namo hate speechdocx

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  • 7/27/2019 NaMo Hate Speechdocx


    Delwadia 1Kunal Delwadia

    Persuasive Speaking for Leadership

    28th September 2013

    IIM Kashipur

    NaMo: Hate Speech

    On his various communication on the subject, Gujarat chief minister Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi

    (NaMO) often distinguish himself from any other hardcore hindutav political leader. So what exactly is the

    appeal of Modis speech? Of course, there is one (and indeed only one) point that no other leader so openly

    represents the politics of the discriminating minority population of India (Shankar Gopalkrishnan & Editor:

    Shudddhabrata Sengupta). It can be concluded through sequence of his speeches given over the period of

    time at different locations. The interesting aspect of Modi- and this makes him honest- is that he genuinely

    believes the things he represents. Discussing Kashiram Rana, Surats six term undefeated Lok Sabha of

    Parliament (Whom Modi denied a ticket in 2009) with journalist Saba Naqvi, Stating that he has observed that

    Rana was different because he was non- vegetarian: Maans khane wale logon ka vyavhar alag hota hai (meat-

    eating people have different temperament)(Aakar Patel). Here he pursue the similar section of people who

    really agree with his dislike of Muslims and his love of unity of command, should consider this aspect to him

    and what it means for them if he takes power. He is aching to bring with him his social vision, which is aligned

    with that of RSS, to rest of India from Gujarat. A money minded, intellectually barren, segregated, ghettoized,

    non-drinking and vegetarian utopia that some of us have fled from. Today, the group of those who idolize him

    is large as we observe on social media, which the group, in fact, dominates. A quick transition is happening as

    the middle class expands, education and awareness have produced a yearning for identity that is broader than

    caste, and for many urban Indians, Modi has provided this. The contour of his message is simple: Indians are

    great people, but our leaders are corrupt. If we have firm and decisive rule, the Hindu Nation will become a

    world power again. This message is not simplistic but it is darker because it is colored with hatred. Modi can

    communicate over the head of the media with his audience, and he can do this better than any other leader in

    India. This is why his power is independent of the media or the traditional party structures. He reaches out

    directly to his group in the eternal way of the demagogue. Like Modi, none of the leaders in India appealed to

    the most populous segment of their society, the servants, and the real landless (Aakar Patel).

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    Delwadia 2Modis 9th September 2002 hate speech at Bahucharaji, Gujarat (Gauvrav Yatra) is often cited by

    former DGP Gujarat R B Sreekumar as a communally objectionable speech by the Chief Minister Shri

    Narendra Modi in Sept 2002. He provided the content of the speech to the National Commission for


    Rhetorical tools used

    1. AnalogyA kind of extended metaphor or long smile in which explicit comparison is made between

    two things (events, ideas, people, etc.) for the purpose (GPBCL)Blowing the bugle of self-respect of

    Gujarat. This is the holy place of power (Shakti), the power for extermination of Ashuras. We have

    resolved to destroy and stamp out all forces of evil, which are a threat to the self-respect of Gujarat. A set

    of people, who are not concerned about ordinary Gujarati citizens, are keen to impede progress of

    Gujarat State and its future, are out to defame Gujarat State. (Speech)

    2. Onomatopoeia - The formation or use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or

    actions they refer to (GPBCL).There is allegation against us that we are Hinduwadis. Oh! Brothers, for

    the development of Bahucharaji Devi temple, our Govt. has allotted 8 Crore Rupees. Is it a crime done

    by us? (Speech).

    3. Litotes- An understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite (GPBCL)

    Since, we (means BJP) are here, we brought water in Sabarmati during the month of Shravan, when

    you (Congress) were there, could bring it in the month of Ramzan (the holy month of Muslims).

    4. Metaphor

    An implied analogy or comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in

    common. (GPBCL) If some people go on producing children, A need for teaching a lesson to those

    people, who are expanding their population, We (Hindus) can not permit merchants of murder freely

    operate in Gujarat, The schemes of Alis, Malis and Jamalis will not successful to do any harm to us


    Narendra Modi's oratory captivates his audience. A demagogue's agenda is facilitated via language,

    which becomes a site of power and violence in the political public sphere. This article looks at Modi's

    emotionally charged speeches, which are emblematic of his larger political language. (Nonica Datta). It is clear

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    Delwadia 3from a close perusal of the speech that there is a desire to create hatred and ill will towards minority

    (DGP, Chakravarti). The speech clearly indicates the indirect justification of policy carnage against the

    minority. There was a clear-cut design behind the deliverance of such speech by the CM, Gujarat. The

    comment on Narmada water clearly signifies the motive behind the making the reference that if congress

    government is in power then they would have been brought Narmada water in the month of Ramzan, a holy

    month of Ramzan and observance of Roza are one of the Five pillars of Islam hallowed in the Holy Kuran. The

    comment (Ame panch, Amara panch, referring the Muslim producing five children) & refugee

    campsthe comment reflects an attempt to ridicule the plight refugees from the minority community who were

    dispersed from their house because of the widespread violence that was not contained. The comment magnifies

    the poisoned stereotype of the alleged Muslim aversion to family planning. The statements also project that the

    Muslim minority as a stumbling block to progress and patronizes an Us versus them mind set among the

    populous that then becomes easy fodder for incitement and the outbreak of communal violence.

    Whole speech displays a definite communal bias, denigration of the minority community, ridiculing

    and belittling of the Holiest scriptures of the minority community particularly the five pillars of Islam, the holy

    month of Ramzan and observance of Roza. These references will certainly germinate a sense of hatred ill will

    and exclusivism towards the Muslim minority in the minds of the minority community. Speech from a senior

    most state head will lead communal biases among the people and thats the reason why he turn his strategy to

    address development agenda simultaneously which is however irrelevant to his personality. The speech was

    dangerous and untenable because the sense of exclusivism and sectarianism obvious in the tone and tenor that

    clearly indicated from the present state of Muslim community in Gujarat spreading ghettoization and separating

    them from the basic needs of human being. The speech indicated the personality that can do anything, anytime,

    at any location to anyone for Power. The speech not only goes against the concept of emotional integration of

    the Indian people but also engenders an intense feeling of alienation among the Muslims towards Hindu

    community. (Shankar Gopalkrishanan) In this perspective the speech of the chief minister is injurious to the

    Preamble of the Indian constitution.

    The government reflects the true face of the society that seems true for state, Gujarat. Resident of

    Gujarat perceives hatred and therefore NaMo is successful in winning election in the Gujarat for three

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    Delwadia 4consecutive periods. The every single speech given to anywhere in India consists of metaphors that reflects

    the hatred to the minority community to persuade vote bank of majority section of Conservative Non Literate

    and even literate section of Hindu community and these persuasive speeches may lead h im in successive

    victory to form government in coming years and that will be the most embarrassing moment in history of

    Indian politics (Aakar Patel).

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    Delwadia 5Works Cited

    Speech: ModiNama 8: Action Reaction, Report 4

    Accessed on 27th September 2013 at

    6 pm

    Patel Aakar, Editor Mint & The Wall Street Journal, Beyond Modi's oratory is a vapid message published on

    sat, June 15, 2013+ print.

    Patel Aakar, Editor Mint & The wall street Journal, Separating Facts from fluff about Modi, Modis appeal is to

    Hindus who are pleased he has put Indian Muslims in their place. Published on Sat, Apr 27, 2003 +Print

    Grant Pearson brown consulting ltd.(GPBCL) Rhetorical Tools


    Datta Nonica, Vol-XLVIII No. 18 May, 04,2013. Web Exclusive

    narendra-modi.htmlaccessed on 28th september 2013 at 2.36 am.

    Sanjeev Sabhloks revolutionary blog, India I dare you to be rich, 9th September 2002 Hate speech at

    Bahucharaji, Gujarat

    bahucharaji-gujarat-gaurav-yatra/accessed on 27th September 2013 at 11 pm

    Shankar Gopalkrishnan & Editor: Shudddhabrata sengupta Why do they Love Narendra Modi?. Politics. Kafila.

    Internet Accessed on

    27th September 2013, 10.30 PM