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Name Viva New Jersey 62 Comprehension Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Compare and Contrast To compare and contrast is to tell how two or more things are alike and how they are different. Directions Read the following passage. Then complete the diagram by listing Jenny’s and Elena’s similarities in the intersection of the circles and their differences on the outsides. J enny met Elena at dance class at the local community center. Although Jenny was two years older than Elena, they were in the same dance class because they were both beginners. Jenny was only taking the class because her mother made her take it. Her mother hoped Jenny would meet people and make some friends. They had just moved into the neighborhood three weeks ago. On the other hand, Elena loved to dance and dreamed of becoming a dancer. She had finally convinced her mother to let her take dance lessons after begging her for months. On the first day of class, both Jenny and Elena were nervous. Now, after three weeks, they were pleased with their class and looked forward to seeing each other every week. Jenny Elena Home Activity Your child identified the similarities and differences between two characters in a short passage. Read about two animals in an encyclopedia or other book and have your child identify the similarities and differences between the two animals. © Pearson Education, Inc., 6

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Page 1: Name Viva New Jersey NA PDF Compare and · Name Viva New Jersey 62 Comprehension Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit

Name Viva New Jersey

62 Comprehension Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1

Compare and Contrast

• Tocompare and contrastistotellhowtwoormorethingsarealikeandhowtheyaredifferent.

Directions Read the following passage. Then complete the diagram by listing Jenny’s and Elena’s similarities in the intersection of the circles and their differences on the outsides.

Jenny met Elena at dance class at the local community center. Although

Jenny was two years older than Elena, they were in the same dance class because they were both beginners. Jenny was only taking the class because her mother made her take it. Her mother hoped Jenny would meet people and make some friends. They had just moved into the neighborhood three weeks ago.

On the other hand, Elena loved to dance and dreamed of becoming a dancer. She had finally convinced her mother to let her take dance lessons after begging her for months. On the first day of class, both Jenny and Elena were nervous. Now, after three weeks, they were pleased with their class and looked forward to seeing each other every week.

Jenny Elena

Home Activity Yourchildidentifiedthesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweentwocharactersinashortpassage.Readabouttwoanimalsinanencyclopediaorotherbookandhaveyourchildidentifythesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenthetwoanimals.









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Viva New Jersey

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Writing Poem 63


Writing • Poem

Key Features of a Poem




An Autumn Day When I Was TenI raked the leaves into a mountain of yellow and red.With no cloud in the sky and the sun shining,I lay on the soft peak like a climber going to bed.

Then I swish and shuffle fast and furious with my feet,The leaves crackle and crunch like brown burnt paper.Dizzy, I dance on the leaves until I feel weak and beat.

Now, fiery, bright sun explodes through maple, oak, and pine.Leaves float down from their homes on long branches, Soon to be part of this golden mountain of mine.

1. List three examples of alliteration used in the poem.

2. What words in the poem create a strong effect?

3. What is an example of assonance used in the poem?

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64 Vocabulary Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1

Name Viva New Jersey

VocabularyDirections Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Write the word on the line.

1. long hallways

2. requests or appeals

3. threatening

4. the place to which one is going

5. an animal of mixed breed

Directions Choose the word from the box that best fills in the blanks.

It was nearly midnight, and Paul was 6. through the darkness

along a path through the campground. He 7. in his idea of scaring

his friends even though it was late. The large tent at the outskirts of the campground was his

8. . His 9. growl echoed off the

nearby boulders. When he heard his friends’ 10. for help, he knew

he had succeeded.

Write a Newspaper ArticleOn a separate sheet of paper write a newspaper article about a lost dog that finds its way home after several months of travel. Use as many of the vocabulary words as you can.

Home Activity Your child identified and used vocabulary words from Viva New Jersey. Make up a story with your child about a mongrel dog. Use as many of the vocabulary words as you can.

Check the Words You Know


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Name Viva New Jersey

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Conventions Independent and Dependent Clauses 65

Home Activity Your child learned about independent and dependent clauses. Have your child tell you what independent and dependent clauses are and give you an example of each.

An independent clause has a subject and verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence. A dependent clause has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. In the following sentences, the independent clause is underlined once; the dependent clause is underlined twice. The dependent clause is followed by a comma when it comes before the independent clause.

Lucinda took the dog home because she was lonely.

Because she was lonely, Lucinda took the dog home.

Directions Write IC after each independent clause and DC after each dependent clause.

1. Because she was friendly.

2. Lucinda ran to the basement and found it empty.

3. Jan bathed Shadow in the backyard.

4. When the power went out.

5. After they crossed the Mississippi River.

6. If Carmen had not seen it.

7. Tenants mingled outside their apartments.

8. The boys won the baseball game.

9. As she called from the window.

10. They were eating dinner.

Directions Underline the independent clause and circle the dependent clause in each sentence.

11. Because the dog was abandoned, Lucinda had to take care of him.

12. The dog caused problems when it ran away.

13. Although she was shy, Lucinda talked to Ashley.

14. While Lucinda was gone, her parents almost called the police.

15. Ashley read many books because she wanted to be a writer.

Independent and Dependent Clauses

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Name Viva New Jersey

66 Spelling Vowel Sounds with r Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1

Home Activity Your child wrote words with vowel sounds with r. Say a list word and ask your child how it is different from its antonym.

Vowel Sounds with r

Definitions Write the list word that matches the definition.

1. a lawyer

2. a small piece or bit of something

3. a type of soap

4. to pay no attention to something

5. creative and interested in various art forms

6. to buy something

7. area where water meets land

8. a type of boat used to haul cargo

9. a hallway

10. monetary or other value

11. a seed or piece of grain

12. to bother or annoy

13. a large, open place to buy things

14. another word for maybe

15. a decorative item

16. open structure on the front or side of a house

Antonyms Write the list word that is the opposite of each word.

17. calm

18. indifference

19. center

20. master

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________

9. _______________

10. _______________

11. _______________

12. _______________

13. _______________

14. _______________

15. _______________

16. _______________

17. ___________________

18. ___________________

19. ___________________

20. ___________________

Spelling Words

porch servant shore disturb marketmargin worth purchase kernel perhapsignore concern attorney barge detergentcorridor ornament artistic particle nervous

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Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Writing 67


Three-Column Chart

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68 Vocabulary Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1

Name Viva New Jersey

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Home Activity Your child identified and used context clues to understand new words in a short passage. Work with your child to identify unfamiliar words in an encyclopedia article about dogs.

Vocabulary • Unfamiliar Words

• Whenyouarereadingandseeanunfamiliarword,usecontext clues, or words around the unfamiliar word, to figure out its meaning.

• Contextcluesincludedefinitions,explanations,andsynonyms.

Directions Read the following passage about dogs. Then answer the questions below. Look for context clues as you read.

Walking down one of her usual streets, Officer Laura heard the

whimpering pleas of a puppy. She looked around and realized the puppy had fallen into a storm drain. She reached down but found that she could not reach down far enough. Officer Laura persisted and kept groping for the puppy, but it was just out of reach.

She called the fire department for more help. When the firefighters arrived, they lowered a special hook with a looped rope to lift the puppy. The puppy did not like

the rope, and everyone heard its menacing growl. They carefully worked the rope around the puppy, and it was finally lifted to safety.

The mongrel pup was wet and dirty and looked like a cross between a cat and a poodle! Officer Laura laughed at the sight. She held the puppy up to show the crowd who had gathered to watch. The crowd applauded and continued on to their final destinations. Officer Laura and the puppy walked together down the street. Officer Laura realized she had found a new partner.

1. What are pleas? What sound did this puppy make?

2. What does persisted mean? What clues help you to determine the meaning?

3. What does groping mean? What clues help you to determine the meaning?

4. What does mongrel mean? What clues help you to determine the meaning?

5. What word in the passage is a synonym for threatening?

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Name Viva New Jersey

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Research and Study Skills 69


• Magazines contain an index, which is much like a table of contents. The index is usually in the first few pages.

• Manymagazinesalsohaverecurringsectionsdevotedtocertainsubjects(news,entertainment, fashion, sports, or finance, for example).

• Magazinespresentinformationbyorderofinterestandpresentimportantarticlesofhighinterest first. Article titles are like chapter titles, letting readers know what they are about. MostmagazinearticlesfollowthefiveW’sandHformat.AreaderlearnstheWho?What?When?Where?Why?andHow?inthefirstfewparagraphs.

Directions Use this index from a news magazine to answer the questions below.

NATIONHow to Win the Election As the election date draws close candidates speak about their goals. .................................................30

Ready, Set . . . Debate How badly do both sides want to win? As the presidential candidates’ teams prepare to joust this week, no detail, from pens to podiums, has been overlooked. ................................................38

BUSINESSBubble Rap Toy industry rises high after major department store sales begin. ..........65

YOUR TIMELifestyle Two stores that look like perfect living rooms also offer exclusive fashions at the right price. .........................89

Money How to get out of your car lease before it’s due ............................................93

1. What are the titles of the three main sections?

2. What are the titles of the two articles in the NATION section?

3. On what page is the article about car leases?

4. What is the title of the article in the BUSINESS section?

5. The YOUR TIME section contains two articles. What are their titles?

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70 Research and Study Skills Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1

Name Viva New Jersey

Home Activity Your child learned about using magazines as resources. Look at a magazine index together. Ask your child to locate an article you are both interested in. Then read the article and find the five W’s and H in each.

Directions Read this article from a news magazine. Then answer the questions below.

Village at Risk

Shishmaref is melting into the ocean. Since the mid-1970s, this Inupiaq

village, perched on a slender barrier island 625 miles north of Anchorage, has lost half its coastline. As Alaska’s climate warms, the permafrost beneath Shishmaref’s beaches is thawing, and the sea ice is thinning, leaving its 600 residents increasingly vulnerable to violent storms. One house has collapsed, and eighteen

others had to be moved to higher ground, along with the town’s bulk fuel tanks. Giant waves have washed away the school playground and destroyed $100,000 worth of boats, hunting gear, and fish-drying racks. The remnants of multimillion-dollar sea walls, broken up by the tides, litter the beach. “It’s scary,” says a village official. “Every year we agonize that the next storm will wipe us out.”

6. Who is this article about?

7. What is this article about?

8. Where does this take place?

9. When do events in this article take place?

10. Why is this happening?

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Name Viva New Jersey

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1 Spelling Vowel Sounds with r 71

Home Activity Your child identified misspelled words with vowel sounds with r. Say a list word, spell it incorrectly, and ask your child to spell it correctly.

Vowel Sounds with rProofread an Article Read this article about yard sales. Circle five words that are spelled incorrectly. Write them correctly on the lines. Find a sentence with a capitalization error. Write it correctly on the line.

Having a Yard Sale

Choose a date and start gathering all your items together. Tools, ornaments, clothing, and toys are faverite items to sell. put a price tag on everything. Put an advertisement in the local newspaper. Post artistick signs around your neighborhood advertising the sale. Every body loves a bargain, so people may arrive early hoping to make a good purchas. Perhaps your ad should specify that there will be no sales before the time the sale starts. Remember that some communities have laws about yard sales. Find out about the local rules before you put your items on the markit.

1. ________________ 2. _________________

3. ________________ 4. _________________

5. ________________

6. ______________________________________________________

Proofread Words Circle two list words in each sentence that are spelled incorrectly. Write the words correctly on the lines.

The servent used detrgent to wash the sheets.

7. ________________ 8. _________________

The atturney told her client to sit in the coridor outside the courtroom.

9. ________________ 10. _________________

Please don’t ignor my consern.

11. ________________ 12. _________________

Spelling Words

Frequently Misspelled


favorite everybody



Spelling Words

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72 Conventions Independent and Dependent Clauses Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Unit 1


Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on independent and dependent clauses. Have your child look through a newspaper or magazine article and find sentences with independent and dependent clauses.

Independent and Dependent Clauses

Directions Read the passage. Then read each question. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

Escape from Danger(1) A blazing fire started at 10:15 this morning. (2) When Mr. Boyle smelled

smoke, he immediately called the local fire department. (3) He was very concerned about his two children, who were sleeping upstairs. (4) He raced to their bedrooms to wake them. (5) They knew they had to leave the house quickly when they smelled the smoke traveling up from the basement. (6) The fire department was already dousing the fire with water. (7) The Boyle family felt there were not enough words of thanks to give the fire department when the fire was out and everyone was safe.

1 What is the dependent clause in sentence 1?

A A blazing fire

B started at 10:15 this morning

C A blazing fire started at 10:15 this morning.

D None of the above

2 What is the independent clause in sentence 2?

A he immediately called the local fire department

B When Mr. Boyle smelled smoke,

C smelled smoke

D None of the above

3 who were sleeping upstairs in sentence 3 is

A an independent clause.

B a dependent clause.

C both an independent and a dependent clause.

D None of the above

4 Which word identifies a dependent clause in sentence 5?

A when

B leave

C knew

D None of the above

5 Sentence 6 has

A one dependent clause.

B one independent clause and one dependent clause.

C one independent clause.

D None of the above

Viva New Jersey

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