narrative text b.inggris

 Mouse deer And Crocodile Narrative fable – Mouse deer and Crocodiles: Once upon time there were a smart mouse deer . He lived near a river .  he mouse deer used to !o to the river to drink. One day" the mouse deer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the river but he knew that crocodiles were stayin! and waitin! underwater to eat him. Hi tho u!ht hard and !ot bri!ht idea. He said out loudly . #$ will put in my le! and %nd out whether the water is warm or not& Of course the mouse deer did not do what he said. He did not put his le! but the mouse deer took a wood stick and put one end into the water. 'lurrr() *urely a crocodile !rabbed the wood stick and pulled it underwater . *eein! that" the mouse deer lau!hed and said #*tupid crocodile) Can+t you see the di,erence between a wood stick and a le!-& hen the mouse deer ran to another side of the river and drink some water. On the followin! day" the mouse deer was hun!ry . He wanted to eat some !rass on the side of the river so he had to to cross the dan!erous river which was full of crocodiles. A!ain he thou!ht hard and found anothe r smart idea and said loudly #Crocodi les come up)& then some crocodiles rose from the wa ter . hey looked happy and saw their sharp te eth and said #Hello" Mouse eer. o you come to be my lunch- /e are hun!ry& he mouse deer 0ust smiled and replied. #*orry" Crocodiles" not today" $ come to you to brin! an invitation from the kin!. 1 ou are invited to the party . he kin! ordered me to coun t all crocodiles in this river so he knew how to prepare enou!h meal for you.& All the crocodiles felt happy and said #2eally(- ell us what to do"& said a crocodile. #1 ou have to line up from this side o f the river to the other side"& said the mouse deer . Not lon! after that the crocodile !ot all his friends and family. He ordered to lined up across the river. the mouse deer then 0umped on the Crocodile+s back. #One"& the mouse deer counted. He 0umped onto the ne3t crocodile" # wo.& And he

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Mouse deer And Crocodile

Narrative fable – Mouse deer and

Once upon time there were a smart mouse deer. He lived near a river. he mouse deer used to !o to the river to drink.One day" the mouse deer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the riverbut he knew that crocodiles were stayin! and waitin! underwater to

eat him. Hi thou!ht hard and !ot bri!ht idea. He said out loudly. #$ willput in my le! and %nd out whether the water is warm or not& Ofcourse the mouse deer did not do what he said. He did not put his le!but the mouse deer took a wood stick and put one end into the water.'lurrr() *urely a crocodile !rabbed the wood stick and pulled itunderwater. *eein! that" the mouse deer lau!hed and said #*tupidcrocodile) Can+t you see the di,erence between a wood stick and ale!-& hen the mouse deer ran to another side of the river and drinksome water.On the followin! day" the mouse deer was hun!ry. He wanted to eat

some !rass on the side of the river so he had to to cross thedan!erous river which was full of crocodiles. A!ain he thou!ht hardand found another smart idea and said loudly #Crocodiles come up)&then some crocodiles rose from the water. hey looked happy and sawtheir sharp teeth and said #Hello" Mouse eer. o you come to be mylunch- /e are hun!ry& he mouse deer 0ust smiled and replied.#*orry" Crocodiles" not today" $ come to you to brin! an invitation fromthe kin!. 1ou are invited to the party. he kin! ordered me to count allcrocodiles in this river so he knew how to prepare enou!h meal for

you.&All the crocodiles felt happy and said #2eally(- ell us what to do"&said a crocodile. #1ou have to line up from this side of the river to theother side"& said the mouse deer. Not lon! after that the crocodile !otall his friends and family. He ordered to lined up across the river. themouse deer then 0umped on the Crocodile+s back. #One"& the mousedeer counted. He 0umped onto the ne3t crocodile" #wo.& And he

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 0umped a!ain on the ne3t crocodile" #hree.& he kept 0umpin! until hearrived on the other side of the river. #4ust enou!h"& said the mousedeer. #$ have counted all of you& He lau!hed and ran to the %eld of!rass.

Answer the 5uestions below this)6. /hat is the title of the above story-7. /ho are the characters that e3ist in the te3t-8. How the character of the deer -9..


Narrative ;airy ales – Cinderella *tory

Once upon a time" there was a youn! !irl named Cinderella. *he livedwith her step mother and two step sisters.

 he step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. heytreated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do thehardest works in the house< such as scrubbin! the =oor" cleanin! thepot and pan and preparin! the food for the family. he two stepsisters" on the other hand" did not work about the house. heir mother!ave them many handsome dresses to wear.One day" the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that thekin!+s son was !oin! to !ive at the palace. hey were e3cited aboutthis and spent so much time choosin! the dresses they would wear. Atlast" the day of the ball came" and away went the sisters to it.Cinderella could not help cryin! after they had left.#/hy are cryin!" Cinderella-& a voice asked. *he looked up and sawher fairy !odmother standin! beside her" #because $ want so much to

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!o to the ball& said Cinderella. #/ell& said the !odmother"&you+vebeen such a cheerful" hardworkin!" uncomplainin! !irl that $ am !oin!to see that you do !o to the ball&.Ma!ically" the fairy !odmother chan!ed a pumpkin into a %ne coachand mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her !odmother tapped

Cinderella+s ra!ed dress with her wand" and it became a beautiful ball!own. hen she !ave her a pair of pretty !lass slippers. #Now"Cinderella&" she said< #1ou must leave before midni!ht&. hen awayshe drove in her beautiful coach.Cinderella was havin! a wonderfully !ood time. *he danced a!ain anda!ain with the kin!+s son. *uddenly the clock be!an to strike twelve"she ran toward the door as 5uickly as she could. $n her hurry" one ofher !lass slipper was left behind.A few days later" the kin!+ son proclaimed that he would marry the !irlwhose feet %tted the !lass slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper

but it was too small for them" no matter how hard they s5uee>ed theirtoes into it. $n the end" the kin!+s pa!e let Cinderella try on the slipper.*he stuck out her foot and the pa!e slipped the slipper on. $t %ttedperfectly.;inally" she was driven to the palace. he kin!+s son was over0oyed tosee her a!ain. hey were married and live happily ever after.

The Goose and The Golden Eggs

Once a farmer went to the nest of his !oose and found there an e!!"

all yellow and shiny. /hen he picked it up" it was heavy as a rock. 6

He was about to throw it away because he thou!ht that someone was

playin! a trick on him. 7 'ut on second thou!ht" he took it home" anddiscovered to his deli!ht that it was an e!! of pure !old)

He sold the e!! for a lot of money. ?very mornin! the !oose laid

another !olden e!!" and the farmer soon became rich by sellin! the


As he !rew rich" he also !rew !reedy. @ #/hy should $ have to wait to

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!et only one e!! a day-& he thou!ht. #$ will cut open the !oose and

take all the e!!s out of her at once.&

/hen the !oose heard the farmer+s plan" she = ew away to a nearby

farm. *o when the farmer came out the ne3t day" do you know what

he found in the !oose+s nest- Nothin!.

Moral: *omeone who wants more often loses all. /hen you want

somethin!" be patient. $f you are !reedy" you mi!ht lose what you

already have.

A Fox and A Cat

One day a cat and a fo3 were havin! a conversation. he fo3" who wasa conceited creature" boasted how clever she was. B/hy" $ know at

least a hundred tricks to !et away from our mutual enemies" the

do!s"B she said.

B$ know only one trick to !et away from do!s"B said the cat. B1ou should

teach me some of yours)B

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B/ell" maybe some day" when $ have the time" $ may teach you a few

of the simpler ones"B replied the fo3 airily.

 4ust then they heard the barkin! of a pack of do!s in the distance. he

barkin! !rew louder and louder the do!s were comin! in their

direction) At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its

branches" well out of reach of any do!. Bhis is the trick $ told you

about" the only one $ know"B said the cat. B/hich one of your hundred

tricks are you !oin! to use-B

 he fo3 sat silently under the tree" wonderin! which trick she should

use. 'efore she could make up her mind" the do!s arrived. hey fell

upon the fo3 and tore her to pieces.

Moral : A sin!le plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful


King of the jungle and a little mouse

Doo!le $ma!e

$n the !lorious forest" there lived a lion" the kin! of the 0un!le. His

name was *amlawi. One day" he was havin! a nap under the throne

when a little mouse woke him up. *am was very annoyed" then he

picked up the little mouse and threatened to eat him.

#Elease for!ive me" my Fin!. $ didn+t mean to wake you up. $f you free

me" one day $ will do an important thin! for you&" he be!!ed the kin!.

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#/hat) /hat did you say- A little thin! like you will do it for me- Ha))

 1ou+re very funny&" *am lau!hed at him. hen *am !ot the little

mouse free because he thou!ht that the little mouse did not even

taste !ood for his dinner.