myers-briggs type indicator career applications the mbti measures preferences tendencies...


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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Career Applications

The MBTI measures

• Preferences

• Tendencies

• Characteristics

The MBTI does not measure

• Intelligence (IQ)

• Emotional Maturity

• Interests

• Psychiatric Disturbances

Understand Your Personality Type

• Knowledge of your personality and the personality of others will empower you to communicate and work effectively with others!


• There are four major dimensions

1.Extraversion or Introversion(Extraversion is the spelling in the psych literature. Extro… is the popular spelling.)

2.Sensing or Intuitive

3.Thinking or Feeling

4.Judging or Perceptive

Gaining Energy

• Extraversion (E) • Focused on the outside world and get

energy through interacting with people and doing things.

• Introversion (I)

• Focused on the inner world and get energy through reflecting on information, ideas and/or concepts.

• Extraverts are energized by other people and external experiences while

• Introverts are energized by inner resources and inner experiences.

• Extraverts act and then maybe think while• Introverts think and then maybe act.

• Extraverts are often friendly, talkative and easy to know while

• Introverts are often reserved, quiet and hard to know.

• Extraverts express emotions more easily while• Introverts bottle up emotions.

• Extraverts need relationships (like everyone) but• Introverts are often more aware of the need for


• Extraverts can seem a bit shallow to introverts while

• Introverts can seem a bit withdrawn to Extraverts

• Extraversion needs introversion for balance

• Introversion needs extraversion for balance

• In school what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being an Extravert or an Introvert?

• In looking for work what advantages do each have (and disadvantages)?

• In relationships?

Gathering Information: Your preferred way of perceiving the world…

• Sensing (S)

• Notice and trust facts, details, and present realities.

• Intuition (N)

• Attend to and trust interrelationships, theories and future possibilities.

• Sensing types like things that are definite, measurable.

• iNtuitive types like opportunities to be inventive.

• Sensing types start at the beginning, taking things a step at a time while

• iNtuitive types jump in anywhere and leap over steps.

• Sensing types live in the present and enjoy what’s there while

• iNtuitive types live toward the future anticipating what might be.

• Sensing types prefer handling practical matters while

• iNtuitive types imagine possibilities.

• Sensing types like set procedures and established routines while

• iNtuitives like change and variety.

• Sensing types may seem too materialistic to iNtuitives while

• iNtuitives may seem like dreamers to Sensing types.

• Sensing types look at specific parts and pieces.

• Intuitive types look at patterns and relationships.

• Sensing needs iNtuition for balance.

• iNtuition needs Sensing for balance.

• Can you think of some occupations that would appear to Sensing types?

• Can you think of some occupations that would appear to iNtuitive types?

• Who’d more likely become a prison guard?

• Sensing (88%)

Making Decisions - Your preferred way of deciding…

• Thinking (T)

• Make decisions using logical, objective analysis.

• Feeling (F)

• Make decisions to create harmony by applying person-centered values.

• Thinking types decide with their head while

• Feeling types decide with their heart.

• Thinking types go by logic and say “The sensible thing to do is…” while

• Feeling types go by personal conviction and say “What I feel is…”.

• Thinking types are more concerned with ‘truth and justice’ while

• Feeling types are concerned with relationships and harmony.

• Thinking types see themselves as on-lookers from outside the situation (objective types) while

• Feeling types see things as a participant from inside the situation.

• Thinking types take the long view while• Feeling types take the immediate and

personal view.

• Thinking types spontaneously find flaws…

• Feeling types spontaneously appreciate…

• Thinking types are good at analyzing plans…

• Feeling types are good at understanding people (and maybe dogs)

• Thinking types may seem cold and condescending to Feeling types while

• Feeling types seem fuzzy-minded and emotional to Thinking types.

• This is the only dimension where there is a sex difference with 60% of males being Thinking types and 60% of females being Feeling types.

Which type would be more likely to loan their assignment to a

fellow student even when they really didn’t want to?

• Thinking needs feeling for balance.

• Feeling needs thinking for balance.

Dealing with the World Your Personal Style…

• Judging (J)

• Organized, orderly and decisive.

• Perceiving (P)

• Flexible, adaptable and like to keep options open.

• Judging types prefer an organized lifestyle…

• They need to adapt to being flexible.

• Perceiving types prefer a flexible lifestyle…

• They need to adapt to be organized.

• Judging types like definite order and structure.

• They like to go from A to Z.

• They understand rules and the need for them.

• Perceiving types like to go with the flow.

• More likely to take risk and plunge right in.

• Less likely to read instructions

More likely to be impulsive…

• Judging types prefer to have life under control.• Stress is not having control.

• Perceiving types prefer to experience life as it happens.

• Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to deadlines.

• Judging types enjoy being decisive.

• The student who picks an essay topic too quickly may have to sacrifice a better idea later.

Perceiving types prefer being curious and discovering surprises.

• Judging types like clear limits and categories.

• Plan, focus, complete, move on.

• Perceiving types like the freedom to explore without limit.

• They like to start (but don’t always finish).

• Judging types are comfortable bringing things to closure.

• Judging needs perception for balance.

• Perceiving needs judgment for balance.

16 MBTI Personalities




Sensing iNtuitiveISTJ

doing what should be done

ISFJa high sense

of duty

INFJan inspiration

to others

INTJeverything has

room for improvement

ISTPready to try

anything once

ISFPsees much but

shares little


noble serviceto aid society

INTPa love of

problem solving

ESTPthe ultimate


ESFPyou only go around once

in life

ENFPgiving life an

extra squeeze

ENTPone exciting

challenge after another



ESFJhosts and

hostesses of the world

ENFJsmooth talking


ENTJlife's natural


But the middle two letters are the best predictor of career choice…



So, you will be…

• Sensing/Thinking• Sensing/Feeling• iNuition/Feeling• iNtuition/Thinking

ST –Sensing Thinking Types

• Focus on facts but apply impersonal analysis to what they observe or perceive. Practical, matter-of-fact, skilled at dealing with money, objects, information or data.

• Accountants -64%• Business Students 51%• Bank employees – 47%• Also, production, construction, applied

science• NOT occupations like counseling, nursing.

SF - Sensing Feeling Types

• Focus on facts but handle what they perceive with personal warmth, sympathy, friendliness. Suited to practical help and service occupations.

• Sales/customer relations – 81%• Nursing – 44%• Education – 42%• Other medical and health jobs, community

service, elementary/physical education• NOT law or science.

NF – iNtuition Feeling Types

• Perceive possibilities and handle what they perceive with personal warmth, enthusiasm and insight. Have success in understanding people and communication.

• Student counselors – 76%• Creative writers – 65%• Journalism students 42%• Nursing – 34%• Also, teaching, research, arts• NOT accountants

NT – iNtuition Thinking Types

• Perceive possibilities and handle what they perceive with impersonal analysis. Logical and ingenious. Use abilities in theoretical and technical development.

• Research scientists – 77%• Science students – 57%• Law students – 42%• Also, inventors, managers, forecasters,

securities analysts• NOT in sales, nursing

Implications of Wrong Choice

• One service company with work oriented to Feeling types found that after 9 years 80% of the Thinking types had quit while 80% of the Feeling types were still there.

• One company asked its supervisor to rate its pool of 16 data entry personnel

• Who is more suited to that sort of work: Introverts or Extraverts?

• All eight Introverts received a higher rating.

• In life, you can be a failure at the wrong job and an outstanding success at the right job.

• Which occupation is the right one for you?