national voting record aug. 10

For the week ending Aug. 7 N N Planned Parenthood: Senators failed, 53 -46, to reach 60 votes for advancing a bill (S 1881) to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit that provides health care, including abortion and other reproductive services, at 700 clinics in the U. S. A yes vote supported the funding cutoff. The House and Senate are in recess until Sept. 8. They face a Sept. 17 deadline for voting on whether to disapprove of the nuclear deal with Iran, and a Sept. 30 deadline for completing work on fiscal 2016 appropriations bills or, failing that, passing a stopgap budget to keep the government fully in operation. KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2015 Thomas Voting Reports

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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National Voting record Aug. 10


For theweekendingAug. 7N NPlanned Parenthood: Senators failed, 53-46, to reach 60 votes for advancing a bill (S1881) to end federal funding of PlannedParenthood, a nonprofit that provides healthcare, including abortion and otherreproductive services, at 700 clinics in the U.S. A yes vote supported the funding cutoff. The House and Senate are in recess until Sept. 8. They face a Sept.17 deadline for voting on whether to disapprove of the nuclear deal withIran, and a Sept. 30 deadline for completing work on fiscal 2016appropriations bills or, failing that, passing a stopgap budget to keep thegovernment fully in operation.KEY VOTES AHEAD2015 Thomas Voting