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  • În anul 2017, Grupul Editorial Art a semnat un parteneriat exclusiv cu unul dintre cele mai mari grupuri cu profil educațional din Europa, Klett Gruppe. Semnarea acestui parteneriat a însemnat aducerea în România a 125 de ani de experiență acumulată pe cea mai mare piață de carte educațională din Europa, dar și distribuirea de titluri internaționale pentru predarea și învățarea limbilor engleză, germană, franceză, spaniolă și italiană, ca limbi străine.

    Casa Limbilor Străine, proiectul Art Klett  în România, rezultat al acestui parteneriat, a început încă din 2017 procesul de adaptare a unor titluri internaționale pentru programele din sistemul educațional românesc. Edițiile internaționale adaptate sunt: SUPER SAFARI, QUICK MINDS, SUPER MINDS, EYES OPEN, THINK și MAKE IT – pentru engleză, HALLO ANNA și MAXIMAL – pentru germană, precum și À PLUS – pentru franceză.

    Reduceri de 20% din prețul afișat, pentru toate edițiile adaptate*

    Sub acoperișul Casei Limbilor Străine veți găsi și ediții internaționale ale unor titluri realizate de cele mai prestigioase edituri (Cambridge University Press, Delta Publishing, Ernst Klett Sprachen, Samir Éditeur, Maison des Langues, Difusión ELE și Casa delle Lingue) pentru predarea și învățarea limbilor străine.

    Titlurile internaționale prezentate în acest catalog beneficiază deja de reduceri de până la 60%.

    Pe parcursul acestui an școlar, ne propunem să facem cunoștință cu comunitatea de profesori de limbi străine din întreaga țară și să devenim un partener activ în procesul de educație, atât prin oferta foarte variată de manuale și auxiliare clasice și de tip blended-learning, cât și prin organizarea de evenimente de formare profesională. Împreună cu formatorii internaționali ai partenerilor noștri, am inclus în ofertă activități de formare adresate profesorilor de limbi străine, activități care se vor desfășura fie în locuri propuse de profesorii interesați, fie în librăriile Librarium din București, Cluj-Napoca, Slobozia, Iași și Timișoara.

    Prețurile din acest catalog sunt valabile până la data de 31 octombrie 2019.

    Întreabă consultanții despre titlurile la care poți beneficia gratuit de Pachetul Profesorului.Transport gratuit prin curier, la comenzi de peste 150 de lei.

    Pentru informații despre reduceri suplimentare și oferte personalizate, nu ezitați să ne contactați.

    Alin Iliuță 0751 292 284Mihai Ion 0751 184 846

    Andreea Răchitan 0756 166 778

    Angelica Florea 0756 166 771David Florea 0756 166 770

    www.art-educational.ro/languages [email protected] www.facebook.com/Casalimbilorstraine www.instagram.com/Casalimbilorstraine

    * Reducerile se acordă pentru comenzi cumulate, de peste 20 exemplare.

  • 3www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Ediții adaptate la programa școlară 2019-2020

    Primar – Engleză

    COMUNICARE ÎN LIMBA MODERNĂ 1 ENGLEZĂ CLASA A II-AAdaptare după Quick Minds Level 2, Pupils’s Book, Cambridge University PressHerbert Puchta, Günther Gerngross, Peter Lewis-Jones, Bianca PopaAvând ca obiectiv principal dezvoltarea tinerilor cursanți, autorii au lucrat împreună pentru a aduce această aventură interesantă elevilor din clasa a II-a printr-un curs care urmează pas cu pas Curriculumul Român și creează un mediu de învățare incluziv prin strategii moderne de învățare, jocuri și activități dinamice.

    Comunicare în limba modernă 1 Engleză ISBNManual 9786068964775Caiet de activități 9786068964881SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964775

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    Super Minds 1 ISBNManual 9786068964270Caiet de activități (alb-negru) 9786068964287SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7886068964286

    SUPER MINDS 1 | CLASA I Cambridge University PressHerbert Puchta, Günther Gerngross, Peter Lewis-Jones, Bianca PopaSuper Minds 1, ediția românească, este adaptarea la programa în vigoare a unui celebru curs interactiv de limba engleză care se adresează elevilor clasei întâi. Datorită faptului că materialul include exerciţii similare celor propuse de examenul Cambridge English: Starters, poate fi utilizat și pentru a-i introduce pe cei mici în lumea examenelor Cambridge Young Learners.

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    Super Safari 3 ISBNManualul elevului 9786068964294Caiet de activități 9786068964300SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7886068964309

    SUPER SAFARI 3 | CLASA PREGĂTITOARECambridge University PressSuper Safari 3, ediția românească, adaptată în conformitate cu programa școlară actuală pentru învățământul primar, oferă copiilor o introducere ludică în studiul limbii engleze, cu povești, cântece și jocuri care antrenează memoria, concentrarea și creativitatea.

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

  • 4 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Gimnaziu – Engleză Ediții adaptate la programa școlară 2019-2020

    LIMBA ENGLEZĂ L1 | CLASA A V-AAdaptare după Make it! - Cambridge University PressClare Kennedy with Chiara Soldi, Cristina Rusu, Diana TodoranCambridge University Press este cunoscută pentru crearea de soluții de învățare și cercetare pentru inovarea în domeniul materialelor pentru învățarea limbii engleze.

    LIMBA ENGLEZĂ L1 | CLASA A VII-AAdaptare după Think - Cambridge University PressHerbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones with Oana Stoica, Ioana Tudose and Ioana AdamPerfect adaptat programei curente, manualul conține proiecte trans- și interdisciplinare care scot elevii din rutina obișnuită a orei. Teme culturale internaționale de interes pentru grupa de vârsta vizată și structură echilibrată, cu accent pe limba naturală, folosită de adolescenții din Marea Britanie. Oferă o deschidere spre literatură (cu texte adaptate nivelului de limbă).

    Limba engleză L1 - clasa a V-a ISBNManual 9786067104912Caiet de activități 9786068948591SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 8796067104912

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    Limba engleză L1 - clasa a VII-a ISBNManual 9786068964621Caiet de activități 9786068964904SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964621

  • 5www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Limba engleză L1 INTENSIVclasa a VI-a ISBN

    Manual 9786068964782Caiet de activități 9786068964867SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964782

    LIMBA ENGLEZĂ L1 INTENSIV | CLASA A VI-A Adaptare după Eyes Open - Cambridge University PressBen Goldstein, Ceri Jones, Emma Heyderman, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran, Ioana TudosePerfect adaptat programei școlare curente, manualul are la bază experiența și expertiza Cambridge, iar colaborarea cu Discovery Education îl face extrem de atractiv vizual. Limba utilizată este una naturală, autentică, folosită de adolescenții britanici de azi. Temele culturale contemporane, în care elevii se vor regăsi rapid, sunt completate de o deschidere spre literatură, prin texte adaptate nivelului.

    Ediții adaptate la programa școlară 2019-2020

    Gimnaziu – Engleză intensiv

    LIMBA ENGLEZĂ L1 INTENSIV | CLASA A VII-AAdaptare după Eyes Open - Cambridge University PressBen Goldstein, Ceri Jones, Emma Heyderman, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran, Ioana TudoseCambridge University Press, partenerul ART pentru limba engleză, este cea mai veche editură din lume (fondată în 1534) și un nume de referință în editarea de manuale, cursuri și resurse de învățare a limbii engleze. Standardele de evaluare Cambridge sunt foarte apreciate în România, la fel ca în întreaga lume.

    Limba engleză L1 INTENSIVclasa a VII-a ISBN

    Manual 9786068964638Caiet de activități 9786068964836SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964638

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

    Limba engleză L1 INTENSIVclasa a V-a ISBN

    Manual 9786067104929Caiet de activități 9786068948508SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 8796067104929

    LIMBA ENGLEZĂ L1 INTENSIV | CLASA A V-AAdaptare după Eyes Open! - Cambridge University PressBen Goldstein, Ceri Jones, David McKeegan, Cristina Rusu, Diana TodoranCambridge University Press este cunoscută pentru crearea de soluții de învățare și cercetare pentru inovarea în domeniul materialelor pentru învățarea limbii engleze. Manualul deschide seria materialelor de gimnaziu adaptate specificului educației românești.

    SB: 25 | WB: 24 SET: 45

  • 6 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Ediții adaptate la programa școlară 2019-2020


    KB: 25 | AB: 24 SET: 45

    HALLO ANNA ART CLASA I CLASA A II-AManual 9786068964317 9786068964331Caiet de activități 9786068964324 9786068964348SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964315 7896068964339


    Hallo Anna Art 1 și 2 sunt adaptări la programele școlare românești ale celebrelor ediții internaționale Hallo Anna 1 și 2. Seria pune la dispoziția elevilor: conținuturi desprinse din viața cotidiană a copiilor, transpuse, în mod ludic, în lecții tematice; ilustrații adecvate vârstei copiilor; transcrieri ale secvențelor audio, care mijlocesc o apropiere intuitivă de forma scrisă a limbii germane. Hallo Anna Art 1 se adresează copiilor care acum învață să scrie și să citească și are ca scop principal facilitarea comunicării în limba germană. Hallo Anna Art 2 se concentrează pe dezvoltarea abilităților de receptare, precum și a celor de producție.

    La minimum 30 de exemplare achiziționate, primiți bonus

    păpușa de mână Anna.

    Manualele cuprind câte două module, fiecare fiind alcătuit la rândul său din trei lecții. În cele trei lecții ale fiecărui modul sunt prezentate situații din viața cotidiană a preadolescenților, susținute vizual prin imagini relevante. Aspectele gramaticale sunt corelate cu aceste situații, astfel încât introducerea lor se produce ciclic și cu pași mici, facilitând înțelegerea.

    LIMBA MODERNĂ GERMANĂ Nivel A2.2Adaptare după Maximal A2. Deutsch für Jugendliche, Ernst Klett Sprachen

    LIMBA MODERNĂ (GERMANĂ) – NIVEL A2.2 ISBNManual 9786068964959Caiet de activități 9786069089187SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964959

    KB: 25 | AB: 24 SET: 45

    LIMBA MODERNĂ GERMANĂNivel A2.1Adaptare după Maximal A2. Deutsch für Jugendliche, Ernst Klett Sprachen

    LIMBA MODERNĂ (GERMANĂ) – NIVEL A2.1 ISBNManual 9786068964942Caiet de activități 9786069089170SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964942

    KB: 25 | AB: 24 SET: 45

    LIMBA MODERNĂ GERMANĂNivel A1.2Adaptare după Maximal A1. Deutsch für Jugendliche, Ernst Klett Sprachen

    LIMBA MODERNĂ (GERMANĂ) – NIVEL A1.2 ISBNManual 9786068964935Caiet de activități 9786069089163SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964935

    KB: 25 | AB: 24 SET: 45

    LIMBA MODERNĂ GERMANĂNivel A1.1Adaptare după Maximal A1. Deutsch für Jugendliche, Ernst Klett Sprachen

    LIMBA MODERNĂ (GERMANĂ) – NIVEL A1.1 ISBNManual 9786068964355Caiet de activități 9786068964362SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964353

    KB: 25 | AB: 24 SET: 45

  • 7www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Ediții adaptate la programa școlară 2019-2020


    LIMBA FRANCEZĂ L2 | CLASA A VII-A ADAPTARE DUPĂ À PLUS 1. MÉTHODE DE FRANÇAIS POUR ADOLESCENTS. A 1, ÉDITIONS MAISON DES LANGUESKatia Brandel, Ana Castro Benítez, Antony Sevre, Raphaëlehw Fouillet, Gwendoline Le Ray, Sophie Lhomme, Mariana PopaManualul respectă specificațiile Programei de limba franceză pentru clasa a VII-a, limba modernă 2, atât în privința competențelor generale și specifice de dezvoltat, cât și a conținuturilor gramaticale, lexicale și fonetice. Tematica celor șase unități este adecvată vârstei și intereselor elevilor și conține subiecte atractive, deosebit de motivante: noile tehnologii, universul digital, literatura pentru tineret, publicitatea, robotica etc.

    LE: 25 | CA: 24 SET: 45

    LIMBA FRANCEZĂ L2- CLASA A VII-A ISBNManual 9786068964829Caiet de activități 9786069089200SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896068964829

    LIMBA FRANCEZĂ L2 | CLASA A VI-AADAPTARE DUPĂ À PLUS 1. MÉTHODE DE FRANÇAIS POUR ADOLESCENTS. A 1, ÉDITIONS MAISON DES LANGUESLauréda Kharbache, Ana Carrión, Mariana Popa, Ludovic GaucherAcest manual s-a născut dintr-o convingere profundă: motivația trebuie să fie forța centrală a oricărei forme de învățare. Obiectivul nostru este de a suscita interesul elevilor și plăcerea de a învăța prin intermediul unor activități variate și interesante. Manualul respectă specificațiile Programei de limba franceză pentru clasa a VI-a, limba modernă 2, atât în privința competențelor generale și specifice de dezvoltat, cât și a conținuturilor gramaticale, lexicale și fonetice.LIMBA FRANCEZĂ L2- CLASA A VI-A ISBNManual 9786069089095Caiet de activități 9786069089194SET (manual+ caiet de activități) 7896069089194LE: 25 | CA: 24

    SET: 45

  • 8 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    3 LevelsSUPER SAFARI90 teaching hours, extendable to 180Based on the successful pedagogy of Super Minds, Super Safari is a three-level pre-primary course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, motor-sensory and social development. With children’s developmental needs in mind, Super Safari introduces the new language through play while improving memory and concentration.

    Pre A1

    SB: 38 | WB: 27

    Super Safari Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Pupil’s Book with DVD-ROM 9781107476677 9781107476882 9781107477070Activity Book 9781107476691 9781107476899 9781107477087

    GUESS WHAT!75 teaching hours, extendable to 150Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics. Syllabus mapped to the 2018 revised Cambridge English: Young Learners exams. Content lessons with real life video documentaries enhance children’s subject knowledge, social values, critical thinking and listening skills. Interactive online activities for vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading.


    SB: 35 | WB: 32

    6 Levels

    GUESS WHAT! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil’s Book 9781107526914 9781107527904 9781107528017 9781107545397 9781107545502 9781107545359Activity Book with Online Resources 9781107526952 9781107527911 9781107528031 9781107545380 9781107545427 9781107545557

    POWER UP200 teaching hours, extendable to 320Official preparation for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers, A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for SchoolsPower Up is one of the first generation of courses to integrate the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies, a research initiative which maps thinking and learning skills according to different life stages. Provides both general English and comprehensive preparation for Cambridge English Qualifications, and is jointly published with Cambridge Assessment English.


    SB: 54 | WB: 45

    6 Levels

    POWER UP Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil’s Book 9781108413749 9781108413763 9781108413794 9781108413817 9781108413831 9781108413855Activity Book with Online Resources and Home Booklet 9781108430036 9781108430050 9781108430074 9781108430142 9781108430210 9781108430265


    English Pre-Primary, Primary

  • 9www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Primary English

    SUPER MINDS200 teaching hours, extendable to 320An exciting, seven-level course that enhances young learners’ thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The Student’s Book has a DVD-ROM with interactive games, animations, video-based activities and songs. Super Minds has been carefully crafted to help your students achieve their full potential.

    PreA1 A1 A1+ A2 A2+ B1 B1+

    SB: 47 | WB: 35

    7 Levels

    SUPER MINDS STARTER Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student’s Book with DVD-ROM 9780521148528 9780521148559 9780521148597 9780521221689 9780521222181 9780521223355 9780521223874Workbook with Online Resources 9780521148535 9781107482951 9781107482975 9781107482999 9781107483033 9781107483040 9781107483057

    SUPER GRAMMAR• The Super Grammar books cover all the Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers

    grammar. The reading and writing pages at the end of each unit put all the new grammar in context. Super Grammar is ideal for use in class and at home.

    A1 A1+ A2 A2+ B1 B1+

    SB: 31

    6 Levels

    SUPER GRAMMAR Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 9781316631454 9781316631461 9781316631478 9781316631485 9781316631508 9781316631515

    KID’S BOX 2ND EDITION UPDATED100 teaching hours, extendable to 250. Official preparation for the revised 2018 Cambridge Young Learners English tests• Values pages develop children’s social awareness;• Phonics sections help improve pronunciation, spelling and reading skills;• Online activities (levels 1-6) in the Cambridge Learning Management System (CLMS)

    reinforce vocabulary and grammar and helps you track and review children’s work.


    SB: 38 | WB: 38

    7 Levels

    KID’S BOX Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil’s Book 9781316627655 9781316627662 9781316627679 9781316627686 9781316627693 9781316627709 9781316628799Activity Book with Online Resources – 9781316628744 9781316628751 9781316628768 9781316628775 9781316628782 9781316627716

  • 10 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Young Learners ExamsEnglish

    FUN FOR… (4TH EDITION)60-80 teaching hoursUpdated for the revised 2018 Cambridge Young Learners tests. Classroom, online (via an access code in the Student’s Book) and mobile technology provide the perfect blend to keep learners engaged. Fun activities balanced with exam-style questions practice all the areas of the syllabus. Now with Home Fun Booklet.

    Starters Movers Flyers

    SB: 39

    3 Levels

    STORYFUN FOR… (2ND EDITION)15 teaching hours, extendable to 45For the revised 2018 Cambridge Young Learners (YLE) tests. Now in 6 levels with two books per test. Each book contains eight fully-illustrated stories followed by fun activities, songs and exam-style question. Now with Home Fun Booklet - activities for students to complete at home. Ideal as a set of readers to accompany any general English primary course.

    Starters Movers Flyers

    SB: 31

    3 Levels

    CAMBRIDGE YLE AUTHENTIC EXAMINATION PAPERSThis collection of examination papers provides ideal exam practice. It contains 3 full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the revised test.

    Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers 3 Levels

    FUN FOR... 4TH ED. STARTERS Movers FlyersStudent’s Book with Home Fun booklet and online activities  9781316617465 9781316617533 9781316617588

    STORYFUN FOR… 2ND ED. Starters - Level 1 Starters - Level 2 Movers - Level 3 Movers - Level 4 Movers - Level 5 Movers - Level 6Student’s Book with online activities and Home Fun booklet 9781316617014 9781316617021 9781316617151 9781316617175 9781316617243 9781316617250

    YLE TESTS Starters 1 Starters 2 Starters 3 Movers 1 Movers 2 Movers 3 Flyers 1 Flyers 2 Flyers 3Student’s Book 9781316635896 9781316636237 9781108465113 9781316635902 9781316636244 9781108465137 9781316635919 9781316636251 9781108465168Answer Booklet 9781316635933 9781316636268 9781108465175 9781316635940 9781316636275 9781108465182 9781316635957 9781316636282 9781108465205Audio CD 9781316635971 9781316636299 9781108465229 9781316635988 9781316636305 9781108465236 9781316635995 9781316636312 9781108465267

    DELTA YOUNG LEARNERS ENGLISH Starters Movers Flyers Pupil’s Book 9783125013872 9783125013957 9783125013919Activity Book 9783125013889 9783125013964 9783125013926

    DELTA YOUNG LEARNERS ENGLISH 2ND EDITIONA three-level series for young learners of English which is based on the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English tests. DELTA Young Learners English offers an activity-based approach through active engagement in everyday classroom tasks. Super Starters is the first level suitable for 7 to 9 year olds. It encourages pupils to “learn-by-doing”. Mighty Movers is an activity-based course suitable for 9 to 11 year olds. Fantastic Flyers is also an activity-based course and is suitable for 11 to 13 year olds. All books make ideal preparation for the Cambridge YLE Tests as well as being an excellent course for any young learner.

    Super Starters/Mighty Movers/Fantastic Flyers 3 Levels

    PB: 66 | AB: 66

    SB: 39 KEY: 5 CD: 58

  • 11www.art-educational.ro/languages


    THINK80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 150With a purposeful focus on critical thinking, positive values, and healthy self-esteem, Think is informed by the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students learn English as it is actually used. Culture lessons encourage students to think and talk about life in other countries. Think Exam pages and assessment-style activities prepare students for success at Cambridge Key, Preliminary, First and Advanced. Free audio download.

    A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1

    SB: 60 | WB: 35

    6 Levels

    TALENT Up to 100 teaching hoursIntegrated language, life and academic skills prepare students for success. From strategies for checking understanding, to interpreting data and evaluating information, these vital skills will serve students well throughout their lives. Exam strategies and practice build students’ confidence and prepare them for a range of international exams, including B2 First, IELTS and IGCSE. Free audio download.

    A2 B1 B2

    SB: 51 | WB: 29

    3 Levels

    ENGLISH IN MIND80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 180• Imaginative and appealing topics engage teenagers’ interest and motivate them to learn. • Projects and writing tasks allow students to build up their own language portfolios,

    developing learner independence and giving students a practical use for the language. • Culture in mind sections give students an insight into different aspects of culture

    throughout the English-speaking world.

    PreA1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1

    SB: 59 | WB: 31

    6 Levels

    TALENT Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student’s Book 9781108465274 9781108467735 9781108467742Workbook with Online Practice 9781108567312 9781108567329 9781108567336

    Eyes Open Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student’s Book 9781107467255 9781107467446 9781107467620 9781107467804Workbook with Online Practice 9781107467330 9781107467507 9781107467736 9781107467828

    THINK Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Student’s Book 9781107585720 9781107508828 9781107509153 9781107562707 9781107573284 9781107574700Workbook with Online Practice 9781107587847 9781107508835 9781107509177 9781107563254 9781107573697 9781107575509

    ENGLISH IN MIND Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Student’s Book 9780521185370 9780521179072 9780521156097 9780521159487 9780521184465 9780521184564Workbook with Audio CD 9780521170246 9780521168601 9780521123006 9780521185608 9780521184472 9780521184571

    EYES OPEN80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 150Eyes Open combines captivating video from Discovery EducationTM with an effective lesson approach that promotes communication. A careful progression of personalized language building activities leads to greater speaking and writing fluency. Graded activities for mixed-ability classes, progress monitoring tools and flexible teaching support ensures that every learner can achieve success.

    A1 A2 B1 B1+

    SB: 54 | WB: 34

    4 Levels


  • 12 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    English High School

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH EMPOWER80-120 teaching hoursMore than just another new book, Cambridge English Empower is a game-changer in teaching and learning. Empower’s unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable assessment, with personalized online practice, enables learners to make consistent and measurable progress. With thought-provoking images and texts and engaging video, helps teachers deliver motivating and memorable lessons.

    A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 6 Levels

    SB: 66 | WB: 37

    FACE2FACEStarter (A1): 60-90 teaching hours; Elementary-Advanced (A2-C1): 80-120 hoursAn easy-to-teach course for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. Based on the communicative approach, it combines the best in current methodology with innovative new features designed to make learning and teaching easier. There is also a strong focus on listening and speaking in social situations.

    A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 6 Levels

    SB: 62 | WB: 35

    YOUR SPACEYour Space links your students’ own world to the language classroom, giving them ‘space’ to explore and develop their English language skills, and takes them step by step through the language they need at this level.

    A1 A2 B1 3 Levels

    SB: 56 | WB: 32

    USING HUMOUR IN THE ENGLISH CLASSUsing Humour in the English Classroom is a photocopiable resource book for use with adult and teenage students of English. It provides extensive speaking practice with 72 copy-masters as an instant resource for teachers. It offers students enjoyable speaking practice activities in up-to-date contexts they can relate to.

    Teaching ideas and activities 1 Level

    BOOK: 77

    EMPOWER Starter Elementary Pre-Int Intermediate Upper-Int AdvancedStudent’s Book 9781107465947 9781107466265 9781107466517 9781107466845 9781107468726 9781107469082Workbook - Key + Audio downloadable 9781107488717 9781107488748 9781107488762 9781107488779 9781107488786 9781107488847

    FACE2FACE Starter Elementary Pre-Int Intermediate Upper-Int AdvancedStudent’s Book + DVD-ROM 9781107654402 9781107422049 9781107422070 9781107422100 9781107422018 9781107679344Workbook without key 9781107614772 9780521283069 9781107603523 9781107609556 9781107609570 9781107621855

    YOUR SPACE Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Student's Book 9780521729239 9780521729284 9780521729338Workbook + Audio CD 9780521729246 9780521729291 9780521729345


  • 13www.art-educational.ro/languages www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Cambridge Exams English

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PREPARE!60-80 teaching hours, extendable to 110-160The only official course for schools jointly produced with and endorsed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. A flexible course with motivating age-appropriate themes which encourage student engagement and discussion. Cambridge Learner Corpus feature helps to identify and avoid common grammar mistakes. Lively video interviews with teenagers bring language to life in the students’ world.

    A1 A1+ A2 A2+ B1 B1+ B2 7 Levels

    SB: 56 | WB: 32

    COMPACT - SECOND EDITION 50-60 teaching hoursIdeal for shorter courses and easily integrated with a general English course, Compact offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise student performance. Ten units covering all five exam papers, focus on one part of each paper in each unit. Writing, Speaking and Listening guides with complete summaries include exam information, model answers and additional tasks.

    A2 Key for Schools B1 Preliminary for Schools First for schools 3 Levels

    SB+WB: 72

    COMPLETE - SECOND EDITION 80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 120Revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools examsComplete is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools and the revised A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide.

    A2 B1 B2 3 Levels

    KEY SB: 65 | WB: 37

    OPEN WORLD Revised 2020 B1 Preliminary examEmbark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language. A unique exam journey maximizes students’ performance, providing a systematic route to exam success.

    B1 Preliminary 1 Level

    SB: 65 | WB: 37


    NEW 2020Preliminary f or Schools

    Student’s Book 9781108539333 9781108525213Workbook + Audio Download 9781108539401 9781108525763

    OPEN WORLD PreliminaryStudent’s Book + key + Online Practice 9781108759199Workbook + key + Audio Download 9781108759243

    COMPACT SECOND EDITION NEW 2020Key for Schools

    NEW 2020Preliminary or Schools

    NEWFirst for Schools

    Student’s Pack (Student’s Book without answers with Online Practice and Workbook without answers with Audio)

    9781108348782 9781108349093 9781107415584

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PREPARE! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7Student’s Book 9780521180436 9780521180481 9780521180542 9780521180276 9781107482340 9780521180313 9780521180368Workbook + Audio 9780521180443 9780521180498 9780521180559 9780521180283 9781107497870 9780521180320 9780521180382

    6 Levels

    6 Levels

    1 Level

    PRELIMINARY SB: 50 | WB: 30

  • 14 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Cambridge ExamsEnglish

    FROM 31

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH EXAM BOOSTERSThe series is also available for the for Schools examinations. Can be use alongside a coursebook or as intensive exam practice. 48 Exam Tasks practise each part of the exam three times while Exam Facts provide practical information about each task. Exam Tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and Get it right boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam.

    First Advanced 4 Levels


    FROM 56

    TEST TRAINERSSix full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The first two tests are fully guided with step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. With answers and audio, the series also includes teacher’s notes with ideas for setting up and extending tasks in the classroom.

    Key Preliminary First Advanced IELTS 5 Levels

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PAST PAPERSThe only official range of authentic practice material available anywhere. Each set contains four complete tests to help you prepare for test day, plus audio and answers.


    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH EXAM BOOSTERS Key Preliminary First NEW Advanced

    Book + Key + Audio 9781316648452 9781316648445 9781316641750 9781108349086Book - Key + Audio 9781316641804 9781316641781 9781316648438 9781108349079

    TRAINER NEW 2020 Key for Schools

    NEW 2020 Preliminary for

    SchoolsFirst First for Schools Advanced IELTS

    Trainer 1 9781108525800 9781108528887 9781107470187 9781107446052 9781107470279 9780521128209Trainer 2 - - 9781108525480 9781108380911 - -

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PRACTICE TESTS NEW 2020 Key NEW 2020 Key for SchoolsNEW 2020 Preliminary

    NEW 2020 Preliminary for

    SchoolsVOLUME 1 Book + Key + Audio 9781108694636 9781108676595 9781108676410 9781108652292VOLUME 2 Book + Key + Audio - -= - -

    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PRACTICE TESTS First First for Schools Advanced ProficiencyVOLUME 1 Book + Key + Audio 9781107663312 9781107672093 9781107654969 9781107691643VOLUME 2 Book + Key + Audio 9781316503560 9781316503522 9781316504499 9781107646513

    THE OFFICIAL CAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO IELTSSuitable for students at all levels, this study guide has EVERYTHING you need to prepare for IELTS Academic or General Training. Understand the test and improve your score with exercises which cover every question type. Develop test-taking strategies with EIGHT official practice tests – the first one with step-by-step guidance. Audio for the listening and videos of the Speaking test are on the DVD-ROM.



    1 Level


    FROM 61

  • 15www.art-educational.ro/languages www.art-educational.ro/languages

    EnglishGrammar and vocabulary

    4 Levels

    5 Levels

    1 Level

    GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY FOR …The series provides complete coverage of the grammar and vocabulary needed for the revised exams and develops listening skills at the same time. It provides students with practice of exam tasks from the Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening papers and contains helpful grammar explanations and glossary. The accompanying listening material is available online for download.

    First & First for Schools Advanced


    2 Levels

    GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY FOR ADVANCED 9781107481114Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools 9781107481060

    ACTIVE GRAMMARSuitable for classroom use or self-study (contains audio and answers), Active Grammar presents and practises grammar in clear, realistic contexts specially chosen to appeal to teenage and young adult learners. The series covers all the grammar points taught at A1-C2 (CEFR) levels. Series editor: Penny Ur.

    A1-A2 B1-B2 C1-C2


    3 Levels

    ACTIVE GRAMMAR Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Book + key and CD-ROM 9780521732512 9780521175999 9780521152501


    GRAMMAR IN USE SERIESThe world’s best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Two-page units in an easy-to-use format, with clear explanations of grammar points on each left-hand page and exercises to check understanding on the right. Available in two versions:• Book with answers• Book with answers and Interactive eBook (all the content from the printed book,

    plus integrated audio)

    A1-A2 B1-B2 C1-C2

    +key: 53 +key +eBook: 58

    3 Levels



    C1-C2Book + key 9781107480551 9780521189064 9781107697386Book + key + interactive ebook 9781107480537 9781107539334 9781107539303

    GRAMMAR FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS (2ND EDITION)An ideal reference guide for experienced and trainee teachers who are developing their knowledge of English grammar systems. The book provides practical ideas for planning lessons, with clear explanations. Easy exercises encourage teachers to understand factors affecting grammatical choices. With accompanying CD-ROM (the whole book in searchable format, plus audio).



    1 Level

  • 16 www.art-educational.ro/languages


    FABULIErstlese- und Sprachlehrwerk für den Anfangsunterricht in DeutschFür Kinder im Primarstufenalter, die Deutsch lernen, aber noch nicht lesen und schreiben können. Kann allen Lehrwerken, die eine Lese- und Schreibfertigkeit voraussetzen, vorgeschaltet werden. Vermittelt Buchstaben und Buchstabenkombinationen, ihren Lautwert sowie ihre Schreibweise. Blättern im Buch.


    KB: 72 | AB: 72

    1 Bänd

    DIE DEUTSCHPROFISFür Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Inspiriert vom Erfolgslehrwerk Das neue Deutschmobil.Auch in Teilbänden erhältlich Deutsch zum Mitmachen. Mitreißende Themen aus der Lebenswelt der Kinder motivieren jeden zum Sprechen. Prüfungsvorbereitung: Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch, Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch, Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1 und DSD I. Audios als MP3 und Grammatik-Clips kostenlos im Internet (Link im Buch).

    A1 A1.1 A1.2 A2 B1

    KB: 72 | AB: 56teil KB+AB: 70

    3 Bänden

    WO IST PAULA?Deutsch für junge Lernende ab 8 JahrenEignet sich für den fächerübergreifenden Unterricht. Bezieht den Mehrsprachigkeitsansatz ein. Folgt einer sanften Progression. Regelmäßiges Sprachtraining. Abwechslungsreiche Lieder und Gedichte. Videosequenzen zum Nachspielen. Unterhaltsame Lektüreseiten und Landeskunde im Kursbuch. Differenzierungsaufgaben, Wiederholungsübungen und Selbstevaluation im Arbeitsbuch. Blättern im Buch.


    KB: 40 | AB: 33

    2 Bänden

    HALLO ANNAFür Kinder ab 6 Jahren, die erst in ihrer Muttersprache lesen und schreiben lernen• konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung der Sprechfähigkeit und des Hörverstehens;• Vermittelt Grundwortschatz und Redewendungen;• Berücksichtigt den natürlichen Spiel- und Bewegungsdrang von Kindern in dieser

    Altersgruppe;• Enthält ansprechende Zeichnungen, Fotos, Lieder, Comics und viele Spiele.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 50 | AB: 46

    3 Bänden

    HALLO ANNA 1 2 3Lehrbuch + CDs 9783126760607 9783126760638 9783126760669Arbeitsbuch 9783126760614 9783126760645 9783126760676

    WO IST PAULA? 1 2 3 4Kursbuch 9783126052801 9783126052825 9783126052856 9783126052870Arbeitsbuch 9783126052818 9783126052832 9783126052863 9783126052887

    DIE DEUTSCHPROFIS A1 A1.1 A1.2 A2 A2.1 A2.2 B1KB + ÜB + Online Hörmaterial - 9783126764766 9783126764773 - 9783126765008 9783126765015 -KB + Online-Hörmaterial 9783126764704 - - 9783126764803 - - 9783126764902Übungsbuch 9783126764711 - - 9783126764810 - - 9783126764919

    FABULI ISBNSchülerbuch 9783126761703Arbeitsbuch 9783126761710

  • 17www.art-educational.ro/languageswww.art-educational.ro/languages

    Mittelschule Deutsch

    1 Bänd

    3 Bänden

    2 Bänden

    3 BändenMAGNET NEUFür junge Lernende ab 11 Jahren.Neue Inhalte: Aktualisierte Texte und Aufgaben. Modernes Design: Frisches Layout mit neuen Fotos. Mehr Landeskunde: Eine Extra-Seite in jeder Zwischenstation. Überprüfung des Gelernten in der Rubrik Ich kann. Kostenloses Portfolio online. Integrierte Prüfungsvorbereitung auf das Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch 1, das Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch sowie auf das Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 72 | AB: 56teil KB+AB: 76

    3 Bänden

    MAXIMALFür Jugendliche ab 10 Jahren• Geschichten aus ihrem Alltag motivieren von Anfang an zum Sprechen;• Humorvolle Videos zeigen die Welt der Hauptfiguren und trainieren das Hör-Seh-Verstehen;• Vielfältige Textsorten, z. B. aus E-Mails, Apps und sozialen Netzwerken;• Grammatikübersichten und Tests zur Selbstevaluation.

    A1 A1.1 A1.2 A2 A2.1 A2.2

    KB: 72AB: 61

    2 Bänden

    FANTASTISCH!Deutsch für Jugendliche ab 12 JahrenFantastisch! kombiniert eine ansprüchsvolle Progression mit einem handlungsorientierten Ansatz. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem interkulturellen Lernen. Altersgerechte Lesetexte mit aktuellen Textsorten (Blogs, Kurzgeschichten, Chats). Pro Lektion eine Doppelseite zu Kultur und Landeskunde Grammatiktipps, Wortschatzspiele, Leseseiten Comics, Projekte und Spiele.


    KB: 58 | AB: 50

    1 BändNEU

    KLASSE!Deutsch für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren.Klasse! steht für einen kommunikativen und handlungsorientiert Unterricht, zeichnet sich durch viele kooperative und erfolgsorientierte Übungsformen aus und setzt den Fokus auf Kreativität und Konsequente Lernaktivierung. Alle Audios, Videos und Online-Übungen sind kostenlos online und über die KlettAugmented-App abrufbar. Prüfungsvorbereitung: Fit in Deutsch 1, Fit in Deutsch, Goethe Zertifikat B1.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 72 | AB: 57

    1 BändenNEU

    MAGNET NEU A1 A1.1 A1.2 A2 A2.1 A2.2 B1KB + ÜB + CD - 9783126760959 9783126760966 - 9783126761307 9783126761314 -KB + CD 9783126760805 - - 9783126760850 - - 9783126760904Arbeitsbuch 9783126760812 - - 9783126760867 - - 9783126760911

    KLASSE A1KB + CD 9783126071192Arbeitsbuch 9783126071208

    FANTASTISCH A1Kursbuch 9783126767118Arbeitsbuch 9783126767125

    MAXIMAL A1 A2Kursbuch 9783126767408 9783126767453Arbeitsbuch + MP3 Download 9783126767415 9783126767460

  • 18 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Deutsch Lyzeum

    ASPEKTE JUNIORDeutsch für fortgeschrittene Jugendliche ab 14 JahrenDie jugendliche Version von Aspekte|neu. Schult gezielt alle vier Fertigkeiten, die Aussprache sowie das Hör-Seh-Verstehen. Motiviert die Lernenden durch aktuelle und authentische Hör- und Lesetexte. Ermöglicht effizientes Unterrichten bei geringer Vorbereitung. Begeistert durch Filmszenen auf DVD und passende Aufgaben im Kursbuch. Bereitet auf die gängigen Prüfungen vor.

    B1+ B2 C1

    KB: 72 | AB: 56

    3 Bänden

    DEUTSCH ECHT EINFACHFür Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren Klare und einfache Lektionsstruktur. Kleinschrittige Grammatikvermittlung mit vielen Übungen. Die Zwischenstopps ermöglichen ein intensives Fertigkeitentraining. Didaktisierte Videos zu Alltagssituationen. Audios und Filme online (Link im Buch). Prüfungen: Fit in Deutsch 1, Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch und Goethe-Zertifikat B1 für Jugendliche.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 64 | ÜB: 56KB + ÜB: 62

    3 Bänden

    GENI@L KLICKKlar strukturierter Lernweg und gleichmäßige Progression. Themen und Illustrationen aus der Welt der Jugendlichen. Aufgaben zur Mehrsprachigkeit und Aussprache. Inklusive 30-minütigem Begleitvideo. Enthält zwei Audio-CDs zum Kursbuch mit Hörtexten und Impulsen zur Ausspracheschulung. Prüfungen: Fit in Deutsch 1, Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch und ÖSD/Goethe-Zertifikat B1, Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 64 | AB: 56

    3 Bänden

    OPTIMALFür Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 JahreSprachhandlungen im Zentrum. Authentische Reportagen und Texte. Kurze Kapitel und schnelle Erfolge. Kreative Wortschatzarbeit. Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. Download-Material: Einstufungstest, Online-Projekte, Glossare. Prüfungsvorbereitung: Start Deutsch 1 und 2, Zertifikat Deutsch.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 56 | AB: 48

    3 Bänden

    ASPEKTE JUNIOR B1+ B2 C1Lehrbuch + DVD 9783126052504 9783126052542 9783126052580Arbeitsbuch + Audio 9783126052511 9783126052559 9783126052597

    GENI@L KLICK A1 A2 B1Kursbuch + CDs 9783126062800 9783126062961 9783126050692Arbeitsbuch + CDs 9783126062817 9783126062978 9783126050708

    OPTIMAL A1 A2 B1Kursbuch 9783126061445 9783126061575 9783126061681Lehrbuch + CD 9783126061452 9783126061582 9783126061698

    DEUTSCH ECHT EINFACH! A1 A1.1 A1.2 A2 A2.1 A2.2 B1 B1.1 B1.2

    KB + ÜB - 9783126765220 9783126765237 - 9783126765282 9783126765299 - 9783126765343 9783126765350KB + MP3 9783126765190 - - 9783126765268 - - 9783126765329 - -ÜB + MP3 9783126765213 - - 9783126765275 - - 9783126765336 - -

  • 19www.art-educational.ro/languages www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Lyzeum Deutsch

    3 Bänden

    3 Bänden

    3 Bänden

    ASPEKTE | NEUFür fortgeschrittene Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 JahrenModularer und linearer Aufbau. Hohe Motivation durch authentische Filme. Festigung und Erweiterung von Strukturen sowie Training von Fertigkeiten und Strategien. Vielfältige Übungsmöglichkeiten durch Arbeitsbuch und Intensivtrainer. Prüfungsvorbereitung: Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, Zertifikat Deutsch/telc B1, Goethe-Zertifikat B2 und C1, DSH, TestDaF.

    B1+ B2 C1

    KB: 77 | AB: 56teil KB+AB: 81

    3 Bänden

    NETZWERKFür Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren ohne VorkenntnisseIntuitiv lernen, flexibel unterrichten. Klare Lernwege und Orientierung. Gesprochene Sprache – niveaugerecht von Anfang an. Grammatik – gebrauchsfertig und kontextgebunden.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB: 68 | AB: 56teil KB+AB: 64

    3 Bänden

    DAF KOMPAKT NEUFür Lernende, die in großen Schritten vorankommen möchten. Schnell und kompakt von A1 bis B1. Ideal für Intensivkurse an Goethe-Instituten. Sanfter Einstieg – trotz steiler Progression. Durchgängiges Doppelseitenprinzip. Aktuelle Landeskunde aus D-A-CH-L. Prüfungsvorbereitung: Start Deutsch 1 und 2, Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1, Goethe-Zertifikat A2, Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, Zertifikat Deutsch.

    A1 A2 B1

    KB+AB: 64

    3 Bänden

    DAF LEICHT6-bändige Ausgabe für Lernende ohne VorkenntnisseÜberraschend leicht! Clever: rhythmisch gestützte und animierte Grammatik. Markante Visualisierungen auf jeder Seite. Spontan: integrierte Unterrichts - hinweise im Kursbuch. Zielgerichtet: klarer Fokus auf das Wesentliche. Erfolgreich: kleine kommunikative Einheiten. Entspannt: kleinschrittige und angeleitete Übungen. Flexibel: überall und jederzeit üben.

    A1.1 A1.2 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2

    KB+AB: 56

    3 Bänden

    ASPEKTE NEU B1 B1+ Teil 1 B1+ Teil 2 B2Lehr-/Arbeitsbuch - 9783126050180 9783126050197 -Lehrbuch ohne DVD 9783126050166 - - 9783126050258Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD 9783126050173 - - 9783126050265

    MAGNET NEU B2 Teil 1 B2 Teil 2 C1 C1 Teil 1 C1 Teil 2Lehr-/Arbeitsbuch 9783126050272 9783126050289 - 9783126050371 9783126050388Lehrbuch ohne DVD - - 9783126050357 - -Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD - - 9783126050364 - -

    NETZWERK A1 A1+ Teil 1 B1+ Teil 2Lehr-/Arbeitsbuch - 9783126061315 9783126061322Lehrbuch ohne DVD 9783126061285 - -Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD 9783126061308 - -

    NETZWERK A2 A2 Teil 1 A2 Teil 2 B1 B1 Teil 1 B1 Teil 2Lehr-/Arbeitsbuch - 9783126061421 9783126061438 - 9783126050142 9783126050050Lehrbuch ohne DVD 9783126069977 - - 9783126050029 - -Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD 9783126069991 - - 9783126050043 - -

    DAF KOMPAKT A1 A2 B1Kurs- und Übungsbuch 9783126763134 9783126763141 9783126763158

    DAF LEICHT A1.1 A1.2 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2 Kurs-/Übgsb. +DVD-R 9783126762502 9783126762519 9783126762557 9783126762564 9783126762601 9783126762618

  • 20 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    MIT ERFOLG ZU …Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Musteraufgaben zu allen Prüfungsteilen. Ausführliche Erläuterungen zu Ablauf und Bewertung der Prüfungen. Komplette Modelltests zur Prüfungs simulation. Wiederholung von Grammatik und Wortschatz. Zahlreiche Tipps und Lösungsstrategien sowie Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle. Integrierte Audio-CDs bzw. MP3-CDs sowie Transkriptionen der Hörtexte.

    Start Deutsch Goethe-Zertifikat ÖSD-Zertifikat Telc Deutsch Test DaF

    14 Bänden

    ab 54

    SO GEHT’S!Die optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für Jugendliche und ErwachseneSchrittweises Training aller Prüfungsteile in thematischen Kontexten. Lehrerhandbuch mit methodischen Hinweisen für den Unterricht und Kopiervorlagen. Mit Lösungen, integrierten Audio-CDs und Transkriptionen der Hörtexte.

    DSD Goethe-Zertifikat ÖSD-Zertifikat

    8 Bänden

    ab 61

    Deutsch Prüfungsvorbereitung

  • 21www.art-educational.ro/languages www.art-educational.ro/languages

    14 Bänden

    8 Bänden

    Grammatik Deutsch

    KLIPP UND KLAR99 Grammatikkapitel übersichtlich auf je einer Doppelseite. Bildimpuls zur Visualisierung und als Erinnerungshilfe. Typische Beispiele zeigen grammatische Struktur und sprachliche Verwendung. Einfache Regeln, leicht verständliche Erklärungen und Lerntipps Rechts. Sinnvolle Übungen in realistischen Kontexten. Enthält alle Grammatikthemen des Zertifikat Deutsch.

    A1-B1 B2-C1

    A1-B1: 86 B2-C1: 88

    2 Bänden

    DEUTSCH INTENSIV GRAMMATIKÜBUNGSBUCH ZUM INTENSIVEN TRAINING DER GRAMMATIKEffektive Wiederholung und Festigung.• Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur Intensivierung und Festigung der Grammatik;• Übersichtliche Tabellen mit knapp formulierten Regeln;• Viele Anwendungsbeispiele; Vorbereitung auf relevante Prüfungsformate;• Tipps zur korrekten Aussprache, zur Betonung und zur Satzmelodie;• Mit Lösungsschlüssel zu allen Übungen; Grammatik-Videos online und über Klett-


    A1 A2 B1 B2


    4 Bänden

    GRAMMATIK & KONVERSATIONArbeitsblätter für den Deutschunterricht.• 105 kopierfähige Arbeitsblätter zu zentralen Grammatik Themen. • Für Fortgeschrittene: Niveau Gerechte Übungsformen und Themen als Kopiervorlagen.

    A1-B1 B1-B2


    2 Bänden

    GRAMMATIK IM GESPRÄCH• Arbeitsblätter für den Deutschunterricht• Breites Übungsangebot. • Jederzeit im Unterricht oder zu Hause einsetzbare Kopiervorlagen.



    1 Bänd

    DEUTSCH INTENSIV GRAMMATIK A1 A2 B1 B2 Buch + online 9783126750578 9783126750592 9783126750677 9783126750370

    KLIPP UND KLAR A1-B1 B2-C19783126754279 9783126754286

    GRAMMATIK & KONVERSATION A1-B1 B2-C19783126063623 9783126063647

    GRAMMATIK IM GESPRÄCH A1-B29783126063692


  • 22 www.art-educational.ro/languages


    LA RÉCRÉMéthode de français langue étrangère (FLE) sur 3 niveaux offrant une approche dynamique, ludique et multisensorielle. Le manuel comprend six unités thématiques. Chaque unité se compose d’une double page de découverte, de deux pages d’activités pour apprendre à écouter, prononcer, lire, écrire et dessiner, d’une page d’activité manuelle ou de recette de cuisine, d’une page de jeu et d’une page de chansons.

    A1.1 A1 A2.1 2 Niveaux

    ZOOM PAS ÀPASUne collection idéale pour construire un parcours d’apprentissage en douceur• Une organisation en 5 volumes pour une progression pas à pas avec les enfants;• 4 unités didactiques par ouvrage, dont 2 unités inédites pour couvrir le niveau A2.2;• Une proposition tout-en-un: le Livre de l’élève, le Cahier d’activités FLE et le CD audio

    en un seul volume!

    A1.1 A1.1-A1.2 A1.2 A2.1 A2.1-A2.2

    LE+CA: 77

    2 Niveaux

    CAP SUR…Le carnet de voyage de la famille Cousteau. Suivez les aventures de la famille Cousteau et de Gaston le pigeon à travers différents pays francophones. Faites découvrir le français aux enfants grâce à une méthode colorée et ludique, pleine d’activités créatives et d’outils d’aide à l’apprentissage pensés spécialement pour eux.

    A1.1 A1.2 2 Niveaux

    ZOOM – LE COMPLÉMENT LUDIQUE• Plus de 100 fiches pédagogiques (à photocopier ou à imprimer grâce au CD-Rom)

    avec des activités et des jeux pour dynamiser les cours;• Des indications pratiques et détaillées, des propositions de variantes et des idées

    pour approfondir les activités;• Des notes socioculturelles autour des activités (origine des jeux, anecdotes

    historiques, stratégies de mise en place);• Un ouvrage à utiliser avec tous les niveaux de la collection Zoom ou


    A1.1 A1.1-A1.2 A1.2


    1 Niveaux

    LA RÉCRÉ NIVEAUX 1 – A1.1 NIVEAUX 2 – A1 NIVEAUX 3 – A2.1LIVRE DE L’ÉLÈVE 9789953316666 9789953316680 9789953316710CAHIER - 9789953316697 9789953316727

    CAP SUR... 1 - A1.1 2 - A1.2Livre de l’élève + CD 9788417260774 9788417260804Cahier d’activités + CD 9788417260781 9788417260811

    LE COMPLEMENT LUDIQUE DE ZOOM (A1-A2.1) 9788484438724

    ZOOM PAS À PAS Niveaux 1 A1.1Niveaux 2 A1.1-A1.2

    Niveaux 3A1.2

    Niveaux 4A2.1

    Niveaux 5A2.1-A2.2

    Livre de l’eleve + Cahier d’activites + CD 9788416273782 9788416273799 9788416273805 9788416273812 9788416273829



    LE: 53 | CA: 30

    LE: 64 | CA: 39

  • 23www.art-educational.ro/languages

    À LA UNEPour un apprentissage dynamique et réussiLa nouvelle méthode FLE complète du A1 au B1 pour les adolescents, avec pour fil conducteur leur ville, leur vie, leurs loisirs, leurs passions… Enseignez le français en stimulant l’intérêt de vos élèves de manière ludique grâce à des projets créatifs, des activités de groupe, et une construction progressive et inductive des savoirs.

    A1 A1-A2 2 Niveaux

    À PLUS LE PACK DVDLe Pack DVD de À plus est un composant de la collection À plus.• 9 vidéos : une séquence pour chaque unité du Livre de l’élève et des vidéos

    supplémentaires pour aller plus loin ;• Des extraits de documents authentiques, soigneusement sélectionnés (en fonction

    des thématiques, de la difficulté et du vocabulaire) et des séquences vidéo spécialement tournées pour la méthode .

    A1 A2 B1 B2

    DVD: 145

    2 Niveaux

    À PLUSLa méthode idéale pour apprendre ensemble en s’amusant• Une approche actionnelle, une communication constante, des projets réalistes

    et personnels;• Une sensibilisation à la culture francophone et aux valeurs citoyennes avec des

    éléments de la vie quotidienne proposés dans toute la méthode et des pages Mag.com organisées autour;

    • De thématiques culturelles originales;• Des pages Test et Bilan pour faire le point.

    A1 A2.1 A2.2 B1 B2

    LE: 77 | CA: 43

    4 Niveaux

    POURQUOI PAS!Une méthode de référence mondiale• Un travail constant sur le lexique et une réutilisation pertinente des ressources;• Des focus de grammaire;• Des pages Quartier libre traitées sous la forme d’un magazine de presse pour

    adolescents• Une sensibilisation au DELF scolaire et junior• Des bilans de compétences et de connaissances

    A1 A2.1 A2.2 B1

    LE: 78 | CA: 49

    3 Niveaux

    À LA UNE 1 - A1 2 - A1-A2Livre de l’élève + CD 9788417260866 9788417260897Cahier d’activités + CD 9788417260873 9788417260903

    À PLUS Niveaux 1A1Niveaux 2

    A2.1Pack DVD 9788416273744 9788416273751

    À PLUS Niveaux 1A1Niveaux 2

    A2.1Niveaux 3

    A2.2Niveaux 4

    B1Niveaux 5

    B2Livre de l’élève + CD 9788484437741 9788416273164 9788416273201 9788416347902 9788416657612Cahier d’exercices + CD 9788484437758 9788416273171 9788416273218 9788416347919 9788416657629

    POURQUOI PAS! Niveaux 1A1Niveaux 2

    A2.1Niveaux 3

    A2.2Niveaux 4

    B1Livre de l’élève + CD 9788484435006 9788484435037 9788484435327 9788484435372Cahier d’exercices + CD 9788484435013 9788484435044 9788484435341 9788484435396

    Adolescents Français

    LE: 81 | CA: 46

  • 24 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Français Lycée/Adultes

    ENTRE NOUSPour un apprentissage dynamique et réussi• Une méthode tout en un : le Livre de l’élève et le Cahier d’activités en un seul volume; • Une méthode conçue pour encourager l’implication de l’apprenant et pour favoriser les

    interactions au sein de la classe;• Une préparation au DELF avec des activités d’entraînement aux différentes compétences;• Des conseils et des explications pour appréhender au mieux l’examen.

    A1 A2 B1 B2

    LE+CA: 99

    4 Niveaux

    NOUVEAU ROND-POINT PAS A PAS• Une méthode souple, ludique et efficace, véritable référence

    dans l’enseignement du FLE avec les grands adolescents et adultes;• Une organisation en 4 volumes pour une progression adaptée à des rythmes

    d’apprentissage plus courts ou à des cours intensifs;• Une méthode tout-en-un : le Livre de l’élève et le Cahier d’activités en un seul volume; • Des activités et des documents variés qui permettent une sensibilisation

    à la langue française et à la culture francophone.

    A1 A2 B1.1 B1.2

    LE+CA: 91

    3 Niveaux

    VERSION ORIGINALEL’approche actionnelle à la portée de tous avec Version Originale !• Une approche inductive du lexique et de la grammaire;• Des renvois systématiques vers les Activités 2.0 : des tâches complémentaires en ligne;• Un grand nombre de documents authentiques pour une approche en contexte de la langue;• Une sensibilisation au DELF et des pages Journal d’apprentissage.

    A1 A2 B1 B2

    LE: 96 | CA: 40

    4 Niveaux

    LE FRANÇAIS EN CONTEXTE – TOURISMEPour parfaire ou acquérir les connaissances en français du tourisme• Un outil spécialement pensé pour les formations professionnelles dans les

    établissements spécialisés;• 6 modules thématiques liés au monde du travail avec des taches qui font appel

    à la capacité d’implication dans des projets collectifs;• Des scénarios réalistes et des activités en situation avec des documents

    authentiques du monde professionnel.



    1 Niveaux

    ENTRE NOUS 1 2 3 4Livre de l’élève + Cahier d’activités + CD audio 9788484439189 9788484439271 9788416273249 9788416347940

    Le français en contexte - Tourisme - Méthode de français professionnel + cd 9788415640226

    NOUVEAU ROND-POINT PAS À PAS 1 - A1 2 - A2 3 - B1.1 4 - B1.2Livre de l’élève + Cahier d’activités + CD audio 9788484436652 9788484436669 9788484438533 9788484438540

    VERSION ORIGINALE 1 - A1 2 - A2 3 - B1.1 4 - B1.2Livre de l’eleve + DVD 9788484435600 9788484435631 9788484435662 9788484435693Cahier d’exercices + CD 9788484435617 9788484435648 9788484435679 9788484435709

  • 25www.art-educational.ro/languages

    FrançaisGrammaire et examens

    4 Niveaux

    1 Niveaux

    LA GRAMMAIRE DU FRANÇAISEPour une acquisition progressive de la grammaire française• Un complément idéal pour la classe comme pour un travail en autonomie;• Un ouvrage illustré pour faciliter la compréhension des points de grammaire;• Pour chaque point de grammaire : 1 page de leçon et 1 page d’exercices de systématisation;• Un grand nombre d’activités de compréhension et d’expression orales;• Des activités bilan en contexte pour chaque chapitre.

    A1 A2 B1


    3 Niveaux

    LA GRAMMAIRE SANS PROBLÈME ! + CDDes leçons simples et des exercices pour adolescents• Des règles de grammaire, des explications, des exemples et plus

    de 200 activités de réemploi;• Des bilans proposés régulièrement pour faire le point sur les connaissances

    acquises;• Un dictionnaire pour les termes de grammaire, des tableaux de conjugaison,

    une section consacrée à la construction des verbes, les corrigés des exercices et les transcriptions des audio.



    1 Niveaux

    LES CLÉS DES NOUVEAU DELFPour une preparation réussie du DELF• Progression thématique motivante et des activités en contexte pour voir ou revoir

    le vocabulaire et la grammaire nécessaires à l’examen;• Des conseils, des commentaires et des propositions de stratégies pour réussir les épreuves;• Des notes socioculturelles;• Des épreuves commentées du DELF;• Des activités d’entraînement aux différentes épreuves de l’examen et 6 examens blancs.

    A2 B1 B2


    3 Niveaux

    EN ROUTE VERS… LE DELF SCOLAIRE ET JUNIORPour une préparation facile et efficace aux épreuves du DELF scolaire et junior• Des conseils et des stratégies pour réussir l’épreuve;• Des examens blancs complets qui reprennent le contenu et le format officiel

    des épreuves du DELF scolaire et junior;• Un CD audio avec les enregistrements des activités des unités thématiques

    et des activités d’entraînement.

    A2 B1


    2 Niveaux

    LA GRAMMAIRE DU FRANÇAISE Niveaux A1 Niveaux A2 Niveaux B1Livre de l’élève + CD 9788415640127 9788415640134 9788415640165

    LES CLÉS DU NOUVEAU DELF A2 B1 B2Livre de l’élève + CD audio 9788484433538 9788484433569 9788484434290

    EN ROUTE VERS... LE DELF SCOLAIRE ET JUNIOR A2 B1Livre de l’élève + CD audio 9788484436690 9788484437635

    La grammaire sans problème! (A1-A2) 9788416273553

  • www.casalimbilorstraine.ro26 www.art-educational.ro/languages


    24 HEURESLECTURE + MP3Intrigue, amour, gastronomie, informations touristiques, vie quotidienne... en 24 heures!



    1 Niveaux

    PLANÈTE ADOSLECTURE + CDDes héros francophones attachants et des références culturelles intéressantes

    A1-A2 A2 B1


    3 Niveaux

    BANDES DESSINÉESLECTURE + CDDes lectures idéales pour apprendre en s’amusant !

    A1-A2 A2-B1


    2 Niveaux

    INTRIGUES POLICIÈRESLECTURE + CDDécouvertes culturelles, historiques, gastronomiques et récits haletants

    A2 A2-B1 B1


    3 Niveaux

    24 HEURES 24 heures à Montréal 24 heures à Paris 24 heures en BretagneLivre + MP3 9788416657667 9788416657650 9788416657674

    PLANÈTE ADOS Diaporama d’histoires A1-A2Coeur de pirate

    A2Sous les falaises de

    craie A2Arrête ton cinéma,

    Tarek ! A2Tout au bout des rêves

    B1Livre + MP3 téléchargeable 9788484438922 9788484438878 9788484438892 9788484438915 9788484438908

    BANDES DESSINÉES Cyber-attaque au collège A1-A2SOS, les 4eF disparaissent

    A2-B1Livre + MP3 9788484438861 9788415620976

    INTRIGUES POLICIÈRES S.O.S., Jura en danger ! A2 Colo en Auvergne A2-B1 Le monstre du Poitou A2-B1 Danger à Lyon B1Livre + MP3 9788484438946 9788484438953 9788484438960 9788484439028

  • 27www.art-educational.ro/languageswww.casalimbilorstraine.ro

    Niños Español

    LOLA Y LEOUn manual dinámico, visual y lúdico para aprender español disfrutando• Una enseñanza intercultural e integral del español para niños de entre 7 y 11 años;• Apartados socioculturales, un glosario visual y una sección de recortables para dinamizar

    las actividades;• Imágenes divertidas y modernas, y música creada específicamente para este manual.

    A1.1 A1.2 A2.1

    LA: 73 | CE: 43

    2 niveles

    REPORTEROS INTERNACIONALESEl mundo hispano presentado por unos jóvenes reporteros• Secuencias de trabajo cortas que se completan con un divertido mini proyecto;• Especial énfasis en el trabajo sobre cuestiones culturales y de convivencia a través

    numerosos documentos (extractos de libros, pósteres, anuncios, artículos, etc.);• Numerosas propuestas de trabajo en internet, herramientas digitales y un vídeo

    por unidad para entrar en contacto con la cultura del mundo hispano.

    A1 A1-A2

    LA: 68 | CE: 37

    2 nivel

    GENTE JOVENEl manual para adolescentes basado en el enfoque por tareas• Propone un trabajo significativo y temas que se adaptan a los intereses de los adolescentes;• Cuenta con un vídeo por unidad y evaluaciones por competencias;• Ofrece una rica selección de contenidos culturales;• Cada unidad propone diferentes mini proyectos y un proyecto final;• Contiene un completo resumen gramatical;• Potencia el uso de las nuevas tecnologías.

    A1.1 A1-A2 A2+ B1.1

    LA: 86 | CE: 45

    3 niveles

    ¿CRISTÓBAL COLÓN USABA GPS?• La primera obra de AICLE en español como lengua extranjera: el español

    se usa para aprender Ciencias Sociales (Geografía e Historia) mediante tareas y proyectos;

    • La creatividad, el conocimiento, la comunicación y la conexión con el resto del mundo son los ejes de la obra.



    1 niveles


    LOLA Y LEO 1 - A1.1 2 - A1-A2 3 - A2.1Libro del alumno 9788416347698 9788416347711 9788416347803Cuaderno de ejercicios 9788416347704 9788416347728 9788416347810

    CRISTOBAL COLÓN USABA GPS? 9788416657414

    REPORTEROS INTERNACIONALES 1 - A1.1 2 - A1-A2Libro del alumno 9788416943760 9788416943807Cuaderno de ejercicios 9788416943777 9788416943814

    GENTE JOVEN NUEVA EDICIÓN 1 - A1 2 - A1-A2 3 - A2+ 4 - B1.1Libro del alumno 9788415620754 9788415620877 9788415846314 9788416057214Cuaderno de ejercicios 9788415620761 9788415620884 9788415846321 9788416057221

  • 28 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    Español Adultos/Educación secundaria

    LA+CE: 90

    LA+CE: 94

    LA+CE: 68

    BITÁCORA NUEVA EDICIÓNEl manual de ELE más moderno e innovador• El manual de referencia para los que quieren aplicar el enfoque léxico, ahora más

    completo y con una secuencia más clara;• Secciones específicas para el trabajo gramatical (Agenda de aprendizaje), la puesta

    en práctica controlada (Taller de uso), la adquisición del léxico (Archivo de léxico) y la interacción significativa (Proyectos).

    A1 A2 B1 B2

    LA: 95 | CE: 57

    4 niveles

    AULA INTERNACIONAL NUEVA EDICIÓNEl manual de español más usado en todo el mundo• Los enfoques más avanzados de la mano de un manual atractivo, de uso sencillo

    e intuitivo y que recoge las experiencias de usuarios de todo el mundo;• Aborda aspectos culturales actuales;• Contiene numerosos documentos auditivos y un vídeo para cada unidad;• En un mismo volumen se incluyen el Libro del alumno, el Cuaderno de ejercicios

    y un resumen gramatical.

    A1 A2 B1 B2.1 B2.2 4 niveles

    GRAMÁTICA BÁSICA DEL ESTUDIANTE DE ESPAÑOLLa gramática más innovadora de ELE• Herramienta imprescindible para entender y explicar la gramática;• La obra más consultada por profesores y alumnos de español como lengua extranjera.

    A1 B1 2 niveles

    LAS CLAVES DEL NUEVO DELEPara superar con éxito los nuevos exámenes DELE

    B1 B2 C1 3 niveles

    Gramática y examenes

    BITÁCORA NUEVA EDICIÓN 1 - A1 2 - A2 3 - B1 4 - B2Libro del alumno 9788416347643 9788416347667 9788416657520 9788416347827Cuaderno de ejercicios + MP3 descargable 9788416347650 9788416347674 9788416657537 9788416347834

    AULA INTERNACIONAL NUEVA EDICIÓN 1 - A1 2 - A2 3 - B1 4 - B2 5 - B2.2Libro del alumno 9788415640097 9788415640103 9788415640110 9788415620853 9788415846802

    LAS CLAVES DEL NUEVO DELE B1 B2 C1Libro del alumno 9788415846291 9788484436591 9788484437253


  • 29www.art-educational.ro/languages


    UN DÍA, UNA CIUDAD, UNA HISTORIAHistorias ambientadas en diferentes ciudades del mundo hispano.



    1 niveles

    GAELNovela gráfica para jóvenes y adultos. Cómics de aventuras y misterio para aprender español.



    1 nivel

    AVENTURA JOVENUn grupo de adolescentes y sus aventuras en diferentes países de habla hispana.

    A1 A2


    2 niveles

    GRANDES PERSONAJESBiografías de algunos de los personajes más interesantes del mundo hispanohablante.

    A2 B1


    2 niveles

    UN DÍA EN... Un día en Sevilla Un día en Barcelona Un día en

    Buenos Aires Un día en Ciudad

    de MéxicoUn dia en La

    HabanaLibro + MP3 descargable 9788417249632 9788416273492 9788416657445 9788416657452 9788416657438

    UN DÍA EN... Un día en Madrid Un día en Málaga Un día en SalamancaUn día en Valencia

    Libro + MP3 descargable 9788416273508 9788416273522 9788416273515 9788417249649

    AVENTURA JOVEN ¿Dónde está Emiliano Fuentes? A1Aventura en La

    Habana A1Misterio en las Alpujarras A1

    El fantasma del instituto A2

    Trimestre maldito A2

    Libro + CD 9788484437642 9788416057276 9788484432715 9788484432739 9788484437659

    GRANDES PERSONAJES Dalí. El pintor de sueños A2

    García Márquez. Una realidad mágica A2

    Picasso. Las mujeres de un

    genio A2

    Che. Geografías del Che B1

    Frida Kahlo. Viva la vida B1

    Lorca. La valiente alegría B1

    Libro 9788416057337 9788416057344 9788484437352 9788484437673 9788484437369 9788484437376

    GAEL... Gael y el arte de la traiciónGael y la red de

    mentirasGael y las sombras

    de la huidaLibro 9788417249625 9788484437420 9788416657599

  • 30 www.art-educational.ro/languages

    AL DENTEPer un apprendimento dinamico e significativo• Tutti i componenti in un unico volume: Libro dello studente, Esercizi,

    CD audio, DVD e materiale scaricabile (soluzioni, trascrizioni, tracce audio);• Forte orietamento lessicale e attenzione allo sviluppo delle competenze

    linguistico-comunicative;• Allegati culturali che trattano temi variati;• Sezione dedicata alla preparazione degli esami CILS, CELI, PLIDA, CERT.IT.

    A1 A2 B1


    4 livelli

    GRAMMATICA DI BASE DELL’ITALIANOLa prima grammatica cognitiva dell’italiano• Lo strumento ideale per spiegare e comprendere con chiarezza

    la grammatica; • Fornisce spiegazioni chiare ed esaurienti che si avvalgono di illustrazioni esplicative; • Contiene più di 300 esercizi suddivisi in base ai livelli del QCER

    per comprendere e consolidare le forme grammaticali ed evitare gli errori più frequenti;

    • Contiene tutte le soluzioni degli esercizi e tavole verbali.



    1 livello

    TRAGUARDO CILSIl manuale per prepararsi e superare le prove della CILS• Unità didattiche per apprendere e ripassare i contenuti grammaticali, lessicali

    e funzionali del livello B2; • Esercitazioni guidate per familiarizzare con la struttura delle prove CILS; • Modelli d’esame per allenarsi efficacemente; • Consigli e suggerimenti per affrontare serenamente l’esame.



    1 livello

    GIALLO ALL’ITALIANALeggere non è mai stato così intrigante• Note linguistiche e culturali dettagliate; • Storie originali ambientate in diverse città italiane; • Numerose attività variate per praticare la comprensione, la produzione e il lessico;• Soluzioni delle attività;• Lettura teatralizzata scaricabile gratuitamente in formato MP3.

    A1 A2 B1


    3 livelli

    Italiano Adulti/liceo

    Grammatica. Esami


    AL DENTE 1 2 3Libro dello studente, Esercizi, CD audio e DVD 9788416657728 9788416657759 9788416943302

    GIALLO ALL’ITALIANA La festa dell’uva A1 Il drappo scomparso A1 Il kimono di Madama Butterfly A2 Barocco siciliano B1Libro + online MP3 audio 9788416057030 9788416057016 9788416057023 9788416057979

    GRAMMATICA DI BASE 9788416057962

    TRAGUARDO CILS B2 9788416657001

  • 4 livelli

  • Ofertă specială de la editurile: