. For mathematics achievement, this standard deviation is equivalent to approximately .92 z-score


    6National Center for Educational Statistics (2009).Nations Report Card. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of


    7E.g., Kieffer, M. J. (2011). Converging trajectories: Reading growth in language minority learners and their

    classmates, kindergarten to Grade 8.American Educational Research Journal, 48, 1157-1186.

    8Balfanz, R. (2009). Putting middle grades students on the graduation path: A policy and practice brief.Retrieved

    on December 17, 2010 from:


    Balfanz, R., Herzog, L., & Mac Iver, D. J. (2007). Preventing student disengagement and keeping students on the

    graduation path in the urban middle-grades schools: Early identification and effective interventions. EducationalPsychologist, 42(4), 223-235.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


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  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


    Michael J. Kieffe

    April 201

    Navigating the Middle Grades:

    Evidence from New York City

    Technical Appendix

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)


    Navigating the Middle Grades:

    A Descriptive Analysis of the Middle Grades inNew York City

    Technical Appendix

    Michael J. Kieffer

    Teachers College, Columbia University

    April 2012

    2012 Research Alliance for New York City Schools. All rights reserved. You may make copies of and distribute this work for non-

    commercial educational and scholarly purposes. For any other uses, including the making of derivative works, permission must be

    obtained from the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, unless fair use exceptions to copyright law apply.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    I. Methods .......................................................................................................1Sample .........................................................................................................1

    Measures ......................................................................................................1

    II. Data Analysis and Results .................................................................... 3

    Descriptives .............................................................................................................3Whos on track to graduate and why? Predicting High School Graduation based on Grade Nine

    Predictors ............................................................................................................... 4

    What do students grade four-eight achievement and attendance trajectories look like? ........... 4Does students grade four-eight achievement predict whos on track in grade nine? ...............11Does students grade four-eight attendance predict whos on track in grade nine? .................14

    Do particular demographic groups of students demonstrate middle-grades trajectories that are

    associated with being off-track in grade nine? ................................................................19Is middle grades performance equally predictive of later on-track status across ethnic and

    language groups? ....................................................................................................29

    Do these patterns hold across schools? .......................................................................32

    III. Exploratory Analysis of School Characterist ics .........................35

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    As noted in the main text, the analytic sample for the high school graduation analyses

    was the cohort of New York City students who were first-time ninth graders in the 2005-2006

    school year. The analytic sample for the middle grades analyses included four cohorts of

    students who were first-time fourth graders between the 2000-2001 and 2003-2004 school years.

    Our data cover the former cohorts progress through high school graduation and the latter

    cohorts progress through grade nine. We identified first-time fourth graders by selected students

    who were in grade four in the appropriate school year for their cohort, but were not in grade four

    during the previous school year. We conduct the middle grades analyses primarily with the

    entire population of students who ever appear in these four cohorts (N= 303,845), using full-

    information maximum likelihood to account for data missing due to attrition or other causes.

    This sample thus included all students, including students classified as English language learnersand students with disabilities. Descriptive statistics on the sample are displayed in Table 1

    below. We also checked results against an analyses using the subset of students with complete

    data (n= 169, 953), i.e., those who do not enter or exit the district at any point between grades

    four and nine, who progress through each grade annually, and who have complete data on the

    variables of interest; results were largely similar when analyses were conducted with this sub-

    sample, so the results for the complete sample are reported here.

    MeasuresHigh School Graduation.

    Students on-time graduation in the fourth year after they enrolled as first-time ninth

    graders was drawn from the DOEs Student Trackng System Dataset. Thus, graduation was

    defined as graduating within four years, so this variable equaled 0 for students who graduated

    later or completed a General Equivalency Diploma.

    Performance in Grade Nine.

    Measures of grade nine performance include credits earned over the course year, courses

    failed over the course of the year, and grade point average across the year, each drawn from the

    Course Detail Recordsfile. Measures of grade nine performance also included the total

    attendance rate, as a percent of days enrolled, drawn from the DOEs Student Tracking SystemDataset. Measures also included a dummy variable for whether a Regents exam was attempted

    and one for whether a Regents test was passed in grade nine.

    Achievement in Grades four-eight.

    Achievement in the areas of mathematics and reading/English-language arts was assessed

    using the New York State tests, with scores drawn from theNY State ELA and Math Test Score

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    file. Because the scale for these tests changed over the years of administration and were not

    vertically linked to be comparable across grade levels, scores were rescaled to be within-grade z-

    scores, based on the district means and standard deviations. This approach is not ideal for

    growth modeling because it subtracts out the normative trajectory for growth and assumes

    homogeneity of variance across time. However, given the limitations of the scaling of the test

    scores, it is more appropriate than using the original scaled scores. It also has benefits over using

    proficiency levels, in that it preserves the continuous nature of achievement, as opposed to

    arbitrarily dividing the distribution into discrete categories. Tests were taken annually, yielding

    one score per year.

    Attendance in Grades four-eight.

    Attendance was measured as a percent of the days enrolled for each semester, yielding

    two attendance rate values for each year. Attendance data were drawn from the DOEs

    Attendance System.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)




    Table 1:Means and standard deviat ions for ach ievement test sco res, attendance along

    with d emograph ics for th e analytic samp le (N = 303,845)

    Mean StandardDeviation

    Mathematics Achievement (within-gradez-scores)

    Grade 4 -0.02 1.01Grade 5 -0.06 1.03Grade 6 -0.08 1.04Grade 7 -0.10 1.06

    Grade 8 -0.15 1.09Reading Achievement (within-gradez-scores) Grade 4 -0.50 1.02

    Grade 5 -0.07 1.03Grade 6 -0.09 1.04Grade 7 -0.09 1.05

    Grade 8 -0.12 1.06Attendance (Percent of Days Enrolled) Fall, Grade 4 94.00 7.53

    Spring, Grade 4 92.91 8.25Fall, Grade 5 93.06 11.35

    Spring, Grade 5 92.14 9.06Fall, Grade 6 92.03 12.58Spring, Grade 6 91.05 10.91Fall, Grade 7 91.39 12.47Spring, Grade 7 89.64 12.64

    Fall, Grade 8 90.75 12.95

    Spring, Grade 8 87.08 13.88Percentage of Sample

    Race/ethnicity African-American 33.3%Asian 12.3%

    Hispanic 39.1%Native American 0.4%White 14.8%

    Language Background ELL in Grade 4 9.4%Language Minority 41.4%

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    Whos on track to graduate and why? Predicting High School Graduation based

    on Grade Nine Predictors

    Logistic regression was used to determine whether the grade nine measures predicted on-

    time high school graduation. As shown in Table 1, credits earned, courses failed, GPA,

    attendance rate, whether a Regents test was attempted, and whether a Regents test was passed allpredicted high school graduation. As mentioned in the main text, these predictors remain strong

    when controlling for students grade-eight test scores and for fixed effects of high school. These

    parameter estimates were used as relative weights for each measure in order to estimate a single

    on-track indicator that summarizes these predictive relationships for each student. These

    scores were then used in subsequent analyses.

    Table 2:

    Resul ts of Log ist ic Regression Predict ing On-t ime High School Graduat ion based

    on Grade (G) 9 PredictorsUnstandardized Estimate Wald


    Intercept -7.12 1605.62***G9 Credits Earned 0.31 3893.69***

    G9 Courses Failed -0.09 235.93***

    G9 Grade Point Average 0.03 211.09***

    G9 Annual Attendance Rate 0.03 675.88***G9 Regents Test Attempted 0.33 88.77***

    G9 Regents Test Passed 0.94 543.00***

    ***p < .001

    What do students grade four-eight achievement and attendance trajectories looklike?

    To address the question concerning the nature of students growth trajectories in

    achievement and attendance across grades four through eight, we fitted a series of piecewise

    unconditional growth models using latent growth modeling in a structural equation modeling(SEM) framework (Bollen & Curran, 2006). Piecewise models allow for nonlinear trajectories

    in which students demonstrate different rates of growth during different specified periods. They

    have the advantage of directly modeling true rates of growth (i.e., growth rates that are freed of

    occasion-specific measurement error) for each theoretically important period for which sufficient

    data points are available.

    Figure 1 displays a path diagram for the hypothesized unconditional piecewise growth

    model for attendance. As shown, students individual growth trajectories in attendance were

    specified to have an initial (Fall, grade four) status and four slopes representing growth in fourdistinct periods: Fall, grade four to Fall, grade five; Fall, grade five to Spring, grade six; Spring,

    grade six to Spring, grade seven; and Spring, grade seven to Spring, grade eight. Each slope was

    allowed to vary across children and the slopes were allowed to covary with one another and with

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    students initial (Fall, grade four) status. Inspection of empirical growth plots (Singer & Willett,

    2003) suggested that this piecewise model was appropriate to compare the population average

    growth trajectory as well as individual differences in the shape and elevation of students growthtrajectories. Fitting of various unconditional models also indicated that this model was superior

    to other theoretically viable specifications. It is worth noting that the second period is longer due

    to the number of measurement occasions; with ten occasions, a four-slope piecewise model isonly possible if one slope covers a longer period than the other three. Comparisons of alternate

    models indicated that this particular piecewise model, with a longer second period, fitted the data

    better than potential alternatives.

    As shown in Table 3, fitting the unconditional piecewise growth model for attendanceprovides insight into the average trajectory for attendance as well as individual variation around

    that trajectory. As shown in the second row of Table 3, students initial status, on average, was

    relatively high (approximately 94 percent of days enrolled) in the fall of grade four. As shown in

    the third through sixth rows of Table 2, each slope was negative, indicating declines inattendance on average, with the largest decline (a decline of 3 percent of days enrolled) occurring

    between spring of grade seven and spring of grade eight. The variance components displayed in

    the seventh through eleventh rows of Table 2 indicate that there was substantial variation instudents initial status and each rate of growth, with the largest variance occurring again between

    spring of grade seven and spring of grade eight. Together, these two findings suggest that this

    period involves not only the largest declines in attendance for all students but also the widestvariation in declines, with some students declining relative to other students to a much greater

    extent than in previous periods.

    In addition, this unconditional piecewise growth model provides insight into the

    relationship between early levels and later rates of growth in attendance. Correlations betweenstudents initial status and their rates of growth are displayed in the twelfth through fifteenth

    rows of the right column titled Selected Standardized Estimates. As shown, initial status had a

    moderately sized negative relationship with students rates of growth between fall, grade four

    and fall, grade five, but only trivially sized relationships with students rates of growth duringlater periods. This suggests that students levels of attendance prior to the middle grades

    provides little information for predicting the extent to which they will maintain or decline in

    attendance during the middle grades.

    Figure 2 displays a path diagram for the hypothesized unconditional piecewise growthmodel for mathematics achievement. As shown, students individual growth trajectories in

    mathematics achievement were specified to have an initial (grade four) status and two slopes

    representing growth in two distinct periods: grade four to grade six and grade six to grade eight.Each slope was allowed to vary across children and the slopes were allowed to covary with one

    another and with students initial (grade four) status. A parallel model with the same piecewise

    specification was fitted to reading/English-language arts achievement. Inspection of empiricalgrowth plots suggested that this model was appropriate for both mathematics achievement and

    reading/English-language arts achievement. Fitting of various unconditional models also

    indicated that this model was superior to other theoretically viable specifications for bothachievement outcomes.

    As shown in Table 4, fitting the unconditional piecewise growth model for mathematics

    and reading/English-language arts achievement provides insight into the levels and relative

    change in achievement for the average student in NYC schools. In interpreting these results, it is

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    important to recall that within-gradez-scores were used, in the absence of a more absolute

    developmental scaled score, so change represents students relative movements within the rank

    order rather than growth in a traditional sense. As shown in the second through fourth rows ofTable 4, estimates of initial status were close to the city average in grade four and average

    change was minimal, as we would expect given that the within-grade z-score scale eliminates

    average growth with increasing grade level. More interestingly, the variance componentsdisplayed in the fifth through seventh rows indicate much wider variation in initial (grade four)

    status (.86 within-grade SD) than in either rate of growth (.03 within-grade SDper year for both

    Slope 1 and Slope 2 in mathematics; .02 for both Slope 1 and Slope 2 in reading/English-

    language arts). This suggests that there is substantial stability in the rank-order of studentsachievement levels. For instance, a student with a high rate of growth in mathematics relative to

    the sample (i.e., 1 SDabove the mean in Slope 1) would only change in the rank-order by 0.17

    within-grade SDeach year; a student with an analogously high rate of growth in reading/ELAwould only change by 0.14 within-grade SD.

    These unconditional growth models of achievement also provide insight into the extent to

    which early levels of achievement predict later rates of growth, as shown in the eighth through

    eleventh rows and the fourth and sixth columns of Table 4. For both mathematics achievement,students initial (grade four) status had a trivially sized relationship with students later rates of

    growth (rs between -.01 and -.11). This should not be interpreted to mean that early levels do

    not strongly predict later levels of achievement; in fact, the previous findings above concerningstability of the rank-order suggests that they do. Rather, they suggest that growth trajectories are

    largely parallel, with students who start substantially higher in grade four demonstrating growth

    trajectories that neither increase nor decrease substantially than those of their peers.

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    Figure 1:

    Path diagram for hy pothesized piecewise l inear growth model for attendance

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    Figure 2:

    Path diagram for hypo thesized piecewise l inear grow th mo del for mathematics


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    Table 3:

    Selected Results for Unc ondit ion al Piecewis e Growth Mo del for Atten danc e (N = 303,845)

    Unstandardized Estimates Selected Standardized



    Initial (Fall, Grade 4) Status 93.95***

    Slope 1 (Fall, Grade 4 Fall, Grade 5) -1.32***

    Slope 2 (Fall, Grade 5 Spring, Grade 6) -0.67***

    Slope 3 (Spring, Grade 6 Spring, Grade 7) -1.28***Slope 4 (Spring, Grade 7 Spring, Grade 8) -3.01***



    Initial Status 49.45***

    Slope 1 40.44***

    Slope 2 17.60***

    Slope 3 45.84***

    Slope 4 88.49***Covariances Initial Status with Slope 1 -16.86*** -.38

    Initial Status with Slope 2 0.36** .01

    Initial Status with Slope 3 2.34*** .05Initial Status with Slope 4 0.02 .00

    Slope 1 with Slope 2 -9.20*** -.35

    Slope 1 with Slope 3 -1.55*** -.04Slope 1 with Slope 4 1.20*** .02

    Slope 2 with Slope 3 1.76*** .06

    Slope 2 with Slope 4 -2.12*** -.05

    Slope 3 with Slope 4 -13.80*** -.22

    Note: For the purposes of FIML, this model also included factors and indicates for mathematics and reading/ELA

    achievement and Grade 9 ontrack indicator score, which were allowed to covary with the latent growth factors for


    **p < .01; ***p < .001

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    Table 4:

    Selected Resul ts for Unco ndi t ional Piecewise Growth Models for Mathematics and Reading

    Ac hiev emen t (N = 303,845)

    Mathematics Achievement Reading/ELA Achievement








    Initial (Grade 4)Status

    -0.02*** -0.05***

    Slope 1 (Grade 4

    Grade 6)

    -0.03*** -0.02***

    Slope 2 (Grade 6

    Grade 8)

    -0.03*** -0.01***


    Initial Status 0.86*** 0.81***Slope 1 0.03*** 0.02***

    Slope 2 0.03*** 0.02***Covariances Initial Status with

    Slope 1-0.02*** -0.11 -0.01*** -.06

    Initial Status with

    Slope 2

    -0.01*** -0.07 -0.001 -.01

    Slope 1 with Slope 2 0.003*** 0.12 -0.01*** -.29

    Note: For the purposes of FIML, this model also included factors and indicates for attendance and Grade 9 ontrac

    indicator score, which were allowed to covary with the latent growth factors for mathematics and reading/ELA


    ***p < .001

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    Does students grade four-eight achievement predict whos on track in gradenine?

    Two SEM models were fitted to investigate whether variation in students levels and

    rates of relative change in achievement predict their grade nine indicator score. As shown in thepath diagram in Figure 3, the grade nine ontrack indicator for students probability of on-time

    high school graduation was regressed on the growth terms for the piecewise growth model formathematics achievement. A parallel model was fitted for reading/English-langauge artsachievement predicting the grade nine ontrack indicator.

    Table 5 displays the selected results of fitting this SEM model for mathematics

    achievement. As shown, initial status in mathematics has a strong relationship with the grade

    nine ontrack indicator. The two slopes in mathematics achievement also had moderate to largerelationships with the grade nine ontrack indicator, with the stronger relationship demonstrated

    by the later growth term, representing growth between grade six and grade eight. Together, these

    findings suggest that initial (grade four) status in achievement provides substantial informationfor later probability of high school graduation, but also that the extent to which students change

    during the middle grades also provides valuable information. In particular, growth during the

    middle grades is substantially more predictive of later probability of high school graduation than

    growth during the upper-elementary grades.

    Table 6 displays the selected results of fitting a second, analogous SEM model for

    reading/English-language arts achievement. As shown, initial status in reading/ELA has a strong

    relationship with the grade nine on-track indicator. The two slopes in reading/ELA achievement

    also had moderate relationships with the grade nine on-track indicator that were approximatelythe same as each other. As with mathematics achievement, these findings suggest that grade four

    levels of reading/ELA achievement provide substantial information to predict probability of later

    high school graduation, but also that changes during the middle grades provide valuableinformation. However, unlike mathematics achievement, changes during the middle grades were

    similarly predictive of later graduation as change during the upper-elementary grades.

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    Figure 4:

    Path diagram for h ypothesized structural equat ion m odel in which latent grow th

    in mathematics achievement predicts Grade 9 indicator for the pro babi l i ty of on-

    t ime high sch ool g raduat ion

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 5:Selected Resul ts from Structural Equat ion Model wi th Ini t ia l Status and Rates of Growth in

    Mathematics Ach ievement Pred icting Grade (G) 9 Ontrack Indicator Sc ore (N = 303,845)

    Paths Unstandardized


    Standardized Estimates

    Math Initial (Grade 4) Status G9 OntrackIndicator

    1.63*** .51

    Math Slope 1 (Grade 4 Grade 6) G9 Ontrack


    3.70*** .21

    Math Slope 2 (Grade 6 Grade 8) G9 Ontrack


    6.62*** .39

    Note: Model also included variances and intercepts for mathematics achievement initial status, slope 1, and slopeas well as residual variances for Grade 9 ontrack indicator score. For FIML purposes, model also included late

    growth factors for reading/ELA and attendance which were allowed to covary with mathematics growth terms an

    Grade 9 ontrack indicator.

    ***p < .001

    Table 6:Selected Resul ts from Structural Equat ion Model wi th Ini t ia l Status and Rates of Growth in

    Reading/Engl ish-Language A rts (ELA) Ach ievement Predict ing Grade (G) 9 Ontrack Indicator

    Sco re (N = 303,845)

    Paths UnstandardizedEstimates


    Reading/ELA Initial (Grade 4) Status G9 Ontrack


    1.51*** .47

    Reading/ELA Slope 1 (Grade 4 Grade 6) G9 Ontrack


    5.79*** .28

    Reading/ELA Slope 2 (Grade 6 Grade 8) G9 Ontrack


    6.79*** .33

    Note: Model also included variances and intercepts for reading/ELA achievement initial status, slope 1, and slop2 as well as residual variances for Grade 9 ontrack indicator score. For FIML purposes, model also included late

    growth factors for mathematics and attendance which were allowed to covary with reading/ELA growth terms an

    Grade 9 ontrack indicator.

    ***p < .001

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    Does students grade four-eight attendance predict whos on track in grade nine?

    A SEM model analogous to that fitted for the question above was fitted to investigate the

    extent to which levels and rates of growth in attendance predict students grade nine on-track

    probability of later high school graduation. As shown in Figure 4, grade nine on-track indicator

    score was regression on the intercept and four slope terms for the attendance growth model.Table 6 displays selected results for fitting this SEM model. As shown, students initial status in

    attendance had a strong relationship with their grade nine on-track indicator score and each of

    the four slope terms also had a moderate relationship with the grade nine on-track indicator. As

    with achievement, this finding indicates that students level of attendance in grade four provides

    information about whether they will be on track in grade nine for ultimately graduating from

    high school, but also that students growth or declines in attendance during the upper-elementary

    and middle grades provide additional information about whether they will be on track in grade

    nine. The magnitudes of the relationships between rates of growth and grade nine on-track

    indicator are largely similar across the different periods studied.To investigate the relative contributions of attendance and achievement during the middle

    grades to grade nine on-track indicator score, an additional SEM model that included regression

    paths between grade nine on-track indicator and the growth parameters for both attendance and

    achievement was fitted. This hypothesized model is displayed in Figure 5. Due to the high

    covariances among growth parameters for mathematics achievement and reading/ELA

    achievement, these were not modeled separately. Instead, a simple composite for achievement

    for each time point was estimated by averaging the z-scores for mathematics achievement and

    reading/ELA achievement; these then served as the indicators for a piecewise latent growth

    model for achievement as shown in Figure 5. Table 8 presents the results from fitting thismodel. As shown in the rightmost column, the standardized regression paths indicated that

    effects of both attendance and achievement initial levels and rates of growth remained robust

    when accounting for both simultaneously. These estimates are somewhat smaller than those

    presented in the attendance-only model in Table 7 and the achievement-only models in Tables 5

    and 6, but remain non-trivial in magnitude. Moreover, the finding that growth in attendance and

    achievement during the middle grades adds information beyond that provide by students initial

    status in these predictors continues to hold when both predictors are accounted for


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    Figure 4:

    Path diagram for hypothesized structural equation model for latent growth in

    attendance predicting Grade (G) 9 ontrack indicator for probability of high school


  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 7:Selected Resul ts from Structural Equat ion Model w i th Ini t ial Status and Rates of

    Grow th in Atten danc e Predictin g Grade (G) 9 Ontrack Indicator Sco re (N =


    Paths UnstandardizedEstimates StandardizedEstimates

    Attendance Initial (Fall, G4) Status G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    0.195*** .47

    Attendance Slope 1 (Fall, G4 Fall, G5) G9Ontrack Indicator

    0.175*** .38

    Attendance Slope 2 (Fall, G5 Spring, G6) G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    0.241*** .34

    Attendance Slope 3 (Spring, G6-Spring, G7)G9 Ontrack Indicator

    0.137*** .31

    Attendance Slope 4 (Spring, G7-Spring, G8)G9 Ontrack Indicator

    0.085*** .27

    Note: Model also included variances and intercepts for reading/ELA achievement initial status,slope 1, and slope 2 as well as residual variances for Grade 9 ontrack indicator score. For FIML

    purposes, model also included latent growth factors for mathematics and attendance which wereallowed to covary with reading/ELA growth terms and Grade 9 ontrack indicator.

    ***p < .001

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Figure 5:Path diagram for hy pothesized structural equat ion m odel in which latent grow th

    in achievement (s imple comp osi te of m athematics and reading/ELA achievement)

    and attendance predicts Grade 9 on -track indicator

    Note: Model also included measurement models for attendance as shown in Figure 1 and for

    achievement analogous to the model shown in Figure 2. Att = Attendance; Ach = Achievement


  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 8:Selected Resul ts from Structural Equat ion Model w i th Ini t ial Status and Rates of

    Growth in Bo th Attendanc e and Ac hievement Predict ing Grade (G) 9 Ontrack

    Indic ator Scor e (N = 303,805)

    Paths Unstandardized



    EstimatesAttendance Initial (Fall, G4) Status G9Ontrack Indicator

    0.13*** 0.30

    Attendance Slope 1 (Fall, G4 Fall, G5) G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    0.12*** 0.26

    Attendance Slope 2 (Fall, G5 Spring, G6) G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    0.16*** 0.22

    Attendance Slope 3 (Spring, G6-Spring, G7)G9 Ontrack Indicator

    0.09*** 0.21

    Attendance Slope 4 (Spring, G7-Spring, G8)G9 Ontrack Indicator

    0.07*** 0.21

    Achievement Composite Initial (G4) Status G9Ontrack Indicator 1.23*** 0.37

    Achievement Composite Slope 1 (G4-G6) G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    3.42*** 0.17

    Achievement Composite Slope 2 (G6-G8) G9

    Ontrack Indicator

    4.51*** 0.22

    Note: As shown in Figure 5, mnodel also included variances and intercepts for and covariancesamong all latent growth terms as well as a residual variance for Grade 9 ontrack indicator score.

    ***p < .001

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Do particular demographic groups of students demonstrate middle-gradestrajectories that are associated with being off-track in grade nine?

    Given the relationships between middle-grades trajectories (level and growth) in

    attendance and achievement with the later grade nine on-track indicator, we next investigatedwhether particular demographic characteristics including race/ethnicity and language background

    predict students middle-grades trajectories. Table 9 presents descriptive statistics onachievement and attendance by race/ethnicity group while Table 10 presents descriptive statisticson achievement and attendance by language backgrounds.

    Specifically, we fitted a series of SEM models in which demographic characteristics

    predicted initial status and slopes for attendance and achievement. Figure 5 presents the SEM

    model for ethnicity (represented as a series of dummy variables with White specified as thereference category) predicting initial status and piecewise rates of growth in attendance, while

    Figure 6 presents the analogous SEM model for each achievement outcome. Analogous models

    were fitted for language background (represented as a series of two dummy variables for Englishlanguage learner designated in grade four and Language Minority, non-ELL, with native English

    speakers specified as the reference category).

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 9:Means and standard deviat ions for achievement and attendance by race/ethnic i ty




    Asian (n= 37,329)

    Latino (n= 118,911)

    NativeAmerican (n

    = 1155)

    White(n =





    Grade 4 -0.28(0.90)



    -0.32 (0.98) 0.53(1.01)

    Grade 5 -0.34






    -0.40 (1.08) 0.50

    (0.96)Grade 6 -0.37






    -0.40 (1.05) 0.42


    Grade 7 -0.41(0.96)



    -0.47 (1.15) 0.44(0.98)

    Grade 8 -0.46






    -0.49 (1.08) 0.34




    Grade 4 -0.20(0.92) 0.41(1.08) -0.30(0.92) -0.30 (0.96) 0.53(1.08)Grade 5 -0.27






    -0.36 (0.99) 0.60

    (1.06)Grade 6 -0.28






    -0.36 (1.02) 0.48


    Grade 7 -0.29(0.95)



    -0.38 (1.02) 0.49(1.05)

    Grade 8 -0.33






    -0.41 (0.98) 0.44


    Attendance (Percent

    of Days Enrolled)


    Grade 4







    92.75 (8.95) 94.62


    Grade 4







    91.61 (9.30) 93.63


    Grade 5











    Spring,Grade 5







    Grade 6











    Spring,Grade 6






    Fall,Grade 7 90.32(13.38) 95.47(9.55) 90.66(12.51) 89.41(13.56) 92.50(11.22)Spring,

    Grade 7











    Fall,Grade 8







    Grade 8











  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 10:

    Means and standard deviat ions for achievement and attendance by language




    (n= 177,868)

    Language Minority,

    Non-ELL (n=98,083)

    ELLs in Grade

    4 (n= 28,572)


    Achievement (within-gradez-scores)

    Grade 4 -0.04 (0.98) 0.20 (0.98) -0.73 (0.99)

    Grade 5 -0.11 (1.00) 0.19 (1.00) -0.65 (1.07)Grade 6 -0.15 (1.00) 0.18 (1.03) -0.60 (1.08)

    Grade 7 -0.18 (1.03) 0.17 (1.05) -0.58 (1.08)

    Grade 8 -0.25 (1.03) 0.15 (1.11) -0.49 (1.06)Reading Achievement


    Grade 4 0.00 (1.00) 0.07 (0.97) -1.01 (0.89)

    Grade 5 -0.04 (1.03) 0.08 (0.96) -0.89 (0.97)

    Grade 6 -0.07 (1.02) 0.08 (0.99) -0.86 (0.98)

    Grade 7 -0.08 (1.03) 0.09 (1.00) -0.84 (1.04)Grade 8 -0.12 (1.04) 0.08 (1.04) -0.77 (0.96)

    Attendance (Percent of

    Days Enrolled)


    Grade 4

    93.41 (7.89) 95.07 (6.60) 93.98 (7.77)


    Grade 4

    92.03 (8.73) 94.33 (7.04) 93.50 (8.21)

    Fall,Grade 5

    92.50 (11.38) 94.13 (10.89) 92.78 (12.39)


    Grade 5

    91.27 (9.56) 93.59 (7.78) 92.74 (8.90)


    Grade 6

    91.37 (12.85) 93.29 (11.90) 91.89 (12.71)


    Grade 6

    90.12 (11.53) 92.65 (9.52) 91.56 (10.26)


    Grade 7

    90.66 (12.93) 92.78 (11.36) 91.22 (12.61)

    Spring,Grade 7

    88.63 (13.32) 91.45 (11.12) 89.87 (12.16)


    Grade 8

    89.99 (13.50 92.23 (11.67) 90.40 (13.09)

    Spring,Grade 8

    86.16 (14.52) 88.75 (12.48) 87.14 (13.68)

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Figure 5:

    Path diagram fo r hypo thesized latent growth in attendance predicted by

    racial /ethnic g roup

    Note: Model also included measurement model for attendance as shown in Figure 1. F= Fa

    S = Spring, G = Grade

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Figure 6:

    Path diagram for latent grow th in m athematics p redicted by racial/ethnic grou p

    Note: Model also included measurement model for achievement as shown in Figure 2.

    G = Grade

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 11 presents the results for attendance predicted by ethnic group while Table 12

    presents the results for achievement. As shown in Table 11, Native American, Latino, and

    African-American students all have notably lower initial (grade four ) status in attendance,

    compared to White students, while Asian students have notably higher grade four status.

    African-American students demonstrate steeper declines in each of the first three periods, but a

    less steep decline in the last period, compared to White students. Latino and Native American

    students demonstrate steeper declines during the middle two periods, spanning grade five to

    grade seven. Asian students have less steep declines in each of the four periods. It is worth

    noting that the residual variance for the final measurement occasion was set to 0 to avoid

    convergence problems. As shown in Table 12, Native America, Latino, and African-American

    students had substantially lower mathematics and reading/ELA achievement in grade four than

    their White peers (nearly 1 SDin each case). These gaps persist through grade eight as shown by

    the relatively trivial differences in rates of growth demonstrated by these three ethnic groups.

    These results are also illustrated in Figures 5-7 in the main text.

    Table 13 presents the results for attendance predicted by language background and Table

    14 presents the results for achievement. As shown in Table 9, ELLs had slightly higher

    attendance in grade four than their native English-speaking counterparts, and relatively similar

    rates of growth. In contrast, language minority learners who were not designated as ELLs had

    notably higher attendance rates in grade four and slightly less steep rates of decline, compared to

    native English speakers. As with the models for attendance by ethnicity, the residual variance

    for the final measurement occasion was set to 0 to avoid convergence problems in this model. In

    contrast, ELLs achievement was much slower than their counterparts, as shown in Table 14. As

    shown in the column marked Y-standardized estimates, the standardized difference between

    ELLs and their native English-speaking peers was of a SDfor mathematics achievement andnearly 9/10ths of a SDfor reading/ELA achievement in grade four. ELLs made notably

    improvements over time, as indicated by their more positive rates of growth in both the grade

    four-six and grade six-eight periods, but remain far below their peers as shown in Figures 9 and

    10 in the main text. Language minority learners who were not designated as ELLs had somewhat

    higher achievement in grade four in both mathematics and reading/ELA as well as slightly higher

    rates of growth in both periods.

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 11:

    Selected Resul ts for Piecewise Growth Model for A ttendance Predicted b y

    Race/Ethn icity (N = 303,699)


    Selected Y-StandardizedEstimates

    Fixed Effects Initial (Fall, Grade 4) Status Intercept (forWhite)


    Native American -1.89*** -0.27Asian 2.18*** 0.31

    Latino -1.12*** -0.16

    African-American -1.36*** -0.19

    Multiracial 0.13 0.02

    Unknown -2.40*** -0.34

    Slope 1 (Fall, Grade 4 Fall, Grade 5) Intercept (for



    Native American -0.10 -0.02

    Asian 0.64*** 0.10Latino 0.07 0.01

    African-American -0.14** -0.02

    Multiracial 0.14 0.02

    Unknown -1.45 -0.23Slope 2 (Fall, Grade 5 Spring, Grade6)

    Intercept (forWhite)


    Native American -0.79*** -0.19

    Asian 0.31*** 0.07

    Latino -0.30*** -0.07

    African-American -0.26*** -0.06

    Multiracial -1.32* -0.32Unknown 0.81 0.20

    Slope 3 (Spring, Grade 6 Spring,

    Grade 7)

    Intercept (for



    Native American -0.78* -0.12

    Asian 0.31*** 0.05

    Latino -0.89*** -0.13

    African-American -0.82*** -0.12

    Multiracial -0.83 -0.12Unknown -3.63* -0.53

    Slope 4 (Spring, Grade 7 Spring,Grade 8)

    Intercept (forWhite)


    Native American 0.16 0.02

    Asian 0.40*** 0.04

    Latino 0.10 0.01

    African-American 0.38*** 0.04

    Multiracial 2.23* 0.24

    Unknown 2.50 0.27VarianceComponents

    Initial Status 48.74***

    Slope 1 41.54***

    Slope 2 17.38***

    Slope 3 46.08***

    Slope 4 89.01***

    Note: Model also included residual covariances among the latent growth terms as in the unconditional growth model. *p < .05;

    **p < .01; ***p < .001

  • 8/13/2019 Navigating the Middle Grades (2012)



    Table 12:

    Selected Resul ts for Piecewise Growth Model for Mathematics and

    Reading/Engl ish- language Arts Ach ievement Predicted by Race/Ethnic i ty (N =


    Mathematics (N= 296,323) Reading/ELA (N= 294,863)



    Selected Y-





    Selected Y-



    Fixed Effects Initial



    Intercept (for


    0.54*** 0.56***



    -0.86*** -0.94 -0.86*** -0.96

    Asian 0.10*** 0.10 -0.13*** -0.14

    Latino -0.75*** -0.81 -0.83*** -0.93

    African-American -0.81*** -0.88 -0.76*** -0.85

    Multiracial -0.34*** -0.37 -0.25*** -0.28

    Unknown -0.47*** -0.52 -0.44*** -0.49

    Slope 1



    Intercept (for


    -0.04*** -0.02***



    0.01 0.07 0.004 0.03

    Asian 0.08*** 0.51 0.05*** 0.33

    Latino 0.02*** 0.15 0.02*** 0.17



    0.003 0.02 -0.01*** -0.08

    Multiracial 0.05 0.32 0.008 0.06

    Unknown -0.001 -0.01 0.003 0.02Slope 2



    Intercept (for


    -0.03*** -0.02***



    0.00 -0.001 0.01 0.04

    Asian 0.09*** 0.52 0.05*** 0.35

    Latino 0.005* 0.03 0.01*** 0.09



    -0.002 -0.01 0.01** 0.04

    Multiracial 0.00 0.04 0.07* 0