n fai a n g ry f flash ritevolt^ autocrasl tie i igary sv...

Traffi' ^ ^ ^ ^.--^relw ard ^ jj^^^^^^^-S^to^VlUeJ-ilitLIor Ui# - iwe.... " iSita v.ii.y. IIST " J -------- AutoCrasl New Year By Tha AMorUtMl P rr /«,. /leiths for the New Year v ^ SlSSy5:iieJn ^ iiy k'of 40i -i.vwriod at the cn'd'of 1052 ^ I Ji?rtwrts Wednesday for‘.the ^ 'A T p -m . Friday-and ^ -:: '^ 5 !3 : 5 ^ y midnight to" 4 07'deaths - S^5S.3%';STc.V- cmmcl!, (to, m>ro= . "” '■ «i^orc«nent of- f f ^ d im tn make our prc- traffic'deatl^a ---------- ‘^ r ^ T S S ty period »'ay high. w ♦h.i'H »nd congratulfttlona to », « « 0 ' driver and J " JSttment *«ency to make - achleTemcnt » ; ^ STtSroMh 1W7. If we can -— iL«h ind Vinnont — report«a-<ia -^- durln»~thefW*w Sejuaiftj pcriod;-flt«Jff report- ^^^^--w e r e -ySlItorriU- XJ^ftDMylvanU, Michigan and - -• miMkT^-wlth-aOM-more— . -;..u.,.^..j V t a A t* norinM non-holiday ^ period at thU time of the , ^ Mr An A«odatea Press «urvey In rr~-\ lOJ-hour non-holiday t« t period )ec. II lilwed 800 traffle deaths. Dispute Noted ^4 Among Demos LLCivilRigl^ts WAaSIHOTON. Jan. S (ITJ-^Two ... uStieoDttow over dvil rlghtA eeotaated ooncrets today on the ' t n «(tti nev sewlon. KUi e o n rtn formally eon- L . TBM.ftt noon B Sr toaiorrow. Iwt johi pw*ag*m#lM*dy,w|reonhBB4 {unke ^SS^Ssu] m -fB S & r to dlscliJllne tTO mem- 6 « -^ Adam Olaytan PoweU, K. botl«d the party In the WoTember'elMtionii'** a result of T Ui« civil rtghU Issue, ' J . R^Wbllcah house members, wlUi na-rMl-lwM>betw««n them,•caucus EDW this afternoon, Cnllf,. . In'tJis unat« there was presses- object i llQa_iklnnlkhM-m-*-.drlve-t»-<lo hiintfrp awsy wltu tlllbusters, the msln wea- ce, pen used by aouthprn member® to rtAfrt i^ll civil -righU lesUlallon. *....... .. g ------------------------ Llltle Army to Plan r;;. Nuclear Units K Around Reds E.' ^^^HINOTOW. J»n, a nn—Tlie c o m ^ »IU.«med atomic u»k forces at eoulppt •found the world, . IIkIi(.i, The propaied powerful ."aloinln men en fir* brljirtM" would hij mpshlE of hack a nj«itn£ W lha-acene of any auddw th fr II fommunl.1 ll.ru,n, ^ HlZrth 3 TOe propel, now in «n advnnced spverig jnnlDE M«Kf. is iiBrl of an anny w n« « t^»nlMtloti iichfdiilrd to lU rt I t w. 2IUL.Ulli.iaar.___ ____________Bntrttrd «4-»tt^«w)tit m.mifl nun riom iia iiniirhi » eomt,u dly|.jH,,ia gi«.,lUc/ii lliplx.j W* iddfil inohlllly dfmsndrd hy Dllly l^ c i»nif«rr Home nf niMO Ameilo "W nifti w.HilAlm ,u,i II, Momln with 11 tL Alvnini tii.1 , I * '"■""‘d wlUi T ry rn f LV. I'.’y'"."""''' *'• ‘J"nH'Vnl «nU.ti. "Wte, wl.irh linx K 00 lo 7J-iiille yrtier.l *"f 'lo" lloiiMl John rorkcl Tivn 'fttli 1,,, , ,n 2B ,1,11, ^ HIM rlKhl-liii-h wn* In Itecess Ends d m m :i) NA-nONn, N, V. I'™" ' i l5S5'-r'a,:“!;»f”« ‘^ U |> lll^ lUPMllIK « P ||„ „f 3"l"C m '..itt-fai:a. Ui*^I..Urn«________ •^-Tju Q v ........................... ,.T^.. h! ii'tnnlu J(nein(»l „i, J SV ........... ■<* "" '■'"I ‘lur- l«lf . ! "“ ‘“ '•''t IXflnllllB iVfr Cvl"''' "'-'‘Wi-cjrrrk dl.imue t/ mti _________ M.jiida: .Jt.“r()mc’sFir.st "rn Jpli. a — J*.omn'. noU«'l p . ...........* Iit«"ii1tnl ni 1J;I0 I «"d fill fMr.1 ''"''y Vrns iirr- C I?, I" -*>1.. ' Him, V7 hi Nraj 1. "“"'"d John Kitnumrt ' a '■ •‘'Ivi, V'; ''I"’ "f nn.l Mrs, - ................ . I ■' ' aNtund ir ♦• I A Hoeionnl > illed in B Tie i f Record W Preu A(, ?ar week-end tio<l tho rfiurd p'.urii r5trrwiT!r-Gstfci5ii7ireiJ''fmrnvfr[iir.: ui 10.52 n n d Ih e s r . r t n f i O.'):;.; i),.. i<- :the_Now_Ypnr pcriort Ihaijom i.i M( V" ' V John Keran Walbnro, iha (Irtl baby to i lanked by bis parenU. Mr. and M n.'Jo flr»t'of ihe year’* honor*, he weljied nin lUgte Valley Memorial hoeplUI •'at ItlO a 5uBTreezing ]Si MglitFatalta ---- - Lost Child, 3 TA EDWAItds ATK' FQnCg ~BAgg. yCStCI nllf,, Jftrt. 2 l^i~A 3-ycnr-old boy. .servic >Ject of a New Year’s eve hunt by tl St center, wna found dead on (he !JMt yesterday—a victim of bone- the 1' lining cold, • Izcd t Llltle Billy Uny Tryre wns wearing vent l ily a T-shirt and blue Jenns when ---------- t wandered awsy^.from a housing K wUh Ills pet doK, Ills body was JL/G unrt Just after dnwn In an Isolated _ •ea Iwo miles nwny. Tlie t«‘mperB- 1 ire was 38 degree.i In pre-dawn J-iV More Ihnn' BOO officers and mm ^ imbed this sprawling Mo>vn desert \J OS' all ■TilgH tr^'ieyuv!d~jM jii ^ lUlpped with radios and senrch- ,, ihts, Tliey forniPd-phrllra'of 3i0, en ench nnd, hand In Imnd went ick and forUi over areiu where ley Ihmigtit Billy hSrt wnnrirrrd, loodhoiinris were sent for. At dawn, ‘0 stq verig plaiiM and four Jifllcopters ” '‘’^'1" ne sent aloft. Hut It wa.1 one of Uin roplers Uial first si ifTttrd-wily:—At-•TimrrTTiB’ Tiint stnrtr- inuuUt-hejiiigUtJu.allvc, IL-UumU. COIUU 'C. itlfhe w^n tJikrn to a liospllal that the h IP l>«y Wn^,,known lo l>e dead.. , coiigrr llllly wns vlBlliiig Ihls Unsp. where tw'n Vi nieiloa'a nnwpst plnncs me trsted, moea, im his mollier, .Ipnii, Ills fstUer, .Drm Ivnian Hwnid CIsm Avnolit II, meat ryrn of Talks nir force Im.ne, Pleas- SocUlt riloti. Ciillf,, ■was lo Join ihecn Ki^t'fi •klerilny, -X' . . to.tlm Ti'vre wns nollfird nf his son's Rut{ed :nth nl Oinnian,' Ciillf.. where hr .j. ns Intnrepled, siid n 'helicopter , •w iklm U> hU wUe'a aide, ....................^ IIONKKIIKNCK CANCKI.KO I'resldt WAHIIINOTON, Jnn, Iffi-Presl- Elsenh ^nl Ubcniiuwci' will not. hold a ran ai rwa ciinffrence Uils week becnu"e i.-d-ri work on his n|>eclal nienflnge lo ingiess on ihe Middle Enijt flllun- BiiUdozer Is tin' New Year’s ] LQUIHVlLLt;. Ky., Jan. 3 Hr)--Ncwly-«cil n ittrtfld the fiew year fioin scialch loila) lie rriluced l<i rubble hy a runawny JO-lnn 'f1in hiillildrrr, Imlng usc<l on coiiilnictlni inly tuaiaU awoy wlUioul lu driver and- :oiiday Bftrrnnon, 'itie oloiiklnx tiiounlrr, wllh Its driver In mile over a hiiHv, up »>Di through a fen ltd Ihn trnmn duplex which the nrlfflni olici'l U w U . U cninrJind rlghl Ihrouift) the Oilfflni b I(t finally Rtop|>ed In the llvlllB leavl : iiselsu (leUrU. Unly Mrs. (iilffln wm Ik in kitchen tiut wna unliiiit. (lilflln wns hirhnrd to he plilUisojihlral i "Uhn woiilihi'l aven let me set a rliiatrti iprry furnltuie,'’ he sslil, "and now look al I CJrlffln said. "i\t least it hait|)e»fd Iwfoie let 1C rrnm m t JOM income lax," • The owner of iJie hiillitOMr, A. J, Allgel lanlral nicriuiler ml«ht have l>een ael In ■ound-U while thrdrlyer went l«r nnl Newspaper Serving. ^ -------------- - ------- ---- --------------------- ^ Big A ntarc Snare, 1) ^ Ship; i M rniK ) SOrNI). Ant^n. ii.;' .1; ‘"iirinx in Ihruii^h hi'r (tnimiKPil jil;' ir,: ui ip oTIw o Kiunf K-i-flows. Stj'i.T b- irohrcakor N.irrhwin.i, W’iih!' oi ■111 lr> moot ItlO flns.'l S0;t icopiick nr MeetMr. 19.57 % •y to arrive In Magle Valley In 1957. lakee n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba ■A nine poondi and three oDDeerina-wii-j t;10 iCni. Tuesday. (Stoff'pheto-engraTlng BuFBeriace’S By Florida - TALLAHASSEE, Kin.. Jnn. 2 (/I TStcrdny ordcfcd a temporary «usp( lervice ii^an effort to jirevent furtl inder emergency power jfrnnted, him he Florida legi.slaQire Ihhc mimmcr. zed the Rovernor to take control of 'ent 'riota and di.sorder.'<. The action i ------------------T ; rocks OEW i OS tO'^lVB”" ta!to Ike’s Doctrine Careful Probe WABHINOIXJN, Jan, 3 (Ift-Demo- ,.xisiin iratlo conBiesslonal lenders lodny rtiuwec udlcated they will go nlong wllh •rrsirtrnt Eitiichhofffi 's piouMni 1« win «n i*a inoi^y.ajicl U») 0 |a.,lC ncccisaiy. hlr^rtrh o slJ))) ItiLvilnh penrl.rntlon of Ihr (tiinuet middle Ks,>l. sfxacly But ttiey made dear they will .- itw Irst subjeol Ihe phin to lr>m. rolcl ,,, tnrty—imd' ltiiit-ltr-ft-iil-nnt-rtmr ;0luueM-wmL-lJie-*w»ie-»»* »s-dui i,f, „ he hlnnk-chrck aiithorlly which congress grsiilrrt Mr, K^enhowrr ... ' .v/a igfr-tor rtnfenillng-hV>r- .DpmocrnIs also expiwed ipseiil- pent that thn new "Elsenhower i, loctrin?" for shlelrtlng Ihe Middle ,|,on(i. Ci^t frcxn ronununlsm wns "leakrd" 0 .jlm press Iwfnro Uiey were con- , u l ^ alKmt 11, •n-ey reeeiyA Uielr first official „ .j, vor(\ of IliQ .flail yesleiday durlns oontre 1 four-hour confei/nee with the hla hr •resldenl al Uie White limis<>. Mr, celved Elsenhower met wllh IkiIIi Jtepuhll- «lee >■' “ » « « « : ..... . p;;"ll rnders lo dlnoiiss foreign policy natters which ha will Isy befcjre said I Jnwelconie s Eve Visitor m S: and Mra-Vawflia-Uiy- Am(K loilay, Ihelr home and new furfil- "l.( in-inn bulldozer, luiT," ructlnn of a new golf ciiurse. sud- lenill and. lit gears Ja<nme<i In reverse " IN / lltlle ■er in pursuit, grouiid a qtmrter of imim a fence, through seversi trers nnd lA lo rllflns shared wllh Mr, and Mis. n i, ’ln»‘'brdro.mi, utility room, kllrhen Slun , leaving Walls aud-furiillme a pile iiund vns hvme at the llmr, Hhe wns In (i>j ilral aliout iJie wholn Ihlim. iliarrtte llKhtrr ilnwn on tlini. new ikallt," 'lliere «re"iri iniii'h Insre, NKVV iMfors the new year and I rsn de- enle fn nun SI Allgelrr, snid hs Miougllt tlie me- .inti, I lel In iiiiillon by children pls'ying from I ........ 10.13, I N FAI xtic Ice Fl( Damage N Aid Una^ . . l ; u i - I I P ' . - ' 7 h » r . S . I ' f ' . v '■ ■li jil’itcs .■uid_hor iijnpi-ilor bt'okoii ^Ti'uTlIn^'.'mTuljv ni Ihc_ic£Pftcli- <!•' luiViuan- (ii-ove thp ir ik nn.l ti:MM--'l I *.rt00-loii Ar ------- 'Apo crack. « vtonsi r. broke \ damn ................... - The , \ •‘nd in ,— ------- ------------- Murdo - ( The _________________ Nortm ^ 4 !‘ \ BQunre !r— ■■ .... ................ : -r operst ^ - ■unable KT Arncb K ^ / .T R C.. ,. / on hot Hi 1 .. .------- tr>-Ing K ' ~ the. A e!:"::r:;zr;:"Tz:r_~_;rrz2 xuin B; .... ‘T ' i ............... numbc ■ • ; f 'I ' • damag fa/ I ______ — —The Wt~r f ^ ^ fur up n ' V _ connal LrZZT ____G e li If / ^ I I ^ , BEB S' 1 ; . JTk A % ' leaders "jy. y* mit" I munU: revolt, m SS b Sovl wohl, lakes his first look at the world, Probably the largest ehlld te^aJfl-^ -WD-2 l 1ncliwlonr. Hi irH»6d »t- __________ tlons ''■J'HI'I"- - --------- ir ---------- fiWlt* £Fi . , • . recurr ^Governors 2 (/P) — Gov. Leroy. CoUjnij reprw «uspenfiion of TallaliaBsee bus lit^ ni fu rth er acLi- of-violence 'dur- heiievi uto. Collin.s look the action i.hiin by the spccial Bcs.sion'of 1 , 0,^^ imer. 1’he Icffialiiture author- deiegn •ol of public facilitien to pro- Rod c tion came aeveral hour.s after '"i ^ •ocks were hurled throuRh ojrnu Jie—wi»dow«-4)£-4he.-Ntigrx) there- cnder of Tallaha.-iflce’a bus in- was i OKratlon movement niul «hol- am blnatH were fireclinto a ^etcro Ri-oeory ntore. The governors proclamation or- /i ierliiK tliB'suspenslon said that eon- inuert opemtitm ortnrHygwninnncr •xlstlng .cnnditlnns "may 'wMI en- “ J-' Innger life, limb snd property of "‘o'"' he rltlrehs rcsidhig "Uiereln, snd oP®'*' vlll cniise or Imd lo esus« -|iTrther l>*s. a JhwrlTPs of the-pencB-snd will rn- Innger the peace and good order of wlely)(^ V ;r>ie - » was the first time the governor err growinB oUfof segregnUon dls ^Uteii. Two atiutxiui hio«U aUo were fitrd- ihrough Ihe froiil, glnss window of s| irocery stoi-e In tlie Negro section ml I'oltce Ohirf PYnnk Htniitninlie laid It WBi) tinrertsln whether the „ WA 'hooting v^«s connected wllh the hus sitiiallon, •nieaiev, O, k,.meeler, prenldriit If Uie Negro Inter-Olvlc Council, . re|H»rlrd lo police llifit cimnks of BoncreU shattered lotir wlndo4'» at .1, * , tils home a half hour after he ir. :elved an anonymous telephone mil, Hieele snId U«e caller, who sp- annoi [>enred to he s leen-nger, fold him, u H 'Htrele, the clly liiises are fixing lo ' :un." Aflrr Ihe rock throwing, he >vA 'aid hn could see a w|iltfl yuuUi ccrs f ,'ininlng fjom thn scene, fallBd w. Cooler OiKiler wenther Is predlcted'for Mngln Valley In the flvB-di«y forninst rerelved Wednej»dsy via | '1 .AMOclaLfld l‘i/as. ."UKiks like winter Is iriurii- lug," coiliinenled the Al> lenoiler, len.llng Ihls report; - - "'IVmperaliires areragitig - a lltlle l>elnw noniml with uiiul- 1» ' imims iiioelly 2(1 Ip 3fl. inlnliiiums "nt It lA lo 3&, rifl:ept mlnlniums fi lo IvM,' n In muithenslein Idnlio. I'le' l»g V< cmlUtliut amwinU .JO (o .10 of alm i an Inch'ln snow oc.niirrlng mostly -’ohu- llundsy or Monday,'- (Pii>l.«hly',> . »lnict other -------------------- —--------------------- ^ 4>ililloi INDKX IIIHKN Inl wi NKW YOIIK, Jnn, 3 ilp Whole'- nioml mle food prices as mensui'eti by the molit> ■)un snd nrajUU'eet', Jnr, Imlex ffir chlefl; Mti, I, rose lA (11,17. ||[I one reht m itre rom Uia -BrfiVlOUA wnftk.'S. tlg u ra /»! tiJ o tJ IS.13, Um ktenoy reported today. 1 wm L J -------- - ioe« Maval J ivailable vy c.utr,, «tn,, Ain.-I., nkon, lay lit‘li)l,'ss J.hIi.v m nnn-uiiabi»rir. iu.i ri.>r wh - ip Iro imc'k of l>av yn 1 Arnnh h.'tw .... . Hi..ni 1,,.;,, ilpp Ihillrt on New \ 2.1 VC , 'I’he -jrrituliiiK prc.s.'iurbrH^nij rackc«i open the Arnol)'.'; piT-;|iAOc ioii.'ily damaKed hull plate^-.!. roke a ■propeller blade niid amaRod the reduction Kt'iir I I] rhich transmits lurbiiic i»o\v- r to the sbip'.s twin scrow.;. The f . i r g o s h i p , w i i h 2 1 8 o l t i f r i s n d m e n a b o a r d . V n .< i t n i l t . ^ u , i v l o i n d M i p p l l M l o r t h e J o i n t U . '^ . - N r n c n l a n d l i u c r n i i i l o i i a l K C o p l i v s u n l . f h e n r b n . s c 5 0 0 m l l « n o r t h o f M e - W e c l i i lurdo yotmd: — ---------------------- The c o a .- i L cuard I r r b r e a k e r r n o i t J.]de( lorthwind rncliocd t h a t i h e t n . n - ^ Ive-JeeffeWrrsrmiTttrd'.rjrTOvrr'^no qunre miles, hnd reduced I t * own \ViUl' peratlonal ability and so fsr li wns Hutcl nnble to maneuvrr 10 free iiie Dec .rncb or relieve the pres-sur* o n _ _ _ _ ~- •rte mwnce said nli‘pump roonu T Tci n both slilps were in tifUisUaui-um .Vrc.^J r>-Ing to control lloodlUR nbonrd i-k he. Arneb,. Tlie_cantff-shlpY crcTV '.W , ;a*-tryiQa-to,j}iQve-csj*ftTfront the lumber two hold'In order to reoalr ■*• amage to the hull. » ' T ,-The NorUiwlnd sald-tiie Ice floes *t*Hded 50 miles out- to-seinnnnis ""TON nr up'snd down the con.U as k , re- ftbrogj onnalssance helicopter could see, sues ( German Reds : AttendParley For Satellites BERLIN. Jan. 3 -W-The- uncx- . J?*. «ct^d departure -for Moscow of a legation of top Esst German fr, eaders may lead to a sate-rtTte'-'sum- L"u?5u iilf confcrenrt..to wort out; com- , tiunUm-s aBi»^ef to the HuhgarUn In. r evolt, diplomatic sources said today. Soviet Zone" Premier Otto.Orole- ' fohl, Communist Party Bojis W alter P*"*®* nhrleht and ten other, top East rone fflclals left on Uie night train fpr acrfcow. and thw#,-w*r«f. reporu P eaders /rtim other communist na- P '^'^ Ions m#y converge on the Soviet , “ .--i—--------- - Chinese Commuhftt Premier Ohou * 5n-lal Is due In Moscow within the lext few days and liiere have been •ecurrlnrf rumors .In Budspcst that **’* ^ ?Moilw .Jano*_Kadar_ai*j-..lead..A ielegaUon of Hungarian officials lo hg-Kremiln. . ihe A Though unconfirmed reporis said epresenUUves of a number nf satet- 'The lt« nauons may go to Mosow, It was for e lelleved no rcpresenutlves would be- from •here from Yugoslavia or .Poland. Brltal rfnisha: Tito Is In the KrSmlln dog- back ' loiue It the moment, A Polish * lelegatlon recently visited Mosco^k-, The ind Chnu Is going to Poland efter "t' 1L1 Maicow t«!ks, Frencl Reports froni Moscow said an Ess(, ^oe \ German delegaUon would arrive treaty here-rarly ln - JimuinTrT>Ut~firi^e --------- vas no indication the group frss Manning to leave Ihls soon until he Enst Oermsn rsdlo announced w ., •he departure, ._____ cordoi Contract Awarded S IDAHO FALLS, Jan, 2 liTl-The 'Hie Uomic energy commission's Idnlio " 20-y ipeiatlons yfilce »aid yr.iierdny It Kviug ;»as. awardsd « . 140,34(1 oonlm ot-lo M-mi: lUhai'dt-Dahl ADdereon of-Pocatel> - lo, ' The I‘o<'ntrllo firm will build sn I'-Or ictuator Inclllty at the AiiC's In- of a* itnllntlon in enslern Idslio, Work la Hrltnl rxpected"tn"talrp"imnityil foiinw NEWS WASniNa'I'ON, Jan. 3 nB-Uoiinrd W, I llcnn yatlonnl chairman Jioine (l"'e efter I’ lerm Innugurallon Jnn. 31, admlnlstiatlon WAHHINOTON, Jap, t fW-rreilde'rirKli. leader* ioday he wnuld like in appear |>er if eongreae Kridar t« eglllne the new “I ^llddle Kasl. , COl.nMUUH, O., Jan. 3 (iri-Demf>oratl<- snnounred he will resign as governor st U. fl. seiintoi'. WAHIIINOTON. Jan, I lfV-||nuae Denin ^eri from the H4th rniiiresi. The; loiik n(> railed to suppoPl parly nnniineea In Ihe Ne •WAmm<ctTOHr>WTi,-a 'ftn -"Be)i-TTimTr le would reliUroduoe l>llls that would nullin ipper end of the Hnnke ilver and remove I ax on agrlculturni fciinmodltlfs. City Chalks up I Constyuctio In addition to selling a new rfe- liie es >rd In overall roiMiniulloii-duilug Olalc' lOM, 'l-i^ln Falls hnd a rrrord*bresk- nniiy’s ng yenr In three of Ihn four ':on- iilghs ilruclluii. cnteKPrlcB.' reiKiru. .Mta. itpprn) lohii-M, U lser. city clerk. Inss » l^\ir Ihe flrnt time tn history, ntii* In 1 Iliuctliiii of hulliilnis for puipoirs divlslo ilher lliaii dwellings went iivcr Ihe new 1 ■iiillmi dollar msrk, Th« overall to- yesr'n nl wen |l.311,HfiO with Ihe lilgtirnt Ihe p( nomlily mark of Mill,'/DO Ilie dlnlrlc noiithly high was set In March school ihlefiy hecauui of the building per- ’Hie nit requeMcd hy eiasi a ichodl dls- from 4:Joi.-No.-41l,Ji>he-floi(» moMhiT high rrm p VM Uecembw, «]70,00(lt frbtcU was •<! by Nine IrriKalcd Idaho ( punlic.s A ngry F In H iinj C rushe VIKNN.V. .bn. 2 (U .P>— iiiinii<l ‘'ti-onir nrni nH ‘tlio(h toduv 1 of 2 . 00(1 shoppers in RiHLippsl. Thr Uftore.wliich apuncd^la door.s f( iinOctVher. It was broken up by t>ov I)riYer_Asks 1 In Car De^t .f’hurl.is Stewart. Rupert.' demandc Weclne.sday when iirniijrnpd before Reriford7‘Rupcrt-.-on-ft-clun'K'e-o/-4nv Judge Redford set the hearing for I Het-atP-^1-7000 and -bon<f-Avns pdstc'y \viLli"iiivolunlai-y man.-ilauKhter. in Hutchins. 2^. Rupert, in a traffic i Dec. 23. He wa.s tlie driver of thC'cai Use of Suez Is "JS • — ' ___ -------------------------- witir-iv ilrfusedj^est iLs.ft~,n In^ar Event Si, ~ ~ ' • • - ' ___ -- • has-pc ■“ LONpON; ■Ja'ffr.1 flf'-^Egyptlart cTia'fgei nbrogstlon of the-^nglo-Egyptian slaii'ghi Suen; canal treaty.will depy lo the Sevy, I West the ti.« of Jhe strategic Sue* Dec, -31 tMses agiiiiiAUU,tsAt> In Ihe event ot Dext war. Cairo dispatches said today, volved —The loss «mounteiJ-to » majbtrsct.: Urlven back for western military defenses otho £ since Uie treaty was linked up with from 1 NATO by giving Britain the right Tuesdf to reactivate the Sues base in case n Ume of an attack on Turkey by Russia or the Eu any other nation. in The ERyptlan people hailed, the chief abrogation as Ihe only logical end with p to "an unpleasant alliance" and re. mattei inforces Cairo's neutralist policy line death w;hlch,seclcs to wean,the Arab coun- in prol tries away from the western fold, babllit the Cairo dlspntches lald. ij, Mrs. At the same lime, the Egyptian ___ press began discussing the proposed "Elsenhower doctrine." Newspapers said America's proposed economic ■-r‘ |ild to the J,lld conqea1ed,tHe VBJ purpose of ttllgnlnfr the Anil:(.ceufi- tries with the West and said such a WSbj.t ----- ----------------- —----------------- The first Indication of BgJT»l's In- __ tention to terminate Ihe treaty was the release ot British Suer, base M ond technicians as "war prisoners." They ennnf were^rresfM-'«nlI-1nterhW^the diy- the Anglo-French aerial attacks be- can. elect! The treaty, signed In 19S4, called CRUCU for evacuation of British troops twO -1 from me’Sue*.canal ronO ut gave const Britain the right to send trodpa rru---, back lo the «me In case ot an a^ ? Uck on any Arab state or Turkey. * Tlie treaty speclflcslly excluded m ake an attack by Israel, and Uie Anglo- daVfi French invasion of the Sue* canal D«m tone was not carried out under the 34.20 ' -----------*fl=5 Quints Born SS-!'/, MADRAS. Indli, Jan, 3 (^#>ollce .,i" ^ cordoned off the hosplUl In Pondl- chrrry today to keep back wirlous ciowdN thronging to seff India’s llrst ■me quints.-all girls, were born to w. \ a 20-yeiir-old Indian servant woman public living nenr 'rinuivnniiamalai about fice In BO-mllts.fi-oni-PontUcherry. tha ' ' , I" , . ., IL INFLATION ' Mrs, l-ONIXJN. Jan; 1 Ofi-TliB price dlreotc of a* telcphoiM oaII went up In selUng Hrltnln todav from thieepenf.n tn In a bi roiiiiifncp,' ... .............. _ ,. ___atorA-j JLLETINS -p •d W, Hnll will step down as Repub- Q n fl Kflrr Prraldent Elsenhower's Second* ration sources said todsy. . V? ■nt Kiienhewer advitM cenireMtoh^l L,-„ ;ar iMrtonallr btfore fc-Jolnl e««rinn new -riientiOWBr aoeinne" rot (he " ^ ___ ' . Plpellr <>ratl<- <lov. Krnnk J, Lausflie today lor «l iKKm tomorrow lo become a ® coun. 'nie Denincrals today rectected all bMI- action D<ik n(> aotlnn agalnsi members whe ed mot Ihe Nfitrmtier eiecllon. age lo dnmagi -7TsmtT-rniinrFr7r,7Tni--nii(i'-t0Bsy' tompin I nullinrlre a ilornte reservoir on Uie tural r iiiova Ihr 10 per cent transportation 'IVrii p Record Year in tion Categories D the enlliiiKted cost of (he Mountain March. UialcTclephfliieaiid'l'elegriulicomr uu lo i nnny’i new addition. 'Hie pievlous New iilRhs were In 10&2 sml IBDS, when the |x>' Kpprnximniely |flM.OOO In new ImUil- lust yc Inss wnn rieiited, Thliv w In ih* addlUons and allrralluns Manh division, the total or'|D33,700 wis a divlnloi new luaik. Mnrch nH*ln liadj^he Hliinlni yesr'n Ii IrIi wllh 1330,0.10. which »ss uixxl w Ihe peiiiill, Inken out l>y the siliiiol 'I'he dinlrlft for repair of the Junior high was J school and Wnshh\xtnii school. lumpn 'lllfl pftst Year also saw the lotnl Hon O from repnii'S itnd Imprnvemenis (luestei ■rrmppant+he-llOO^Wl-rtiavk. Auist- l3-:t>y •d bi' Uie tnonU>l> high «<aln sat In his ho ^ FJ iilic.s _____________ Flash Ri igary Sv ed by Sc ))..lioc .iikI m ilitiji ci'ii-^licd a liluy In- (iri\inu their Iruck.c inlo a . The demonslnilion IjCRan in fror ui-^_f±'lllM_0ll5jJ.in!a>i]U-BilicJhii ■y iwwerful police anJr’mllit'ia for< ------- ^— :■---------------------7 ^ . Polic Shearing p ^th Charge Handed a preliniiiiary heariiiK scnttc eforc Probate .!ud>re CJeoryc -No >/-4nvoliii>tftry-nift!HliHitriUerr for 10 a,m, Jan. 10. Bail was idstc"dfTrttnrart-was-ThnTpcd .scene •r. in the death of Edward garlar ffic accident on liighway 27 P' he-'car in which Hutchins was a pa.s.lender when the car Rep roiled over on a curve. K«ngi Jack Dexter. 5C, Porllftnd, chni-Ecd of dcj witir-invoJuntftry niftnslflugluej'-dui- of un Ing ?Ue holidays In Woldpka county’ tomm u.»-.nsult^t.:«]tomoblle'acicitlimtir —w has-been bound over lo district Budaj court,' He has waived preliminary "Wftcli hearing before Judge Redford and Thous has-posted-bood-of'Sl,000. He wns the ci cTiafged"_wllh ’ lrivoVuiitarr"rnan^ slaughter lii the death of Mrs. May Patrol Sevy, 51. Ogden, on highway 25 on caplt* Dec, -38, Mef Dexter was. driver of a. li-uck In. volved in an accident -with a car driven bV—Mrg:~Revv's h nntond^ Otho Sevy, 54. Sevy was 'tmnafwird from the Rupert General hospital Tuesday to a hospital in Ogden. For '”““5 a Ume he was llsted'ti •Jcritleal'- at the Rupert hospital. In Jerome Wednesday, Police “fjT Chief Fred Abrams filed a peUtlon with probate court asking that tlie * matter of' Mrs. Golden Barlow's I»d death on Christmas eve be handled ’^'eck; In probate court under the you^ re> 1 babllitaUon act. And Mrs.. Barlow died In & crash U - (CanUMBtJ »B f i i . 1 . CttlBui 1) In thi Gave]^ B ang: rri * ' T BOISE, Jnn. 2 (/P)— The gavela Monday to open Idaho's first De acnata=Aiiica.=iaA7^ABd.j.JiQiua--wj majority. Tha business of the firs election of majority and minority CAUcuaes lit Boise’s two leading hoi two-houses-will moet jn joint sos« constitutionally required message t The Rovernoralso will deliver a budget me.saage to the law- C « makers within the first five O C days of the sesfiion. Democrnte have e majority. of 34-20 In the eenate, the Mme nu* porlty In thfl house Is 33-27. It was 30-33 two years ago. In preparation tor Uie flO-dny bcs- nion, offices which adjoin Uie legis- latlve chambers have been trani* Tli ferred to oUier parts of the Stale- on t house or moved Into oftlce buildings 'Tha W. W, Benson, Tdnho's director of Do public health^ is back In his old of- loglst flee ln4Jk«^ureau ot vital ftatlstics j .sqo so that house Democratjr will have • Ills new one tfreauctis In; ------- Mrs, Nan Wood, the eUte's new , director of occupational licenses, I a selUng up ahop a{, a couple of desks * in a bftsemenLq^idor aa U u t sen*. atorA.£»u.mfl..QiB. llcensfl. bureau’i . “ regular suite of roocni JtlAt oil We senate chamber; ■ |J« This year's legUlatlve session ts -IVC Bt^tllu«--uiidar-way-as..t!»te.M-poft,.___ Settlement Made For Damage Suit degie fcoiSS, Jen. 3 WV-Attorneys for o« ^ Mr, end Mre, Hermait-J. Van Iflante, P*rdo Twlh mils. *nd Paciric Northwest {''“ n Pipeline company Informed U. S. he ur dUUIct court to<lay a lult Involving consli Uielr clients has been sellled out of on W coun. [ Wll 'Hie Van Zanies hnd brought l|ie action sRHlnst Uie oompaiiy and ask- J; “o* ed mots Uian'»o,000 for alleged dKm- i't »' age 10their farm, 'lliey claimed Ihe vk^d damage occurred while Uie pliKllne WHH* eompKTTTTwriiiyiiirnipe'Twinw* lural gas line in Idaho. "“*1* r niis nf the settlement were nut south unrcd, Adk ------------------------------------------------ pardo in Three ..S; i During 1956 ^ March, )Ull,4ao, this category added UU lo tl<ll,'ll!0, k. New li.Murs fell sMgljUy' l«hliid the |>«cp« set tn linxi'und 1DB4 with P'"; last ycsi'n M n l rcBuliiiijt li,-in,tK)0. 1-hliv WPS fH^ly »a,00rt off Uie pnce, *•' Man hatfuliunaiked Uie high hi this Illvlnlon with lltilt.iKK) In luinies he- . ” gliiiilng thru anil A|ii 11wns ncivj ly na . gixKl wllh 1103.000. I 'I'he comblnnd tolnl for llin year; was *11,1011,070. 'I'he figure' was, Jumped $'i,W)fl Monday afternoon by ' Hen Ollff, 209 lyOls street, who re- (juestrd prrmljuilon to put n 20 - hy “ V! 13-r ny m-ioov,i, *niipta afldiiion to] his home. - . .. ' I iirl' - — - _________________ !|fi finalT” . 1 EDTtlON'~“]| TRICR 5 CENTS IIU tevolt^ wiftly ^ovietsj [;d a flash riot aRaiii.st pom-M ] lo a .Mioutiufr, jeering crowd] i| front of A state-run depart- HunKarian rebellion started, force.s wittiih a K airhounl f ’olice used their clubs, b u t' i lot their guns. TI\e initial! '* jroup of policemen-on the] tcciie wa.s, unable to'cope with • ;he anger of the crowd.' ■— i When reinforcements a r r i v e d . Iicy drove their trucks straight Into he rank.? of the demonstrators and , icnttcred them. . No scrlbii.i injuries were reported. ! United Pre.w Slnff Cotrespondentt irtcITMcclmn reported" f liit he wa* i .tnnding. In U)a—itrcct-Jiear _Uiej icne In 'Budapesf wlien ■ the 'Huh'-'n larlans' stUl-smoulderlng hatred ot i liB.police cruptwl lnto open inwlt,! ihovlng and Jeering that culminaUd n.the demonstraUon. Reports froqi Budapest, indicated | iIungHrians were nqirina new petks if desperation, faced with prospecta )f unewpn^ment7~him g ^ c o i^ in t :omniQntat t»pBrt«ioh. -Isdated-TiunUre • «*»t.heirr:Tlri Sudapeat at the beglnnim .or thejl 'blnck new year" for HuncarUaiiji rhousnnds of citizens openly defletM he curfew Imposed under-inirti»i|| 'sw--Bira-T5bvftt"~jma'"mBjiKiH|l jntrols. to wallc the street* of th«H ;apltfll during the night. ' H Meanwhile, observers said .iR u ill firings by_the Soviet-Imposed Hun-fll Barhn regime may'set off tenewedilJ armed resistance AhH »-fi^h'exddUli|| of refugc«-to'Ihe West - .... i S Nearly 25^,000 Hungarians auto- I matlcally lost their Jobe by govern-H ment decree New Vear'i day. More 11 than 220;000 Industrial employee and | 38,000 government workers werejl t.lred AS part ot the JanA K akuli regime's economy drive, II Industry has been panlyaed fo^B weeks by the power sbortace x«stt]t> l| Idg'from t£e lack of fuel .sm^llei. I And tbdre was so indlcAUoa«t-«i9-^ eariy Improvement tn tha iltuitlaa i\ In the coal mlnee. ijl ? Mond$,y ; T 1 ' J.-'-' ivels Will W ff , Democrfltl(^omlnaiirt. «teti first day will be th e'Io rm ll rity leaders selected In party ' r hotels the night before. Th» '■ session Tijesday^ta“ibe«r-th*- ige of Gov. Robert E. Sffi'yljii. S evere E a rth , Jai!.R ep u rted Tlie University of CalUornI* aels-' mograph recorded severe esirth shocks last night centered uear'th'f'i remote Aleutian island* of Alyltt. ' Tlie shoeKs ran up u h l|h U.7.7B on Uie Richter^ magnitud# sal*. Tha IfiOS earthq&ke In 8«o' Fran* 1 -lw.u l i»u >H a ,j t , i ^ t tm '. ------------- Don Tocher, iinlverslty •eltmoo logUl, said the shocks centered about 3,800 miles northweat ot 9«riwley.' . "/Kprl”3Sk^^uaM*^W^ cinlty of Adsk, Alaska, it ptit onl and Uien withdret* a UdiU-wav#^ wamlng after check* for uaunitl Udanhovemfirtt wer* nefaU».“ i Rflease ls Asked ] B fM iirderFetojr SlloaHONX, Jan. »-l>ro»eouUnf Attorney Howard AdUn* aald Toff' ^ ^ ^ h e understAnda Myde O a j ^ degree munter ln»'Uaeolii vountr' on Peb. 1 , in i; has applied for pardon or oonuiuilittasi al —ilimiM from Ihe state pardOQ boai^. H« u ld he uaderatAnds Uie peUtlon will be considered by Uie pardon board Ml Wedilusda)!- - ..... ........ Wllliftins was convicted' In I W :lrath i)f Alwllda Room's faUier In l,liioolil'county on Nov. 10, IQftO, |M ihnt Ume Mles-llwm»'waa c o n ^ victcd ot second degree murder. Williams waji sentenced to life lm> iiait was hidden in a gravel pit Hiuth ot Hailey. . Adkins said ho hss written to U)» [>ardon board, polnUng. j>u( Uiai sUk(e law proiilbits Uie ;rel{iM(i'Da .J Duroie of a prisoner sei'Vlnt a lUa . ' Ahead .bale ot 1M7 automoblla Meenaa. ::: plntea In now a "UUle ahead" at j insi year a clerk at Uie Twin I'alls oognty Msweof e ollioa>aald> ^ Wednrndny. llo^EvnrrUiB kale or ptatM was " dMiirilied as "slow." No lu n |' ■ ' lines weia before U« window*.' I'nueiiger plaU No, (OU and truck ulate No. 3479 .fier* *old' beforali a. m. Wedneiklay,' ^ During aA of IMS over nm ' tfuek and automobUe p latu w«r« .-■'■l-T™ ! I " l' I l l- ll I " .......... ..

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Page 1: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

T r a f f i ' ^ ^ ^ ^ . - - ^ r e l w a r d ^

j j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - S ^ to ^ V l U e J - i l i t L I o r Ui#

- iw e.... "iS i ta v .ii.y . IIST "

J — --------

AutoCrasl New Year

■ By Tha AMorUtMl P rr /«,. /leiths fo r th e N ew Y e a r v

^ S l S S y 5 : i i e J n ^ i i y k 'o f 40i- i .v w r io d a t th e c n 'd 'o f 1052

I J i ? r tw r t s W ed n esd ay f o r ‘.the ^ ' A T p - m . F r id a y -a n d ^ -:: ■'5!3:5 ^ y midnight

to" 4 0 7 'd e a th s -S 5S.3%';STc.V-cmmcl!,

(to, m>ro= ."” ' ■ «i^orc«nent of-

f f ^ d im tn make our prc-traffic'deatl^a ----------

‘ r ^ T S S t y period »'ay high.w ♦h.i'H »nd congratulfttlona to »,

« « 0 ' driver and J " JS ttm ent *«ency to make -

achleTemcnt » ;^ STtSroMh 1W7. If we can

-— —iL«h ind Vinnont — report«a-<ia - ^ - •

durln»~thefW*w Sejuaiftj pcriod;-flt«Jff report- ” ^ ^ ^ ^ - - w e r e -ySlItorriU- XJ^ftDMylvanU, Michigan and - - •miMkT^-wlth-aOM-more— . -;..u.,. ..j

V t a A t* norinM non-holiday ^period at thU time of the , ^

Mr An A«odatea Press «urvey In rr~ -\ lOJ-hour non-holiday t« t period

)ec. II lilwed 800 traffle deaths.

Dispute Noted ^ 4 Among Demos LLCivilRigl ts

WAaSIHOTON. Jan. S (ITJ- Two ... —

u S tie o D tto w over dvil rlghtAeeotaated ooncrets today on the ' t n «(tti nev sewlon.

KUi e o n r tn formally eon- L . TBM.ftt noon B Sr toaiorrow. Iwt johipw*ag*m#lM *dy,w |reonhBB4 {unke

^ S S ^ S s u ]m -fBS& r to dlscliJllne tTO mem- 6 « - ^ Adam Olaytan PoweU, K.

botl«d the party In the WoTember'elMtionii'** a result of T Ui« civil rtghU Issue, ' J .

R^Wbllcah house members, wlUi na-rMl-lwM>betw««n them,•caucus EDW this afternoon, Cnllf,. .

In'tJis unat« there was presses- object i llQa_iklnnlkhM-m-*-.drlve-t»-<lo hiintfrp awsy wltu tlllbusters, the msln wea- ce, pen used by aouthprn member® to rtAfrti^ll civil -righU lesUlallon. *......... g

------------------------ Llltle

Army to Plan r;;. Nuclear Units K Around Reds E.'

^^^HINOTOW. J»n, a nn—Tlie c o m ^

»IU.«med atomic u»k forces a t eoulppt •found the world, . IIkIi(.i,

The propaied powerful ."aloinln men en fir* brljirtM" would hij mpshlE of hack a nj«itn£ W lha-acene of any auddw th f r II fommunl.1 ll.ru,n, ^ HlZrth

3TOe propel, now in «n advnnced spverig jnnlDE M«Kf. is iiBrl of an anny wn« « t^»nlMtloti iichfdiilrd to lU rt It w.

2IUL.Ulli.iaar.___ ____________Bntrttrd

«4-»tt^«w)tit m.mifl nun riom iia iiniirhi » eomt,u dly|.jH,,ia gi«.,lUc/ii lliplx.j W* iddfil inohlllly dfmsndrd hy Dllly l^ c i»nif«rr Home nf niMO Ameilo

"W nifti w.HilAlm ,u,i II, Momln with 11tL Alvnini

tii.1, I * '"■""‘d wlUi T ryrnfL V . I'.’y'"."""''' *'• ‘J"nH'Vnl «nU.ti."Wte, wl.irh linx K 00 lo 7J-iiille yrtier.l

*"f 'lo" lloiiMl John rorkcl Tivn'fttli 1,,, , ,n 2B ,1,11, ^HIM rlKhl-liii-h wn* In

Itecess Ends dm m :i) NA-nONn, N, V. I'™" 'i l5S5'-r'a,:“!;»f”«

‘^ U|> lll lUPMllIK «P ||„ „f3 "l"C m '..itt-fa i:a . Ui*^I..Urn«________•^-TjuQv........................... , .T ^ . .

h! ii'tnnlu J(nein(»l „i,J S V ........... ■<* "" '■'"I ‘lur-

l«lf . ! "“‘“ '•''t IXflnllllBiVfr Cvl"''' " '- '‘Wi-cjrrrk dl.imue t/mti

_ ________ M.jiida:

.Jt.“r()mc’sFir.st"rn Jpli. a — J*.omn'. noU«'l

p . ...........* Iit«"ii1tnl ni 1J;I0 I «"d fillfMr.1 ''" ''y Vrns iirr-C I?, I" -*>1.. '

Him , V 7 ‘ hiNraj 1. " “"'"d John Kitnumrt ' a '■•‘'Ivi, V'; ''I"’ "f nn.l Mrs,

- ................ . I■' ' aNtund

i r

■ • ♦•I A Hoeionnl >

illed in BTie i

f RecordW P reu A(,?a r w e e k - e n d tio<l t h o r f i u r d p '.u r i ir5 tr rw iT !r-G stfc i5 ii7 ire iJ ''fm rn v fr[iir .: ui 10.52 n n d I h e s r . r t n f i O .'):;.; i),.. i<- : t h e _ N o w _ Y p n r p c r io r t I h a i j o m i.i

M(V " '

VJo h n K e ra n W albnro, ih a ( I r t l baby to i

lan k ed by b is parenU . M r. a n d M n . 'J o f lr» t 'o f ih e y e a r’* honor*, h e w e l j ie d n in lUgte V alley M em orial hoeplU I •'at I tlO a

5uBTreezing ]SiMglitFatalta---- -

Lost Child, 3 TAE D W A Itds ATK' F Q n C g ~BAgg. yCStCI nllf,, Jftrt. 2 l^ i~A 3-ycnr-old boy. .serv ic >Ject of a New Y ear’s eve h u n t by tl

St cen ter, wna found dead on (he !JMt yesterday—a v ictim of bone- t h e 1' lining cold, • Izcd tL lltle Billy Uny T ry re wns w earing v e n t lily a T -sh ir t and blue Jenns w hen ----------t w andered awsy^.from a housing

K wUh Ills p e t doK, I lls body w as JL /Gunrt Ju st a fte r dnwn In an Isolated _•ea Iwo m iles nwny. T lie t«‘mperB- 1ire was 38 degree.i In pre-daw n J - iV

More Ihnn ' BOO officers and m m ^ imbed th is spraw ling M o>vn desert \ J OS' all ■ T i lg H tr ^ 'ie y u v ! d ~ jM ji i lUlpped w ith rad ios and senrch- ,, ih ts , T liey fo rn iP d -p h rl lra 'o f 3i0, en ench nnd, h and In Im nd w ent ick and forU i over a re iu where ley Ihm igtit Billy hSrt w nnrirrrd, loodhoiinris w ere sen t for. At dawn, ‘0 s tq verig plaiiM and four Jifllcopters ” ' ‘’ '1" n e se n t a loft. H utI t wa.1 one of Uin rop lers Uial f irs t si ifT ttrd -w ily :—At-•TimrrTTiB’ T iin t s tn r tr -inuuU t-hejiiigU tJu .a llvc , IL-UumU. COIUU'C.itl fh e w^n tJikrn to a liosplla l th a t th e hIP l>«y Wn^,,known lo l>e dead.. , coiigrrllllly wns vlBlliiig Ihls Unsp. w here tw'n Vinieiloa 'a nnw pst plnncs m e trs ted , moea,im h is m ollier, .Ipnii, I lls fstU er, .D rmIvnian H w n id CIs m Avnolit II, m eatryrn of T alk s n ir force Im.ne, P leas- SocU ltriloti. Ciillf,, ■ was lo Join ihecn K i^ t'fi•klerilny, -X' . . to .tlmTi'vre wns no llf ird nf h is son 's Rut{ed :n th n l O innian ,' Ciillf.. w here h r .j . ns In tn re p le d , siid n 'h e licop te r ,•w iklm U> hU wUe'a a id e ,....................^

IIONKKIIKNCK CANCKI.KO I'resldtWAHIIINOTON, Jnn , Iff i-P res l- Elsenh ^nl U bcniiuwci' will n o t . hold a ra n airwa ciin ffrence Uils week becnu"e i .- d - r i

work on h is n|>eclal nienflnge lo ingiess on ih e Middle Enijt flllun-

BiiUdozer Is tin' New Year’s ]

LQUIHVlLLt;. Ky., J a n . 3 Hr)--Ncwly-«cil n itt r t f ld the fiew year fioin sc ia lch loila) lie rriluced l<i rubble hy a runaw ny JO-lnn 'f1in h iillildrrr, Imlng usc<l on coiiilnictlni inly tuaiaU awoy wlUioul l u d river and- :oiiday B ftrrnnon,'i t ie oloiiklnx tiiounlrr, w llh Its driver In mile over a hiiHv, up »>Di th rough a fen ltd Ihn trnm n duplex w hich the n r lf f ln i olici'l U w U .U cninrJind rlg h l Ihrouift) th e O ilf f ln i b I(t finally Rtop|>ed In th e llvlllB leavl : iis e lsu (leUrU. U nly Mrs. ( i i lf f ln wm Ik in k itchen tiut wna un liiiit.( li l f l ln wns h irh n rd to he plilUisojihlral i "Uhn w oiilihi'l aven le t me se t a rliia tr ti

iprry fu rn l tu ie ,'’ he sslil, "and now look a l I CJrlffln sa id . " i \ t least it h a it|)e»fd Iwfoie let 1C rrnm m t JOM income lax," •T he ow ner of iJie hiillitOMr, A. J, Allgel la n lra l nicriuiler m l«ht have l>een ael In ■ound-U w hile t h r d r ly e r w en t l« r

nn l N ew sp ap e r S e r v in g .

^ — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^

B ig A n t a r c S n a r e , 1)

S h i p ; iM r n iK ) S O rN I ) . A nt^n. i i . ; ' .1;

‘" iirin x in Ih ru ii^h h i 'r (tnimiKPil jil;' ir,: ui ip o T Iw o K iun f K-i-flows. Stj'i.T b - iro h rcak o r N .irrh w in .i, W’iih ! ' oi ■111 lr> moot ItlO flns.'l S0;t icopiick nr

MeetMr. 19.57


•y to arrive In Magle Valley In 1957. lakee n .'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba ■A nine poondi and three oDDeerina-wii-j t;10 iCni. Tuesday. (Stoff'pheto-engraTlng

BuFBeriace’S By Florida

- T A L L A H A S S E E , Kin.. Jn n . 2 (/I T S tc rd n y o rd c fc d a te m p o ra ry «usp( lerv ice i i^ a n e f f o r t to jire v e n t fu r tl

in d e r em e rg e n c y p o w er jfrnn ted , h im he F lo r id a legi.slaQ ire Ihhc m im m cr. zed th e R overno r to ta k e co n tro l of 'e n t 'r io ta a n d di.sorder.'<. T h e a c tio n i ------------------T ; ro ck s

OEWiOS tO' lVB”" ta!to Ike’s Doctrine Careful Probe

WABHINOIXJN, Jan, 3 (Ift-Demo- ,.xisiiniratlo conBiesslonal lenders lodny rtiuwec udlcated they will go nlong wllh•rrsirtrnt Eitiichhofffi 's piouMni 1« win «ni*a inoi^y.ajicl U»)0|a.,lC ncccisaiy. hlr^rtrho slJ))) ItiLvilnh penrl.rntlon of Ihr (tiinuetmiddle Ks,>l. sfxacly

But ttiey made dear they will .- i twIrst subjeol Ihe phin to lr>m. rolcl ,,, tnrty—imd' ltiiit-ltr-ft-iil-nnt-rtm r;0luueM-wmL-lJie-*w»ie-»»* »s-dui i , f , „ he hlnnk-chrck aiithorlly whichcongress grsiilrrt Mr, K^enhowrr ... ' .v/a igfr-tor rtnfenillng-hV>r-

.DpmocrnIs also expiw ed ipseiil- pent that thn new "Elsenhower i, loctrin?" for shlelrtlng Ihe Middle ,|,on(i. Ci^t frcxn ronununlsm wns "leakrd"0 .jlm press Iwfnro Uiey were con- , u l ^ alKmt 11,

•n-ey reeeiyA Uielr first official „ .j, vor(\ of IliQ .flail yesleiday durlns oontre1 four-hour confei/nee with the hla hr •resldenl al Uie White limis<>. Mr, celved Elsenhower met wllh IkiIIi Jtepuhll- «lee>■' “ » « « « ■ : • ..... . p ; ; " l lrnders lo dlnoiiss foreign policy natters which ha will Isy befcjre said I

Jnwelconie s Eve Visitor mS:

and Mra-Vawflia-Uiy- Am(Kloilay, Ihelr hom e and new furfil- "l.(

in -inn bulldozer, luiT,"ructlnn of a new golf ciiurse. sud- lenill

and . l i t gears Ja<nme<i In reverse " IN/ lltlle

■er in pursuit, grouiid a qtm rter of imima fence, through seversi tre rs nnd lA lo

rllf ln s sha red w llh Mr, and Mis. n i,

’ln»‘'brdro.m i, u tility room, k llrhen Slun , leaving Walls au d -fu riillm e a pile iiund vns hvme a t the llm r, Hhe wns In (i>j

ilral aliout iJie wholn Ihlim. iliarrtte llKhtrr ilnwn on tlini. new ik a llt," 'lliere «re"iri iniii'h Insre, NKVV iMfors the new year and I rsn de- enle fn

nun SIAllgelrr, snid hs Miougllt tlie me- .inti, I lel In iiiiillon by children pls'ying from I

........10.13, I


x t i c I c e F l( D a m a g e N

A i d U n a ^. . l ; u i - I I P ' . - ' 7 h » r . S . I ' f ' . v ' ■ ■li jil’itc s .■uid_hor iijnpi-ilo r bt'okoii Ti'uTlIn '.'mTuljv ni Ihc_ic£Pftcli-

<!•' lu iV iu a n - (ii-ove th p ir ik nn.l ti:MM--'l I * .rt00-lo ii A r

------- 'Apo

■ crack.« vtonsi

r . b ro k e\ dam n

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .■ - The

, \ •‘nd in

, — ------- ------------- — Murdo- ( The

_________________ Nortm

^ 4!‘ „ \ BQunre!r— ■■ .... ................ : -r operst

^ - ■ unableK T ArncbK / .TR C.. ,. / on hotH i 1 .. .------- tr>-IngK ' ~ the. Ae ! : " : : r : ; z r ; : " T z : r _ ~ _ ; r r z 2 x u i nB ; ....‘T ' i • ............... numbc■ • ; f ' I ' • damag f a / • I ______ — —The

W t ~ r f ^ fur upn ' V _ connal

L rZ Z T — _ _ _ _ G e

l iI f / ^ II ^ , BEBS' 1 ; . J T kA % ' leaders

" jy . y * mit" ImunU: revolt,

m S S b Sovl wohl,

lakes his first look a t the world,Probably the largest ehlld te^aJfl-^

-WD-2l1ncliw lonr. H i irH»6d » t-__________ tlons

''■J'HI'I"- - --------- i r ---------- fiWlt*£Fi„ . , • . recurr

^ G o v e r n o r s2 (/P) — Gov. L eroy . CoUjnij reprw

«uspenfiion o f T alla liaB see b u s lit^ ni f u r t h e r acLi- o f-v io len ce 'du r- heiievi

u to . Collin.s lo o k th e ac tio n i.h iin b y th e sp cc ia l Bcs.sion'of 1,0 ,^^ im er. 1’h e Icffia liitu re a u th o r - deiegn •ol o f p u b lic fa c ilitie n to p ro - Rod c tio n ca m e a ev e ra l hour.s a f t e r ' " i ^ •ocks w e re h u r le d th ro u R h o jrnu J ie —w i»do w « -4 )£ -4 h e .-N tig rx ) there- cn d e r o f Tallaha.-iflce’a b u s in- was i OKratlon m o v e m e n t niul «hol-

a m blnatH w e re f i r e c l i n to a ^etcro Ri-oeory n to re .

The governors proclamation or- / i ierliiK tliB'suspenslon said that eon- inuert opemtitm ortnrHygwninnncr •xlstlng .cnnditlnns "may 'wMI en- “ J-' Innger life, limb snd property of " ‘o'" ' he rltlrehs rcsidhig "Uiereln, snd oP®'*' vlll cniise or Imd lo esus« -|iTrther l>*s. a JhwrlTPs of the-pencB-snd will rn- Innger the peace and good order of wlely)(^ V ;r>ie- » was the first time the governor

e rr growinB oU fof segregnUon dls ^Uteii.

Two atiutxiui hio«U aUo were fitrd- ihrough Ihe froiil, glnss window of s | irocery stoi-e In tlie Negro section ml I'oltce Ohirf PYnnk Htniitninlie laid It WBi) tinrertsln whether the „ WA 'hooting v^«s connected wllh the hus sitiiallon,

•nieaiev, O, k ,.m eeler, prenldriit If Uie Negro Inter-Olvlc Council, . re|H»rlrd lo police llifit cimnks of BoncreU shattered lotir wlndo4'» at .1, * , tils home a half hour after he ir .:elved an anonymous telephone mil,

Hieele snId U«e caller, who sp- annoi [>enred to he s leen-nger, fold him, u H 'Htrele, the clly liiises are fixing lo ' :un." Aflrr Ihe rock throwing, he >vA 'aid hn could see a w|iltfl yuuUi ccrs f ,'ininlng fjom thn scene, fallBd

w .

CoolerOiKiler wenther Is predlcted'for •

Mngln Valley In the flvB-di«y forninst rerelved Wednej»dsy via | '1

.AMOclaLfld l‘i/as.."UKiks like winter Is iriurii-

lug," coiliinenled the Al> lenoiler, len.llng Ihls report;- - "'IVmperaliires areragitig - alltlle l>elnw noniml with uiiul- 1» ' imims iiioelly 2(1 Ip 3fl. inlnliiiums "n t It lA lo 3&, rifl:ept mlnlniums fi lo IvM,' n In muithenslein Idnlio. I 'le ' l»g V< cmlUtliut amwinU .JO (o .10 of a lm i an Inch'ln snow oc.niirrlng mostly -’ohu- llundsy or Monday,'-

(Pii>l.«hly',> . »lnictother

-------------------- —--------------------- ^ 4>ililloiINDKX IIIHKN Inl wi

NKW YOIIK, Jnn, 3 ilp Whole'- niomlmle food prices as mensui'eti by the molit> ■)un snd nrajUU'eet', Jn r, Imlex ffir chlefl;Mti, I, rose lA (11,17. ||[I one reht m itre rom Uia -BrfiVlOUA wnftk.'S. tlgura/»! tiJo tJIS.13, Um ktenoy reported today. 1 wm L

J-------- -

i o e «M a v a l J i v a i l a b l ev y c .u t r , , « tn , , A in .- I ., n k o n , la y lit‘li) l , 's s J.hIi.v m n n n - u i i a b i » r i r . iu .i ri.>r w h ­ip Iro im c'k of l>av yn1 Arnnh h .'tw .... . Hi..ni 1,,.;,,ilpp Ihillrt on New \ 2.1VC, 'I’he -jrrituliiiK prc.s.'iurbrH nij rackc«i open the Arnol)'.'; piT-;|iAOc ioii.'ily damaKed hull plate -.!. • roke a ■propeller blade niid amaRod the reduction Kt'iir I I]rhich transmits lurbiiic i»o\v- r to the sbip'.s twin sc ro w .;.T h e f . i r g o s h i p , w i i h 2 1 8 o l t i f r i s

n d m e n a b o a r d . V n . < i t n i l t . ^ u , i v l o i n d M i p p l l M l o r t h e J o i n t U . ' ^ . - N r n

c n l a n d l i u c r n i i i l o i i a l K C o p l i v s u n l . f ’ h e n r b n . s c 5 0 0 m l l « n o r t h o f M e - W e c l i ilu rd o yotm d: — ----------------------T h e c o a . - i L cuard I r r b r e a k e r r n o i t J . ] d e (

lorthw ind rncliocd t h a t i h e t n . n - ^ Ive-JeeffeW rrsrm iTttrd'.rjrTOvrr'^no qunre miles, hnd reduced I t * own \V iU l' p e ra tlona l a b ility and so f s r li wns H u tc l nnble to m a n eu v rr 10 free iiie Dec .rncb or relieve the pres-sur* o n _ _ _ _ ‘~-

• r te m w n c e said n l i ‘pump roonu T T c i n bo th slilps were in tifUisUaui-um .Vrc.^J r>-Ing to con tro l lloodlUR nbonrd i - k he. A rneb ,. T lie_ can tff-sh lp Y crcTV ' . W , ;a*-tryiQ a-to,j}iQ ve-csj*ftTfront the lum ber tw o h o ld 'In order to reoalr ■*• am age to th e hull. » ' T,-The NorU iw lnd s a ld - tiie Ice floes *t*Hded 50 m iles out- to - s e in n n n is ""TON n r u p 's n d dow n th e con.U as k, re- ftbrogj onnalssance he licopter could see, su e s (

German Reds : AttendParley For Satellites

BER LIN . J a n . 3 -W -T h e - uncx- . J ? * . «c t^d d e p ar tu re -for Moscow of a le g a t io n of top E ss t G erm an f r , eaders m ay lead to a sate-rtTte'-'sum- L"u?5u i i l f c o n fc re n rt ..to w ort out; com - , tiunUm-s aBi»^ef to the H uhgarU n I n . r evolt, d ip lom atic sources said today.

Soviet Zone" P rem ier O tto .O ro le - ' fohl, C om m unist P a r ty Bojis W alter P*"*®* n h r le h t a n d te n o ther, top E as t rone fflclals le f t on Uie n igh t tra in fpr acrfcow. a n d thw#,-w*r«f. r e p o ru P eaders /rtim o th e r com m unist n a - P '^ '^ Ions m #y converge on th e Soviet , “

. - - i — --------- -Chinese C om m uhftt Prem ier Ohou *

5n-lal Is due In Moscow w ith in the le x t few days and liiere have been •ecurrlnrf rum ors .In B udspcst th a t **’* ?Moilw .Jano*_Kadar_ai*j-..lead..A ielegaUon of H ungarian officials lo hg-K rem iln . . ih e AT hough unconfirm ed reporis said

epresenU U ves of a num ber nf sa tet- 'The lt« n a u o n s m ay go to Mosow, I t was for e lelleved no rcp rese n u tlv e s would be- from •here from Yugoslavia or .Poland. Brltal rfn isha: T ito Is In th e KrSmlln dog- back ' lo iue I t th e m om ent, A Polish * le legatlon recen tly visited Mosco^k-, The ind Chnu Is going to Poland e fte r " t ' 1L1 M aicow t«!ks, Frencl

Reports fro n i Moscow said an Ess(, ^ o e \ German delegaUon would arrive trea tyhere-rarly ln - JimuinTrT>Ut~firi e---------vas no indication the group frss Manning to leave Ihls soon un til he E nst O erm sn rsd lo announced w . , •he dep artu re,._____ cordoi

Contract Awarded SIDAHO FALLS, Jan , 2 liTl-The 'H ie

Uomic energy commission's Idnlio " 20-y ip e ia tlo n s yfilce »aid yr.iierdny It Kviug ;»as. awardsd « . 140,34(1 oon lm ot-lo M-mi: lU hai'd t-D ahl ADdereon of-Pocatel> - lo,' T he I‘o<'ntrllo firm will build sn I'-Or ic tu a to r Inclllty a t the AiiC's In- of a* itnllntlon in enslern Idslio , W ork la Hrltnl rxpected"tn"talrp"imnityil foiinw

NEWSW A S niN a'I'O N , Ja n . 3 n B -U o iin rd W, I

llcnn ya tlonn l chairm an Jioine (l" 'e e fte r I’ lerm Innugurallon Jn n . 31, adm lnlstiatlon

WAHHINOTON, Ja p , t fW -rre ilde 'rirK li. leader* ioday he wnuld like in appear |>er i f eongreae K ridar t« e g llln e th e new “I ^llddle Kasl. ,

COl.nM UUH, O., Jan . 3 (iri-Demf>oratl<- snnoun red h e will resign as governor s t U. fl. seiintoi'.

W AHIIINOTON. Jan , I lfV -||nuae Denin ^eri from th e H4th rn iiires i. T h e ; loiik n(> railed to suppoPl parly nnniineea In Ihe Ne

•W Amm<ctTOHr>WTi,- a ' f t n - "Be)i-TTimTrle would reliUroduoe l>llls th a t would nullin ipper end of th e Hnnke ilver and remove I ax on ag rlcu ltu rn i fciinmodltlfs.

City Chalks up I Constyuctio

In add ition to selling a new r f e - liie es >rd In overa ll roiM iniu llo ii-du ilug O la lc ' lOM, 'l-i^ln F a lls hnd a rrro rd*bresk- nniiy’s ng yenr In th ree of Ihn four ':on- iilghs ilruclluii. cnteKPrlcB.' reiK iru. .Mta. itpprn) lohii-M , U ls e r . city clerk. Inss »

l^\ir Ihe flrn t tim e tn history, ntii* In 1 Iliuctliiii of hu lliiln is for pu ip o irs divlslo ilhe r llia ii dw ellings went iivcr Ihe new 1 ■iiillmi do llar m srk , Th« overall to- yesr'n nl wen |l.311,HfiO with Ihe lilgtirnt Ihe p( nom lily m a rk of Mill,'/DO I l i e dlnlrlc noiithly h igh was set In M arch school ihlefiy hecauui of th e building per- ’Hie n it requeM cd hy e iasi a ichodl dls- from 4:Joi.-No.-41l,Ji>he-floi(» moMhiT h igh r rm p VM U ecem bw , «]70,00(lt frbtcU was •<! by

N in e IrriK a lcd Idaho ( punlic.s

A n g r y F I n H i i n j

C r u s h eVIKNN.V. .bn. 2 (U.P>—

iiiinii<l ‘'ti-onir nrni nH‘tlio(h toduv 1 of 2.00(1 shoppers in RiHLippsl. Thr

Uftore.wliich apuncd la door.s f( iinOctVher. It was broken up by t>ov

I)riYer_Asks 1 In Car De t

.f’hu rl.is S te w a r t . R u p ert.' dem andc W eclne.sday w h en iirn iijrnpd b e fo re R eriford7‘ Rupcrt-.-on-ft-clun'K 'e-o/-4nv Ju d g e R ed fo rd se t th e hea rin g f o r I Het-atP-^1-7000 a n d -bon<f-Avns pdstc 'y \v iL li" iiivo lun la i-y man.-ilauKhter. in H u tc h in s . 2^. R u p e r t, in a t r a f f ic i D ec. 23. H e wa.s t lie d r iv e r of thC 'ca i

Use of Suez Is "JS• — ' ___ -------------------------- witir-iv

ilrfusedj^est iLs.ft~,n

In ^ a r Event Si,— ~ ~ ' • • - ' ___ - - • has-pc

■“ LONpON; ■Ja'ffr.1 flf'-^Egyptlart cTia'fgei nbrogstlon of th e -^ n g lo -E g y p tia n slaii'ghi Suen; canal tr ea ty .w ill depy lo the Sevy, I W est the ti.« of Jhe strategic Sue* Dec, -31 tMses agiiiiiAUU,tsAt> In Ihe event ot Dext w ar. Cairo d ispatches said today, volved —T h e loss «m ounteiJ-to » m ajb trsct.: Urlven back for w estern m ilita ry defenses o th o £ since Uie tr e a ty was linked up w ith from 1 NATO by giving B rita in the r ig h t T uesdf to rea ctiv a te th e Sues base in case n Ume of an a ttac k on T u rkey by Russia o r th e Eu any o the r na tion . in

T he ERyptlan people hailed, the c h ie f abrogation as Ihe only logical end w ith p to "an unp leasan t alliance" and r e . m a tte i in forces C airo 's n e u tra lis t policy line death w;hlch,seclcs to w ea n ,th e A rab coun- in prol tr ie s away from th e w estern fold, bab llit th e C a iro dlspn tches la ld . ij, Mrs.

A t th e sam e lim e, the Egyptian ___press began discussing th e proposed "E lsenhow er doctrine." Newspapers said A m erica's proposed economic ■ - r ‘ |ild to th e J ,lld conqea1ed,tHe V B J purpose of ttllgnlnfr th e Anil:(.ceufi- ’ tr ie s w ith th e W est and said such a

WSbj.t ----- ----------------- —-----------------T he f irs t Indication of BgJT»l's In- _ _

ten tion to te rm inate Ihe trea ty was the release o t B r itish Suer, base M o n d technic ians a s "w ar prisoners." They e n n n f w ere^ rresfM -'«n lI-1n terhW ^the diy- th e A nglo-French a eria l a ttacks be- can . e le c t!

T he trea ty , signed In 19S4, called CRUCU for evacuation of British troops tw O -1 from m e ’ S ue* .cana l r o n O u t gave c o n s t B rita in th e r ig h t to send trodpa r ru -- - , back lo th e «m e In case o t an a ^ ? U ck on any A rab s ta te o r Turkey. *

Tlie trea ty speclflcslly excluded m a k e a n a ttack by Israe l, and Uie Anglo- daVfi F rench invasion of the Sue* canal D«m tone was n o t carried ou t under the 34.20 '

— -----------* f l= 5

Quints Born SS-!'/,MADRAS. In d li , Jan , 3 (^# > o llce . , i " ^

cordoned off the hosp lU l In Pondl- c h rrry today to keep back wirlous ciowdN th ronging to seff Ind ia ’s llrs t

■me qu in ts .-a ll girls, were born to w . \a 20-yeiir-old In d ian se rvan t woman publicliving nen r 'r inu ivnn iiam ala i about fice InB O -mllts.fi-oni-PontUcherry. tha— ' ' , I" , . . , IL

INFLATION ' Mrs, l-ONIXJN. Jan; 1 Ofi-TliB price dlreotc

of a* telcphoiM oaII went up In selUng Hrltnln todav from thieepenf.n tn In a bi ro iiiiifncp ,' ... .............. _ , . ___atorA-j

JLLETINS - p•d W, Hnll will s tep down as Repub- Q n f l Kflrr P rra lden t Elsenhow er's Second* ration sources said todsy . . ’ V?

■nt Kiienhewer advitM cenireMtoh^l L ,-„ ;ar iMrtonallr btfore fc-Jolnl e««rinnnew -riientiOWBr aoeinne" rot (he "___ ' . • Plpellr<>ratl<- <lov. Krnnk J , Lausflie todaylor «l iKKm tomorrow lo become a ®

co un .'n ie

D enincrals today rectected a ll bMI- action D<ik n(> aotlnn agaln si members whe ed mot Ihe N fitrm tier eiecllon. age lo

dnmagi-7T sm tT -rniinrFr7r,7T ni--nii(i'-t0Bsy ' tom pinI nullinrlre a i lo rn te reservoir on Uie tu ra l r iiiova Ih r 10 per cen t transporta tion 'IVrii

p Record Year in tion Categories Dth e enlliiiKted cost of (he M ountain M arch.U ia lcT c leph fliiea iid 'l 'e leg riu licom r uu lo innny’i new addition. 'H ie pievlous NewiilRhs were In 10&2 sml IBDS, when th e |x>'Kpprnximniely |flM.OOO In new ImUil- lu st ycInss w nn rieiited, Thliv w

In ih* addlU ons and a llrra lluns M a n hdivision, the to ta l or'|D33,700 w is a divlnloinew luaik . M nrch nH*ln liad j^ he Hliinlniyesr'n IiIrIi w llh 1330,0.10. which » s s uixxl wIhe peiiiill, Inken ou t l>y the siliiiol 'I'hed in lrlft for repair o f the Junior high was Jschool and W nshh\xtnii school. lu m p n

'lllfl pftst Year also saw the lotnl Hon O from repnii'S itnd Imprnvemenis (luestei

■rrmppant+he-llOO^W l-rtiavk. A u is t- l3-:t>y •d bi' Uie tnonU>l> high «<aln sa t In h is ho

^ FJiilic.s _____________

Flash Ri igary Sv ed by Sc

))..lioc .iikI m ilitiji ci'ii-^licd a liluy In- ( i r i \ in u th e ir Iruck.c in lo a . T h e d e m o n s ln ilio n IjCRan in fro r u i-^_ f± 'lllM _0 ll5 jJ .in !a> i]U -B ilicJh ii ■y iw w erfu l police a n J r ’m llit'ia for< ------- — :■---------------------7 ^ . Polic

S h e a r i n g p

^ t h C h a r g eH anded a p re lin iiiia ry heariiiK scnttc e fo rc P ro b a te .!ud>re CJeoryc -No >/-4nvoliii>tftry-nift!HliHitriUerr f o r 10 a ,m , J a n . 10. B ail w as

id s tc"d fT rttn ra rt-w as-T hnT pcd .scene •r. in th e d e a th of E d w ard garlar f f ic a c c id e n t on li ig h w a y 27 P' he-'car in w h ich H u tc h in s w as a p a . s . l e n d e r w h en th e c a r Rep ro iled o v e r on a cu rve . K«ngi

Jack Dexter. 5C, Porllftnd, chni-Ecd of dcj witir-invoJuntftry niftnslflugluej'-dui- of un Ing ?Ue holidays In Woldpka county’ tomm u.»-.nsult^t.:«]tomoblle'acicitlimtir —w has-been bound over lo district Budaj court,' He has waived preliminary "Wftcli hearing before Judge Redford and Thous has-posted-bood-of'Sl,000. He wns the ci cTiafged"_wllh ’ lrivoVuiitarr"rnan^ slaughter lii the death of Mrs. May Patrol Sevy, 51. Ogden, on highway 25 on caplt* Dec, -38, Mef

Dexter was. driver of a. li-uck In. volved in an accident -with a car driven bV—Mrg:~Revv's h nntond^Otho Sevy, 54. Sevy was 'tmnafwird from the Rupert General hospital Tuesday to a hospital in Ogden. For '” ““5 a Ume he was llsted 'ti •Jcritleal'- at the Rupert hospital.

In Jerome Wednesday, Police “f j T Chief Fred Abrams filed a peUtlon with probate court asking that tlie * m atter of' Mrs. Golden Barlow's I»d death on Christmas eve be handled ’ 'eck; In probate court under the y ou^ re> 1 babllitaUon act. And

Mrs.. Barlow died In & crash U - (CanUMBtJ »B f i i . 1. CttlBui 1) In thi

G a v e ] ^ B a n g :r r i * ' T

B O IS E , Jn n . 2 (/P)— T h e gavela M onday to open Id a h o 's f i r s t De acnata=A iiica.=iaA 7^A Bd.j.JiQ iua--w j m a jo r i ty . T h a b u s in e ss o f th e firs e lec tio n o f m a jo r i ty a n d m in o rity CAUcuaes l i t B o ise’s tw o lead in g hoi tw o -h o u se s -w ill m o e t j n jo in t sos« c o n s titu tio n a lly re q u ire d m essag e t T h e R o v e rn o ra lso w ill d e liver a b u d g e t m e.saage to th e law - C « m a k e rs w ith in th e f i r s t f iv e O C d a y s o f th e sesfiion.

Democrnte have e m ajority. of 34-20 In the eenate, the Mme nu*

porlty In thfl house Is 33-27. I t was 30-33 two years ago.

In preparation tor Uie flO-dny bcs- nion, offices which adjoin Uie legis- latlve chambers have been trani* Tli ferred to oUier parts of the Stale- on t house or moved Into oftlce buildings 'Tha

W. W, Benson, Tdnho's director of Do public health^ is back In his old of- loglst flee ln4Jk«^ureau ot vital ftatlstics j .sqo so that house Democratjr will have •Ills new one tfreauctis In; -------

Mrs, Nan Wood, the eUte's new , director of occupational licenses, Ia selUng up ahop a{, a couple of desks * in a bftsemenLq ^ id o r aa U u t sen*. atorA.£»u.mfl..QiB. llcensfl. bureau’i . “ regular suite of roocni JtlAt oil We senate chamber; ■ | J «

This year's legUlatlve session ts -IVC Bt^tllu«--uiidar-way-as..t!»te.M-poft,.___

Settlement Made For Damage Suit degie

fcoiSS, Jen. 3 WV-Attorneys for o« ^ Mr, end Mre, Hermait-J. Van Iflante, P*rdo Twlh m ils. *nd Paciric Northwest {''“ n Pipeline company Informed U. S. he urdUUIct court to<lay a lult Involving consli Uielr clients has been sellled out of on Wcoun. • [ Wll

'Hie Van Zanies hnd brought l|ie action sRHlnst Uie oompaiiy and ask- J; “o*ed mots Uian'»o,000 for alleged dKm- i 't »'age 10 their farm, 'lliey claimed Ihe vk^ddamage occurred while Uie pliKllne WHH*eompKTTTTwriiiyiiirnipe'Twinw*lural gas line in Idaho. "“*1*

r niis nf the settlement were nut south unrcd, ■ Adk

------------------------------------------------ pardo

in Three ..S ; i During 1956 ^March, )Ull,4ao, this category added UU lo tl<ll,'ll!0, k.

New li.Murs fell sMgljUy' l«hliid the |>«cp« set tn linxi'und 1DB4 with P'"; last ycsi'n M n l rcBuliiiijt li,-in,tK)0.1-hliv WPS fH ly »a,00rt off Uie pnce, *• ' Man hatfuliunaiked Uie high hi this Illvlnlon with lltilt.iKK) In luinies he- . ” gliiiilng thru anil A|ii 11 wns ncivj ly na . gixKl wllh 1103.000. I

'I'he comblnnd tolnl for llin year; was *11,1011,070. 'I'he figure' was, Jumped $'i,W)fl Monday afternoon by ' Hen Ollff, 209 lyOls street, who re- (juestrd prrmljuilon to put n 20- hy “ V! 13-r ny m -ioov,i, *niipta afldiiion to] his home.

- . .. ' I

i i r l '- — -_________________ ! | f i

■finalT” . 1EDTtlON'~“] |


tevolt^wiftly^ovietsj[;d a flash r io t aRaiii.st pom-M ] lo a .Mioutiufr, je e r in g c ro w d ] i| f ro n t o f A s ta te - ru n d e p a r t- H unK arian rebe llion s t a r t e d , force.s w ittiih a K a i r h o u n l f

■’olice used th e i r c lu b s , b u t ' i lo t th e ir g u n s . TI\e in i t ia l ! '* jro u p of p o lic e m e n -o n th e ] tcciie wa.s, unab le to 'c o p e w ith • ;he a n g e r o f th e c ro w d .' ■— i

When reinforcements a r r i v e d . Iicy drove their trucks straight Into he rank.? of the demonstrators and , icnttcred them.. No scrlbii.i injuries were reported. ! United Pre.w Slnff Cotrespondentt

irtcITMcclmn reported" f l i i t he wa* i .tnnding. In U)a—itrcct-Jiear _Uiej icne In 'Budapesf wlien ■ the 'Huh'-'n larlans' stUl-smoulderlng hatred ot i liB.police cruptwl lnto open inw lt,! ihovlng and Jeering that culminaUd n.the demonstraUon.

Reports froqi Budapest, indicated | iIungHrians were nqirina new petks if desperation, faced with prospecta )f unewpn^ment7~hi m g ^ c o i ^ i n t :omniQntat t»pBrt«ioh. • -Isdated-TiunUre • «*» t.h eirr:T lri Sudapeat a t the beglnnim .or thejl 'blnck new year" for H uncarU aiiji rhousnnds of citizens openly defletM he curfew Imposed u n d e r- in ir ti» i|| 'sw --B ira-T5bvftt"~jm a'"m BjiKiH |l jntrols. to wallc the street* of th « H ;apltfll during the night. ' H

Meanwhile, observers said . iR u i l l firings by_the Soviet-Imposed Hun-fll Barhn regime m ay'set off tenewedilJ armed resistance AhH »-fi^h 'exddU li||of refugc«-to'Ihe W est - ....i S

Nearly 25 ,000 Hungarians auto- I matlcally lost their Jobe by govern-H ment decree New Vear'i day. More 11 than 220;000 Industrial employee and | 38,000 government workers w erejl t.lred AS part ot the JanA K a k u li regime's economy drive, II

Industry has been panlyaed fo^B weeks by the power sbortace x«stt]t> l| Idg'from t£e lack of fuel .sm ^llei. I And tbdre was s o indlcAUoa«t-«i9-^ eariy Improvement tn th a i ltu itla a i\ In the coal mlnee. ijl

? Mond$,y ;T 1 ' J . - '- '

ivels Will W f f , Dem ocrf l t l ( ^ om lna i i r t . « t e t i

f irs t day will be t h e ' I o r m l l rity leaders selected In p a r ty ' r hotels th e n ig h t before. T h» '■ session T ijesday^ta“ib e« r- th * -

ige of Gov. R obert E . Sffi'yljii.

S e v e r e E a r t h ,

J a i ! . R e p u r t e d

Tlie University of CalUornI* aels-' mograph recorded severe esirth shocks last night centered uear'th 'f 'i remote Aleutian island* of A ly ltt. '

Tlie shoeKs ran up u h l |h U.7.7B on Uie Richter^ magnitud# sa l* . Tha IfiOS earthq&ke In 8«o ' Fran*1-lw.u l i»u >H a,j t , i ^ t tm '. -------------

Don Tocher, iinlverslty •eltmoo logUl, said the shocks centered about 3,800 miles northweat ot 9«riwley.' ."/Kprl”3Sk uaM* Wcinlty of Adsk, Alaska, i t ptit onl and Uien withdret* a UdiU-wav#^ wamlng after check* for uaunitl Udanhovemfirtt wer* nefaU».“ i

R f l e a s e l s A s k e d ]

B f M i i r d e r F e t o j rSlloaHONX, Jan. »-l>ro»eouUnf

Attorney Howard AdUn* aald T o f f ' ^ ^ ^ h e understAnda Myde O a j ^

degree munter ln»'Uaeolii vountr'on Peb. 1, in i ; has applied for pardon or oonuiuilittasi a l —ilim iM from Ihe state pardOQ boai^. H« u ld he uaderatAnds Uie peUtlon will be considered by Uie pardon boardMl Wedilusda)!- - ..... ........

Wllliftins was convicted' In I W :lrath i)f Alwllda Room's faUier In l,liioolil'county on Nov. 10, IQftO,|M ihnt Ume Mles-llwm»'waa c o n ^ victcd ot second degree murder. Williams waji sentenced to life lm>

iiait was hidden in a gravel pit Hiuth ot Hailey. .

Adkins said ho hss written to U)» [>ardon board, polnUng. j>u( Uiai sUk(e law proiilbits Uie ;rel{iM(i'Da .J Duroie of a prisoner sei'Vlnt a lUa .

' A h e a d ■ ■.bale ot 1M7 automoblla Meenaa. :::

plntea In now a "UUle ahead" at j insi year a clerk a t Uie Twin I'alls oognty Msweof e ollioa>aald> Wednrndny.

llo^EvnrrUiB kale or ptatM was " dMiirilied as "slow." No lu n | ' ■' lines weia before U« window*.' I'nueiiger plaU No, (OU and truck ulate No. 3479 .fier* *old' be fo ra li a. m. Wedneiklay,' ^

During aA of IMS over n m ' tfuek and automobUe p la tu w«r«

■ . - ■ ' ■ l - T ™ ! I " l ' I l l - l l I " . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 2: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

*6Uce) S l a y 2 ^

I r i s l r B a l l l ^

iBwed IrU h R e p u b llu n a rm y re­n e w e d 'iU t tU c k s orv 'N orU iem Ire - ]>nd t to e e .w e c ta ago.

i r « m i n t . A l2 -yea r-o ld g irl loJt (h e ^ h t o l e n e eye.

Several ra ide rs to u ed . grenndes tn d . bulleU In to Ihe police

I {tome o f .N orthern Ire la n d Premier,

•O d sped a v ay . Police com'> xu a d e e ittl .M u U ie r .tQ tc k . itnd .gave d i u e a t speeds up to 70 miles An

f h o a r over th e narrow , plcturewjue e e o n tiy roads.

I ■ T o lleo a n d ex trem ists exchanged fU H nre'U D til ft b u r s t tro m a police

) |a | fu b n u d iln e gun ridd led & Ure and geUtvay truck aU dded o ir the

Thft^;3l4DllBd one d e sd m a n a n d a n o tn S i^ i .m o r t i i lT w ounded who d ied en rou te

T h e y -c a p tu re d th e driver, who ^ 1 m s xininjured, b u t several o the r < ^ L ^ x ttw d a U a p jsm n U j^ escaped.

I 30-Day Jail Term i f Is Given T.F. Man3 |f - te o a -V » jr f l ly k e r T w ln - P a U » H w a »K ir K nte iiced to 30 day* I n th e county H I j lU and-««W 88cd"»5.^0-co»ta-W ed- i l l « * l a y I n T w in PftUs JuaUce court l ^ i f U r pTin'tiing guQty o f ob ta in ing f f l l m oney u nder la b e pretenaea.

V an Blyke adm itte d .ob ta in in g 138 n i fro m v e n a T - ^ a h l , K im berly on BMl A ug.--U ^-lfl5d ,-by -n ilire itfeaenU ng I I I btmB«lf a s a n employe of ft local

lB « n a J B e f d in g i< r tH r ( u n p ia ln t , V ah |& iM tf td b o l6 - W d » h lr h e - o o u ld - o b l* ln

Ik DftTt»<o^*iww tom ebtIe e ^ l h e a t ->holes«]ft p rtce . B e aa ld h e ' Kad p tlfi tS down on th e p a r t And need* < d - a a addltlon at - t e f t - t o - « » n > ^ U

- ^ k e » p a check. H e a lso aald h e ^dld n o t reeelve t ^ p a r t fo r th e en>

: —ffloajatajb- .- Magic Valley Memorial'

• a d 7 to B p in .— v u > M ir m >-- B tell* EUgtaea, JA^iahft J a n e G ard- ■ner, U ra . Baneat Bhlrk , M ra. D e lm u - I t - l r t i h . T e n y K ennedy , H arry . J ■ T B um s. N o rsu A .S te n ch . H Xu r m -

^ 'T lek U oW lUU m s a n d ArvlUa Hum-

M ra. X m eat B a ir and F i 5 ^ H a « W H u t » & y . b o th H a u l .

t 'R d w rt L a th am . M rt. Dali 7 » a a » ; i @ <i«ir I g i.

-:tiW k eo .’O ynt4 O tto f i l t f * « n d H . L

<t4onV lU e h m H o o M a n d n n s e t r q r t c i n a rua^*:*. B byd, W «nd.

-----------. - B m m

^ A. d a u ib te r tV M bom Tueaday U ^ u n . v t u t t P . siilrk, 7wi(

Je ro m e

- L w - . , . t m m r i E D J ??! Jo )m B u tehe r, Ja to n ie ; M rt. H e n n < te & u a a . » u b l. t o d ■itx*. K aU a B ird • A M t o n .% ■ DI8M1BBBD

_ M w .JB y lp O tlh p u n a n d

B i R T n s '

^ ~ G o o d * n i 'M e m 6 r la lV J*ltin»,hfloA a t O o o d ln r Count;

' 'M eo to rlA lho tp lta l a re f ro m a to4 :9 i

O ardncr. H a c e n a a o . wm i m . AUtert TOuilg. Jease O om , M n R a lM i.K end rtek . a n d Mim. lU ohan

»«» r\MA\nw, _W n . O « o t« t M o lauB tilln t n d M n

,B la in e B ird a n d d a u ^ to r , bot) O o o d lte i J« a t> « f ia ieh o m . H ager n a o . m d M rs. K e i te r t D odd. F air f ield . .

. B IR T H S •"

d tu « h t« r to M r, a n d M ra. R lo lian C onner, Ooodlng.

Rupert dencral .A D M IT T E P

M w . Id a K. Buflli, n u iw i . DI8M 1NBB0

Mre. Nell D arrlng ton . R upert, aii( O tto Bevy, Ogden,

W e a t l i e r

M A G IC V A LIK Y — P a rtly cloud tm l f h i a n d tom orrow I artarntioi tM Bperaturea tom orrow n e a r i i : lu<

-Iw U gbt 11 t o 'U . U w la s t n l i b t u

11 ]j

B lii i n r n n t ix o ................... At

I ■ " a \\C m . N aU iau P. T w in ing , ch ief o

■ ' lU r r o f th e U, 6 . a ir fOrce, sUirtei a r m / w r» « r Uk ^ la I n fu iu y .

--------------------K e g ir th e -W hU e F lag_ o l S a fe ty F ly in g

? ":t-Jn i ^o u t- J ^

re- ?I re -

3 ^ ■■■lo st i^ow Jour days w ith o u t a

-tra H lc d e a th in o u r U a o lc £ V alley.

^ c iu F ir T a a r ^ ^ S : 0£ SaivMt&Tr

Army’s Work1^?,^ Brlit, W illiam J , M cH arg. Ban

Pranclsco. w estern te rr lto r la t f lnan - r d a l aecre tary for th e SalvalloA Ar- ‘ ^ m y. outlined th e corps’ fin an c ia l and

—P rica-jtn ic tu re for T w in Palli ? ! i l S l io n a club m em bcra W M nesday

noon a t ihe Parle h o u l,B rljf td ler M cH arg repo rted th a t

local u n l l i do no t UJce p o r t in Com- , ® m un lty ch es t, U n ited P o n d and

. . o th e r charily drives, b u t rely upor th e ir salvage program s a n d tlthlDB

T l to rem ain financia lly se lf-su ftlc leh t •* J le told of th e A rm y's wortc in 8 | [ n n countries and colonies th roughout l a l l th e world and o t m e n ’s service cen- H Naa t« ^ -h o sp lta la -fo ra in w ed _ n > Q th e rs , ju n ty tu m m er cam ps I n d ' o th e r p rojectiW ed- w lttiln -th la -c o u n try — ------ -----------c ou rt H e was Introduced by h is aon In in* C apt, 'W inUm E. McHRTg. officer-

In-charge of M aglo V alley SalvaU or g l U A rm y activities. ' ly on I n o the r business, G eorge H anej nU ny xeporUd-VtlRt th e_ U o n s‘ polio road local to ll p ro jec t will be he ld ' J a n . ISi'H i

------- em la ln ed th a t club m em ber*, dress.V an a d . aa->‘B:eystane K e ^ .” vU l sto ;

ibtaln Of r i r " «u»nin> r h a r g.no a t tog each d river a toinoT J& sS. P ro '

h a d ceeda fm m th e p ro jec t w ill go to th i need* M arch of Dimes, H aney said, iplat* — H arold H ove.-lrv lnr O e » e r .-R ich

a w " S h o tw e » r 3 a y W U " * h ff“ J 6itJ Id h e spoU arlc . a m em ber_o f..the..B o l5 i a e n - B ench Lion# club, w ere guests.

_ I rn H offm an, R ich a rd .S tone. Tei —. ■- N elson and Ja m es R ude w ere In tro

duced as new m em bers.

Z i B f e a r d e a n c e l s

i^- Rescue Attemptsi5 a * J CHAMONIX, P ra n ce , J a h . 3 (W-

■*® * r t l l i a a r d th a fh T d - H o n fB la n u l J t h in d sw irling aheeta-of anow c u t of

3 a rd rescue to d a y .fo e tw o half-fro se i aim ap m ounta in clim bers a n d e l ) h t mei

, w ho w e n t to a id th e m a n d w er uvedJ trapped them selves.S ! ? AW Prance-w as fo llow ing th e a to r ;S, n o f cllmbera J e a n V lncedon. 24, o

P rance , a n d P rancola H en ry . 23. o : ^ Belgium , w ho have been fig h tin g fo 7.M 1- tu rv lv a l-o n - th e aa.OOO-foot-level-o

th e m oun ta in fo r 12 days. ^ ? 5 ; p 8 s a _ T O , u i i a i p , t a S j . m

n , , - froatbite. T h eir w ou id ibe rescuer , h a d to abandon th e r n l a s t .n i g h t 1:

ttte TaaanPtTBf % wrea e tf-hetfcopte jZTi!2^ t)0BtUH fO ■ uUfe ■ a u ■ liou i w 1 ii d'

m ad* It Impoealble to rem ove th e r w i l l to a A ie lter fu rth e r u p th e m ounh S " l» to .

T h a te m p m tu r o w as repo rted a " fo S J B f f in r r « r T n r t - « j e = jn o a n t t l n “ WB , i £ ? ahM thed in a chu rn in g , piU k-whlt

I to rm .etoud w hich aenc fin e sno< ahootlng o ilt from th e m o u n ta in aid

LSi* ____ ■to Incorporates

r e ta ry of a ta ta ’a o fflca h e r* toda

R eal E iU U B ite rp r lsek . Tw l yt» tca^an d -an d bmWliiga dewTot

' " m en t com pany; c a p lta llw d a t UO 000 by K ar] c . a n d B e tty J. fU i

H nw * '^ (1 Jam ea J . M ay, a ll-T w l s t r f l ^ la -

' Pearleaa P a rrla o f B urley, t aervltaUUon, Incorpora ted by P . C. nn

iffht«r V irginia U n d a n d D ale C lem ons, a Boise, a n d capltsUlied a t »29.000.

i i t o M a g i c V a l l e y ^ F u n e r a l s

JoCnty R U PER T —P ^ n e ra l aervlcea ' f( » 4 :9 0 D uana Plrk lna will be h e ld a t a i>.f’

Prlday a t th e L D 6 tabernac le w it — BW iop W ayne-B unaerlartcl officla '

X t n d C oncluding rite s will b« h e ld i I, M rs. th e R u p e rt cem etery. , lohard - - . - -

. .m iP J s n T . - T u M r f iL je r v l M j f< M ra. ffiimia May I ^ k e y will be hel

1 Mra. a t 10 a . m . B nlurday a t Die Gixk bo th m an chapel w ttli th o Rev. Rex Lnv

la g e r- son. p<istor ot th o C lirlallm i clmro: P a ir - oniclaU ng. C oncluding. rlt«a will t

held a t PlCM ant View cei^eU r Burley.

anJPa T W I N 'T A t i a — P u n e ra l airvici ic liard for J iun rs 'n^om as O erry will I

conducted n t a p.m . T h u rsd ay a t U W lilto ino itun ry citapel, Im I U t will be In Uunsel M em orial pa rk .

T W IN t'A f.LS — riin e rf tl aervlc (or Jr&se llenildrAoii will be cm

, . ducted a t 3 p.m. 'H iiirtidny In tl t, a n d m ortua ry ilin p el by l.i:

church olfioluls. Concluding ril------ will Im uimW dlrMtk>i> .or-Uw~i>'U

A m erican le g io n poat a l P ller IOC cemetery.

eloiirty i“

E i NOTICE------------------------------------------------

I Hoi^se-ShuBUS

f PASSENGERSt O u r Nev< B u s S to p[ Is now , l o c a t e d a t

! BOB GEER'S. r , W EST 5 P O IN T ' S E R V li:£lief or ; liirteit -----------

^ Driver Seeks— Hearing ()ver DeatliiriAuto

____ tw ten h e r car and one d r lyen by

ner's Jury ruled she waa killed In an accldcnt in w hich th e youth’s chr had failed to yield th e rlRhi of wny. The m a tte r now will be handled by

__ PrnbatH .Tiitlge T h f ron W a r ^; S ta te P a tm lm an R ay Thom as

— T u es d a y a rre a te d -a a ry -N - M asoner. { a H upert. on 'a charge of speeding 10 la lc “ W -mlte zone.

p trsons .were committed to la ll V Z ^ n e sd ay 'o n failu re to pay

I h n e s and costa In T w in Falls jus- 11,-- tie * « o u H .^T w ^r-ih M h rM -p i« ad fld

guilty o f dnm ken..drlvlt>g and the th ird of being dn in k in a n automo-Mle.- ------------------- ------- — —J-L—

n J-t*-*- ^ o n iia j . 'K e l ly Blivey.; 829_____ Second avenue n o rth , was fined *125

I and ~|3 costs a ffe r ' ^ 'ead ink gunty , |* l4 r of d runken driving. S h e was arrested

T uesday by flt* t« Pn tro lm an H. E. e , - Carr- on h ighw ay 30 to u r miles east

rinan ordered tolA At - county Ja il on failu re to pay her rI and

ru lla H ow ard Floyd Snell, sterling, le sday O o k k ,-w a s-f ln e d -4 m -a m L i9 .c o 8 U

. a f te r ptead lng guilty to a simifat 1 th a t c h ^ e . H e wna arrested by C an Com - T uesday on K im berly road . He also

I a n d ■»*s com m itted to J&H on failure tc upon pay h is line.

JlhlDK Clyd« £ . Robbins. 4B0 Second ftVe- 'Icleht, nue n o r th , a pos.ienKer in the Sllvet ; In 85 car, pleaded guilty o f being drunk jghout In a n autom obile on a public high- e cen- n-ay. H e .ira a arrested by Carr op >Jhers, h lg h W y ?10 fpuiL.mlles e a s t o f Twin rojecta Falla. Tfte oou ft f lh e d :h lrfn 2 5 ' and______him tn tallg aon, on faUure to pay th e fine. - fficer- L ioyd K R e r t , ro u ta 1, FUer.-wai vaUon fined 180 a n d W costa W ednesday In

. T w in F a lls Justice cou rt for negll. H aney g tn t'd r lv ln g , R eed w as c ited by cltv I road police ’Tuesday following a traffic 15. H e a o ^ e n E o n O stw loh avenUe; A'1B5< d ress- o idsm oblla d rtvep-by R eed fal!ed-U 1 s top m ak ea t'o u rv so h th e av e h u o -a t.U :6 : obarg- a^ jn -.T he cax.iQ lleiLoyer.in.the.bor- 1. P ro - rww p it. •- ■.to th e A rland O k»n, P au l, waa fined |3 i

and 13 costa Dec, 27 by JusUco o: -R ich* th o Peace Alvin S ttan p ro n rPaul, ot “ J61W I T ^ a i ^ 01 neg ligen t ^ v l n g , Olsot

Boise WM a r r e s t s by M a r« a l Hownrt s. P la t t w ho sa id Ohwh w as drlvlnt e. T ex In a n im aafe m anner on P a u l streete In tro - D arrell M cRoberts, Buhl, waj

f ined 110 a n d >3 Costs W edneeda' by Ju stice o f th ^ Peace C. E . R ud j

I Buhl, on a charge of neg ligen t drlvIS '■ Inc. Judge vRudy a lso -fin e d Clydi

- - - A llred. CasUeford. a like am oun t oi i n t c t a charge , of passing over a w h it

Une on th e highw ay.

Losing Official T ‘Hi ‘ Is Offered Posi

PROVIDENCE. R . 1,. Ja n . a (tfi- e s to ry .por th r e e h o u r s i ja s t th e o a th -tak ln 24, o f tim e yesterday an In w g u ra tio n da 23. Of crowd m illed a ro u n d 4 h e a ta te hout

Ing for w aiting to a te w ho would be swor jve l-o f In « j governor of R hode Island . Th

suspense Wm n o t b roken u n til i t wa je v e r e Announced th a t the .lncum ben t. wh escuera h a d ib te n -defea ted” In th e Nov. igh t in elecUon, w ould ^?malrt In office.

_ J 3 u £ q o v : I > n n ls J . Roberta wi iw o m I n lo a ti“ UHlJrKfaEin? fo u rth -te rm a s ch ief executive i th o rtsulC of th a sU t* suprero

, . , , cou rt's Invalidation of absen tee bal

*1 * Wf^lffiraThlghest-courtrule th a t wTitten voles cas t by some a t sen t?e voters a n d a h u t-ln s w ho wei unab le to go to th e po lls were Ir

» valid because they w ere pdstm arke ' before Nov. 8 . '

flf I n . I n doing so, th e suprem e cou h r W o - rtiled unc o n atltu tlo n iJ a constlti , today tlona l a ra en d m e n t'W o p te d by t l

legislature In 19U giving absenti ■TRln votm y r m la s l^ ^ ^ t^

It MO,- ----------------— ---------- -

i .Krn Deadline NearT »'ln P a lls county farm ers wan

service ing sugar b eet acreage th is year a: C. a n d rem inded they m u st subm it the ons. a ll app lica tion lo th e agrlru lU iral sij MO. blllza tlon a n d conservation offl<

- , bflforTJiuriS"--------- -----------------Lloyd 8, Jones, county commute

ch a ln u a n , nald form s m * y tb « ol ta lned a t th e office.

Talks Arranged. a i>.m. CAIRO, J a n , 2 (ffV-'rhe goven le w ith m en t'b a ek e d nnwApaper Al Gun ifficlat- n u rrly a ss ld today ta lk s will beg h e ld a t oit Uia uniiiciitlon of Egyi

a n d Hyrla,Arab iia tlona llila In Eitypt, Byr

Ctj fo r and Jo rdon have long lalked abo> be held a TederliUon-or th e th r w c o u n tr t t

G ood- a ll bordering larai-1,X Law* -------- ----------- ------- —oluireh, MAN IS JAII.T.IKwill be BU tlLEV . J a n . 2 — Jose Coatull

m eU ry , M onterey, Calif,, Is serving Ifl da In Jull he re In lieu o t a fine < A otiarge publlo InUixlcotlnn, I

iirv ic e i Was sen tenced by Pollf.a JUfl: will be H enry W. T ucker 'IMe.id^y.' a t Uie at lltod> 'k S K K I T N O W, . r , i o » l V h i l c . l t ' H l l e r p . '

i f c l c S

I M SW e d . F f ld lu re S c lie d u le

i I 5 ; 0 0 p . m . . 7 ; '0 0 , IO;QO

B 3 3 SNA’r i . P l iu jK IHII.KIY T IU R PIC ri'llllK ONI.V

A fllltlf to r — nilidrn««-1SB <rhllrttfn 3!V«

H i _____ Z - ---------


GoUd to M eet

t o .A«Cfnalnn gu ild o f th e Eplacopal chu rch will m e et a t 2 p , m . T hu rs­

day a t th e hom e of M rs. Jo h n E.— -H a jia s --------------------------------------- -------n by I- r q ~ ,-----------------------------In s n K cfCert K ln ® te rT w ln Falls , -was 8 ciir f‘ne<l »2® W ednesday In T w in PalU

^.ny. police- court a fte r plead ing guilty >,■ i J of being d runk in public. H** was

a rrest«d M onday by c ity police, lom as __ ~~ _ _ ~

T™ Student Tells Of Car Rules

n s “ “PDP'Gerinany- . . . H igh school stu d en ts In O e m a n y --TiTi a ro -n o t pe rm itted to d rive cars-u n -rf » i «? passed-a-iigo ious driv ing course and

‘ i teat. B cm d L eusner. Q erraan stu- den t.B tT w lri-F a lim iffh -icH oo irio ld

* ; m em bers o f tho local R o tary i tu i W ednesday.^ je u s n e r addre.wed th e c lub fol-

ay ne r lo s in g regu la r luncheon a t th« Am erican L egion ha lt,

c rllng, , H e told of h is t r ip from G erm any Lcoata by_sen, lo Norfolk, V a.,.a rrd o f 'h li tlm ifar ejrpeHence's“lir 'w r^ a c H n g -w ith - th « ' C a rr A m erican lan guage w hen h e landed le also L eusner Is living w ith M ra. Petei lUre to L ink arid fanjlly w hile In Idaho . Hi

w in rem ain In th e U nited S ta le s foi U ftve- one ye a r-Silver H e said G e tm an s luden ta rem ah drunk toge ther fo r“nlne-ye«r« .-32 iey-ai'4 h ig h ' required to carry 14 courses anc

i r r on m u s t . recclvc religious tra ln ln i: ’Twin w hile m s c h ^ , ' _____________a and EtUineV says Ke ts "m uch Im- tn tall pressed w ith A m erica" a n d flndi......... m e ' ' ^ l e ' K lh H " S a Trrenaiy;” Hii

oW er bro ther sp e n t a y e a r In th< d ^ 7 ln 'U n ite d S t a t « in 1S53-M. aaylni n „ l l . w ith a fam ily In Toledo, o . '

bv cltv ' V isiting R o ta r lan s w ere Free traffic B rallsford a n d A l B orders, botl A 'lBM B u h l.--Jo h n -H e n ry ,-B o ise , w a s - i .l!ed-to fuest.' . . . . ,t.ia :65 ■; ---------- - ■ ■■, .

- Growth CitedNEW Y O RK . J a n . 2 W l-G row tl

lu l on Ph**®* of-A m erloa '8 -peacfr "Oison tim e atom ic Indust r y wos' algnlflcan fownrd ^ accord ing to a suA unary Is driving *ued today by th» -a tem lc Industrie streete* ^°rum-

T h e sum m ary sa id the atom ic In neadav com pleted cow ttructlon o

tw o n u c lea r r e a c to b , carried for it ririv *"'*■'* rea c to rs of varlou

Clvde,lin t on received c o n tra c ts o r begai

construction on M new nuc lea r re ac to rs In th e course of th e year. Th new reactora Included 30 researd

, ------ a c d J e s t reactora and .as .pow er-typI reactors,

i*ost Card Returneda n f i- LB MANS, F rance . J a n . 2 (W-

•tak lng C han ta l G algnard , w ho released Ion day poet card aU ached to a balloo e house early In D ecem ber, said today th ! sw orn card h as been re tu rn e d from Bujia id . T h e pest, H ungary ,.by -n iall.------- ^I I t was T h e c a rd w a a ^ e tu m e d by Buda Dt. who p e s t un lvera lty ' s tu d e n t 8 ^ o Is)Nov. t vanum,* w ho found i t 887 mill

Iflce. from Le M ans.

— ^ReSiSesign"" ! I ^ N , lU ly . J a n . a (W -sl

t« « h a i. I ta l ia n In tellec tuala have-Teslgne \n c an - ^ C om m unist pa rty , i r wi

J a p d rtad ^ tttle s—Two u n ive rs ity professors, a

rt 'ru led ai%tiitacti . .a n a r t_ c r l t la a n d . tn ,me ab* I ' ' atatemerdo were "Im possible fo r Italia.ere com m unism to follow a n autonomoi m arked tow ard *oclallsm.“ ^

e court D n n e r S e r v e dsnstltu - BUHL, J a n , 2—A no-ho«t covert by the d ish d ln tier a t th e F irs t M ethodl

.bsentee church M onday w as followed by otarUed w atch pa rty . M otion p ic tu res' weinn rify p|^na..n ^ *m«rlr« «rM4 tl

C anadian Rockies.,A candleilglit com m union aervli

I I wan held a t Uia beginning of tl'I w ant- new year.

[L^thVl? "T A L K H ’V i'lV K N '.r a l^ i j i PAUl.. Jnn . 3—Tnlka w rre glvt , Siinrtay evening a t the LDS chutc------------ h y - a i i ry _ J o l ia 4en^_»l»dent_at tl

College of flo u th en i U ta h ; Chai ™ ' ‘“ ' l . n . su m M o n , . l i . a .n l >t B tl,!,.!

YmmB u n lv m i ty ; Dennla Hyn-iake n . U w l.r W aaii.; Colleen Nielsf W eber ro lle g tiO g d en ; M r, and Ml

P f 1 Diinne Loveland, stu d e n ti a t ' p Utuii B ta ir AgrlciiUiire colieg

govern- Logan, a p d Bob P latts, rocatello . G um - — — ............. ........

II begin' “«vpi i gTj I I y . I I Tgt . Syria K W 9 I W ' 1 Id about


A ff iT k the WEST... H a.,. /YWrn 1 doorway to

. / r ; ? ; 3 1 ^ ....... ’. " e w

I Mo.Irtu re i

p m ^ ^ K T r a o M N i o e L o i i ^

! | W M l i atK FSgff" '' - «MMES-

" lA iiM T iO 'a s u N o iu ju r 'n ra iu m

[ l l l l I 'l iu T hU Hrroii<t<Illt1

™ "WC-Sb--- iW—Iul. J F ? HMDlK-tiCMlO I

Si f e i ’l i ys .

K S i l i i i n i D I

: T W I K F A L t S , - W A H O - -----------


Clob t« Meci Mpal ' T ha.H clghborhood c lub w ill niM t lu rs- a t th e home of M rs. V ictor Bcolt, kn' E. 483 H arrison a treet. F r id a y evening.

Circle M eet Plarined

, -was o f-tf te - Ptm t B a p tis t c h u rc h win Falla m eet a t 1:30 p m . T h u rsd ay w ith ^ l l ty R. E. Crow a t th e parsonage.

Py th ian Bisters to M eet .— --------n i a - P y t h l a n - SltU rs Sootftl-club

w!U-raecl a t 8 .p ,tp; T h u rsd ay a t the [ home o f M n . ■ B im er L efchllter. -334

Third avenue ca-st,

» g ■ M t t U j u L s t a i n J i d a fRegular monthly roeeUng of the

- "Employ-the PhyalcaUy-Handicap.l i v ped” commlttcfl will beg in a t noon

FTidty ac th e O rten ta l cafe.m an y --------. - u n . F ire in e irA M w e rC it t ^ _ . T. .

have A sm oking o il b u rn e r caas«d 'T w in and Palls l l r w e n to answ er a call at

I stu - the Jeaser E qu ipm en t 'com pany, MI Ip to ld Addison avenue west. T uesday n igh t ’ i tu b a am aga w u reported .

, fo i. Stockholden lo M eatI t th e Cuy E, S h e a re r, p residen t ol

F idelity N ational ban k , reports bank m any, stockholders w ill ho ld th e ir a n n u a o f h is meeting a t : J p . m . T uesday . Dlrec-h - th e --------------------- ----inded. ---------P e te r G range M eeting P U n n e d

10. H e Regular m e e tin g ' o f M ountalr xa for Rock G range will ba he ld a t 8 p.m . - Thursday. In th o h a ll. M r.-81^ - Mrs em aln Henry R iedem an a n d M r, and M rs

Leo C n n e wlU servo refreshm entss and . ----------alnlng Circle M eeta ToD lgbt________ Suptemft_f?0rest_W Q0( lm a n -c ird c1 im- Magic Valley grove No.. 19.. will meet

finds at 8 p. m . today in the auxlllan r H i i fwm -^of - the- A m « rc5 S « 'E rg 'im rh ^n tA« MIX R ay Reynold* w ill fum Jsh th . laying white e le p h a n t . ,

Canal F irm M eet SetP®ll* C a n al 'c o m p an y stock.

^ holder# will m e et a t th e cftmpam * office a t ' l t t t m . T iu a aa y -Jo f th'e-ll

a n n u alm e etin g . T h e g roup will lateig o - to th e Id a h o th e a te r lo heai

I ........ y««t)y report* and e lec t-d irec tors .

im w th E l e c U o " ^ ^ iA n ^ a n n u a l r e p o r t ?by Presldcn

IvT T^ L io A nderson a n d etecU on of dl recto'ra will m a rk th e yearly stock hoW e« m eeting o f-th e F irs t Federa

u su ia i Savlnga a n d “ Loia'n association a t : p. m . Ja n . 16. rep o r ts T om E . Lucaj assocUUon a ec re tary . •

. Man Diesbegan RU PER T. J a n , a—D uane Plrklna

r e . R upert, d ied T uesday a t th e Cottagi T. T h s hosp ital in Burley, search F unera l aervlcea w ill be held a t : sr-type P-*"- F riday a t th e L D S tabernacl

w lth 'B lshop ' W ayne’S u h a e rla n a oT flclating . C onclud ing rite s will b

d held a t th e R upert cem etery unde th e d irec tion of Ihe-G oodm an 'm or

3 m _ osed a i

r s Burglar ShadedButia-. .. ..PAUL, J a n . 2—A rt U hrich, who

------- l iv e s - in - th e - w a t - p a r t - o f PaulrB uda- h as a window shade th a t ’s look-

lo Is l- ing ou t fo r h is in te r e s t miles S a tu rd ay n lg n t uiurlch waa

aw akened w hen th e window

I ( r ic h 'g o t to th e w indow In time to r a a n un iden tified person JumiT ttia hedga a n d disappear

M to e d down th e stree t.H was ; Before departing on a dead

^ n , - t h a n ig h te a i l* r h a d removed ♦»!! ‘>1* w indow a n d h a d raised

wlfMiow In th e house. The window shade apparenU y h a d

“ „ 1 „ , .slipped from h la h and , sound- th e a larm .

1. GRA N GE T O MEETM URTAUGH, J a n . 3 - M tirtaug

ih ^ i» t O ^M ge will m eet a t 4 p . m . Monda a t th e h igh achool. __________

^ • ‘■'I "k * *a t -IhB **“ *»« '‘" " n “»c^lleVc, __________

NOW! f i f Ht n d i SAT.


| M ' A PPIJC A 'I’IO n y ' . . i K K O M U m

“ p r o t t ; f !S K )>

P Annual AnKi(S

i w m Jonuory'^z^ High Schoo

! nam i-:;


TYI’K ()»• I KIN

AC:< O M rAN IH T, ir a i,t

T litlIll'll l l l in lib u ik , |ii'K |)i'r H ox (Ml!, ................ . IdfiliK,

P rem ier E y es H is t o s s e s in

£°3’ I s la n d P o w e r

Ibe steady disin tegration of h is cenLrnl Rovem m enfs control over rebellious S um atra , reliable sourccs reported.

i_«u.h. T he cablnpt v a n faced w ith a crazy Vf h . q u f ir“ or“ a e n a n S 7 * T D iin ii r ‘from - “ - S j fledaraflnna / o r Ojora. au tonom y . 10

■ opq i repudia tion of th e J a k a r ta government..

Back Rebel Leader of th e Two Indonesian arm y re«lm cnU id lc in . lioed UB In-SUBport •«(. rebel, leader t noon Col. M aludlii Slmbolon In no rthern

S um atra - yesterday, according to press reports. T hey wete th e U nit

_ ...... a n d -th ird TtBlments. - ...................d 'i \ i 'ln TRe dlspSfchca said the . ih lrd call a t rpglment sta ilo iK d to the south of nv 551 th e n o rth erh r< iu m a tra cap ita l of. , n igh t M edan w arned It would figh t If a t ­

tacked by cen tral governm ent forcea Proclaim Loyally

B o lh .n g lm e n ts proclaim ed the ir •n t of loyalty to P m ld e n t B ukam o and is bank uitLr refusal to obey th e orders of annual th e Sajtrom ldJoJo-appolnted mill- Dlrec- ta ry commander,_____ P resident Sukarno yesterday de-

c larcd a w ar"einw ?ency in -to u th e rn S um atra w here officials refu-wd to

jun ta ln forw ard revenues to the J a k a r ta 8 p m regim e and Issued dem ands for

^ -M rs m ora autonom y. ...................Id M rs. ------------------------------

“““ A n n u a l S cou t i t s ^^Tailrfs S la te djx l l la ^ _ j ____________________

Ish th e na tio n al re la tionsh ip d irector for th e Boy Scouts of AmcrlcB, will be the fea tu red speaker a t t h e Snake R iver council aruiual m eeting a t th e Elks building here Friday..-The-se5SloiX-WiU.begln„»,t 7 p , m,

m u f i i w ith e lec tlo n -« f-o /flc e r« during ^a ahort busineas meeting'. 'H iJi.w ill be

“ followed b y 'th e a n n u a l banquet and ectors. g en efftj- 'n ic s tm tr T h ree -lo c a l-m e n

will receive th a Sliver Beaver, •ealdent Scojjtlng's h ig h est aw ard, for out- ' of dl Btsndtng senrlce-to-boyhood;— - — , ® w v R e p ^ ‘ officfcrt-and- com- PM oroi m ltt« e 'h « id » will be heard also, in a t 5 Ray B augh. dIsU lct execuUve,

Luca* urged everjxne to con tac t th e ir dls- ■ ’ tr lc t ch a irm e n im m ediately for re s ­

ervations. He sa id betw een 250 a^id 300 a ra expected. '• ..............

pirkin,. Albion Visitor Is ::r: Taken % Deathlernacle RU PERT, J a n . 2 — Mrs. Emma and oT- M ay ta c ta y ,-8 3 :T 0 n g Beach, CaJIf. will be dJed ‘Tuesday a t tlie R upert G enera / under hosp ital following • a aho rt Illness in 'm or- She had been v isiting h e r daughter

M rs. W alte r Amende, Albion.________ M rs. Lackey w as bom a t P e U « '

• burg. III.. Sep t. 13,. 1873.' SurvlVin< p H besides th e da u g h ter whom she waj

visiting Is one eon, G ene Lackey h, who 'Vancouver, W ash . * -P n u lr —'F U nerftncrv lces w in b e -h e ld - 'a

I look- the G oodrtan chapel a t 10 a. m. S a t ucday w ith th e Rev. Rex,^ Lawson

1 waa pastor o f th e C h ris tian chflrch, of i-lndow flclating. Concluding rltea*w lll b f i i h . held a t P lea san t View .cem eter) 1 tim e* Biiiley.' ' person ---------------------------- --

Home on LeaveFIL E R , Ja n . 2—S eam an Apprcn

tIceVirgirE.-An'dr'ewjrrecehtty-BTftd URtcd Irom rad io school a t th e Sai

-■ Dlcgo naval train ing - cen ter, 1" V spending a 15-daV leave w ith h i

paren ts, M r. a n d M rs. Ed Andrew* Filer,

...... . J A 1958 g raduate df F iler hlglschool, Andrews wna In th e to p 1'

tirtaugh Jn hJs naval class. He ha,-» been as Monday Alglied as rad iom an aboard tlie US!

L a l la d ip a t Long Beach, Calif.

Canal Meet Seti l H O L U 8T E R . Ja n . 2 -S tockho lde r

M ' of Salm on R iver Canal company'1 I L td., will coirvene a t 1 p.m, Jan^ 1:h for Uielr a n n u a l m eeting, w port7 I George M cOregor, president.


^ * ’ M ILK ROUTEw astre n r i l* (o n « x 4, r /o Mlniitcika

0 braae , News, R upert, Idahn

■H BH BSE B ~op«np M T i l

■ M j ^ H ^ ^ R o a n i i m s o NLAUJIKN

' I ’ l O N F O R E N T H Y

0 m i S l N l ' l S S A N D

^ m W A t r W O T V T E N ’R

Amateur Show23, 8:00 P.M.

lool A ud itQ irium. A ir .......... ( irada

ii'i'iii'i'ly f iili 'i l 'H it ' l<i 1-iiiil iTi'Hiinil, Ifiliit, li.v .l im iif iry 7 . Uiri7>

------------- -------------------,'WED

uLSeenTpdayn ■ [ -----------------------

Bob Fa lash and George Avant «aUh^ htJOdle Qinncr ln silence . . .

C r Mrs, Rodney T o ^ n returning to work a fte r week's vncntlon . . . Bob

- Z J ia .Kii>B-sti-nttlng down Second, street^ e d - norOi ^ nrm lM d'Pr^nW t-4W kad

on of school boys wcnrlnk w hite gyni shoes '1 over and white stocking cnps . . . Harold Mirccs Grlbble borrowlnR l>ook of matches

. . . Pa-itman walking through alley crazy behind postoffice singing loudly ■from' J o h n 'W iiltjui 11 l ece l t ine t onitraUUa- m y .lo lions on_becom lng l a t h e r of first ik a tta child. In 196’J . . . -Frank.' Dornick

wrapping left-overs of luncheon in napkin for hls-dog . . . Ed SchaAck

m cnts looking a t Pioneer league schedule leader to determ ine d n t t ol Coyvboy's first r ih e ra hom e ?AWe .-.VM iUtin Tvcrron com- ig to m entlng ' on "spring-like" w a th c i > U nit . . .,M on In hardw are store tcstine

.. caw by p a rtia lly bowing blade . . Ultra W om an ealesm an-atandlng-ln fronl

j th of of clrc's.*! .^hop beating du st out ol tat - of. feaUier duste r an d WAtchlng p^dcs. If a t- tr la n s walking downwind to protec'

forcea «y«* fro*” particle* . - And oveeheard; "W hat happen.'* U

tt,e lr unsold C hristm as trees a fte r Chrtst- 0 and m as?-lers of '

Plea Changed on iihS —WeaponsjCharge^ r t a O l'le W right. 47, 503 W ashlngtoi

fQf Street, changed h ts plea from Inno cen t to gyllty. W ednesday In Twli F a lls justice ' court on a charBe o carry ing a ' concealed weapon. T li

t court will pronounce aentence a t : p m . Tlmrsday,

■ , W righ t was arrested last H iu rs | - A i4 - dayjiia^i-by.clly_DoJlc«u-ChargeiLq L 'C U C R rry ln g ^ - concealed weapon wer vin iv tr F rid ay by.Police!_Chlpf.H(lwari

G illette. A t h is arraignm ent F ri v l *hf W right pleaded- inno{ent-an(

requested a Jury, triaU He appeared In court Wednesda;

« i lk * attorney, Pr^d A, Schwarts , of th e firm of Murphy and Schwart! r ln i i W itnesses and Jurors had been calle. will be ''’5' PJ^osecuUng Attorney James N let and Cunningham . j il-m en - - *'"■ ------

MrS;; Crookham Is i m. Pjiid Final Honoijcutive, Puneral services for Mrs. Mlnti •Ir d ls- B elle Crookham were conducted a t or re s - P^m. W ednesday a t Tw.'In Palls mor 50 and tu a ry chapel J>y the Rev. W alter *............ M acA rthur. • '

Roger D. •Vlncen^-wos soloist am M rs, SU nley Phlliipa was organist

C P a llb e a re rs . were Maurice" Hum phrlea, Roy G nrtner. Harvey D art

k Q T n George McGregor. Lester Me G regor and B ernard Hoffman.

E m m a Concluding rites' w ere held a , CaJIf.. f***® cemetery.

m n ^ ! OES TO MEET■ughter, B U H L -C h ap tc r No. 38. O rder c

E as tern S tar, will m eet a t 6:15.p.n P e tc n - T hu rsday In th e M asonic temple.

^ 'c k e y ,

held a t I - W E D ^ T H U R S .— FR I.m. S a t- Judy H o llld a y -P a u l Douglas

STo?: T H E SOLID GOLD CADILLAC--- - -------------------

ireJie S a n l Jack P a ln n c e-E d d le Albert '

ShS; ATTACKndrews,

;>£? FRIDAY 1 S Th r u s s STARTS M flH I '

A T 9 ;4 S P ,M .'

i l . .3 : F “S i ^ - yq i f f l S S OIcika

__ ^ T ro S w rT i ®■ h m d l i n i s i I

1 :1 9 ______

^ P / ® t K I ~ * f > \ 1

- b S S V

n . g i ^ -

r UiM § j . r j ui ^ J ! W m< 1 a I j

r iiis Him

nil ■'■Mt


V E D N E S D A ¥ r J A N l ? A i t r 2 7 T n -j

■~1 Students Honored L ^ t Church Evenfc

HAGEBMAN, T,n 3—S > ! ;^ „ . .Lvant recognition Sunduy • was no;,., '' • • • Sunday a t U ie " ' ';o d l'' .*o K ’*■*1' ^ O llberl M-.'

, Elgle Swenson; sUulcnt ,Ihe W om nn's S oc iny ofTjL^l^e, i> ^ ,

IcM were Mrs. Lc * A lin. ,t^hM Sell a n d Di.lo

A J«cakfi*st honoring Ui.'“ ’ was served n t 0 a jn . a t tlip chu-ru

L : Z : b"y' "WSCS ■ m cm btrs. Mr.. p.L,,B '^risbiraM a-M TsrA TB.'C iiBm r'fjp;—

imlck W -chslfm en . on in of invitation '; 5-ttina ick ^l® dccoratlonx. -The kilchu;

attended by Mrs. Al Karal'-r- , f irs t Nellie Rogers, M rs. M llllf na*»

Mrs.- J)e im er ..p inkaloQ . i* ,;■ather Townsend,Bsting ---------------------------

fro n t pivorces Started I -In-Cassia County

. . , BURLEY, Ja n . 2-D lv o rr ,. ,cima in's tn has been b rought against H-n^nn hrlst- B. D.illey by M arie Daltry nn ti>

(troundfl of m en tal cruelty tIic'.' were m arried Ju n e 4, 1054. al B u r ­ley and have one m inor cluld.

n T h e p la in tiff asks custody of u ,, 'child. J40 a m o n th for it.t lupport

l*nrp ptcis 'S190 a tto m o y fees. «h# honif. *'6 '^ hold-furolturft-and_A _1850nnifc» _ Ington owned p rior to th e marrlaKo, NitLwt,Inno- and Nielson are her a ttorncyi Tw in Georgia Nielson h as filed si:ii f„r

rge of dlvorctfO lf groU rtdrof menwi . T lie ty against D o n a ld ' 'NleUon. 'Hifv ! a t 3 were m arried a t Efko, Nev., s<pi

15. 1955. T h e p la in tiff ask* cvuwy ' rtiurs- of a n unborn child, household tu.-r,i. ' ges of ture, *35 a m onth child stipfxjrt

Were A ltom eyrtee.-She-ls-rppreseiiirtiy Qward J . I . B U rg ^ . t F r i- --------------=--------------- '■

EscapeslnjuryOOODINO. Ja tl, 2- P r l U G. Re,k,

19, Ooodlng. escaped Injuo- Mordjr m orning w hfn h is 1950 PlyrnmiS

,A. tut overW m ed 'four-m lles-sou lh 'o f t n ‘“ • on, highw ay 48.

_____ ^ o g and Icy road conditionsRofk to lose cotitrol -o f- lh» cii.

I g w hich skidded o u t of control ir.l rolled on one side. Damage iu e sU m atM .at $300.'------------------------

M lnU -PTA t o m e e t ^!d a t 2 HEYBURN. J a n . 2—’The H e \^ - I mor- PTA' will hold its Ja n u a ry n i e % T j ^ Iter A. a t the Junior h igh school a u d i to r i ly

a t 8 p m . T h iu 'sday .-Joel RcynoMi, st and conservation ofdce r, will speak id ganlst. show slides of f irearm s safety.H um - ___________ _____- _____G art-

r Me-

jid a t I w I W

50'-30*-15'^ - W P S - T « K I 6 1 f f ^ -

WmmammiKKttM ConUnuona Fn>i i T i l ’ r i iI I I t " J M e M ai,« 5 f Eti

C hildren 20<

lOS A N G E L E ffD A ^ ^ I

i 4' / < • M A H Y i f - "



II Hrrond Feature


Page 3: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

■ft ’’ • • •


^ e r i a n s ^ ® lytflfderftd Ji T jg-is G u n m en «

. i tfl — New Y ear’s « PAB18. jn t h r « pl»ew In

km ing...*‘8l}5 _£

n»rtUWr »tylf- . fother* indicated polUl- _

•n» A lgerians of

.. I'M U ^ 2 * ^ S tip t w ciwwded - ]

- by N orth AmcBiis, J


S r f . S T - I"''j3=S5ti"ti.- . l . y l n s . s;- “ “ ^ r a ^ t - o f - debU - b r tw ern (Hi

rf*»e loyaltlerf *re w ith ^

« .i fflil m un ition fro n t *nd c!-j ’t** AJcerlnn movement. .!il* "^‘C JfA lc tr lttn s - te ch n le a l ly

'« 5 S S T h . P rcnch . . I d “I . ! . kUtod to '^ persoiw. Iwo of ,

ln - « » U £ « d i^ tacks. ____ ^ J ^ i l d j h e l r (orce« killed " I

mouBUW"* K). ___ , _ r r r r - - - , - - ........ - - - - - fe»

States Locate ™ JSewNational S RoadsSystem be<

WASHDJOTON. Ja n . i W -F c d - 3 fral HlihW A dm inistrator John A, bi; Volo* .tiiaounced yesterday th e iS S h iT e fJv en h im deU llcd Joca- lloM for more Own h a lf th e m llcM e egi

-------.„(.theB»UooalA>'at€in.oMllt«C#tRt« , .- and defenie Wfthways He

ElililtM I t * ^ DislTicl fia. • nf {‘A'ltmhit h iv e detfTO lned th e c

e u ct location of m ore th a n 75 pe r tj,, eent ol Uieir portion of the 40 000- milt iTiUm-of expre&sways. Volpe •UM CA

;• T hutiU te* ar« A rk a n m , Colo- S n d o . Coticectlcut. K aa 'ja j, M aine, 50 ^ f .tMz-huig tu , M innesota, Missis*.

, ilflhJPl. Ulttourl, New H am pshire, ^ , f - ^ e w Mexico, N orth D skoU , O kU - t„.

homi, Rhoda IsU nd, S ou th D akoU , TtoMuet. T e t t i ^nd V erm ont. th

foUowliif approval by congress of jqi thi'oew Hlghw*y Uw J u t June , th e buruu ol public roid* urged a ll ^ lUtai la Mttl£ the de ta iled -loca- I ,

----- Ifcnot th i syitem and - t n i t steps ^to icqaln right-of-w ay wHh a ll pos-jlb ta« w d .- .........------------ --

■nwtOTemmenl Is required to re- ^ port to congress, in January , 195fl, fcr th« n t t of completing th* 40,000- t*I mill lystem. The fixing of exact ab roati locatlons ls ih » flrr t at«p In bo

Volpo reported "good progrcM" In At grUlng the program u n der way. H e ra uM th» s(At« highw ay d e p a r tn a n ti’ or

-------hin.lnlllA t«i:i»rqJecU-co*tlng-M ,- er4M,090,000, , y ' o t

Bnhl Starting" h=

Dimes ^Msrcl?BOHL, Jan . J — M areJro f Dimes in

nllcltatlon s ta rted in th e Buhl- — C t ^ w d araa-W ednesday morning, nr

.H onpl L. Andrews, B uhl chairm an, uc rtports. ' • yIj

Mrs. Fred HoeWe Is chairm an of cr th# CasUeford d istric t and is su - ,

. penrlilng the cantyias Jn th a t a rea, o ^ , No quota has been given for the

- > art*, Andrews Mid. T he n o ta ry club / »Hl solicit the Bull! bunlnMS d is tric t

ind the ’mothers' m arch w lll-b e tOTifiuetwl by m em beh ot W omen of the Moose lodge. Grnnges will abllclt H hinfls In each of their distric ts, O

--------------------- ------- Vl------------- OATTLB c o u f n ' - s r r - c^

•.PORT HALL, Jan . 2 JU -T ll» .FoiL W}(>ll Stockmen's a-wwlation will niconduct lU annusl cattle coun t on aj

reMTfitlon Thursday In orderto deltmilne cost for each m em ber p. for rsnge um, T lie ra , w ere a lw it3,<00 hffvd iMt year. m

U ^ L W V 6 O T |S tM E N T S ~NOTiri: ni- kxkcutok's haiTk' Y

•I'l-'IU rjthirl. il/r«n»<l. will a.II >| >’< ' •"'’I*'’ ' ' foi'tlrmnllnn br

'iJihrtea' i; j;•ll’.'” ' 1" ''’ To— - fn

7T.«MS o r S^I.K AUK, |n - |.|.| Stlu V sr i/" ‘" . ' i ' ' d(

I '* , J i " ; , ' ' ' h* »*TMl lJ«f,,,|l-r !» li',,!

U luU . i . 'h n ,N n .r

- ... .”sS ':a z„ w '

I'iAJi.fc J ;i'>H^K n ..- ,.!,,,

I'll'® U i w P r i c r « - l ! l , ' i 7

m o t o r o l a

TVC om m unica tions

RADIO ,' M ain A v t. N . I

Phone 2 2 9

f 2 : p n 7

Gun-shyCOLUNtnu.S, f, , Ja i, ; •,•

RUdolpli .! Biifini. .sLuii cI nff '

At the .stinks of , , ,| l u’ny of rrtm r.ii'fi;-. t,c t- - >

's and put'i-fi hlirv-r. [. n T t\.'tn V.;. 1,„„1 u.u.i: ..n It Pli'i r ' __ ,

1- [ _ ^ . ____ ' '

'■ Icy P lu n g e Is;s , F a t a l f ( ) j - 4 i n

n 1 i t ; l n n < r | ^ u l >ly r . ■ -r ; ...H O U G H TO N I.A k k, VJicli. -I^i. 'J ;,;. w tfl A Nc« W .v •. rv r i,-r :

p a rty Cllrii:il in M m djv !"' • iiiRht w hrn fwp iin ri., U i i i ' . t ' I r . ' ,■n lliroliEll i l l . icp nf HollthI.-n l.ikr ,,,•'* a. m llr nllri n hPlf f'niit > .iv r f . rw aumnbly '•r.m tnR .................. , <1“ c!»>ntl>. A firth esc.......

S l a t ' polirp 1. 11H ■.Ohlli'-rr- v lr y had u'l'IkVrt Ih f s l ,n ,- |„ ir Mi.i-

lEnn> btcK'-»t mlnilrt lak-- in .. of SJ>oninK th r I,xn r .n . \ \

j j T lie two c ars uor** Irss ihaii -o(i', feel nparl, no.se rioMU lu nbuiil i.'. '

fee t ot wfltcr- T h .nr m ir bumiifis . J reflrc ted Ihe occn^lonnl .Minlicht, . ' ^ — ScA rchM i-quicJdy^iouiul-ilin.iuM lv-rJ

of one of th e fu h erm rn , Ariiuir K la tt, 33. trapped iiiidcr the Ice 3O0'„,i

- feet- from h is f : \ f r App:iiViit!y lii-'t, , h ad Jum |«d_ as his uiir. suiiiucVanrt.; only to be cnUElit iiiul'T ihp i^r

Lnlc yc.«;terriny t>^o vultimci'i divpi-A,,,,^ found th e bodv of MHovt. ,! SoUi\, o,, 53, pf HouRlitori I,;ikr. lii tlir r.ir |

.. jn .wlilcli h e .h a d bncn riding. u ip _ Diving for oU icis w m cniicd II because of rinrknew . - - j ju,

e t l l l m isslne nrp Klatt'.? B ernadet^e, 32; a n d Mr.s. Dorinf! j j.» B utler, 33, both of Lnn.slng, Mr, jpf B y tler wa.' an offiri* wnrkor, fiolinj owned r L ansing d r y -c le a n i n ei Rt

J« e stablishm enf. * ««^ John-W horley , 45, o f Lnnslnt!. Hf-| •

llevcd to be the lone sui vlvor ot Ilip fishing p a rty , was rpportcd In Rood ii‘|

i'* condition a t - a Hoiiflhton Inke fot- U ge, W horley a n d K ln tt^ a re sales- men.

P* W hoHey m anagert fo Jump from n jc c ar a s I t sank bencnth the Iry w a-jM ters, b u t h e was unable to he lp^y . Sohn, the driver.

**• W horley fou g h t h is w ay th roush j ' a w hirling snow storm fo rm n rp ihan

*■’ two hours before h e finally Klumblcd y * ' ashore a n d tc ld nearby cottacprR nf

th e a c tlr ttn t. Tht^ lake la 10 mil'.i *>* long a n d 19 mile* wide, t i e _____________________ _ Q

;■ One-House State• Law Body Meets “e- LINCOLN, Nebr., J a n . 2 MV-Ne- j, jfl, o rask a ’s un lcnm oral one-hou.'e Ipe- m, 0 - talature, a r u g g e d Individualist c t am ong the n a tio n 's la w -m a k in g ■- Jn bodies, began lt.i second 30 year# of ~ tife-yeaterORy, gtlU flfllB K M JieTrty. ~Z In A cting Lleut. Gov. D w ight Bum cy tie rapped th e 43-m em ber assembly to its' o rder a t noon and th e unlriur gov- 3,- e m m en ta l-m a ch ln a waa off on an - w

o th e r bienn ial run .W hereas ' o th e r atate* have two ■.

~ legislative bodies—a senate and a I house o f rep resen ta tives — Nebraska

^ u?*tne peo 1 J igai____VI ed th e 'e trea m lln e d system and the

ll r s l unJcam eral session was held les In 1937. ^ cl>1' T h e legislators, called ‘'Mnatois,*'’B. a re elected for tw o-yenr term * oh a in. nonpolltlcal ballot. T liere'a iin dl-• vision of I lepubllcans »and Demo- ® of cra ts.

Salvation Army’s « “ Special Rites Set I,'of B rig , and M ra. W illiam J. Me- p : l t H w g, Ban Francisco . pnrcnl.‘< of 1,.

Capt, W illiam E. McJInrg, Magic ... V alley SnIvaUon Arm y offlccr-ln- charge, wilt conduct special scrvlcps j ,

i l l W ednesday, cmd S a tu rd ay evcnlhR.^■Ill and Sunday a t th e local Salvation nn aj-my hulldlMR.ler Kvcnlng sp rv lrrs will M art a^ 7:45 ler p.m.'Ut H ilgndlcr MolliirK. te rrito ria l fl- "

nnnclftl srcro ta ry to r ll i r Siilvatlon P' ■“ 'Aiwy lu Ui« wfsU'.VH U nU rd Ktfi(ps,

oondnclert ■w atch'nlKht-spntlcrs-New “ Y ear’s eVB a n d will also aridifa-i llie '* niiiuinl Hfllvatlnii Ainiy aetvlnory

"I hoard mretlnK 1‘Vldiiy «venliig, ' '*

I'] A ITO INTM K N T MAI)K\';;l W AaHlNG'1'ON. Jun . J C rrv «• rl Idem Klsriihow er lin.i niiiioliilcdI" lUtM L. Irf'ftler n f Pliilndflph la (o ^ * b« a ssista iil s«crut4iiy of llia liiU rlor «

for Ihe fb li and wllillirc ,'irrvlrc, a I ‘ npwly c ic iilrd pm.l. I<-fJlrr U 4 l,i,l s ls tan t lo tlin exi'r iillvn vice pi'cal- } car d e n t of tlin D. K. Hlerl rnijKinilhin, 2 I’l a iiisniber and pnnt prrnlrirnt of Di'! J

..1" reiiiiAylvaiila ( lam e cntiiniln.ilnn. I


F U R N A C E SE R V IC E t ]I " : : Clna, Coal and o n r 'lim acei, J 1h. . O il H c u t^ s . . . I ti.r • PHONB i t i i or S50I J J

r l - B U S C O W H A M «. S O N + J F U R N A C E SE R V IC E J


NOTi';*' n c g in n in g S u n d n y , Jn m in

T w i n F o i l s D r u g S t o r e * w i l l


HOI1 0 : 0 0 A . M . 'ti

I C i ty D ru g

K l n g i b i i r y ' t PhoV m ocy


Cluistm as Trees T< Project to Endin F


’ • J ('vcnl fni loral voiltlK- '

'Tffm ~''iiniriiT '-T»TnT

' ' " ' s• ■ nn be liMtl at f .irI'.iik. H r> url^ i .'iicpi p:irk, ini;

I’.nk nllri th r »_rijIH' In i '■ .smiili u f Di iii-v coop.iRnti

c :.' ...u u i th iho .-it* p a tU and I'CC-jbv : trn-y... (io |w nniPnt, TJci-cr i.ddrd. 'in ti

I ' ' .ici'.l loc:>l tr.Mdriii.i tn plncr^i.iir ^ ’ •li" .lii> jt Ul---' ->iR

'V I ” II' ' I " " ’ ■'! hoii««-!> .' I hrv -n.lM y p irkd l up 'H un !i- \

■'1.1------ -- F ,t ,(V hv dpp ,r*-i' - iii.- t ih« dlrri-Mnn I

I'.vr-r nlso n.tvcil fh n - i i t io t t ip r ' r ••■It. (i> dilittp th ru Miipliu iiM*s.pAt , :n nf th r lu;ii hr>i'lir<- j.ltcj. l / i - ueii

■ ,|..1 K ik T ir . will

■' • >’'■ •'"‘dr.l

' Wife is Stricken ” As"1b'iier Leaves

SPOKANE. J.iti. 2 .1^ — The-30- -old w iff of an a ir foica ser- 1

“ ’'■ -C rT inrcoltnpsrm ind died a t n rati* De :";id depot, .Miiiulay nigh t' Just sec- ty

.w im iiii aft£i-_her. busbaud -.boa id fd a pft; t : .u n on hl. \iny ovcrsen.^. bei

'Mrs.—nnrlia ra A k m ki<s«i Ha tin husband Koo<lby«. siotvl for a ley

■'-‘‘■nioment, th in tu rn ed n n r t ^ i r n.i •< ' ” • th r tra in -Vartrd moving.

t/iniw aie. Kk(. Ja incs Akri* rr t- 'tlPrt down In th e coach of the train while *t(\iion employes rushed Ia ’

[ th e side of hl. wife. The conductor wns no ttfird and h r told ihe sc r-

" '^ ice an t a ha lf h o u r a fte r the trainiM c t i'" ’ I Akers was ta k e n 'o t t th« train a t I ’ K js t. Maiic.s, Ida., about 60 miles 1

I away, and re tu rned here, ^ |^■j IJppVily Coroner; W illiam Jones

ruld the vounR w ooinn Bppvirtntlv died nt a h cn ri a ttack but, th a t nn autopsy will bo 'perfnrm cd. '

Mr.s. A kers w as th e daughter nf ] Mr. and Mr.i, B yron Sanborn of D ll- •

’ " Ion, Mont. Sgt. Akers Is th e aon o t | '■"-(Mr. and Mrs. H obert E. A keri o t 1 ^‘P Fai'eltevllle. W. Va.

“ Declo Reports on i; Events and Trips

DECIX!), Jan . J - M r . and Mr*. O Iren . Lewis have retu rned home from California^

M r. a iid Mrs. Leei D ana, Helena,, ‘ Mont., a re v isiting h e r parenU , M r.'[ S a n d Mr*. Ales K idd, -

Mr. and Mra. OrvU lieonsrd and .1 ch ild ren have retu rned to Laa Vegas, Nev., a tle r visiting' here',

Mr. a n d Mra. Roy H ardy ara m or- ing to O n ta rio . O re.

in Lm Angeles, Calif,Mr, and Mj s . W llfnrtf Rlchin.i

* have ret-umed from S a lt Lake C ity , w here they visited Ih e lr daughtisr. Mrs, H eber H unt,

Infant’s Rites Held | ._ n iC H F IE L D , J a n 2 - Funeral aerv-

Ices for '1*5 Alleii'ATiiJciiiuii. In fa n t “■ l],f son of Mr, and M rs. Billy Anderson,

w tr* h e W ^ a tu rd f ty * t th » BurdtlV chapel, S lftshone, .

,.g*' Mack Crowthef— conducted the 1 'ft rile s w ith B ishop V ern R. Thom as fll. as speaker, R ueben Bradshaw and no. G . Cont«i o ffered prayers.

. T he n ic h tlc ld alnging m others . sang w ith Mrs. K enne th Johnson aa BccompanUst. Phyllla Pitm an, Diet- rich, played .th e prelude and poat-

. lude.Q f Pallbearcra were Calvin Page,^ Ph illis M cClure, D ietrich. Mack

Pclhlck,'ShoA lione. and Blll l lo r t- Ing, n ich fle ld . Concluding rite* were he ld a t th e Shaihone ceme- tcry wllix I lira in Mcscrvy, DleUitJi,

'‘T® derilcaUng Uie-grave, hR*' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ — . .

Speaks on SchoolflHO.SHONE, J a n . 3 — Religious

work a t L ln tleld college waa ex-1..., p lained to nienibera nt thft Dnptlat1 ., church Sunday evenliiK by Allcia

Uand..xUid«Uil.-aX.-thA.£Qlli!go Who l i .>1, . home for Chrlstnia,i vacation.‘ llM old T w iuka, also i studen t a t

• t,liB collrRe, showed "ifilM ot Ihe cam pus and pf th e B aptist chiirrh cam p in U tah. Mrs. »ay T nnaka

„ wiifl In chai iie nt a cnndlellnht Instal­ls,] liitlon for I lap t ls t Y oiith Kellnwshlp (rt o fllcers. I


j ___

J I A LU ED V A N LINES |^ x y io o tx 3 0 » » o o owflt% x»<xxy

TICE!n m in r y A, t l i r u n d r r s i g n c d I will o l)4crvo tli« fo llo w in g

4DAY f STORE )URS. 'til 2:00 P.M.

Sov-M or Drug

f T ro tln g e r 'i r h o r m a c y

T I M E S - X K W S . T W IN

Testimonial Given For Heyburn Man;

[T ttrY m n m r »«Ttr-9----» . tpMimn-ita) fn r -Kent M rln tir^ w " ' ': 'n i .f li'ld tlic f irs t w ard nieMlnK .Sim- i>.>f li'iv 'v rip i'C . M c ln llie Is Irnvfng Jnil , S (h r niiiwlon home n l ,' nlt In.. 1 9V<- CUV for IhStructlnm before de- __-rH w efm t-JmTT ° 9-(or-a- ti«-n «*«< on*-

I i).s mlNsioh H

Si.on'-n,^ rr<-.sMriit n n \l««t tiic - i, l7ol>eil .Silmp.s'” !. E A Mr H, li 't i i - . M ,In u re nn.l I.iV ell M<' .l!;i"» 'i.r, n ie liliind ...w n jh . D on Wllto.x >'®' ’• la n d Davlri Jenk.^ sang, accom panied :-1 by Marie V earoon a n d A rlynn Tlia.x- her

'io n pnnellp T hax ton snng, arcom ►•:p.i.iuU.,i ijy c a i la M cln tlre. Cil

■;;AnnualMeeting ' I Is Set for Bank

<•<'' t'»lM KnlU Bank and 'l iu .s t com- <*s.pMiv »i/vHholders r i l l Imld the ir o-.»riiuinl m relii'E «i- 4 p n< Ja n . '*III ''p - ' i ta H ar-y F aton , pi'*i<1rn t. '

l ‘'n i» 'iv^ bii. iMP.s*. <11 «‘l(llLlon to rlp .t.on of .lirecto>-5, «iii probably iniliide a d iic u « 1on of '•h.-nging thet’-u'k . 50-ycai r h a i t r r m » perpet viol -w*, xrtriert,

_ Ha

® Growers to Meet ol•r- D E C ii?, Jan . 3* ^ Oleon LewU,11. Declft.-secKlary-of-lhe CaMla C oun- • • ■c- ty Beet G row ers as.socl,nions, re - ,

a p f t m Uie an nual nieeiing of the beet, Rrott-ers will be held Bt 1 p . m,

« i H atiirrt.v a t th** 1<X>K Vv..ll in B u r- " a ley ,

as -t>ftjrers will be e lrr ird r i<---------------------- Ini

MKETING CA.NCtLLD ^SH O SyON E. Ja n . 2- T h e r e wlil he t p

,,j. no M ia m eeting to n is lit s i th e LDS rT .y , church. P rim ary cla.ves wcra held . & 1„ however. K

at Now Many W ear K

V FALSE TEETH |uv WHh More Com fort 8an rA S T C tm i,'k plr»>nt alkallna Q

{non-»cld> powdtr. holdn f»U» te«tb Qmor« Onnly. To «*i, and talk In mor» «

o> comtnrt. J u d iprlnkla a UlUa FAfi- Qijl- T z m i on your plat»». No jun im r. Mo t goMy. pasty *“ t« Of fieilag, cmeeka M

, ^ I tf * ndor" Identiir* br«ath)T O it01 rABTZETH »( a n j drug couttiar. iJ

Adv«rtJi>«na>n( CS

ta g :------ -------------------------- ^ -

in.S —u ty . -^ r . t v ”

I t i ^ ^ r


tnd E S T O M tl? lB l^ 4g B 5 l l f l 5


ige,nek l i { * f c a L a i i ^ j 'urt- . . lte« ^

I .


. . . - . p p H B O d B S



Mna]l i e lin s lic a rd ai w o n ilr r fu l Ih in ^ a

‘ ( 'n d i l in c a in ic il n K ie.xv \)r le i wccUa

—aIk)u( ill niA{ i n s l n m e . . . i({> r r s p i in n iv c i ic u • h n n tll iitg ciise . . n e w a in o n d iiic s* <

A n d ao, q iii lo vnm d e i' i l 'i l w rrc n C n \i!il nn.v TPifilof (liin lii lcn t "t'A r o f

W ell, lie liaa •

601 MA


i ■■

W IN - F A L L S . ID A H O

Revenge| ; T/^NIK)N. Ja n J .l^ ' ''v u i ! (

VliKk, 73, snlri t.vflnv )\f i;..i '

' niiTnfMllle!! for approvlnL: ■< i^ If l..-nm li'ng

, , 7 ' ' ' • ................... ».. ' ' ' '! ‘ ■ ■ vdi pr * = ----- r ----------______ J— ---------- ’ lo i

H ey h u m Citizens^• R eport Activities;™

H I'V n u n N . .Ian 1, Nr,I W.i i n .i , '|^.p ha.' ip liirned to Camp ’cn<l|^Ioll.|^Jl^

- here.Ml qnd Mi« Nt..l OV>.'M'S»tf ’ .«krl^,

C ily. iijui Ml*. OroiKe .'imii'.vim u .;- j

Kl.hf.<1 R .ow ei and rtniirmpiV . . .d j ' |" o Mv», TX4VU Rrowar. Nv«»». O r» .,li^„

( have Iveri visiting he ir l\VaM. and Mrs. Vaisel -’- 'v : u .i

_ iKil.t, n ir m iu n e ,Hal

" dm nr'itri Kie v u i 'in f aiM. M' .iiu t|n io ' Mt^ Vnc-I>» rv ., . .v t n t r l l , ,

M t. «nd M u H»nlev Xl..'i..,ri, Havw aid, CaU t. a re K i.r... or m , j* niid Mrs I.c.strr Dcavei. •

Mr and Mrs Oen# not>hin», O th riio . W ash , have, been sne.st.s of Mr. and Mrs. M arian W arner. C

- ' rlt(I FIR E STATION n u n S ’.? PIS- POCATELO, Ja n . 2 i.li- The fiic mo

w ntch s ta tion a top Chink 's punk on' sou theas t of here, a n bv 12-roo t £

WtKJden shuck ascd lo spiil torp.il Re ■ fire.' in the sum m er, buiii'-d lo th e Co

R uiuud New Vewi s rve. U^^'•^Ul:nl- Pa Ing officers *nld they *ij.sprc-led Sli a rson . Ho



; UNITED OIL‘ 0 Kimberly Road,

ally Believe:d a n il ren d n g re a t n ian .y « n il 1lin jia a lio i l l Ih is new v c rd i'e it nm dei i(n f irs t n p p c n rn n c e IC ,ccUa OKtt— <leo|i,

I n ja n u l f u e n l new lu x u ry , fo r Ki <“ 'c, i( |i l i r i l l ia n t n e w p o w er m id A nLI . . . i i.i nm rvctn iin , iic iy . . A-<e . . . nn<l i(a c x ira i in l i iu i iy follDvicsa . . r r id e . i .„ p r,

in i l c f ra n k fy , lie ’ l ie g an lo |t r i 'c i i ’t a ll Ion ftoinl (o Ixi I n ie . n ccrlil o lo f I'ftr u» w nntU 'vfnl n a o v e ra r iifc H i'a '' w an repii(e<l lo 1x7 ( | i r 1(

la s d ri- id c tl lo p td lii i e.ye* A i


: p o i

Form er Resident Af I Claimed by Death f

^ m c s 'niom ii* H env, Rfi, ili.rl ai'l u w ii.iii.'snntr^'v'’itrtn*-A d.i n.Tii'TT------ly luwpit.il in P - i - -.ii.<Avw - IniKoiliu: itine«- *

v , r ’ m ” i',c . j- * ^ r occiv s tm e _ ! iic t j^ bclu iL' liiu iu ii 1

lo Idaho m 1019 He liini'w l in l l > ' ' ; ^

u.rutr-uit.iL".,"' "'1.1™M r Ri-tM aiirvlvrd 1.V five sm u ttin«

iD r-.E . L. n e n y . LewustJiii. Ur, itay in » ‘ 'M . n.'M v, Mo.rc.1, A H H rrr j, by T •:- jn a ilev . 'Ivron Heiiv, Fil»i-, and b i •'‘ t'-’sm es I. nriTT. n .w .fim f o trn -u rr . 1,1,:

!li-r. Mr^ ne,s.-ilr r .v . ln , I . ' . . | „ „'<1 [lirOlheM. VVilllftin H riiv . Crilli ,ilia,• •(W«:ih, and AHInir Herrv. Chehnll.s,

IWa.<li I II . '* U t.'ii, Ml*. M y llHvi.H, " O n l iH l i - . WmsIi Mut M ,,, H‘« 'j{lalliu'»N K..'i- ...« CUV, K..11V 11


rut I iiioilLini C i-hnprl I^,-.! lU '* •• •'!

i" Funeral Held for ^ ' Alf L. AndersonGOODING, -Inn. 3 - Oravcside

rlte.s \\e re held for Alt Lcl.Tnd And- eison, fonneily of t-'milield an d '

ire m oie recently ,of Pilot Itock, Ore..j nk on Sunday.lo l Services were conduftcd by the e.sl Rev, Roy DimnlRan. p.i.Mor «l the he Com m unity church of Kmiflcld.<1- Pallbpar^v^ wpve l / r W illlnni ed S ttw n rl. Bur* Nee)ry. D.iie needy,

Howard Cos and l.ee Tiicker.

D ^ V t ^ O N I |

OILS AINE 9 5 7 ,._ ._ ^ P I

)IL CO., Inc.t o a d , T w in F a l l i |

) ^ y j

ved H is E jA nd liis e a rn (n l t i e - te s t (odn,y. A n d ( v c rd ic l ia iin in itln k n M cil

I t ’s a jo.y ju s t (o I ra n lia ck in lo llu <leo|i, s o il r iis lt io n a n n d lo o lt o u t o v e r ll K inceriil liDotl in to llie Iw ck o n in g liig liw j

A n d w lin l A r« v c la ( io n { lie c a r la ( o i l r i ’

■ A -v u rv « iti (ll* r<Mi«l-*l>M<17 l U aiiiiifd llow a it w ilh th e a rc o f hi* h a n d s a n d t I 'lir rr.n|)(iiida w i th p e rfec t o lie ilien ce .

A hill in th e p n iiig ? l lo j t i s l n iid g ea < f t.- .r lc iii lo r a n d i h t <nr sw eep* u p n o v e r a s rfl'iiitlcasVv ns if i l w ere trav e l^ ih e le v el rtin d .

A s lo p lig h t i-o in ing u p ? I Io p ro u c n I

f k R L E S► O N T IA C -C A D ILI

, t


Applications Are W I lieinE Taken for - — Wf»e«t AHotmentiji

A in '! w lirn' n c in ia r n lln tii'fn t wrfl

" fc.i KVam I'H I'ny cf lli.. v rais iDr.l coil trm -Tcwt irnr- n ^ i

*l,oal. «e.v|p,l (or for any nf j^o'V t(in<e v e s i., i]ie fa tm rr mii«T »,.ply o „ y m to the coiiiny e o n im itw

'f* Blaii'f nppllOftlion tnnivs a re 'av a il-•'■ .ililr e ' Ih r rn u n u \ k( ' nllVrr fni 1

n iie t'.'vS Waratocrt can ch.m ce hei [

;;; o l " ? b v "

C L Y D E 'S

R A D IA T O R S H O PS e rv ic e — U rp a itH — C o r w

I 'h u n e 6I1S— T r u c k U n e W .

" FOR SALE: Suncr ?j ■ Jerome Countyhe { C o m p m ln g 426Id, 2'>R I rn tab lr scte.v 275 shares Nor ,ni ixrvfS. is\o-vcar old lantl im je r sprlii}j>, MirrnJ, nnrt !n;r)i for. m oiinp Inter

Two m odern hou.^cs, msclilnery= ifi0' x 22‘i. Very good l 6-stanch1on 5 B0'x20' ifmfm[r-«i-edri«'tr-rf'e<rp wei •g polalo cellars, one hnlf-m onltor ly0 space I.A Tills land Is Inraled nn Hlahwsv JS. a Facllltlc.s includa Idaiio Power, U

,8 _ T iiis pif»f9_i\n,^ B,sub5tantiBl.w heat g proper m anagem ent fihoulil n e t ti 8 May be seen by calling

1 2004, EDEN or


Cyes and EA n d tlio to e —rv e ra o g c n l ly .= n n .U i

p ^ d a l a n d c n n ie i (n (lie t i

, lo lho^e a lo p ii i in g in n h lc .

>ver lh a t Y es. i l 'a t r tie w h a t tlig h w n y . Ch(1'II"<'- ^Vi/.r / / J d r a iu i(o d r iv e I nuitor c a r euer ta Ira iv l !h« ii

• a u iip ly - . t -t. 'l a n d th e H o w n lm u t .you? H av et e . w o iid e rf td ( h in g i th e y 'r * Sid g ea tliei n e w e st “ c a r o f c n ra "?

u p m ill W ell, th e p ro o f is in (Ir a v e lin g tlin f a c ts a^Ki^t C a d il la c 1

h in rc ro n v iiK in g .

OMcn h l i Wl n o t iiiak o i t In d o j

i O NI L L A C ____________

P A G E T H K E | | j l .

W a s h i n g ' t m B o y s ] | F

F i n i s h S k y W a t c j l i■ I.KWI.^^TTIN .Un ■» \K — T h r r j n J ,cinrk.noii, Wa.sii., boy* c U rab e fl .S

t wrarllv down from a grouod o t l / . . r ^ riv rr corp tower here y eat« rd i|! l.1 morning lo end th e ir lU n t Of I J m ' conlUiuous hours. '

The three. Rodney Palm er, B a iIBI' ‘• oW no lph and R obert A dam s. c * iril|i;1 <'‘’w ;iia t e a .m. a n d sa id they felB .- '

*WTTTr‘7nC?t WtW "A ^fitinira," jWy* 7 'Hiey had hoped to rec ru it o c | |

" new member for th e OOC for eac,W . f fiour IHey rem ained T lop th e t o w e l f ;>■ Only five vrjlunteers stepped to rU lIl

FOR L-EASE - J t'1 40 x 1 0 0 fool cocnnserclol .1 .

I bu ild ing . E x c e lf tn t Ib c a - " r ’ Tion, 7 5 fo o l highw ay. ;n l . ; fron tage . L arg e fen ced -in sto rage a re a in fe a r . Ideal * IJ’ facility fo r e q u ip m e n tjM b i ^ole a n d serv ice . W ill r e - ^ U m odel if n ecessa ry to s u i tW H tcncint, 180 6 K im berly ) | l

C all M itch e ll H u n t I H 'o t 1257.

m e r e s t F o r m s I n c ,

n t ^ F o r m l a n d s i| n ,

426 »o»ol ecf*t};, ' - -» North Side Canal Co. w ater. W , ' |tj sprinklers. All pipe, m otors, p u m ;^ . ■ J | | ' Intersl Included.in p u rc t> s M -p r lc « .-/S J i '

lery building w ith cem e n t floor ' l l r j chl£n cem ent_floor mt1Ung.JlinL.u-4 lIH! p w efls.'lw o p r« « u re aystem jriW o l l or type chicken h o u s t (IDOff floor | H

ly 2. . 13 mllcB S o u th ea st e f J e n m a . l l ;r , telephone, ichoo tb tu u u l m ilk [• ]

ih e a t a n d .b e e t a lIo tm £nl-*nd-w lth-'- f: let In exce&i of 139,000 p e r year. | t

M or WRITINa ■ l l


lia rs Ir^n <h" h m ai? h r a L tn g ........ _

lie tm o o lh e s t , 'sureat

la t th e y a a y a b o u t a iu l nw aj/ {fie / ! n e s l

l /i f

I, • ..................... ' _____________

H ave y o u h e a r d til 's - 'r « a n y in g * b o u t th i*

ill (!ia d r!v in g -> -an d l la c h a v e n e v e r b c « a



1 6 4 W

Page 4: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

M B r F C ^

* ^ M l« tJ « > '* t / 'S ''M u S M ^ M ^ ^ l l i ” ^ ^aii^M iiwn oLUiU W f pafiB tat t»_6

1| «ll ItortMt »tTMt. B*» y” "«i

3 A P P ^ f iE N D IN G KIE J r h e w c en t dea tii Iri T e x a s « 3 O. Sbantioh recalled a kl( 9 3 3 l ^ t gave th e n a tio n Its i Jem oiw tra tlon of th e FBI's SoUce force.8 On 4 warm Juljr night Cht

t A Oklahoma City oTUnan. wi le p e r s on the porch of hla b

K&lded, he was driven to a hi< ^ r $200,000 ransom. Twelve d j l e ^ d . af^r payment ,Qt

J In another 12 days, the P jauft With Its first arrests. E

-M^other-prlnelpa.l* were

T»ff^lvinjr-<rf-W ifr-crim e- ailce i^orm anee. In brini BI had the cooperation of ar Ictim in Vrschel, but It clear QL.wl.th the Information he a Ttwugh' blindfolded while 1

t n«rtHB“hlde=outrr"Urachel- Atlon Mnversatlon. noted tl [ck«tt'-up other clues, which BI south from Oklahoma C 'Held In the basement of

HJa be ft farm-house, Vrschi

I f i y observing changes o f^ i| B-MUar; he made crud« caUuli U ^ a ^ o f day.. J 'n ^ e h he. noted that reguU ■ ^ e v e d waa early ~afterno( |rau»ed overh^d. He listened 11% never failed him. His captc I r ie could fattiom a alngl^ olu

^ io n S T f T e e iC h e . to ld th e FBI ^ i ^ e d . Agents choked aj | b nd found that an Americai w ound west to El Paso, Tex., U roughly 35 mlle^ no

1 ' BgtUartr Seard It.1 ■ checking up, the F B I -dls H I Ws~«'farm owned by Shat l i . f ■■ ^nman' tnarrlad to Q

. lun) Xellyi notorious outlaw , A ^ t i raided ttie farm an

bey nabbed K«Uy in Memphi

■ y rc B i- tS i» t t im » on, the lB: ‘ itort-mbrokan aerlai Qt Ufig*

ases. most not nearly so d (fleeting the Inexhaustible

« S B Lt:S3 TROUBL ; _The world scene offers few

1^8 In the way of smooth ; twii. Therefore. ’gratefui fo: ’ ge, we moat be cheerful tKi

le globe, the disputed Eurt

As 1687 begins, the tiny Sai nclave on the French-Oenv rack to Oermany 'Stter a

H rrench hands,H France's Interest in . the ai H k»l. iron and steel output H story. But In

H lance was left to Saarlanc H l^ e basically German popu ■ ejoln Germany.H With this problem settled I

n Oermany may hencefoi troni^y than ever on the ] m e divlMon of the country 1reetem segmenta._________H a ^ e d In Hungary and 1

ian -R ed s^ l be in no mood | B onable proposals for reunlfli

nmld-simplj^-cancel Oommur H | lermany.H I *^here was a time when th H | 'German unity" drum pretty H I uch noises only afford them HI We and our Western friend H j frmv'irttlt -abandont For ec

ijan reluctnnco to a c t cnn nhc npro tim e how u tte r ly frnudti nun tst claim to thfl chnmpl ind ordor. .

H . H E ^ l R K f r F O R aTxQno of tlifl thliiRA wiiic

’resident Glsonhowcr as a m s h is Jmnglnntlvo. concorn lemoDNtrnLcd thin Qulctiy t.h< decision n o l too widely nolc(

T he P rcsldnnt orlKlnnlly lii ^ ^ r a u p a l piano lo L ondon to bt ^ H B U 2 L jirJa i6 M lnM cr Nehru ^ H l a t e r he hnd him IXIiehrhftc' ^ K l ^ n t t c th e snmc way.

Normally, th e rriMClnlly hi ^ ^ B h a v o been flown homo ompL ^ H j b u t Mr.' K(/ini)})(>wrr nr(]orr< ^ ^ b f u n l c h , G erm any, in ]>|(ik iii ^ ^ ■ ^ a n roIUROCB fo r trunnpor

^Inco ,thlH Ifl th e nhtp t ^ ^ fp re s ld o iY b nlinpKl every piu ^^■ m fiin ten n n cA }<> Aond^ H ^ ^ necunty. Hi

turned^■r'rofugoe biifl,'*

H lstory’N vordlot nn Mr. ^H |£ccal£ l£ ilL ii'' o f.course a lonfi ^ ^ ^ e r d l c b io n lilin itn a~hiiTnnnli

i.£ss: i r i ' i i i ' t V ' . S ! WAeHINOTO

g tiorlron-iu»t txr

^ ^ S n v M H t n , j u m u i

• — « H i H P ^ H•m AOVAXn ^

- t i o i

---------'thS!?*i“ «!’rn n k w ca iif. A Comparison■■ '• — ---------------------- - e#UnB parallel. :K I D N A P E R S

x a s o l a m a n n am ed imp„ulvc ih .Ja kidnaping c a w In can cgtidtdgu c, Its l l t s t spectacu lar the eleclorBi votBI’s e lllc len cy as a l!

^ . M IT 1. 1 time* with whalC harles P. U rschel. opportunity tor

3 , w as seized by k id - heJp rpwJve prolia b ig hom e. B lin d - ifw-t^sn three : > h la c -o u t »nd heldIved ays-la terh tT T as ” “ i . ,9 < „ th .« :^ n ,y n i In ,

h e F B I cracked th e was to bwccd tr( ts. Som e days a lter w"* li'*'’* ere n a lled -ln -o th e r ly ni» pciijfic ut

. , , ha wn* either u m e -w a s-a -m o d e l-o f- -drtft b ringing It -off. th e m the lame v of a n unusually a lert clearly evident. :learly knew w h a t to tetugt in the t

•iinnllftrl Rdvent of nucleil u e u e h u tr'ihsport- i V S ' 3 ™ Chel-4lstenedc-t0-gft»- ,tethfr,-«ven-th e d th e w eather, and caust cannot be hlch q u ick ly led th e Wiioricai «nin a C ity. *.............. anrt there a re nt

o f w h a t h e Judged « ch « l, treed o ( h is

If il» h e In the d i m i~ d n » h o m n ilcu latlbns a s to th e mltmentA and i

ji that exlBtfl.Bgularly in w h at, h e But thi* u pe im o o n a n airplanen ed M r It dally , and S , S l 7 , ; S r “» p to r s d idn't d ream too well what ti\ c lu e In h is gloom y while Prealden

thrown out tdiiF B I every th in g h e 'd aUrJ

d a ir lin e -sc h e d u le sr ican A irlines p la n e with jhTD nite T ex., w ould fly . over clearing the ca s n orth w est o f F o r t antte that the

: - d to v e r e d In th a t Bhannon, stepfather, er. on-the.i^ b_Qeorgft_(&fKlUnfl. .tem of delBy. ; itlaw. Ruttlft to weakn (UM B ie i» lr»pp«H l u r a >»d ■ntt' n ber o f th e k idnap•■"-C-l.|-Jl-«rr-7r— -U9IV-OI-tA>-tarra Desm a-flun. m m v - itu p ta oir n r n p h is , and th e o th e r s u r o ^ oii. \

r I B I h a s 'h a d a n a l- blown up with BUfigess in k id n ap in g »P*c»ty of ««* so d ifarnitld-B ut-A ll lUble p .tlen c« , and SlSU S S i f f l . » -« g e n c j iJ » o r lc ,—

~ flecretary.ot 8tiUBLB S PO T the, few comforts theseoothed-ove( trouble *o\ud^k S .ll for small advant- American a^n^1 tKat one comer of while thia maEuropean Saar, will w»ming,

element, ana a

^ a a r , a n Industrial H rm ^n border, g oes ^upt, ,n d »• a dosen years In tory tor commu

. .. 1 |n the view c \e area is econom ic, (rajdon of the f itput a t substfcntlal c e w t o a v iu n , In th e end th e d e - “ J j " 'S .'tV ' h m rte -p « U llo a t-.lle^ rlanders them selves. % small abortiv< p opulation voted to —

V IE Wled a t la st, a tten tio n ’ ”ceforth focus m ore;he larger dilem m a;try in to ejistern and ^ oMihai I

anU>Americ«nliittd Poland, ttie Rua. lOOd to listen'to Tea-. .^Wsuraly thi inlflcatlon. for these be high in Ui« imunlst hold on East That.frl«n(t i liberty snil hlan th e Rcd.1 b ea t th e Novntheim .retty loudly, but now Amerlwna hM h em em l> a rn » n n en t,•lends can pound th e u» end u^u •'«• em phaaU lng R u s- ination.- 1 sh o w th e w orld onenudtilent Js tho C om - tho Noim plonsh lp of pcftco Kiivpt. 'Hib cI

fell ft <lrr|) III ___ _ K«« Weiii iwtJv

J i l h O I L U arnuiirt *n oprWillch rtlsMllgdlSllP.-? n I" nr>l Um a m an and a leader ™ , K “ ‘

;orn for pooplr. lln riin niwun^ y -th r oth er dny In a p<>i|nrinn whii

wIioiu lin Ivart

ly Imd sen t hjn jirr- i-o«MionJi"tor ti A) bring vl.HltlnR In - ~bru lo U ili country.M cK 'ncm ss th e A t- - A u u a i mi

Pnxton of rrc Ihn priiitliy wl

y hu llt p lane w ould roiirt and tmm >mpLy,of piwapnttorn. wly i>unif.linnif riorrd I t d l t n t e r l to :k up a load nf H uu- wnmK<l<>fi' t« I nport IQ Am‘ rlcn. And ihfro'« «o IP t h a t r a r r le s th e

pliicn lift lllcn, ItJI „uii„ coi'vnxlvn?oiirtllJnii in a m « tio r wmiW imvo ui/, n u t Iko «e- ji'-MM'rt wlih nnert Um c inh . Into a m t

kkinlv rtahnrateMr. KinonliOwrr M hot, youth rel

t o , « w « y o ; f . n , . t i t . ,finnltnrlnn 1 n lrsady n^i riquuemeu

, man.


rr 'U uJctoK h li w tnuit vwailoa fbroufb Jtn . rmiTTTff T rT flnn lillT tf>f puHUm Uoo on Mon-

fOTO N —Seldom in A m erlca'f hU tory h«* • u . t h e BfAti o I.h la second tc im faced.piob-* -j r a u l lu n.hlfh loom l«rge on thit t t)«7ond th e reetivideA o< p r tt ld e a t Eisea-

Inaugxitatlon n c x U n o n lh .

p r o s ^ r l t y they were convenlentl; ^ ^ H n i e d away, i t U only if Prealden I ^ W lK r n i o w r n iT n - T ir m w J f - n tn r ^ a s e r

a positive le n d e r^ lp th a t th e «orli c an hope for u. conatructlve approscl

^ ^ H t o (he - t n ^ JeletaHnOie irh rthe i M M j f t - t b e - n a x t - ta o . lo - ltVB y c m . th e r

I n the nuclear agr. ihU Is anoUie ■ ^ ^ ■ V a y of aaylng survival or caU.itro CUi^ p h e . Pe le jaU on of pow er a n d au1 n « ‘‘K ^ n o u f tJ .---------- -------------- ----------- -— ^J lso n w lth -recen t W slory augjeat# an Inter- allel. Mr. E lsenhow er’t itrefll victory of iw .w aa leCcna only to th a t ot F rank lin E r i n 1938. I n Mtne re sp e if i 11 waa even mon th a n th e Eooaevelt sweep, since a Republl'

}at« c u t deep In to the *o)ld S outh t" tain a l votes o f a ll bu t llve-of Uie 4B »tat«s.; carried a ll bu t two sta te s In "ae, Jloosevel < a k ol popularity ijriprecedftnltd in moderi w h a t also appeared to be 13i unprecedenlet

y for employlnit h is pow er and popularity t< '6 problem s a t hom e and nbroad. Y et witWi hree year* W orld w ar n had bfffun and tin n of consequenCM set In motion th a t brouRh periJoua m om ent, •

dny 30 years ago w hen Roosevelt toolc th :flce a accond tim e, nil th e elementa o e r« -« t-h a n d -T ^ e - Under. lO L the . b lare 'tha ;cD from one com er pf the earih to tfie oine a ll nbout, . , 'It, 93 hi* p rivate papeM and even occasional itlc u tte rances reveal, knew th e danger. Bu •her unable .or iinwllllnB to a rre s t the raplira -disaster.--------------------------am e way today th e elemenU o t disaster a r ,dent. Nor Is It. any lonnw possible lo M th e comforlflbJe aM um ptlon th a t w ith th

n u c lea r Weapons w ar can be ru led out. Wltl Ine and uncertain d ic tatorship In Moscow f ip tin j to hold Oie com m unist empire to e n -th ^ -u lllm a U Jia tro r_ o l.< ^ ,n u c le » r holo lo l be excluded.i l analOffiM are , o t rou rw . always duWnu a re nearly itsm an y illfl'‘rcu“ 's as sImllarlUc ie situation today and th a t of Jitnunry, l u : n w ith , America'* responsibility for wnrl

today 1( widely reco jn licd . T h e enUre t r e ka to P residen t Elsenhower aa th e onl } c an a c t w lihout fh« bflndlrap of-paitt com a n d from th e jre a U s t potenUal of ttren jt!

, Is p e rh ap s only a n o th er way o f saying tha It la to a arv e 'a purpose,'jnust be used. Whn ty happening In. Uie Middle East, where th :or 0, fu tu re conflict la g reatest, I llustra tes a h a t th e evasion of responsiblUtf;iMin"fncan. •aldent a a m a l Abdel Nasser o t Egypt ha i t kliid worda about, th e U nited Stntea, li eded by shrew d obetrucUonlst U ctlcs In de I a ta r t o f clearance of th e Sue* canM. d ly now an a jrecm o n t h a s been reache U nited Nations- under w hich th e work ( h e cana l will betiln. B u t- th e re la no Bua« t th e obstructionism , aim ed a t checkmaUii L la rse effective BrlU ah salvBBO t«ama_»n^ l l f a t o p ; -------------- ------------— ............Id ltlona t dE»y o f detay n teans a a added stra l jnom y of w estern Europe and . for th a t mai * -aaU oaa .o t th e F a r E as t na well. T h e pal «I»y. ftt< . p y f t c tly th e ob jw tlves o f Sovii w e ^ e n E urope, underm rrti'tl^B 'w estenr a

I e n tre n ch communUm In th e M iddle East, y , In Sy ria , sta lling Is p reventing th e restori t> a h te a -p u m p ln s-a U ttlon i_M iJJieJ^ne _ ^ i Ml Ilt i aa U iat >mniHe<H H ai*ge p ropor ilf in i o il.' W W Ie..the Sy rian governm ent d«nl< U ty fo r th l« .ia b o U g e. th e a ta tlo n i wei

w ith devasta ting elfectlvenesa beyond U if u n t U u r saboCflurs.m -en ic lA li_ fU ggeitM ln^ .the w ake o t U ck th a t A merica's position w as grtaU y ei I th e A rab nations, and th ts seem ed a rc< »if.fnnttrnnliit]<<h Titigtedly th l i p a s t wei o f 8 U te Jo h n ro s te r Dulles, In a coniereni P ^ d e n t , acknowledged th e grav ity of- (I it th r e a t In th e Middle East, aam e Ume. I t was n im ored th e PTestdpi

k c o n g r e s n o r advifiice" au th o rity to u k n n e d forces to repel aggression In Uie are

is m ay be a necessary precanU on and a« m ln g , aurely m llH a ry rit itn g th I* only oj in d a m in im um elem ent. In th e responslblllnM it Ttg^g B ^__; th e o il o t th e Middle Eaat, E u ro p a J i bani % b a n k riip t Europe la an overw helm ing v l

riew o f th is observer, th e B rltlsh -F rench li th e 8 u ea waa en a c t o t d tsp e ra llo n .a s r\i

iriUl lifeline a n d a v ita l raw m a U rla l aeemi Ping a w a y W im th e oil o t th e M iddle Ea I th e con tinu ing struggle betw een E ast a t

» rtlve*w ar, b u t th ? c o n t l lc t so long*3fea5e


Ihy trea su re Is. U irre will ttiy henrt i . i t l th e Sem w n on Uie M ount. Anti tn U h a t p rofound U u th t t m ay seem odd th rfcanism In B rlU Jn aJiouJ'? rpflrJi U>» pol lem lM ^ o t P a rlia m en t ahntild a im a renoli w in g i t . 'sly th e /rle iu tah ljj of Hi* Unlt<‘d H U l«i ahwi n th e lis t o f th e average n r lt^ n 'a tr e a n in ndsh lP has m n e tn Uie e ld of h is IKx. 1 u l h i* a U n d a ra o f IW ng tin m ore th a n oi

le lm . In Uie wske of Uii* ERyptlan tira a h av e W n le v l r lM by B rlttnh. lanrtlori In U>e atreetfl, and refUMd service In ti le 34 MPa urge the Rovernm rnt tn take Kn h U " re g re tu b le iim nlatestAtlan nf dlacrli

t UlD dCIllW**''atoin ftppesr In lirllpve, false' llllllprt Rlrttf.H rffURfrtitn ah ip nil to Hrtta10 NovnilNer pofldtl it( (llvH tffiil [xillc.v i iin clm iirM a rr , linwevpr, ih » t ^vrn nio r p lii])iry tn tlirlv imtlnnnl prWIn wlirii ritistJAl#-;} th e l «ll)» )iil A m rjin iii auji/)o11 e n d K rrnrli would no t evi-ii dni«> lo kiio. n oppoin-ut an (crl)lf* es I 'uvi'l.>(. U in t tliay likn .A m rilca lr^^ 1»>i Hint tli a n d "Ud th ry appk a iwiii>fKi)ni. (w h

[.ii^n^ Ik tifflt. rxpliilnrd by tlie alm v nf i: w hii Tnunrt-h lm 'rlf npp<"rd-by « Voirr f Ivad done tnmm ipinblp lavma. Mift alioch

n ' a reiisiiii >)imi<ilit thn nii'iKpr: "W hnl lin f o r m e W oly?" OI»lrann IJnlly Now*.

.Y O U T H nr.llA nil.ITATIO N t l . m a«l«U »t*. Juveiillfi, JUitgft-,Mt)l'lVn. if rrn v o , Is n o t one dUpme<i (o wlUihr Ity w tirn an e rra n t yniitli tn liBllrrt Into 1 I fw ind guilty of a m tN lriiinitm r flint's pro nlinhlr by lni|>o*ltl(>ii of a flur. n l Isn 't nit « f Ihn Atoiy. .Iiidue iiiwnw (Im llH f, IfH l I l l s i'en l/'jM -n li1' to l>sy It w ttli Ihn 'ffn tt* «( h u own ti o 's tin t'fltoli In It. tifCAune tlin JmtKe hlniM fJl» jieylnif Job.I nieniia tlm yminuMi i iinL mOv nvnWIn )>ii loslvn ron lllP t w ith pniTnt.> wlm n ilinw l tvn U) jiay the (Imp, lu ll hn'n in(ii>rily Ii d ih th e < ^ t of hla mlMlred, nnil Hm vain* aroik.

aa we're edvlfM'd. liie h dor.Mi'i have a lOrate and coinpllculrd |p |a l «|rvif;e a< Id .Ik re tiab lllta iinn ac>. I>ut In mu rntlnmiii ix ton lA pi'iivlilliiK nil nutnlniKllHK P«niii{ h rrtuifiiKlntKui d|in;\f(cin ffinf lnpp . r-^ r rem eoLfl.^lltl Uie hr.M of UiPin Dolse f5l«tf


P q t ^ M

g ^ o T s ^ s r . :[>nlh.

r u u u' W INTP.B

nlently S om ttlm e In th e n e x t m o n th or w ealdenl we're going to lose th U eprln - a s se r t wedU}er-th»».'»-b«n-hanBlnjr-a«>ujJ > world to r so long. M ight eveii have % llttl iproach snow storm o r tw o now a n d thej U tther, A nyw ay ,-It 's ; u s t _ j d w u t : ^ 9 '- t; , there w in ter. -------------- "An f l- wh e ti- t H trb a lm y w e i i t ty ^moUier ’* ^ n 't h ave s o m uch o P thils.^tro- fog-. Actually, th ind au- f<xr * t a ll. T h e w ea the r h«

, • been so w atm th a t w hen It coola oi K~bTt'B:k~night, c lotldl Of-r o gm T f l

. from th e ground. J u s t like on a mid ,, n sum m er day "When cool ra in h it*

1 more s tr e e t «n<l tu rtis t

prncUcfllly th e sam e th in g an 111 sUck ta th a t sto ry u n til some

, , one comee up w ith som eth ing bet Wr AND ccmvinc«B m e I ■ > AcW n Bonee

denied (T w in FaUs)irlty to • • .wltWn BLOr.AN FO R D R IV ER g

,nd the Be'ems th e popu la r notion o t en irougnt coursglnR safe d riv ing on ou r high

• . ways and s tre e ts U to devise a slo ** c a t c h - t h e - a tte n t io n c

,n drivers. So how do you like th la om ' S J ^ •> "Dnrv'L gn to_h e av e n ln ‘57- D r lv e oihe? Carefully I" '

O f course, you m ay argue th a t th .ilonal- u ltim a te destlna tlon^scrlously cut sr. B ut ta ils th e r)um ber of d rivers th i a rapid w ould come u n d e r su c h a slogsi

,ter are t^ E I T I N FU T U R E "[J, D ear. po U ; . .1th the U ndoubtedly a lrhost everyone hi t W ith ^ ^ ‘ ^d som e so rt o f d lsc tw io n abai unvnw school s tu d e n ts ' and cai. J . . thoy 're pe rm itte d to drive to acho< r holo- A fyon* who h a s n 't h e ard sucji <ili---------- ^ isslone -couW -drlve -pest- U ;t. hlg . ; school aome day a n d u.ie hla eye

rluWnua B u t „(,{ ns.iilsiwbit **• j u n i o r h igh M hool stUdon

y , n u i . drive < ;^s to and from scho< ' world . I t 's n)l developed m ostly In t ire tr e e Tast 1tl years, too. S o now take ,e only peek In th e fu tu re . W h a t's going-i f tc o m - happen I n th e n e x t. 10 y e srs? F ir treng th th ing you know , one of your Hit

darlings will toddle \u> to you son ng th s t “ ' 'd Bay:I ■wiiftt "Pop, I ’m starU ng school th is yei ' . J , , and I 'v e Ju st g o tta have a car i

drive to school. All th e o th e r fir W a n h a v s * e m r .

£ . t e . , j / ( ^ . r ? a l L ,

M IN O R IT EM , REALLY• ^ D ear P o t S h o ts: 'reached , ye*, i t wiDuJd be a c inch fo gifork o t a^head If l l w eren 't fo r th e b llli.} guar- B u t th e re w as n friend w ho pu t imaUfig « jit tie dJf/eren tly . S h e says " « m a .and penaes. "are Just, g e ttin g too hlg!

T here a re th e .p a y tn e n tS T o n -th e ^ f s tra in pa>inej>tA on th e house, peyinen a t m a t- on clothes, p a y m e n ts 'o n fumltUi he p a t- ftnd appliances, paym en ts on m l "S ov lrt cellaneous- I t e m s . - pe'ym enU - < x m a l - C hxl» tpia*.-presenta_sujd_|iaym en E ast, on g rocew • bills."

rr.inrm sHows 8S how expcnses a^ up “ th a t som ething w


d e n l^ money U on food." she ssld . "Ever; th ing else U essen tlal.-

th e - I. G rlrw ed. . . (Jerome)

o f th e •lUy en* R e m e m b er~ w h e n -» -‘lit tle -m o n : a rca- w ent a long w ay? asks O u r OJ a t week Umer.iTw entrr-:------------:------• --

at. th e - NOT 8 0 GOODIl m ay have fooled th e Jud»

residen t bu t th e 's to ry ' ( h a t was Judged t to use best Jie o f J8S9'w asn ’t *> good,

lie area, case you m issed It, som e guy ind a d - W isconsin sa id D iikot« gumbo atai niy one fd (idberlnff to th e ta ils of p5i nslbtllty ^ ^ ’t t up Into big baJla w eighing

m uch they pulled th e pigs' aki . tlghV-«nd-tt«(y-oouM n'fr-flhufc-th.' „ eyes, hence died o f lack of aleep. ing VIC- Bupposed to be a p rise wl

nlng story, in io se Judges should nch In- In Uie T -N newsroom abou t five I .a s nc- ten m lnutee a fte r ^ o'clock e«c seem ed evening. T h a t 's w hen Uie nig

lie E as t pioofreader shown up. slChnugh sin RSl and due on Uie Job s t 7. Boy, you nev j ^ n o l heard such storleal I f ^ e d : “'O r -h m r- a b o u » -Jtm lnr-w +wR i

triea to exp lain how h e go t stnt< ^ berry Jam on h la faoel

K , S B u t then w e suppoee th * JiaUon conteat U lim ited to em ateurs.

be a»fl0, FA M O tlS LAST MNKI tn th e . . Ha aays h ts Hirer h as be< rtd th a t *«Ung a au e h -W a« a « . he p>» po in t tg* n u c h n u tm eg en hU egg-noi

resolu- nKNTI,.f:MAN IN THBi y o o a i i i j L o w ...

•eanirfs. 'llfr, } ,u ■ - ■ —ban one •• —. - ---------------------

CONSTkn XtefMdtncrlm- .new laxati

n rlta ln '................................ ... . m . m, un-locks Ii,';,:;™',': „ „ y v / f / . o u f g a <

0 knock C o n s t ip a t io n in c a u s e d I „.I ti.pv doctora m il a “ th r if t)

,V r " th r l t l y " colon Is o,t i n t , h i i t e a d o f r a t* ln l i i

1 nf Ihe innintiirn a s ita lin iild , does tt o ir r tnr roBs Ihe colon o f i .ii<v-k«l . m o is tu re t lia t its coi

i.„v^ ‘""<a l*cri.me deliydrstp .l, i !. .Iry th a t they Mock tlie l>owe

■1) nhru iiken t h s t they fa ll i e i i l t e OP a tlm u la to the u r | tn purtre th a t p ro p e ls and a;

i'ffili’nid - *” *■Inin hlA TO NORMAI,;'s Iirop- I.AKirV tiro tfiln/r/t « m* n*r«

sn ty . lh«i ilry . a linin^e,l<iii m il rnn tP iits o f youi^n iln ti wlilf'DrA Iho nnw lil'x-k y o u r liW el m ix l I iwn tnii r a -m o lk te n a d . aS'«conil, hu llilinnrlf miiKt be b ro u g h t tn your rnin

to n-T-R'B-T'C-H BTIMUI.i^Ti: Win }>■■«• and nci, nxclta I ts miinrlps I il i r iw h r a rild u ; to a n o rm al u rg e I 'ily llll-' purge, vslii* nl

ONI.Y A DUI.K l.A X A TIV nve any " r a -m n ln to i i Uila i l raX l(iA- I ahn in iien w a s te s f x l l ') lu p p l

tlnmiinii ’ Ital bu lk tn re-croM .i a noi ronnitiln m at u rg e to b in ge. Ami, o f a

f.A'rii- hulk laxallvV*, thI titAlen-

• I ' ,

T W I N E A L L S , I D A H O


—~>reW- Y O t e - Paiit H all th e rvni of the Sailors union of the Amerl. c«n FederaUon of L abor In Uie A t lanUc*gulf JuriadlcUoD. Is o f t e j n ten tlonetl' as 'a candidate ‘for~thi

■ d r o l l InnovaU on ..... .......... ...........c a l 1 e d Uie com-

______ m l t l r r rn - ^ ' r , J i l l i M l i i 'of the com bined jAFL a n d CIO. j | .• "The g rand boss

fh in lo" ** H arry L un- T ‘

I t . . - , . T h . Au.nue--27SS f u .i-miCT M B p tJ h e S e a / a r - L'Mk

a h as *"*■ In t« m sU o n a l .u n i o n . UM tl>»

n i-T W o th e r dU trlo ts,-llv#-lo -s)l, 1* au too a m id - otnous. I t is . a - 'c o ln c id e n c e 'th a h its a tn the e th ica l problem of th e use o m {a ball-fcats fo r persuasive purpose

H all and L undberg see eye to eye. ig and Lundeb^rg once londed th e bag som e- gage com part of hU c a r w llh ball g be t- ba ts w hen he a n d a p a rly of h is Joll

la rs hove u jf la Join a beef agalns lone* 1 mob of le d s of th e H ar iy Bridge alls) adherence. In Ban rra n c lsco . Wh«i

the eops^dlscovered th e b a ts am 8 wised 'th em LundelK rg bawled th a o f fn* they were' i ilan te d by .the commu . hiuh- nt-'ts- • ' a slo- He freely tclbi about this, He aU

on of makes no Iwnes of th e fac t th a t hi is one: special local ■jurisdiction, " th -D riv e Ssllors U nion of th e Pacific, Is no

^ rd if tl to Negroes, e spw ranyC artB la t the beans a n d P o rto . BIcans. H e hold y cur- the Porto R ican Negro_sftllors ar s th a t more likely th a n o the rs W be com slogsn. HJunUtJf.- - - - . -

-RfrrH aH 'ir-nD Kcr'on'bR llbstjr wn expre.ved du ring a n elecUon contes

ne h as tn New Y ork tn 1K3. T h e old Jo I about Ryan association of .longshoreme. I cars had t>een expelled from th e AK achool. __- - , _____________________

; 5 College Pupils Resume Studj

In the B U R IX V ,Jan . 2—A m ongsludenI -It .? ’»ho have retu rned to . school a tle » visiting here a re Sharon Homi ; M an nes.schoo l.o t music, N ew 'Y or r ju u e C harles T erhune 111, St*n u some university : H ugh Stocks, Call

fom la In s titu te of TechnoJogy: Joh ils year x e rhune , Sha ttu c k school for boy;

to PaU lbault, M inn.; Corrlno Terhuni er iirs t vvhltm an college, W nlla W alla; Jca

C h iso lm ,-M ary lh u rs t collcge; Mnr , Ellen Chisholm . S t , M ary's of th

W asatch. . '^ E arl C h rlsu n sen , K nrl Wrigle:‘ M arvin W rlgley, Bob B atem an, Laii

. Is Blauer. “M yrna M aughn,. Pai to get MOnlBomtry. Shirley Stnrley, Oer

, ,, aid Anderson. O erald Budge. Jca 5 p u t It M adsen, Dee M arsdcn. Jam es Mitch ■'*, ell. Scott Robe>tson, K aren Tnylo J high. D icii. v rtiltlng and Ja n e t Bakeh e w . - -nnpn>iw-rr«nny.TTmlviirslty:---------

- L eah B a lla rd . M arlene Oreenwel im 'W re Lois M aughn , Jam es T haxton , Irvl n mis- T liu rston and G ale Cham bers, Idah

0 " S tfft» -B oH e»er-J*ck-H arT is,' -Joh y m e n ti ^ , e i ^ _ M e r r i » — Bingham . -Ka>

CurUs, K e n t C hurch , Je rry Sm ytl sea a re dhvJiJ H c«ge, Irene Scott, Lee Scot

W arrt ti Hollenbeck. Jo h n Dnvl ” - th * ^ b ^ C ^ o d y ^ j l l a r r y O arre t

"Every- o o rd o n O ochnour, Joyce G ocl ■_ ^ ■ hour, F red Raym ond. W ayne Itof icwM M arlene R ehn and D avkl Stol 'm e) gr U niversity of U U h; Annetl

Cooper, J a n e t Dayley, Glen Lnrso: money to w e ll ^ o d lly ^ a n d R enae Fillmor

«■ OJ(J. U tah S U te A gricultural coilegi______ B etty Child; E laine Crandall, Bei----------- lilLB L aisuu, M ym «-A ndef*on-a«

B urton Satchw eli, H enager's Bus Judges, ness college;

ged th e A maryllis H atch . D iane WlUn •ood. In G ar th .Wilson, B utch Hank.i, nicJ< guy In college, Rexburg; Carol Ann Mni

o s ta r t- u a rt a n i K atherine-D av is ,-N ortl )f pigs, w M tern unlverslly. Chicago; Di hlng so 'n iy lo r. BoUe Jun io r college; Rr t ' sk ins c tay , A nnapolis, and Ben M sggaiifc-thetr uoiieffB flf in»h8.-c»iaw B iir---------leep. ------------------------------

Funeral Held for Richard Mehre

jh shels BUflLEV. Ja n . J - R o e a iy wns ri u never cn<(i eu n d sy n igh t a t the McCu

loch funernl home for lllchai hen h* M e ttren m t-h 1 rh -re q u lrm 'rrin i« wi s tra w - celebra ted M onday a t Uie C hurch i

, Uie U tt le Mower by the Rev. FaUn laUonal rnuciM o'D rJscoll; .

rallt>earers were N orm an flmtt Jam es K rily, D uane F.splnos. rtlrl taA B um s, D avlj M iice aiiii On:

aa l>«en Jo lu iaon ./A ltar boys were Job Hi»• tlliii. Je r ty O rayo t and ftanrty Ctil; S -n o fl” holm .TH E Concluding ritea ware held a t U

iV,_____ n u |y r t rem elery.

TIPATED?ative discovery I; bowel blocksg a g , b / o a f o r g r i p e

le d bv a m as ln g new laxative d liro v . h r if ty ’’ e r y la no e f f e c t iv e t h a t I t i l s o i i a reilflves even cfironlo cnnstl.« ln ln c p a t lo n o v a rn l i t l i l . y a t ta sooes th e em noth. lo gen lte it lien lirenn o f so i>ro«sil s s f s even /o r wotiiffnla con- in - th e m o il c ritica l slag ra o(tpil, ao p reg iian ry .bow el; H U P K IIO li f 0 O L I > A iy |; kfa ll to bu lk , s a l t o r d rug, la x a llv tt,a u rg a , cot.ONAiD n e ith e r gags, tiloataind a x . n o r r r l p e e t do«s n o tln te r fe rawiy> TrUh jo u r a b o rp t lo n of v iu .K n ; i i . *">'’■ ■*"* valutb]« foodn* r« f. n u t r l e n t a ; a n d In r l l n l r a t

run^e>t " " t r . u « r » h , rw lilrh o th e r aide peactlotis.

>1)1)1 )>• l l 'S A I'llVMOt.OCiK AI. KA<TlI, |,„ ||| Kxarciaa tnnen your li.nlylrrnlon C0l,0«AtR e>,frcU«ii y.mri.*Tit I t to Uine 11 sK«liiitciiuii.clea to r a t i o n , o v e rn lg i ilf W lmDirrirge lo occasional, frcijuiint o r plimti-

|p , w h a tev e r your iIp k iic 'if n m stlp a tfo n , Ket nii.ONAiit. ii>

\T I V r . r n n y .to - ta k o tnb ln t form n t ia d rtf . any d r u e r .nu ito r, tnilRyl TJi* sup p ly nri<!4,dRtyt>Kcfrir(iiaei<iiniiin.* no t- ii nl fiO ta tile t imrltnK'n, luliii-fi I, o t a ll yvu {Miaitlve re lief a t Icun tha i\/fl, Ihe ;'r p e r tab le t. ^ ,


R’S ANGLEhe Bnif | ffir-T«iTiir>-nf m tn« rrf t ta members A merl- lo u y "m a'm " to ladles Uj back- Uie At- rooms of w aterfro til saloons. George o f t e n M eaoy Issued a j h « r t e r to a rival

-------Dutilnsky favored th is one. O n th isoccasion, th e second of th re e elec-

~ ' j l la lw re la tions board. R yan 's old. S ' following, now com m anded by Cap-

- ^ 3 - U in W illiam Bradley, a tugboatf ^ j i l p mail, derexted M eany’s union. Theh police headed off a big van n e a r aI f - t-T - dock on th e Brooklyn w a t e r f r o n ^■ r / ~ l th is ejection. I t con tained *»-feFgeS f c iSX m y o t u u ^ d . a j u ^ gggniV - w earing wfiit5 ,.ctfps, the tradlUonal

and symbolic Iden tification of H all'i PmUt L undeberg’s m en In disorders

T he goons were shipped to thU au to n - p ie r,-a stronghold o f th e A naaiasls

I ‘ t h a t 16CIT.~«~very rough organlia.ltoti. too I use of concealed In a closed truck bo th aS s lurposes ruse ag a in s t discovery and for pro-• eye. lection again st ha lf-b rlck s and le Ijag- olher such missiles.;h ba ll- In th e th l« l and la te s t election ils Jolly two van-loads of w hite caps hove ag a in s t up a t p ie r S4. In the N orth river B ridges used l^y th e A m erican E xport line . W hen T he ILA h a d struck th e w aterfront lU and nnd H all's people were going to Qon* ed th a t cenUaU: on p ier M to break th( :omm u- atrlke. T ho cope se n t them else­

where.He aUo I t h a s been unreliably reporte< th a t h is th a t S an • Francisco communtstJ on, th e s e n t '|2 ,0 0 0 - to A nasta iia 'a locaT t< , Is no t help s ta n d off M eany's e ffo rt t< ■C arta- pur[ry~are waterfrTOit.~Even if . t r a e e holds th is wmild n o t necessarily m ean ttiai iors a re A nastasia was parU al to. commu; M com - nlsm. I t m ig h t moAn only th s t h s 1

p a rtia l U> »3,000,- - — -

s U “ 'ffiTW eSny'-D uBIffskriBV ^aron-ff c on test th e N ew 'Y ork w aterfron t m ig h t havi old Joe gucceeded th e 'la s t Ume b u t for th i

aggression by P au l H all, le A FL T>hc R van-B radley m en 8ust>ecte< r T T r : th a t H all w as try in g to sAntch Uiel

a Jobs fo r h is wh)t« caps. Both Lunde § _ - berg andJHalV jiave m any lu rp lu

mpmbcrs. t o keep tn e n i in iiiriils fo , J — <c'e-cream cone*, th e unions'severcl;

l l ( i V res tric t th e duUea o r u t lo r a aboan J ' ship. T h is leaves many, chores sucl

ituden ti ns chipping, p a in tin g and greasln« ol a fte r to be done tn po rt and these a re as

H om e, algned to th e s iu p lu s sailo rs on th iir 'Y ork beach.,~ S t«n - O n bo th coasts ,.auch .su ip lu s sail i C all- o fien discovered In th e U ildy - J o h n of tum ult, w earing w hlU caps. Th or boys roods w ho p u t on a -rio t In Wal ’e rhune. s tre e t a few years ago on behalf o la; Jc n n an e ffo rt to drlva .clerical .worker e; M nry tn to an A FL union , w ore w hite cap

of the *nd were traced to P a u l H all’s head quarters.

Wrlgley. O n a n o th e r occasion, w hen tom in, L an - g a rm e n t w orkers of D ublnsky 's Juris \ P au l dlcUon w ere hav ing a beet and get y, O er- ting th e w orst' o f It, persons un :e. Je an know n w earing w hite caps suddenl; I M itch- appeared a n d p u t th e foul sggres Taylor, Wrs to fligh t. Nobody ev e r /o u n d ou .B akes , who they were.

----------- “ "D ubrnsky 's 'T tosb iU rrftliH flrT rlC•eenwcll, to r RleaeJ, the. cotum nfst on uoloi

rivalries a n d 'In te rn a l polUlcs. wh s, Idaho b linded by acid la s t A pril, ha s , '-Jo h n w n tte n 'f r r o r a W y -a b o u t P a u l Hal

on a num ber o f -o c ^ o n s .- H e - g R e H all a m easure o f c red it fo r keepln

e e ^ o l t , ‘'com m unists" o ff th e AUanUc anG ulf w ate rtronU .______ _________

-------- I n . a n in teres^tln g - n a i a d o r Jo, Ofw>h C urran , o f th e old C IO SalJof’s un

Ion, c ille d th a NaUonal MarlUm w Skftt union, w as a s r e d as any avowe A nnptte ponununlst th rougho iit th e w ar b t Tjir.r,n cliftscn, jjeverUieUss. Io r th

P lH i^re; .A F I^C lo c o m m ltt« on eUilcs. college;’ H arry"L 'uhd<*erg aJiys O urran 1

ill, Ben- a phoney, b u t here o i\.ihe e as t coflf fton-and i l l s . s a t r a p . H a l l . .cooperate* wll 's Busl- M eany s n d D ubinsky who look In

vorably on C u r ra n ..W lL in n . . . .

.1, n ick 's lA it fall five o l L i i n d e b e r g ' 111 Mng- wliltecftps were sen tenced to prlso

-North- by a S a n D lfgo cou rt lo r bealln {o; Dee u» a rep resen ta tive of Uie reta ip; Rny clerks’ un ion du ring -an eleoUqn cou T aggart, te s t w ith th e AFL butchers. The

■w«rfl"ttirefl for"jJicket nuiy~ouc” f L undeberg 's headquarters., Lundeberg said .h e sen t t h e a

t '* ’ carefree sa ilo rs dowTV lo B an Dies I l i 'A i * Francisco t111 c l give lesson# In Uift ihpriW ilpe, «

denied th a t they lu ll lc te d ^ R V O i „ bodily h a rm on th e notnplnlnliig wli

"'“ ""i ”tniM-wna ,__ ,.’i ■ ' - - . .tiiirch of ’. FaUier

I f lm t t l i ,■*. nifh-»1 Clary

S ] First P


■y M o rtg a g p Ln• I I .o a n B ti>ii RnvliiKfl

Oihoi-H L o a n s ......cov. U c a l K tttalt* S o ld o

I I . S . (Jo v o in m t'n t; H to ck in I-( 'i i . s h »i) llaj)(I*Siif]O f f ic e H iiililiiiK . 1'

, D cfO IT t'd C llIU RCSnat ifar*lU .

a ' ■' *>p

S ttv ingN A c n n m U iiyl . I^ itin a in ,

o t h e r L ii ib il i tip n ' ' ' f S p e c if lo RPHcrvPR' "f G i’n o r a l n o s rrv o .s'. Ill

n tMl*

'■ll A^tcr I ’f t y n i

w e d :

embera - • - ■— -------------------- ----------A m f i r i c a n s o n

a V iv s j S p g r t s B i r i g e■-------------- Ait tm m u t r e uxl»r u ii Uie grea 'i n th is eat spo rts binge In h U to ry ! ' e e lec- T ake a gandn- at: these figures-

I's old In no-o ther l a n ^ y Cap- Let's begin / lU i boa t tra ile rs . 1 ■ugboat 10^9 a b o u > ^ .000a j | M M ^ n. T he w e r e^«i^f^U c«d. n e a r a T u v ' '^ a r s la ter , ^ r o n t t o th a n e igh t • u-flCFie Umei th s t many, -- : goona b u tu ,b y .J9 3 2 _ th e iiUonaT iru m T s t r — n i i r H all's re«ched 40,000 and orders, la st year It was to th is over 100,000. In - ia/iiii«i« form ed g u e e s e V i i P ^ ^ ^ ^ H on. too, » y t ^ t th sra U >aS a a b o u t - & J 5 0 . 0 0 0 H ^ ^ ^ H ot p ro - racreaU onal e r a f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s and on a l | w aters of t w o * B snu

the U. S.. atioul ha lf a million ■ lection, which nre snllboaU and about 4 ml iS hove ^on a re outt>oard powered era 1 river under 19 fee t In lengUi. r t line U ke swimm ing. I t h e ad s \e rf ro n t * I» rts on public p!a;to rn n . grounds, From a toU l of nrountt ak th e million sw imm ers In 1 9 3 8 ^ e r e a 1 eUe- lOmilWon to d a X

If any o t >-ou are anglers, y< eported know w hat-happens on opening da n u n tsts Sm all wonder. M ore th a n I7 '.j m, ocar to I 'o " fishing licenses were sold fo rt to 1953-rOf w hich abo u t tlsree' mllll' i t true. « « « io :.w am en -T h la la .double,.

m any as were sold In 1B43. The •ommu- f l« ^ « « .d o n o t Include youngste j t j j j I j a n d sa lt w ater angle.r*. H ough

ilo n ~ sr ------h th a v e ^

ispected jL:h .th e ir t \1L unde- “ - J f - I ^ ^ K -s u ^ lu s ' - I V tS* .iriils fd r ' ~severely aboard

•ea such teasing,

on th e . a *k 'J*ther* a re abou t 30 million flsherm

us sa il- in NorUi America, le th ick I n hunting , th e re a re appron ps. T he m a u ly 14 million holders of llcen? n W all — (a th is a d d th ree m illion ' no Shalt o f licensed hunter*, mosUy young bo: w orkers l ^ t a docs n o t Include t m a n d a tte caps roa ' hun te rs—Uiis, which w as on s he ad - * necessity, h a s b ^ m e a sp o r t e

UsUng hundreds of thousands wl n inm » deer seasons In m any stal, fo r bow a n d arrow hu n te rs only,nn .1 ? ' Bicycling, too. Is boom lng -pe

h a p s from lU Uremendous popular! m E urope. T h e Bicycle InstlU ite

uddenly A merica estlm al«s Uiere a re 22 m aggres- j,q„ c y cu jt, A merica today, u n a o u t W hat .ab o u t th e s tay -nee r-ho r

sports? Croquet, shufH eboard. U t s r v i c i x e an a m m r.b o w iin g ,- ro iiet^3katti 1 union horseshoe pitching, bowling on t cs. w ho green, golfing, irll, h a s T ake golfing. I n Uie early 183 t»l there -were a lm ost 6,000 courses Is-glTeS A m ^ c a ; - tM a r tn e re m ab o u t 5,C keeping __but nenetheleas, m any more peoi lUc a n d engage in golf. I t Is n o longer a ri

m an 's game. Ftgurea- of- p layers i o i ^ j M u h a V a llf l ) i r -b u t- ' th e i -n le r -o t- g of'tf u n - b&llj dUflfl^ Ui0 i n s l fuui yei jarlU m e P**" c e n t h lg l

MR; EMPLOYEirrdn la ----------- - - ,is't'coflst • S e e o r c a l


S i ' HNSUIs. They!

Z ' t i a v e y -. THOM AS

ilpe, ne^ . . " J n ^ u r o n c e is o u r B u s in e s

w i,^ ' 2 ^ f2 S h o iK o n t S t r e e t E aiw ilt 230 . . . . . .

S t a t o m G n t o f C o n d i t i o n (

F e d e r a l S av i

L o a n A s s o c iao f T w i n I'’a l l s

A K O i- ' D K C K M B K K : i l , 1

ASSKTS '',0. L o a n s .................................. .......................

iiiK R A r c o i m i R ............... ............. .........

lo id o n C o n t r a t ' l ...................... ...................

n i t 'n t ; B o i h Ik ....................................... '.........

‘I‘h 1 H o m t^ L o a n H a n k ........................

I*Siif] i n H a n k K ...................... , .............

!'’i i i 'n i t i i i ' p a n d K t i i i i p i iK ' i u ,

a n d O L lii> r A :v‘<ct,‘< ....................

IJABILITIKSu n U ................ : ..................................................

..................L i o n ........ ■....................... ; ................. ...................

r v P R ...........................rvo.s ..............................................


' f t y m o n t o f S l x t y - S l x t h ( 'o n h p v

^ '


Women’s Clul) Seeks Entries

JEPO M E. Ja n . J T h e atin„.,-- am auur.- ta lent. .4how sponaorM i,v

TIlFJetuniP 8u ilueas-and Profp.wi,.,: al Women's club will be heltl ,)•. „

____ 28 .« l th e high school audlU rui.,,

. grades one (o :a e r^ n a n d ^rom n (u re iu . y « a n old. through 12 a re e lls lh l '

A pplication blanks w aV 'W ^UjHin ers. I n ed by w riting to Mrs. Lois. J»p.^or.

Box 042. Jerom e. .The blaQk.^ nl< will be sv a lia b ls -s t Je n x n e iafmU. T he fw m s m ust t»e r e l u m ^ ' to Mn

f f i S * Jep so n b y Jan . 7.■ m AudlUons will bp he ld J a n . 13. Top

M ntesU iils wlU compete for ■ F p r lie r 'n B = W a w * rte d - th * niah»-flf—

th e show. T he proceeds u u : ^ tow ard a scholarship for a ..-.,1

■ H gtrl. _______ ____________

--- s e r v i c e s 8LAt EDH K SHOSHONE. Jan . 2 — B.npiu'im

services will be held a t th e Onortrr.r linn ot LOS Church Baiu day e v e n 11, t 4 mil Members of the Shbshone w srd uhn

c ra f t to a tten d m ay conUct; n.-ur.^W. r. SUmpson. I__________

■ads up; play- th s jn Ju r ln g the years w hen thfr. ountt 3 were more golf courses, I l Ix r>t|. ere a re m nted th a t the re are more ih^n ]

million golfers p lsj'lng 10'round.« nr ~ ■s you "’O''* y ^ ''- 'IB dav l As for Uible tennis. I t U estiiniiW ij m il- th.at there a re 20 million p l.iy r '. lold In twwltng clslm s an equal number ni m illion participan ts—w ith over 2 ! i millmn jb le a s members in th e A m erican Bn^line

eonRrcss;'nnd some-4 thoUBniid i^i-;— ng ste rs Icr-skating rinks have ab o u t n -m fkv - oush lv lion women a n d chiiiiTPn

■ "skaters.■ - - T h is Inn’t the ;w ho le ploUire, *f-

cordlng U> a recen t Issue o f Harp-f--------- prTTnairiw ine.-Some-aperU-seem in—I M be - falling off. N oU bly. trnni.v ^ . squaeh, and IndM r badm inton. Th"B only racket gam e w hich L% Incve.'s- WL Ing is badm inton—largely played 'ay

casual players.In team sports, so ftball clnimx tn

S ' have 20 million plnyers': nnd-Qf_tli!.__• --------echool sports, baskctbalL.has.grop-Ti _C s fastest—where th e sa le of basebnllt

and footballs has rem ained fairlj constan t fr6m :i940 to the prespnt, the aale of bujkettoalls ha* 'lenped from to' more th a n 2 millionIn 1955, • I

herm en ^ Maybe It's because m ore peopl« have more tim e w h a t w ith Innj

ppioxU week-ends, vacations w ith pay, mora licenses holidays, sn d sho rte r h o u rs Of w o r t " i ' non - Add to th a t a longer life span w hlc^ ig boys together w ith [re tirem en t and p e n - ^ ind a r- placed m a n y on Uisu once leisure m arket, o r t e n - (C.prri»iit. Un . ^ Burm)is With Frrti-B r ipmIhI t^ n t«m > n t wltli ll>< r s ta te s «f »h« E n e r e l^ l* Am»tlc»i>». atvniu p>oiI of Juditt wKirVwird «ach wMk ta

U>t te*d<r wb« ••Bdt n t Ibf beit tnif-MNg—p er- nituT* »d>iatur«. the. beat nBturt otii'r-

r-hom e .‘dX.*; Ci . U ble ln u r : 13 THAT 8QJ «/• Tlaiw-N.wi. Bo» S k a ttn r « t .- f a ni i iiiB.-e»l» , -


utT,000 I A PPLE W O O D {r ? ^ l c h ■ f i 'e p l o c e ,

.W A R M B S 'S ^ . ‘ h lg h e r^ j ,

YER . . . f:■ c a l l “u s f o r 'y o u r ............................ -

KKMAN'S d •ENSATION 1 URANCE Ir^TA B lirccr” !llA S C . P E A V £ r ______ i'Js in e s s ” E s lo b li s h e d 19^B j.

( E a s t P h o n « 2 0 1 L

on of 'v in g s a n d :

ia t lo n

A , \ \ m

s . ,

.....................$ 1 ^ .0 1 3 ,4 7 1 5 0 .......................... '.............. ■

............; ............ 2 1 , 7 0 1 . 1 9

'.......................... : i 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 i

.......................... a o o , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ---- ; .

......... 3 2 : 1 8 8

t u ................. ... i ‘) : i . : i 2 0 .2 r )

2 ,o 4 r ) .} > 3

1 4 7 . 3 0

! '................... ... $ i ;M ) 0 8 . f iH 7 .8 H

...................................... I ( ) 2 , 1 0 6 . 7 »

........... 5 ,n 4 ^ 4 .8 5

.... ..... 5 4 , 2 7 0 . 0 0

.......... 1 ,0 2 7 , f ) S 7 . f ^ l

$ H , 2 5 8 , 1 4 7 . « 0

i h p t i i i d v c D i v i d e n d

Page 5: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

W e d r ta 'i f ^ t® ''^ -S jI n Church Rites ■

- I L l ^ V i a r y uw p ‘< > «, ■, n L S C ^ M f k f l d M « : L u lher ' ■ r if tu g h l* ^ in tn a n ^ R c to ■Pierce.

Mrs. H »*^ * ^ ‘ r ^ t Me^LhdolstSuniUr *aQji f^ I s .------- ---------rliufch^**^ ^ A. M*cArUiur per*-

f o r t n « i ^ V^csi*,h f P''**“ ’® I of'soodw nrtll^. fern> b tC teW eg JiU trO f l ^ JMireta. 'uV <->ri camfctlonsch n -ton l^ lIS L U btee . Mnflclabrii r ^ l

in t f * i a S


. f i n d S j '>"•-

'’1?W .

. F b k S i j ^ - = ' '^ * Iu ?^ |lepb»notH »nd feathered

w ith a white “rJhid u « d M her jo ln s -

'- - v v a v J ^ S ^ t her e ra n d m o L h tr ____wedding day. She .

? S ^ lS r t« c W a M : and eflrrlnKU, -

^arte'r S T S * ■

k ng th gown of red net and lace over-

^ipf flh* a id ed a r ^ satin 'muff .. . -Sm .S^o' •w*' ■»'"■)«"“•nri T ru xa Thurrafln. They wore „ ^ ,-

— ?«j-tiffetH iU fl’ln» Ifnu th d r ^ ^ ,- iit«-oTH-‘iUrts-«f-f’ylon nel. -;ri,ioy

tarried wWI* “ W" muff.i w ith red ^ iel ci<lln8 ‘V.V'T

M bwmellweSP accented wlUTall-v “r w S to e to ipaW i the ir s i l v e r _____iho«i ind rWn»tone-J«welry.

T henaw fglrlw nsK ayLnncaator, They r fn u sh ttf lfH l^ 'B h d Mrs. David «hl»*

. S | u r . » a l t l e , She wore a long red u 3 im ot-»lillc nyloa_flgured_w lth bailer

> ^ n o « e n »nd ft red UiffelA cum - ed w M ^ u n d . 6>ie cnrrlcd a m in iature Ros ™ lin mtilf with polnsettlas. All a t- "Avft

tendinis «rore pillbox hat* w ith clr- e r" »• tultr net lelLi mutchlng t h e i r Mra, dreasa: ~ pa'»l*

Trti UoMster was best ^ « n for Mif hU brother. Steve WylUe was ring w hite bearer. U slm were Bob Lanca&t«ri satin Jim Qjiip, Jack Pierce, all Pllcr, Lane* and’Junei Uunn, Twin Falla. kn it -CaadWifbters w ere-U nd«-ehi»ff: •orien Jtnle K tt« and Camille Ramgey, Bal

= - ^ G a r e ^ e f r - ¥ e u p• By ANGELO P-___________

. Help linecM w y for children who No, i n leimlng a aklU or a hab it of I t U TwUna d im e te r . ' ' irid i

A KMll c hU d 'at play ,*-Uh h bo* can nf hlnfh »r«»#r« iw^r th » hlmmtlBOT,. By and . 4M mttr , "Coma now. D inner wUl aoon be Wha< retdy. Put away your blocks.” A fter )euoi plcUiif a few and tossing t^em trary hltlMjr-plggledy Into th s box, the Thi rwnpter sU rts to <iirhlne. sdoM• He really Is asking for help. He the li

Mi Uf»d, and picking up blocks in d cour* cettlof thtm se t properly In their dlshe. b M U _tw m ucK to .h to ,JU am olh tt »»ry- w ill^ure.tim ejind e n c rg y _ lL jh e d io rsaiyi, Come now. D inner will be a pll« tesdy soon. Let's get tliese blocks cooki

lh« box and be ready to m eet aim i- -yaddy.'' and lends a hand. th e j'

M arian Martin -

P^ < IN' Jl TO MAKKl

'<ft\ u,!,V 'I'l* i« th* n' ll irnrli fort lr-« eft-iv In ' P

,u„ ' inn. «I.„VI ll.nk!•Jr, , 'I «ll ..no I"n'tni , r " '‘•"ilnin- I

m 'iI/hmii!’ U iljl 'irrn t! ' All

'".f, ' ' ' ‘'I l.'«l"Lv ^

I .


(Khig Morll*~|»liol(U-ttBr

They Tvoro figured nvlnn Rowns of were white, ftuMMoiiPd w llli full skli U nnd Mis. . fed tjiffcU currfmcrbuiid.-i.and while Sondr ballcrllia-5llQes...Th(is ivDte-sliaU«r. 1 1, ed red chinfitlon w ris tco raag is . " were

Roger V lacettir"sttng "Becau.se," The "Avft Mfirlft" nnd “T he to rd 's Prny- churc. e r" »» the couple kne lt a t the nllar, v.as p Mra, C. W, Albei t-soii was accom- The pan lst and plnyed wedding m uslc^ i\

Ml'S. Pli.'KHt- ohose - « two*pii‘ce lacc_l w hite k n il ensemble wlUi a white flve*t: sa tin h a t nnd block accessories. Mrs. m inia L ancaster chose a two-piece blue ley, e; k n it ensem ble w ith w hit« acces- and gi >orien-"Both- wiire m vWd-corange.^r*' cimdli

Bally P ierce a n d Jean e tte B rann The

y F - G K i l d r e n — pnP_ _ . , Clarei

.0 PATRI as.ststi I Frank

NO, th is Is n o t spoiling the child. f t is teach ing h im neatnew , care “ atid respcct fo r h is belongings. He can work w ith help, bu t le ft to hImMlf- Bip-ary a n d a._hlt-Jcat^. he.

w ! a . rn?gh*t^have*bM n^*(T '^pfui lesson tu rn s In to one quite the con- trary snff' ^

This s a m i Idea holds through the’ ?,™*5 adolescent years. T lie dnughter of the house l.i asim lly s ta rted on her course In dome.<itlclty by wux of the. J''d dishes. W n.ihlng' dWie.i Is a W e s - u ry -h o u M h o ld chore. And I t Is a .choral If-UiA ch ild U le ft alnnn w ith r o r a p ile of d ir ty di.shes. pols, pnna and gray, cooking apooiis, stra lneis , whntnols, with she is dl-icouraged. Ju.st looking a t make th e job J.1 overcoming, nppttllliig.- I f an jolder per.v>n — m olh rr or r

fa th e r .or nuntlo o r ginnjl^nother — f s ta r ts th e job nnd lets the child help, the youiiRBler grndunlly will f t a tF - o r r tm i 'K t i t l - f r m r tm n in i te r ^ a tandltig ll\R t th e clw r« reciwlven, A . " little TWO likes d ic in g Use sllwir and pulling i t In ilA plnce. By and by,«hft 1.1 prom oted lo wiping the small plates and m aybe puttliiK (hem away. Always, lliere Is K Riown-up j perwrn lead ing mid dnliiK thn m ajor dajiij p a rt of th e work, nV this plan , a finvoi ■daughter o f th e .ho iue learns the rlfiht iMthnlquen of e le e r ln r- th r r ta ' bln and "wA.Milng iip," and Uius haa I an early cmirne In domestlo science. I

Hc>y«,»i)rt girls a re n o t bom w ltli I a sens" of •rrnponsltilUty for ts.i|is. ■ - nor are U ie / liom w ith Ihe skills I necrjisary to doing (hem well. All I V tills Uiey luuaL le.urn, and [w ru ili a re the ir teachers. Patience, wil- ^ 5 5 llngness to take tim e for help and ICt£lilllg.Arfl..UlO..(luLy_AIUll'CU}QlUl: lillKy ur,.pnrenl.r

'rh e rn ' wlll nhvnyx t>e ons paren t wUn says. "NolKHly helix-d me, I -KK tn lrf-to fri . In and pltrlT;-and Ihnt wns Ihiil." 'H m t may well be, but’ liavft n o t th e yrnrs shown a heller way? MiKlit not Iheie bn a hnppter way of leiirrillig io, Inke nn Ihn (luMes of everyday living? E rror t r neril not hn m il le d down (hs gen- a einticms. W e rnn h 'l j) niicl tearli la, niiil iel Ihn ch lld ien Irn in how to lie “ h n p p y Th mi i r h f f u I.

• II >i.ii>prl>lliin Ilf llila .......... .Ih hl. i..f i.i r.-.Miv

FOR i “ H E A T I N O :

. O I L S ' ; j Phone 1680

Day o r T ^ i g h t

■A iiinniatin Keep-fllleil aerrloa• tiudgel T ay m en l I’lan ’ ,• Badio d lapaU hod Trucilia |

SMI|' , ' 1'

M a rriag e . ' .Eos

l l

4 H


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. ■ qup<-n H Ordei

sh ip '" : ' coin

CxKKlir' , ;< ^ T O 3 UuKCi'■ J / i a^ ■ U j y j p elrc l <

M tlon

I -1 I . S

-------------------- 7----- staHln. H m otio

_________ ___________ ... ' ■ ver.-^tf’B iJ H th n n c

■ yelltm-

■ \ for 111'_____ _______< M rs ,_• Ayrw;

• Mrs, Ci r tiH w B an d ' \

crtminl1 •'T^Hnfln i rlcr'Bi

' Mr.s;'— - fnmUy

_____ _ n- Charic

al. St.WIEL LANCASTER .................. tw lfiil^ t a f f e n c r a v l n g l ................... . - • •q u e e n--------------- ^ ^ 'were In chnrge of (he giir.st book,Mrs, Jftck Pierce,‘Ti.'.slMed by Mi.s.Sondra Thom as. Mrs, Floyd pfelfle,I.,odl, Cnilf.. an d -M n .-Jn m e s M unn were h rc lU ig e o rn \C Rltts.

T he reception waa held Jn fth e , ' churcli parlors. Background music v.as played by Mra. Q erald Tcw j.

T he bride's table was covered w ith a w hite linen c lo th w ith crocheted iacc -U hn nnd wiis ceiiuired w ith a Cr™ five-tiered wedding cake lopped w ith m in iature bells and lily of th e val- • ley, encircled ,wlUi c o ra l-ca rna tions p n n ir and greenery and flanked w ith whitec im d les-irrcrj'S ta r-noT d(frs~ ~ -------- ,

T he silver punch bowhni.so was chn rli decorated w ith coral cam atlon.i and _n »jf greenery a n d flanked by candelabra, q k ,

Reception Ri ls ta n ts w ere nunt.i of iR e brI3o and brldfgroom , M rs, i^ e r Clarence M cKlbben c u t the cake, Bcvin'; assisted by Mrs. D uncan M unn. Mrs. fifiwcf F rank Slke* presided a t the coffee offlcei Bet>;lefr.Jtrid Mrs. Fos ter d u llc k .<erv- g ift 1 ^ punch, O the r rcceptlon a ssistan ts Marti; were M rs. H enry W endling, Mrs. pati'Oi ^ a lp h Cedttiholm . l\trs. R , W . Pierce tiring and M rs. ja c k Ram sey. )jer. I•;•- Th/TfhrtnVf «-prQ>l-- o^Hipl

E ' d 'f t p m Flier high school-jind g ift f tided Idnho S ta te colleRe w here Ing v ^03 nffU latfd w ith Alpljn Chi Mr, s

Omega aororlty. S he is employed a t Mrs. th e Asgrow -Research ccilter. , matro

L ancas ter w ss graduated from F li- ]Mr. e r high school nnd has Ju s f retnm crt Indlvl from ' two years o f service in G er- Mrs.m any ........................... - vice 1

r o r traveling, th e b ride choso a M r. 1 gray, nnd black two-piece kn it suit w ith black acces.w les. T hey will ‘" 'P P " make th e ir liomo In Twin Fnlls,

^ If. lodge

P a r t y Is G iv enSHOSHONE, Ja n , 2 - A birthday se t b

paiLy'■wa.'i hrlri .ja r fiylvla,,nurnlnca. K dda; daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. j lm B am - = S i Incn, on h ry 10th anniversary, -nie p a rty wns Sunday afternoon, Oam es I were played » n d refreahrnenU I served. '

¥ ¥ ¥A little orange rind and Juice, a j ^

dash of su g a r and anU enhnn re th e | C l flavor of canned beets. a v i

I Fo^ tha F inest InP I A N O T U N I N G

Call o r W rite ] T

LOGANPHONE 2302. T w ;N PALf-fl I - <80 flUl Avenue Norlh

P w e P r i n t

F o r m s T h a t

F i t Y o u r

B u s i n e s s

------------- C v f ir y 'b i js in e s s

design ancJ p rin t form* to

tness o p era tions lika o glc

p rhc lico l fiuggestlons om

cost. Both (reel

Phone iA R e p r a ia n tq t lv * V


'■ departMe

II. . 4

t i m e s - n e w r . ' t w i n . p a i

ia s te rn S ta r fo r Pi' H ogerpnan L ists

I n s t a l l a t i o n R i t ei tA O F rtM 'N , .Tan 3 - ln^-«iW tton - H

.f n th . ..f MnKrrniiiii Vnllry Ic il ''- . :h. Orifer of En.'<leMiil;u u;i.- hrlcl in Ihe etiij^p~;'..ii\irci,iv ”pveim>«, «. il h M r^.l:tii>v>- )lr \n is . I '-u n n c '• m lli> 'n ’la- ion . r iia ii;''. n.ssl.- lrd by C>*-oiEe ••la -i. x-iiMiia-^><>rlhy pBinm '

.Itv »ii: ourclnpV. irv.'tisillliii; i n a r ^ ^ ~ ^ Biia l. .\li:^ IL a . P ra tle r .. U jsu a U n e ----

MH. John W. T6nf-s. 1»- ------ 3.•■w*"**', «n<l R. K, M«y»«uui,

pntroii of the chap te r, nnd hiis- inhii <>( tho npwly lr\.-!iall«J >i-orUiyU liiivnr-M t»rR r-ij.—Wf?Tn nn,»~~------

u ie »«'ivicv.< were hoKun by re« llie lo i- t ’s PniviT ' In tro -

liKi •1.1 iii,l<i<l"<l rredei>‘-k F Rub- ■lUs, jiii-ii i^rniKl p a y n n ofhr-.ftfiTrid—rtju p tr r -n t- lrtithn; hiriir iill <>iiidn'r. iirand v<'pii"^eiitHUve >f llir (irnnd Ji|ri.s(llctinn o f.N o v a 3cQlUU-.Vli6Miv,NQnj.-axl.—nanotcd. jUP<'n ')olhrl No VS, tm i ional 3rrt.‘i ,I..|,^S I'ft.iK h''-!'. w o r- ihipi"! \) :i- in -. ,r.)|ii. Av‘-"< “f L ln- - ;oln I.KlKr rJ<. .'.0. AF «iia AM, , r>(KKlir v Biui K .ti IllOtlip:-''!' of the LUKfii.;,>n N<s IB. AK m«1 AM. D

Tho .,i>llK«ltnii III th r o rfleers- ^ 'lec i Riven hv Ce<irce i:enker. Indlvlfiiini oblir>iiion.« In rn rh stA- meul lion ' ' r i r Kiven liv Mi.-i. Bfvin.s, L en- dnu tli »er mill by Neyninn nnrt Mi.«. N ey- Stio.sln Tinn. ot Ml

Mrs. N^vninn, iirwiv |ii-;tnlled 1 ‘chfl H 'orthy 'nm iron, chose inr lirr In- L illis . s ta H m g ^ s ir ,— CNTppriUioii":— K«r — m '*motlo (or Ihe yeni n " I 'n r New shone Ver.-itfn of the Golden Rule"', h e r active th n iie ‘ Cooperntlon ■; her colors, pated yelliiu- sn<l cri-c;n. She Aijuyyi.cod as Slud ll*r-tm«iiiie nnd nu<Jtlinireom TiiHt« -hlsU-i for llie vem. Min. Ivan D unham , '‘'^d h «■.?=; _ j^ ih ! ! r ._ D n n lc L s„ a u d .. John , W ood. Ayrw; sick nnd vlsltiiiK com m ittee, A JiMrs. Oleii Bell. Mr.s. Joliii w . Jones. _______nnd' Mrs! Effle Butler; efInfAtlOllRi; ^ :nm m lltee. Mr.<. Ne>mnn, Mi.s. M au- S q rice'B cvtns, anil Mrs. Adeline F inch , ,

Mr.s: Neym nn Introduced h « r > — t — tamUy. n , E. Neymnn, h e r hu.^bjind, Oroi C harlcj N cyjnan, her R on,.«nd-tw o tin n f (lauphter.«;. Pn l Neyman, a s tu d e n t Unn r M. ,S ^ ! p h o { t^ s J i^ _ | |£ ^ ij],oratory. C larer tw hn lo inn ,- ' who t r - p a s t t7iw »rw r« n’t • 3-3 queen of bclhel_No. 12. W endell, and 2 ^ o i Leta l i n l Nej-mftn,- pn.st honored n c r - a queen nf bethel'Tlo.''fl5,:inleV'oa'tlonal 2 J 0 nO rder nf Job’s DnuRhter*. ------ have

T he newly In.sUilled ofOcers for Tnurs, 1357. Include. M rs. N cym an. w o*thy four m a tron ; G erald M nrtln , worlliv pa - ro te lh Iron: Mrs. G eorge Lcnker, s.'.soclate t p m a tron : H eniv Cherrj-, n.isoclatc pa- Iron ; Mr.s. P ied RoberU, secretory ; ‘ ' Mrs. Almi Erwin, tiri>.<!urer; Mrs. pov Virgil Norwood,- conductrefis. M rt. meeii Alfred Sandy, a.s6ocinte conductre.ss; p„nn„ Mrs. Jim Bennett, phnplnln; M r s . ' " H en o ' Cherry, m arshal; Mrs. E , S. T hom p8on,--orpinl.';t: Mrs,' A rth u r ““f , , Daniels. A dah: Mi'S. Fi'ank Lcnker.

M m. G trn 'd M nrtln , M rs.Chnrles Robinson, w arder, a n d V lr- I gll Norwood, sentine l. ® P '"-

G Jfts .p resen ted- Included • per- « in a l gift to Mr®. N eym ao- from th e re tiring w orthy m atron . Mrs. Bevins; a vase w ith a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Neym an from new offlcer*. H enry Cherry presented a gift from the offlcci-s to <^crald M.Trtln; A lbert Gregg, Junior past pa tio n . p resented a gift (o th e re- • tir ing worthy pa tron , G eorge Len- ke^ f ro ra .th e ch ap U r; JjIrs. E. L.

g ift from th e c hapte r to th e r e ti r ­ing w orthy nwitron. MrS, Bevins;Mr, and Mrs, Roy V ader pre«ented Mrs. Bevins, the ir .d au g h te r, i past m atron 's pin. *■'

J l r . and- Mi-s. Fred Robert* gave Ind lv ldun l-flfta -to Mr<, B evins anfl Mrs. N eym an; M r. and Mrs. ^ o u - vScB Bevins p rtse n led h e r pftrenUi, - M r. a n d Mrs, Voder, a o . electric toaster. In appreciation f o r j their •support th is pnst yean E.-S. T hom p- - son. worshipful m aster of H sgerm an lodge No, 7B. A P and AM. offered conRratuIatloiis from Uie lodge to th e OES for Uie coming year.

T h e tlrn t practice- of officers was s e t by Mrs. Neym an for 6 p. m. Kdday..«t..U>« M asonla.tw apl*.------------------

Heart Diseaseu d

Stomach Trouble■ ■ C an O ften Ha nnrr«rtiMl hy. ---t e n t l e , accura te Chlropractlo A dJiutm onUl

Dr. Alma Hardin-............c iiin o rk A C T < 6) t

UP M alq N orth . F hana £3ZS

, / j i f :

I I f f « r * n t V b u r w « 'I I

n» to fit YOUR buJ-0 glove. Call u s for

1 onci flstlm atos of

B 38 / 'l * t w i l l C o l l I,

NEWS 'V>L P R I N T I N G' M e n t _

i ' .

.P A I.I- '! , ID A H O

P ian s 'J& ev ea led im p \ Snc

11,1^ lo I ' ' e ‘

II d< 1 m einnnI C l im b e r

-------- j- 'nn< 1 tfii

' ® r m of » *

MARV M rW IIX lF r";',’; '

B etro th a l T o ld >i.“ f ° 'SHOSHONE. 3 - T h e rnc^isr-

neul r.f Marv U Hen McWilli*,. aufcliirr of Mis Helen MfW illi^. iho.slionr. lo Donnlii Lee Sluder, v>ir * 5 . . , , ■f Ml. nnd Mrs. Chnrlev Shuler. ,,,.1.,, ' UchfleUi, Ls announced by Mrs. Me- ■ ‘i j vm is. . . . . -.-Ml.‘vr-MeWillls-«*-a~*Uulcul_a.LSlm-.^^-^, hone hi«h school. She has been en* , f , ctlve GrimKe member and 'wasViallated In musical oiB antzatloijj I ,n o ts ;

Sluder, a Rrnduale of R‘ch(iflcl ilf lh -tc iio o U w as.ln IJie .LL3. nd has been employed by the Bin \yat» V-Oodj;:,anal_con)nniix.... ............. .. , ( , t dh

A June wedding is planned. ----------

---------------------------------------------------- 1 by Alic

S o c ia l C a le n d a r j“ “°”_ £ _____________ I S H p

. G roup one of thn ' W oinrn 's Chris- inn Fellow shlp-nf the Plrst Chris-inn rh u rch will m eef w ith Mrs, xrinne\ Jlarencc F o rd-ftt U 32.Locuat.*Uefltit ■ 3’ S r “p ,m .-?a ju t* iIiv_C rQ uo JJo . p n . tI will m eet w ith Mrs. R, D. M cKln- c h rts tli c r - a t 1523 B orah avenue east a t Atl a o p.m, T hursday . G roup No. 3 will M rs. :lave poQuck" luncheon^ a t 1 p.m, M rs. Fniui-Klny w ith Mrs. O enild T u rner, votioni our mlleji no rth ot Curry. TillsntetSng ^ns been- th a n g ed from Mr*. BUR

E. W ilson's home because of 111- clely 'ie.ss. th e h<

¥ * M Declo.Royal Neighbors of A merica will T ad W

neeti a t 8 p.m. Friday a t the Odd••cllow*..hftll-fot^ Installation o t offl- BUI! :ers. Alice Parvin, Homedale, s ta le m eet,upei-vlsor, will be a guest. All offl- B ryan;ers are urged to a ttend . will b<___________ — :----------------------------------------

SH O S H O N E -T he B apH il_K am - . 6H 0 jn ’s M kslon society will m eet a t P e te r’/ I p.m.' T hursday a t the hom e of Mrs. Tuesd; jo Ir Bond. T he program will ba a s pre

A \J j - - ir i A

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m p ro v e m e n t- in - S n o w su its 'B o o n ' ^T o I^Horneniak ing

B . KAV K |U -R V tn< f 1....... i ■ %

— i ,

1C dorsn I i rq n ir r » vriv •nrannr\- in r rc iH m e r tsy i.f r lic -vv.I V iliiiber.Miiiir . IrKKlnH' ni'd Jai-k(-ls .nd tfie *tniecli* tn riicn«e a PHllfl' — n snm e ' r " K 7

O r to rem ripher th r piinKrill Odor I ' ‘'A S if a snow-snnked oiiifK sienm inaj

roQav • 'iiimweiKlM >n<iilutrd|Ills a ir lu.t ,.„iv Mvird k.. tli.l |h r '

'h th lren can-ou> them on uy tham -4- H ^ ^ H iru-rn. 'I lirv 're aUo 'im plero care fm nnd do * bc tlrr Job nf u e p jn t a voilnRster dry a iid w arm.I

M ost '•.Hiio 'Hiilt p rrltas. rtfftlr- . ■ E B -r>;its nnd «in>'l.ii logx dr.sittn'-'' fo^ H jS H n i1e '-hiUlx-ii a t* wa.slnOik f i S s

B ut it |>nv< lo rh rc l: Ueforr you >vi.s a cnowsiill iiUn Ih r mi'i-hiiir

N ylon, the favoiiie for both outer Oiell and lininK, Is compieiely iiashabte and qinek dvvinc

O the r man-mn<le f i b e r s and | H | i-oniWd ro llon (iisiiflll.v I n Ihe rlr«e |)oplln wrnvei m e slxn siid-'nble. T rur

Wn.Misble IlniiiRs include quilled I r ia nf nylon, orlon lUle, esiron and rayon T h is l< nnd a new, Jeaiherv.T]chl_iiix^il3|ing m ateria l; a 'b le n d of wool, soei.ne lo hanTnd-datrron;-------------------------------------TK?Tiri

I f , Ihe Rnim eht Is roniiiletely ou te r si w ashable. p re-U en l hcnvily -'nilecll- T o 'a ’ spots rflth a w elU lalheied b tu ili o r jw in j d sponge. T h en w.ish In ms'Oiine or su it at b^ -h»nd ‘ “ Kjffjjen

W ate r-rep e llen t finishes aUo |-e- Use 1 <ist d ir t, sn ll's n o t m tirh nf * rir a 's ii ■ ---------- fasten tOy Alicia Bond, who Is home for va- Smoo :a tlc n from L infield collegr. and hm

♦ ♦ ¥ - . S tulfSH p6H O N E-:-T he W om en's Mis- P«P«r i

^lonftr;i. council ol U\e AJ*^n^biy oJ '<i t\elp Cfid.. church n-m n i c r r a l -8 pau.Friday a l the liome of Mrs. Carl K inney, nylon-f— — • - jf )f - in m aU o <■ F H .RU —-,W j3m m i'a ..6ocicty n l llona .li

C h ris tian .Service will m eet T hura- partm e dajf-gk -the hon ie .o f j r ; , L - Cartney . icu^Uili M rs. E arl LsH ue wilt be leader, b ry 1 M rs. F rank Sikes will give th e .d e - setting. votionaU. - anothei

B U H L R Y -T h e 'c a lh o n c Allnr io - harlger clely will m eet a l S p.m. Friday a t Knltl th e home of M rs. E lm er Mackle. a ir-dry Declo, Co-hostesses will be Mrs. help fe T ad W olf nnd M rs, M. L. Novosel. a po

¥ ¥ ¥ snowsuBU IIL—H ighw ay K ensington will thoroui

m eet Friday, a t th e hom e of Mrs. deterge B ryan Rogers, M rs. FVAnk Straw ser agen t v will be in chnrge of th e p rogram , im pair

--------------------* — * — ♦ ......... ............. - pellent-6H08HONE>—A ltar soclcty fo r S t, .Som«

P e te r’s Catholic church w lirm e c to n jackets T uesday. Ja n , 8, Instead of th is week may ik a s previously-scheduled^ I t 's

R ^ A N ^ M A ^ ^ T I ^ f

'J E W P R I N T E D F




. B ocou M M w in o dirActioni-ar* f]

cn M c h poMern part, m aking a

U oQiier o n d fa ster than «var bi

M arian Martin Printed Potterni.

Pattern Feature to d a y . Send for

Printed Pattern the ea»y w oy.


D E S IG N E D F O R P C R F e C T B I

\ I

* j \ P 7 ^i . , .r~ '■—‘ l u

T I M E S - I.................... - ■ ■ ------------- ■ ■i.


K e e p S h o p e o f S

C rum pled w h ite tissue paper and Inwela le ia nf a snnw iult. help In keep Ils shape « T h is l« esperUIlT true nf the nrinn "fur'M I

0 hand -w ash . I also hnnd wash T -, T i?Tirijyr-s«iTTTrhifn-‘ivns-» nyrmv )Ulrr shell and ft th in wool llnlna,

T o 'av o id c h itte rln j the bslhrooirt ^ s , vlRj d ilp -d rv ln if -sufU, wash the God C lUlt a t n la lit nnd let It dry over the ChehnCJfWJPfi-.’iln J r- --------------------------- Ihree-

Use a la tch nn the cabinet door ir a'siVction Clip"iiooli'dn wrilcliTo Three a sten th e hanger, th e cl

Sm ooth ou t seam s, hems, collai 7'he m d hood of Ihe wel gnrm ent, lean F

S tu lf paper towels or white tissue to r wl laper in in Ihe hood, a rm s and legs son ar <i he lp e tfec t amooU\, wrltvWe-fcetl.rj'ip?-............ . . . - ------------- .. mnnu.

Vou can also dry a ll-nylon or wiUi ly lon -and -co tton suits I n .sn au to- Eve; n a l lo d rver. I follow Uies*-sugges> -wiisha Lions. IronL lhe Jiomt-CConomlcjLde-. iy_b«- »arlm ent a t th e Iowa S la te college xoUed[o l UiIs .opera tion ........... — . neckb

b ry su its for 10 m inutes on warm ntll netting. T u rn Inslde-out, dry for sno ther 10 m inutes, then removegarm ent to fin ish .d r j ’lri|_ on _a ____h a n g e r .- _ . ‘ - ______ I ___ i

K nitted wool caps, however, I . I sir-dry , well s tu ffed with tissue to help te ta in th e ir shapes.

A point to s'cmember In washing snowsults Is to rinse (hem very thorouRhiy lo remove every trace of detergent. Suds ac t as a w etting ig e n l w hich, le ft In the fibers, could tm patr th e usefulness o f <water-re-pellent-fi«i4she».------------------------- ------------- ;• Some of tlie hooded p a rk a a-an d -p

jackets designed for older children may n o t be completely washable, i J i

I t 's n o t easy to tell unless, the

- I #IN----- —-----------


• '- r

■E __________ _

o re p r iftted ------- ----- -------------

ng a d resi

«'er b efore.w ith

erni. Turn to our

d for your ■

°y- 1 ^H /


C T B E W IN O I 4

I Vi

SjF^- N E .W S

■ - X '

PAGE FIVB j i | |

f S n o w s u i ts —

S l iiwela sluffed Into hnnd. a rm i a n d ^ ' ip e w hile d ry ln f a f te r 'a w ashing. i|, u r"-llned hnod. t'

- L e a v i n g r S h o s h o n e - J l L i iSHOSHONE, Ja n . 3—T h e Rev, a n d l lU

] rs , P . L . G arrison , AasemWy 0! C ^ ' ^ d church , will leave M onday fo r -CilBUi :hehalis. W ash., to spend th e n e x t r a | i | h ree-m ontb* w ith h e r p*rent».-Th*— lev. M r. O srrisoii Is uW n g tha hi'ee m onthJ'ieaV e o f fM g H c i 'f r o n T ; I V he church . - | H |

T h e j ie v . M arlin 'D orm le r, A m er- I I I ! can Falls , will fill the office, o t paa- ' I l f o r w hile the Ttev. and Mrs. O a n l* ; | |U

n n tiu fa c iu re r . Jiaa.aupp lle id . ai - t a j —vlUi th a t inform ation . I. ,

Even though , th e lin ing . Is not ! ^ .m shable ; th e m iU r shell can u iti iN | S 'y-bt-spotisad-to-ramovA-BpotsHind— I •.oiled streaks around the cuffs and I | | i r leckband to Iceep It frMheiiJooUnr flit; nti l lTs cleaned. ___ ___

B R o icE lT '^^ ■ ! D ENTU RES ■

• DUPLiCATED | H• REPAIRED | M• K e-m a d e i n |


J ^ D o w ’s ._____ y(OpposlU Idaho T^eatxe)_____ H

P u b l ic D t h t a l T e c h n ic t a n i Ul ahoshoM N*.—rhoM e n


Page 6: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

E i f f sE E 8Sr$jE ^presei ®Hie in=" J A B A D g N A , C alif.; Jan. -IS^ysrd-touchdow n rah in t l

-m ^-orowd-oC-lOO^OO-and-l

Iw in in OrM M IA M I ,F la . .J a t i .2 ( /P > - fjm m arked b y fie r c e ra llies, C( ■M Btorm ed 5S yard s fo r a last i a B ea a t ’ B a y u k ^ u ea d a y to k ^ ^ -2 7 -2 L _ v ic to r y over Clemst i m ' C olorado strucTc' fo r -^ h i

touchdow ns in Jual tive m inutes i S S l W W M r f a r i n w cond <ju«tei

BltB up K KH H ftftfln r1' ^ - ^ in i h e w c o n d " lu d l - u ciem. I io rg ed a h ea d 21- 20. -then drove E - ttie wJnnJng w o re w ith 7:03 left.

' Bayuk . B ob S tra n ik y and How. -igeelK W «i*-to«-h£rQ et.cI_lbB _B faloea* fa buloua ou tb u rst In th e t

r ra w e r w h c n ■ theyr-Bcored-oi S o n » 16-yard delve and-<ionvert«<

klockod p u n t a n d a n intercep p u t In to two more touchdowns, ^ w l t t Jo e l W ells a n d pow erful 1 ip o o h e r it& rred tn Clemson'fl .1

>-laUft-««nebaok w hich produced io u e lu k n m s jQ th e th ird period 1 a n o th e r early iii th eT o iir th ,

.■■!nttB.Jn a n c M ltlng clim ax to •U rd^'M M l-on* M ■ U u^B uB t ex^2 -eC>ttik.QTtnire bowl games. Cotor

i h i f - i t r t e S r - h a d - r r a l l j a e w w ^ knJllng th ro u fh th e t t !

I S n w n 'U n r i o r th e dcclsire sc< ■ tn tfa - tlte -b a ll o n - th e ClemsgiL S a jm k •lam xhed th ro u sh ,to U\e (

J n i t e c ■ « » fro m t. tack ie r a t U m ~ 3 a c r l i a m w r - O n - t h e - n

.jiMj, ‘T h e B e as t" bulled U acros c lo ila * tto ro e n to of

■ fU M ,'a n « r c iem io n 'liU l* re co re A O d e r ^ him blft a t th e Buffali

, |T , tb e a i m a tn u u k y UTed <dN U Ian fo r th e B a tts by. in ta n x ',)n f « p u s fro m O hartte Buwey

.If ......................... iiiitw a r m - v e & tlu r to, m »

vgute.' iO p Io « d o -» ,___ ______0 99 » ’ •

g y c i B B U o n _____________ .D 0 14 7.f | M : . Colftr^ d o ■eorlM — _TouchdO«

8 p lo o f f e i t l . plum O i n .D e w i e r <0. iu n > ; o o o f c ,( M ^ ^ @ S t ^ v e n i o M : In d o rf a ; . C o ^

C O iouoo acorln* — TouchdOfl S f f f l . .V e i l s t s . p lunge : M . r u n ) ; 8poc i J w ' d . p lu n g e ). O onverslons: Busse:

[jpewa^tate^—■ ‘Mightymte^J ISetsRecoMa^ ^ ■ T * * * A S £ ir & 7 j i in r d (If& X T^tobt^ H J n e h . J o S 4 . f i t « £ a w blriw lnd .ls a ^ ^ B r S u t s s U b n c ~ b r d fd r ‘ ill*A m e ■ F f t i a i Q i s desp ite ft f lee t o( c lan U .’ ^ ■ i < h a v e la r re ly ta k e n over college 1

ke tball.^ ■ r U tU e O ary -n u u n p so n . f td az z ^ ■ 1 d rib b le r, p a sser and lum p ih d t 1

-h as been th e key m an M v e h th -ra n k ed I o « t S ta te 's n

b asketba ll pm m lntoce , . ^ ^ j A l U r o u g h th e 16O -p o u n d 1

^ K t M ^ t o c ^ h ' Bin S trsn n lg an ’s 1 ^ ■ 1 1 a r is in g club-U h is p lay-m aklnft a ^ ■ f l l y . B u t T r h e n th e o c c a s io n d { ^

T hom pson c an drive tow ard th e 1 ^ H - L k e t Witt) a reckless abandon <

o f te n c a n a n t h im two o r th ree x ^ ■ 1 ' u p tn th e bleachers.

*niom paon becomes m ore delH ^ ^ H « f t t e - « n d con fiden t as th e pres;

Mindlnp qpycta a fren sy wUh h is c o o ll:

^ ^ ■ T M n d l l n g .' A nd yet. a f te r 7owa S ta te

lO H -hi-ixlaA -sU ^ ^ H ^ ^ o m p s o n stood te srlu lly a t r

c o u rt w ith h ts head bowed whc eO-foot despera tion sho t missed

— - ^ a V - le e i , -b y - a U<&7 maiftli ^ ^ ■ _ .to p . . i« o k M :- K a » « a s a n d -W ilt

B tllt) O hunberla fn . was Uie h ■ ■ lig h t o t Uie recently completed ^ H f f - f i s r e n - t o u m a m e n t a t-X a o sa a . ( ^ ^ H _ ^ v o r a d lO tnsas won llie m eet '

B0.-5< Victory overO olo i

^ H F ^ n i e lowft 8 tB le-K »nifta Rftm l ^ H l l)llled a s a bn ltln or a -'Rnoct 1 R ^ B I m a n agaltia t a good blR moii" ^ H l Thom pBon proved w iour (lie

s d a g e ( h a t aayt a tlck wa)> U>e 1 ' B e v e n - fo o t O liam lxrlnin,

^ ■ H n j p r e n t l n t o th e gam e w ith a 9B.B a M e , waa held to 12 iwlntu, k rn

^ ■ ■ 1 low . ‘riiom paon . nn tlie o th e r h H | H le d a ll scorers wlUi 17.

DurlniT tiie conCcfit Tliom] au rpassed Uia cni-eer xcortns o f ft C yclone-tK ll poIiXa by Cl D u n ca n w lio grad iialcd In W im a full srhCKtiile « t BIk n

'f te llv liy ah ea d , the ntr-nd)' ft c inch to p u t Ihe new ir ro rd

r a a d i .‘ Se ttin tr rrrn rd n { » 'nnttitnR .

^ ^ ■ 1 fo r th e 3i-yrnv-i>l(] pliyAlcitl rc1 tlo n m a jo r who lind nn ouUiitii p r e p r rc n rd a l Jliile Uolnixl achnol, w hrin lin wha iinbbod “ Uolnnri R ockrl." He eel Dlitlf'

^ ^ ^ n , , y e a r nnd r n rr n - Ii IrIi nrtinol nn

H ‘Smart Moni H i Champion A

~NBW YO RK , Jnn. 2 (iTl-H a inuiiii iiu t n

i'U kt }>ll WDlJll J)»|W eight tit le . HKitUitil yoiiiiti- < I ’ illm er, a' 3&-yror-ol<( alroti

^ ^ ^ n ; f r o n i Wi eV Jm dnn , u tnh , U ad iau u fi(||i#ie k^ xIco.

Desplle'tfUKKi' Uny’A lirlllliiiil ror and h is ivodid-UrcukliiK . v t wtniiliiK (ho

. I m u . h e le AM B lo & undoHii ^ ^ H « 4 h t r i » - n i u n d m a tcn . IL U’iU ll:

fo u rth ntnilHtil llmn llir «)>»< h a s beoii (nvniM n i l Hobliuxn Won l.lin jiri'vldiiA lliiriv- inir n o c k y Ciint<illniu nnd two Inml

'Olaon. ............................ I

5 HAWKE G o e s t o B

j n t a t i v e f o i

r t T ^ n n pJ a n . 2 (/P) — I o w a u n l e a s h e d q u ^ l i n t h e f i r f l t f i v a . m i n u t £ 5 j j £ 4 ) l a x x u j iO r e s fo n ^ S ta te i n - i h e - R o s e - b a w l . - - ' M l h e j n M o u f l j ) L t e l e v i s i . o o , v i c w g i

)range Bowl7P>— I n a n O ra n R e b o w l football Rai :s, C o lo ra d o ’s p o w e r - p a c k e d Buffah , l a s t - p e r io d to u c h d o w n b y J o h n '" I t o s c o r e a th r i l l i n j^ , c o m e - f ro m - b e h i e m s o n .

utoSS Colonials Topia r te r to

S S fexas^WesteniMve lor

H».M In Sun Bowl~KC HAbO. 'i-ex.. 3an,-l-<ift-=^<K

red-once AVMhlngtftti’iL-ColQnlflJa /Itcppgd. verted a f l ^ t T exas W estern backs 1 iercepted T uesday ‘ aH ernoon •, and powi owns. th e ir w ay to •, lS-0 victory In irfulBOb 23nd- a n n u a l a u n bowl foj)( m 's fu r- Bsme.aoed tw o T h e ColonlBls; In gain ing a . riod an d td iy from a n underdog poiJI-------- cap ita lleed - o n - - a -T«xa*.-W esix to th e fum b le early In th e gqihe.’ They l e xcIflM c o n tro M ro m - th e n -« v -* n d -m l«

Colorado pow erfu l 'g ro U n d 'a tta ck w Ith Wvrallxl&s P u « e a to . p u th _ ic ^ p u , th e ^ .tmh e ^ t n n i ■dowiu.' »re score. .C o lo n ia l fuH bB tlf'C <a«de-A u n so n - lS . b o re - th c .h n in t Trf th e -attaek.-- t h e r o e , W ing- th e b a J s o f lm tr r o T a J

T a t th e 0^ ya rd s. H e was the -pop h e -n e x t . c ho ice , foe. th e ou ts tand ing playe across, th e gam e.( of th e T h e C olon ials pushed across I tc o re re d il» M o u c h d o w n a g a in s t a seem luffaloes' l7-li^ckBd&lBlcal M iner squad iTed th « 33 seconds rem ain ing In ita rce o t- cp iarter. T hey h a d tiXen iussey a t ba ll on th e M iner 37 a fie r

, h o s t te a m h a d punted from bel ^ Ita goal line. ' _==Hti 5»F«fclft8"ert'lPJlTJ*rd

Ptoy fro m QUMterback R*y Lw _ to end P a u l Thom pson. Vic C

® Z « ; pool'* conversion a ttem p t w as- 14 7—a i 4nd th e co lon ia ls he ld th e i r jhdow ns; u n t i l th e . h a lf . -p lu n iB ): O eo. W a s h in g to n ___ e 0 0 IJ6^ ./U n). T ex a s W este rn ....... ......0- 0 0tT ' Q eorge W ashington s c o r l ncKdOwnsT T o tic hdow nsr-T l)om pson~< 3l7-

Spooner fro m L ooney); 6 p e ra (3, plui Bussey 3. O onversloi): 8 pe ra .

5___ X!onaervatipn__ b’ U ronp 'toM eet-

T h e S ou th ern Id ah o F ish 1 l u Q am e association will holdB a n n u a l m eeting ne)ct Tuead

- ^ J a n . 8, a t tb e T w in F alQ O ral r:!obVrtv T,all."“ - — * '" ■ — •Is o ia x - C om m ittee report<i on th e oil

^America a c t lv l t le s - t lu r tn g - lh e - p a s t -y i a nU .vhD WUl b« presen ted and a film lege b a s- h u n tin g M rely "w ^n ^ e ^h o w n .

A w ildlife lunch, fea tu rin g vi laon. e lk a n d duck. Will be one

afiBt a r t - th * h lgh llghU of th e evening, m an Jne ’s new - ^ . 1 1 »

5 w h u P ro Gndder ls ^ ’s S ^ Stabbed'ftt’P afty

H OirBTOM , T ex.. i« n . a i f i - I lln e b ac le r. lo r th e VihJt c‘«o P™l i i s u b b e d In o r n e a r th e / lw s r t jj-eoj^wB p«r£y(.w jd t

d ia rg e d en ex-convict w ho cm ' U > r festivities,

C a rr, 25, rem ained In crUlcslDgpWwrS rfii4, n TiiMriav__ool ^ a l l - oh a rg e fl w luT asea u irw lU T n . . . tn m u rd er was J s m fs Rio [ate euf- oham bleas, w ho has w r» « l P

W rm s f w posseM lon .o t; m arlj a l m ia - conviction of n rg l

ilM ed" * hoinlclrie In a U afflc accident,

M o n t ^ S t e t e - r , l i Tips Iona 90-73neet w llh O W E N SfiO nO , K y,, 'J a n ; 1- O olom do O ii* rd J im D utdlB r ..Ihrew It

i«)li ta 'n iea tlav to lend Moii Kainc R'ttS Wll e ' l o X bu*'/;j v iciory ovrr" ood little coTJfRe »nrt plflce In thennii" and Atn 'l e a C lly bnskelUnll tov

(lie old m rn t,th e he ft, M o n tan a flln te Ird nil th e wi In who th e afte rnoon Hnme for Ihe m n SB Baver- Hon cham plo iuh li). Tl»« c lu i

n rnreVr Io n s , o f N rw noclielle, N. Y., c »er h nnd . irnt w«* WbUI iwIjiM al

w itli 'if lvcn m lnulfn to no. n iom paon Tl*" -wlnncrn |«illrri away lo :it .w o r d th e ir blRKMl iniii Hin a l 00-12 1 jy CInirk i>*"'onilh bcfora tlie Rtit) »<mi

in loas. n u tc lic i'n 30 jmliilB Hn* roo<' tin Rp^pii ncorlnu liiinnvn l)iit loim forwnii

“rn lo r t« Il«niav<tl «•«* tiRiK Jx-f.I.rd w»l ■ford well ............... ......... -

Reference ListIt) rdiu-ft- H018K, Jiu i. a nn a rrfe:.UliiiitllnR ll«l of n ifttn la ln foi' wlWIU»-conixl liliili vntlon AUxlIrK linn Ih tii mndn >bbfid Iho able by tlir n liilr (lc|iiiilniMit 01ilHte t>nc- nnd gnmr Inr iSai-hrif;. Bi»d jlol mnikfi. KvDii)) IrudriK In.tttiilvv

» ney ’ S a y s F u l l m A f t e r T o n i g h t ’s

T h a iild lure of a i^nnny v* tiut n n liu w ltli IxiUi l)iixlnu skill and PUn J n ililiJlr- uowcj- a «linrty biill;>mg. UPUP yoiinHiiirr in r^ p rc l til to draw alrotiiiboy tn iu liiUi llin ( Im ilru and a 11 l4inlKhl n l Uitlr dnMiKo tlir h»ll<l»y S|ir

Tlin (Ivh t Mni(a nC 7c a- (MOT),

king fpiil uohln«on with In 35 If you

VlU UO’ UlB()|i|)()uriit n iiih li nl MlAi)ll U'ltli Rnlph <'

)liu.(>li linn .liiiirK. hin Imip c Mn(inr firtnl n lm lM IiIa, tijiiii'li'n k In ini';!Ir«inl'nohii (i Imi hopr« ,i<) m rri c .i im n i n

I (lia afllf/T 111 A HiJdiHi.v

' , ' > I ^

■• X .

e y S s o u i

B i g fen or 10thl a t " T r r e r r

q U H rte rb a c k K e n n y P l o e i i o n a b o l t i t y T u e .sd ay a n d t h e h a m m c r ii iK ' H ow iw J .r ih e . 'f lc o re “w a a . '3 5 5 _ 3 'a i iU ; th e l^ ^ je w e r s c a n a t t e s t t h e t r i u m p h w a s j i

' o lh e r " e x a m p l e ftf B i p Ten f . p e r i o r i t y o v e r P a c i f i c Co:

c o n fe r e n c e .---------------- '-Thta -waa, In-faclr-thR-lOth- tl

------ In U .ia m M lh e -fx s m p l t liad b■ cited, much to th« annual >

Year’s day em bsrrassm en l of coa.M follu.

.’i . PIocn'« am«#l»lnjf ru n w «L 1 followed by a Buccesalon of Lou

if fa lo c B down plays apd by the third quar in “The with the score 28-6, many of

h o h in d visitors from the corn belt « ■ueim iu around'thls famed old.ba_ pit looking for movie atara Inat_ _ of the msMncre on the fleJd.

o p The so-called U tt le Bcnver.s f; A Corvallis, Ore., never quit try

roanased ,to decqraie the m < 0 f H - boaed-^ th -lhrefr-touohdow n*-

1 ~ apiece In each of th e fin al, tl quarters,

_ _ T aflback Joe Francl.? wa.i the f o f lh e 'B e ftv e r hnnd, b u t the fat

V-= eor«« of-Orefoh-flUiU^_cIutciL_xuuc JEPfo_>he f p f i t a w -Earn#] Dur<cks cold pa^fj H^^t th e PCC ba

powfrcd Twice OSC~ fum W cd 'In Ihe O' In lh« m inutes and twice th e Ha

tojiloall , y j j converted th e erro rs Into loi downs. Floen’s 48-ysrder d idn’t

n g .a .v ic . lonR ,-..- {wsJllor, K alfbsck Don Dobrlno touclrtc

^ e s t e r n ti,e ,« o n d w lih a boom lni-a7-: TO eyheld to th e Beaver nine and

»«w ^»»e-H B»)er-road* It-Ji-CL ?lth >hort ^ n ine-yard run a round le ft end........ ..... u . , .1«-A'u*tln Oi'eflOJV- S ta te ........ 0 8 6 ' ;t« e k -e iir - ^ 0 '** sco rlng -T ouchdow ns! PSF toTIT •<■*“>1--^'*"* 1 ‘9. -tun;e p o p X R appel (5 .^,runi'G ibbon* nlaver in P * ^ frort-TfoeiW. Conversions; I• • cot t f i ............................. - . - .

TOSS th e ir “ O regon 8 ta t« acorlnR: To 's ee m tn a - '3, r u n ) ; Beame.m ad w ith PhrngeJ: H am ack »35. p a « : g in th e P n .ncla). C o n v e r s i o n s : Be.

dcen over (Plunge). a fte r the . * * * ★

>m behind T » .

^ r d p a ls I C L W f l X ^ 1 * Q V C S - '

‘S T d f i g l i e r T r a

~ In OctoberPASADENA. Cftllf.. J a n . 2 (

7,1 - .1 1 IllvBl noise bo w l-co a ch e s F ■ gvaaiev8k l~ h d Tom m p— Pn. p iunge). B j re c _ ih e Hawkeycs from lowi

a m uch b e lter ball club th a n I they defeated O regon s ta te

• single p o in t la st ’O ctober. ■*

' - cally T u ftd ay .-S B ld B v aah ev sk i---------- * a t o x d .h l i H awkeyM fo ll ove

BeBver8"85-lO. •Pish nnd ‘•M ^ 'W s-tre m en d o u s ly -lm p i hold Its offensively.” t t i d B eaver 1 TVeadayi, p ro th ro , ‘T h e y did a lo t o f tl1 O ra n te better. T hey r a n h a rd e r a n d

had R 'flne l l f i e . - - ^ -------— “ih e o Ju b s B rashew kl. who m e t th a f ts t - y s a r- outside the-Jub llan t-T ow a dr*

on room, sa id fum bles h u r t th e Bej hown. the ball t h r « ' tliriir ln g v en - bobbles.>e one of .. " if . O regon Ht*l« h a d picke enlng. - two tou c h d o w n j' Instead of

/ handing us th e ball oh fum bl tlie f irs t qua rte r , It m U h t hnvo

8 - ' a d iffe ren t ball gam e,’’ the. coftch said.

l 4 V ------- —P r « llv o -a g re « J r - “-T»Mi**-<ui*■ reslly h u r t us," he said, ‘ B u t I2 M V-Paul Uiinit R wns because ou j boyn Ban P ra n - n^rvoiu,^— they were Ju s t La team , w as havd.''le a r t n l a T j,e two coaches weVe also m d police pratse for sha rp -sJio o tln * . 10 craslied i^ rb a ck K e n Ploen. who direole

Iowa nllack, T ne n7*poim d a •Itlcsl con- w a , yoicfl ihe m a n vnl n iv n i .n r nU n cr-til.lhe .M H lJlJ lll 1'lnru''

. i!5 5 10 puMM lor U yartU and . R loim rd louchdown. He also scored an

" rlo c n p i w « » 1 .n n lH e n l"He was aw fully fom l,’ »

P roihro.p • - - Hja.ihrTSkt nnid t t i s t OrcRnn

Ia n n e 'o f th e InllRlu.u rrn m f*> Hnwkeye.i fnced n il acnnon,^ "'I'liey moved ihe hull nK»lr

in ; ’l-t^V -' much hettfr th u -« " m e ll\»i: rew lu 30 time." hr asM.

M ontflna — ".«■■■ --------- --------- -. .

C o n n o l l y S m a s B i

H a m m e r R e c o r dle rnnsola* MKDtXDun, Mass., ,Inn, 1

c l u a a s t Harold Connolly. Qlyniplc I. V., cmilil iiipiinl v,luiifr In the linm idfr t Jfl al 7&-S7 M<){«la.v nleht Ijrllrm l lJ)f

rciuii il for the 35 iimiiiil wrlHlil ny lo hold ^ pMKllgloiu heave ciI flO fee■0-12 a lew iiKhca.I loinulnl, Connollv'a l«*a Imitrovert 01. R0«1 for ol fi4.reei, 3 ' . liirliM !)■orwnid .Iftr n„rkti« of Mif Nrv Y.iik AC itfl wIIJl N„v, 17 Kt IIIIK

; llelit,it . KX-<UH.KHH IH>iH .rrfere iiiT k i 'o k a n k , ,ii<ii. 2 Min. 1

U * .co lian - CnuKliry. nl>oiit 110, n oiir-lliinndn hviill- l.nuin. Mn , khIIU'K "h»lent of Il'll ir lll fills il(ii\T<( III N'lKnnd yiiulh «iiiiicir« nnmiem <iulr>, <iidl

liiisi'l'nl heii* lm1^v, ______

I m e r W i l l B e ^ t ’s T i t l e B o u tny vc lriiiii vlmiiipiciiiOilp olllJloo i'tli;lil Ind pUlliihlllR All llll* (Ifprnds, 111 fiiiiini', utiiill;>nrkril n iltiiiM ' ah i>i>. T lin r 'e v en lim

draw 14,000 some inlK <i[ nn n iiin iiiir utatx'l 1 a 1150,000 iK'itvvuoiHlil <iliHiii|ilii|i riiiyit y siinidliiK U'l.Miii.

nC 7 Itlll. riillinai liiillihn; oii liin fVirpl Hif ndUlii.'ini Imiil.

’ you Ib U ii llKliniiK iiiiiill pui'M* niI Ihe le id iil 'iiiiiir''» iliiK r.’i nn a y

‘ l','i‘" r ’n . ' i ' .V i 'r m r r 'lm 'n n i r 'I p h i 'l lR n i ,1 n n iiii.iir it In lliilii

I 'lU M .*' n'lt I'liM’n itiiiinK

'Ji|ini.'»riKJii ,»ji« nn ilerlAlim iiinlrU.

' .... ' I '

T I M E S - N E W S , ' T ' \

YtmN ORBaylor J M a jors^

boltirtg'H a w k - .

SfT eam rj^• N E W O R L E A N S , J a n . S

e d by t h e b r i l l i a n t r u n n i n giiad been ^ f u in b le lb y _ T e n n c a a i i£ uai New t h e f i i ^ " q i i a r t f l r , t o t u r n t of the --------- ----------------------------------------

West Texasi quarte r, t m •Is tangerine

Bowl Victorvers from ORLANDO, F la,.' Jan . 2 Wl—A It trying. Te*aa caugh l flr« In th e second Ihe aoore- T uesdsyT JIght-to-defeat-M lssU .

ao u th ern -so -1 3 -ln . th a 11 th an n a l . three T angerine bowl football game.

. . . A- 76-yard re tu rn of a n Inlerc< the hero j,y Ron M ills touchedhe failure t u t gparic th a t a en l t h e Buffi —x u u acri, r nplpB l» r nmyhafflf Vlrtnr

C C badly, p u t them in businesa on th e th e J lr il piny of th e th ird period,

he H a w k - v y v „ t T « £ « ' conversion alt- i to louch- failed , b u t th e B u ffs .w eren’t t lldn’t u k e denied and c u t loose w ith two

scoring drives to k e tp Sou thern }Uclred.o« \c u In th ree bowl appearance il-a7 -y ard a w y w d m a rc h in nine. 1 and aoon clim axed by M llla' tw oryard pit

.44 -O-with and-Toinaj>u:ofXey’#.eJ<tr4p{)inl f ie n d , th e acore a t 13-13 early In th e ft . 7 & - « .period. •I 6 7—1ft— Shortly a fU r th a t . a..77-yai^ i-ns; Ploeh va'nce, capped by B u b b a -UIUn ,.-tun;..fifi, b rU lian t-JB -yard—Jp r ln t down bbon* (18. Tnlddle, provided th e w inn ing p

t™*. Yellow Prove ‘Most Visible’

• In Color Test' S BO ISE, J a n . 2 .W -Y cllo w

----------TUrmn-proved-ttBelf t h » safealiI— -------for- hu n te rs to w » r In te sU caI I n i l ou t a t F o rt Lew la a n d on th e C

pic pen insu la o f W ashington cording to th a Id ah o fish and

• departm ent.__ D ep a rtm en t d irec to r I to ss 1

n. 3 liT — a rd sa id th e s e r le i o f te s ts thU les Forest showed "even m ore de c is iv e ly 3— Pro ih ro A-cll0K _cl0thtnK w as th e safe It Iow a are «H h u m in g gaT pT 'C T rtnar-n th a n when ^ e re show n in te sts carried 0 Itate by a Pord O rd e arlie r In th e year, r. - . ‘ L eonard aald th » old trad ll gcr_ ljh i'f lii £ ed_garb for h u n te r s « ^ c e t levskl. who down the lB T T O r w fc ty . Y T to iH over the e asie st seen , t h n ni . . ' ^ i i w t i —r-lm proved Wrt find green. ’re r coach T lie te s ts Ind ica ted th a t '- (, o f things ^ llnd persons recognized yeJJt• g n d tliey tim es as well a s any o th e r coli

Bcairie Viewls 27 6 Bowl Winne

I J, . . HOUSTON. Tex., J a n , 2 tfl scrappy, de term ined P ra irie

'r„ h . V,? P i 't «n a 'fu rio u s fou rthlum oies in offensive T uesday to defeath ave he rn so u th e rn 27-8 In th e 20th Pth e Iowa foolbaU gnme,. Quarterbftc): Janicrt RIclcetl

B u t I d o n 't l ' t t a c k ! '^ i p M n g “ i r ' ^ ^ * i boyn were for u i yai-da nnd tw o touchti

ost U ckled j i , nixf, k ,ckcd th ree of hla 4 pdlnls a fte r touchdow n.

. also hlRh ____________________

CagfcResuIts t vnlunblr roM,K<;r.

\ '■and~Rne Vifii«ai m.l•ed an o th er Bi«(^ "»

ftiiia," E va- •«•

Hi.' ^agrrcd

r™"Pat McConni -- -Y ea r ’sTopA

~ * - - - - MhW. v y ilK ,* .la n ^ 2 'ir* - I ’at l a t i n a Tlir' X ie iilH T ^1 9 1 1 1 ,0 • <(ii^i' jji li l j lw y ni)d iiiuDirr

„ j ' iiliif-miMilli-olil *<Hi, ‘l\irailn5 O l Q vntPit th r Jn n ir . ' H Hlllllvnu i

an ili'i ii>il1oi)'.% ntiUlitiidliig nn 111, a W — ^liiipip „( losii f-nipic Roia 'O ie .an .ycar-o td Mi*. MrCoi iid fr thirtw , lin.i r r t l i r i l fm m roi

lJ)f woihl 1,1 |,„i,ttflH htw lU i i„ i,„krwoo<l, C '.O K ^ n * llir 18 ferv,, B 1 cvrr tn win hvo C)|yiiiii|.

ninUiln In cnch »l Ui> *iic. K'd on 111" oivmiiiiid.i. llM bv null . , i | r |„ r | | ,v Ci.lllm iila Mm ; AC f.Mflh- f-,„|i,vnli n « » i,l. Ih-' iii1 llll|*Tl.i(l,v i-oW.flvC fliii.itrirr \illfc.

wlilr imiiikIiI iivri itrnvl llloii Unlri- ,l(iliii»(in nf I n ' Antirlr »»irinirr -nnn ip nuk-'i nf m

Min. Hillliv K n i,,, „ n i , H,« |^^ l of lli(i lir-tliiin »ll I , 1,111.1 \\)l'i 111 ll'- - Il r i h r KiTlilr.il lUlim Itift

I (n mr. ’ i>„|it,, .llfd l|. n Mc.CmillUk In l.«K('«v<l "M

ll ll'.'. ilin illl <i( N^llliilii^ lli<‘ ni niirl r v r iilwi\\f. If

alinill It It M II ''' R in i'n ii ■ nil n llilrtc rnii K*"'

"I iii>iiiinn'<‘d for 11 iw| lo ir , 1 lirMrvc," ►lir imlil. "mi n llll III liKliiy III liriii lliiil I vc

' Ailii.iHv Mr/», M cl'om iJik;1 i l ln .Iuiir. n n iii r , n ,. n , iim imilotiuK I<iini', on lUe nVnrd Inr llip Initl tliiue yi.,u<rii haa lirrii |n ,i r |H• ii.i r lT rd llirlltaK'h Wlin vnlr'^ <>0 nf till* rillll imlK'n iiy i l I'f tl- » ,,„ iu jM iilioiillfn wliii l,iii|„u

I'jii ll v iiirr iiiiiilnl iliirc nlIII iiln Miliut f i " " ‘ f l 'i i 'l K i""l ' "I •''■Uii ou t. Hr In ii|il<il l>v Ih r iiiitliiuiil AAII ini* mill lil.i iiiiljii’ iA M d rd * ’>-:i-l (I'l Nit. I a y)riiirv, "n-l HiImI clu'li'i'k. Mm N• lllllll IJIllll I'll*'' lu ll 'l l llll I H0» |1nllll. nhIV pro t*'!' ilflm snn ni’*l 'I**.* fi't'

llllllllll>l>ll« .lOllllMlll, llllllK llIll 111 til ' <ll’l

.. ....... . III"' lltMi,,,!, rncli l-V flir.i 71p la ra vm ri.

f '

■ I


R EG O N ^INips Ten

Mert Bear Advantagea n . 2 l/P)— B a y o r ’.'i a le r t B e a r s , sp a l i n g o f Hjieeciy D e l S h o f n e r , c a p ita li; >qiPo’< ’n l l-A m c f ic a ' J o h n n y M a jo r s u r n h a c k t h e f a v o r e d V b lu n f w r s I

■■ in t h e S u p a r h o w l f o o t l c la s s ic T u e a d a y .

Trailing 7-S after outplaying nation's second-ranking team b

_ touchdown In the first half, Ba[ 0 .'ent thlrd-atrlng quarterback B t

Humphrey over from the one- _ llnr with 5:43 left In the finalr riod. The deciding tally came a

Majora had fumbled a punt on Wl—West Tennessee IS.

iiond half Tlie Baylor triumph' snai ^IssUsJppl T*naeasec’a winning s tr e a i- al •h ann u d itralght games and gave the B ame. ihelr f lrsi'post aieasottTwwl vtc Intercept- ii thrie a ttem pu. The defeat uched off the Vola seventh In 10 bowl Buffaloes pearance*. - - .

victory. _ A crowd o f 81.000 saw Baylo fnlH MJn» a " h ea a itflr » » if^ h e-en * iw l« M the final Bobby Jones -passed 12 yard;

Jerry Marcontell for a touchd1 attem pt Bhofner, a 6.8 lOOjyard aprinter, sn’t to be npped oft S4 yards to set up

two long payoff pUy.hern win* Majors, bottled- up In theranees. i^ if by a great Baylor line leiline, plays Mi-Amerloa Bill G lass and-Crd plunge, Letbeller and oulahone by Shot M in t tied fMi footwork. flaaUy get goln

the fourth the ihlrd period,i * . .. He took c o m m a s ivjlh toe a

*'l" a general aa lie oarrlwl thBball i -HlUmans of.jQ tn fl»r;ia a, 38:>;*rd mi down the halted b r i* y by a 15-yard^KolIng points, ^tnalty. -----------~ , Majori personally ended the .V ^ f i by-Slaiillng_off_left tackle f^r’ Ilnal yard. Sammy Biirklnw li

- - the extra point to give th e V'

l e ’ i i l o '? " : ............'___Tennessee ...............0 0 7 ■

> c l ‘ " Biiylor scoring — 'T ouchdo _ Marcontell (12. pass from Jo:cllow has Humphrey (8 Inches, plunge).kfestioolor veritoiu-.Berry.— ---------- -- -sU carried Teruieasee scoring — Touchd the Olym- Malerrs ( l , sweep). - Conver igton. sc - Burkiow. and game * ^ > » r * *

GridderWIioiv e iy that

a r ^ S i i t e K i c k c d - E o c _led out a t

Apologizes:'- NEW-ORLBAN8f-Jan.-a-IiW

n t r f ^ U l - lor fullback Larry Hickman ■; in fe lt lU S j d_^ night apologized for kl.

^ 1W fS<»8ee-sn«nl-B««»-BunUia hat'-color- the- head-during the -S ugar

yellow 60 football game, rr color. Burnham, kept under close— «trvgUoo,ln_,ft hospital, waa rep r in good condition T u e^ a y nigl [ s A few miles ’ away, the ai

dinner yna held exclualvely I T l P r coache.s, players’ *ti<T athletic

cisis o f su gar bowl opponents.';2 — A applauded after healrle View and said; ^ ,urtlv quar- ..j ^ ,n t to apologise lo theIcfent Tex-, verslly of Tennessee and to my0th Prairie jd ,oo l for whal happened tod, . • couldn’i be more sorry.

, "I hope Uiat boy (Burnham:

DUclidowM ^ forgive

M. ,..V, Selectioln i t s Seen in 2 Weeks

BLOOMlNCl'l’ON. inil., Jan. —(T)fnclala at Indlnna iinlvi

^ _________ laid twlay they fxpectrrt lo.iia■iuTTTT ■ new ' ncnd—fonttjall—eo***!*—••

KliDol w llh liM he.next two wn ,4 Wynmliiir (inlViTJitiy maaJi

.* f .r tilckens. ,l.\ ,i;iuald«!f<l ■I'*’ ] M»»i« A phoire tor the posl vnciiln

B r in lf Crlmmlna, who rr.-URni*<

miclcGctsA^vard asI A f f l a t e n i ^ t h l c t c

-P a t Kfll- ' Th^ RiillWnii award, immf HTTPBTtnnr Ttminrnf-iHfmwte»-nl-tl«»-AAU uDirr of a aiinunlly 10 llir nimitnir ni irailny wan “who, liv prrfonnanrr, cxnmplf Ivnii nwnri! k'xhI liilluriirr, did llir iiioai I lig nniftlPlir vanrr thr cniino of (inud *ixiiU

nhlp diirliiK tlir yrnl." vlrCoiiiilc.k, Mr», Mr(;oinili;k waiVnlil tin 111 I'oiiiprtl- 1,11,1 ivoiiiiui lo Ki'lii the nwairt ft liKiinffWlIr i/v-vrnr lllAl* llir only „whiimrr Aim (;iiilu in 1D44. lyiiililf K"'il nrw wliiiirr, wife i*t ll. R. t)l'

aiic.-rwlvr „„iiipu> dlvliiK nii.fti fllrnn (;ii1ll)li:k, ivun lllllll llir wo

atfti won sijrlnnUoiiill ami iilattoiiii dlvl ir iiiill.iiiii iiiP lURi Olvaipica In Ilrl.iliikl, liiUr, Ijl' ft /<}|r iP[iralfd In Ixifli rilliloii Mm nl Ihr igsfl Olynipli.i In MrllM

M'C:niinlrk, ninilirr III MiKnnri jinn, TJmninyf llir fiflil „„„ |,r , un,,R„,iiri|r,i .nvlnit

, III lUII). Ill nildllloii III Iiiiii' Ul'“ , V / ' ‘•‘"I '' " If l" !"- ''I''- ^

. I* lloi'i'l I lii'iiil>ioiinhli.A nnd lliirin lUviiV, A m riliaii q a n i i i s tliamiiluiin<* .MiiiiM I ,^|,p ^.,,1, |j„ j„ 111,tlonal AAU r;

IS lliniiiilil ,:j„,tiiil<m iirm hoiini

,, , , , . Io I'n'O" •’'■"11 M vrn of ll inII I Wll n nr. ^Ml I' I,w ill III (IlMiiliilr, Ciillf. Ill

. I vr I iwil- 1, 1 ,I ,.(iiii|irHtln:


‘l i . T n ' . ' : : V O U R r A V O I t l l i ;

iinlliinW lil'i A m « i c o f i o n < f

. Orienfol DishflsAMI *w'ilh ,')rivc(( D o ilyI iiit.1, nc. .. 5 n 111 lo ? n Ml,' ■Im MrCoi.

1;:.: ; ,' M A N H A T T A I

c a f e

ii'* n " 'ii iv ' S h oah on o , Idaho


STATE 35-]:nm>sxee i ____

Texas Chr;i, s p a rk - - •

S l O - V f i r S y r a i

f o o tb a l l DALLAS, Ja n . 2 I.^ -C h u ck c tls passed nnd rn n and H aro ld .!

Is vino- Oil. '■■'■'d added the too t T uesday as 1 earn bv a *» C h rls llan e<lged SymcuMs 2) Of B avlor C otton bowl. J im Brown,ack H i.ddv O range all-A m erican, adg one-foo t lu ster w ith one o f the grea. ftn » r n*. perform oncea ever aeen here, -jime a f ^ r 1'' ^hc e x tra -p o ln t klcklni in t P o llard th a t spelled th e dlftere

b u t th e crowd gaped mostly n t • annn tvd m assive Syracuse Negro, who i

c.. “ '* ^ 0 100 yarda In 10,1. H e slashed Up th e R#ara 'h e field In a one-m an S

iwi v tctorv lhe .llke«_0f.w h ich th e c o tto n I defeat seldom seen, scodng 2t poll

hniri . n Brow n ba ttered and to re h is . ‘ th rough th e TC U line fo r 132 y n'avinr trn “ ^'d w as-p lcked fii th e outstan.

l^ack of the game. I t w as almos S tiS eT r5E n7T T a-tlT e -n7 try im l5~ C i

d n £ f “h a d for two touchdo2 t ^h5 scoring one on a hlflpgr-dlpper

line ted by •___________ ;______a n d -C ly d e -y '

c o ln g _ in . . ■

I th e a ir ‘ Ie b a ll’^ g h t

m arch .ird"Koidihg -------- ; ; ....... ...........................

d th e drive cle fo r tho

m i mouchdowns; xn Jones);


muchdown;Conversion: . r.,

;m an T ues- ^for kickingB um haiii.jnsu g a r bowl .“ ~

: close ob- '

........ . - l o w e r . . p r i (th e an n u al

S f f o m " y o u e v e r <ie h t* 'H le k - :____________

“ ■“ , t o p a y Ilo th e U ni-

q u a l i t y m e

m ham ) will '-o^yo^^-wlll —---------------------------------------forgive m e.”

L Silliiamr a ■

..— ----------------------------- -----wo wreka. m aaJi Phil

,100% ALI

l R EG . 42.51te

nam rd In _W / M' ' V

xnmplr, nnd . .M

iC ' 4.nlii

111 Ila lIJfll hrlijg 1 1D44. -llie 0 . t)lymiilc ( llrn ii Me-

111 dlvliiK a tri,niiki, n i l - 1 0 0 % ALLiKjfli rvcii(/i

■ topccJmniny. )>r- iivliiit cnrnrIIIII- Olvmplc • Rog. 3 2 . 5 07 U. H. na - .id lh ir r l'n u % L o n g i , ih o r l i amimiiluiislilDt. . .AAU riowiia ' ' ' 'l” •iiiijiXiiKhlpj. H O V y

.■line Htnvrr J t l tMI f . Ill IflSS.Iiriltliiiv

U SE O U Ro n d ■ ■

s h f i s

.H I

TAN 'K flU L. I f a 'n f r

n n o I ___________________________

. . J . .. .

" ~ W ]

)-19 IN RO13- 7 in Sti

iristian Gains racuse in Cottluck Cvir- nnd hlS passing »pt up the. foui arold. Pol- T exas C hristian ahed th f "si ay as T ex- ra te " tag w ith a m agnificent CU5C 28-37 topy th a t saw 11 win Us f irs t C 3rown. Ihe bowl game In th e la s t four tri an. added Jo h n Nikkei took a alx-yard •le g reatest from C a rtls for one tcuchdowr re. Shofricr c augh t a n lne-yarderkicking of Chunking Chuck for th e s» difference. C urtis scored th e Uilrd w ith i jtly n t th e yard run and Jim Swink mad who ru n s final w ith a t lu re -y a rd blast

led Up and Brown m ade th ree touchi ■man show a n d kicked th ree e x tra point; o lton bowl Chuck Z im m erm an, clever Syi 2 t p'olnts. •qUBrtertmclc-passrd-SS yardS-t re h is way RIdlon for !he o th e r Orange• 132 yards Sw acuse ............... .. 0 14 0lUtstandlng Ic x a s_ C h r-l5 tia n ____ 7 7_ 7I alm ost as SyractiM scoring — Tbuih'd n l5 -0 tn ^ i» B ro w a.:-ia .ia ., n lu n g t . . j L .m

plunge), R idlon (28, pass.from 3Uchdowiis.‘ m erm an). Conversions: Browi dipper r a n T exas C h ris tian scorln* — T

p iIMRYsm

■' f ' M


p r i c e s - t h o h , ________

e r e x p e c t e d — ~

a y o n t o p ^ ^ 1

m e n ' s w e o r

m )VLbWOOL Ir-:12.50 - 69.50 M

^ TO 53.501


COATS0 to 6 3 . 5 0 • Ri

II a n d ra g u lo r i ^

5 . 5 0 N (

to 5 3 . 5 0


'n f r o m A le x a n d n 'n, i/ou ’r e i


AN'EDNESDAY, J A N U A R Y 2, l o n

OSE BOW I.______ ._____ -

'u^ar Bowl

t fourth astcfowns: Nlkkel d . paW frour Ci’r t!" If "aecond S holner <9. puss from Chirtlai, Cur- [Icent vie- tl.i (6. ru n ). Sw lnk t3. plung*> (••.• r s t Colton versions: Pollard 4- i r tries. ---------------

S , l i 64 Qualify for "ti,T.S Los Angeles Open^ ^ d e . U i e L O S A N Q E L E S , J a n , 2 l^ -.S ix i,- o u c h d o w n s f o u r q u a l i f i e r s f o r t h e » 7 , W o o i n f s a n d A n g e l e s O p e n g o l f t o u r n a m e n t w n * ” s m c u " e l e d b y D i c k K n i g h t , 2 7 .y e B r - o ld p .o,r d s - t o - j l m f r o m O m a h a , N eb r- _______a n g e s c o r e , T l i e f i r i n g M o n d a y ^ Wn.'» « t - t i T i 4 0 13— 2 7 r o u r s c s a n d K n i g h t t u r n e d !n a S . 7 7 7 — 2 8 u n d e r - p n r fl-T a t L a k e w o o d C ou n tryrueh-do«'n«: club-ln-lrfng j.eM h-........L . n i " : n i e 6 4 . w h o q u a l i f i e d w i l l J o iii a p - f r o m 2 l m - p r o x l m a t c l y 8 7 w h o w e r e e n i f i t c ' i i i ^ g r o w n 3 . e lu d i n g m o s t o f g o l f 's b i g nam r* ,• — 7 W J c h > f o r t h e 7 2 - h e l s o p e n s U r t l n g Friday

i s

SPORT COATS• «»‘a . 2 S . 0 0 t « 4 5 . 0 0

I Longi, sho rts a n d

NOW 1 Q . 9 5

I y I" 35.95


IT .srtnn ick "iiifihr

Page 7: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

! ^ n ^ 6 A Y , i A O T A R r 2 , i

i . T r U m ^ j a j f io r .c o u n - .

t ^ t b < ' 4 l ! ? h a t th in s

J 5 S i ra * v - d -S M .C ic a tr ix . M,■ 2 2 - /^ ,^ ? .n .5 2 . O b stru ctio n 69.



' " ' .

_ _ n o t In n o w b u t I ' l l

t h e G U M P S

irs^^we i"*SiWEPMOflE ATTFMTIOUro THK swe£TESi“ L iriia-

^ w iFe iM n iE w on.1.0- —

Do n a l d d u c k

'2 . 1957

____ S a lu tlftB .at.Y atttrday 'a ruxxJa

M, Perform f I. R fhav#n 6 9 . W d o f » g.Y<,urtTP<K

iO .T belc lloW— DOWN .11, Epistle:. ,

• • l .T i b e t i n ------- •hhr,jfaielle 17. T n n irh *

2. HopcXul3. Corcerninr in q „_ .4.T erm in ui 1? ®°'''^ .5. Ethical 11. S h a n W *6 Gain 33. House

■ " ■ Y N o te o ftS ? eovffin if' Vcale 25.nifW »5»

t of voters‘V Iio” li't"'l 26. Brondeiit

%- aj.F .xpecU““ ^ iT l------- 1 5 - 'o flight

I J JO. Spikenard*

™ “ bi-S*"*h ff lr n il— [ z s t r ^ 35. F ilam entI r I I 3« .S o n o « S etb IEf . 43. Languac*

— j 5 j6 ■M'AdhesiveP ______ 4« .N oslr ili

4 0 51. Artificial __ language5 7 .. M . E x iste d

^ 3 5 --------: “ 1 « . Softm atfM _ 1 - 5fl. Chart S 3 ^ S 4 ^ 60. Swab ^ ^ ^ '#1. Su n rod'

5 » M 5 ^ 6 0 - f l l-P u b lle ---------------_____ M ______ notice

65 M.L«av«m ______________M. Football^ 6 9 positioni

— — __ a b b r.. t - 2

SE -M A JO R HOOPLE?M Y V '^ .A W R .T H A /g f U M .' __ L t x ^ s - m r m B ^ u c f f - v i K r ' I t^ M A M E W Y S M Z a o l f A t A '^ •VJITH A-TXXEFUL \ lN W ee ^ Gl2C»N/-^V<9U'(?0 / eVB m t ic n VOOC WAKfA,f/PlERCES >1 C H E E ^ . S E L F J a A MAM / ; r ^ T 6 p A y * ^ .V - 7 * - l . l l ^ E - A


a r ' " B y N E H E R

j n U e ! i« - tb f l J u c p f l a g 9 _ u p 4 P - 3 0 ,Q .„

3 3 B r " T B ^ • ' “" a jT ’oTw oacV MARKEP ®ILiS ■

0 J ■ ^ DUICKi' CALL n




f ’"/ HOLVSMO*®' ) ■■C’U■\ L ROU. // AKip Stipe \ ^I VMD HL»JP«8P ) • •«.KC>&BePC<»C /\ T>IF.Re’* A /

/ ARE vou J / j ^ y '^ s r ^

S r o E G L A N C E S

“Your husband rem em bers th e ca t? Yoa m u st have m ar yourself, Mrs. '^ ^ k in g l ’,’.,,. _

, C A R N IV A L


"W hen you ■were m y iige, J 1Q5, yog mftktng fpola out o f~ .n o t

0 3 C — ORCHIPA RU .S ! MRS. i3UMP^LL TMtl • THeM TO PInOA/ JrrjTTi^, Ni*&nT..JU«T-nAeuw

' f l y W

T I M E S - N E W S , T W

~ B y W I L X M M S ^


TA t4l n

bers when we gave free liver for married a man much older than


Wl '

ge. Mom, how many fellowi were -notcountinf fa th e rT!i: — ' _


D 'p f f l f l m r : .A v i* c c u « f M e c 1 A?

N 7m '^n^icM ui> of‘ aL vf .ojwv'w.r T

' / 'L jg .

HA ■ V T t ^

' L K T i h r

- E ■ I ,, Jf/,.ji h i I

k 6 m C TI A *> HOUR* IW JVIUI ¥> T JAV WIFBI r / TO HSR frew 565i SHOW


■ A R*»H ACnOHS-


' A ’ Wtlms I m m iY I v ^ " 'IM M

•■«0t>,9O0'«SMrTQ\. ■ t^ rr . ..m D O

_ ■TsOffaS QftTrt B ' ■ W )LPHOS--C^™

- Q - ■ ftFTtW-

- H i^ _ c - —a s L , j _ i x

- A ------------■ g p ^ l t^ rfa r 'v ^ - , / ^ 7 I might t i u'ell take a t j ' ■ :l m B»y' new vi’bite eleplii

- i

y »L ' 3 n i r ^ lE W W s>Y

^ BT"!' ~ j- s- ^Isij j; ' T T "

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I I n H U t^N’ FOR JU•* M t hr, I'l B

K f l l 1' S v jo ^ il (Ry M||B|giiK

" l i i i l

S T :PO-T0VOl?e B£4«»D/ "1 WUAT'DH i >J3.VtAPViSe;VETOej-.- I

) AnP OOnTCC*^8*CK HL *•*“ o t l 1 au*c^veci. w n r ^ ,,, ■,

■ 0«AVejk'W..Pfc

m WMT Msaj


^ u i j p i R B

H H H I oos\ s\cu rN>o>xytc*iCA:.s, • -

r r Q \ i n \ i^ u o s ^ ^ p n \> o & , s \ u ^ ? i'W A K X iU tC hV 'L ,------



- > • w s N C w a a a - c - ^ C ^ ^\ JCTHWCWS ^

^ ^ ■ |\O U O O T T H H P A R ~ > ^ = T ^ ’ .■■ y0UMBHTASVV6Ll.G0y

5 ^ 8 1

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/iI76H0ULPN'I BE *V * lAAlBT MDLfDX tH 1>lin / peST V PE00GMI2H > \ VMIAlHtR /.BfcT!5 TO A -H iS FOOf.: \ CLtARQ V U?0K FOR \ PWMTK EVB ( L UP. TPAf KS, I tF M?U FEL’

iT'RP WE WArri/l' FER- W?1 TWENI ~~~

k'W'..PW‘M*rMjEWITrTUI*. I Gl*r?Rj7’vbuT MSB6. # *Ht HAfH'T ^ I-------? t l ' PC5 nen IW50H. W t WILL. « r * l (W? . t« k s ^ c h U o m m o th 1 f l h J hu»8* i

— Ke i L t M D k M v

W ^ K ’nTgo^ '^ O 'BOT ViOU\K5 • PUVV\iT^S^^■Kt5

^ & m i 'E .: rW - u 't’L v y o a - — aot*»tuiW E TC = sv iP P O ’srv

J fjL j i / M I vupp^t)'.

i [ j H |SA "vWyT^r^® S ^ u t I She

ill .iCMl/toW.G O ^ I [i^ t ^ a T O N lR

JJI j 3' t^^SSfrSpTT^Sr

i i «


A f i , THCySAJD, f / NOTE T• v ^ > “ TRVlSAN S I PECOMM

^ FRANCI5CO.^^ > ^ BOS



.... .' - \HFBW T^ELQ CW a.66~^£ ^ ^ g ; ? F ^ S ^ -

--:......> , — f ' - r - - - — \-~ fVOU >ArAN y A UAU.CiE&CRiBUJd MUASEIP I

tUVPRfifTO i5 A KIWIVHEARTEP STRkUWR 1601 50 »*y l^MO'p Hewjp op mjuh pusht; • UMfcNP DID 7 PA10 in NOW POirr le t ms ;: tELfMrMiC>PMMP'iTXJKeUftdMNiMAPAMl

MV ^ ' N P ? y ^ - - ~ T » > | k - - 7 y - ^ .

i\K 5 f\S W V i& '.'R t> JnS bG T ” I\o > i B o m s ' , s t■ a ^ > ^ s ' .i - - -tiOUWS^ O'AWT t o t s « 'T n t------------- J 2

| / - 2

I $hcuU n't hav0 mad» H g S L a m M i9sl with Judv withocft B mF 9 S B ^ curtains ^ « » » » y a a F g p ^ |B Bmn in / J A s r ^ ^

^ 1

- -^.=:-*-v»; ‘ 11

A u m e .. MQgg; .; _ ^ | ^ _ / A j ^ - -------- : ::

FRAMCtGCO T WE.WRItTH'ClTVO' rA V * « V } ISOQTON—A N 'n?> J 5PITUBDLE I S LETTliB WERE. ^ rC THftV < / RETUrtNED,MARKED. om m endudW "Afoyrck-~i£^r ^ BOSTON. J \ NO FORV/ARDJf\IQ )

" J I B ^ ^ ^ r T H M usr,^- ^ ' I h w e ju s t / veftM _ \

^ l | f c ^ .TOU>-,M// BiaHTV --. V

■ ’ T ' '. ■' " ' " . ■ / J i 3

Page 8: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

■ ^ G B EIGHT-

p i M a r k e

9 j MARKETS AT A GLANCE■ I m m TOSK. J4D. 3 (A P )^tock»— ■ ■ L om r; tblpbuUdiog lauM buck

| M ~ r T ^ ^ ^ n a ; rttfect .r> oir« i^V

M l * * ^ ^ ^ ix iw n 24 to 50 eenu: top| B I - 0 »tU t — BtFtra. beireri m n ti r B H - W d y ; - t t y »»«)•- -

h™ n e w YORK. Ju i. 2 UD-^Indutlritl UH » n W PM«1 4 d«e1la* todtr *> t>M >in«) iflM fm ricrt t>|t«i>;.« n t* m r . Tr«>lln( .wkj

Ei^MB P lw u i -jiL-k* w«t« ctf.,from. ir>ctiotii K uB lo 'WouBd two pnlnl<, (‘cif’* cbirM tnol /l»H * iivpn ' lo>M«. ahlobaiUlnr ttoekt n»,

•V)Utid t >0 cnillioi


, iM 'A llW Sira 43% enn*a»t 12«k

Il i ^ A n s * R t • t l m n i u r 20

” 'ii-jV ^ » A ^ o ''8 v e l *YC*ntr«? sl'^J

nSJ. Pm UI^^ - J o',1 @ S i5 t h - Iran K bio OII 41%^^MB«ii(Uz «1S Mllle Om 4 « \

M n «pub BtMl: n

.* 4- n t i hcu-F4«Ul4 *5lj^ l - . a t Q 7 c i i - r r r . « y

i S - J D s l - l

“ i l S T ' ’i if e r « s s s 5 j r s

SB'S!” "* .IS !5S S ? ” S 5 f ^ 31 s

tat^IckJT"*‘4 W i 1«-

^ AMBRICAK nCHANCB ' - JTSW YORK.. J»n. i (UPl-LM»,li«1

M s t o c k A v e r a g e s

I - ' - ' “ " . . ' ‘ • ■ v r ’n ' - .\ Indut. IU1U-- -Utll. tUK

i & i - i i J_____JNViSTHBNT TKUaW

B S IS M w J i~ ;r i r z i iz iz i‘! i lo:-Iff!

«nd*llo»f«ri' ilAt. - ......- 2*.Uld Mow»nl Slock tl.

iloB KlMtronle*............ . IS.

I s A v a i l a b l e ^

f- U p o n T a x F o n^^‘ BOXSB. J» n . a w — o d v in

5: V r l« h t , d irec tor fo r In terna l rev i i a t u In M b)io. M id toda> expei ijirould be RvallRble In hla ottlce e«'

: M onday th ro itfh April B lo h t

k-^-41* -«dd^ ,- lio%DVcr. U ia t^na-O i r e u l d M d c n ie l In fo m n tk m « a»jr o f Iho week b u t m or« tg e r TiTllli h* ‘ v&Unbla each M f>pd .W hich would provldo b e tter te n l ^»nd laM-wfclUng. . .


ZOWBrUiUQttinnUtlnrx-'COininftnil |. Zileut. O en. R. H. Dower lold k ne

.con fe rence today 3,100 com m un rn b e la r to n tra lle d -b y -l7 -U M U r« ,.j ^ n r operA ttns in Ih s deep ju n i

• ,o t M alay*.

I T w i n F a l l s

: L i v e s t o c k P r i c e s

- T h o /ollowlng lIvcnUKk pilceii a >.pt«vlded by Ujo T w in I'^ lla U t ' ■lock Commlaalon com pany b a i

.« n th e aucllon nnlo D ro ..l2 :O ood to cliolcn a icc is .llB to 110

•G ood lo cholco I. he lfcm .......................“ Ootnpjrrclnl cows ....... *11 t o l i a, Oanniiifl nnd cu tter....! 1 t o l f l

Oomnicrcldl lu i l la .......113.75 to |1 4. Hciiyy feeder atcera .IM .60 lo l l 7

rrcdcr h e l f r r » U 2.M «»*H^BU^cr culvea .......... _.,.,» lfl,f' t o l i o■ I le l f r r cnlvt« ....... ....... »14 lo» lfl

I T w i i T K


d g i i § l ” = i

^ S * r t «*•*'’ilu liS 'I '.L ’.'l'.'.'II-irii.uo.li

.;;|!'!!iirTMi*i y>i?pU57"T~"' ’ '

J. ALfAt.rA Ar^o ci.nvKii ■itnn

*‘?UIKfWi5 v . ' n i i ' r ” i5?

■’■ tiortr ............... .......... i«^— IThiM d»»lui «u*wd)

:ets and F--------- - V — . * . . .

Livestocks... i 'll '.[ o ..,.

CE S m ," ':;

uviuwr bulli 12.00; «•!*•« 25; v«i1er* 1 r. light kupDt/: f«w hmd fooel n.OO>20.0Q

-nt1||ly-»i>4 *l«n<l(nt THlUri itnd (Uuihu

low«r:'»»rl7 bulk US No. 1. I •I’H -- rafjrtd Jb. b«m »« and

0»tlT MoBd»)r InU mo.ily cholet »i-Hlb. «oolf4 ,»l»ushWr UmU IP.W; p»ck«i Ulllliy *n<l (ood f t lb- •horn tl«u(h<<

— — ' Ulobi-twallj No. 2.M lli IB.ClIl f«" bei ritl i f «ood 61 lb. iMdlnc );im^ 16.00.1,* '^ ! , ro R irA liD

u n»» wllb cilr«m« lop nn 50 hl|h«r32.00 for totd 1..1IS lb. ehol£» *r«d.tr : K ■ .s r .. '- '* ;;- S i , ' ; . - i :■IMra 19,00-:u.00i tl«nd«r'<t 17.0»-n-i

,f .- kMul »nd tni^k lol mo.lly cbolct f«d h»lf.IS.OO: iMd lood wltb f<« cbolM htlff

it id « l 18.JJ: («w utllitr b«lt«r» IIXO-IJ.O canntr ■nd eutur oow* motOy 7.(t-9.i

3ji J b tt t r euit*n lo 10.001 uUIII/ eowt jnoUa r \ a . s K , B ? 7 ; ; r ; , . ” i!5 i.S !

3<>2 calTM 7 (; m>»*t ralbtr tlow, tlMd' M rtw (ood lo lo« <bo<« *» U n :i.oo-:3.u

yjai culb down to BM.tiffJ' Ik ss JOO; . tn*rli*t ><V>d<nt«l7 acllv

- ttWy-wWi iop-l*.hl«b.f; mlx«l-No.a ..3lU >«£><>• loU alow; Mrd^d No. I. : anilj ( . ; a n J n IW.2.U Ibi. lg.74.lf.aa; «-»i 30 JOll 600 lb*. 19.(9^7.00.

" 4, ^ BW p 600!. Bi«rk.t •e llv .; *Uu(bl

s s! S r

i - i l 1 p«IU Iir.tJ: Olhrrfoorf •nrt ehol«»«l*u* 1 :(; Ur tataht! cull to aood_ta

« i T ' • = DBNVEfti* i ; DENVtB. J«n. t (/P)-(U8DA>-lloi ( < too I b a rran and l l l u opcnMl 26 lo">« i? •0><.6fr-76 lowar; mlx«i US No. 1, 2 *

3 barrowa and (Ilu 200.266 Iba. Uri,Igl? 17.6»-n.S6; |rafnf«d 2I»-321 Iba. U.:

• J j / J » ,)0 ; *™lnf«l 16MT0 Ibt. U.00.1M6ha«p J.eOO; aUufhWr . UmU not fu

mal»UltHdT-»arir-«al«a «l»«d)r to *Uui ■ *1 ■ Ih»UBmi6 hlBbW.-TJOd-andtbolea-wooI

(I off«rlRn It.OO-SO.OO) «bolc« and pcii

' ,•!!( S & r . t i ’. t o r a S Y . ' i i ' S "SAN KJI4MCima>_____ ~

‘' I I. 63'ii cows (Uad yta'alrdnK. InaUncn ai mi

O'.i narkat untaatad.4»U lioc* aalabla 160 1 auppl/ mainly but*#Ji araf openint mod«r*t»ly acll»». hujchu t* 26 iowtr (ban on Monday: miatd (r.7 U i lota US No. 1 to I 160-240 lb. butch30» It.ooi odd haad US Mo. t 100 lb. a<

9 as ; 11.00; (to Iba. 12.00.39 k ,B h f» «alabJ« 400; -m xkat not tiaa i Jlabllabad; 6n* lot (Ood lo ffloally eb{S7 S ' I ts lb. wooM alauibwr lamba 11.60; 1i? 7 wooiad alauibWr ai

. LOB A l^ ^ E S

" ‘ A t 'conuaercIal.-ew »- Ji.oo-ia.2S;. canti

_ ^ ^ _ a aod c u tte n t.00>ll,00, caivM 9s s “a . , “5 ; w “ ?? i.-s .,s s s s

e s “ §5t!S.1’‘. . X V S ' " h ! . K__17. a Nft I and worthy 3 and 9 b*rt<

^ and «iit« '198*i» lb. 19.00.19.S5; lliFraaa aowi le.OO.I Bbaep none; nominal.

I ,OHAHA . _ I ,

jjiiO io<r«ri tn5x*d loU l / s ' i I o n ”T? ........... irMMa J»9.Ma ;b<. >T.Sj-17.<0; «nuflii

R, W. 0*lli**»!iw«!*»lvi«‘” o9t-tnidt-on

A.W., : i s s ; M S

__10.00 lood and thole* It.OMI.OO..... «.M Shaap 4,a00i .laughi.r lamba 26 fo. .--lff.4« b»F*«*r. Riarkal not fullv_ aaUbUit .... «.84 tbolta to prima. woolM lamba lt.00.lJ

r '^ M T CHICAOO, Jan!‘T * (Sv-(U 8D A l-|l .... 16.77 ll.OOOOj huuhara 2J-60 luw.rj ao«a al.

12 76 to 26 lo x r ; mntt No. ) ami t lt0-:(0 r " IM l huw bm 1T.IW.J7.M; ton 17,74; m .-t a ..„ 10.71 Wo.- 3 and 3 240.260 lb. huiehani In . I 12.61 IT.OOl m«<V270.110 lb. butchara 16.00.14

•S Dt aow* I4.26.16.60,‘ ~ 21.68 CatUa 16.000; ealvaa ttO; atatra al<__i : .7i to wa«ki haltan alairiy; covta al^<l,

SI h lih tr: vaalara atmnc: (aw loa<ti pr

„ and »bolca halfara .l#n.o r m ; r . 5 , “ , K ! i ‘u ; r ; v : . . v v ; ' . “ " ■

i»'» >'■II reve - am.ll loU cbolfa a«d P.Im. 20.60.:0 ; experU w lO.OO-U-OOi ala»« ce eac h * ________________

Stalin’siNHme-fe- r Mentioned Agai

a g e n u MOSCOW . Ja n . a W — Aa M opdnj; (Unlnmata r t ^ r lcd vc.ntetxUv Bo'

aervlce com m u n la t C hief N lill«~ K T m i ; chov lo ld Uiein "we-M-e all 8 t»1

IflU” w hen It cornea to flahtino; ; perlAllslA.

.. J a n . 3 l l ' e y #nW K hnoihc /iet' (ifitioun tnan ilca H it »MHKl rH U # aU.Vfinmenl.;; K news Y enr p a rty In th e K rem lin Moni

a ra .-a ie "* •* 'lunalea • uew USugii f ^ v i r t linilcyTlirRl

Uie W eal and a uiov* Ui biili K lirualichev’a p iir iy p6.Mtloii <Im i

-----------1 hiB dcnuncliM lon o t B lalln lft.il Vn ia ry . '

'H ie reporl<«l K lirunhchrv drcln lion thiM »cem nl to. •milicHlf K i'cnilln Irnrtet.i were lemty Ui

______ Btoro tlio dead aUiIln lo wnnn offo im er Klmy "n il to atllfi-a |io

Icen are „ „ (.],„ rxpUulva n ltu iaion In I tu u a U v e- mttelllUyi bu m rcfluli of th e llimR

baeed revolt.

10110,40 CJ.INIO VATIKNTlia ia - in MURTAUCJH. J a n . 'J Mr.i. 1<i l a w •!«>»«• I'

DcmIo Llndfiii, I" ^ pntt<-nt *1 ^ Jia'-TR 't v i n t'Kll--' C linic h(«i)ttai: i I n lW brokn h r r lilp In ft livll a l Iter Ik

0“ B#tir<1<'y evenlHif-.lollOBO ................ .......... — 'to llfl.lO rUJAl> IIM K H -NRW H W ANT A

Falla M a rk e ts

= i i : i .......“ l l i '= ...— ’I.DO.11.60 lir»«t HyilMiiii. Nn 1 ............... ......I

........— - ....... ,61M.0 «.V." ‘/<"’‘'tV .‘“ ........... H it. . Iia.76 16 .......... I I .U . 1 ...... . tA..'l>

. « J r : r a ; i f , v . ' ? : r U ‘‘?P<»la 66 aaiil^ ^i>*' (■» N> I l*<t< I

E - l i :

J '

Finance. . . .............. tk .. tk * . *

GrainC lU C A ^. Jan. 2

ty cowa of, an »»p«nil«d forWin frnnnmic al IO.lO.OP; proinoi.and an »ip«lfd pr«|.lrrlial^^niVw.Oo" ?^rp , lri"lKt MjddU F ^ l It iH-. •k.gl lauibUr Ti«c« »arr.------ --------Broliw*-ih««fhl-m>Kb ot. Iba kiulr«owa-l6 mTt*^-fmn-l>«.<«>.--bo-W.Wn on UI «nH J ahorl aUla M iht m«rV»l and «rra diifoi ind tiiU Ktnr-l hy lb* ntn liirn of v'cnU.. . l a n d . Wbaal .«Ufcl hl«t«T, Wan

v i s i K

:* «^I02 a buhdAl’ iK>uh-l* bifbar,A W rraw bead TAflM r;nATS

CllirAgO. Jan. ; Uti—Wh».t Vn. haril 2.4P«. "I'orn No. I y»»tlnw

r Sil|h«r al H 'i . ' ; . Koyhrin m»1 <6.R lUrl'r nm

iradH'; SnamI : RiaKlm ehalc* l.JO-l.Mi t* «w loada 1.06-l.U. _

J V . Sa helfff. Opan lH»b J.n« Cl".<00-11.00; WhaalJ.6».9.iO; Mar 2.tnS !•<';»>a moaUy Mar 2.17 J.TiU 2.16!» 2.1'>; utliiiy July 2-3914 2-2» 2-21.00-12.60; K»pl 2.JO»4 2.11!, .J.'l

a ^ y ; Da,; 2.J4S 2.14^* J.J4V 2.J4' ■ “ ■ M .r” r n \ J.W’i l.’ l

i -S t i - | : i-sawi 300- J.3.7 J..H , 1.3J, J.3»al.u»hler Mar .7Tn .77% .77th'danlp Ju” I’ n l; ;io S I’n 'v llQ w lttr^n : ^ R j« -

6 t r —1 -ti- . ):n

il!D*ae ■ i!47 '*" i:4» u i ' ’’ ' l it!t--------------------- -----------------------------

P o t a t o e s - O n i o n s" • ' S L ------------------------------------------------o- auon*. _____ tHAHo FAl.lJte»'«-.lad IDAHO PAl.I.B, Jan, a iOP»=P»U« Id ptima (uppar l-*llay. Twin ia lli . Ilurlay dlilrlc

rou to ofteilnia modarau; fair wi i r t

H aU d^trfil aalaa ahlpplng point baala TOb aMpp'

Ts MN)— 20-3lt par'ceiil to ot: larger 2.i0.:.5<r; 30ir j ' ie ic ? r - r c '

■Li much 3-2C >.<6 ! US 2 I.<».1.»0 : 10UCUlX.6a' 1?°'“ >»Ied heavy minimum al

12.0(i' rO».2.UI hatvy tSTnHlum altta 6.11^ rob V uh tr« lt t0-r« par 19-

la rjtar ' 7.1S-:S6 :~J0-^0-T»T—»«iit—Hi­lly buUh-hujehara larger Including US ailna' ! 2.4S-J.■ xl'Kraili baktra varbua a im muttly mlird (

butcbirl 2.*0.r^l«^UH-l 1.31^.40; u V aa_ck. m

not fully I’ricaa lo growara lr«dinr muikri(Jr ebalfa hulk hutidradwelght at growara callaralM O ;^ d ha waahed u s l alta A 2 inch n<<nln<blar 'aw a or 4'ni. acmrdlng U> iiuallly and condll

, ■ 1.60. 1.S01 US 2 60.66 eanta.CHICAOO ^

<n>uu> CHICAGO, Jan. 2 lU i'l-rnU lo««!■ (rnH lil r i , . i , IS* ir.ck 371 tou l U 9. iblnnu682, % t.r . la y >S '

Track aale. llOO-Iba.l Ug lA wai .lllty aud *ni, J |„ h minimum unlaii atalfd: Id

? JJIK'Va 2 '20 '‘ Sircat aalaa: Mabo ruatala 4.00-t.60.

* round redi aoma’wajod 2.71.».W. l,w 3. M ; i l |h t U3 eommartlal 2.60. 60'a l.to-l.lo;

eommaivUla 1.36: 6 tO'a tnaat«r eonul 1.8S-2.00, few 2.20; Wltconaln ru»rU 3 3.60. 6»'a l.JO: round whllM JO'. 1

.. ,, Colorado UcCluraa 6.66.<.76; » lO'a ma

, . Tnek . . I m <S0 lb..) U..| l u n l« .UI

26 fower; kraer ^J66^^wh*lu^ Si^nlab' In^V' 1 5Np^U l.h ih t . I S n .X b J Ine'h Hi.H lal nlinwa m»drum l't6.*i.3j‘, '' lr«r'ilaT ''j

JAl-IIoga "*■ ' ____“" • • ‘••ll ' riiTiiREflmf.il Mlti M lo-lng Chicago futurM flu.ilal

i r '-jr ' " , r 'al*»<ly 10 fvl;?;,” , ;............. |,M ) l i , , I>ada prime u .r rh I Jl l ‘’i I •s.l«

b p No.a.T.b.r •;. I.tin I’.aJA.No aa

s i b u t t e r a n d E g g s

J S S ,1alauiihur jk- .JJ i, ; |,.nah„rn.

l«.f CT..J7I «w1m gra,la A 42 II VUJI; C

Y lliillrr: 111.009 pi>unili>i market aI s _ r ; . r . . . . . , , , , . , - S r ; : ; r 5 7 n 7 ^ ;

L g a i n- A .i.n "I',uy Bovlet -------------------------------

II 8U1111- M .w V u " ; ;h i l Itlng: Ini- tUy lei.o; Juty nn.mi: «r<. lAMi

151 lit ; M ...h u n .in v xi.r 1.1..0I1. ■imixnc^ , . ,ia;8 New hl*h^. Mauh l'JO l).x .iiu . IVl.Oll.

»s a alpp --------------

r S ; P r e s i d e n t o f C u b a

I s S e e k i n g P e a id rd n ra - HAVANA. Jn n . 3 (in - Preali

nilP (lie V>il);('|u'lii lliUlBln Imn rnlird (ni ly Ui le - n id III 111,, "lufiKidnK <iiii«rrcU nn t^f (lln v liilriup- mnoim m riim n poll! ■n polit y rlniirn(.n lliu l iiliiKUcii cu lm In I IlUMln'a ilasini! m ixillia or IHMl.HitnRiir* At li'ii.'\t 0(1. perBiHW ,tlfd In

rn ip tlo ii „f iiollllriil lomi>ft« dir l)ri'rml>ri nliMir. U7 oC th n n l>etH anl-iliDjiB niu) Nfiv Yrnifi

lr.i, K iilr Hallalii m nilr 111* ani>f «l for n - o f Mi,v lol» no t |>iillrl.i'‘ nnluilini In n

it a l Ih r vrnr.1 inrMUHr to llir nntlon, Ifti: n n r miUI; “We prorIM m on<-n inoio i le r lioiiir Hir- lirni nini» for i | , r rxrrclai

ilKlit niul Iirrirn a m Imllula.’'

I L ^ U e f u g c I s S o u g h t

H y S o v i e t S o l d iI ;r:iN/iKWJ'I'AJ>7', Ali.'.|jJ«, J«I).

• A Hm tr l ^nl(ll('r Jrtlhnl threrr M 11 >a.| M Knvl.>i, i.iiiiy iiin i lixlnv 111 ril«l> I , , I" l lir \\c,il.i r , . ' ] 1 W''* l l '" I '« ‘rtl>

l<imy-ftvM lrr lo nr.k nnd m iikyliim in A iuU iu itUmii. " I t ii

......... f|cH«| i,( inil,tXHl lluiiiiiirlnii leliiiII ig »lin Inuc |)< ii>c<l lu ioM tite

n n ln ln i,|iu:n Ot'I. lid. TIiiffT o ilier lin»4lnii» aocldoiil.1, j» ....,a 'ti'"> -il .u io a i Ilir ( lo .illcr rn .• <Wa\r i» Oiir uiiii aliol (.Iriul. iMi'itllPl' \voi"*• ' nl ftiKl Itin Ihliil Ilr,I hnrk lo J]

MAN 4>h VKAIl'NIlW YOlliC, J«»i. 1 iJl — 'I

IMMKIUUM- \M l niKhi niiiiint.................. . r r rn lo i l i Klti!i(e> nlIU^n Mnii i>( lllfl Vrnr.


■ T IM E S -N E W S , TV

■ MAG- K A Y T K1(910 Kilocyclea) (1230 f

lt;10 Man About Uuala axBC THUB8DAT ^

>j„ , k Wcii^iT— I j iii'

ri'ial \ ' i v 'j* n? y “ '\"’::l':i3 | ; 5 I S S 'k ? . i i S :I hiuing .alo6 T ^ '’0 '- iw i l 'r m ..........1^2 y ii‘a d r.fi^ -»i»»-Kayt'a-P«i»-4ifc«*- -luau-I!,.,

: s - ;* i i l i i f W ™ ' - - T»;. a . . .

Jin'ii»ry ' j'"'ai;45 UanhalUn Mil’ody

>t V" u ' : - T . l k i Z Z

p,>iir-ott - rn n n « « w r -n r » n h i r - - if-tno-H-" rl.y nnm- j ;os Friendly Tolka 1 "" Hu'Kii M 1:30 Kallnea ^ ritU a .

3i09 n 5 -I * W«t‘heJ .' is r . l1:06 Kayt'a Houaaparty < l'> Vr>

CWa I;?” nnul.ard**' 6 Inn IW4:10 Toll-a-Tuna S S'' O r

; : . n > ,»:00 Nawa Weaibar‘ 2- :i’» 6:05 spon*i i:iiS ! ; ; ; £ » . s a a ; :

: i l : ’ C i t i z e n s o f D e c l o

R e l a t e A c t i v i t i t1 D ECIiO, Ja n . Z ^ M r. nnd, MJ. W cllon A lien h a v e been visiting.

:■ ~ M ^ :"« n d -M M rG o rd ^ P lJh e r- a!“ I 'u n tlBUffhtcre. Pend !e ton^O F e„.and I

I IJ . .- ftnd M ra. E lall F taher. Kftnnlngt^

-----------1 vlB lU nB M rs^E olaPisher.M r. a n d M rs. W allace Bnllcy h ;

D n S re tu rn e d to O thello . Wn.^li., ol_______ v laltlng th e ir , daugh lcr. M rs. E

H u rj t. and fam ily . .—PAUoiai— M r«--l . ^ i r a. H o a g U vbilling 1 d u iH c : iu i ig h le r i l l 'S n l i iS lce ' Cily. fair wir* Mr . an^d M rs. H ugh F uller f

Ti“ A been vlsItlnB M r and M rs. Wo; iW 3iJly; - •.-• •V i^ r^ io ' D ick D airihg tb ri i n d j<w n PI :.5<r; 30-40 lips. BaU Lakp C ity, have re tu n «®moViiJ hom e a ft£ r vlslUn* th e ir pure '.JO; 10 lb. here .

S tu d en ts , w ho have retu rned '■n‘ MliOOlO h ri« r T ts lttn c h c rc n re l

B a n n cc -an iL G ary Blakc._Urilvci-; " i .1®, of Idaho . Mo.W)w; G ary Voyce, C

Mr; lego of Id ah o . Caldw ell: D.-iln Bi■ acka m».h BoUe JUnlOt COllCRC; PaUrHilCV

2.JO-3-00; (.Qi]-•moileraia; R exburg: Bobby S tcvc /u nnd N cellar, lo m an H u rs t. U ta h St^rte' AktIcuIC

i!r«II.mion collfge. Logan, and M rs. - CI Jacobs, B righam Y oung unlveri

alnai! Ar-

“ R e s i d e n t s o f P a u l

H a S T r a v e l , E n t e r t a0-«.S0.60-a PAUL, Ja n . 2 ~ M r. a n d Mi-s. J; pau lson a n d fam ily have boon vlinirin 'O R dfin-:----------------- —

M.60; US M r. and M rs. H enry Rcsleff h ' re tu rn e d from Sea ttle .” ? i 1 « • Mr- ^frS’ J- K. Ciillcy h lo'a m ^ier r c tu n icd ; r oin Ely. Nev.. w here i

I 'demand H n n t, ftUd'"f«mily:' ' ■KeUh B reeder, O gden, ha.t I:

vl4lUnc .lllfl pRrents- th e . Rev. rerrrj men B reeder..•h 3 Ineh M rs. Alma s t« w a r t h a s tc tu r k*’ 7s {"o*o from D illon. M ont.. w here she v: tliiiK:?).' R o u d U t c u l . - ,

Inch and M r. nnd M rs, Ben Morten.spn fam ily have been vlalllnft In Uin

^"iwM^rn Mr«.- P a u lin e - SclinollihRcr, I ruiar l.oo. CBllf.. Is vW llnc he r b ro thers, I

n ie d lln g c r a n d Jo h n n ic o iln g rr

Quoiaiiona T hn "b ald ’’ rng le rea lly lsiVt.,i;i I eVmprny" fow wllitO fertthcrs 01\ top Of

head J ia t m uko him look •■hnld.

i i lC la s s i f i e iSp e c i a l n o t i c e s

g g g iri.„....Tn3ni

• i; i P E K so N A i s .i ;A ‘42-ti; Ilr.n«r., ((..TTT:

: '’ir‘;.";i;; R u m P r S a I r i n c" ‘ '" '* I '‘1 ' 3 fiA r.K 8 'A N n fiKRVJCEI AU m nkrs repo lrrd proinpll;

• B-»<UcUatI>- « u id . ,c r.nnuniU:aU; ."rih i J i ^ i I P H O N K 7 3 8 -W .■11.0*1.' I w C T B r tT M r A r g tn i 'M K r

11,011. J u U ___ J .I»6,CN. / T \ / / r i A n . n J / T u

u b a

’ e a c e '

S a l e C a l e n d c")<)*ltJ<'nl " ’A T fH TIIIH .SI'ACK DAII.:

Im In liir l''" r lii il» 'rtn iit nrw^ niiil diitri MiiRlo V nllry'a n u m Aurtl

'(1 In IliP indlviainil nO» <>a Hn-y•t« diiniiK l’''“ >. >!"■ lor.illim mill Iinliiiy „ l,etw .Ti, lK.-i"» lo '>0

o r« -iM i- .IniHilM v 7In a II' W .1. r . t;..r iilli«« llrutloil, H r Advfl-llM nifiil .Inn. 4-Anutn '.l lll KUofl and K lani, Am ll<nirrr

“ ' .lANlIAUV H.Hum (.'. ( alUi) l.nl.iln

[ r h t ' K r : . " r . ; r , i r r , : . : .

ddier .Innn»i y !)Iti,.»ril ll<,lnlr.i,l

Julie s «Jl .1.,,, T-N

............... ........................

m l n T ' i Z j "

tlie l i o i i ------------------------------------------------

ciaoulliUy A l'i rN T IU N rA IIM l.llB rr r n . l in , ^ vhn i x m ulmi r faim •r w ound- i„ ,., i'|„|,.«.Nnw.'( i.,.nii ti ‘ " ' J ' ” ' " m,h yi.iir nn, n n m rr

r-i|iliiiii. Iiinv ynii r.in i.luni

. ..........

, T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O


.230 KUocjelea) (USO Klloeyclei)


\ Y: Mm|a Popular

fl ijSr/n f - ’ • fi.y I''!.:.'- Mu»fe 'opular» Jnc'i J«>.» > 1 Muilc rui, Cos0 Naw. . ^1 VVc.lher TllUttSDATu yi«bu_______________ _______________

--------------1 | S 6 S p i s

;;; wU'y/iw M arn.. mu!.?15 Whi.rj^.nr,0 N . . . »iOO Mu.i^ rnpulat;s r ,v ia n m ,. Jimia. . -ropuj., ,

_ _ loijQ -Ub Ed n’I! . V■r! n.-OO ropo)tr•, J,..-. J,ik- Il'.i 11:19 lUi td N .-iI?! v>.nv'ii<ml^gw.y li:;;" Muil- p,,r,il«iln iw r ‘.„.| R.» Hu.ic P|a‘nV

T r /i i ‘!''m^r-juea S i"o m h eI Ne.;"'IVW jiltirr 1U5 Hu.le rci> toft: l . ^ ^ ;v r v i ,n ;00 in Lr««m hy 2:35 Muile Pnp Cnn

b P E R S O N A L SI '^ ti.l/ NOI rtapoTT itthr for delTtt «.

S C H O O L S & T R A lN iN G

a n a Mr. )xa.t, WaU Lala-Xily. Uuh.

ytill.Nd .MAN want* .paiatngera Iti s

'ey u.uvTm;'’ aI i^^o.- S V y)., a l te r raVa man pauenger. inquire S2» rs . Enrl av>,nu»- norlh. aparimfnt 2._________


lier and B E A U T Y " s H O P t ^ T ^

- - . » a . ^ 4i.M un. AfllJik llaauiy .Sal m P h il- COMl-LKTB byauly aarrKa by a<IvaD

«n> E«rl “ a , r . S 1 l ' - i ' X " " | . & . T S n lnlvcislly L oa-f UUck >il«r will. «hila faceyce. Col- .-nr .Pin- I'hone-.Twln-ValltrDIKW.lln Berg, LllSl ; lllack Anitu* bull calf. ~»inhL -ftl<rvons

nd .N or- * '<!aUv°?Jd*“far“ M!n‘ p?r*vT^^Tlculture fntermoBotalB Fo.J Compaof. PJ>1, . C lara -1^°- -t_________________________ _niversity. S I T U A T IO N S W A N T E D

a « ir t a i n w ijuA N ^wanu al7^tu[« bnuuclaan

.il-3. Jack llAY''H*AUl.lNli“i>i.l atl«k'lng.““Aiio i ;cn VlsR- tom <omojnin». . Phona .i)27i>.R2. ■

Nabh. S36 «lh AvfnOB North- Phona S IPy h ''" ' ' UlvKSSMAKINi;. lallorlng. Mr.. Uc< lerC they ri.on. klr^ Kimoloa. 2J» Tylir. Ph

Etev. and ■ ' --------. I PURNACEP ^

re tu rn e d a „ „ |„ n flt.ndard-<:..-011.C«al. CorEhe v isit- jjltla In.lillMlon.,^ She.l .mclal wnr

H H -P W A N T E D — fE M A LCr«i Enlll WOMAN cook- wanieO. Apply In per

^ i : : : ; M g : ^ r y i u r . . . Appi,m

I— ^ ----------------------•hnlii •• -■iTt:WAnTir.SS—Ovrr«fai rniit'a. WrI. n. f..r carrrr .................. . I'NN AMK

------------- lOAN tV(lllI,l> AlllWAV.' , Hr.ttI

— — [---------- H E L P - W A N T E O W iA A lJ! i ______ CU llN rK .irsA l,K .1M A N .'‘ KIrm..llnb Whi.lf.alc.. M.mia llailli. H.ippti. H

• ; F K A i r iT F i '^ in n r r iT '- r i r T tT ^^ ri‘ Kl'r'k an,|' Hnn'Tlf'.'*>Xt.^ PI

m m m k iR . KXPEniLNCED f N G : • T V T R C im i C T A N ' • C'E ............... ................................>"'P'*T- • »1K. IIKNMISiilrnlly ______________ _______ _ . ____ _ ,V BKAIU1, ItOKIUICK * COI'MKNT I___________

' ' ^ H £ L p - ^ f ^ t E D

~ ^ n _ FEM A LEH J ) 1 ...luKM'.l.l'rii ,U li i:A,-.lill.-n

j \ \ J '. .....

- - l^ - ^ S I H E S S O P P O R T U N IT I

d a rJAII.VI M.‘, m u . ' . , ' ' ' I ' t , . , .... * ....... . ‘(Ultra' a t IIA A ' " :-mV|i i, :-i \iiu :-,',.ip i.i,Aiu-tlou-. .......1"1

- K O ll l .K A S K

4-ft 4iKi>in r„„i ......J,.„I.I I..... Ill,I. riiiirrr* ‘ " i L i" '< l>i<in... f,„,

f O r n i s VTe d R O b M S "r rn r .i : m s i . , , „ r i - u . ' i r ; r : 7 :

hmrftt ,u'i, ,„n„,.u!i„,i (y,7,(

, „ n 'F U R N T S H E D A P M T M C N II u^^[l.lll Mii I ........ ;,

i'ni Unln ■ .!i„'!.'

...........‘>' o iiirr ' ...... ........i" 'li.|t in M iilillif."'........... ...............

iM i 'i. 'r 'l .- ..,. ,

!rRADip SChI i• KLLX 5Clei) 1310 Kilocycles) (1270

tT ■ '■* ‘V rnN K snA Y ""’'* ' ^ “ ‘ WEi

Jl‘r 4(1^ !M,mlni:».r. ne-ariT .‘ 1^ M?,;h Cm.

fo« siipii Junc7. ShlJn”* * X*:»* I .6^a.-.|JL^lltji. CJcs^cBta j . io v l

.— . Jludy i'ein.Sllow I 'li l i*o

: v * - V°° ------------’try aim,. I0 ;« Da:'" r r i’ttltl Tall (/> Prater THc-» . .• 5 ;ia »all,'a HoHlf.Wil fctB. 'f J 'J '- , . . 7;nn : l i„ u ,i l!ii,;,ub . «;09Tni' • 1;U'Waaltwr, -Nam I^O'J WeHi*' 7;.'<| "M.fiin Acron.Vr 5:1’ lln*• 7;l.-. no,, Alien, n—a T:J0 ,W:l:: - , „ > S

SrJ.t Klix.KI.--k Klijb von xUul.t mlno ■•Mr'Tr" .st<.“rr lll 'l'uS ,.

alae .' , . U :t l a D o ' ■!'‘1? ii-' N«............ U .! l Kiu lL .it ..

Otr j'j™;) rii„nrrMI Tlmt J>'

J:l4 i 'Val'i IUmcV"* 3:3'' Kl.

r ' i i S S S - - i l l

c»i ^:.:i <‘'kr...>ntji: Weather ft:UO af>'C nn ■ >l:t» mil Tfrrr Sh.,w 6:16 Nt

_______ FURNISHED APARTM ENT!drl>lt con. A'i'l-HA«;ilVK, .lago.aUJ-J-roon

IIN G I ' ' - ' - ^r if ,- p<“ i- —Krea plaea^ Al’AltTMf;NT_ for “ rent, u f j Klmbai

Ilf. P.'”o : HUST C’lo.« iB-“ u«lwnnD(e. Wf

5R T ^ TWO ANU TlllltK roonij. Ulllillea U —- -•—I - —Miahad,----R«aMnabla—laua.— vargre

a S2» ttli or l.<-fnn.'lO A. M. wwk.lay.,

is m‘eiu.' WeHe./ll?'A"a''f(m‘nt?*'’AA1Ja; ‘Z_______ Jan. 1.1. Nn chlHlten. I'lipra 132:i. '“.■l..»»riiru jkOTUkCfiVE. m«latn.':;i**«-ta.,,lt«i<■ — able. Urnuiid floor. 136 Ath. Pho5 , Isri3-W bcforr 0:U a.m., aftrr B :30 p.

}>y b a r t ^ m m i ^ ^.." 's.;:!,' , r s " '-

u n f u r n i s h e d A P T S .

I wllh naw Twin Kalin.__________________

• 0lglij4. • AI.l. MODKHN. «lwm-:<-bedtoom-uluplw,UhL'4i5 Heferrnffi. fhonf 01t0.HI.________MIer DAvli l-IIKl)ltUUM apartment. 2 blncka (r _________ • llarrl'on Kch.-ol. Vhoneatad aloker I'AKTLY fiirnlihmi larga i room baarm. er V>n. at aparlmcnl. Hawly decorated. IdquIf. P ijoa tn Tarinr.____________ , ONt>Uf;tH100M upalaira apartmanl. I'<T E PI ' i - w j j . . . . „ . , „ i .,tood,,— ^ heal, alaclrlc .love, luiubla for work! .model, or

R J R N IS H E ^ HOUSESjaaelaaning. }j]ct. jiuoOU mo.lern. Daby accapl^l. : —.- r lllue I.alira Norlh.

MOULitN 2-bidV.^T. furnUb>i or unt

_____ U N PURT^SHg& HOHSESp'hona m r TWO HKt>llO(^l-lI_a«menL^


--------- -7 , uii*'U!V. m ™ ', '. , ; . . f t . , i n L.n

n n * ''- -* ' mmlWh'RStii<?i^V>«cii.-1.. l'rin.r...r, f.,rn,.;rly M.l lll.ie l.akr..

EMALE ■V'^’a‘ i!iV nrr:,i'r^ ..:‘'.,n” ,

S T T O l u M h„„„. l .l 'l„ . ............. I

liAALE__ ii ';>;tpctr.ml,-a Ji",,,!!', wi.hliljl.m i:...irli w.

I't). rhupa ,t . '. ,___________________________

' u r —„— . MISCELLANEOUS FOR REt" 'i'Alli:h.H";',“ l..l.. f..r all ..., ..l.m ."

-------------- - l>r,..n.inlai.- 1 .. 1- l’h..n. i;n. .NKW i;ilAlN K.-,,!,/. J-..iillir,

------------1 hiifriviK v rm ^ 'i'- E -- ^^i,",l.ll»"«'ai«ii»! .i"’ "liO*".innihly." I'li

' f ' - . ' -- 7h;-J-Jf.tT...,>. ----- —

....... TIUK’KS FOR UKN’l’t C O ----------- M 7 \ ( ‘ K S - V M - ) H I V - 1 '_________ ; PHViiir-i I.AT in-.i) - n i i iN n u u i

------------ 11ATK.1 MV in in i.'iiA Y oil u ’l-.i.

K A S T r, I ’O lN 'l 'S S K H V I C !

“y - " ; ; ; ; “W A N T ^ ^ T O Y R E N T r C E A :

1'., ..,',’i'v...'r _w .iir! M,.. k.I'l, f/.. h<../.'.N-«r

.............. .. I WAUi':u<nr!ih-;U’A<;i-:

»l"'i!.’i'.“ ,.1m: " I'*’ '•*

— ' “ ~ W a NTED ” TO BORROW1 FAIUU.K'*ollli l /.i 'a u r.; M .[ ,.1. . w.

M M £ irT O T :o O T r“....H O M E S FO R S A L 't

--------------1 nii^iTi..',nM “ iniMf- tu-.r.....) M s

" vi'iir'ii'i.V ii.i....... . ........... V

.........II A .V ...I. I.H .11, I

M e D T s ” : ' l . v : , ' I t !'.!:........ I '.?”

........ ' ....... I , iu in iN n o N - i 'i : i . i) lM A N

' ' If I 741 VI.In .\v”». WMI “ Tri. I

Wll, jl---------------1— —------- .' «.

■ ' i



(1270 Kilocycle*) (UM KUocycloi)


j-:;; ,^^V^nny ";Jo'<-a‘n.i‘l.ll,h t '•^10 7:00 Norlhaida Jamho

V a*;^ll'T lS f •I T N ^w .nl'tlor* '"* ''►;»S-NBO nU . .. lfl:OS,UOI|- Club .yrOB-thrTrrr-Tnn*-----------------------THWISOAT ._I ;« Dancr Ttm» ilioij Crack O’ CJawm

THDBSDAY 7:15 Hport Li«hlKtB. ' ........ .............snj-KoftTT-Kup-WS:09 Top of Unrnin* J; ^ONc.^S

Wealern lUuniiuo fi Ihinnai :n ®f^,| ■

Knun'd'up* *” KirrhfJ"Klub'“?:« ' xAlei Driar Klub N.ta.»;i.l rtl N«.«1:'IU Standard School , IM J Parly l.ina

Karm 'Joufn il J:05 KARTwfttelarriiTYnniniTnrnni*—' "~yrTmiKTYa~mre«r-

iiir s-6:20 .TMorgan B.alty « :li N.wi

.SIi“ mJ.e*n New. 7]00 NoPlh.iJa Ilamb.«:J0 Cni.niry ll;01 Treamra Cheil

a s - i T : ; !;S i i j r c .

lEN TS HOMES FOR SALE-J-coonia. UI(A~m> naw n..HS,tn «-)>HrwMir~tK

________ I’-aU Wall Rlaylnek at Coronet Cant j 2 2nd CVot-’r. ar hnnif.

a arenua. j.u tB uQ Q jj „ q „ j .

I Z H A S E E m E A L T X -________ M.1 Sh0 .W . Nor.b (E.k. Hid,.)H t. W...C I’hon. liz i D .y 'ot Evmin. ■

I E A N C H T Y P E. llMton. 1 ______ •_____h. Phone I" ................... .......... '«:30 p.m. S-BEDIIOOU fully iri.ulatrf ,hom» ,

> ehlMren 1 panil^aw lj j l i l tn 7 n inclurtli.g hill

' .- j.liTing r«m. Inaluda. } abam of wati

apartmani. LLOYD R O B n S o i f ^ O E N C ’ ,U , . t 7iii 22’ Shoabana North Phona i

" ‘'Yoa N an. It-W a Can Iniur. It” Nprtb '_______________________________

L------------ Water I. onl, uiillty owner Day.. All1 baaemani l>e>lroom’ aparlmenu. l<ocatmn la eic . iDQuita lenL Llltia mrnover in. teiianu. » y

want a rotxj tjiurrd income—Sf« tb.manl.' 1*7"- IJ'.OOtl. Good tarma,.n" Agency, DANDY 2-b*dreom home. Clo»a in, I

*«nt. pH home la in lop con

r H^'bu"4 r;n^yi'iSir<,.“ ?i'c'j:i‘5.''a%‘:t'V»,'5________ _ ll.OOfl dowti will handle.SES J. K. whlta Aseney

■ 3. & WbiulllfKAL^OIlS-Tc?s! l ^ rI or unfur- __ MULTIPLE LISTEUS------------ - .8AHB-£BC*T10N o v e r 46 YEA

N E W Y E A R ’S S P E C IA. 142 2ad Ju .t k perfect older horn. « llh 1 b

a. 264 filar Immaeullin U tlia only way lo deacr

T m'~h"T ~ b»Wrt«)m In h«*n,i»nl. JteaulJ M„,nW 6 ■.''■'•caplng. Price li only |i:,JOO. 1

lr.»^n. n»..l' .................... 1 'i.'liArfw,; t w i n f a l l s REALT'5n .n.i h«i. -& -In 8 iira n c o .

i n Main A,rnii* K-.l ^ TWIN tOAUQ

«K «.,> :.ta i-^m H .T ,rL .L i.T iN

'" '" MIIANn^NKW: ^1,..l,,..7n~^,•,VAv-

R RENTail.ma. In- lerrni. ' "

* MKIlllOOMfl SAIIK Kl.rtlJII; J n.

4.;_i J . i i , : o tM i. . . ,v , , i . . . i i iA i . , .n , |T..M<. «ffW.t VKIlY,'-VF,nA’-N ]rirr‘*-T„',|m„„,-w

[ ■ w - i - v : - i i . S v - . n i , ; , . . : : : ' . ' : : ! ,

K «.M.K ' M A r.IC V A T .L F .Y R nA I/l

L E A S E ------------------------ - ............—' itmttthiTm tjn -


R O W ' . J - M r .p b .p ......a , . . , ,-„„k A.

ID A llI) ItK A I.T Y

■i... 2 ~ -A C R F ,S ..- 2

I- . ■nil': nv :iinu ri 'Y AdioNtiYMAN ^WlVi’,

_______ »U..,Ur M ..llli,|,,|J.||,„

r : .

W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y C,

-- I 1L - - I HOMES fO R -S X L T ’ _ _

< .B E D R 00M BR IC K h o m ei Eitra large IMdC room, fully ca^.,.^.

fn‘ '. \ ; ^ 7;M mtUr.Jun>*£t w ilh .rt^un , '

fCles) A bargain al 116.000. Small •< .• - .

HAROLD'S AGENCY10. Main A... ^ P h - a to n

irada ----------------------------------------------It ’ . . ■ ' .

L E T 'S T R A D E H O M f '

, la-lha ^om. jou ar. li.Inl In !n «., . .

, >'84 bava in your preaenl bom» .. ...• mchl nr-pltrpaymrni ot. thr h^r.„ ,,

[“P 'iii i. '' T'’"r-Cholc». It will pay you In

___ OII-1.1 u. h.lp you find a 1.l” Tllua “ taaodtiDgnee.JTurn^-JMma. W

" K E Y R E A L T Y1. i;i8ho.hnn. 81. w. ................Mia Hamhar of Uultlpla I ,i» i.,

eel. __a

tracli. Apartment hflute. On. ' ir . , berlroom bomaa. Macaw. pS-f. n ,...

Al'Ain'kLNl'.^ Large1 hl.n-ay 30. L.oull«a worth pnc«. jlj-i

I t A V F ,S n l t moUl M -.., 1,:_______ _ Will conaldcr trade.^ Lt.»V>V I‘hon; iT 7il_n i.,. 1. . ^

------------ g "« .!"«b lekJr'i«M .‘‘ l5yj50;

1 j i r t VAND'ENBARK . l l j ah'o.^ona^t5L^8o. » '» ' ’

D ^ . ,b . , . r j - l

dinette, modem kiuhen with l‘T«k(„t I apace, 2 nic. alie bedroom* with wni.

Mb. cloeeU. modern balb. full j ha.einent. 2 finlahed bedroom*. uii:„,

----- }^?!’-'J^»e».*r®rr?tm7idinr-rtiiUt!r - ’!0m» on I 'hnp. garaga or atoraga on. back "I K aiu llaa I ^ri;e 112.500. Soma Urmi. Own,

2"iT "r I • C- E . A D A M S ' j 311 F illm o re

|| - - - - P h Q ^^ 3 0 4 -

2 - . H A PPY NEW YEAR........... — w ^M «»_iD d,B rftyi.rIty ..bt-.ya«B \

■ro‘"'T«{Va"*iltu^“ \S«''a*nd'V.\^ "eipenae. »cre. plu.*nng"a vishu.. All 1- ,5.000 buihel elavawr on pri,.i,l^i lf“ o'i lr« w r,'* s '“ mbln'li."*» ahoS‘*ae:n'‘ : ‘n

} i i s m ™ ."A . G. H O L L A N D

_ rhon.‘:‘li,” i "* Looney ! l. ^

YEAM_ r---------> ■ AVI ^

— IC IA L _h 1 bed-' 'hedi anii other outbuilding!. Deej-.ill

lUB Kaau I .l;^*t In dairy aetupa. priced rlibt,II 62.000 I tnl< one. ita-* b«aiiir aod <leta ta

■ deacrlba ft!’1 >20-aer« row erop fins..mf wllh , H‘«h proJuclion, near Cooding. AlMut

i - Jteaulifiil I CflUWf^ good- rfefty -500 and i farm, baa 10 alanchion harn with gnnl

' .m:SoV‘ Sfi,'oTo'‘"/o;n^ba]a“i :i C .L T Y ; . . • ' -



hlfrmrn'l ! ACHKAIIK W NHW ^«OUi:. i pa|.

K^/lI.'ili I '’""I'-, *' : r.K.m, I'ak.r llnif.l |<lai'ier Ihr..n«ho,ii,

, r = r u ; ;..riiArc ' 1.I..1I. Ilnriii.lrl. well .ai.d prrMUtt I.n. l)„l, , .,.le .„ and allarhrd rar i«rl. ''Ih l. b

-------- -(ill I-KS!'.. tkal'*• '*7*" j ■M M l/rallpy'filVm."'«ai fnti' wlw

flul.t, g.m.f mnrf.ni hnme. ci'W I.arn aa< i-dr.-,.,,— |l^lll^ r,.trail- ^iiw rii>|.. .1., air.ptl^- r all, w.ll. A g.K»l l..i, al |J«.OUO .lit|.>.r fi.r tlil.riui) .Inwn. I.alanc* on c<.nlra<l tt.

CO. i p w w i a s t s r t i j J S ^ ,

...... _ j l^l'»'.lr.ii.i.t.l lo IH.Joa wllh rill,Ml

Ti^r sm rriT sin r i;" Artir.f*. in m.^1 C ’’ i'*™*! ,w ';f.f/h 'v,,ir^"^ivi'.'!'‘n.'

.„ VI,.,, ■! K . x I a v r u v s . -

' H E A L I'lS’l'ATH

''J".,",'.' . - SEItV IC l';, INC........Ml..,: ...... nilil 'n * *" I mk6^ii»;h M ui-lii'i.K i.ihriN.1

I . , * ' ’.'.': 1 f a r m s " F 0 i i ~ i f E N t ~ ~ 7

'V .............................

- - ' ' ' ' p A R ^ r i F W ^ i A t t ^ ■

j S ’p : r t J n j s B r - ' ^ .......................

I I.OUIC AI- ■nilH 120 ACHES

, 7. i ' ' ’" ' ' n i ' a i . i ^ h u k a 'i / i 'V

r ' ' , '.w i« « i ': . . ; ." i .M i.»•* ^ '1..... i i t f * 6*r -------

:::— i | U --------------- -—


Page 9: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three


— • " ' : :i

n n H W S O N - P ^ y ^ ^ '

r ~« w r. "II* '•••I**,'* r"'i'. t :—

r r , 2 ^ "

£ ? r !- J t 'W h l t* Agency, ' , ! ,.i

OVf-l' «■

' r S S t w a i t F ' ^ I, •.« WVnaclt. I

"'■>■ .?tfu-ii".':s:.‘s'.<;; Ii„P ihtM ,,f ,„d no Mnri. 1

urm*.H A M lErr REALTY L

JJ,, ( tik . niJe.) —„ ... m 11» • ' >•""'■■ :;y---------- ~ V

Hoibm. e » * J^ InprovtmrnK. _

• ■

f“ " r f >■'''• ! _

_ F J>AnON AGEH .CY_ □

I ~ " AE ------------ --------- _r

' i J llf 'il“*- .i’ .• ' O nlr'i’’mirA‘'f*^^'’ t ^ '‘n. tT<

^ ^ ( n S P R M m V ^ t > r > i r * . _>

- •!srW-IM»-«-h-W.i.«. «n.i.My Hsn .» 0 f_ -^ m r ^ o n iy ^

Im'aCRM I UO Mctllenl lot row ^

iMd op.r.llon. Some T.yln^ _ jCruiu. Mcelltnl terrnn. 8»« Art W«t- . Ml itf M ur farm buyt.MAGIC V A L L E Y R E A L T Y i

ind IN S U R A N C E CO. ' •;7Wm :its 'Kvtnlnn OIM-Jl l_

FASM IMPLEMENTS 'ii' f l K f l T S l P s l a "_W 2____________________________ ir —--------------------- ----------------------- i h'V iXTiiy-tc bu/ or • • ir io r joo, ill" ^ u>li t t oiehlo<r7.

' ALTON MACHINERY CO.i_ irn-KlmbCTly RB«d. Twin F«1U VJ

" Pbon* 411 I j2■'TotiTDied M iicW D ery^ ^

OVEIIHA0L -T H A T .w tn m g q m P M m r r — ^ ...- -Wkll»-U-UJt»4ldlB«-Jil«.

COMPLETE---------- -Virklnt Rhnp K«rllltlr«

• Wcldli.f-DUckin.ilhlti« . _

1 ?L6W 8HAhBBpNitliiU

V lliltj inrl ruiirv'-Ilnlli-r ChilB-Rell.r Clitin SgrocktU (_


- ----------T A m ririA T io ■-— -


(Trt 1 "*‘iV''

„m,uni; It:

-illiM • ’ 1‘h.rn. *911.j, •••

l iv e s t o c k & P b U L tR Y ~ ir

i>-n. ‘ , ' : . .......... . •u*-.;

«n . , . i \

f»>ri..„k., I)..... lu .fi.i,! -

7;';,,, r ,;" * '' "■"« "iH:I m .I, ------------

„ HAl.K Oil •i'JtADI'i

11,1,?''““" VAU.FY 1"■•«l ■ AllhUDIA'IIONI,,,,/"'' ''l’*p.i.,1 |„ | „ | | , I ',,,

I'l • cUi,, 1 , ,^ ,

.... ''. 'is i '-K w :" ''"

2, lO.'jT

market placeof

. magie valley ;LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 1_T


r r .n !-? -!" .,.'* ''* [\\ Ivi!.:.' ~

I I'biin. • ;4 iV o ;w i- '

1 F O R F R O M I'T -

' REMOVAL• I----- * o rrj«a *n<j Osei*** - j

LIVESTOCK II riIO .se u s COU-KCT .1 ' ■?*ln K*lli SU—Rut'*/1 HE-A.3f.0«.


c o o p 'T H I N G S T O EA T-57. f ja il ajia-niinn li«ii»<it Hub liM i'.! ,.

_ Wr%l 5-l'olntii. • ■

"I -;07U, .use. ■■.'Soiilh Ilf C'irry,' ■ I.lONATllAN. K«rn« •■>'! i>«Ilvioiii •I’plr*. I

Ko«l» Nook- Z013 Adcll^n «>«nu« rm . ,• uOOl>-'nU83BT-nttiis-pn:itoei.—t“ wni - -

llUUli Uouiy mpplH. Udnic conuloin. Ir­vin Bod«n»ub Orehird. ! norih. I wMt .

_ ,WMt-&-l’olt.U-________. . . ^

Cu« up and wr»pj>«H fnr laektr bni or _ hom* fr*ci«r«. Jumet I'ooilllntr. I'bon* _ IIM-M.

r ' p e t s 1m

r TOT-JJUlJUN.S-trewL.UJ^ !*;

ONK~ULACK fem«le I).ch»hund, ; i —

^ ADOIIAULK PEKINUKSi: puppl«t. Thf— pcrtrct Chrl»tm«i gift. fiArtl«ld .T-5ll'Jli,“ I PAKAKKKTB. 100 to «lioo>e l r t . « ^ ^ | ^ rrf

S«* PUnplM. f><-« dfll-rrr ChrTiimu ,tvr. (iArflelJ 3-6tlH6........... '

THOl’lCAl, riS li, pl.KM, •lu.rl'uni*, JpM ^TlM lth*At«flW Ki»r ' '' '* - -J

w a n t e d t o b u y iUSKD- ruM ic^r-bi«iii'^^iiit“ iiMi- »»ih ^

■ KAT JIHNSI llerlHU I’oultr/ ^'trm. ' I’hon. .— ■ 13<fi T » h K.lln,------------- -------- •

; aELK.I-KUl-KLI.KO comtlnr. H-fool rut.^ Airton HM, Phftnt WA-iZ. Jrii'm..

‘ rOU CASH I< foot bniiff imilrr. Lut# mo-lfl In :

. fiKxl cunilillon-wi(h smi >luv* «iid icr “ " **''* ■'

'(7 Kliiit >rul E>in« licentM. Uob U««r'>

Jon TWO KKKISTKKKD Ku>rr pup*. I tnnnlht. ' L<4vin» lo*n. M . k * P h o n e

— o ; i i< . f 3 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ._________- 1 M IS C £ L L A N E O U S _ F O R SA L E 'r r iy il Mccn.fyllob G «r'.

C L E ^ fMth«r». Poallrji OTBpljr. '

wb««ls. B70xl5, wiU' /It 1W7 Chevrolfu— t t l . rhnnf nnn-JJ,_________________

n«r (houaanti \n Ihnutanil-ront loU. Clr<I« Bl»hi>p Uimbtr Cumpipj. Fhtint 4«( In

CAMKKAS. I’JlOJKC’l'Ull.S. i'bDio luppliri, Kaiitnt pmrftiln* •*rvlo<. Uriua to it tllm».qr.lMrn lii.Ofi«lop wu»-«»«. .Jt.-, _fun, il'. M«y. W« «III help jou, Coronft _

I Ildt.ChrlxlmM <!1(U I, nii-^r: 8Coi-KH-m Nocui,Ans;-

' B R IC K MUNSON QUN8110P Jfl (trrriiS Hp<'r(lnr ( oorii

PLASn o MAVSTACK c o v e r

NOW ,.. . .*.........!»«.«NVI,0^ fl.lC.IlT OVKIULI.H. '

~ Wi.r.1 .................................... II.JI

17 lIA R n V KO PI’EL CO, . j!_i. 191 2nd Av». SiKIlh


TTT nrDicr<~n liio , liti.vt up.- Tctmii. . Wlli.iii.»i.m . - - , ______ ^

.7 ; WUINliKH y , l . . i ........ . .loul.1.

; ; ; saVk i>n m.,iii-

ma HlllNFnTTTl-; .tnTAnFlUnr'*. I'iir~ii'iid“ 7il

A . KKlil’HllU-iir.HlNti, i<'i'»Uius. t.UnUfc- ‘JK' Ifiirnltiipr. ririnp 7n. * ' '— Wni'rft'^;»Tir.'^Vi7rri7n^.“l f . " 7 T X r r r, "| , trr. Vi.ur V .llr, .....rl........ Wl|.

li....... . M>rhl..r hr..I.r. IIK Kn.l--- laih. ....... r_l>M K.M7il^l!.'irlo, lil.li.....,: - RAOfO a n d m u s ic—, r m n iK N ir i r 'V .r .■!•■ irir.i;ir„iT.Vi., w -sr. r,2„"'....:........-

n 'i iiA V i.K ii ’i'7. «’-> «u»r«i>-I»l- ........... . IIO Al«> 17" li. K. Ul.l.‘Vlt Iniiilr) TV, onir (Vl |iinr*lllr«d. >'ir.lni)r

'in)Kiriir;'Ai'.'i:i™” riiV.,i;i' ......yT.1^_ r.rmUn.ll.... lt-.|.rr.| rh«.if.r, w.lilMl \ r*li(ij(|, Alllln* a l­

l'll" (r;ifIl~inAW ;t ■'l.*(irMl»'Ul'-".”~(ii7n.ii,.„Uk.l.. j!.rl> vl>Hu eonivltl-

:ii It f.r.ii..llU,i.i..l. lu<i.d, <UII,.r.d •nd ^u*r*nt<«d. Mniiiji .l.mii "jj""

Of SPECrA ir StftViCES*-'• HHI-nVr l.nk d«t.(i>i( .< ..V.:.n.hi. p r lc .777 I m._r. • ‘

® ''‘iiVilSi.rr,v;a >;'iiau5,IUk>n, I'wU t l t t . XUt ll*<U '

" ’ f R U C K S A N D T R A I L f R r "

l i i i -------------------- ■ '■ ' ■ I^ .SEE T J I H A L L N K Wil'l,; (17 I.(flBiiiA Miililln li0lllr^l•• ; NOW ON iim ri.Av ron vo im '


nil 1 mi'l' t-l..,lt....n, »lih bi-nl. 1]H niDT I.l.rd..-..M

i " ................................ .—J « l o o r »|II| ... ............. ir r">i ••>

.lr.hr.WAIIIIl'IMn '« IIKYHIIM ar.lliM* <i>r

“ Wi li«il* fiif *nrl>il’i> *»l'i»''

, fiiM r30N*l5''Hoi>v siK ^rHK IlUfKTlT


1 TRUCKS AN D TRAILERS Is , , i r rn rT T ;rL 7 ~ ^7 • - " f

I ------■ •—


|SXlL~U» .’lll.V llL i.lS ' („t h.i.lini har >'r (rxin. Arr II *> Altn. Mifhlnrrr <'i>mi'»n);'Klmh«rr/j

m A IL E H PAfTI-S ~ ’, S U P I-U f:S '

^ for »>Kjr' M..l.i(, '---

; ‘'.REAT.NAAJKS’i ^[ In Mnhil« H - . '.n • ,

H E R m .I : I




~ | — NASHUA 1

^ : • ' s e e THEM A L L ! ' • -

- A t -

bmM )ER^,HORN r .;.

i;; T R A IL E R -SA L E S-2]. H li AfUlLBon W e a t~ £hona_13afl.- . -

— ~ AUTOS FOR-SALE jaACfilKICK IBM .Slud»b«k«r Commtnder.

E SM ILIN' JA C K Y p U N G t “

V-« n»I.AIr,Hoor Ifd»n». E«uipp»d ,;;;;■ wUh T*<>««t-sUd« \i»i.»iniMion». ',itJ »Wt. -w.lli. _A11 »r«. iKiBtirnl- ; -_ r -Tion. rolori.'.nd j-ou tin <ii>; on lh»m

' i l V.iUr Molort, Truck U n . E ut;", |

For. Dependable i 7 | TRANSPORTATION I '^ X5^J;_Y0^jR BUICK DEALtn WR8T I- ! -

— U NASH Amb.M.Hnr 4-door. Ulfm. *mmlf in>nimt>«ii>n, rtdio. hr*ifr.Al t^nSHSnn. CLtAMJ ........ » n « ;

^ i t BUICK Sprrlil l^Iaor. Dr- ' one BifJow. StK THIS ONEl.....tU tI |

r=- I< BUICK nivlrr. lUrdlob Oouo*. D fkK ____ HiflaK. rudlo. . he»l*r._euitaaii _^ trim, A.t CONDITION ___ ttO i “


^ - i r c iTgyRot:gmMtTiBr i .A><iV. a— ‘— _ ««x1 b'-T A T -O N U l______ * « t- -E Z t» CllKVROI.frr D«tu>« ror4or. )Ir>t.K *r ind n d io -------- --- -------..|3JJdtl. __1t& e a s y o m a o t e r m sra* . • ,

“ BROWNlTT(nVTJTO“ CO T‘a ir - - - - ............. '• -------It'* ■—............. ......_ ^ J



— - 1. . . wr.muicT 1 <d r ill ’• n.i w'hli. :.lore,^nv.rdrI^.''lr.ni! ,inlleii* <ar ........................ %l‘i£4S ■

“ I I tu (UIKVnOI.CT Hrl-AIr 4..l<x.r. tli-<lln, hrattr, I'livrrruililt Iraiiimli- 'iirin, irn n •mt whtK 2- i>"n*...................................... 1l l2i I

__ ■ I t i l <;1IKV1I1H.KT .Hlrlrlln* Drliur J- '

III! CIIKVIIDI.KT Il.l-Alr ll.tdL.p- —— lu.ll.., ho«l*r •Ii.l .Irfr.p.lrr., i'o~.

rrjililr lt>l|>luLulllll. lietl.ictl CU>r

—COMMEHOIAUS--TTil KiO KDKI) |.|»n. K|«hl rrlln.Irr rn-

ut.. ■ ...... • ' I '■"* ISti Domir. u.l„n. lU x.p *ni 4- I ^ .. _____ ______ ______ i:i)l ,

JIOItOMK I- O p r n ' l C V f t U n k i I B '

•TiT* - 1

BETTER BUYS‘.'.'I'l - I N - *

' U H 1C I) ^C A It S i• 1 t i l l NTIIDICHAKKn Ch^niplAn 4 di^ir. ,ilh IL .ntrlvr i..lhi .n.i l<r.'l-r, A Imn <I(IU1) ONKI" l l t l IIIIirK Kprrlil I>rn>rh>«, ;__ ■•■li", l.»^l.r, arnl r.i.ri.. '

IH l nillU (J.od rl.., r.ill*. I «“ a‘n i«am '.y iu*oih""*' ’ I

^ ... ................................

— A N D IMCKUl'H SI.ll W1I.T.YH ......... ............... i,.

■ A 'l irm l jm rv J in U T i.kiiii|.. n.-

Ilia* ial>, radix ami haaln.I » l I:MKVI10I,KT 'Vlnn, llralrr. i-

|l]« CIlKVnill.)':!' i.i.l>M< |.lrk.i|>,A liOOII (INKI I



I I'lioiie iniD I

- . i ................— . .


~ T IM E S -N E W S , T\< 'I

. I A U T O S FO R SA L E I "'l^, ‘' ' ^ •*' 1-Ui^i. io ^ rin rh liitig ll

^ IM O li: 0 U 3 , KfCNN-Y m 6 ( > N ^ ’

' .......... - 1 e

P f l N T I A r

; . : ; : i L . . . 1 n rl,,.r n.din, '■

G O R E ’ S J • m o t o r ' m a r t i

150 ,1it1 A vf. E.D=t Phniift 138 ‘

X -— ’ 1--------------------- --------------------------------- ! ]

: . ? v _ ;1

■ R. : !^ '______ _ _ 9 ____________________ ; _.

1^1 T - R - A - D - ' e I - N - S I

, - r ! -' 3>ii Konn H.ifln.picjiu* *iih v.* mo.

*• ! ..................... - I1 4 JI^ j l»4l_JNTKRNAT10NA^_’ plckup_|2M ^;••, I »S1 I.N T K K N A T IO K A L JliauK ^ir___I 1M2 CMC »i-toi. pickup_______ I7JB U= j i 'JMMHTKRKATrOWAX-prcru'p.Z.tlftr “

H5I CIit:v/lOLETS*<!.n Dtlli,rT..|5MI«4» in ter n a tio n a l i-lnn truck '

, » ith lie motor and bMt bed..|7>»

j; : ■ M O T O R S , I n c . .

! - J a k a R oth —E tp s SchUHcr

M ; ACROSS raO M -S E A R S "

„ ' ^

r ' T ) U R " P R I C E ^ ' }(

Look n t .These Bnrgnlna in O u ar- Rtilced Used Cars, Sava H undreds j

j of Dollnrs, COM PARE O U R ” ■ “PR IC ES-l‘-“^ ' * ^ “ *“ ------

I S ta r t .The N ew -Y c n r^O u t-R lg h t- •— (R igh t Npwl) - In O ne o IT lie se!— i F ln o .C a r i . i ro in — - _____ '---— - •

C A R L E S O N ^ S ]

j iSSS CA nil.LA n-'nr <.clr«r.rdan. na. 'I dio. hr»trr. ii.dr.m .ti* Iran.mi.-C |1 .Inn, .11 r.„iip,.r,l. new llrei; I

>rr> rif.ii. Ona lw«| n»iirr. 1I Waa 13700 .................NOW n«»«

17" : i r t l tll.ll.SHOllil.E Driller 4.

' ' ..... NOW tinni ^'*■ , 11113 OI.DHMOillt.K "UK" Tn,lnr.Sr,l.h.2i ( lladlip, hfairr, hjclr.malic' II""*-

I ■ lire, w .. il’r j i . .. Nmv iiVi'vTi I'LYMUIlni Ilrivnlo. li.r.llno : — —— Jlatfin, • t^tntrr, * nvfrilrivf, * 'Z'. V.'». lln»a ....!......NOW M>l

1557 I'tjNTfXr "»•' riiirfiiH,. i>rf:>,,;'

w V J''im "‘ '''.'.'‘ ''''''..,. NOW H it IV12 CIIKVKOi.KT SlTltiliK llri.,i.a

*» I ■' VV.’. IMk ' ........." w v T u lX " i

•■ C A R I.H S O N .'.S "

r O N T I A ( M : A l l l T ; L A G _

" N H W . q A R D E A L l S I l "

---- noi Mnili AVB, K, Phoon 104

! , B lIS I^


O n e ol

Y O U R i

I U iin liifH s o r H o rv i r f l ••-- ;j

ItK l.O N C H IIE U H I , ;)■

I • 1 linn (n|)riroi(lniiil4<)y H wmd.i)t nvfiy ilnv for 1 iii<iiilh 'cn»Ii «

/• I only r-IM . f1 ■ ' tI • Wd'll iii'iivliln <ftt no mlri« i

•'I'nO n lidnilliiK Ui fll your T I IxiAliirMl .

w i o N J i ^ i K .V

' \ < ' I N F A L L S , I D A H O


A -SH ■ W O R T H ’ S “1 10 2 ik1 A vo . E iu s t 11

iq:.7 M K -n m n v 'M oiilriry 4 (Inor Hiiicltop rc ttp i

_ l stp irlnc . ix>wfr hrakf.?. lin.i—; evcry tiiins, 500 mile*.■ ; SAVE tiOO.OOl I'

lor.. BUTCK Sin-KR • I4-door . S rdnn Railiii. lic .itri,

- • p o v r r brnKFT. poMrrr s r tT n n f , ' ,. : b cau t'f'ii 3 tone liiiL'i' h

: ; $2.;>5nooi j

! _ 195(i pr.SOTOFlrc-ftllc Seclnn. H as pv(‘r \H iin r Only 7,000 •niilM. J


; 1055 DUICK _[ S iip rr 2-rioor iln rd top . R adln —

hcaic r. puw cr MCdiiit:, power — _ j brakes, power scaLs. Siilety bulL'v. . . — ! BcloilKCd lo [k local niiiilslcr. .- ! $22!l.'..00 I J

I95.1 PLYMOUTH BeU'Pdcrc S e tla m iy d r lv e Im ns-

- -mlfrhiniirTrtdih. lieateri-fieni <•(»— - - I -crF, cKOlIeHHir#*.

____________ $1,105.001 ____

1053 PLYMOUTH /■ Craiibrook Scdnn. Radio, flcatfr. ■ * 1 ovci'di'lve,

$895.00! J

_ ; 1053 JNTERNATlONAI^ . _ ! . ^i’-to u Dlckup- Losv.inilcacc. - ' . . _ j $695,001 I ]

JD iilor ccunplctelj’ rcscQdUloiicdt— I•♦ m S M ........................

^ ' 'i949 CHRYSLER i,i I W indsor seaftn.-Rfld!6. l ifa tc r . ‘^ 1 •B o o d .u rc j, ......... ..................................1-. ________ ...._t2C5.00____ _________ ,■a *- __________________ ;

• i H A PPY HOLIDAY! i'* From all of the s ta ff a t Bob I

R eufl M otor. I

M ost of these u n lt i a ra I ~ i -----------r u n tY -E Q tn P P B D — ---- “

• • ' — BU ICK S— i -:r 1955 Spcclal 'V -8 H ard top I

I 1054 S uper V-8 H ard top j' ! 1950 Special 4-door !• 1 • 1950 Special Z-door

— CHEVROLETS'*— ’ . I_ . 1054 2-door i

1053 2-door • . I _ _ i e j a j L c i M £ _ --------^ ---------------i -

T ~ ^ ^ O D G E S —• 1956 V-B 4-door S edan ' ' '

1954 V-B 4-door Sedan1953 6-cyllnder 4-door

" - - i iT O R D S —- - --JM ij-V -8 -!% lrta n e-4 -d m > r— ‘• 1053 V-B 4-door Sedan

It........... lB 5L -V .8 ..4 -door.S 8dao-— — -1046 y -8 4-door Sedan

--- -----------------M E R G U R Y S — - : -1058 V-B 2-door

I 105S V-8 M ontclair H ard top

a. : ‘ — O L D S M O B I L E S —! 1053 Super ' ‘88” 4-door

' 1 1053 "fl8’’ 2-door

r — I 'E T i 'M O U T ilS —•• 1955 4-door S tation W agon

1851 4-door 8e<lan_

n« I _ C O M M E R C IA L Sl!l. fl jNTi;ilNATiONAI. Ionic wlie.I

' i ' S'^^viloi.Kr i..,,„n , Cr.lnI I»r,2 ritKVitdi.KT lo.it ol*.*! hM*

■f. - : i»4* nnnn ir inn» wnnrtmiTnTSir—Dl \ *“*’ Wh»al

:»4» CKi;vjii)r.'h-r b.»i -• - t*,M( nTIIDKnAKK.n Miin.

ies& Hiiii) iij.ioh.

‘‘ — M IS C . F O R S A L E —■M. —««mtrin*4k*fi b««».Ynitn— *

4i 11 m ivi' CUMUlNATKm t.r.l, ... xr.lii 1...I. - ........... ........

11 li.» ij' OMAHA ulaiiiUrd atu.k ,

_ BQB.REESE. . :U .S E I) C A U L O T '

j MtO llini-k 2nd A«a. Jloiilh1)4 [ Auk for • 'N ii tty N orthrop , ,

. I o r Dick Sl«veiiaon '



o f T h c H c C a n H e l p

~ • H K ;y f;i.£ SK tlV fCg j

• (■■f.CK.N A N t) W A TC H lUU-Alll *>lii.r.nl*«l rhnk and o.lch rtpalr. I l l l -

• o u r r;/./TANiN(; , i'lilTTi.r.iiiih'a, imi i ii.i III. Wni i-[^n« i?in' (

' • /:'a'(.mva77w; ' " I:

« • 7 ' ^ir iiLKAh .TjT.TTi'.nrvi:.;.;; ;n ;r7m iii7 .r : ►

. W« iliraad |i. rh».i't l»K M, M»rara._____• /■(/*,<. O H . "• *i*L'‘"'|"i»‘'i~‘>~| ___ ,1“ ' ” ” _ rl”‘i;*''»j'''

I A U T O S FO R SA LE ]~ • I'i'tic' i* :i]— r

. i ;

D E I . ' S D A N I u k s !

. »n,Ki.,i Sc.»ui-«.v ' '■

I»JS n .\M llU rll .Mll.;illi.n - ,1-or, h., c,li«.l.. »l«ns

issi S i l ’l)n.\KKH^<«mm.i.a...' v -r ■

'• , la i l UOilliK llf .i .r , >.,!.« JWS . --

• «lin

D E L - M O TO RS337 WMt Jr-mmp

I-h,.n. 4T« ' -

■ — --------------------------!: 15

B E R R Y ’S ;• B E T T E R ' ,

! :.............. ..........B A R G A I N S - , -

I N B U H L ~___i _o

1-1J>\: I'ONTIAr .Siiiirr Chl.l ' P "

- ; : i ; ;

Of,, «)th :ofi n r v.» ,n . [________ 1 ...

1- - I -T =18a: x a iC ^ 'ita rn rO fli. 'n n iU n A ' ‘■ - whr*li«-f, J-aPMd axlr On^ with I

:08 n r V.» enoin. and S-.pjr-t -I tranimiiilun. Our with '

■ »J'ltln« and 4-»pr^ Uini-. j

I Kfui A nm -rt:n dual

' ! i • B e v v y M o t o r C o . I 'Ob I B U IC K -P O N T IA C -G M C .i l_______ ______Triick .D e a J s r ^ ,^ _____ !___ P h o n e 4 4 4 - B u h l

i S A V E !- D u 'r in g O u r Y e a r - .E n d - ; J

• I CLEARANCE SALB j ___ o n G u a r a n t e e d A - l C a r a _ . j

j 3 < " T r N ; l : B M U ST BE SOLDI . . ) by Ja n u ary 1 s t-^ reg a rd le ss o f I price! Make your own trade o r | term a. . j

FO R D -V -8 B-passenger .Counti'y—- ) ‘ 8 edRn, “* ----------

j MERCURY F o r d o r Ctislom, _ 1 ,M crco ina tlc..ra tllo_an iL .h ta td r_ -- _

I , ■■ , . . 1 9 6 2 ; ' . ■FORD V-8 Tvidor

j MERCURY H ardtop 1 P L Y M O u iil T u d o r................. ■

— j --------------------: -

I MERCURY li-ordor ;1 FO R D ' -e-; T u d o r !

FORD V-B V ic to iW ■ '■I OI.D8 MOUILE I'Virdor . ,„ CUEVROLIJt Foiilor

, ' L - n c K U P . S — '■ ; ' ;— iD 5rcTit:vnDT:i!?T '— ..........;

1053 DODOK and - 1 ,...........................BTUDEDAICER j -

1040 FORD I1050 HTUDKUAKER i '104U FO R D ' '

n — ------;«4 rO H B V ftO tjl#P --------- —_ ; ;;

'* ' I'I’B W ORTH T H a DKIVE j

• F O R W I I A T Y O U S A W 1 ,

' : “n u H r iT O T O R T O o r ■'F O R I) S h Ic.s a n d S c r v ic n

I Phone SI and 04 Btihl


0 R Y:p e k t ?l i p Y o l i l I

icK • iiouat: iioviN d________ _

• fl-tM U K N t; 6 MKAIIWC

'* '* • _ ^ i i}:m ii<;i ; j ia {»> n s k h v u ik

^ . 1 '^ / ; ! ^ :__• J n \ • X/j/ K /y /)A/'O SM »>-N M f.

iiiiiT. • rn ii is s u i v i c i .

_ - • n .t.H V IS IO N SKrtVJCKt ....V . .'■.■* I V lUivira. >-Un. I 'U'.Dal lluuVitl*|.| f.l*.r»ljm iuid^^Tiilj^lia

iHtiri KiMtri TV.r^dlii arr»l>'a. Work iuar(|nla*d ■a, (Wrrti H.aini)., fl'..|i. «|H',V/,

• n l ‘^^vn l■ |^ .n s ^injio. Maira, ..mVli'and .r r.lrr ..... ir,"i;i|,' {iW

' Buud i .n f . i i . . K., «tn-nn« T* (» r : . 7i • v'AiKH scJM hN JcJis ' fililili.n‘l l . j r ’W ir* /in r.lll, i-kTn^llX

1 A UTOS FOR SALE !_____

. u ] C K c u K V R c n . r i

V-.Ucv's, • TRADINO W.ALER^ _ _

COM.MEUC1AL.S - : i^'.s s^^l)|.;HAh^.l^ ^i„o .f .r i

I. » ^ V ”;”rri.' lh.'j'';<rl|rk’" , .

_ J : ltJ4 i;mC Inni-h~U i« ..Jv t- 'n pi^ki.p,

--- "Ith lr"Jilrr'illrh, m.'iinl''il'r'- i.•aniai. «.,.vi.li..i.al» rlr.n »o<l • niii^ liVr hc>'. .MttSTSEt;TO AlU'itKClATKl .... |i;54

. 1013 iNTKHNATiONAI.^i.:..ior. A lo

5-, ( y r^ i." -A ^ f i 'fF A ir -A 'r i '- ^ je a a - ; -

' o pfn « a.m, t i f I p.m. _ W»rkil»)» 'I Oi..n 5und.,a lir*,m. l i I p.m.

, ! JERO M E PHONE 684 i

^ ; ;;SlLOlPESTvQrRS~ 1'

■: i IN TOWN! • .

i t ’ 1 » s i ’S d E a o 3 « £ ^ - d o «nt I- Sedan. Locally civnBd'. , “*7 1 • _ jm iY ^ C L E A I ^ I _ ^ _ 4 l3 0 5

• j 1 9 5 4 -O L D 3 M O B IL E 'sa p w --8 r. _______4-Door Scdnn. R adio -and > -

lica ter , hyd ram atic , 24.-000 ; ‘. . ; ------- ac tua l .mllca___._ _ _ _ S 12M - ;

1651 FO RD a-D oor Sedan . Olds 1 engine anil hydramaUc_t565

C i 1951 MERCURY 4-D oor Sedan.' i Radio, heaW r a n d overdrive.

— — -,X)nly _________________ tiflS

— - » 6 0 O fcO SM O B IbB -^B B ^-D oor-

— ; ~~1 1952 N a 'sH 4-D oor S e d a n -R a -

' - dlo, h e a te r, overdrive. ONE O W N E R ---------------------- M95

- ; 1955 T O R D '’ F T b n r Raclld, h e a t- j c r. 4-spced transm ission and I only ________ ................. *1395

} . Ip&Q ■CHEVRQLEgL.il^-Vron.— «-«- ___■ _ Speed uangm lsslon._____ $398

'i i - YOUREEi MOTOR dOMPANYi J O ;. j ^ l i i Eaftt Phone . 1818^

ly • T W IN F A L W J ^ '

II, _________________

L - O G K ' l



•68 CHEVROLET 2 - r t r .___ $2295

' '50 l'X)nD R anch W agon _43l9'5 I

■; ''Sfl'FnnT T -g:.ir. " • • " " - i i W

• ! J50 STUDKBAIOCR.......... -I S ta tio n W agon - ............. $3005

I ‘55 CHEVROLET 4 - d r . ____$1703

' '55 CHEVROLET 4-dr. _ ...$ lf l0a '

— : ’S r C H E ^ O L E T 2 - d r . ____$1U95

j ’M CH SVRO LBT 4 - d r . ____ $14«

i -84 CHEVROI-TT « l-lonP lc k t ip ................... ............ $1315

y - • 'M P I iY M O irm 4*«1rr-=:r.— $H M -

■ ; -SJ OHEVnOLBT Clubn _ Coupa _______ I.... ........... $119S

ll'l 'B3 CHEVROLET 4-dr, __.„$114a

___ -63 OHEVROLBTl' 4 -dr. 1_...$U4S I

'ft.1 I'LY M O U -ni 3 d r ,_____ *7[>8 j61 8TUDEHAK1SR 3 -d r.'„$ H (!5

I '83 OHKVROf-ET ClUl> i Coupe .......................... ...... $745

■ '63 CHEVHOtB.T 4-dr. $7flS

63 (JllEVROl-HT 3-dr, ....... $0W

i OLDER M ODELS'I '81 OIIKVKOI.ET 4-dr. ____ |fl4B j

----- -81 MICHCU/IY 4 - 4 r .______ 154$

__ _ '81 O[,UMM0HH,lC 4-dr,

'80 CHEVltOLKT 4-dr. ___ $440

'80 I'ORO 2 - d 4 __ '------ ,

— '60 lK 3D aE 4 -d r ...................... $398.

!. ’40 (JlllCVUOl-ia' a -d r............$308

— t f l FO RD 4-dr.......................... $U

----- ’47 INTERNA'IHONALP i Tun __________ ____>348

IHT: '4(1 C H ltV hO tiFT I H T o n . . $3B8

G L E N G . J E N ^ K I N S

-C H E V R O LET ' l i t ---------------------1----------------- --------------- •

I - P A G E N l ^ l I j !


“Certified” I ,‘ PEGIALS!— j-

I I'l VMoUTll *.d^r Kt»llon Wa|^ WJ

— t-iit*UHTwr> ■■'.* ■■ I p

»p„li„ ai'.i hrat«r‘ '\o p '',b a * t°"^ '>-<..* O M I.V I..................-..-|J«8- | p

” '■? Mri>K|l.VKMl <•},,«,,-Inn 2-dooI-;- | -,.^%'ro:;WT'6'N'^' J ;

i»n nii;viio^LrT^ Rri.Air

SOME GOOD I I ''Olcirr Mo'drls I I '

C M E A P 1

^•'i' ' “rii.


> iloiu* flf Sluilahakar A Packard I I I* ' Thnn. «SOO or 2no« l | |

Open A .Sunday l U 'RV ArrOlNTMCNT I I I

‘ Evevyone - . II)

V A t ' o u R ' h O U S E H____ W I S H E S ' B

' Everyone



H arry W orkm an 'B ta n M iner5 .............. ................... ■^ PauLZlm m exm aii-£ddie-Lu«t]«D -

Q • -brck -M eld inscr— to u t i EyraUfl"a . ; ________________________________ E arl C h a iu lo r G ene Holy

Pink W orkm an C h e t D alplasQ. •

S I WORKMAN BROS.S ' 1^" P o n t i a c C o . [ |

P O N n A C ^ A D lL L A C -O M O f f l

RUPERT. plairBimloctijUJ- l lt - I ■■ — I

35 I“ YES ”i ._: |

98 We H ave P teo ty of— . ' i l l PINK u s m CARSI T J r a

D rop In a n d Sefr— ■ MT H IS P IN B SELECTION! ' ' i i

■■ . g n n p ’» | |.......... WHERB O A R a-K H Ep-R O L L IN 'l- S |

lOlS NABtl RambUr 4Hlonr* BUllon' H w .fon- nadlo. btiU r. brd»tOI>tle. R | LIKE NKW 1 H I

l» tt KOIID.Kairltna Club 8*dan. Sft- H.. ' " I

u j» c j H ^ r n o r . r r \ i 5 ~ M w , V'"! f f l

. . IIK rtiG vrto i.rrr o«i-Air v .i 4-ioor, RH I ‘■•al«r. »o«triilil*. LIKE | | |

95 ,1* ^ Ufli- n » « -irm D X ijflo itrT :i’ r .3 5 s n C J l i r

bMt«r, «v«rdrlTa. 8SIARP, i

,05 l i s t MKRGUny Cuiiom 4-'do«r. Rcdle.b«*(«r, W*rrani*lle.-anAIir»- '

03l i l t fo n o Cr**tiln* ConnrUbk lU-

,95' ---------

iw h2it«. o»m57i»*t ........................ -

Ifg I lls MIIICK flup« r V-lilar^top.

M - -------------------------- --------- ----------- —


« e s W p . " ” ’'

‘“ • r s r t M - a - . s w . t e98 jt.iii,,, i.taiar, brdranalls.

(,5 .

- P I C K U P S -

1114 tilfrVltOl.ET W-IOB plskilp wltiw I

l » t o u a li.ioa ulcliuB «(tli

l l t l r(IIlD ':-lon wllli Ual M . M* lu'^Ui.

4ft '1

M . " M A N Y O T I I E R a i '

40 • — ii)H - to - 5 0 a —

I •98.

08 ■ T H E W I L L S ,

''a uy iO D C A R D l iP 'r . . ;


« ^ 1> '1

Jobnl* Pord or Rsi B a> irt . ' » t i l l 'llom* Fbon*' A ,$ n i o r r to »"VVIiir* UuaUiwart U**l TktU t tV m V

Page 10: N FAI A n g ry F Flash Ritevolt^ AutoCrasl Tie i igary Sv ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · n.'JohD Walburn. 183 Sidney itreel. Freba A nine poondi and three

IBH. .

^flrfugeeLaws : V Could Be 0)^^“■'■WASHINtFrOM/ JiSt 2 e ■J i Arthur V. W *ttln». R .. u u h , i -H tojjr dtti^ ^ "prelgKvjWi th a t a m jp tM w ill M nend th a Imi ^ ■ t n tlo a i c t opw tm - P i B .-borden Loi m u ijr n o r t refugees fleeing 6 ^ tyr to n y . -

th * j^ « T j > » ii^ “gtWOii?--

le n d in g coocreaaloiutl tcU on.. C .Ju s tlM d e p a r tm e n t u n d e r new on! *'4 fro m P re e ld e n t S iseohow er alrei

» p t io l e m t e m w hich , gn m U t t IB I ft« on ly te m p o r u y residence. |S a ~ ^ V ! c e - p r e l d e n t - l U c h a r d M . N l r : k | -V 8«d jres terd tjr th& t e o n g re u i

th e « d m ln litr tU o n “nexlb le «uU: lt»" t o h r in f tp H u n a a rl tn i i^ o U u c -re tu g e e A -t io in - com nui p ttM caU on.’’

H e bftd t h t p ropou il to tn A uerlc ft a h aven fo r T lctbns of iy ra a n y In a r e p o r t to th e Presld on bl* pr*< O hi^tm aa inipecU or th « H u n fa r la n refuKM cam ps p tocca tlng cen te rs In A ustria.

W atk in s ca lled N ixon's re] ‘‘•e u n d ’* a n d fo re ca st I t haa a lo e d ’* eh an e e of ge tU n f th ro u sh < c r t « . ^ B u t . b e aa ld a.clos«-{iffti poiEUblo on som e p a rta o f th e ] p o s td ^ program .__________

SENTENCED T O JA IL ~ e 5 5 B l K 0 : J a n r S - D on T a r K«t P lym outh , waa^ w n te n ce d t< d a y s I n JaU M onday by Prol

M a p T lM kl»>W EV ra~W A I^ am

IT’S SODrop b Mid we

iriniilBK mtiy. ! tal 2 5 words or le OF A MODERN a a 'th e n ta to H entry bUak* u»] Days" are here i would be M prec BOW And every w

rriffcOtMlllo(p<K e n nN oc»rhUo.



SnakeHiveriw ^


k s - I - ___ ::__iw s-

O K p l i r ; r ' " ' l

f s I ble Im m l- *> rd e r t 'lo '•1 r«i y y

a u b M ^ S S 5 F i IUon. th e • A ^ ^!W o r d e n e ± . ; : h | p * <*• S

a lready 111 s j A ire Hun*

rt IjSS ♦J!<. MtXOS 4reas f iv e V i ^ L f f ■ nlA uU ior- CU n a w l ^ 4 I 1

to m ik e . * jju o f redP resident > mK tlon of m ps a n d ™ 'I rep o r t a “p te lty . m g h c o n - L , . : ; ,’l - tlg h t . i* — B l f h r e f 15 E is l - C k m a n h f th e p ro - cap e from commanlst>hel<! m «

Btorkow. s o u tb e u t o f Berlin,= dom f lg h U n , (A P w lrephoio iIIL -t:------------------------ r—

~t>peaK a t ChurchProbaU 8 H 0 6 H 0 N E , .Jan, 2 — V erl I

S S h w e wa:8~ib«aV«r a t th e X D S w c ra r — services Bunday e v e n i n g . Y<= ---------- la lk s w are .g iv ca J iy , Lnm’a _ L aWT A D & a n d B arbara-M flrrlg . A .p la n o

nA ,

-• m- _____________________

J a

p EASY TO EN• e e j o o r f a t o r t t e e t e o i r k

« n r ijM H leni r t M t t t a ilottiM-iIfy ry. Then, mlmg the w tty Muik t o r k « : n WANT MY FAMII.Y T| ABN KIJGCTRIO O I^ IIB S DRYI t o H. Yon m » y e a t e r e v e r y w ee !

may be obtained fnan your electrl e r e s o w . . . s t o r m y d « y « w Jie n a

p re c k M S . S p . e a t e r R e d d y K llo w a

ry w e e k t Nl»e dryer* t « be r 1 v « » i

Make* ol D rftn to bo A«r»k Krifldaire W. B. Wnts Co.U en e ra l E te n trie < l« n « n J B looW o S n | llo tp o ln l i in jb m t K le e tr le Co.K enm or* H « m B eeb B ck * !Q«N o rc * T h e S e t t I M e l la r d irh U M M tf* r r t t r* t« r« * n i l

B.O .A . m i n t D te M b u tln c <•'Speed qiiPM i ( i r n e n l A p p lU n o e CW eaU nchooM W M U n |li» U M Rleoti

DAHO POy/ER COM• I i i i r i i i i i i i • i l l

■ '

\ \ I , . .

/) ' -

1_ _ W^dkin Ereedt

i n h if h icbM l slndeaia w slk laoweoTerei: Id ■e«lor e f th e coontry. T he group, aged »Un, te a ro ld caBUDunitt reprlM l* for den hoie Tls rmdlrf from Berlin)_______________

i r c t i “ ■wat p la :^d -by K eren DlHer^------„ * H a m l l T liom e, blshop-i coVerl K ing ^ j^ r , w ho conducted, innouaced lacramrnt geaeology'socIrtr'w in-pM sent- 1?’ T aervlces nex t Sunday evening.

llan o solo BEAD

Sa y ■ Wi m —

ENTER: ^^ a n e t d e a l e r , ( l e t a l l t h e f a c tn

r t f r y e i m “ t o - h e » p - T » a - m H e a ■ » k b e lo w , f t n l i ^ tM s aef tte iKie

.Y TQ UAVK n iK BENEriTS »RYRR BKOAUBK . . Thafa W M k It yoQ wW). Ad(ntloaal

iectrk appBanee dealer. “Dryer IMI an aotomatie e io th e a dryer llowatt’ft “Dryer I>ays” oooteat vw a away.Awahkd;

lo Supply <'«. ie O o .lc M '.

n a rd w a r f i (Vv.M> l la n iw » r « (>►.Inc t o .ace 0 » r p .Bleotrlo fiupply (’«. J


Electrical Association iL


^ m - P . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :

S!'*sH H ILI:Ai I ,* I ' N ff S L ^ F j a h

«Tered W est B erlin s tre e t foUowlng th e ir ( aged 11 a n d 11, fled from ih e «m&ll tow n )r dem oflstreting i jB p f t lb r to U nngary 's Ir*

y:----------------------- *PEA K a_A T_SER V lCE_)‘s coun- A LKO , J in . 2—Z an Lloyd and u a c e d lh c th u r T ayior y e ra tpeakerg a t n*«" * L D S aacram ent services here S

dav. Prayers were Klven b V 'Lj f r ~ x g s : K a n a j C O T T x r g i ^ ^

3m^ m—I


p r DRYER AW AII>on't w a ll! I f y o u b a y

____I f H w JW if p q rc»a iie pi

.......rII ^ i y e r D a '

I " ............. - .............

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' 1 T 'j namc __I


I l:-f;I r"""«. I . . . . , ' ' " " I . . ' . . . ,

WS, T W IN f a l l s , IDAHO

_ _ Services Held f o r _

MRB Woman inliurle| H ' BURLEY. Ja n . 2 - P u n c ra l sei K M ices (or Mrs. Lennie Cooper H ar

were held M onday . a t ,thc L] B tan ri.w ard , with'.Bta&op to a - .A derson offlclallng. P ra y e r a t t home waa m ade by LeRoy W aters

S B - - . a d u d e . ,ana accompaIm ent wefe pbiyed by A nnie Be invocallan « n & -g iv e n -b y LtiVt

T B H Wilcox. T he Relief society sing: m otliers &ang. T h e obltuftry ? i s a d j jy Bishop A nderson, sp eak ■■= TftifAlnnrCrTlllwrJrWcld i a n d jo h n C. Bo«-etL A lbe rt llo ly t sang a solo and a vocal d u e l v sung by B arbara O ra h am and Bi Ciark. T h e ben'cdlctlon w as given

m U M a r S. H anks.Pallbcarern were E dison Han

T head H«ni[a p h im p H an^« t.i. ■ ■ ■ r Hah1orxti%Tenc«~Hanka a n d D a^

m WM------Hower»,-unde^ th e d irec tion .ofR K I society, w ere carried

^ a n n e Hanlcs. M arie H a h ta . Ca

j|rll(rNaping S Backache Means I

GoodNight'sSle. I N*nlBfl«daub«.h<aduhe.orD<»eu

' K ia i uhc*tndptlnimu'Coni*anwlUieT«r>«x<' gTBl tlon.trooUon>]upMUord«7to<l«7itni«i

— •umln.Aj)4folkt«beMtu>ddtiakun>rUbelr es- **'*?'rUi>"f'*Utow n of "'ifj-ouBjetnlUrmiUindwomoutbeaii r’s free- Bfth«MdlKo«nfortJ.Do»a’iriJI»oJt»nb

brUiclrpalnrtUevlna! Mtko, br Oi«Umki________ in* effect lo «ua bliUder liriUUon. and

U:<lr mill] dlortUt Action through Ui« Udn - undlni t« lacrtue tb* outcul of tbe

I and Ar* So U luzztng bukilh* tDtktt 7oa t. ,w . Iruned-out. tnlHnbI*. w ithrtiU tii, ale

l*«»nWt.^don-tw«It,tr7 Do*n-.PilIi,Bet' ere Sun - S*<r M "^reow

• , * } ' A«l»Mti»1

r e


^ r P

ECTRIC CLOTHES ^RDED EACH WEEKb a y durln ic th e ro n te e t a n d w in y o « ’n

p rV ^ .^ h w f IM cash bonaa.

K ^ W A I x s »

’ « w " G . „ ( e a !' ' “ " In w . ia 25 _ . I


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■•• ......... 3,..... '

... I™ 5 rl:! lr - .

«(■„ I..... I■ O. ««, J U T ,


for Guests a t Church----- 4-----------B U H L -J a n .-J -O o J le g e -and-m iU r l P V veralty s tuden ts who a re m em )^

J ot th e F irs t M ethodist church , we ral serv- guuLs a t a coffee h o u r ^ u n d i ;r . H anks mqn\[i)K a 'f tb e chu rch 's Pellow sh Jl* LD S IwllV - • ' -

-M rs. L w nftrd C U rk. M ra. Cheat iir . Hob.v)n and Mra. K en n e th Bhrad

**»•" _______' ' 'L i V ^ f B a rb ara- S tJ e t e M arljeiy slnalnK Charlene T oone. Rhomlory waa Toone and Louise H anka. Ushe Speaker* ^ f ^ h s a m and Joeei

i . '^ S i ^ k '■ '^ f i l u d l n g r ite s were h e ld - duet, wa* S y ra c tw . U U h. K'here fhe grsve w and B e th dedicated by Jeaale Barlow ,

g iven by r e t 'o r N HOME1 Hnnkx ALMO. Jan . 2—Mr. a n d Mrs. Df ka, L loyd T a ^ o r , G loria Brackenbui id D arrle l -BfacEetiftiry - a n d ^ S h lrl

- T racy have retu rned from Tuscaroj Ion-of th e Nev. . ,-— ^ - rrled by ika. Carol

insa ileep;r Duaeular A ■ritr«i«andikunvU*lr ___irrllstlon

biefMilna.)ut bec&UM ■ Iloftenbelp V ■IbtU tooth. M I

and br (beUdnerlI of tbe

jrToa MHfftrnioTi«HorU

M ' y

g k O S

ilB t li

1 0 0 % W O O L F

'■ JERSW ondBrful fo r hmiMCosU 43 to M *lnches wMf.

- - REGULAR - 1 -— 2 . 9 5 — N O W ........ I


SUIT!I liin d -w iiliab li and crrai

f ilflo year-rou iiil tKhrlr. 4

REGULAR 71 .49 yd., N O W

A G roup of O u r


Jffanu C

^ e w106 M AIN AVI

I ■

W l

rcfi^~ ~ C is !a I la t io n S e t’ HAGEBMAN. Ja n . 2 -An 01

r i T w r n m eeting irill be held J a n . ,9 at filmrtag jo in t •iM UllaUon of o fficer^ of I

• i S S Ha-geSnTn lO O P lodge and ^ b e » .now inip lO O P h » ll T he

su ila tlo n U a m . from Good^lng be held a t 7i30 p.m. p r e c e i i ^ J

S h rad er Olflcere a re , aakedw ear form al dress. Refreshm ents \

MUILi.R honda Qf 1*4 t lm » . th a t G enr

. Ushera troops Invaded lU ly , they came . tim es t hrough Benner, passes in

h e l d ^ -------- ZrTsve wflj

W IN TER'S HERE!- • ut Ul S erriee Y enr

,lrs. D nl- RADIATOR NOW!

i ? 8 h S i M cR ltL A U TO REPAIR>uc»tori : ram»-ST'

IfTfif* > / \M a k e your own fas]

T B r ^ d n e w r g r a h tf j----- your fam ily and he

te rrific values In a t\ the la rgest coliectio

A ' \ In th e en tire n o rth i

K pup of * to eo-lhches ^

-.A ——— ^


ISEY -iiccosU, (Irw es, bTnusri.

1.29 YD. rONE m

— — C<rilie Klfi

r iN G 2d crfa»p realstanl. .'I'rr.

44 InctiM wilt*. ■ ■ -

7 9 c I pO m, F In i W ool „ „ „


H C r e g u la r ^ r r low p r ic e s ____________

\nu Other Ifargatm Tltrotwht



p r e s s u r e ! i J . h e a t i n g !,

|'-B O IL E R -Sj ...n E g A U i i H G . ii i i i i .. ■ \

\i - R E iT U B lN C ; MTM « > A n y w h e r e — A n y iih ,* /

a"" g . ^nSBSTciij. ia e r 38)6 N ights ^ n

I VERNTHOM asJ |2 ' PLUMBING HEATrsc *, ■^ _ l» :^ K m i l iA w n B a > - * f l i


I U e ) «

B lH iiirL ii:1 fashion news . . . a n d big savings, tool rh ff‘iTe¥“raVrlc8't<rBiiy“ ntfw for youSeU r id home. You’ll fin d ya rd s and yards of in a com plete range of colors. Choose from lection ot un u ju si sn d dlaUncUva /abriei o rthw est.


LORETTE------------ T h e - fa b u lo u a jr lo n and »cwl._ '------------- M a ch lne -o r-hand -tw aa lisb ls .- ’

U p to 68 inches wlda.

lS[ J % ^ 0 0 t E N S - ;ID SOM E SA N FO RA N Sjp Of g r i l l e biiys. U p . 9 S


^LUES 7 0 ^.)ll is wide

G R O U P '^ - ^ '

:OTTONS•election of co ttons, reduced U> only

2 , . . . v i . o y


TWEEDpe rm s l-p lu n fin ish , W asliable and

e iM lfllanl. An irtral fabric (or adiilli ohlld re ir* drPMrn. Also 'd r» l«rles. Its- 1 to only

i iTARDS 1.00 ittholU The Store


T W IN f a l l s _

■■ Z:±