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NAMES OF ALLAH 6/4/17 Al Ghafir, Al GHAFOOR, Al Ghaffar – Class 3 Notes from Al Huda Sisters Ramadan 9, 1438

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6/4/17 Al Ghafir, Al GHAFOOR, Al Ghaffar – Class 3

Notes from Al Huda Sisters

Ramadan 9, 1438

Names of Allah

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Names of Allah A L G H A F I R , A L G H A F O O R , A L G H A F F A R – C L A S S 3


Surah Yunus Ayah 107 Surah Yunus is about the decree of Allah and faith can change the fate. Yunus (as) is a messenger who invited his people to Islam, but they didn’t listen. Even if the messenger knows the punishment will befall the people, he cannot leave until he gets a sign from Allah to leave. The sign to leave would not come until the last moment and this to show Allah will save the believers. Yunus (as) left his people without permission from Allah. Yunus (as) was in the whale’s stomach and people believed while he was not there. The punishment did not befall them since they believed at the final moment.

Ayah 107 In life we go through different Qadr Good and evil. In this Ayah, Allah tells us what should be our belief when we are facing different Qadr whether good or evil.

1. Allah is telling us when evil decree touches us then no one can remove it except Allah. This means any hardship and difficulty we face is just a touch of calamity so we should not exaggerate. Ayoub (as) had sickness in his body from top to bottom, he lost all of his wealth, he lost his children, so what was his dua? Surah Al Anbiya 83: ( ۥ أنى مسنى ر وأنت أرحم وأیوب إذ نادى ربھ ٱلضٲحمین And (remember) Ayyûb (Job), when he cried to his Lord: "Verily, distress has seized) (ٱلر

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me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.") – If you’re having a problem or calamity, you need to tell yourself ‘it’s just a touch’. If you truly believe it then it will be a touch for you. Don’t believe your eyes or mind because it will say it’s a big problem, but Allah says it’s just a touch, it’s not ‘holding’ on to you. No one besides Allah can remove the difficulty. By looking at others to solve our problem we are only prolonging our problems. Faith provides us with the shortcut for everything in life. We are elongating our problem because we believe it’s more than a touch and we think someone else can remove it, though it’s only Allah. Faith gives us a shortcut to all our issues in life. What you think about Allah is how He will deal with you. Your nafs says ‘it’s problem’ but tell your nafs it’s just a touch. Allah knows if you truly believe, if you’re just testing it, or if you have doubts.

2. Allah is then telling us that when He wants good for us then no one can reject it. No one can remove a favor that Allah wants for us. Our blessing cannot be removed from us by evil eye or the magic of the magicians unless Allah wills it.

By default Allah wants good for us and we get problems and sickness because of ourselves. The touch of calamity is expiation of sins for us. Then Allah mentions his namess Ghafoor Rahim becaue the touch of evil is due to our sins. Allah is the Al Ghafoor to forgive our sins. Allah will guide people to ask for forgiveness. So when you say ‘astaghfar Allah’, this is because Allah guided you. We don’t know how much seeking forgiveness has changed the decree for us. If you ask for forgiveness and mercy, then it can change a decree. You don’t know how much istighfar can change your life. We don’t know what has changed from our decree as a result of our istighfar. A problem can be removed or a problem can be on hold as a result of istighfar so you can never go wrong when asking for forgiveness Ghafoor is the one who will forgive in abundance. And Raheem is the one your favours you with blessing

Surah Hijr Surah Hijr is about Allah protecting his religion. It is explained in Ayah 9

Ayah 9

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Here we are told quran is protected and Allah is guarding the Quran and Sunnah as the Sunnah explains the Quran. No one can change the Quran or alter anything.

Ayah 34-50

ین ( )٣٤قال فٱخرج منہا فإنك رجیم ( قال )٣٦قال رب فأنظرنى إلى یوم یبعثون ( )٣٥وإن علیك ٱللعنة إلى یوم ٱلدقال رب بما أغویتنى ألزینن لھم فى ٱألرض وألغوینہم )٣٨إلى یوم ٱلوقت ٱلمعلوم ( )٣٧فإنك من ٱلمنظرین (

ذا صرٲط على مستقیم ( )٤٠ عبادك منہم ٱلمخلصین (إال )٣٩أجمعین ( ـ ن )٤١قال ھ ـ إن عبادى لیس لك علیہم سلطقسوم )٤٣وإن جھنم لموعدھم أجمعین ( )٤٢إال من ٱتبعك من ٱلغاوین ( نہم جزء م لھا سبعة أبوٲب لكل باب م

ت وعیون ( )٤٤( ـ قین فى جن م ءامنین ( )٤٥إن ٱلمت ـ ن غل إخوٲنا على )٤٦ٱدخلوھا بسل ونزعنا ما فى صدورھم مبلین ـ تق نہا بمخرجین (٤٧( سرر م حیم ) ۞٤٨)ال یمسھم فیھا نصب وما ھم م نبئ عبادى أنى أنا ٱلغفور ٱلر

)٥٠وأن عذابى ھو ٱلعذاب ٱأللیم ( )٤٩( (Allâh) said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajîm (an outcast or a cursed one)." (34) "And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)." (35) [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day they (the dead) will be resurrected." (36) Allâh said: "Then, verily, you are of those reprieved, (37) "Till the Day of the time appointed." (38) [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all. (39) "Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them." (40) (Allâh) said: "This is the Way which will lead straight to Me." (41) "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghâwun (Mushrikûn and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers) (42) "And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all. (43) "It (Hell) has seven gates, for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned. (44) "Truly! The Muttaqûn will be amidst Gardens and water-springs (Paradise). (45) "(It will be said to them): 'Enter therein (Paradise), in peace and security.' (46) "And We shall remove from their breasts any deep feeling of bitterness (that they may have), (So they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones. (47) "No sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it." (48) Declare (O Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. (49) And that My Torment is indeed the most painful torment. (50)

Here we are told we need to worship Allah with hope and fear. The Shiatan is casted and is thrown out from his position. Iblis had a very high position but because he disobeyed Allah so he was thrown out. He rebelled because he was arrogant. He asked Allah for respite till Day of Judgment. Then Iblis swear that how Allah mislead me i will mislead the mankind except those who are sincere i.e. only those having Ikhlaas are protected from Shaitaan. Allah then tells him you cannot have power over my slaves except those who are misguided. Allah warned us that Iblees and all those who listen to him will be in Hellfire. Then Allah tells us that Hell has seven gates. Allah then tells us about the Mutaqeen will be in Paradise. In Paradise, the sickness of resentment will be removed from their hearts. So the Mutaqeen will not have any bad feelings in their hearts.

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Ayah 49

In this Ayah Allah tells to inform my slaves that I am Ghafoor Raheem. Allah is All Forgiving and the most Merciful. No matter how many sins we do Allah will forgive our sins.

Ayah 50

At the same time, Allah tells us that his punishment is a painful punishment so we need to seek his forgiveness in order to protect ourselves from his punishment. We need to go to Allah with hope and fear. Sometimes a person is told ‘why don’t you pray, why are you drinking?’ and they say ‘Allah is Ghafoor Ar Raheem’, but this is being misused. Allah is Al Ghafoor Ar Raheem and His punishment is severe.

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Surah Taha Ayah 82

Ayah 81 Allah told Bani Israel to enjoy the good things they have been blessed with and to not transgress. The Banu Israel got the best quality of food in the form of Mann and Salwa. They would wake up and it would be ready for them but it could not be preserved. They got bored of the blessings. Allah warned them that if they transgress then it will result in Allah’s anger. The anger of Allah is because they did not appreciate the food. The Bani Israel knew and they disobeyed. The people who transgress on the food will lead to Allah’s anger.

Ayah 82 This ayah tells us that we need to do the following:

1. We need to repent 2. We need to belief and renew our faith 3. We need to do good deed

When we do the above three things then we will be guided.