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IJŽS Vol 2.1 - Graduate Special Issue From Panopticon to Pan-psychologisation or, hy do so many ! omen study psychology" Jan De Vos - University of Ghent, Belgium. « (…) le discours de la science ne laisse aucune place à l’homme » J. Lacan « We will know less and less what is a human being » José Saramago What if you ere haunte! "y the sim#le $uestion, %hat is the social meaning of the increasing num"er of #re!ominantly female stu!ents enrolling in the #sychology !e#artments of our universities&' When you recall ho the monasteries an! nunneries ere formerly the #rime attraction for society's fine young men an! omen, this $uestion "ecomes even more #ertinent. Woul! it "e ise to file a research #ro#osal on this $uestion in the human sciences !e#artment of a university& (magine trying to e)#lain your #ro#osal, clarifying ho your #ro*ect is not merely a"out ho #sychology stu!ents are outgroing their lecture halls "ut 1

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as+s, more centrally, hy society is turning all of us into stu!ents of #sychology. Just thin+,you might argue, of the i!ea #ro#ose! on a regular "asis that every #arent-to-"e ought tota+e a course in #arenting so as to "e instructe! in the "asics of chil! #sychology an!#e!agogy. Life as one "ig !e#artment of human sciences. Who are e that e nee! so

much #sychology& you oul! e)claim.his article, actually "ase! on the e)#erience of su"mitting a research #ro#osition on

the su"*ect of #sychologisation /01, argues that #sychologisation is not only the !isseminationof the language of #sychology into every!ay life, "ut sho s ho e all "ecame academicsubjects . 2ontem#orary su"*ectivity has to "e situate! in hat Lacan calle! the%universitarian !iscourse'. 3long the lines of the ritings of 4i5e+ e'll try to sho hoLacan's %the !iscourse of science ill leave no #lace hatsoever for man', means that formo!ern 6 an! ergo, #ost-mo!ern man 6 there is no beyond aca!emic !iscourse. his#ara!o) e shall e)#lore "y trying to un!erstan! hat to!ay's #sychologi7ation is a"out. (till "ring us to the 6 mostly unac+no le!ge! 6 crisis in to!ay's human sciences8 hileeveryone is su##ose! to "enefit from a "roa! schooling in the socio-#sychological theories,#erha#s this is e)actly hy the human sciences, #lacing all sta+es on a neo-em#iricalscientism, cannot account for %contem#orary sym#tomatology'. Dra ing u#on 4i5e+ e ill"e lea! to the conclusion that !e-#sychologisation or a cele"ration of real life offers noalternative to #sychologisation8 #ost-mo!ern man is the homo #sychologicus living in an a#riori #sychologise! ha"itat.

Psychologisation# a research $uestion"

(t is clear, it oul! not "e sim#le to legitimate a research $uestion li+e 9 hy there are somany feminine stu!ents in #sychology&9. :ost #ro"a"ly it ill "e met ith e)as#eration8what is the relevance o this! Let it "e un!erstoo!, the very or! psychologisation itself is an

im#licit re#roach to the #sychology !e#artment. o insult a #sychologist, all you nee! to tellhim is that he is such a ty#ical #sychologist . his shoul! "e ta+en into account hen youon!er hy #sychologisation isn't really an aca!emic issue an! hy the social im#licationsof the ra#i!ly increasing num"er of stu!ents in the human sciences is not easily consi!ere! asu"*ect orthy of serious stu!y. But foremost you shoul! +no that in these matters the veryscientific arsenal is often use! to neutralise certain $uestions hich, on account of theirrefle)ive character, shoul! "e the #rinci#al $uestions in every science8 Why shoul!something li+e #sychology e)ist, an! hat is the effect of its e)istence on man an! society&

"ut how would you operationalise your research #uestion! $re you planning any #uantitativeresearch!


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Such $uestions oul! ma+e you feel you ere #ro#osing to light a "onfire in themi!!le of the ocean !uring a tro#ical storm. So you oul! "etter "ear in min! 4i5e+'sstatement that one of the telltale signs of university !iscourse is that the o##onent isaccuse! of "eing 9!ogmatic9 an! 9sectarian /4i5e+, ;<<=1. he hegemonic situation you are

!ealing ith is that of the human sciences "eing un!er the enormous #ressure of the!ominant mo!el of the $uantitative a##roach, ith very !elimite!, often utilitarian o"*ectivesto "e met. (t is not so much that research #ro#osals are e)#ecte! to "e close to social to#ics,or that they ought to a!!ress $uestions that are relevant to institutionalise! #o er. (t issim#ly that, first an! foremost, they have to "e formulate! in the stan!ar! voca"ulary of themainstream theoretical frame or+. Social relevance is re#lace! "y the, seemingly neutrali!ea of scientific relevance. his im#erative lea!s to hat's +no n as the rela"elling strategy>the only #ossi"le critical stance remaining is to translate hat you really ant to stu!y intothe ruling, hegemonic frame or+. he a!vice is u"i$uitous8 #ut in an a##lication on a!elimite!, falsification-#rone an! scientifically fashiona"le to#ic> regar! it as a vehicle to !ohat you really ant once the fun!s are grante! . But is it not illusory to thin+ that this ill notaffect your true su"*ect& he vehicle ill restrict you an! inevita"ly commit you to certain!eliveries> form is never neutral. (t is the resi!ue, the "oiling !o n of im#licit i!eology.

Shoul! e conclu!e from this that there is no forum, no #u"lic s#ace for fun!amentalcriti$ue as such in the humanities& ?erha#s the ol! an! venera"le critical tra!ition asre#resente! "y "oth the aca!emic an! the #u"lic s#here is !isa##earing, even if this as atra!ition hose interests coul! "e $uestione!, or regar!e! as merely #re!icta"le an!therefore unthreatening. @ecall the Sloter!i*+A a"ermas controversy, in hich the formerasserte! that the tra!itional humanist a##roach to me!ia an! communications culture nolonger constitutes an effective forum for reflecting on the challenges an! even totalitarianten!encies of me!ia an! technology /see ertmans, ;<<;1. C!itorial an! o#-e! #ages, fore)am#le, have "ecome nothing more than an im#otent !iscourse that mista+es itself for the#u"lic forum. (n this conte)t, any s#ace for refle)ive an! critical thought vis- -vis the

hegemonic !iscourses is !ifficult to fin!, even in aca!emic circles. With res#ect to thecontem#orary rationali7e! an! commission-"ase! research #olicy for e)am#le, the #ro"lemis not so much that certain #henomena are not easily #ut into $uestion or that they arera##e! in mainstream aca!emic thin+ing an! #ractice. Ear more crucial is the fact thatcontem#orary social sym#tomatology remains invisible sim#ly "ecause such #henomena areright at the very surface of things 6 #erha#s the most effective hi!ing-#lace for truth these!ays /;1.

a+e the #sychologisation of every !ay life for e)am#le> $uite unnotice! an! in a

short time there is #ractically no longer any social s#ace that !oesn't have the #resence ofthe #sychologist8 the #sychologist of the maternity courses, the chil! #sychologist at your


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+i!s' school, the or+ #sychologist, the V #sychologists, the trauma #sychologists at thesite of great !isasters, the #sychological e)#ert in the courtroom shoul! a mem"er of the *ury"rea+ !o n. (s this a ne i th column&, you might as+. But #recisely hat is omni#resent iseasy to overloo+. So if you are #lanning to !o some research into #sychologisation you ought

to +no that there is more chance of getting a #ro*ect a##rove! on the similarities "et eenearth$ua+es an! climate changes on the one han! an! mass violence an! terrorism at theother /a #ro*ect that as in fact recently fun!e! "y the Curo#ean 2ommission1 /F1.

What then oul! e)actly "e your stance8 oul! it "e to ma+e science more critical, oroul! it "e to un!er#in your criticism in a scientific ay& f course, "oth are #seu!o-hegelian forms of synthesis8 to!ay science an! criti$ue are so entangle! resulting in the!isa##earance as such of any critical s#ace. hin+ a"out 4i5e+'s notes on 3gam"en'sa##roach on the relationshi# "et een la an! violence8 3gam"en's i!ea that e nee! tose#arate la an! violence an! untie their +not 6 although he calls it's a anti- egelian i!ea 6is accor!ing to 4i5e+ effectively hat the egelian synthesis is a"out8 the o##osites are notreconcile! in a 9higher synthesis9> it is rather that their !ifference is #osite! 9as such9 /4i5e+,;<<=1. So in the same ay as it is not a"out "ringing la an! violence together /so that rightill have might an! the e)ercise of might ill "e fully legitimi7e!1, shoul!n't e strive tose#arate science an! the s#ace for criti$ue& hat is hat a #ro*ect on #sychologisationshoul! "e a"out8 !isentangling science's tentacles.

Psychology is the script

But here oul! it lea! you, if you oul! try to operationalise the i!ea of #sychologisation&Hou coul! start, for e)am#le, "y $uestioning the !efinition of the Dutch theorist @uu! 3"ma/3"ma, 0II 1. 3ccor!ing to 3"ma, #sychologisation is the !issemination of the language of#sychology into every!ay life. C)em#lary of this is school. (n a recent intervie on V,

chil!ren ere e)#laining to the intervie er that % we have to respect one another and um% alsomeant to be assertive in a% um% positive way% and there was something about emotions but&’ve orgotten it'’ hese +i!s ere using #recisely the tone an! manner of s#ea+ing thatchil!ren tra!itionally use! to a!o#t hen reciting some +in! of classical stan!ar!i7e!+no le!ge. o un!erstan! #sychologisation in the school, in the sense of the !isseminationof %#sych-terminology', one shoul! recall that the "asic #ara!igm of the school as such is thetheoretisation of life. (n o##osition to this, an! es#ecially since the Cnlightenment, many#hiloso#hers an! #e!agogues /such as @ousseau, ?estalo77i, Eroe"el1 #romote! real li e

learning . C!ucation as consi!ere! too artificial, teachers ere therefore su##ose! to "ringtheir #u#ils in contact ith real life an! to leave the classroom as much as #ossi"le. But this


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coul! only have #ara!o)ical effects8 real li e cannot "e e)#erience! ithout me!iation> this isthe classical / egelian1 !ifference "et een man an! animal8 e e)#erience reality via ame!ium, hether it "e language, culture, society, history. (n a!!ition, this loss of man'simme!iate an! unme!iate! #resence in the orl! 6 an! ho to re-me!iate or sim#ly !eny it

6 can easily "e calle! the "asic theme of the hole history of religion, literature, #hiloso#hyan! science, in short, the hole of culture. Cvery call for a return to real li e is accom#anie!"y a ne an! fre$uently un#erceive! theoretisation. hus real li e learning as me!iate! firstan! foremost "y #hiloso#hers an! #e!agogues' theories of hat %real life' as.

What stan!s "et een @ousseau's noble savage an! nature is @ousseau himself an!his e)alte! an! romantic theories a"out the no"le savage. o!ay, real li e learning "eginsfrom the theories of life #ro#oun!e! "y the human sciences an! es#ecially "y #sychology8we’re um% also meant to be assertive in a% um% positive way% and there was something aboutemotions but &’ve orgotten it' his +in! of #sycho-e!ucation has mean hile s#rea! far"eyon! the schoolyar!8 through the mass-me!ia an! governmental cam#aigns,#sychologisation has foun! its ay into the "roa! s#ectrum of society. he "asic i!ea is that+no le!ge hel#s an! em#o ers, % what you are going through is what psychology calls…’he a!ministration of theory is su##ose! to have #reventive an! even curative effects>nowledge must therefore "e s#rea!. ne of the chief characteristics of to!ay's#sychologisation lies #recisely in the ay e all have "ecome #sychology stu!ents, throughschool, or+ /e.g. the !iscourse of %human resources'1, television, maga7inesK 3ccor!ingly, 3"ma's !efinition of #sychologisation must "e refine!8 to the e)tent that it has "ecome #art ofcommon +no le!ge, #sychology is caught u# in the #ara!o) of the #lea for %real life'>#sychologisation is a ne schooling of society "ase! on the #ara!igms on life of the #sych-sciences.

he $uestion then is, hen society "ecomes a school, con!emning every"o!y to life-long learning, !oes this not lea! to a general school e haustion & (s not the core of#sychologisation 6 hile the i!ea is that information an! +no le!ge "ring em#o erment 6

the fact that it is #ai! for "y !ereali7ation an! a"sence of !esire& / 1 Let's try to concreti7ethis. n one of to!ay's many psychotainment television sho s, !uring an e#iso!e on%!ifficult' chil!ren, a father an! son ere #laying in a #u"lic #laygroun!. 3 thera#ist stoo! afe yar!s a ay an! as connecte! to the father ho as ire! ith a hi!!en ear#hone8#e!agogical a!vice in real time. She, the thera#ist, his#ere! that the father ha! to reinforcethe #ositive "ehaviour of his clearly overactive son>tell him he’s doing great . he father *ustslightly altere! her or!s8 you’re the best% you’re the champ, resorting to the pep talk of thecommon foot"all coach. Eor her #art, the #acing thera#ist #raise! the father continuously,

li+e a hy#eractive guar!ian angel on the loose. So if recently attem#ts ere ma!e toreha"ilitate an! re-esta"lish the significance of the father figure via research an!


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accom#anying informational cam#aigns, this e)am#le clearly sho s ho e mustun!erstan! the i!ea of the ather role in the human sciences> the father has a role to #layan! the scri#t he must follo is #sychology. ence these theories shoul! "e general+no le!ge an! if !ifficulties arise, there is al ays the #sychologist or #sychothera#ist ho

from the prompter’s bo ensures that everyone has his or her lines straight.his is not only the #ara!o) of an o"*ectifie!, em#iricist #sychology ith its "arely

conceale! "ut still !enie! strongly moralist ten!encies - here mainstream psychology turnsout to "e nothing more than a vulgar #re-script -ive !iscourse. :oreover, to!ay's #sychologysho s science's am"ition to "e life's script as such . his structural shift has to "e thoughtthrough carefully> #sychologisation is not *ust the see#ing through of scientific #sychologyinto every!ay !iscourse, it is not only the moralising of every!ay life. (t essentially means thatscience claims every!ay !iscourse as such. his is our secon! amen!ment to 3"ma's!efinition> given the current conte)t here science regar!s itself as the only legitimate #layerin our entire reality, #sychologisation "oils !o n to an all-em"racing an! even totalitarian gri#on the human "eing. he scene ( *ust !escri"e! of the ire! #sychothera#ist coul! thus "eseen as a reali7ation of *he *ruman +how > the #erfect Sun!ay afternoon in the #ar+ that asset u# "y the #sych-e)#ert herself. We can only assume the moment ill come hen thechil! ill "e confronte!, in a traumatic movement, ith the canvas of the contem#orary#sych-version of %all orl!'s a stage', a confrontation lea!ing either to aggression or!e#ression. Mno le!ge on man, as history sho s, invaria"le is lin+e! to alienation8 as 4i5e+rites on the never to "e su"*ectivi7e! +no le!ge of the !rive8 Nit is uncanny, horrifying even,since it someho 9!e#ossesses9 the su"*ect, re!ucing her or him to a #u##et-li+e level9"eyon! !ignity an! free!om.N /4i5e+, 0IIO1

?sychology clearly restricts the #lay of choice an! a!a#tation since it im#oses oneveryone its o n #ath to the ac$uisition of ha##iness an! #rotection from suffering in e$ualmeasure. (ts techni$ue consists in !e#ressing the value of life an! in !istorting the #icture ofthe real orl! in a !elusional manner 6 hich #resu##oses an intimi!ation of the intelligence.

(f these or!s soun! familiar, they shoul! "e. ('m ire! too it seems> these or!s areEreu!'s, from %2ivili7ation an! its !iscontents' /Ereu!, 0IF<a1. 3ll ( have !one is re#lace oneor!8 here Ereu! rote a"out religion restricting the #lay of choice an! a!a#tation, ( too+the li"erty of saying psychology . Because the $uestion seems to me, hy !i! e so easilytra!e the vicar, rom,cradle,to,grave for the %#sych'rom pre,maternal to palliative care &


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%he deadloc& o' critical psychology

We've en!e! u# ith a $uestion hich, a!mitte!ly, is not easy to o#erationalise. Ultimatelythis is "oun! to the fact that if Ereu!'s criti$ue cannot "ut "e ma!e from a #oint beyond

religion, thisoutside is /e$ually1 highly #ro"lematical regar!ing the #henomenon of#sychologisation. nce coul! even argue that the o#erationalising of research $uestions inthe human sciences as such cannot "e seen as a sim#le matter once one realises that hatis "eing researche! is a psychologised reality in hich the research is fun!amentallyem"e!!e!. ?sychological analysis has "ecome the central #ara!igm of everyone's outloo+on reality> ho to live your life, ho to raise your chil!, ho to love an! ho to or+K8everyone is familiar ith hat the e)#erts say a"out these matters. 3n! even hen the#scyh claims not to +no hat it ta+es to "e ha##y an! says you have to go your o n ay,he is still acting as the e)#ert> the e)#ert in not knowing , giving scientifically relia"lee)am#les of good practice an! evidenced,based methods instea!. Where religion onceoffere! the language an! gui!elines accor!ing to hich man+in! sa himself, these !ays it isscience an! #sychology. Shoul!n't e then s#ea+ a"out the genuinely tautological an!circular effects of #sychologisation& By this ( mean that i!es#rea! #sychological-e!ucationthreatens to ma+e #sych-research reveal nothing more than hat the % psy,comple ’ itselfin*ecte! in society. he #sychologist of to!ay a##ears as the #rototy#e of the naPve scientistho overloo+s the ay you al ays get your o n message "ac+ in inverte! form / 18#sychologists !o research on #eo#le ithout reali7ing that once you #ro"e someone, youtrigger the $uestions, % ho are you an! hat !o you ant&', the mirror image of your o nresearch $uestion. (f #sychology stu!ents ere still to have an o#en min!, they oul!, in theclassic assignment of infant o"servation, !iscover a little #sychologist in the chil!8 the chil!as a researcher into hat others ant from him.

(n this neo-em#iricist climate, here the %#sych'-sciences !eny their o n 6foun!ational 6 #ara!o)es, the im#ortance of critical theory has almost "een lost altogether. (

oul! not "et therefore on groun!ing your research #ro#osal in critical literature. o ever,the #sych-sciences ere initially, #articularly through #sychoanalysis, em"e!!e! in theconte)t of the emerging critical theories on alienation an! %false consciousness' of the latenineteenth century /Whyte, 0I=<1. n the other han!, #sychoanalysis as assesse! $uiteearly on "y the Eran+furt School as "oth the solution an! as #art of the #ro"lem /3!orno Qor+heimer, 0I 1. 3lrea!y in 0IFI Ror"ert Clias state! that the %civili7ing #rocess' le! to theem#hasis on the %inner life' an! ma!e %self restraint' the central tool in regulatinginter#ersonal violence /Clias, 0I ;1. he Si)ties an! the Seventies heral!e! the criti$ue of

the antipsychiatry movement on the entanglement of the #sych-sciences ith themechanisms of #o er an! control /Laing, Eou!raine1. $ntipsychiatry as even sur#risingly


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#o#ular in "roa! layers of society, "ut #erha#s the fact that the theme intereste! so many#eo#le shoul! "e un!erstoo! as a foresha!o ing of to!ay's #henomenon of#sychologisation. (n the Cighties, (ngle"y intro!uce! the conce#t of the %#sy-com#le)' an!!efine! it as the ensem"le of agencies, inclu!ing clinical, e!ucational, !evelo#mental an!

in!ustrial #sychology, #sychothera#y, an! social or+ /(ngle"y, 0I 1. he criti$ues of(ngle"y an! others /e.g. Don7elot, 2astel, @ose, De S aan1 ere strongly influence! "y thestructuralist ritings of :ichel Eoucault an! le! to a "roa! critical $uestioning of thefun!aments of #sychology. (n this conte)t, a movement emerge! un!er the name of %2ritical?sychology' /see Eo) Q ?rilleltens+y, 0IIF1 ith a clear lin+ ith sociology an! #ossessing ara!ical #olitical #ers#ective. 3nother movement, lin+e! to the Curo#ean Society for theistory of the uman Sciences, starte! off as #olitically-ins#ire! "ut gra!ually shifte! itsattention to the historical vie #oint to engage in a critical stu!y of the #sychological sciencesan! #ractices /see the or+ of @uu! 3"ma1. Both critical currents, ho ever, arrive! at a!ea!loc+8 3"ma !escri"es ho the theoretical an! #olitical counterculture seeme! to have!ie! a silent !eath in the nineties /3"ma, 0II 1, hile (an ?ar+er rote that %2ritical?sychology' "ecame *ust another commo!ity in the aca!emic mar+et #lace /?ar+er, ;<<F1.

But as this not !ue to the fact that critical #sychology as stuc+ in a classic ideologycriti#ue 6 #sychology serving the !e-#oliti7ation of social antagonisms - ithout reali7ing thati!eology an! #olitics as such ha! alrea!y left the "uil!ing& With the i!ea of a !e-#oliticise!technocratic an! minimal state, #olitics sho e! i!eology the !oor, claiming that !oing theright thing or the people shoul! "e a"ove the ol! !ivisions of left an! right. he gran!narratives or, "etter, the great Lies are over an! !one ith> it's time to "e rational an! logicalan! *ust !o the "est for the greatest num"er of the #eo#le, neo-#ositivistic, neo-em#irical,neo-Cnlightenment style. here is no longer any #oint in continuing to critici7e the#sychological sciences for "eing enslave! to the !ominant i!eologies if i!eological !iscourseas such is sai! to have "ecome history. (t is in this conte)t that the #sych-sciences reclaime!rationalityas their central slogan, the or! having "een cleanse! from its totalitarian

connotations. 3 no-nonsense a##roach, efficiency an! cost-effectiveness le!, for e)am#le, toa stan!ar!i7e! a##roach in the fiel! of mental health #ro"lems. Biase! theories,contaminate! ith out!ate! i!eology, have "een !ealt ith through fi)e! #rotocols for!iagnosis an! treatment 6 evi!ence-"ase!, of course. he social sciences serving the !e-#olitici7ation of social antagonisms& he social s#here #er se is #urge! from i!eology an!out!ate! #olitics. (t seems that in this ay that the marriage de raison of the #olicy ma+ersan! the social sciences ha! never "een so successful. :ar+et ca#italism as !eclare! theonly natural state of things, an! its minor negative si!e-effects are imagine! to "e

successfully !ealt ith "y our elfare system, the latter "eing the "usiness of a ty#e of socialengineering "ase! on the results of the scientific research of the human sciences. he


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$uestion then is, hether a minimal s#ace for fun!amental reflection is not lost in this close"on! of #ost-#olitics ith the post,human sciences & Rever in history !i! the relation "et een#o er an! the theory an! #ra)is of the social sciences seem so #o erful as to num" all#ossi"le criti$ue> hich is to say, this disavowal of the i!eological threatens to !ismiss every

criti$ue as the return of Uto#ia.

(an )ecame psychologist

So may"e you shoul! restrict your research #ro#osal, stating that your su"*ect is thehistorical an! ethical /t o rather safe terms1 as#ects of the im#act of #sych-sciences oncontem#orary su"*ectivity an! society. (n this res#ect, literature tal+s a"out a structuralchange. (n the fiel! of mental health, one tra!itionally e)#resses this as the follo ing8 the firsttime aroun!, it as the thera#ist ho translate! the #articular #ro"lems into the theoreticalframe or+, in the secon!, the patient himself alrea!y !i! his #art in the translation, "ringingtheory-com#liant sym#toms into the consulting room. De S aan calls this #roto-#rofessionali7ation /!e S aan, 0IIO1. But isn't there a thir! incarnation& here it is not a$uestion of translation "y either the thera#ist or the #atient, "ut hich is a"out the fact thatthe e)#erience as such ta+es #lace in a #sychologise! conte)t. ?ersonal #ro"lems or socialantagonisms are ta+ing #lace insi!e an alrea!y #sychologise! !iscourse. (n the case ofe!ucational #ro"lems in the conte)t of the family, for e)am#le, #arents !o not translate the#ro"lems ith their chil! into #sych-tal+, they are ta+en #lace en principio in #sych-terminology. Life is a #articularisation of general aca!emic theory> it is not a"out their son"eing naughty or !iso"e!ient, it is a"out him "eing hy#eractive or not. here is no #re-#sychological conte)t or e)#erience8 #ost-mo!ern man is the homo #sychologicus living inan a #riori #sychologise! ha"itat.

ence the #rinci#al $uestion is not hether the assertions of the #sych-sciences areright or rong, "ecause another $uestion !is#laces an! !istorts every #ossi"le ans er,

namely, hat !oes it mean for mo!ern man to live his o n life as a #sychologist,anthro#ologist, or hatsoever& he #ara!o) of #sychology's claim to lay han! on %real life'shoul! thus "e un!erstoo! in the #ara!o) of to!ay's all-#ervasive renaturali7ation hichaccor!ing 4i5e+ is strictly correlative to the glo"al refle)ivi7ation of our !aily lives /4i5e+,;<<=1. @ecall the school8 in several Western countries, legislative or+ consoli!ate! an!effecte! in a fairly short s#ace of time a thorough #sychologising of the e!ucation system. (nthe !iscourse of efficiency an! $uality, the school has "een re!esigne! to #rovi!e a total#ac+age of schooling, e!ucation an! thera#y. he attainment targets, the #u#ils' o"*ectives,

are in fact, often literally, "ase! on neo-normative mo!els of the human sciences. hin+, fore)am#le, of the mo!el of social skills or social competencies 8 originating in the neo-


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"ehaviouristic !iscourse, these com#etencies are !eclare! the central o"*ectives of theschool. eachers are traine! to act as #roto-#sychologists8 they are #art of a vast !etectionnet or+ of #sychological, affective an! "ehavioural !isor!ers. he criti$ue is that teaching assuch "ecomes less an! less im#ortant 6 the chil!ren ill get +no le!ge from television,

gaming or the (nternet, etc. But e shoul!n't miss the #ara!o)ical t ist of the #henomenonof #sychologisation. (t is not a"outknowledge versus competencies 8 those socialcom#etencies are e)actly taught ithin the classic mo!el of trans er o knowledge . So ourchil!ren are not only assesse! an! #ro"e! ith #sych-theories in school, they are also an!#rimarily themselves e!ucate! in these theories. So it is not only a $uestion of teachers hoare su##ose! to enhance an! im#rove the chil!ren's social competencies in or!er to resista"use, for e)am#le, from a!ults or "ullying from #eers. he #u#ils are themselves also givena course in the "asics of the #sychology of the social com#etencies. 3s mentione!#reviously8 it is the theoretical instruction, the +no le!ge itself that is su##ose! to have#ositive effects.

ne has to carefully thin+ through this #ara!o)ical stance of #sychologisation> thista+es us "ac+ to the i!ea of hi!ing in #lain sight. 2onsi!er the "i7arre i!ea, for e)am#le, that,!uring or *ust #rior to reaching #u"erty, schools instruct a!olescents in the psychology o

puberty . But if #u"erty is taught to a!olescents as a phase in which you have to deal withse uality% struggle with your identity and have problems relating to parents and adults , thenthe $uestion is hat effect this +no le!ge has on the youngster, regar!less of hether theseassertions of the #sycho-me!ical !iscourse are vali!. Does +no ing these acts in a!vancecreate room for alternatives, once one starts to observe 6 to "ecome one's o n #sychologist 6 the !escri"e! #henomena ith oneself& r coul! it "e that teaching #sychology estrangesone from oneself& Doesn't teaching a theory a"out ho things are in the %outsi!e orl!'remove #u"escent a!olescents from the very thing they are living, life itself& nce coul!maintain that real life learning, or learning the theories of life, ma+es real life a##ear furthera ay than ever. But, then again, the "asic #ro"lem or #ara!o) of all this is not that this is the

frame or+ of our #sychologise! times #er se - "ecause, isn't this self-refle)ive stance theessence of the human "eing as such& he #ro"lem lies in the fact that this #ara!o)icalrefle)ivity is !isregar!e! or !isavo e!. (t is not the fact that e thin+ that e can teach li ethat is the #ro"lem, "ut the fact that e are teaching theories a"out life ithoutac+no le!ging it.

So #erha#s you coul! intro!uce into your research #ro#osal a conce#tual !ifference"et een #sychologising an! #sychologisation. Eormerly, #sychologising as the ay to!e#oliticise social antagonisms> currently #sychologisation is lin+e! to a !e facto !e-

#oliticisation. ?sychologising as a"out ma+ing the socio-economic an! #olitical as#ects


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account for his *o" in the terminology of #sychology an! the li+e, "ut also his o n #rivateell-"eing has to "e sol! to the same !iscourse. (f one has "een aroun! long enough insocial care, one coul! have o"serve! that the social or+ers themselves ere theforerunners of the no i!es#rea! #henomenon of #sychologisation> they ere the first to

"ring their or+ home ith them, so to s#ea+, translating an! e)#eriencing their o nevery!ay life in #sych-terminology /%( nee! to "e more assertive', %( have to fin! my true self',%my chil!ren nee! structure', etc.1.

he fact that everything you say, !o or thin+ can "e su"*ecte! to a #sychologicalanalysis is certainly not reserve! for the caricature of the #seu!o-Ereu!ians. he hole!iscourse of the #sych-sciences is a !iscourse from hich nothing can esca#e. But !oesn'tthis suffocating an! totalitarian as#ect #oint #recisely to the o##osite8 there is a fun!amental+ernel that the #sych-sciences are una"le to cover or to master> something at the level of the@eal al ays esca#es& 2onsi!er the stri+ing #arallel "et een the 4i5e+ian s+inhea! an! the:uslim #rotest in ;<<= against the cartoons in a Danish ne s#a#er #ortraying :ohamme!.While 4i5e+'s fictional s+inhea! #rovi!es a neat socio-#sychological theoretici7ation a"outhis actions to the V re#orter /4i5e+ S., 0II 1, the :uslim #arrots our o n stan!ar!multicultural !iscourse a"out res#ect for !iversity. (n "oth cases, the violence an! aggressionare not in the least re!uce! "y those #erfect self-assessments. 4i5e+ tal+s a"out %im#otentcynical reflection'8 re#eating the social or+ers, sociologists an! social #sychologists, thes+inhea! is not hin!ere! in !oing hat he's !oing. 3ccor!ing to 4i5e+, the classical formulathey are !oing it, "ecause they !o not +no hat they are !oing / here +no le!ge is thereme!y1 shoul! "e re#lace! here8 the violent s+inhea! +no s very ell hat he is !oing, "uthe is nonetheless !oing it /4i5e+ S., 0II 1. he highly value!, su##ose!ly emanci#atory,self-theoretici7ations are ineffective "ecause, in the first #lace, they !on't seem to "e a"le tocover the entirety of the @eal. What "oth the s+inhea! an! the :uslim #rotester sho is thatour aca!emic gri# on reality fails. ne shoul! e)#ect that this e)cess on the level of "eingill al ays lea! to ne attem#ts of colonisation8 it ill "e #sychologise! over an! over again.

But one can also #re!ict that it ill continue to "urst through the crac+s of the e!ifice of thetheories an! the #ra)is of the human sciences. 3n! again, ith t o #ossi"le outcomes8aggression or !e#ression.

his e)cess that al ays esca#es the attem#ts to master it, is also closely relate! tothe #ro"lematic status of the human sciences. ra!itionally one as o"lige! to groun! "oththe theory an! the #ra)is of the #sych-sciences outside their o n !omain. he *ustification,the ontological "asis, ha! to come from else here. 3s such, the human sciences have nocor#us of a)ioms or firm internal "asis of their o n, they must "orro from outsi!e. he hard

sciences ere al ays the #rivilege! #rovi!er of #ara!igms. (n the fiel! of #sychology the#ara!o)ical nature of this "ecomes clearly visi"le8 hile the #oint of !e#arture is that certain


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human #henomena can "e un!erstoo! "y psychological analyses, it seems necessary togroun! this else here, for e)am#le in genes an! neurotransmitters. hus, inten!e! to#rovi!e a soli! "ase for "oth theory an! #ra)is of the #sych-sciences, this im#ort eventuallythreatens to "ecome the !enial of the #sychological analysis. his must "e un!erstoo!

against the "ac+groun! of the human sciences hich ere historically "oun! to the subjecto the .nlightenment . :o!ern man engage! in a search for the ontological foun!ation of manan! society that ha! #erishe! !uring the course of the cultural an! socio-economic changesof the mo!ern #erio!. But coul!n't it "e sai! that it as never so much a"out a search "ut,first an! foremost, a"out a covering u# of the fun!amental lack o being hich mo!ernity"rought us& he current neo-em#irical, utilitarian, no-nonsense climate in the humansciences is, then, *ust the latest attem#t at this. Just hen its theory an! #ra)is are s armingout in an eager attem#t to cover the hole of being ith statistics an! evi!ence-"ase!metho!s, the structural ga# in its ontology threatens to rea##ear else here.

?sychologisation thus seems to #oint #ara!o)ically to a "urn-out of the humansciences themselves "ecause, hile their function is to veil the lac+ of "eing, this lac+inevita"ly see#s through, leaving the #sychologise! su"*ect ithout any firm groun! to stan!on. 2urrent socio-#athology, the allege! increase of !isor!ers li+e 3D D, anore)ia, auto-mutilation #ro"lems, to)icomania, !e#ression etc., #oints to a generalise! "urnout an!!e#ression an! this coul! re#resent a ra!ical realisation of the truth of the human sciences8the falling a ay of the #sychologise! veils of current discontents in culture . ?erha#s thoseso-calle! contemporary symptoms are to "e un!erstoo! #ara!o)ically as sym#toms of "eingfe! u#, "eing ma!e ill "y a #sychologise! an! me!icalise! society hich is su##ose! to offerus ultimate ha##iness an! ell-"eing, if not "y neurological !rugs, then "y #sycho-e!ucation.

Pan-psychologisation, *irtualisation and 'ooling the +ther

3t this #oint you coul! contem#late the #ossi"ility of a $uantitative a##roach8 try to #rove acorrelation "et een for e)am#le the num"er of #sychology stu!ents, #sychologisation in theme!ia an! the rising num"ers of the aforementione! contem#orary sym#toms. But isn't thisthe ma*or an! classic ay to avoi! the ontological ga# of the #sych-sciences&, "y havingrecourse to har! statistics, leaving the e)#lanations to tren! atchers or to "iologists an!neuroscientists& his is the a##roach of the evidence,based methods . ne nee! not "othera"out hy or ho something or+s so long as the num"ers #rove that the metho! lea!s toresults. (n this ay, the much cele"rate! to measure is to know is sur#risingly su"verte!8 e

!on't nee! or even ant to +no , let's *ust measure. he classic Eoucaul!ian criti$uee)#lains this statistical #ro"ing of man in terms of the social sciences "ecoming caught u# in


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the #rocesses of #o er as a conduct o conducts /une con!uite !es con!uites1 /Eoucault,;<<<, #. F 01. echni$ues ere !evelo#e! to e)tract !ata, measure, gauge, an! com#arein!ivi!uals an! in this ay e)ert #o er over correlated man . But if one regar!s this only asan e)ternal threat, it fosters the illusion that once you sto# probing , once you get ri! of that

hostile invasion of humanity "y the human sciences, the #ure human in!ivi!ual can return.:an as he is, living life as it is. o ever, the #henomenon of #sychologisation sho s thatthe #ro"ing is internalise!> these are the times hen the su#erego fee!s off the i!eas of thesocial sciences. & should be more assertive% & should develop my personality% & shouldenhance my coping capabilities and strengthen my social network . his is hat ('ve calle!the a priori psychological subject > the chil! of the Cnlightenment is a refle)ive su"*ect. (tsho s that, although #sychologisation a##ears a #ost-mo!ern #henomenon, it isnevertheless "ase! on the foun!ations of mo!ernity> searching for firm groun! it invaria"lytries to #ro"e itself from a !istance.

he $uestion then "ecomes8 is it that in mo!ernity - an! conse$uently #ost-mo!ernity- one cannot "ut re#resent or e)#erience the orl! ith the me!iation of #sychology an! thesocial sciences& ere ( am sim#ly re#hrasing that other issue of our times, as #ut "yDruc+rey, for e)am#le, ho in s#ea+ing of the me!iation of technology remar+s thattechnology has "ecome integral to conce#ts of the %natural' environment /Druc+rey .,0II=1. Druc+rey a!!s that Eoucault's i!ea 6 that enlightenment, mo!ernity an! itstechnologisation can "e un!erstoo! in terms of the #ano#tic ga7e as the central controlmechanism 6 must "e reinter#rete!8 seeing, re#resentation an! the image have "een altere!in a ra!ical ay through the means of information technology an! cy"ernetics. 3s Druc+leyrites, the refle)ive re#resentation systems of mo!ernity are re#lace! "y forms of recor!ing,ren!ering, an! surveillance in hich in ormation serves as !ee#ly as observation to regulate"ehaviour /Druc+rey ., 0II=1.

Un!er the #ano#ticon, man as #ro"e! an!, most im#ortantly, +ne that he as"eing #ro"e! "y the #ano#tic ga7e. he in!ivi!ual !i!n't have to +no hat #recisely as

"eing #ro"e!. hrough such measurement an! com#arison, he coul! "e #art of a #otentiallyen!less num"er of statistical grou#s ithout his +no le!ge. (t is #recisely this that haschange!> the in!ivi!ual no has to know the o"*ect of the search, *ust as he +no s the socialan! #sychological theories an! analyses. ?ost-mo!ern man has to "e informe!> he nee!s to+no the figures> ;<T of our chil!renK , e rea! in the hea!lines of our #o#ularne s#a#ers. he information of the #sych-sciences is vital "ecause it gives us meaning, itstructures, outlines our #ost-mo!ern orl!. he theori7ation of life is in fact #ost-mo!ern lifeitself, life at the level of the virtual. ?sychologisation has thus intro!uce! us into a rather

strange ha"itat8 a orl! here living means engaging in some sort of behaviour , havingcommunicational e)changes an! sometimes also having to !eal ith a sub,consciousness . (t


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is a orl! here me!ication an! #sycho-e!ucation enhance our co#ing s+ills in !ealing ithour manifol! traumas an! our genetically-!etermine! minor an! ma*or #hysical an! mental!isor!ers. 3ll this is em"e!!e! in a social net or+ neatly su##orte! an! structure! "y socialor+ers, #rovi!ing us ith a variety of early assessment an! !etection #rograms for all +in!s

of #sychosocial #ro"lems. Let's not forget the "ac+u# "y "roa! informational an!sensi"ilisation cam#aigns organise! "y resource centres an! governmental agencies. (nshort8 a #an-#sychologisation, hich is nothing less than a virtualisation of every!ay life. (fmo!ernity as #ano#tical, technological an! control as realise! through the socialsciences, #ost-mo!ernity is informational, cy"ernetic an! #sychologise!.

(t shoul! "e clear that a research #ro#osal on #sychologisation "ase! on in!ignationis flogging a !ea! horse8 no"o!y feels that current statistical #ro"ing an! man's su"*ection tothe !iscourse of the human sciences is threatening. here is a"solutely no #oint in engagingin an unveiling of the motives of those sciences> current #sychologise! life s#here is our veryha"itat so !o not e)#ect any in!ignation or outrage if you state that #sychologisation hasfinally "rought us Brave Re Worl!. he chances of getting an anti,psychology movementha##ening are very small. But, haven't e arrive! here at the "asic #ara!o) of your research#ro#osal& Hou cannot em"ar+ on researching the #ost-mo!ern #osition of the #sych-sciences ithout engaging in some +in! of criti$ue hich im#lies a !esire for something!ifferent, for a change. Hou are !riven into ma+ing a #lea for de,psychologisation an! thisreconnects you ith the Eoucaul!ian stance you actually ante! to leave "ehin!. Eor thesa+e of clarity8 Eoucault *ustly attac+e! the !ualistic conce#tion of #o er as !ivi!e! "et eenthose ho have #o er an! those ho !o not. Eor Eoucault, #o er is situate! at the micro-level, hich lea!s him to the follo ing8

he conclusion oul! "e that the #olitical, ethical, social, #hiloso#hical #ro"lem of our!ays is not to try to li"erate the in!ivi!ual from the state, an! from the stateNsinstitutions, "ut to li"erate us "oth from the state an! from the ty#e of in!ivi!ualisationhich is lin+e! to the state. We have to #romote ne forms of su"*ectivity through therefusal of /the1 +in! of in!ivi!uality hich has "een im#ose! on us for severalcenturies. /Eoucault :., 0I ;, #.;0=1

Eoucault's illusion is that e can fool ourselves, that su"*ectivity is nothing more than a ty#eof in!ivi!ualisation. (t is the i!ea that e can freely choose our form of su"*ectivity, that ecan choose our ther. @ecall 4i5e+'s criti$ue that Eoucault lea!s to an aesthetici7ation ofethics8 the i!ea that a su"*ect can "uil!, ithout any su##ort from universal rules, his o nmo!e of self-mastery, harmoni7ing the antagonism of the #o ers ithin himself /4i5e+,0II0, #.;1 = . (n this ay the $uestion is hat have e gaine! "y the Eoucaul!ian movefrom imposing orms o subjectivity to promoting new orms o subjectivity & Doesn't#sychologisation sho #recisely that these t o things are one an! the same& ne can easily


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money ere something magical /4i5e+, S., ;<<01. (n the same ay, e +no #sychologyisn't the real thing, that it is *ust a re#resentation of life as it is. But this is #recisely the fetish8the "elief that there is a life "eyon! #sychology, hich o"scures ho mo!ern life as such is#sychologise!. his is hat the reality shows on television are really concerne! ith, an!

also hat one can call psychotainment in the various me!ia8 our thirst for a real, authentic lifethat they cater for is e)actly the core of #sychologise! life an! of #sychology tout-court. Whatto!ay's #an-#sychologisation sho s us is that #sychology never as a, more or lessaccurate, ma# or gui!e of real life, "ut essentially, in its fetishi7ation ofreal li e, the very "lue-#rint of our /#ost1mo!ern times. (f you ant to +no something a"out man, !on't stu!y man,!on't stu!y #sychology, stu!y #sychologisation.


3 goo! !e#arture #oint is then the $uestion hy there are so many stu!ents of #sychologyno a!ays, an! hy are they mostly female& Does our essay here lea!s to the conclusionthat the eight of the #sycho-social !imension in our e!ucational system an! in the "roa!layers of society, #ushes es#ecially girls to the theory an! the #ra)is of the #sycho-socialsciences& Such an ans er "ase! on allege! gen!er !ifferences cannot satisfy us, e shoul!see+ a more structural e)#lanation, ta+ing into account the history of the social sciences. Letus en! here ith a tentative ans er. (f e "egin ith the analogy of #sychology ith theformer monasteries ( in!icate! at the "eginning, consi!er this hy#othesis8 at one #oint themonasteries an! nunneries ere the "est hi!ing #lace from a orl! hose !ominant#ara!igm as 2atholicism in con*unction ith a #re-ca#italist economy. hese !ays the#sychology !e#artment ta+es over that function in a #an-#sychologise! orl!> it is the #erfecthi!ing #lace in a orl! here the social sciences are "ac+ing u# #ost-#olitics as thes#o+esman of glo"alise! ca#italism. (f so, hy are the faculties of #sychology #re!ominantly

fille! ith young emale stu!ents& (n ;<<F, in the university of my home to n, more than<T of the first year enrolment ere omen in /you see, a $uantitative a##roach is #ossi"leafter all for this research #ro*ect1. But this !oesn't reflect the historical inflo into the religioushouses, here there ere more mon+s then nuns, so the #arallels must "e rea! in anotheray. he fact that monasteries an! nunneries ere, at least at the formal level, a-se)ual#laces, coul! lea! the ay8 the antagonisms an! !ea!loc+s in the socio-economic s#here ofthe 2atholic #re-ca#italistic conte)t ere !ealt ith in a ay that touches the fiel! ofse)uality, the fiel! consi!ere! "y #sychoanalysis as the nec plus ultra of the @eal. he

hy#othesis, then, is that this lin+ ith the #ro"lematic of se)uality returns in the #henomenonof #sychologisation in these #ost-mo!ern times. (f, in the tra!ition of Ereu! an! Lacan, one


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Whyte, L.L. / 0I=< 0I=;1. *he =nconscious be ore :reud . Lon!on8 avistoc+.

4i5e+ S. /0II01. *he sublime object o ideology . Lon!on8 Verso


8/13/2019 my zizek4 20/20

4i5e+ S. /0II 1. 5leidooi voor intolerantie . 3mster!am8 Boom /Eirst #u"lishe! as8:ulticulturalism, or he 2ultural Logic of :ultinational 2a#italism. Re Left @evie ;; ,0IIO Se#t.- ct.1

4i5e+, S. /0IIO1 Desire8 Drive X ruth8 Mno le!ge.=mbra' 0IIO, ##. 0 O60 ;

4i5e+, S. /;<<01, @e#eating Lenin,htt#8AAlacan.comAre#lenin.htm

4i5e+, S. /;<< 1 %(ntervie - Csta!os Uni!os !e"erYa intervenir mZs y me*or en el mun!o',htt#8AA .lacan.comA4i5e+lanac.htm

4i5e+, S. /;<< 1 (gnorance of the 2hic+en, or, Why :any Lacanians 3re @eactionaryLi"erals, Lecture at the 2entre for @esearch in :o!ern Curo#ean ?hiloso#hy, :i!!lese)University, Lon!on, ;= :ay ;<< /au!io, 0hr <min1. 3u!io file on[htt#8AAgol!.socialtools.netAvie A:ainA4i5e+(gnorance f he2hic+en, /my transcri#tion1

4i5e+, S. /;<<=1. Jac$ues LacanNs Eour Discourses, htt#8AA .lacan.comA7i7four.htm


/01 3fter this essay as ritten, ( !i! receive the ne s that my secon! attem#t at #assing 3ca!emia's Gates ha! succee!e!8 fun!s for a scholarshi# as grante!.

/;1 hin+ a"out ho Lacan !iscusse! ?oe's ?urloine! Letter / here a letter is hi!!en t ice"y leaving him in #lain site1 "y evo+ing a Je ish Jo+e8 9Why are you (ying to me&9 onecharacter shouts "reathlessly. 9Hes, hy !o you lie to me saying youNre going to 2raco so (

shoul! "elieve youNre going to Lem"erg, hen in reality you are going to 2raco &9/Lacan,0IO;1

/F1 See the e"site of the #ro*ect8 htt#8AA .i#sl.*ussieu.frA\y#sceA#y]C;2;.html

/ 1 ere ('m #ara#hrasing the or!s of Slavo* 4i5e+ hile tal+ing a"out virtuali7ation, $uote!"y Druc+rey /Druc+rey, 0II=1

/ 1 Ja$ues Lacan's !efinition of communication is that one gets ones o n message gettingyour o n message "ac+ in its inverte! an! true form /Lacan, 0I , #. F; 1. But !o e nothave in our case a #eculiar situation& hin+ a"out the fact that the #sy generally !oesn't li+ethose #atients ho #lay they role all too ell an! turn out to "e real #sychology-a!e#ts> henthe face-value of the #osition of the #sy to!ay is %( am your slave' /( !o not +no hat's goo!for you, ( *ust can sho you the ay to em#o ering +no le!ge1, the inverte! form Hes, youare my master is hat he gets "ac+ from the #sy-a!e#t.

/=1 (n the 4i5e+ian #ers#ective the alternative oul! "e situate! in the fiel! of the act againstthe "ac+groun! of a fun!amentally traumatic conceive! su"*ectivity8 instea! of fooling thether, the act oul! envision a sus#ension of the ther /see for e)am#le 4i5e+, 0II01.

/O1 Cn!ing u# ith such an assertion ( cannot "ut a!vice anyone consi!ering to engage in acall for #ro*ects #roce!ure to a"ove all start ith the riting of the !elimite! #ro#osal> !o notsit !o n at your !es+ an! start riting the #ro*ect as-it- oul!-"e if there ere no restrictionsor aca!emic conventions. his seriously com#licates things.