mystical maladoreias: an rkc chapter 2


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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Mystical Maladoreias: An RKC Chapter 2
Page 2: Mystical Maladoreias: An RKC Chapter 2

Word got out that there is plenty of land available in the new kingdom of Maladoreias and hearing that the newest family to join is the Crane family. Edward and his young

wife Amelia are hoping to start a new life in this land and it would give Amelia a chance to show the people her talents in Pottery. She wants to bring the joy of art to the new


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Amelia worked on her craft while her husband was at work, it filled the long, lonely hours during the day. Although with the impending birth of their first child Amelia

would soon have someone to talk to while he was away. His contribution to the kingdom will be building an army to defend this land as the new General.

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Being alone all day had its drawbacks, namely when Amelia felt the pains of labour and no one was around to assist her. She did not want Edward to miss the birth of his first child, but this child was rather insistent about making their appearance now instead of

waiting only a few more hours for Edward to get home…

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Amelia: Dear child could you not wait two more hours?

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Soon enough Amelia held her precious first born in her arms, a beautiful baby girl that she named Katrina after her grandmother who had passed on some years previously. Edward needed a son and Amelia would eventually be recovered enough to bear him


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Apparently the Fates had other plans in mind for the Crane family and one night while Edward was observing a rare comet passing by he was suddenly swept up by a

blinding, bright light…he had heard rumours of magic being a part of the land of Maladoreias but he never truly believed it until now.

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Three hours later, the magical beings returned Edward to his home in the dead of night; he feared the noise of their flying contraption would awaken their neighbours,

the Prescotts, and the gossip could ruin his Military career…

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If he had paid closer attention he might have heard the distant lullaby that played after he hit the ground.

*also I didn’t realize that the stupid octagonal roof was floating that high off the

Prescott house’s tower…*

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Amelia: I still do not believe that absurd story of yours, magical beings, flying contraptions, it is preposterous. What will the neighbours think?

Edward: You weren’t there, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Now let me enjoy giving my daughter her birthday and I will hear no more about


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Amelia: As you wish…

Edward: Careful dear child, the fire is hot.

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Katrina Crane Gemini


Definitely see Private Schooling for these Cranes in the future…

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With Katrina needing her care, Amelia forgot all about her husband’s ridiculous story to focus on training her daughter to become a proper, well-bred young woman

someday so she will find a good husband to take care of her.

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Although teaching her to have pride in her appearance and proper manners would be somewhat difficult. Amelia worried that her daughter enjoyed getting messy too much.

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Despite all Amelia’s efforts to disbeliever her husband’s wild story, the evidence presented itself in an unnatural way. At first she just thought her already chubby

husband had been indulging too much at work and gained weight, but it was not the case…his superiors at work were stunned and their scientists could not believe what they had seen. As it would turn out, the magical beings’ offspring would become an

invaluable resource for the Military…

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Amelia: At least let me draw the curtains closed!! What if someone sees you?

Edward: Be quiet woman! Tell me what to do!!

Amelia: Push and spin…that is what we women folk do.

Edward: How?? Where?!

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Amelia: How would I know? This is unnatural…

Edward: ARGHHH!!

Amelia was actually enjoying the irony of it all in a small way, despite her higher reasoning skills screaming at her that this is not how nature is supposed to work…

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Amelia: What in the world?

Edward: Don’t ask me, just hold that one.

Amelia: But…look at it…it’s grey…

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Edward: It seems that I have my heir, I shall name him Isaac and his twin sister over there Starlight.

Amelia: You cannot be serious…he is grey…

Edward: We will have another that is ours of course but for now, Isaac is my

heir unless the next child is male.

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Edward: I will not forget my little princess of course. I think that I would take the opportunity to teach her to walk.

Katrina: Daddy!!

Edward: Now, just like that; there’s my girl…

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Edward: Come to papa sweet girl…you can do it.

Katrina: Daddy…

Edward: This way.

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Edward: That’s my girl!!

Katrina: *smiles*

Favourite picture ever…

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Amelia: I hope you know what you are doing…

Edward: Trust me love, I know exactly what I am doing. These twins are very important scientific discoveries, the Military will not allow their assets to be

placed in danger.

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Isaac Crane Libra


Starlight Crane Gemini


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Will the births of the first magical beings born in Maladoreias become legend? Or will their births draw some undesired attention? Only time will tell.


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The final Noble family to arrive in Maladoreias are the Van Braun family. Darius and his wife Yanna also came with dreams of land and wealth and making a lasting legacy in the new

kingdom. Yanna was a painter and her hopes include one day being able to showcase her talents in an art gallery along with other talents such as the lady Amelia and her husband Edward who

also share her love of the arts. She also had a duty to her husband Darius to provide him with an heir. Darius had an interest in making quality children’s toys for the kingdom’s young ones

and wants to open a toy shop.

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The couple welcomed their first born child, a girl named Clara, to the world. Like the other Nobles and even the Royal family in Maladoreias the penchant for girls being born

first seemed to affect them all. The Van Braun family did not currently have enough funds remaining to buy their first business and finding meaningful employment for Darius was proving somewhat difficult…there was already a Politician rising in the

ranks headed by Hayden Prescott and a Military genius in the form of Edward Crane. Darius had a few options available such as going into Business and working to earn a

place in the kingdom for conducting trade and commerce.

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While Darius spent his idle time honing his toy crafting skills, Yanna spent hers painting and digging for treasure. Her efforts yielded great fruit when she uncovered

three shining chests full of gold and jewels. The Van Braun family finally had a means to procure their first business venue! The rich lands of Maladoreias proved to contain

more than just elven magic…

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The Van Brauns were already well on their way to establishing a solid foundation on which to build their own family legacy and to provide a bright and fertile future for

their daughter and future sons to benefit from.

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Clara Van Braun Libra


A playful, happy little angel… ^_^

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As her first birthday present, her father made her an adorable Jack-in-the-Box to play with. The music box even played her favourite song, Pop Goes the Weasel.

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*plinkity* plink-plink-plink *plinkity plink plink…*

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Pop goes the Weasel!! *squeals of laughter*

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Toddler huggle!!

You know that thing actually has a little pixie laugh when it comes out? The things you hear when you wear good gaming headphones… 0_0

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And that is all the families I have played so far. You’ll see that only the lot in front of the Van Braun house has the little symbol over it, that’s because of the $15 000

windfall Yanna and Darius dug up, she got two and he got the last one. I haven’t sold all three yet though so the Van Brauns still have a large sum of money in their bank account already. More than the other two Noble houses do after their first week/year.

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Year One End:

# of Families: 4 # of Playables: 17

# of Fires: 0 # of Robberies: 0

Population: (2x17=34) {+1 for beginning, +1 for first Community lot}


Owned Businesses: Van Braun Toys (Rank 0) hasn’t been built yet NPC Businesses: {4 lots=1 NPC lot} Ye Olde Tailor (Clothes Store)


Military (1 of 1): Edward Crane

Politics (1 of 1): Hayden Prescott

Taxes (10% of Lot Values): Prescott: $7960 Crane: $8487

Van Braun: $8767 Total: $25,214 of $1,000,000