najran cluster_15 bad ecio issue

Cluster-15 Bad Ec/Io Analysis and Solution

Upload: toqeer-ahmad

Post on 01-Oct-2015




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it is a guide to resolve bad EcNo Issues


Cluster-15 Bad Ec/Io Issue and Solution

Cluster-15 Bad Ec/Io Analysis and SolutionIssue Details : Two bad Ec/Io patches observed during DT

Patch-1: Bad Ec/IO due to no dominancy and overshooting of multiple sites. improve the coverage of third cell of GNN968 by increasing PCPICH Power & Azimuth Redesign. Down-tilt second and third sector of GNN893. Down-tilt second sector of GNN859. Down-tilt second sector of GNN965. Down-tilt second sector of GNN965

Patch-1: Continued

Patch-1: Continued

Patch-2: Bad Ec/IO & Call drop due to no dominancy and overshooting of multiple sites. Improve coverage of second sector of G70800 & ZN855 by up-tilting. Down tilt first sector of GNN900 , third sector of GNN863 , first sector of GNN891 & first sector of GNN968

Patch-2 Continued:

Patch-2 Continued:

Details of Recommendation: Proposed changes is also attached

Thank you Sheet1SITEIDSectorIDSiteID&SectorClusterCELLNAMEPSCAntenNA HeightAzimuthpropose AzimuthE-TiltE-Tilt (Propose)PCPICH PowerPCPICH Power ProposeRemarks70800270800-2Najran-15G70800JG70800J3012064ZNN8552ZNN855-2Najran-15GNN855JGNN855J4512042ZNN8592ZNN859-2Najran-15GNN859B2814515046ZNN8633ZNN863-3Najran-16GNN863CGNN863C4525046ZNN8911ZNN891-1Najran-15GNN891EGNN891E456003ZNN8912ZNN891-2Najran-15GNN891FGNN891F4516003ZNN8932ZNN893-2Najran-15GNN893B3534623003ZNN8933ZNN893-3Najran-15GNN893C3614632003ZNN9002ZNN900-2Najran-15GNN900B2104513025ZNN9652ZNN965-2Najran-15GNN965B4265615002ZNN9681ZNN968-1Najran-15GNN968IGNN968I423003ZNN9683ZNN968-3Najran-15GNN968K98422902700033dbm36dbmE-tilt is already 0 , imprve coverage by increasing power of PCPICHZNNA0023ZNNA002-3Najran-15GNNA002KGNNA002K4524046