nagar nigam meerut disclosure...nagar nigam meerut public discloser appendix-1 information regarding...

201516 Nagar Nigam Meerut Public Discloser

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Nagar Nigam Meerut         Public Discloser 

Appendix-1 Information regarding the proceedings of Municipality

(See Rule 3(9))

1. Name of Municipality: Nagar Nigam Meerut 2. Number of Wards: 80 3. Populations: 14,24,908 Male…..754,857 Female….670,051

4. Details of (a) Date of Constitution of present Council: 17.07.2012 (b) Details of Mayor/President Period : 17 July 2012 to July 2017

Name: Jh gfjdkar vgyqokfy;k Address: th0ih0 32] xaxkuxj] eokuk jksM] esjB Telephone : 0121- 2525255 Fax: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

(c) Detail of Corporators/Members

uxj fuxe] esjB ds fuokZfpr egkikSj@ik"kZnksa dh lwph Jh gfjdkar vgyqokfy;k ¼dk;kZy;½ 2515492] 2525255 egkikSj ¼?kj½ uxj fuxe] esjB ¼eksckbZy½ 9719011173

¼dk;kZy;½ 2528463 mi egkikSj ¼?kj½ uxj fuxe] esjB ¼eksckbZy½

okMZ la0

izR;k'kh dk uke irk nwjHkk"k la[;k

Jh gfjdkar vgyqokfy;k Jh dkafrizdk'k] th0ih0 32] xaxkuxj] eokuk jksM] esjB


1 Jh dSyk'k pUn Jh pj.k flag] 257] ubZ cLrh yYykiqj] esjB 9837758542

2 dq0 vkapy jkgqy Jh txnh'k izlkn] 1031] Hkx oriqjk] esjB 9358782111

3 Jh ujs'k dqekj Jh jkepUnz] 315th@753] ekS0 >qUuiqfj;k efy;kuk] esjB


4 Jherh vkseohjh Jh lqjsUnz iky] 34 d`".kkuxj] esjB 94120825619927114604

5 Jh vksedkj flag Jh 'ksj flag] 7@14] t;Hkhe uxj] esjB 9917727260

6 Jherh fiz;adk Jh cksch dqekj] 161@,] 'kksHkkiqj] esjB 9999731315

7 Jherh izdk'kh Jh lqjsUnz] 142] xzke fylkMh] esjB 9927029111

8 Jherh xhrk nsoh Jh vfuy dqekj] 469] f'koyksdiqjh] esjB 9758548654

9 Jh _f"kiky Jh ea'kkjke] 1210] vuwiuxj] Qktyiqj] esjB 9927011632

10 Jh ijekuUn Lo0 Jh ckcwyky] 126] vkSjax'kkgiqj xksykc<+ jksgVk jksM] esjB


11 Jh xtsUnz flag Jh jktkjke] xzke dq.Mk] Fkkuk ijrkiqj] esjB 9536635546

12 Jherh 'kf'k Jh jkeHkwy flag] 86] 'ksjx<+h] 'kkL=huxj] esjB 9412094411

13 Jh jktsUnz Lo0 Jh euhjke] 457@1] Mh] iwohZ fjBkuh] esjB 9917468820

14 Jherh iq"ik flag Jh fdju flag] 46] f[kjuh vCnqYykiqj] esjB 9927223399

15 Jherh lkfo=h Jh yk[ku flag] 693@8] tkx`fr fogkj] esjB 75206550379837053483

16 Jh vkseorh Jh egsUnziky flag] xzke tVkSyh] esjB 9367277028

17 Jherh iwtk Jh iznhi dqekj] ,Q0bZ0 43] Mcy LVksjh] iYyoiqje] esjB

18 Jherh T;ksfr Jh vfer] 286] xksfoUniqjh] esjB 9897377098

19 Jh v'kksd iz/kku Jh pUnu yky] 12] ekS0 [kVhdku ckxir jksM] esjB

20 Jh izohu jkgh Jh gjh'k pUn jkgh] 559] U;w efy;kuk dkyksuh] esjB


21 Jh vkseizdk'k lkxj Jh eok'khjke] 82] vkSjax'kkgiqj fMXxh] esjB 9359660175

22 Jh gjh'k dqekj Jh lwjtey] 93] iwokZ 'ks[kyky] esjB 9152396423

23 Jh nsosUnz dqekj Jh fHk[kkjh yky] ?kkslhiqj] esjB 8449270094

24 Jh Hktu yky Jh fNjkgwjke] xyh ua0&10] dkfleiqj] esjB 9319265719

25 Jh fnus'k dqekj Jh jktsUnz iky flag] 323] dls: cDlj] esjB 9219536407

26 Jh lksguyky Jh tqEeu flag] 108] dka'kh] esjB 9639993496

27 Jh lsaljiky Lo0 Jh uokc flag] 553] uaxyk rk'kh dadj[ksMk] esjB


28 Jh lq'khy lSuh Lo0 Jh lqjs'k pUn lSuh] bZ0&63] feuk{khiqje] esjB 9927505372

29 Jh fnus'k dqekj Jh dqUnu flag] 545@3] tkx`fr fogkj] esjB 9319251871

30 Jh jktw oekZ Lo0 Jh Kku izdk'k] 1513] bUnzkuxj izFke] czgEiqjh] 9634771453


31 Jh iadt drhjk Jh vkse izdk'k drhjk] ds&237] 'kkL=huxj] esjB 9897648842

32 Jh fouksn dqekj Jh MkypUn] 168] fd'kuiqjk] esjB 9760965626

33 Jh izeksn Jh ckcwyky] 399] [kMkSyh] esjB 9837031402

34 Jherh vuqiek lksyadh Jh jfoUnz lksyadh] 109] ekuljksoj] esjB

35 Jherh fe"Bk nsoh Jh dqaoj lkgc] 42] f'ko'kadjiqjh] esjB 93584476608439552757

36 Jh lq/khj iq.Mhj Jh lkses'oj flag] 182] U;w guqekuiqjh] esjB 9411022191

37 Jherh 'kk;nk Jh lkfcj] 172] HkkVokMk] esjB 9368046122

38 Jh jktho xqIrk Jh vkseiky] 485@1] czgEiqjh] esjB 9897098709

39 Jherh jhrk flag Jh vftr flag] 306] Hkjrfogkj] eksnhiqje] esjB 94128021769319332880

40 Jh fd'ku dqekj ¼dUgS;k½

Lo0 Jh fo|k;kx jLrkSxh] 284] iap'khy dkyksuh] esjB


41 Jherh jsuw xqIrk Jh cyjkt xqIrk] 441] pkScs dEikm.M osLVuZ dpgjh jksM] esjB


42 Jh latho iq.Mhj Lo0 Jh txnh'k izlkn iq.Mhj] 452@4] 'kkL=huxj] esjB


43 Jh vk'kq jLrkSxh Jh jes'k pUn jLrkSxh] ,p0 101] 'kkL=huxj] esjB 9412200066

44 Jherh dksey Jh jes'k pUn yks/kh] 131] iRrk eksgYyk ckxir xsV] esjB


45 Jh jktdqekj eqUuk Lo0 Jh ewypUn] 142] ljLorh efUnj] esjB 9837410333

46 Jh uohu caly 123] iqjkuh izseiqjh] esjB 9897894050

47 Jh ohjsUnz 'kekZ Jh peu izdk'k 'kekZ] 1200@2] 'kkL=huxj] lsDVj&2] esjB


48 Jh olhe xkth gkth fj;ktqn~nhu mQZ cqYyu xkyh] 34] iwokZ ihj cDl] esjB


49 Jheh jf'e Jh jfoUnz] 171] izHkkr uxj] esjB 9456231123

50 Jherh lquhrk Jh mes'k] 46] nf{k.k lksrhxat] esjB 9634124700

51 Jh fot; vkuUn vxzoky

Lo0 Jh fo'oukFk vxzoky] 226@2] dkuwuxks;ku] esjB


52 Jherh T;ksfr oekZ Jh eukst oekZ] 216] usg: uxj] esjB 9837637865

53 Jherh jf'e Jh gfjfd'ku] 748@1] czgEiqjh] esjB 9319797910

54 Jh lquhy nRr lSuh Jh Hkjr flag lSuh] 128] Hkxoriqjk] esjB 9358410400

55 Jh vkflQ Jh eks0 olh] 43] ljk;thuk] esjB 9927067786

56 ekS0 vkfjQ ekS0 guhQ] 110] iwokZ vCnqyokyh] esjB 9259783240

57 Jh r:.k xks;y Jh fctsUnz iky xks;y] 1218@1] ek/koiqje] fnYyh jksM] esjB


58 Jherh rkfgjk Jh eqerkt] 153&155] iw0gk0 vCnqy djhe] esjB 9219997511

59 Jh ljQjkt Jh vCnqy lRrkj] 590] Å¡pk ln~nhd uxj] esjB 9897817255

60 Jh jkds'k dqekj Jh yhyk/kj 'kekZ] 78@4, izhr fogkj] esjB 9359607110

61 Jh vj'kn mYykg Jh eqtkfgnmYyk] 288@2] iwokZ vgen uxj] esjB 9897567234

62 Jh rglhu vgen Jh ckcwfea;k] 21] vktkn jksM xksyk dqavk] esjB 9897702952

63 Jh [kq'ksZn Jh vyhcDl] 701@211] QrsgmYykiqj jksM] tkfdj dkyksuh] esjB


64 Jh xkSjo dqekj Jh lq/khj dqekj] 76] NhihokMk] esjB 9358425341

65 Jherh lkftnk csxe ekS0 tkfgn] 264@1] iwokZ vCnqyokyh] bEyh;ku valkj xyh] esjB


66 Jh vkfjQ Jh eUuks vyh] bLekby uxj] esjB 75200234748755579228

67 Jherh :dlkuk Jh fny'kkn] 113@3] ';ke uxj] esjB 9897620786

68 Jherh utek Jh 'kkfgn igyoku] 259] iwokZ QS¸;kt vyh] esjB 9319292709

69 ekS0 'kkfgn Jh lqyseku] 452] jlhn uxj] esjB 93195566109027037094

70 Jh uokc Jh bLykeqn~nhu] 230] fQjkst uxj ?kaVsokyh xyh] fylkMh jksM] esjB


71 Jherh oghnu Jh ;klhu] 1] rkjkiqjh] vcjkj uxj] esjB 94122087699997125652

72 Jh nhoku 'kjhQ Jh c'khj vgen] ';keuxj] esjB 9358404097

73 Jherh 'kcue Jh uwjvkye] Q[k:n~nhu vgen uxj] esjB 9837962441

74 Jherh jbZlk gkth 'kkfgn] Q[k:n~nhu vgen uxj] esjB 9897809018

75 Jh de:n~nhu Jh uwj eksgEen] yD[khiqjk] esjB 9358055133

76 Jh gler Jh eksgEen vyh] 75@1] tkfdj gqlSu dkyksuh] esjB

77 ekS0 bjQku Jh vej] 1476] tkfdj gqlSu dkyksuh] esjB 9319129294

78 Jherh 'kgukt Jh 'kdhy] 930] valkj Cykd] djhe uxj] esjB 9897212168

79 Jh bdjkeqn~nhu bLykeqn~nhu] 1317@3] 'kkL=huxj] esjB 9837116644

80 Jh vkfny Jh guhQ v[rj] ea0 ua0 13] nf{ bLykekckn] vktkn uxj] esjB


'kklu }kjk ukfer fd;s x;s ik"kZnks dh lwph


uke firk dk uke irk eks0 u0

1- Jh vQtky lSQh

Lo0 futkeqn~nhu lSQh 184@1] iqokZ 'ks[kyky] esjBA 9319146061

2- pkS0 ujs'k efyd

Lo0 yky flag b[kykl uxj] MkcdkA 9634861299

3- Jh vkl ekSgEen

c'khj vgen 167] djhe uxj] esjBA 9358404285

4- Jh ujsUnz ;kno Jh ukjk;.k flag Å¡pk ekSgYyk] dls:[ksM+k] esjBA


5- Jh jktho 'kekZ Jh vkRe Lo:Ik 'kekZ 46] xaxk xu flVh] xaxkuxj] esjBA


6- Jh eqLrdhe efyd

gkth gQhtqYyk 25@1] tkfdj dkWyksuh] esjBA


7- Jh jkenRr 'kekZ Lo0 jru yky 'kekZ

3@6] rÅ ,lksfl,V] fMokbZMj jksM] 'krkCnh uxj] esjBA


8- T;ksRluk xqtZj Jh lqHkk"k xqtZj iYyoiqje] :M+dh jksM] Qsl&izFke] esjBA


9- lquhy dqekj flag Jh usiky flag fr:ifr xkMZu] eokuk jksM] esjBA


10- Jhefr vfurk jk.kk ik"kZn


(d) Details of the Members of Executive Committee Sl.No. Name Tenure Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Shri. Harish Kumar Shri RajkumarShri Shri Tehsin Ansari Mohd Shahid Shri Sartaj Shri Rajendra Singh Shri Ashu Rastogi Smt.Pooja Smt. Savitri Smt. Komal Shri Parmanand Shri Pramod

2 year

Ward 22 Ward 45 Ward 62 Ward 69 Ward 59 Ward 11 Ward 43 Ward 17 Ward 15 Ward 44 Ward 10 Ward 33

5. Proceeding of the meeting of Executive Committee held on 21-03-2016

6. Proceeding of the Municipality House held on 28-03-2016

Appendix-2 Directory of the Officers and Employees

See rule 3 (b)

Appendix-3 Øe la in&uke lh0;w0th0 ua0

1- egkikSj 8395881801

2- uxj vk;qDr 8395881802

3- vij uxj vk;qDr 8395881803

3- v0u0vk0@m0u0vk0&¼Jh e`R;qta;½ 8395881846

4- mi uxj vk;qDr ¼Jh ;kno½ 8395881804

5- eq[; dj fu/kkZj.k vf/kdkjh ¼Jh dqekj vlhe jatu½ 8395881805

6- dj fu/kkZj.k vf/kdkjh ¼Jh jkts'k flag½ 8395881806

7- dj v/kh{kd ¼Jh f'kokfy;k½ 8395881807

8- dj v/kh{kd ¼Jh xtsUnz½ 8395881808

9- dj v/kh{kd ¼Jh ch0yky½ 8395881809

10- dj v/kh{kd] Jhefr jek 'kekZ] 8395881810

11- vk'kqfyfid&egkikSj 8395881811

12- vk'kqfyfid] uxj vk;qDr ¼dk0½ 8395881812

13- vk'kqfyfid] uxj vk;qDr ¼dSEi½ 8395881813

14- izHkkjh ekxZ izdk'k@fujh{kd ekxZ izdk'k 8395881814

fuekZ.k foHkkx

15- eq[; vfHk;Urk ¼Jh dqy Hkw"k.k ok".ksZ;½ 8395881815

16- vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk&I ¼Jh ebZuqnnhu½ 8395881816

17- vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk&II ¼Jh lwjtiky½ 8395881817

18- vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk&III¼Jh jkeo`{k½ 8395881818

19- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jh ftrsUnz pkSgku½ 8395881820

20- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jh fctsUnz ;kno½ 8395881821

21- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jh fd'ku yky½ 8395881822

22- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jh ,l0ih0 flag½ 8395881823

23- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jh vuwi flag½ 8395881824

24- voj vfHk;Urk ¼Jhefr uhye½ 8395881825

25- voj vfHk;Urk ¼dq0 laxhrk d';i½ 8395881826

tydy foHkkx

27- egkizcU/kd Jh latho jkepUnz 8395881827

28- lgk;d vfHk;Urk ¼Jh nhid lDlSuk½ 8395881828

29- voj vfHk;Urk v'kksd dqekj 8395881829

LokLF; foHkkx

30- uxj LokLF; vf/kdkjh ¼Mk0 vkj0,l0 pkSgku ½ 8395881830

31- izHkkjh fnYyh jksM+ okgu fMiks ¼Jh jktiky ;kno½ 8395881831

32- izHkkjh lwjtdq.M fMiks ¼Jh [kj[kkSfn;k½ 8395881832

33- izHkkjh dadj[ksM+k fMiks ¼Jh lquhy dqekj½ 8395881833

34- eq[; lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh ds0ih0 R;kxh½ 8395881834

35- eq[; lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh jktho dqekj½ 8395881835

36- eq[; lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh xtsUnz flag½ 8395881836

37- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh iznhi dqekj½ 8395881837

38- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh v'kksd dqekj½ 8395881838

39 lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh fodkl dqekj½ 8395881839

40- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh nsohjke 'kekZ½ 8395881840

41- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh jktohj flag½ 8395881841

42- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh fot; iky½ 8395881842

43- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh izos'k dqekj½ 8395881843

44- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh fgekU'kq Hkkj}kt½ 8395881844

45- lQkbZ ,oa [kkn~; fujh{kd ¼Jh equh'k dqekj½ 8395881845

ys[kk foHkkx

46- eq[; foRr ,oa ys[kkf/kdkjh ¼Jh eksbZuqn~nhu½ 8395881819

47- ys[kkf/kdkjh ¼Jh f=ikBh½ 8395881847

48- lgk;d ys[kkf/kdkjh ¼Jh feJk½ 8395881848

The particulars of Officers who grant concessions, permits, licenses and Provide civic amenities

See rule 3 (c)

Sl. No.

Name Designation Entrusted duties and Responsibilities

Address of the Office

1 Dr. R.S. Chauhan

Municipal Health Officer

Public Health , Food Licenses, Birth & Death Certificate

Nagar Nigam Meerut

2 Sh Kulbhushan Varshnay

Chief Engineer, PWD

Public Civil works e.g. roads, drains, parks etc

Nagar Nigam Meerut

3 Sh A.K. Verma A.E.

Street Light Management

Nagar Nigam Meerut

4 Sh.R.B.Tiwari

Additional Municipal Commissioner


Nagar Nigam Meerut

5 Sh. Mratyunjay

Dy. Municipal Commissioner

House Tax

Nagar Nigam Meerut

6 Sh. Kumar Aseem Ranjan

Chief Tax Officer

House Tax

Nagar Nigam Meerut

Appendix-4 Audited financial statements of balance sheet, receipts and

Expenditure and annual Budget See rule 3 (d)

Month Receipts Expenditure Remarks April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

-----Attached ----------Attached -----------Attached

Total --- --- --- Details of Annual Budget ………---…………………….. Year ……………………………2010-11……………………… Income Expenditure Remarks

Opening Balance …… 4983.65…….

Revenue Accounts ……10832.52…...

Capital Accounts ……7816.49…….

Suspense Accounts ……….1900.15

Total ………… 25532.81…………

Revenue Account …8278.84

Capital Account ………11804.14……

Suspense Accounts ……8375……

Closing Balance ………5366.08……

Total ………25532.81……………….

Opening Balance Sheet As on 1.04.2006

Balalnce Sheet As on 2010-11


Balalnce Sheet As on 2011-12 under progress

Appendix-5 The service levels ch of the services

Level of services in various wards

Name of the services Extra Ordinary Normal wards)

below normal Remarks

provided for eaBeing undertaken by the Municipality

See rule 3 (e)

(name of wards) (name of (name of wards)

1. Sanitation or collection 34 All Other Nil -- (a) door to do

(b) segregation at source

2. Street Light

6, 23, 43, 52 All wards except 6, 23, 43, Nil -- 52

3. Roads and Drains 6, 23, 43, 52 ll wards except 6, 23, 43, Nil --


4. Assessment, Licenses Nil -- and Revenue Collection

5. Solid Waste All Wards All Wards Nil -- Management

6. Garden and Parks 6, 23, 43, 52 All wards except 6, 23, 43, Nil -- 52

7. Others


Particulars of all Plans, p ture, actual expenditure

. Details of Plans

roposed expendiOn major services provided or Activities performed and

Report on disbursement made. See rule 3 (f)

1 2. Major Services Proposed expenditure actual expenditure

37.47 124.30

.00 55.98

3. Other Activities 2151.00 921.01


Street Light 2

Solid Waste Management 5046.44 3939.69

Roads, drains and other 4650.00 2375.84

Civil works

Garden and Parks 55


Appendix-7 Details of subsidy program ices provided or activities

Name of subsidy Manner and criteria of identification of Details of the programs Remarks

s on major servPerformed by the Corporation and manner and criteria

Of identification of beneficiaries of such programs See rule 3 (g)

programs beneficiaries 1. H

. Water Tax

. Sewer Tax

. Birth and Death

. License

rut City

ater tax is being taken

ut City

ewer tax is being taken

rut City

irth & Death tax is being taken

icense is being taken

erut City

By survey and by ouse Tax






House tax is being taken

from the Citizens of Mee


from the Citizens of Meer


from the Citizens of Mee


from the Citizens of Meerut City


from the Citizens of Me

organizing camps



Appendix-8 Details of aking by

l.No. Name of Programs Description of the Impact of the Remarks

programs undertThe Municipality

See rule 3 (h)

Sprograms Programs






2 3 4 5

Appendix-9 Particulars of City Development Plans and detailed project reports

See rule 3 (i) 1. Name of the City

Development Plan Summary of the Plan Proposed expenditure

City Development Plan Meerut

Water Supply Sewerage Solid Waste Management Drainage Road and Road Transport Urban Environmental Management

62667.00 Lakhs 95183.80 Lakhs 2579.38 Lakhs 38640.30 Lakhs 53800.00 Lakhs 2469.43 Lakhs


Particulars of major works, values of works, time of completion And detail of contract

See rule 3 (j) Sl. No.

Name of Major Works

Cost of the work Time of Completion

detail of contract


Appendix-11 Details of Municipality Fund

See rule 3 (k) Previous year ………………… Current year………….…… Tax Demand Collection 1. 2. 3.

Total Non Tax Demand Collection 1. 2. 3.

Total Grand Total (Tax + Non Tax) = Funds from State Government and Central Government

Amount Purpose Position of Utilization

1. Grants 7125.09 Salary & Development 2. Loans 1895.00 Slaughter House & Jnnurm Contribution 3. Subsidy 4. Government Share 5. Devolution 6. Others 6994.46(Jnnurm)