natalee holloway aruba curacao and the antille coverup.. document transcript

Natalee Holloway Aruba Curacao & Antilles’ Coverup Commentary and transcript February 2013 It’s an absolute tragedy what happened to that Alabama teen. As the Holloway story recedes further away from our thoughts and those of the mainstream media, let us think about how and why the Aruban approach was handled in such an unusually callous manner. Aruba and Curacao are now independent of the Antilles but still under Dutch rule. The Judges who hand down decisions on those Islands are directly out of Holland and have etiquette where they are not to intermingle too personally with the locals keeping themselves from being influenced. If you spend any time on the Island beyond that one week escape you begin to envision a different manner about these people. The younger workers are rather laid back like most Island people but also carry an air of cynicism and lack of enthusiasm uncommon to many who live in what would be considered a paradise. The attitude of many of the workers is reflected best when you go to the local stores and stand in line for what seems like eternity waiting for what would appear to be simple procedures. Many times in some of the stores you will see workers standing and talking but you have to chase them down as they scatter while you are seeking help. If you have to deal with Dimas their immigration service you become quite astounded at the hurdles and runaround that you are presented with for what seems like very simple procedures that could easily be expedited. If you are an American and use to that type service you will be exasperated and brought to the point of anger as it looks to be almost intentional.

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Page 1: Natalee Holloway Aruba Curacao and the Antille coverup.. document transcript

Natalee Holloway Aruba Curacao

& Antilles’ Coverup Commentary and transcript February 2013 It’s an absolute tragedy what happened to that Alabama teen. As the Holloway story recedes further away from our thoughts and those of the mainstream media, let us think about how and why the Aruban approach was handled in such an unusually callous manner. Aruba and Curacao are now independent of the Antilles but still under Dutch rule. The Judges who hand down decisions on those Islands are directly out of Holland and have etiquette where they are not to intermingle too personally with the locals keeping themselves from being influenced.

If you spend any time on the Island beyond that one week escape you begin to envision a different manner about these people. The younger workers are rather laid back like most Island people but also carry an air of cynicism and lack of enthusiasm uncommon to many who live in what would be considered a paradise. The attitude of many of the workers is reflected best when you go to the local stores and stand in line for what seems like eternity waiting for what would appear to be simple procedures. Many times in some of the stores you will see workers standing and talking but you have to chase them down as they scatter while you are seeking help. If you have to deal with Dimas their immigration service you become quite astounded at the hurdles and runaround that you are presented with for what seems like very simple procedures that could easily be expedited. If you are an American and use to that type service you will be exasperated and brought to the point of anger as it looks to be almost intentional.

The younger generation is telling you something. After spending time talking with these youth they present a picture of subtle futility or as one said “what is the use of trying.” Most kids on that Island are sent off to College right out of High School to Holland or the US and few return. Those that stay are faced with what seems like a system in place where there is a ceiling that even if you work hard and succeed there will be someone there to cut you back down. The cash businesses that you pay for have to be watched closely as they will tell you one thing and not deliver. Many of these are Columbian or Venezuela native run who have immigrated or are illegals working to eat and survive. The Aruban adults are quite gracious and hospitable. They are much like the Ozzie and Harriet’s of the US in the ‘60’s. They would remind you of the Midwest farm families always with open doors and help you at the very moment you are in need.

These adults also carry an air of caution about certain topics that are taboo and rarely spoken about. Unless you are in Business or come into contact with the Banking sector of

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this Island you will miss what is at the crux of the issue they are facing. When Natalee met her tragic end here it really could have happened anywhere. What has brought so much attention to this tragedy is the way the investigation was handled by the people who were presented as the face of Aruba and saddled with the aftermath. It’s not unusual for an Island that relies on Tourism to be cautious about this type of story and the light that would be shown on them through the world press. What is unusual is the approach that was engaged. You see these people are very highly educated. Many speak four or more languages quite fluently. It is not their manner as a people not to care for this teenager or her family.

How did that decision happen where an educated loving people on “One Happy Island” decide that it would be best to stonewall and put up a front that there’s no body no crime? It simply doesn’t make sense. Natalee was obviously there. There were classmates with her and actual pictures of her last night there at Carlos’ and Charlie’s. There was never really any question who she was with when she was last seen alive. What was the issue that would lead to such an act of obvious stonewalling? What should be asked is who was making the decisions and from that you maybe can deduct what maybe the real reason for the stonewalling. There was never any real question if she was there and who she was with yet Vandersloot was let go? The faces the authorities put in front of the cameras were all carrying the same uneasy approach as if they were being pushed to present a story that was not complete yet they were being told what to say. None of it looked true but surreal to those watching or present. From that the press began to probe and dig deeper. It made those in the decision making positions very uneasy. Soon there was a move to present that every rock had been overturned and there is simply nothing here, go home and we’ll call you if we find anything.

Why do you as an Island supposedly built on Tourism put on such a front of stonewalling where the results are immediately obvious to those watching that it was damaging the image of the Island yet stay with that approach even to this day? Now that Vandersloot has been caught after a second murder where the blood on his hands can be tied to the stonewalling of the authorities of Aruba and his release their posture is still “One Happy Island”? To this day Aruba tourism has never returned to the levels it enjoyed prior to the Natalee tragedy.

It has to be something bigger than a Blonde teenager was murdered as there was never really any question that something happened tragically to her. The authorities were hiding something and it wasn’t the murder as it had already obviously had been committed. Unless you are an outsider with an escape route that gives you freedom to speak you would never be allowed within this system to talk about it. After reading the written stories of the local business people you begin to understand there is a deceitful shadow system that is in place that seems to control Commerce, Government, and Education, most of

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the Media and all important areas where decisions are made that is robbing the Island and its economy that directly affects the people of Aruba and possibly the Antilles. The critical decisions seem to originate out of the Netherlands. The Banking sector looks to have a controlled monopoly as the only source for funds. In that atmosphere anyone looking to enter into a business venture is relegated to their standard loan requirements of a personal guarantee on all loans regardless of the equity you have as a security.

The American investors have given me access to some of the evidence. There seems to be an overwhelming case in this information that the Banking system and how it operates in Aruba and probably the Antilles is miles apart from how Banks in the western World and European countries operate. From the evidence you can see that Aruba Bank acted in a manner that in the US would be considered questionable right from the beginning. There continued pursuit of the plaintiff and collateral even to this day in the face of evidence that seems to implicate them in multiple acts of alleged Banking fraud and alleged collusion with the Renaissance with complete disregard of the law and contracts indicate they maybe above the law or are the law.

How can one Bank in a country act in this manner without attracting the attention of the regulatory authorities designed to keep entities that are powerful such as Banks from stepping over the line? The truth is hidden to the borrower until they are already involved and tied to a contract they have no way out of. In this case Aqua Spa and its investors always assumed that there were reasonable laws, an ethical Central Banking authority watching over the system, an adequate judicial system in place to protect them and attorneys that would judicially present the truth. It’s something you really shouldn’t need to question in a western world country such as Aruba or Curacao.

In the Natalee Holloway cover up there was an indicator to the outside world that something wasn’t right there on that Island of Aruba. Here lies the dirty little secret that outsiders are not supposed to know and insiders keep silent about for their own safety. This country is suspected from the evidence provided to have an alleged criminal Business Banking system allegedly run out of the Netherlands designed to steal the wealth of anyone who enters into a contract with any of these entities on this Island and possibly the rest of the Antilles. It is tapping the Island, its people and the resources coming out of the Netherlands. The system in place allegedly runs all Business and Banks. It assures that no financial institution enters their system unless they

play by their rules. All interest rates are the same across the board with no competition, there are few and very lose regulations that govern the loans and protective language for that of the borrower. They look to control the temporary political people that are elected who become subject to their authority upon taking office. All laws and regulations

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especially around Banking are subject not to standard western world Banking procedures and law but to their desire. All Government contracts are at their discretion and go to those who are in their favor. All attorneys on that Island are part of their system and if they want to have business must play by their rules or are frozen out.

When the American investors began to investigate they were faced with the same type of stonewalling as those that were searching for answers about Natalee. You see the locals are fearful of their wellbeing and those of their loved ones because the Banking- Business system that controls commerce also controls their lives. The Police, all Government Departments, Schools, Hospitals, the judicial system, the potential jobs your kids could have when they return and others are under their complete control. This for the locals is like being in an internment camp or prison where you are at the mercy of those that stand guard over you waiting for you to step out of place.

In that atmosphere those pushed in front of the TV and other media in the days immediately following the disappearance of Natalee were not allowed to speak freely. They were reduced to solders speaking for a system in place that controlled their lives. They could not state the truth but were given specific things to say all designed to protect the system. Through their presentation the system was allowed to stay intact, the Truth suffers the most as one lie begets another and the real decision makers allegedly in the Netherlands and their money stream remains in place. Their main money stream is rumored to originate from the Drugs shipped through their duty free container ports, Guns and contraband that return to South America from Europe and the money laundering that all Banks in the Caribbean are enticed with.

It will be the judicial system that will decide what happens to Aruba, Curacao and Antilles. It must rise to a tolerable level of integrity and take its rightful place where all countries that call themselves a Democracy reside. As long as this Banking Cartel allegedly directed out of the Netherlands stays in control and accepted Banking procedures and regulations are disregarded, do not look for any change. If the rumored main money source is the laundering than the tourism and those that work in it will suffer but the real money stream will stay intact as “One Happy Island” and its imprisoned population is kept under that veiled threat “don’t tell anyone what is happening here or you will face the consequences!” Aruba Curacao and the Antilles greatest days are ahead. Changes must take place before the true soul of this Island’s people will be revealed. The truth will set you free. Speak it.