myspace ppt

What Should What Should Do? Do? Doug Mallett, Ben Doug Mallett, Ben Gavzy, James Larkin, Gavzy, James Larkin, Kevin Shoemaker, Paul Kevin Shoemaker, Paul Gasior Gasior

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Myspace Ppt

What Should What Should Do? Do?

Doug Mallett, Ben Gavzy, Doug Mallett, Ben Gavzy, James Larkin, Kevin James Larkin, Kevin

Shoemaker, Paul GasiorShoemaker, Paul Gasior

Page 2: Myspace Ppt


Chen, David; et al. “MySpace.” Chen, David; et al. “MySpace.” Harvard Business Harvard Business SchoolSchool. July 2, 2008. July 2, 2008

Page 3: Myspace Ppt

ProblemProblemNew Facebook PlatformNew Facebook Platform

“…we wanted to allow everyone worldwide to create any kind of application.”

-Mark Zuckerberg

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The OptionsThe Options

Enter into Google’s OpenSocial PlatformEnter into Google’s OpenSocial Platform


Develop their own platform in houseDevelop their own platform in house

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OpenSocial SolutionOpenSocial Solution

ProsProsMatch Facebook Match Facebook functionality quicklyfunctionality quickly

Less ExpensiveLess Expensive

Cons Cons Loss of differentiation Loss of differentiation between MySpace and between MySpace and competitors; no longer competitors; no longer unique unique

Unable to gain revenue Unable to gain revenue from applicationsfrom applications

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In house SolutionIn house Solution

ProsProsFull ControlFull Control


Ability to generate Ability to generate revenue from revenue from applications and applications and features features

Ability to continually Ability to continually develop new apps; and develop new apps; and update old onesupdate old ones


Less timelyLess timely

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Create a custom MySpace platformCreate a custom MySpace platform