mylife - july/august 2015


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Page 1: MyLife - July/August 2015
Page 2: MyLife - July/August 2015

Inside this issue:

Letter from the Vice President 3

PM Corner 4

June/July Top Performers 5-6

RELO/REO Updates 7

Smart Homes 8

George Mason Updates 9

Testimonial Tree Tips 10

Nats Night Out 11-13

Page 3: MyLife - July/August 2015

Run Your Own RaceA Letter from the Vice President | By David Hess

Hey Gang,

We are all familiar with running competitions of one mile, 5 miles, 10Ks, half marathons (13.1 miles), marathons (26.2 miles) and even ultramarathons (up to100 miles). But the ultimate long distance race is the Westfield Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon, which is an EXTREME ultra-marathon that takes place in Australia and is 543.7 miles long (875 km). Most Westfield runners plan a schedule of about 18 hours running and 6 hours sleeping. At this pace the elite runners can run the race in about 6-7 days.

In 1983, a 61 year-old sheep herder named Cliff Young, showed up to run the race wearing his sheep herding outfit: a long sleeve work shirt, work pants and rubber boots. Registration workers sneered under their breath and tried to talk the man out of it. No one thought the man had any idea what the race was about. Once he started running, with a strange “shuffle” that was a combination of a run and a skip, people laughed openly. Not being an elite runner or even an amateur competitor, Young did not know about the schedule of sleeping 6 hours per night. In his youth, he’d herded about 2,000 sheep on a 2,000 acre farm (about 3.12 square miles) that had no vehicles or horses. Occasionally, that would mean rounding them up by literally chasing them around for two or three days straight with no sleep. With this experience he figured it would be no big deal to do it again.

On the second morning when all of the elite runners and others woke up, they learned that the weird sheep herder with the funny clothes and funny gait was in the lead. Long story short, Young won the race in 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes, sleeping only 12 hours and setting a World Record. Young had made the next five competitors run harder than they ever had before, pushing them to finish a full 24 hours ahead of previous records. Interestingly Young’s funny “shuffle” is now recognized as an energy saver to the body and many ultramarathoners now run that way on long races.

There are so many life lessons in this story:

1. Every one of us has been under-estimated by others. 2. We all have to run our own race in our own way, regardless of the peer pressure or criticism we receive. 3. Young believed in himself and his ways which is always a necessary ingredient for success in any venture.4. Once he started, he did not quit until he reached his objective. 5. If one person can do it, it shows others that they too can do it. 6. Hanging around with high performers makes us all better be mindful of who you

surround yourself with.


Page 4: MyLife - July/August 2015

PM CORNERHelpful Tips for Using RentTrackThe transition to our new online payment RentTrack has been a great one so far! Tenants are

benefitting from being able to build their credit scores through timely online payments (a great

point to raise to your renters so they can prepare themselves for homeownership), and owners now

have access to more in-depth background screenings for potential tenants….a win-win for sure!

Some helpful learnings we’ve found since going live:

1. If an applicant stops the application process, hence leaving their computer and doing

something else, and the process is idle for 30 minutes or more, the session will expire! What to

do then? They will have to start from scratch.

2. If you have more than one person apply for a property (roommates, spouses, significant others,

etc), one person should start the application, then “invite” the next person by providing

their email towards the end of the first application. Think of it as a relay applicant

completes the process, then passes the bar to someone else. Makes sense? The first person can

pay the application fee ($45/person) immediately for all.

3. When an application comes in, Cara will send you the listing agent the application for review

and to authorize her to actually process the application. We do NOT automatically do this. We

need your approval!

4. As always, once you have given approval for processing the credit background check should

be completed within 24 hrs. You will receive a summary of their credit including their score, any

public records, etc. We will disclose criminal history and that will be a check box on the owner

acceptance/rejection page you receive along with the results. Remember, criminal history is not

a protective class. Unfortunately, we are not provided with the information what kind of criminal

history someone might you could ask an applicant about that, just like we used to do

for medical collections or to gather more information on a bankruptcy.

5. Applicants are now able to upload their Driver’s License and Paystubs/Offer Letter to their

application when applying online.

Hope you are as excited as we are about this! If you never have rental listings, maybe this will

encourage you...just kidding!

Page 5: MyLife - July/August 2015

Congratulations to June & July’sTop Performers!

Top Listers: June

Top Producers: June

Kim Neff, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Fredericksburg OfficeSherri Embrey, Front Royal OfficeIngrid Myers, Lake Ridge OfficeSeema Rodriguez, Rockville OfficeFrank Freeman, Springfield OfficeNina Chen Landes, Tysons Office

Francis Irizarry, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Fredericksburg OfficeJill Tacci, Front Royal OfficeLoretta Rossomondo, Lake Ridge OfficeRon Walton, Rockville OfficeSusan Metcalf, Springfield OfficeNina Chen Landes, Tysons Office

Francis Irizarry, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Fredericksburg OfficeMarilyn King, Front Royal OfficeSam Mangrio, Lake Ridge OfficeSeema Rodriguez, Rockville OfficeReid Voss, Springfield OfficeEbony Bates, Tysons Office

Iris Aponte, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Fredericksburg OfficeJill Tacci, Front Royal OfficeSam Mangrio, Lake Ridge OfficeSeema Rodriguez, Rockville OfficeSusan Metcalf, Springfield OfficeChris Brown, Tysons Office

Production Over $750,000: JuneFrances Irizarry, Iris Aponte, Karen Smith, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Jami Harich, Jennifer Layton, Nancy Mizelle, Liz Pierson, Fredericksburg OfficeIngrid Myers, Sam Mangrio, Loretta Rossomondo, Lake Ridge OfficeSeema Rodriguez, Ron Walton, Rockville OfficeSusan Metcalf, Springfield OfficeNina Chen Landes, Chris Brown, Sheila Carney, Kate Herzig, Mary Grace Mandaro, Tysons Office

Top Listers: July

Top Producers: July

Production Over $750,000: JulyIris Aponte, Frances Irizarry, Kim Neff, Centreville OfficeAmy Cherry Taylor, Jami Harich, Nancy Mizelle, Fredericksburg OfficeJill Tacci, Front Royal OfficeSam Mangrio, Lake Ridge OfficeSeema Rodriguez, Your Minka Group, Ron Walton, Montgomery/Des Roche, Rockville OfficeSusan Metcalf, Reid Voss, Springfield OfficeChris Brown, Shahla Islam, Sheila Carney, Tysons Office

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Mobility Title: June & JulyCentreville: Francis Irizarry (3), Elizabeth Falcon (1), Iris Aponte (1), Carolyn Hurley (1)

Fredericksburg: Amy Cherry Taylor (6), Gina Schwartz (4), Karen Janson (2), Natalie Seliquini (1), Rebecca Graf (1), Sandra Lambert (1), Jennifer Layton (1), Gloria Adams (1), Nancy Mizelle (1), Melissa Weaver (1)

Front Royal: Pamula Jackson (2), Theresa Marshall (1)

Lake Ridge: Theodore Spittal (1)

Springfield: Reid Voss (2), Renee Mumford (1) Tysons: Katherine Herzig (2), Mary Grace Mandaro (2), Chris Brown (2), Shahla Islam (2), Manna Zelalem (1), Carol Benner (1), Nina Chen Landes (1), Sheila Carney (1), Barbara Radvanyi (1)

Congratulations June & July’sTop Performers!

Our closing professionals come to your clients, providing them the personalized and convenient service they deserve.

We specialize in:• Residential Closings• HUD Home Closings (VA)• Commercial Closings

We’re conveniently located in the Tysons Regional Building:2301 Gallows Road, Suite 200A, Dunn Loring, VA 22027

Contact Daphne Flynn at 703.281.5012 or [email protected].

• Refinancing Loans• Short Sales • 1031 Exchanges

Page 7: MyLife - July/August 2015

Submit Photos for the Leading RE Local Contest!Through September 30th, submit local photos that capture the spirit and beauty of the communities you serve for a chance to win prizes! Chosen photos will also be featured in the “See What it’s Like There” section of the newly redesigned!

To enter, register on, then upload pictures under that profile as you have them to submit. You can also share photos on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #LeadingRELocal. Daily Double – Submit two or more photos on a given day for a chance to win LeadingRE LOCAL GLOBAL gear. The more they contribute, the better their chances to win great prizes. SUMMIT 100 – Submit 100 photos for the contest between now and September 30, and receive a $100 rebate off of their registration for the 2015 LeadingRE SUMMIT! You must register for SUMMIT by December 31, 2015.


Questions about the contest? Contact:Angela Minlionica [email protected]

Page 8: MyLife - July/August 2015

Upcoming Star Session!Homes of the FutureSeptember 16th | 10am-1pm | Tysons Headquarters

So your client wants a smart home with a green roof to boot. Speakers Mike Walker of Clydesdale Custom Homes & Avery-Hess, Realtors, Philip Kruer of Vintage Security, and John Hensley of Building Performance Solutions, LLC give you all the necessary knowledge to make that dream a reality for your client.

RSVP by emailing Lisa at [email protected]

The Popularity of Smart Homes

Many buyers aren’t just looking for a home, they’re looking for a comfort and convenience. While some simply want to find a home close to a trendy urban district with public Wifi and a fleet of Uber taxis, others are looking to incorporate technology directly into their home.

Smart homes mean smart savings for homeowners. According to the 2015 State of the Smart Home Report, thermostats topped the list of the most popular smart home products. When heating and cooling account for almost half of the energy use in a typical home, it’s no wonder why optimizing energy output is such a concern.

“90% agree that security is one of the most important reasons to purchase a smart home system” - 2015 State of the Smart home Report

Nearly 60% of consumers want their smart homes to be 100% automated (i.e. without any prompts and using data analytics and sensors to complete tasks on their own) - 2015 State of the Smart home Report

“Consumers are most willing to adopt smart home technology when they are making renovations or upgrades to their homes (43%), followed next by when they move (25%), or buy a new house (24%) - 2015 State of the Smart home Report

Page 9: MyLife - July/August 2015

George Mason Updates

Good News Everyone!

Mortgage rules have been tight the last few years but it finally looks like the pendulum is starting to swing the other way. Fannie Mae loosened up their guidelines in July and here are a few of the changes:

• Conversion of Principal Residence Requirements No Longer Apply – 30% equity is no longer required to count rental income from a primary converted to an investment property.

• Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds – These funds will be counted at 100% of their value for determining reserves. Additionally if the lender can document that the buyer has at least 20% more than the minimum funds needed for the transaction then no documentation of liquidation is required.

• Unreimbursed Employee Expenses – For a buyer who is qualified using base pay and bonus, over time or commission but has less than 25% of their total income from bonus, over time or commission unreimbursed employee expenses are not required to be deducted from qualifying income.

These requirements softening are good signs that credit tightness is beginning to ease.

from Kelley May

Page 10: MyLife - July/August 2015

Testimonial Tree Tips

Three completely different and successful approaches to gaining testimonials...

Reaching out to former clients you’ve had a great experience with....

What was Jami’s secret to scoring over 1,000 points during the Testimonial Tree Challenge? Reaching out to former clients she’s maintained connection with through social media and other communications.

She let them know of the contest and said she was “in it to win it” which really got people wanting to show their support.

Jami Harich

Explaining the value of testimonials to your clients....

“I always ask for a testimonial in person and wait until we have settled a transaction prior to asking for one.”

“I ask them to be brutally honest about their experience with me. I let them know that I use the testimonial as a way for pro-spective clients to get a “feel” for how I do business.” “I use the testimonials on my website, in farming cards, in a couple of magazines I advertise in, as well as in my listing presentations.”

Diana WatsonIncluding testimonials as you’re setting expectations....

“I let clients know early in the transaction that if they’re satisfied with my work I’d love a testimonial from them. The perfect time to start talking about testimonials is when you’re setting overall expectations at the beginning of a transaction.”

“Capturing a video or photos is best when clients are excited [e.g. at settle-ment].” Diana was saying that at this point the client is full of enthusiasm and appreciative of your help. They are then more than up for doing some-thing nice for you in exchange.

Sam Mangrio

Page 11: MyLife - July/August 2015

Rockville Spring Baseball ContestThe Rockville All Stars took to the field to play ball with the “big guys” in their Spring baseball contest! Every week through April and May agents had the opportunity to advance bases by:

• Holding an Open House (Single)• Getting a Listing (Double)• A Sale (Triple) • A Successful Closing (Home Run)

Each week represented a new inning for points to be tallied:• 1st base = 1 point• 2nd base = 2 points• 3rd base = 3 points• Home = 4 points

The agent with the most points in those innings won a Trip to Nats Park! Congrats Ron Walton, Your Minka Group, Angie and Carmel, and our big winner Nicole Apanda who received the most points in anny week.

Nats Night Out

Tysons Night Out

The Tysons Corner office was also present at the game, rallying behind the home team and host Greg Mullan of George Mason Mortgage who provided the food, drinks, and transportation.

Much fun was had by all...

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Nats Night Out

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Nats Night Out

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Recruit an agent to Avery-Hess

Earn 5% of his or her company

earnings for

3 years!

Page 15: MyLife - July/August 2015



Resources for you:




Avery-Hess App


Are you doing something special in the community? Do you have a great tech or strategic tip to share with other agents?

Email your stories to [email protected]! Chosen entries will be featured in an upcoming issue of MyLife!