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N2X Packets and Protocols —Tcl Primer

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N2X Packets and Protocols

—Tcl Primer

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About Tcl/Tk

• Tcl: Tool Command Language

• very simple scripting language

• can source scripts or enter commands interactively

• Tcl interpreter: parses commands and scripts

• Tcl shell: provides command interface to the interpreter

• Tk: Toolkit

• GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit

• enables fast, non-verbose GUI prototyping

• creates windows, icons, menus, pointers

• Tk interpreter: parses Tcl and Tk commands/scripts

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About Tcl/Tk

• The two shells that exist for Tcl/Tk

scripts are :

• Tclsh : Tcl Shell

• Command Line only shell that

allows Tcl commands to be


• Wish: Windowing Shell

• Displays and manages Tk GUI


• Also executes Tcl commands

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To install Tcl/Tk

• From the N2X Packets and Protocols CD:

• launch from the top-level directory:


where {version} is the Tcl/Tk version, for example,


• From the Tcl Developer Xchange web site:

• http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/

• unpack the self-extracting file

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To launch the Tcl Shell

• Windows:

• Start menu> (All) Programs> Tcl {version}> Tclsh{version}

• C:\Program Files\Tcl{version}\bin\tclsh{version}.exe

• DOS shell: enter tclsh{version}, for example, tclsh83

• N2X Packets and Protocols GUI:

• Tools menu > Tcl Shell

• UNIX shell:

• [path]/tclsh{version}

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About Tcl commands

• Sequence of words, separated by white space

• First word is the command name, which may be a

• built-in Tcl/Tk command (proc, set, while, ...)

• Tcl/Tk procedure you define

• Remaining words are command arguments

• Eg:

% puts “Hello World”

% my_own_function 2 3 4 5

Command name Command argument(s)

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About Tcl commands

• Remaining words can be grouped:

• square braces: [a Tcl command, evaluated to provide an argument]Eg.

% set age [expr 2001 - 1975] % set age 26

• curly braces: {a list, which can be a Tcl command evaluated later}

• quotes: “a string, can include $var and [command] substitutions”

• Long commands continue on next line using “\”

• \ replaced by space in final command

one argument

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To execute Tcl commands

• Interactively, at the command line

• enter the commands after the % prompt

% puts “Hello World”

Hello World

• In a script

• save the commands in a file with the .TCL extension

• use source to run the script

% source hello.tcl

Hello World

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To get help

• To list pre-/user-defined commands/procedures:

info commands ?pattern?

% info commands p*

pwd pid proc_mine proc package puts

• Online Help:

• Start menu > (All) Programs > Tcl {version} > Tcl help

• Web:

• http://www.tcl.tk/man/ (manpages)

• see References at end for more

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To get and print data

• To prompt the user to enter data through STDIN:

gets stdin $variable

% gets stdin address


• To print data to STDOUT (the Tcl Shell):

puts ?-nonewline? “text_or_variables”

% puts “Connected to: $address”

Connected to:

Length of string

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To set variables

• To assign a variable a value:

set variable value

% set num 42


% set decimal 4.2


% set hex 0xf


% set string1 hi


% set string2 “hi world”

hi world

% set longstr “This is a \

very long string.”

This is a very long string.

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To clear and delete variables

• To reset a value:

set variable 0

set variable “”

• To delete a variable:

unset variable

• To list the defined variable names:

info vars

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To get the time

• In seconds from Tcl Epoch:

clock seconds

% clock seconds


• In a readable format:

clock format [clock seconds] -format %c

% clock format 973750148 -format %c

Wed Nov 08 22:09:08 2000

• To wait n milliseconds:

after n

% after 1000

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To add comments

• To add a comment:

• enter # to begin a line (may be preceded by spaces, tabs)

# comment

% # this is a comment

• To add an in-line comment:

• enter the command separator “;” after a command

command ; # comment

% set hPort1 17 ; # this is port 1A

% set hPort2 18 ; # this is port 1B

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To evaluate expressions

• To evaluate a math or boolean expression:

expr math_or_boolean_expression

% expr 6 + 9


% expr 6 == 9


% expr 6 == 6


• To evaluate an expression in a {list} or “string”:

eval command_in_list_or_string

% set add_later “expr 6 + 9”

expr 6 + 9

% eval $add_later


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To execute conditionally

• When expression true:

if expr body?elseif expr body? ?else body?

• When string matches:

switch ?opt? string {?pattern body??pattern body??default body?


• opt may be -exact, -glob, or -regexp

% if { $rx == $tx } {puts “No packet loss”

} elseif { $rx < $tx } {puts “Packets lost”

} else {puts “Packets Rx > Tx”}

% switch -regexp $name {“John” {puts “Hello John”}“S*” {puts “Hello S…….”}“Pete” {puts “Hello Pete”}default {puts “Goodbye”}


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To execute in a loop

• To increment a variable uniformly:

for start test next body

% for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {

puts $i


• Note: It is incr i not incr $i — incr expects a variable name.

• To work through a list of values:

foreach variable list body

% foreach i {1 5 23} {

puts $i


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To execute in a loop (cont’d)

• To use a while loop:

while test body

% set currPktSize 40

% while {$currPktSize <= 47} {

puts “Current packet: $currPktSize bytes”

set currPktSize [incr currPktSize]


• To exit out of a loop early:


• To proceed to next loop iteration:


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To catch errors

• When a fatal error occurs, Tcl shell terminates

• Launch the Tcl shell through DOS to be able to scroll back through

the script output prior to the error

• Or, to handle the error gracefully in scripts:

catch command return_value

set error [catch {open imix.txt} fileHandle]

if {$error} {

puts "Could not open file."

} else {

puts ”File opened, handle = $fileHandle"


• if $error = 1, command generated error (0 = success)

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To manage lists

• A list is a series of items, incrementally indexed

• To create a list:

set list {item1 item2 … }

• To extract a list item (where index = 0 to end):

lindex $list index

% set list {one two {three four} five}

% lindex $list 0


% lindex $list 2

three four

% lindex [lindex $list 2] 1


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To manage lists (cont’d)

Command … Use …

llength $list Returns number of items in listlappend list ?item item …? Adds items to the end of a listlinsert $list index ?item item …? Returns list with items before indexlist ?item item …? Returns list of itemslrange $list first_index last_index Returns range of itemslreplace $list first_ind last_ind item Returns list with the range of items

replaced by single itemlsearch $list pattern Index of first occurrencelsort $list Sorts items in a list (by option)join $list ?string? Glues list items togethersplit string {} Returns chars in string

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To manage arrays

• An array is a like a list but can be indexed using names

• To define array items (one by one, all at once):

set array(index) value

array set array (index1 value1 index2 value2 … )

• To extract an array item, array indexes, values:


array names array

parray array

% array set minlength {ip 40 tcp 64 udp 48}

% parray minlength

minlength(ip) = 40

minlength(tcp) = 64

minlength(udp) = 48

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To manage strings

• A string is series of ASCII characters

• To define a string or prompt the user for one:

set string {string of characters}

gets stdin $string

• To get the string length, one char, range of chars:

string length $string

string index $string char_index

string range $string first_index last_index

% set address

% string length $address


% set network [string range $address 0 2]


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To manage strings (cont’d)

Command … Returns …

string compare $s1 $s2 -1, 0, or 1, depending on whethers1 is lexicographically <, =, > s2

string equal $s1 $s2 1 if s1 and s2 are equal, 0 if notstring first char $s Index to first occurrence of charstring last char $s Index to last occurrence of charstring match pattern $s 1 if pattern found in s, 0 if notstring tolower $s String in lower casestring toupper $s String in upper casestring trim $s Trims leading, trailing spacesformat $s ?$arg $arg? Formats a string (sprintf)

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To read from / write to files

• To open a file, get single lines, read the whole file:

set file_handle [open filename]

gets $file_handle line

read $file_handle $file_size_in_chars

• To open a file to write to it:

set file_handle [open filename w]

puts $file_handle $line

% set file_han [open imix.txt]


% while { [gets $file_han line] >= 0} {

puts $line }



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To execute O/S commands

• To execute a DOS command:

command arg1 arg2 …

• To run an application program:

exec program arg1 …

% dir *.txt

Directory of c:\temp

10/14/00 02:00p 19 imix.txt

% exec {C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\notepad.exe} imix.txt

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To define procedures

• To define a procedure:

proc name { ? arg1 arg2 … ? } {

? commands ?

? return value ?


% proc add {x y} {return [expr $x + $y]}

• To call a procedure:

name ? arg1 arg2 … ?

% add 6 9


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To define procedures (cont’d)

• To define an optional input argument with a default:

proc name { arg1 {arg2 default} } {body}

% proc rate {x {unit “%”}} {puts “$x $unit”}

% rate 100

100 %

% rate 2.4 Gb/s

2.4 Gb/s

• To pass a variable number of arguments:

proc name { args } {body}

% proc printall {args} {

foreach value $args {puts $value}


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To give variables global scope

• Variables defined in the main scope (ie. the top-level script) are

local, not recognized inside procedures

• Variables defined inside a procedure are also local,

not recognized in the main scope

• To use a variable globally:

global var

% proc add_to_base {x} {

global base

return [expr $base + $x] }

% set base 40

% add_to_base 2


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To define paths to Tcl libraries

• To add a path to a Tcl file or package:

auto_mkindex directory file(s)

pkg_mkIndex directory file(s)

% auto_mkindex . *.tcl

% pkg_mkIndex "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib" *.tcl

• creates a pkgIndex.tcl in that directory to list the file(s) defining

Tcl commands and procedures

• To load the code in a Tcl file or package:

source file

package require file

% package require AgtClient


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Adding Tk widgets to your Tcl script

• What is a widget ?

• It's simply a component of your


Buttons, menu bars, boxes, these

are all widgets.

• Widgets are created in the wish


• Widgets are not one line commands.

You have to first tell wish what you

want the widget to look like and do,

and then you have to tell it to put it

on the screen.


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Adding widgets to your Tcl script

• The syntax for the first part is:

widget_type widget_name option1 option2…

• Eg. : If we create a button directly from the wish

shell :


% button .firstWidget -text "Hello World!”

The line above will create

a button called .firstWidget

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Adding widgets to your Tcl script

• You may also notice that nothing in your wish window changed.

That's because you have to use something called the Packer

Geometry Manager.

• pack .firstWidget

The pack command places the widget in the wish window.

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Adding widgets to your Tcl script

• Some common widgets used are :

• button

• checkbutton

• radiobutton

• menubutton

• menu

• canvas

• label

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Adding widgets to your Tcl script

• entry

• message

• listbox

• text

• scrollbar

• scale

• frame

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Reference: Tcl Commands (1)

Command … Use …

puts ?-nonewline? “text” prints text and variable datagets stdin $variable gets keyboard data from userset variable value assigns a variable a valueexpr math_or_boolean_expr evaluates a math/boolean expreval command evaluates an expr in a list or stringif expr body ?elseif expr body? : ?else body?

executes conditionally if numeric or

string expression is true

switch ?opt? string { ?pattern body? : ?default body? }

executes conditionally on string or

regular expression match

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Reference: Tcl Commands (2)

Command … Use …

for start test next body executes continuously, while

incrementing a variable uniformly foreach var list body executes continuously on each

item in a list while test body executes continuously until

condition met catch command return catches a command error set list {item1 item2 … } defines the items in a list lindex $list index extracts an item from a list

llength $list returns # of items in a list

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Command … Use …

set array(index) valuearray set array (index1 value1 index2 value2 … )$array(index)array names arrayparray array

defines arrays of values indexed

using names

set s {string}string length $sstring index $s indexstring range $s first laststring compare $s1 $s2string equal $s1 $s2format $s ?$arg1 $arg2 …?

defines, checks, and formats


exec program arg1 … runs an application program

Reference: Tcl Commands (3)

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Reference: Tcl Commands (4)

Command … Use …

set handle [open file ?w?] opens a file (w to write to it) gets $handle line reads lines from a file

puts $handle $line writes lines to a file

proc name {?arg1 arg2?}{ ? commands ? ? return value ? }

defines a modular, re-usable


name ?arg1 arg2? calls a previously defined


auto_mkindex dir files pkg_mkIndex dir files

add path to Tcl file/package

source file package require file

loads code in file/package

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Reference: Special Characters

Character … Use to …

# insert a comment$ replace with a variable’s value[ ] replace with an evaluated commandtab, space separate words (arguments for a command)return separate words inside { }; separate commands in same line\ continue a command on next line\c escape a special character (c){ } denote items in a list“ “ denote items in a string

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Reference: Arithmetic Operators

Operator … Use to …

+ add - subtract * multiply / divide % get the remainder < > <= >= compare values to yield Boolean true/false == != check equality to yield Boolean true/false & | bitwise AND, OR && || logical AND, OR “ “ denote items in a string

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Reference: Regular Expressions

Operator … Use to match …

. any character^ beginning of string$ end of string[abc] any character in square brackets[^abc] any character not in square brackets[a-z] range of characters[^a-z] characters not in rangere1|re2 regular expression 1 or 2re* zero or more occurrences of rere+ one or more occurrences of rere? one or one occurrence of re

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• [Intro] Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, John K. Ousterhout, Addison-Wesley,


• [Reference] Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, Brent B. Welch,

Prentice Hall, 1997.

• Exploring Expect, Don Libes, O’Reilly, 1994.

• Tcl/Tk software: http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/

• Tcl/Tk manpages: http://www.tcl.tk/man/

• Tcl/Tk how to guides: http://www.tcl.tk/doc/howto/

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• TclPro: Tcl development tools

• code checker, graphical debugger, Tcl application packager

• http://www.tcl.tk/software/tclpro/

• Edit +: syntax highlighter/checker

• costs US $30, free 30-day trial available on web

• http://editplus.com

• an EditPlus syntax file for the N2X Packets and Protocol Tcl API is installed with the software:

C:\Program Files\Agilent\N2X\RouterTester900\{version}\etc\editplus\RouterTesterTclTk.stx