napoleon builds an empire geller world history

Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History

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Page 1: Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History

Napoleon Builds An EmpireGellerWorld History

Page 2: Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History
Page 3: Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History

“I grew up on the field of battle and a man such as I am cares little for the life of a million men.” –Napoleon Bonaparte

Page 4: Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History

The Map of Europe is Redrawn

Napoleon annexed (incorporated into his empire) the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Germany

Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire

He placed his own brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on the throne of Spain

The rulers of Austria, Prussia and Russia called him the “Corsican ogre.”

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Page 6: Napoleon Builds An Empire Geller World History

Napoleon Strikes Britain

Britain was the only major European country to escape Napoleon’s control

In 1805, Napoleon tried to invade England and was defeated by Admiral Horatio Nelson

Napoleon then tried a blockade of Britain

Blockade: shutting off ports to keep people or supplies from moving in or out.

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Europe’s Blockade Failed

During the blockade, British and French boats captured neutral ships on the Atlantic ocean

This eventually led to the War of 1812

Napoleon’s blockade eventually failed

The trade restrictions created scarcity in Europe

Scarcity causes prices to increase

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Nationalism in FranceNationalism: an extreme love for one’s own country

Nationalism spread among the French people during Napoleon’s reign

However, nationalism also spread to other European countries

This caused many revolts against France

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Napoleon Invades Russia

The tsar formally stopped supporting Napoleon

In 1812, Napoleon gathered an army from 20 different countries, comprising of 600,000 soldiers and 50,000 horses

Napoleon and the Grand Army invaded Russia just as winter was approaching

The Russians fought back with a scorched-earth policy

Scorched-earth policy: burning crops, villages, etc. to thwart your enemies

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The Invasion Fails

Napoleon entered Moscow in September

Realizing he would fail, he turned around in October

Fewer than 20,000 soldiers returnedSoldiers deserted, starved, were attacked by Russians and froze to death

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Napoleon Falls from Power

Napoleon abdicated, or stepped down from power, in 1814 when Russia, Britain, Austria and Prussia fought against him

Napoleon was exiled to Elba, and Louis XVIII (Louis XVI’s brother) was made king of France

Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to rule France for 100 days

The British and Prussian armies once again defeated him in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo, and Napoleon was sent to St. Helena

Napoleon died in 1821 at St. Helena