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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence COMP 3501 / COMP 4704-4 Lecture 1 Prof. Nathan Sturtevant JGH 318 Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Lecture Overview • What is AI? • AI History • Views/goals of AI • Course Overview Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence • As humans we have intelligence • But what is intelligence? • What does it mean to build artificial intelligence? AI Definitions Thinking Humanly “[The automation of] activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning…” (Bellman, 1978) Thinking Rationally “The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act.” (Winston, 1992) Acting Humanly “The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people.” (Kurzweil, 1990) Acting Rationally “AI…is concerned with intelligent behavior in artifacts.” (Nilsson, 1998)

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Page 1: Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligencesturtevant/ai-f11/Lecture01.pdfNathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Commercial Success (1980 - present)

Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceCOMP 3501 / COMP 4704-4Lecture 1

Prof. Nathan SturtevantJGH 318

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Lecture Overview

• What is AI?

• AI History

• Views/goals of AI

• Course Overview

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

• As humans we have intelligence

• But what is intelligence?

• What does it mean to build artificial intelligence?

AI Definitions

Thinking Humanly“[The automation of] activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning…”

(Bellman, 1978)

Thinking Rationally“The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act.”

(Winston, 1992)

Acting Humanly“The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people.”

(Kurzweil, 1990)

Acting Rationally“AI…is concerned with intelligent behavior in artifacts.”

(Nilsson, 1998)

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

AI Test: The Turing Test

• Alan Turing, 1950

• Are there imaginable digital computers which would do well in the imitation game?

Acting humanly: The Turing test

Turing (1950) “Computing machinery and intelligence”:! “Can machines think?” "# “Can machines behave intelligently?”! Operational test for intelligent behavior: the Imitation Game




! Predicted that by 2000, a machine might have a 30% chance offooling a lay person for 5 minutes

! Anticipated all major arguments against AI in following 50 years! Suggested major components of AI: knowledge, reasoning, language

understanding, learning

Problem: Turing test is not reproducible, constructive, oramenable to mathematical analysis

Chapter 1 4

Loebner Prize 2009

2010 Entry fooled 1 human

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

What does the Turing test require?

• Natural Language Processing

• Knowledge Representation

• Automated Reasoning

• Machine Learning

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Possible Approaches

• Cognitive Modeling

• Define “Laws of Thought”

• Rational Agents

• A rational agent is one that acts so as to achieve the best outcome or best expected outcome.

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

AI involves work from

• Philosophy

• Mathematics

• Economics

• Neuroscience

• Psychology

• Computer Engineering

• Control Theory

• Linguistics

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

A history of AI

• Darthmouth conference (1956)

• 10 attendees spend two months discussing AI

• John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon, Arthur Samuel, Allen Newell, Herbert Simon

• From MIT, CMU, Stanford and IBM

• Newell and Simon had already developed a logical reasoning program

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

A history of AI (1952-1969)

• It seems like AI can do anything:

• General Problem Solver; imitates human thinking

• Newell and Simon

• Checkers program by Samuel learns to play

• LISP invented by John McCarthy

• Minsky & students work on small problems requiring intelligence

• Early work on learning and perceptrons

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Reality (1966-1973)

• Program previously only run on very small problems

• Complexity theory develops proving “hard” problems

• Perceptrons shown to have learning limitations

• AI research nearly killed in the UK

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge-based systems (1969-1979)

• Knowledge from experts distilled into rules

• First systems enhanced by human expertise

• MYCIN system diagnosed blood infections at the level of experts (450 rules)

• Many specialized representations and reasoning languages

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Commercial Success (1980 - present)

• Many commercial companies started using AI techniques internally

• A DEC program helped configure new orders

• Saved ~$40 million a year

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

The scientific method (1986-present)

• Neural networks come back into favor

• Add-hoc methods start to drop away

• New work borrows ideas from mathematics and statistics providing a stronger foundation

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent agents & large data sets

• Architectures such as SOAR use many agents for simulating behavior

• The internet provided a rich application domain

• Internet also provides very large data sets

• Plurality of examples allows simple learning algorithms

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

State of Art

• Robotic cars: DARPA grand challenge

• Speech recognition: commonly used for phone systems

• Autonomous planning: performed on spacecraft

• Game playing: Deep Blue & Watson

• Spam Fighting: Learning algorithms classify spam

• Logistics: 1991 Persian Gulf planned automatically

• DARPA states this paid off all investments in AI

• Machine Translation: Reasonable automatic translation

Homework:Russell and NorvigChapter 1, questions 1.11; 1.12; 1.13Due before lecture Wednesday

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent Agents

• Definitions:

• Environment

• Sensors

• Actuators

• An agent perceives the environment via sensors and acts on environment through actuators

• A percept describes an agents inputs

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


• Agent → f(percepts)

• If percepts are finite, we can measure the agent behavior exactly and write it into a table

• Internally an agent will have some program to implement its own behavior

• This could just be a table

• But, could be something more complex

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Example: Vacuum World

• Percepts:

• Actions:Vacuum-cleaner world


Percepts: location and contents, e.g., [A, Dirty]

Actions: Left, Right, Suck, NoOp

Chapter 2 5

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Example: Vacuum World

• Percepts: Location, contents

• Actions: Left, right, suck, no-opVacuum-cleaner world


Percepts: location and contents, e.g., [A, Dirty]

Actions: Left, Right, Suck, NoOp

Chapter 2 5

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Rational Agents

• How can you measure the rationality of an agent?

• What are the consequences of behavior?

• Evaluate state of the environment

• Different measures result in different performance

• Maximize dirt cleaned up

• Maximize average cleanliness

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


• Depends on:

• The performance measure

• The agent’s prior knowledge of the environment

• The actions that the agent can perform

• The agent’s percept/sensor sequence to date

• For each possible percept sequence, a rational agent should select an action that is expected to maximize its performance measure, given the evidence provided by the percept sequence and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has.

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Example: Vacuum world

• Performance:

• 1 point per each clean square per time step

• Environment:

• Environment known; dirt not

• Actions:

• Left, right, suck

• Sensors:

• 100% Reliable

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Environment types

• Fuller observable vs. partially observable

• Single agent vs. multiagent

• Deterministic vs. stochastic

• Episodic vs. sequential

• Static vs. dynamic

• Discrete vs. continuous

• Known vs. unknown

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Agents as programs

• Agents take current percepts as input

• Return an action to perform

• Agent must remember full sequence of actions if necessary (Markov)

• Building full table of actions is not practical

• Four basic agent types

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Simple reflex agents

• Reflex agent only uses current percept

• 4 possibilities vs 4T including history

• Behavior is composed of if-then rules

• if [status == dirty] then return suck

• Only works if environment is fully observable

• Not if we need to correlate two percepts in time to know something

Simple reflex agents




What the worldis like now

What action Ishould do nowCondition−action rules


Chapter 2 20

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Model-based reflex agents

• Agent maintains internal state which reflects beliefs about the world

• Requires model of environment & actions

• Upon receiving percept, agent updates state model

• Acts reflexively according to state model

Reflex agents with state




What action Ishould do now


How the world evolves

What my actions do

Condition−action rules


What the worldis like now

Chapter 2 22

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Goal-based agents

• Reflexive agents have rules for a single task

• What if the task changes?

• Use model of the environment to predict the future

• Find action sequence which converts the current state to the goal state

• Partially encompasses search and planning

Goal-based agents




What it will be like if I do action A

What action Ishould do now


How the world evolves

What my actions do



What the worldis like now

Chapter 2 24

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Utility-based agent

• Goals alone produce solutions but don’t measure solution quality

• Utility is a generic measure of quality

• Not required for rational behavior

• But rational behavior can be described with utilities

• Most search/planning also uses utilities

Utility-based agents




What it will be like if I do action A

How happy I will be in such a state

What action Ishould do now


How the world evolves

What my actions do



What the worldis like now

Chapter 2 25

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


• Each approach can be enhanced with learning

• “Critic” can provide feedback

• Utilities can be the basis of rewards used for feedback

• Learning may change rules or their expected utilities

Learning agentsPerformance standard




Performance element


knowledgelearning goals

Problem generator


Learning element



Chapter 2 26

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Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Environment/Agent Representation

• World can be atomic (opaque)

• Black box operated on by actions

• World can be factored

• Represented by variables and values

• World can be structured

• Represented by the ideas of objects and their relationships

Nathan Sturtevant Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


• AI is a field which is interested in rational agents

• Rational agents attempt to maximize their payoff

• Agents act in external environments

• Different agent architectures

• Different environment representations