n-4nca3pajg...you must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to...

1 OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God Scripture: Genesis 2-3 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He wanted them to love Him and obey Him. This lesson is about the choice that Adam and Eve made and the consequences of their decision. Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 1: Creation to Babel. In this lesson we will find out how God cared for Adam and Eve even when they disobeyed Him. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible It is called Genesis. Genesis is the first book of Law which are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention Getter: Rules! Everyone has rules. Let's name all of the rules that you can think of. Let's see there are rules at home like make your bed and clean your room, take out the trash, and brush your teeth. There are rules at school. Listen to the teacher. Do your own work. Walk quietly in the halls. Even parents have to obey rules. They have to stop at the traffic light. You have to return your book to the library. You must be quiet in the hospital. You cannot go into the surgery room. You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because they are for our good. When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden God gave them a rule. He told them they could eat anything they wanted except for one thing. Just one rule! What do you think that Adam and Eve did?. In this lesson we will find out how God cared for Adam and Eve even when they disobeyed Him. Alternative: Try an interesting experiment. Leave an unguarded plate of treats in the room. Place a sign by it that reads “Please do not take.” While you are gone gathering kids, there will be an opportunity for the kids to “sneak” a snack. As you arrive back at the location, see if anyone helped themselves to a treat. Instead of accusing, explain that we will learn about someone who did the same thing. Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, We have all done wrong things just like Adam and Eve. We have disobeyed You. Help us to confess our sins and to believe that your Son Jesus came to earth and died on the cross to pay for our sins. Thank you for your promise to forgive us and to take us to be with you in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen." Memory Verse: The memory verse is 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/N-4NCa3paJg God made a grand, beautiful world out of absolutely nothing, and He did it in just six days. On the first day He made day and night. Out of the deep, black darkness God commanded the light to shine forth. All He had to do was speak, and it was done!

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Page 1: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God

Scripture: Genesis 2-3

Lesson Goal: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God placed Adam and

Eve in the Garden of Eden. He wanted them to love Him and obey Him. This lesson is about the choice that Adam and Eve made and the consequences of their decision.

Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 1: Creation to Babel. In this lesson we will find out how God cared for Adam and Eve even when they disobeyed Him. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible It is called Genesis. Genesis is the first book of Law which are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: Rules! Everyone has rules. Let's name all of the rules that you can think of. Let's see there are rules at home like make your bed and clean your room, take out the trash, and brush your teeth. There are rules at school. Listen to the teacher. Do your own work. Walk quietly in the halls. Even parents have to obey rules. They have to stop at the traffic light. You have to return your book to the library. You must be quiet in the hospital. You cannot go into the surgery room. You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because they are for our good. When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden God gave them a rule. He told them they could eat anything they wanted except for one thing. Just one rule! What do you think that Adam and Eve did?. In this lesson we will find out how God cared for Adam and Eve even when they disobeyed Him. Alternative: Try an interesting experiment. Leave an unguarded plate of treats in the room. Place a sign by it that reads “Please do not take.” While you are gone gathering kids, there will be an opportunity for the kids to “sneak” a snack. As you arrive back at the location, see if anyone helped themselves to a treat. Instead of accusing, explain that we will learn about someone who did the same thing.

Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, We have all done wrong things just like Adam and Eve. We have disobeyed You. Help us to confess our sins and to believe that your Son Jesus came to earth and died on the cross to pay for our sins. Thank you for your promise to forgive us and to take us to be with you in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Memory Verse: The memory verse is 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/N-4NCa3paJg God made a grand, beautiful world out of absolutely nothing, and He did it in just six days. On the first day He made day and night. Out of the deep, black darkness God commanded the light to shine forth. All He had to do was speak, and it was done!

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Then on the second day of creation God separated the sky out of the swirling, rolling waters. He caused the waters to go together to make the oceans, rivers, lakes, and pools. On the third day God spoke again and the dry land appeared out of the water. The dry ground was called land and the water was called "seas." Then He said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, plants, and ferns, trees, shrubbery, and flowers!" Immediately there were plants of every kind and shape. Each plant had a special way to reproduce itself. On Day 4 God created a brilliant, blazing sun, to give warmth and light to His newly made earth. And for night He made the moon and billions of twinkling stars. God did not want an empty, silent world; so on the fifth day of creation He made thousands of birds of every shape, size, and color to fill the sky and many kinds of fish to swim in the ocean! On Day 6 God made the land animals both male and female so their babies would be just like them! What a wise God we have, to create every creature from the huge elephant, hippo, and lion, to the little chipmunk, puppy, and squirrel. God saw everything that He had made and He said that they were good. He was pleased with what He had made. Yet He was not completely satisfied—something was missing. None of His creatures could talk to Him or love Him. He said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness." So God molded man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into that man the breath of life. "And man became a living soul." Man could talk to God, love God, and obey God. This made him different from all the creatures and animals. Man had a soul that would live forever. God called the first man Adam. As God looked at all the animals and other creatures that He had made, He said, "Adam, I want you to name all the animals." So Adam named every creature! Then Adam noticed that all the animals had mates except himself. So God said, "Adam is alone. He needs a helper--a wife--so I will make a woman." God caused a deep sleep to come on Adam. God took a rib from Adam's side and made Eve. God presented her to Adam to be his bride. When Adam woke up and saw her, he said, This person came from my bones and flesh. Because she came from me, I will call her woman. Adam and Eve were very happy in the garden of Eden. It was a perfect place full of beautiful trees and lots of delicious fruit for food. Adam and Eve. Everyday Adam worked in the garden and cared for the animals. But the time that Adam and Eve loved best was when God came in the cool of the evening to walk and talk with them. God loved Adam and Eve very much and they must have said, "Lord, we love You, too." God had made Adam and Eve with a free will; they could choose to obey Him, or they could choose not to obey Him. He didn't want to make them do what He said, or make them talk to Him, or make them love Him. God told Adam, "You may eat from any of the plants or tree in the garden except ONE. You must not eat from the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and evil. If you disobey then you will surely die." God loved Adam and Eve and He wanted them to be happy. Adam and Eve obeyed this rule until one day a beautiful snake came along. This snake was really God's enemy, Satan or the devil. God's enemy wanted to ruin the beautiful garden and the happy people that God loved so much. He said to Eve, "Did God really say, "You must not eat from any tree in the garden. The devil's trick was to try to get Eve to question what God had said was true. "You will not surely die," the serpent hissed. "That's a lie! You won't die, you will be like God!" Satan was telling Eve that God didn’t mean what He says. But, we know that God always means what He says!

Page 3: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Eve looked at the fruit. It was beautiful to look at; in fact it looked DELICIOUS! And if it would make her like God, well, wasn't that a good idea? Eve looked. Then she reached up and picked the fruit off the tree and took a bite. At that moment everything changed. A person had disobeyed God's one rule. Disobeying God's rules is called sin. Eve gave the fruit to Adam, and he ate some too. Now they both had disobeyed God. This is how sin entered the world. Since then, every person who has been born has a desire to not please God. People sin by doing things that are wrong. They want to do things their own way. Immediately they knew they had done wrong, and they were very afraid. They cried out, "Oh, what have we done? We have disobeyed God! We must cover ourselves and hide from God." So Adam and Eve took fig leaves, sewed them together with little twigs, and made themselves some clothes. They tried to cover their guilt and nakedness. Suddenly they heard a sound. They knew that the Lord God was coming! He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. So Adam and Eve said, "Let's hide among the trees!" But NO one can ever hide from God. Then God called, "Adam, where are you, why are you hiding?" Adam answered, "I heard you coming and I was afraid because I'm naked. So I hid." God replied, "Who told you that your were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Adam began to blame Eve and he answered, "The woman you put here with me she gave me some of the fruit from that tree and I ate it." Then God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" Adam's wife replied, "The serpent deceived or tricked me, and I ate." So God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you are more cursed than all the animals. You will craw on your belly in the dust as long as you live. there will be hostility between you and the woman and her offspring. He will strike your head and you will strike his heal.' God said, "Oh, no, Adam and Eve. You can't blame anyone else. You must each take the blame. You had a choice, and you chose to disobey. Now I'll have to punish you. Then God said to the woman, " I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy and in pain you will give birth. You will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you." Then God said to Adam, "Since you listened to the woman and disobeyed my command, I have put a curse on the ground. It will now grow weeds, thorns, and thistles, and you'll have to work hard and struggle to earn your living. By the sweat of your brow you will have food to eat until you die." For you were made from dust and to dust you will return." Then Adam named his wife Eve, because she would be the mother of all who live. And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. God said, "Humans have become like us, knowing both good and evil. Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, sin had entered the world and had caused a great wall to come between God and man. No longer would man be able to talk with God face to face. God still loved them but He was very grieved over their sin. Before they left the garden, God killed an innocent animal, probably a lamb. God made clothes from the animal skins to cover Adam and Eve This was an example of what God's Son, Jesus, would have to do on the cross to make the final and complete payment for our sin. His blood would be shed for the sins of the world. The innocent one

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

for the guilty. This gave Adam and Eve hope. They told their children about God's promise, and so people who lived thousands of years ago began looking forward to Jesus' coming. Sadly, Adam and Eve had to leave the beautiful Garden of Eden. God could not let them eat some fruit from the Tree of Life. Then they would live forever in their sin. So God banished them from the Garden of Eden. He put angels at the garden with a flaming sword to guard the entrance to the Tree of Life. Just like Adam and Eve Satan has tempted us to do wrong. We have all sinned and need Jesus as our Savior. Our memory verse is 1 John 1:9 and it says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." To confess our sins means to admit that we have done wrong things. If anyone says to Jesus, God's Son, "I'm sorry for my sin; come into my heart and wash it whiter than snow," He will do just that. Then someday God will take him to Heaven to live with Him forever. Remember "God loves us and wants to forgive us."

Review Questions: Name an Animal (Grades K-5) Say: "When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, He gave him the job of naming the animals. For this review game, we are going to see how many animals you can name." On the white board or on poster paper, write the letters of the alphabet in a column on the left side. Beside each letter leave a space for the name of an animal. Divide students into two teams. Say: "The goal of this game is to name an animal for each letter of the alphabet and then correctly answer a review question. Each team gets 1 point for the animal name and 1 point for answering the review question correctly. Remember team members can help each other." Use a coin toss to see which team goes first. 1. What did God use to create man or Adam? (God created him out of the

dust of the earth.) 2. How did God create woman? (He caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and took a rib from his

side to make Eve.) 3. What makes man different from the animals? (God breathed into them the breath of life so they

would live eternally like God.) 4. What place did God give for Adam and Eve to live? (He made the Garden of Eden as the place

for them to live.) 5. What was in the Garden of Eden? (The Garden of Eden had many beautiful trees with lots of fruit

to eat. Animals were in the garden and there was plenty of food and water for everyone.) 6. What was Adam's job in the Garden? (He had plenty of things to do, taking care of the garden

and the animals.) 7. What were the two special trees in the garden? (One was the tree of life and the other was the

tree of the knowledge of good and evil.) 8. What was the one rule that Adam had to follow? (Adam could eat freely of any tree in the garden

except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.) 9. Why did God place that one rule on man? (God wanted man to choose to obey and love Him, not

make them.) 10. Who was the snake? (The snake was Satan or the serpent who was the enemy of God. He

wanted to destroy what God had created.) 11. How did Satan first deceive Eve? (He lied to her and misquoted God by saying that "You shall not

eat of every tree." The Eve added to what God had said. The trick was to question God.) 12. What was the second temptation or deception of Satan to Eve? (Satan tries to tell her that she

won’t really die. He told her that God had lied and God didn't mean what He says.)

a. b. c.cat d.dog e. f. g. giraffe h. i. j. etc.

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

13. What was the third temptation? (She saw that the fruit looked good and she desired to be wise like God. The temptation for power overcame her desire to obey and please God.)

14. What happened to all men after Adam and Eve sinned? (All men are born with the desire to sin and disobey God. We are all guilty before God.)

15. What punishment did God give to the snake? (The snake would be the most hated animal and it would crawl on the ground on its belly.)

16. What punishment did God give to Eve? (She would have pain in childbirth and her husband would rule over her.)

17. What punishment did God give to Adam? (He would work by the sweat of his brow and he would die.)

18. What punishment did God give to the earth? (The ground would grow thistles and weeds. The animals would fight each other.)

19. Why were Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden? (God did not want them to return and eat from the tree of life and live forever in their sin.)

20. What did God promise to Adam and Eve? (That one day out of their lineage a child would be born who would bring life and destroy Satan.)

21. What name did Adam give to his wife and what does it mean? (Adam named his wife "Eve" because she would become the "mother of all living."

22. What did God give Adam and Eve to show an example of his promise? (God killed an innocent lamb and made clothes for Adam and Eve to wear.)

23. How did the clothes show a picture of God's promise? (The death of an animal would be like Christ who died on the cross --the innocent Son of God--for the sins of all man.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: "Clean It" Relay (Grades K-5) Say: " Our memory verse is 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Have students locate the verse in scripture and read it in unison several times. Say: "To confess our sins means to admit that we have done wrong things. If anyone says to Jesus, God's Son, "I'm sorry for my sin; come into my heart and wash it whiter than snow," He will do just that. Then someday God will take him to Heaven to live with Him forever. Play a game that shows us how Jesus cleans us of our sin. Repeat memory verse of 1 John 1:9 several times as a group. Materials: two white boards; dry eraser colored markers; dry erasers Procedure: Have children cover two smaller white boards with marker scribbles and coloring. Cover as much white as possible on each board. Divide the children into two teams. Line each team up behind a starting line ten feet or so away from the white board. Set two or three erasers at the board, then say "go" or blow a whistle. The same number of children as there are erasers run up to the board and start cleaning it. Give them a few seconds, then say "stop" or blow the whistle again. The children run back and each tags another child on their team. These now run up and resume cleaning. Continue until the board is clean. Make sure all the children have an opportunity to participate. Conclude by comparing how the children cleaning the board is like how Jesus' dying on the cross and being resurrected from the dead gives us the choice to be clean of our sins.

Group Learning Activity: Re-enact "Adam and Eve Disobey God" (Grades K-5) Procedure: Let the kids take an imaginary journey back to the Garden of Eden. Decorate the room to look like a jungle. Bring a silk tree (ficus tree) or other props to help the room come alive! You may want to have jungle noises in the background. Have students use apples for the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Everyone takes a bite! Make boy and girl masks from large white paper plates. Students can color their own facial features and hair. Choose one student to be the serpent and make a mask for him or her out of paper plate. (See photos for ideas.) Have students read verses from Genesis 2-3 to "say their lines."

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Follow Up: Talk about how hard/easy it is to obey. Talk about consequences in school, at home, with God, when we disobey. Share some experiences from your past (it helps the kids know that you can relate and understand what they are going through.) Ask the kids what would have been a better thing for Adam and Eve to have done in the garden? How will you handle the next situation when you are tempted to do something wrong? You can plan NOW what you will do! Give scenarios and let them practice their plan. Another idea is to have the teens help you set up the room for the kids so they can participate and have fun.

Group Learning Activity: Object Lesson: "Clothes Line" (Grades K-5) Materials: 2 large and 11 smaller white fabric squares, spray bottles of colored water and bleach water, drop cloth, gloves, clothesline, and clothespins. Procedure: (Let different children in the class help you with spraying the water and hanging the squares on the clothesline.) Say: "Of all the important things God has provided for you and me, there's one thing that is the most important of all. At the end of this story we will see what that is. Today we are going to use some white cloth squares and bottles of spray to tell this story. (Give the first large square to a child to pin up on the clothesline starting at the far left and moving to the children's right.) God is different from us in many way. He has always been alive--He won't ever die. And He is holy. That means that God has never done anything wrong--and He can't do anything wrong..ever! We don't really understand how anyone can never do anything wrong, but this is what God says about Himself. If you are holy, it means that you have no stain of sin in you. You're pure, perfect. and clean, like this white piece of material. It's perfectly clean, This big square of white fabric is like God.

When God created people, He made them holy too, just like He is. (Give a student a small square of white cloth to hang up next to the large square on the clothesline.) God let the first people, Adam and Eve, choose to be holy or to sin. To be holy means to be like God, and to sin means to do things your own way instead of God's way. Well Adam and Eve decided to do things their way. They chose to sin. (Have a child spray a little colored water on the cloth.) That changed everything! People weren't holy any more. Now they were sinful. ( Have other children hang the other smaller white squares.) People like Noah, Moses, King David, Peter, Paul and everyone else who has ever lived has sinned. (Have various children spray the little white squares with colored water.) Only God is holy. Even if you and me have sinned. We aren't holy like God. How many of you have chosen to do things your own way? (Wait for a show of hands.) When you don't obey your mom or dad, you sin. Anytime you don't tell the truth, or you treat someone wrong or say hurtful things, you're doing things your own way instead of God's way. When you look at these pieces of cloth, you can see that only God is holy. (Point to one big, white square on the clothesline.) No one else is holy. So how can we be holy, the way God said to be holy? We're all sinful. (Have student hold up the second large white square.) God is not only holy He really loves us. So He had a plan to help us become holy so we can be His children. The Bible says Jesus came to show us the way to God. This second large square is like Jesus. Jesus never sinned, because He is God's Perfect Son. Jesus is God's plan for taking care of our sin. What did Jesus do to make the stain of our sins go away? Jesus died and came back to life. He died to pay for our sins in our `place. Jesus died so we could be holy. (One by one have children spray the bleach water on the smaller squares leaving the last one stained.) God will take away our sins if we ask Him to. When we ask Jesus to be our Savior, He will clean up the sin for us.

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

What if we choose not to accept Jesus as our payment for sin? (Point to the last stained square.) We won't ever be holy and we can't be His children. Jesus is the most important thing God has provided for us. Having Him as the Savior of our life is much better than all the other things you have....because nothing and no one else can clean away your sin.

Group Learning Activity: Illusion of the Cut and Restored Rope (Grades 3-5) Materials: scissors and rope Procedure: Use the illusion of the cut and restored rope to illustrate the Fall in the Garden. Start off by showing a long rope. Explain that in the beginning God and man had a strong, solid relationship. But then, along came the serpent... (Drop one end of the rope, and let it wiggle like a snake.) The serpent said, "Did God REALLY say…?" And from then on, every sin for the rest of history can be traced back to those four little words. Bring up the center of the rope, and as you cut the "center", suggest that sin separates us from God. It changes the relationship. But Adam and Eve tried to "hide" from God — (this is where you tie the ropes together, apparently showing both halves connected by the central knot). They tried to make things like they were, but they could "KNOT" do it. Things were "KNOT" the same. Even though they tried to cover their sin (place your hand over the knot, and make it appear as if the rope were the same as in the beginning), they could "KNOT". (This is where it would "seem" as if the rope were one long piece to someone on the outside looking in, but God knows the truth.) Then, roll up the rope and tell the children the only way to be forgiven of our sins is to place our trust in Jesus and ask Him for forgiveness. Execute the final move to "restore" the rope and then show it fully complete. This is a fabulous illustration. Directions for illusion of cut and restored rope: You will need a length of think rope about 3-4 feet long and a pair of scissors. Sometimes we use materials that require adult supervision... like scissors so make sure you have friends and family around whenever you do magic tricks. 1. Hold the two ends of the rope in your left

hand. Take the middle of the rope and bring it up into your fist.

2. As you place it into your first, secretly reach through the loop with your first finger and thumb (right hand) and grab a section of the rope from the end on the right. Now, pull that SLACK through the loop to create a NEW loop and then bring that up through your fist and into view. It should look like you brought the loop up into your first, when actually you switched it for a different loop.

3. Take the scissors and snip the loop. You'll now have four ends in your hand. Notice how two of the ends are part of a small rope that is looped through a bigger length of rope.

4. Keep these two ends in your hand and drop the other two. Now tie the two small ends together so that they make a knot around the bigger piece of rope. You can now show the rope fully to your audience and it will look like two long pieces of rope with a knot in the middle tying them together. To make the magic happen, just wave your hand over the knot and then magically slide the knot off the rope. It's back to one piece!

Group Learning Activity: "Satan's Strategies" (Grades 4-5) Procedure: Through a discussion and examination of scriptures children will learn that Satan used the same strategies to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden as he did to Christ in the Temptations in the wilderness. Say: "What commandment was given to Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden? (Read Genesis 2:17) They were to not eat of the forbidden fruit (Tree of knowledge of good and evil) If they were to eat of it, they would surly die. What happened in the Garden of Eden? (Satan came to tempt them.)

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Satan told them that they would not surly die, but that they would become like God, knowing good and evil. Eve ate of the fruit, and then gave it to Adam, who also ate of it. What were the consequences of partaking of the forbidden fruit? They became mortal, they would eventually die. They now knew the difference between good and evil. They learned that there would be consequences for their actions. Let's read how Satan tempts in 1 John 2:16. He uses (1) the lust of the flesh (2) the lust of the eyes and (3) the boastful pride of life. What does "lust of the flesh" mean? It means to do any sinful activity that will bring pleasure to the body. This could be sexual sins, physical violence, drug use, hatred or jealousy, over-eating or gluttony, etc.. What would "lust of the eyes" mean? It means to desire or look upon things that we should not look upon with desire or pleasure. That would be jealousy, pornography, or wanting something that we see that we should not have. What is the boastful pride of life? It is the desire to be great and powerful. It is taking the credit for what others have done. It is being boastful about what you have and wanting to show others up. very sin we commit will involve at least one of these three temptations, but it may include all three. Notice how Satan used all three temptations with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and with Jesus in the New Testament. Eve succumbed to the temptations, yet Jesus resisted them: Emphasize that both Adam (Eve) faced three aspects of temptation. Adam yielded and brought sin and death to man. Christ resisted and it resulted in justification and life to all who believe. Draw following chart on the white dry erase board. Read scriptures and fill in the temptations. Chart should look like this when finished.

Temptation of Adam vs the Temptations of Jesus I John 2:16 Genesis 3:6 Luke 4:1-13

"lust of the flesh" "the tree was good for food" satisfy hunger

"command this stone become bread"

"lust of the eyes" "it was pleasant to the eyes" "the devil showed him the kingdoms of this world"

"The pride of life" "a tree desirable to make one wise"

"throw Yourself down from here...and the angels will

catch you.."

Craft Learning Activity: "Animal Skin Vests" (Grades K-3) Children will make and decorate vests to represent the clothing made from animal skins that God made for Adam and Eve. Materials: large brown paper grocery sacks one per child, scissors, marking pens Procedure: Lay the bag flat and cut out the neckline from the bottom of the bag. Cut up the front of the bag to create the vest. Cut the arm holes and trim the vest opening. Make sure the hole is wide enough so the child wearing the vest can put it on with ease. Turn the vest inside out so any print is facing in. Use your marker to decorate the vest. Use scissors to cut fringe out from the bottom of the vest. Say: "God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. Before they left the garden, God killed an innocent animal, probably a lamb. God made clothes from the animal skins to cover Adam and Eve. This was an example of what God's Son, Jesus, would have to do on the cross to make the final and complete payment for our sin. His blood would be shed for the sins of the world. The innocent one for the guilty. This gave Adam and Eve hope. They told their children about God's promise, and so people who lived thousands of years ago began looking forward to Jesus' coming."

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: Paper Plate Snake (Grades K-4) Materials: paper plate for each child, scissors, green poster paint for finger painting Procedure: Pour a small amount of poster paint onto a glass plate. Let children dip their fingers in the paint and make green dots all over the white paper plate. Let dry for about 20 minutes. (Alternative: Use green paper plates and let students draw green dots with a colored marking pen onto the plate.) After painting or using the marking pen to decorate the plate, start cutting a spiral shape into the plate. Leave a rounded "head" at the end of the spiral. See pictures. Glue on two googly eyes, any size you want and cut a red ribbon about 1-2 inches long to make the snake's tongue. Say: Satan used the beautiful snake to tempt Eve. (Review the three temptations of Satan. See review questions.) "We are tempted by Satan in the same way today. We should remember what Jesus did when He was tempted. He quoted God's Word to Satan. We should always be careful to learn God's Word and memorize scripture so we can win over Satan's deceptive tricks."

Craft Learning Activity: Sock Puppet Snake (Grades K-5) Materials: long stripped sock for each child; white, black, blue, red felt pieces to cut eyes and tongue; red fringe balls for eyes and to make ridges going down the snake's back. Procedure: Give a stripped sock for each child. Child should fit the sock over the hand as shown. Push the sock back between the fingers and thumb to make a mouth. Have students cut a mouth or tongue to glue to the mouth of the puppet. (Teacher may use hot glue gun but NOT students.) Let students choose color and make tongue out of strips of colored felt. Glue fringe balls for eyes and ridges.

Say: Satan used the beautiful snake to tempt Eve. (Review the three temptations of Satan. See review questions.) "We are tempted by Satan in the same way today. We should remember what Jesus did when He was tempted. He quoted God's Word to Satan. We should always be careful to learn God's Word and memorize scripture so we can win over Satan's deceptive tricks." (This puppet could be used in the reenactment of "Adam and Eve disobey God." See learning activity above.)

Craft Learning Activity: "Clay Art" (Grades K-5) Materials: Bibles, play dough, paper plates Procedure: Say:"If you were Adam or Eve, what would you have liked about living in the beautiful Garden of Eden God made for you? (Have students volunteer answers.) What are some other things God has made that remind you of His love? Today we are going to use play dough to make things that remind us of God's love." Give each child a fist sized lump of play dough and a paper plate. Children use the play dough to make people and/or objects that remind them of God's love. Say: "When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, do you think they believed God still love them? Why or why not? When might kids your age be glad to know God loves them? (When they have done wrong things. When no one else seems to like them. When they are afraid.) Read the memory verse 1 John 1:9. What does this verse say that we should do when we have disobeyed God? (Confess our sin and ask for forgiveness.) What does God promise us when we do

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

this? (He will forgive us and cleanse us from all sin.) Why do you think God makes this promise to us? (He loves us and wants us to be in a right relationship with Him again.) What do you think we should do when God forgives us and cleanses us? (Give thanks to Him in prayer.) Alternative: Use the following recipe to make play dough in class with children: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 1 tablespoon alum. Add water and dry tempera paint to achieve desired consistency and color.

Life Application Challenge: "Promises" (Grades K-5) Say: "Have you ever had someone make you a promise? What was that promise? (Have students share an experience.) Did the person who made you that promise keep his word? (Share a personal experience where someone kept their word and one example of a person that did not.) What promise did God make in this Bible lesson? God promised that He would send a special Savior who would take the punishment for the wrong things we have done. God kept His promise! We can always depend on His word. God sent Jesus! We are glad God keeps His promises!" Let's thank God for being faithful to us! (Lead group in prayer.)

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OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Adam and Eve Disobey God Genesis 2-3

1 John 1:9

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Page 12: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 13: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 14: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 15: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 16: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 17: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 18: N-4NCa3paJg...You must wait in the waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come out and talk to you. Some rules are easy to obey and some are difficult but we have to obey them because


OT1.2 Adam and Eve Disobey God ©Beverly Wilson 2016