nabu - focus medio oriente newsletter


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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Nabu selected titles with a focus on the Middle East's hottest topics. Una selezione di nostri titoli sui temi più caldi e attuali del Medio Oriente.


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TITOLI !!!Abunimah Ali, The Battle for Justice in Palestine (Haymarket Books) !!Alexander Anne e Bassiouny Mostafa , Bread, Freedom, Social Justice - Workers and the Egyptian Revolution (Zed Books) !!Hanieh Adam, Lineages of Revolt - Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East (Haymarket Books) !!Phillips David, The Kurdish Spring: a new Map of the Middle East (Transaction) !!Sadat Jehan, My Hope for Peace (AUC - American University in Cairo Press) !!Shirali Mahnaz, The Mistery of Contemporary Iran (Transaction) !!!White Paul, The PKK - Coming Down from the Mountains (Zed Books) !

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Diritti venduti: turchia

Alla fine, gli sforzi per giungere alla soluzione dei due Stati sono caduti nel nulla, e la battaglia per la giustizia in Palestina si trova ad un bivio. Mentre la società israeliana scivola verso un maggiore estremismo, molti si chiedono quale direzione abbia preso questa battaglia. Questo libro offre una chiara analisi di questo delicato momento cruciale e guarda avanti con urgenza verso un futuro di maggiore pace.


“In!The Battle for Justice in Palestine!it is the voice of Ali Abunimah, fierce, wise — a warrior for justice and peace — someone whose large heart, one senses, beyond his calm, is constantly on fire. A pragmatist but also a poet. This is the book to read to understand the present bizarre and ongoing complexity of the Palestine/Israel tragedy. And though it is filled with the grim reality of this long and deadly, ugly and dehumanizing, conflict, it also offers hope.” Alice Walker !

“A crucially needed dose of educated hope. This is what hits me from this fascinating amalgam of incisive journalism, analytic prose and intellectually compelling vision that emanates from many years of brilliant activism. Sailing effortlessly from the domestic to the global, from Johannesburg to Belfast and from Chicago to Tel Aviv, Ali Abunimah paints a lucid, accessible picture out of a complex web of racism, racialized oppression, and creative resistance. Ali does not give us hope; he helps us dig for it within us by meticulously laying out before us the facts, the trends, the challenges and the inspiring resistance to them.” Omar Barghouti, Palestinian human rights activist, co-founder of the BDS movement, author of Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights !

“In The Battle for Justice in Palestine, Ali Abunimah — the most astute commentator writing on Palestine today — bursts the leaky myths of Israeli exceptionalism while carefully examining where the battle for Palestine is currently being waged. Rich in information and deep in analysis,!The Battle for Justice in Palestine!will inspire readers that Palestinian self-determination is not only possible but absolutely necessary.” Moustafa Bayoumi !

“This is the best book on Palestine in the last decade. No existing book presents the staggering details and sophistication of analysis that Abunimah’s book offers. Abunimah’s scope includes an analysis of the politics, economics, environmental policies, identity politics, international relations, academic scholarship and activism, global solidarity, and official and unofficial lobbies that have come to bear on Palestine and the Palestinians.!The Battle for Justice in Palestine!is the most comprehensive treatment of Palestinian suffering under Israeli control and offers the only possible way to end it. It is a must read for anyone seeking to understand the current situation of the Palestinians and Israel.” Joseph Massad, Columbia University

L’AUTORE: Ali Hasan Abunimah is a Palestinian American journalist who has been described as “the leading American proponent of a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” He is the author of!One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli Palestinian Impasse, a resident of Chicago who contributes regularly to such publications as The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times, he has also served as the Vice-President on the Board of Directors of the Arab American Action Network. He is a fellow at the Palestine Center, and is co-founder of The Electronic Intifada. He has appeared on many television discussion programs on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and other networks. He is the recipient of the 2013 Lannan Cultural Freedom Award.

Vincitore del

2014 Palestine Book


conferitogli dal Middle

East Monitor

!! !

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ANNE ALEXANDER & MOSTAFA BASSIOUNY BREAD, FREEDOM, SOCIAL JUSTICE Workers and the Egyptian Revolution !!!PANE, LIBERTÀ, GIUSTIZIA SOCIALE I LAVORATORI E LA RIVOLUZIONE EGIZIANA (ZED BOOKS) Resoconti della “Primavera Araba” si sono spesso concentrati sul ruolo

dei gruppi giovanili, l’uso dei social media, e le tattiche dell’occupazione di Piazza Tahrir. Questo volume autorevole e originale sostiene che un’azione collettiva di lavoratori organizzati ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nelle rivoluzioni tunisine e egiziane. Le quali sono infatti state l’inevitabile conseguenza di diversi anni di scioperi, incluse rivolte localizzate nelle miniere di fosfati in Tunisia e nelle manifatture tessili in Egitto, le prove generali delle rivoluzioni del 2011. Gli scioperi negli ultimi giorni dei regimi di Ben Ali e di Mubarak sono stati un fattore cruciale per la loro rimozione dal potere, e gli autori sostengono che la mancanza di lavoratori organizzati in Siria spieghi perché il cambio di regime sta richiedendo più tempo. Il perdurare di questi movimenti di lavoratori senza precedenti mettono seriamente in difficoltà l'ipotesi di una visione neo-liberale dell'epoca post-rivoluzionaria ed avrà ripercussioni in tutta la regione.


“In un campo dominato da studi incentrati esclusivamente sui movimenti politici e apparati statali, questo è un contributo molto apprezzato e importante.” Prof. Gilbert Achcar, SOAS, Università di Londra e autore di The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising

“Uno dei migliori resoconti della rivoluzione egiziana, delle sue cause nascoste e di quello che è venuto dopo. Questo volume è una lettura accessibile e approfondita.” Rabab El Mahdi, American University in Cairo

“In questo testo avvincente e di lettura estremamente agevole, gli autori confermano la propria posizione come due degli osservatori più acuti dei movimenti di lavoratori in Egitto.” Adam Hanieh, SOAS, Università di Londra

GLI AUTORI: Anne Alexander è ricercatrice presso il Center for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) presso l'Università di Cambridge. Ha pubblicato molto su politica, movimenti sociali e media digitali nel Medio Oriente, ed è autrice di una biografia di Gamal Abdel-Nasser (Haus, 2005).

Mostafa Bassiouny è uno dei giornalisti del lavoro più conosciuti in Egitto con forti "#$%&'!()"'*'+'!#!(#,-).%"'!+).!$"'!%**'/'-*'!0#'!-'.0%+%*'1!!!

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ADAM HANIEH - LINEAGES OF REVOLT issues of contemporary capitalism in the middle east

LINEAMENTI DI UNA RIVOLTA questioni di capitalismo contemporaneo in medio oriente !(haymarket books) !While the outcomes of the tumultuous uprisings that continue to transfix the Arab world remain uncertain, the root causes of rebellion persist. Drawing upon extensive empirical research, Lineages of Revolt tracks the

major shifts in the region’s political economy over recent decades. In this illuminating and original work, Adam Hanieh explores the contours of neoliberal policies, dynamics of class and state formation, imperialism and the nature of regional accumulation, the significance of Palestine and the Gulf Arab states, and the ramifications of the global economic crisis. By mapping the complex and contested nature of capitalism in the Middle East, the book demonstrates that a full understanding of the uprisings needs to go beyond a simple focus on “dictators and democracy.”

L’AUTORE: Adam Hanieh!is a Senior Lecturer in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (UK). He is the author of!Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States.!


“This important, original work should be read by anyone with an interest in the political economy of the Middle East.” Middle East Research and Information Project!(MERIP) !!“Hanieh’s groundbreaking book argues that we should not view the Gulf Arab states as anomalies in the worldwide economy.” Arab Studies Journal !!“Insightful, timely, and welcome ... the analytical framework and substantial data he puts forward in the book will help readers map out the current and future processes of regional integration, class formations, and contradictions, and to situate these processes within the wider global political economy.” International Socialist Review !!


Rights sold: English in India, Nepal, Bangladeshand Sri Lanka, Turkey

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David l. phillips The Kurdish Spring: A New Map of the Middle East!



Kurds are the largest stateless people in the world. An estimated thirty-two million Kurds live in “Kurdistan,” which includes parts of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran—today’s “hot spots” in the Middle East. The Kurdish Spring explores the subjugation of Kurds by Arab, Ottoman, and Persian powers for almost a century, and explains why Kurds are now evolving from a victimized people to a coherent political community. David L. Phillips describes Kurdish rebellions and arbitrary divisions in the last century, chronicling the nadir of Kurdish experience in the 1980s. He discusses draconian measures implemented by Iraq, including use of chemical weapons, Turkey’s restrictions on political and cultural rights, denial of citizenship and punishment for expressing Kurdish identity in Syria, and repressive rule in Iran. Phillips forecasts the collapse and fragmentation of Iraq. He argues that US strategic and security interests are advanced through cooperation with Kurds, as a bulwark against ISIS and Islamic extremism. This work will encourage the public to look critically at the post-colonial period, recognizing the injustice and impracticality of states that were created by Great Powers, and offering a new perspective on sovereignty and statehood.

SELECTED PRESS: “Few scholars know more about the intricacies of the Kurdish challenges than David Phillips.!He not only knows all the key players but he also understands the political dynamics of the Kurdish nationalism in today's evolving Middle East. The Kurdish Spring is a must read for anyone seeking to understand the history and impact the Kurds play in the region today.”

Nancy Soderberg, former Deputy National Security Advisor and Representative to the United Nations

L’AUTORE: David L. Phillips is director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Phillips served as foreign affairs expert and senior adviser to the US Department of State during the administrations of presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama. He is the author of!From Bullets to Ballots. Bernard Kouchner is a French politician. From 2007 until 2010 he was the Foreign Minister of France. He is the cofounder of Doctors without Borders.

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JEHAN SADAT MY HOPE FOR PEACE !LA MIA SPERANZA DI PACE (Auc - american university in cairo press) !Una analisi attuale e chiara dei problemi chiave del Medio Oriente da parte della ex first lady egiziana, autrice best seller del New York Times, crociata per i diritti delle donne e vedova di Anwar Al Sadat, vincitore del Premio Nobel per la Pace. Con grazia, candore e il peso dell’esperienza di più di mezzo secolo di gestione dei conflitti che ancora affliggono il territorio, Jehan Sadat invita ad ispirarsi all'esempio del suo defunto marito, il cui accordo di pace con Israele è stata duraturo, e la cui leadership, ferrea anche di fronte a ostacoli apparentemente insuperabili, può aiutare a illuminare la via in questi tempi altrettanto difficili. Attingendo alla loro vita insieme e alle proprie conoscenze nella materia della storia recente del Medio Oriente, Jehan distilla le lezioni che può fornire la pace di Sadat. Nel procedere, spiega le origini del moderno terrorismo islamico, un fenomeno con cui si è spesso scontrata, sia politicamente che personalmente. Cerca, inoltre, di sfatare stereotipi comuni riguardo alla propria religione e scardina molti dei miti che riguardano l'essere una donna musulmana, rivendicando con orgoglio la passione, la franchezza e l'acume politico che nella vita le hanno procurato sia ammirazione che inimicizia. My Hope for Peace è un testo indimenticabile su una eredità che il mondo farebbe bene a ricordare. !!!!!!!!!L’AUTRICE: Jehan Sadat, author of the New York Times bestselling autobiography, A Woman of Egypt, is a Senior Fellow with the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, College Park. A lifelong activist for women's rights, literacy, and humanitarian causes worldwide, she has received more than twenty honorary doctoral degrees and a number of prestigious international awards, including the Eleanor Roosevelt Award from the United Nations Association of San Francisco and UNICEF's Children's Champion Award.

SELECTED PRESS: "Part memoir of her husband's courageous initiative to recognize Israel's right to exist, which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize but cost him his life, part reminder that terrorism and radical fundamentalism are repudiated by the overwhelming majority of Muslims, Jehan Sadat's "My Hope for Peace" is a moving, powerful, and illuminating book.”

Henry Kissinger

“The real hero of the peace agreement of 1979 between Israel and Egypt was Anwar Sadat. This book of his wife, Jehan, reminds us that Anwar’s dream of regional peace is still alive.”

President Jimmy Carter !

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How does ideological Islam maintain its political power in modern Iran?

The mystery of how an Islamic dictatorship came to power remains more than thirty years after the Islamic Republic's inception in Iran. The precise nature of a regime that calls itself both a republic and Islamic is little understood. Mahnaz Shirali analyzes twentieth-century Iranian history to understand the Shiite clergy's role in a modernized country's social and political organization. She explains what enabled the clergy to take over prevailing political forces and gain control of the state.! Studying Iran's history for the past one hundred years reveals the force of a religious conservatism opposing political modernity, repelling any attempt at democracy by Iranians, thanks to its constant metamorphoses. Shirali studies the curse of the Shiite clergy on political modernity. It is a convincing, in-depth criticism of the ideological Islam imposed on Iran.

!!!"Mahnaz Shirali's book makes us think about Iran's destiny, its progress towards modernity, the obstacles encountered by a democracy, never truly achieved, always fragile."

Dominique Schnapper, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

L’AUTRICE: Mahnaz Shirali is a professor at the Paris School of Business and the author of Iranian Youth, A Generation in Crisis, Between Islam and Democracy, and The Curse of the Religious.!!!!

Selected Press

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paul white the pkk - coming down from the mountains

!il pkk scendendo giù dalle montagne Zed Books (June 2015)

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is infamous for its violence. The struggle it has waged for Kurdish independence in south-eastern Turkey has cost in excess of 40,000 lives since 1984. Less known, however, is the fact that the PKK now embraces a non-violent end to the conflict, with its leader Abdullah Öcalan having ordered his fighters to ceasefire and engage in a negotiated peace with the Ankara Government.

Whether these tentative attempts at peacemaking mean a long-term end to the bloodshed remains to be seen, but either way the ramifications for Turkey and the wider region are potentially huge. Charting the ideological evolution of the PKK, as well as its origins, aims and organizational setup, Paul White provides the only authoritative and up-to-date analysis of one of the most important non-state political players in the contemporary Middle East.

L’AUTORE: Dr. Paul J White is a Visiting Lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia. He has taught Middle East Politics courses at Deakin University, in Melbourne, at Macquarie University in Sydney, and at the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. He is the author of Primitive Rebels or Revolutionary Modernizers? The Kurdish National Movement in Turkey (Zed Books, London, 2000). He was a member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and serves on the Board of Directors of the Kurdish Institute, Washington DC.

il pkk scendendo giù dalle montagneZed Books (June 2015)

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is infamous for its violence. The struggle it has waged for Kurdish independence in south-eastern Turkey has cost in excess of 40,000 lives since 1984. Less known, however, is the fact that the PKK now embraces a non-violent end to the conflict, with its leader Abdullah Öcalan having ordered his fighters to ceasefire and engage in a negotiated peace with the Ankara Government.