my week with marilyn

MY WEEK WITH MARILYN In 1956, at the height of her career, Marilyn Monroe went to England to make a film with Sir Laurence Oliver. While there she met a young man named Colin Clark, who wrote a diary about the making of the film. This is their true story When love goes wrong, nothing goes right. This one thing I know. When love goes wrong, a man takes flight and women get uppity-oh .We’re having a heatwave. A tropical heatwave. The temperature’s rising, isn’t surprising, she certainly can. I started this heatwave by letting my seat wave and is such a way that the customers say that. I certainly can. Can-can. We’re having a heatwave . A tropical heatwave. The way that I move that thermometer proves that I certainly can. Everyone remembers their first job, this is the story of mine . I was the youngest in a family of overachievers. My father was a world-famous art historian and my brother was ahead of me in everything I was always the disappointment . I found my solace in the small cinema I went to every Thursday night. Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Laurence Olivier…these were my heroes. I wanted to be a part of their world. When I was 23, I got my chance Colin, come in. have you met James and Anna, my two very brilliant pupils? Hello. I’m off to London now,Pa Your silly job interview. Well, bonne chance, dear boy. I can always get you a research position at the V & A once you’ve grown up a bit and got this film idea out of your system So, I’m off now, Ma Off? My job interview, mother? Can’t you stay for dinner? There’s nothing to eat but I’m sure the conversation will be charming I don’t want to be late in the morning

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Page 1: My Week With Marilyn


In 1956, at the height of her career, Marilyn Monroe went to England to make a film with Sir Laurence Oliver. While there she met a young man named Colin Clark, who wrote a diary about the making of the film. This is their true story

When love goes wrong, nothing goes right. This one thing I know. When love goes wrong, a man takes flight and women get uppity-oh .We’re having a heatwave. A tropical heatwave. The temperature’s rising, isn’t surprising, she certainly can. I started this heatwave by letting my seat wave and is such a way that the customers say that. I certainly can. Can-can. We’re having a heatwave . A tropical heatwave. The way that I move that thermometer proves that I certainly can.

Everyone remembers their first job, this is the story of mine . I was the youngest in a family of overachievers. My father was a world-famous art historian and my brother was ahead of me in everything I was always the disappointment . I found my solace in the small cinema I went to every Thursday night. Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Laurence Olivier…these were my heroes. I wanted to be a part of their world. When I was 23, I got my chance

Colin, come in. have you met James and Anna, my two very brilliant pupils? Hello. I’m off to London now,Pa Your silly job interview. Well, bonne chance, dear boy. I can always get you a research

position at the V & A once you’ve grown up a bit and got this film idea out of your system

So, I’m off now, Ma Off? My job interview, mother? Can’t you stay for dinner? There’s nothing to eat but I’m sure the conversation will be

charming I don’t want to be late in the morning I'm sure they won't mind. You'll be a famous film director in no

time. I had everything to prove to my family, but more to prove to

myself. Like every young man, I had to make my own way. So I decided to leave home and join the circus.

What do you want? A job on your next film. You're an actor, aren't you? No, I want to work on the production side. We don't start shooting for another eight weeks. Come back

nearer the time. May I wait until there's a job? Vanessa! Good night. Good night, sir. There are no jobs. I'll come back tomorrow morning just in case. It's a free country. Good morning.

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You're very determined. Well, I'd do anything to be in the film business. Anything? Sir Laurence Olivier Productions. No, I'm afraid he's at Notley till the end of the week. Vanessa

asked me to... Oh, did she? I need a number for Noel Coward. It won't be in the book. Hello, Vivien. Hello. Sir Laurence.

Hughie! Simply impossible to get Marilyn Monroe on the telephone. The

darling girl spends the entire day asleep. Hello, boy. Remind me?

Darling, you remember Colin. You met him at the Clark's party. Of course. What are you doing here? You said there might be a job on your film. Have a cigarette. Keep the pack. Thank you, sir. There won't be a film unless Miss Monroe gets her splendid

posterior out of bed. The house committee is threatening to withhold Miller's

passport. They say he's a communist. No Arthur, no Marilyn. I'll have a word with the American ambassador. I'm taking him to

see Vivien's play on Thursday. Terry's re-writes, are they in? Not all of them, of course. When did that ever happen? He's the first actor since du Maurier to have his own brand.

They pay him an absolute fortune. I'm afraid they're rather ghastly. Isn't he gorgeous, Vanessa?

I suppose he's all right. Darling, you must do something for Colin. You absolutely

promised. Hughie, let's try to find him something to do. Yes. Of course. Come on, darling. You'll look after my precious Larrykins, won't you? Come on, darling. Christ. Do you like it? That's absolutely splendid You were absolutely born for it. Door Sorry. And could you turn all the way around, my darling? Thank you. This is the dress Larry likes. There? The camera's ravishing you. Oh, dear. That sounds serious. That's wonderful. Too much? Oh, God. Not for me. Arthur Jacobs, Miss Monroe's publicist, is flying in tomorrow.

He wants to see the house where she'll be staying. Find something suitable.

Yes, sir. More importantly,how does it make you feel? And leave the bloody tea Oh. Sorry. Out of the question. I can't have a lot of awful film people

traveling through the house in dirty boots. But we'd be paying a hundred pounds per week for 18 weeks.

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My wife would never agree. That's a pity, Mr. Cotes-Preedy. I'll have to tell Miss Monroe

to look elsewhere, then. Marilyn Monroe? Yes. I Suppose I'd have to be introduced? Good morning, Mr. Jacobs. Hope you had a pleasant flight. Is this the fucking car? Who built this place? Hansel and

Gretel? It's one of the best houses in the area. All right. We'll take it. But ditch the wallpaper. It's giving

me a migraine. That house was perfect for Marilyn. Can't use it now. Yes, we can. I knew that Cotes-Preedy wouldn't be able to keep

this quiet, so that's why when you asked me to find a house for Miss Monroe, I took the precaution of finding two. So the other one, Parkside, is much better. And the owner is very discreet.

So we've got two expensive houses now where we only needed one. I thought that someone else on the production might want it. Oh, did you? I guess Milton could use it and it's near the studio. Near

Marilyn. What are we paying you, boy? Nothing, sir. Let's see to it, Hughie. Well done, boy. Nice job, kid. Colin Clark, Laurence Olivier Productions. The film was then

called The Sleeping Prince.Marilyn was to play a naive American showgirl called Elsie Marina who is seduced by an Eastern-European prince played by Olivier. It was the lightest of comedies.

You in the union? No. Then you can't have a job on the film. Well, how do I get into the union? By getting a job on the film. It's called a closed shop. I

suppose I might be able to do something for you. The union owe me a few favors. We don't have a third yet.

A third? Third assistant director. You do know what the job is? Assisting the director? That's the last thing you do! Lesson one: third’s job is to do

whatever the fuck I tell him. And what are you waiting for Colin! Lesson two: don't shit on your own doorstep. Got it?

Got it. Lesson three: The third always stays nearby. Not in some bloody

palace in London. Book a room at The Dog & Duck down the road. It's a bit rough. You'll get used to it. Now make yourself useful. Marilyn needs a bodyguard. Sort something out.

I'm sure you understand the sensitive nature of the job, Superintendent.

Something about looking after a cinema actress? Well, not just any actress. Marilyn Monroe. I never had much time for the pictures. Excellent. For the next four months, you never leave her side. Day or

night. Her behavior is reputedly a little erratic. She drinks? Amongst other things. Pills?

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It would be useful if you could, uh, keep us informed of her domestic situation.

You want me to spy on her. Well, the odd early warning if you know she's going to be late.

That kind of thing. Hello. Colin Clark. I booked a room. Ah, right. Here you are. Sign this. What brings you up this way? I'm working on a film at Pinewood. Oh. What film is that? It's called The Sleeping Prince. With Sir Laurence Olivier and

Marilyn Monroe, so I'll be working with them. Room's three quid a week. First week in advance. Number two.

And, uh, hope you don't mind, you'll be sharing with Grace Kelly.

This'll work fine for Marilyn. Oh, and, uh, Paula will need the room next door.

I beg your pardon? Sorry, who is Paula? Strasberg. Marilyn's acting coach. She's nuts about the Method. Arthur, we've spoken about this before. Stanislavski and the

Method are perfectly fine in the rehearsal room, but they don't belong on a film set. Time is too tight.

Larry! Some good news. House committee have decided Miller isn't a communist after all.

Of course he is. All those pain in the ass New York intellectuals are Reds.

Which means she'll be flying in next week on schedule. Excellent news. She'll have to be met. Well, naturally Vivien and I will be there to greet her, but

let's keep it low key, shall we? You join us here at London Airport, where it is absolute mayhem.

Marilyn! This way! Get out of the way! With her is her new husband, America's most celebrated playwright and author of Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller. Beautiful. You're looking at tomorrow's front page, boys. We'll have to get them into the hall. Sir Laurence Olivier and Scarlett O'Hara herself, Vivien Leigh, are set to greet them. American acting royalty meeting British acting royalty.

Gentlemen, it is my especial pleasure to introduce a woman who clearly needs no introduction.

Marilyn! How do you like being married? Well, I like it. I like it a lot. Is this third time lucky? You bet it is. Is it true you want to be a classical actress now? Well, I want to be the best actress I can be. There's a rumor you're going to be in The Brothers Karamazov, on

Broadway. Ooh.I'm... considering it. Which of them will you be playing? I'll be playing Grushenka. Can you spell that? Sure. Can you? Vivien, you created the role of Elsie on stage. Have you any

advice for Marilyn? I am sure if Miss Monroe needs any advice, she'll get it from

her director. I hear he's terribly good. Marilyn! Are you happy with your last film? Marilyn! Is it true you wear nothing in bed except perfume?

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Ooh. Darling, as I'm in England, let's say I sleep in nothing but Yardley's Lavender.

Smile, Marilyn! OK, let's get a snap of the newlyweds. Smile, Arthur. It's not a

firing squad. This is some place you found. You have my new assistant Colin to thank for that. Colin, this

is Milton Greene. You must be very nice to him. He owns half of Marilyn Monroe Productions. Forty-nine percent, Larry. Have a cigarette. I don't smoke. Really? And the studio, they want a new title. Nonsense. Thank you very much. Marvelous, isn't she? She's all right. Larry fell desperately in love with her in New York. He's

determined to seduce her. Yeah, but she's only been married three weeks. I thought you were a man of the world. Of course, Larry would

never leave me, but if anything were to happen you would tell me, wouldn't you?

I'm sure he loves you very much. Oh, don't be such a boy. I'm 43, darling. No one will love me

for very much longer. Not even you. What a wonderful adventure, Dame Sybil. Such a lark. I long to see her. Miss Monroe? Sir Laurence sends his compliments. He's ready for

the read-through. But Marilyn is not ready. She's preparing. Excuse my horrible face. Ah! Marilyn, my dear. Everyone is so excited to meet you. Do...

Come along, my darling, my angel. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Marilyn Monroe.

How lovely you are. Here, I kept a place for you. I have to be next to Marilyn. What a good idea. I wish we could all bring a friend. One does

get so terribly nervous. It's just like the first day at school, isn't it?

So, welcome, dear Marilyn, to our little fraternity. We may seem a little strange and, uh, quaint to you at first, but I hope that in time, you may come to find your method in our madness. So, my very noble and approved good masters, may we strive to create a work of art that, led by your good graces, will be cherished as long as motion pictures may be remembered.

Were you surprised to get my invitation? I'll say I was surprised. I was so surprised, I couldn't hardly

think you meant me. Oh, but of course I meant you. I had your name most carefully

marked down in my programme. In matters of this kind, I assure you I'm most methodical. Who would you think I meant if not you?

Gee, Mr. Sir, I could just listen to your accent all day. Oh, you darling, Marilyn. You're amongst friends now. Just plain

"Larry" will suffice, really. That's so sweet. Um, whenever you're ready.

Well, Maisie Springfield. No, not Maisie Springfield. She is quite what I would call "old


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Remember why you're in the embassy, Marilyn. What does the Grand Duke want from Elsie? You came here and you thought... from experience, Marilyn.

It's only a read-through, Paula. Marilyn has to begin finding the character. Oh, the character's on the page. The words, maybe. Not the character. Aren't we going to have fun? Well, we'll pick it up whenever you like. We should talk. Just

us Thank you so much. We can't have two fucking directors Marilyn wants Paula. Why? She's got me. Paula's costing us two and a half thousand bucks a week. We

might as well use her. Listen, Larry. Accept Marilyn on her own terms and you'll be OK. Try to change her and she will drive you crazy. Trust me.

Christ, what have I got myself into? Come outwith me tonight. I'm working. Well, tomorrow night, then. I'm washing my hair. But your hair's lovely. Look, I've got two rules. Everyone has a lot of rules around here. One, never touch the talent, and two, never go outwith thirds. Why not? Because they're all randy little buggers who just want some fun

during shooting. I'm not like that. Really. I'm free on Saturday. Colin! Quiet on set, everyone! How kind of you to meet us. Dear me, you do look cold. They're ready for you in make-up, Dame Sybil. How exciting. Don't you love the first day of a new production? I don't know, Dame Sybil. I've never had one before. Oh, to be young again. She has kept Dame Sybil Thorndike and the entire company waiting

in full costume for two hours, Mr. Orton, and it is simply not fair.

At long last I can't do this. What's wrong? She's nervous. I'll deal With it. Would you like to sit down, Dame Sybil? Oh, yes. Colin, how kind. Why don't we all sit down. That chair is a prop. Props are NATKE. But I was... If ACTT members are gonna start doing NATKE jobs, I'm calling my

men out! He's right. I'm sure we're all good union members here. There's no need to

fall out over something so trivial. It might be trivial to you, Dame Sybil, but it's my livelihood!

Put the chair down. Now! I rather think you've made your point. Solidarity is the most

important thing here. When unions fall out, it's management that benefits.

If I see you doing a NATKE job again, I will close this set down quicker than you can blink.Dave!

Yes? Dame Sybil would like a chair.

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Right. There you are. I was on the picket lines in 1926, you know. Now that really was

a strike. We were all Bolsheviks then. We go again. Ready. Camera running. Seven, six Very quiet,

everyone. Speed. Five, take one. Action. Now, before you meet my mother-in-law,I must remind you she's a

little vague and can be very deaf on occasion. My dear, such boredom. The decorations hideous and the music

catastrophe. Our friend, the ex-king of Moravia, drove me home. He's now called the Duke of Strelitz. He cannot, of course, go to the abbey tomorrow, but he's most anxious you should invite him to the roomvyou have taken at the Ritz for Nicky. Maud?

Yes, ma'am? There you are. I didn't see you. Give me a glass of champagne I

see over there. Olga Bosnia... Might I present Miss Elsie Marina? Yes, my dear, of course. I remember you well. Gee, I forgot my line. That's a cut. I'm sorry. It's so easily done, isn't it? I'm sure I went wrong

somewhere there.Shall we have another go, Larry? Of course. Action. Yes, my dear, of course. I remember you well. Oh, I'm quite sure you don't, Your Royal...I mean Your, uh,

Imperial, uh...Serene Majesty? What does she say? She says she's flattered and compliments you on your wonderful

memory. I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue Didn't I have a line somewhere there? Cut. Action. Sweetly pretty. She should use more mascara. When one is young,

one should use a lot of mascara. When one is old, one should use much more.

What do you do, my dear? I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue. Dear? She says she's an actress. Cut it there. Print. Check the gate. Gate's good. That was perfect, Marilyn. You were Elsie to the life. I wonder,

could we practice our lines together later? You'd be doing me such a kindness. At my great age, it's just so hard to make them stick. Why don't you come for tea tomorrow?

Can I? Sure. She's impossible. I should've cast Vivien. If anyone can make her great, it's you, sir. Well let's just hope I'm as brilliant as you think I am. Now be

a good boy and keep an eye on her. Yes, sir. ] I can't figure this stupid movie out. You were wonderful, Marilyn. The most gifted actress I have ever

known. No. You were superb, Marilyn. You were divine. Have faith in your

talent. He was disappointed in me. You are a great, great actress. All my life, I have prayed for a

great actress I could help and guide. Oh! Like this, I prayed to

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God, on my knees, and he has given me you. You are that great actress, Marilyn. Trust yourself. Trust your talent.

Come on, Paula, get up. No. Not until you admit that you were great! I guess I was. Of course you were. There you are. Sorry. Thank you. You really were very good, Miss Monroe. Oh, thank you. Are you sure you can afford all this? It's fine. Must be costing you a week's wages. You are worth it. You're not the average third, are you? I'm not living off my parents, if that's what you mean. I want

to make my own way. Will you be signing on your father's account, sir? Um, no, I'm gonna pay cash. Thank you. There you are, sir. I was always going to pay, you know. 'Course you were. Do you think Marilyn's beautiful? Not compared to you. You don't have to try so hard to be charming. You're nice enough

as it is. Well, you could be. Wait a while, crocodile. But I really do like you, Lucy. Maybe. That's my dad. Time to be thinking about bed, darling. Early start tomorrow. Sorry, Daddy. We're just going over tomorrow's schedule. Yes, I should be off, sir. Uh, Colin Clark. Lovely to meet you,

Mr. Armstrong. This is a great place you have here. Do you know this part of the world? Um, no. My family are more country people. Oh. Well, good night. Good night. Next Saturday? Yeah. Good morning, Dame Sybil. Colin, dear. I thought you looked cold so I bought you this. Thank you, Dame Sybil. Film sets and rehearsal rooms are coldest places on Earth. She should be on time like everyone else. She's a star. I'm a fucking star. She's the greatest piece of ass on Earth. With tits like that,

you make allowances. Marilyn, my darling, you are an angel and I kiss the hem of your

garment, but why can't you get here on time for the love of fuck?!

You have that word in England, too. Marilyn has to prepare properly. Acting isn't just a case of

putting on a costume or a false nose. You must apologize to Dame Sybil. Sybil?

I'm so sorry. My dear, you mustn't concern yourself. A great actress like you

has many other things on her mind. You think I'm a great actress? None of the rest of us truly know how to act for the camera, but

you do. It's a rare gift. This poor girl hasn't had your years

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of experience. She's in a strange country acting a strange part. Now, are you helping or bullying?

Oh, thank you. Before you meet my mother-in-law, I must warn you she's a little

vague and can be very deaf on occasions. Uh, two is good, Jack. Yeah. OK, let's cut it there.Speed.Five,

take one. When one is old, one should use much more. What do you do, my

dear? I'm The Coconut… And once again, please. Keep rolling. I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue. Excellent.I do need you to keep your eyes open if you can, my

angel. Paula, would you give the line, please? Wait, I know it. I'm in The Coconut Girl on the Avenue. At the Avenue. I'm at the Avenue. It's not at the Avenue. Uh, Sybil, would you give her the line again? Thank you. What do you do, my dear? I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue. That one's pretty damn good. You knocked it outta the park. She says she's an actress. When Marilyn gets it right, you just don't wanna look at anyone

else. Cut it there We've only been shooting for four days. Already, we're two weeks

behind. So why not only show her the good takes? She might feel better

about herself. Well, the kid's right. She could use the confidence. No one's forcing her to watch. Besides, she's an experienced

actress. She should learn from her mistakes. But they only upset her.

Not half so much as they upset me! Leave all that. Go and find Marilyn's script. Paula thinks she's

left it in her dressing room. Your script... Oh, I found it. You can go now, Colin. David wants to know if you're ready for the extras in the

ballroom scene. Tell him he can start sending them up. Women first. I'm looking

forward to Saturday. Our date. Oh, I completely forgot. I can't do Saturday. Marilyn wants to

go shopping. Since when do you work for her? Next Friday instead. Yeah. Yeah, I'll pick you up. Eight o'clock. Gee, it's quiet. Sure is. It's a Saturday, so it's early closing, but at least she can

shop in peace. That's awfully pretty. Every building here looks like a castle. Oh, I think so. Look. It's Marilyn! It's Marilyn Monroe! Slow down. You'll get your autograph. You're so kind! Boy, you're awfully excited. OK, guys, let's keep calm. Hold back a little.

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It's for my son. Wait your turn! This is too much. Oh! Colin, get in the car! Stand back a few feet, please. Jeez, Marilyn, they really love you. Well, we're still the first ones, aren't we? Gee, this is all

right, isn't it? Cut. Uh, the line is, "Gee, this is all right, too, isn't it?"

It's a tiny word, my darling, but it does matter. So we'll... We'll do it again. Once more, please, straight away. Thank you so much.

All right, as soon as we can. Turn over. Well, we're still the first ones, aren't we? Gee, this is all

right, isn't it? Cut. Can't we just drop it? Well, the thing is, darling, you've already admired the

downstairs hall in the earlier scene, and now you're admiring this room as well. If you see what I mean?

Oh, sure. Thank you. Turn over. Paula? Christ. I don't get it. He's such a strange man, I think she's already

figured out that he only invited her here to sleep with him. I... What...

So, what is the...? The reason Marilyn can't remember the line is because she

doesn't believe the situation her character is in. Then she should pretend to believe it. "Pretend"? We're talking about the difference between the truth

and artificial crap. We're in absolute agreement. Acting is all about truth, and if

you can fake that, you'll have a jolly good career. Maybe we should try for another take. Marilyn needs time to give a great performance. You should give

her as long as it takes. Chaplin took eight months to make a movie.

Eight months of this? I'd rather kill myself. I can't do this.I can't. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can do it. You can't fail.

You'll have more pain, you will suffer more, but you will create. All you need is time. Think about the things you like instead of him. Frank Sinatra. Hmm? Coca-Cola. Use your substitutions and make it work for you.

Two-eight-one, take 17. Oh, we're still the first ones, aren't we?Gee, this is all

right, too, isn't it? Then she goes... She... Cut! What is the matter now? You wait!

Marilyn, please. Please, tell me how I can help you. I don't know who Elsie is, and I can't act her if I don't know

who she is. You have her precisely. You understand her inside out. I'm in

awe of your gift. We all are. She's not real. Then why not simply rely on your natural talents? So are you saying you don't want me to act? Marilyn, will you just try to be sexy. Isn't that what you do? I want Lee. You've already got Paula...

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I want Lee! I'm the director. I'm Lee's representative. It's 5:00 in the

morning in New York. I want Lee! Oh, now forever,farewell the tranquil mind,farewell content…

Farewell the plumed troops and the big wars that make ambition virtue. Oh, farewell! Paula's not an actress! She's not a director, she's not a teacher! Her only talent is buttering up Marilyn!

Larry, she needs her people. We're the only family she's ever had.

Do you know what would make Marilyn Monroe a real actor? A season in rep. They wouldn't stand for this nonsense at the Hippodrome in Eastbourne.

Larry, you have to be patient with her. Trying to teach Marilyn how to act is like teaching Urdu to a

badger! I better go see her. She'll need something to help her calm

down. Christ! Pills to sleep. Pills to wake up. Pills to calm her

down! Pills to give her energy. No wonder she's permanently ten feet underwater!

Maybe she's scared. We're all scared! I've spent half of my professional life abject

bloody terror! It's what actors do! But you have the training to deal with it, sir. I wouldn't buy the "little girl lost" act if I were you. Though

heaven knows, it's tempting. I think Marilyn knows exactly what she's doing.Look, you better get over to Parkside and make sure the poor girl's all right.

Marilyn's OK. She's taken some pills and gone to bed. They like to keep her doped up. It makes her easier to control.

They're terrified their cash cow will slip away. Why does everybody always think I'm crazy? I'm not crazy. Marilyn, come back to bed. It's not about you.It's not what you

think. It's just a few ideas. Writer stuff. Come on, let's get some sleep and bring back my book.

Don't touch me. Good morning, Miss Monroe. It's nearly lunchtime. She's not feeling the part. It's a light comedy. How much feeling can it possibly require? Just give her a few minutes, Larry. Boy, will you find out what the hell is going on, please? It's Colin. Come in. Are you all right, Miss Monroe? How old are you? Twenty-four. Nearly. I'm... I'm 23. I'm nearly 24. Do you know you remind us of the young king in the movie? And

so... uh ...sweet. And innocent. I'm not sure I'm that innocent. So, what's your job on this picture? I'm the third assistant director. So, it's a gofer, really. "Go

for this, go for that." But you're Larry's assistant, too. Yes. What were you doing in my house last night? Did he send you? He was worried about you. Are you spying on me? No, of course not. Why would anyone spy on you? Colin.Whose side are you on?

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Yours, Miss Monroe. Call me Marilyn. Marilyn's got a new boyfriend. Larry will get jealous. Nothing happened. You were there for ten minutes. Plenty of time for a kiss and a

cuddle. I dreamed last night that I could hear singing. And then I

realized it wasn't a dream. There was a male voice choir serenading Marilyn under our window. At two in the morning. It's a circus. Freak show. I'm going back to New York for a few days. I need a break. I need to see my kids.

That won't help Marilyn. I can't help her. She wants me to protect her, but... I can't. She thought I could

smash all her insecurities. That I can make her a new person. She read some notes I made. They were nothing. Just... Just a few ideas.

But about her? She took them the wrong way. You do... love her, your new bride and all that? I can't work. I can't think. She's devouring me. Good morning, Vivien. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, my darling wife. Hello. I hope Larry isn't making you all work too hard I know

what a dreadful slave-driver he could be. David. He would be lost without you.

Just doing my job. And Jack, of course. Jack. Oh. I'm getting old, Jack. More beautiful every year, Vivien. Well, I need you to work your miracles on me. Are you looking after Larry like I told you? I'm doing my best, Vivien. Marilyn, darling. Larry tells me that you are quite superb, and

I am wild with jealousy. But everyone says you were a wonderful Elsie on stage. Oh, but I'm too old to play her in the film. Larry was quite

brutal about that. You see, the truth is all that matters to him, and that's why we all admire him so very much. I must let you work. I just wanted to wish you good luck.

Hi, Vivien. Goodbye, and you. I love the mustache. I do. It suits you. Bye... So I wasn't addressed. Who cares? Bull in the labyrinth. Oop!

Who the heck is Theseus anyway? I didn't think she would be so beautiful. Disgraceful! Oh, she shines on that screen. Oh, darling. Please , don't upset yourself. You are ten times

the actress she will ever be. Oh, if you could see yourself. The way you watch her! Oh, Vivien, you're imagining things. Please. I hope she makes your life hell. Vivien... Do you have a cigarette, please, Colin? No, not one of

my awful things. Remember, boy, when it comes to women, you're never too old for humiliation.

Marilyn won't shoot today. She's gone back to Parkside. She's upset about Arthur leaving England.

He's only going to visit his children. You don't leave Marilyn alone. She can't handle it. She thinks

that everyone's going to abandon her.

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Let's hope she's changed her bloody mind. Yes. Sir Laurence? Roger, what's up?

Is, uh, Colin there, sir? Yes, he is. Can I speak to him? Colin, it's for you. Roger? Colin Miss Monroe. Why don't you drop by here on your way home. Uh... What? What is Marilyn doing on the phone with my third fucking

assistant? Yes, I'm sure I could do that. Good. Don't tell anyone, though. Well, is she coming back? No, she wants to see me. He shouldn't be talking to her. He's just a kid. Supposing he said something. I'm sure Colin knows what he's doing. Don't you, Colin? I know

you're awfully busy, Colin, but if you could manage to find me a cup of tea before you leave, that would be marvelous.

Miss Monroe said for you to wait. Help yourself to a drink. Oh, I'm sorry. I was checking that you've got everything. Let me. Are you frightened of me, Colin? No. Good. 'Cause I like you. I want you to help me. Well, I'm only the third. I'm just... I'm a messenger, really. But you know everything that's going on. You can see both sides

of the situation. Please tell me everything. Relax. I thought you weren't scared of me.

Are you hungry? I'll have them send in a tray. I'm starved. Oh, go... Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something? Maybe you have a Mrs. Colin waiting for you at home.

There's no Mrs. Colin. So we can talk as long as we like. Why is Sir Olivier so mean?

He talks awful to me. Like he's slumming. I'll tell you what's wrong. It's agony for him because he is a

great actor that wants to be a film star. And it's agony for you because you're a film star who wants to be a great actress. And this film won't help either of you.

You sure you can handle that? You don't look old enough to drink.

I'm 23, Miss Monroe. Oh, it's Marilyn. Hmm. I'm 30. I guess that makes me an old lady

to you. Seven years is nothing. You know I've been married three times already. How did that

happen? Maybe you're just looking for the right man. They always look right at the start. I'll get that.Hello? Colin, is everything OK? Everything's fine. Uh, Miss Monroe, she just. She had some large

packages she needed handling.

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OK, what does she want? Let me speak to her, Colin. Let me talk to her. Sh! Let me speak to her. What is going on, Colin?

I'm afraid she's tied up right now. Let me talk to her, damn it. I'm sorry. I have to go. Let's go for a walk in the garden. Let's go see if we can find

any more reporters in the bushes. Oh, I didn't know it was so pretty out here.

You should get out more. You should see the sights. I am the sights. You know, we're just like Elsie and the young

king.What would Sir Laurence say if he could see us now? I don't think he'd mind. But he thinks that I'm the enemy. No, he doesn't understand your kind of actor. He's hated the

Method ever since Vivien worked with Elia Kazan. It's all too strange and new. So you're the future, and that frightens him.

You know what? Every time I walk into the studio, I feel a sense of doom come over me. He gives me the dirtiest looks, even when he's smiling. And the crew hates me.

No, that's not true. The only person I can trust is Paula. Except for you now, maybe. Phone call from New York, Miss Monroe. It's Mr. Miller. Goodbye, Colin. Goodbye. Thank you for telling me the truth. You'll be leaving now, I expect. I don't care if he fucks her sideways. Perhaps it'll calm her

down. Oh, hello, boy. Hear you spent last night with Marilyn. I didn't spend the night with her. We just... We had a chat. I heard them chuckling. Perhaps if Colin is very diplomatic, Marilyn's more likely to

behave herself. She just wants a chum, that's all. A chum? Jesus Christ, what is this, Goodbye, Mr. Chips? Grow up,

kid. You know, I thought working with Marilyn would make me feel

young again. But I look dead in the rushes. Dead behind these eyes. I wanted to renew myself through her. But all I see reflected in that magnificent face is my own inadequacy. You know, I admire Marilyn. I really do, despite her behavior. She's taken everything Hollywood can throw at her and she's triumphed. That takes some bloody guts. An actress has to be pretty tough to get even a tenth as far as she has. Be careful, boy. She doesn't need to be rescued. Not really.

It's you. Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous, darling. That's wonderful. Well

done. Let's check that. Three minutes, ladies and gentlemen. Three minutes! Colin! Arthur Miller called me. He's not happy with you. He doesn't even know who I am. Marilyn must have said something. Well, maybe she's trying to make him jealous. Listen, kid. I've known Marilyn for seven years. I fell in love

with her just as you've done. We had ten days together, and that was it. She picked me up, she put me down, that's what she does.She breaks hearts. She will break yours. My advice to you is quit before you get burned.

I don't need your advice. Have it your way. You don't see Marilyn again. You don't even

talk to her. She's completely off limits to you. Do you understand me?

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Yes. I waited for you on Friday. Lucy, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot. I just... I've been so

busy. So I hear. Well, you know how crews gossip. There's nothing in it. Of course there isn't. Marilyn Monroe fancying you? Come on. Oh, hi, Colin. Hi, Lucy. I thought you were different. I really like you, and we have fun. And now it's time to set your sights a little higher. Well, good

luck. Get in. Any problem, Roger? Uh, no. Just dropped by to take Colin out to lunch. You're not taking him to Marilyn. That would drop us all in a

whole ocean of shit. No, sir. Been looking forward to this, haven't we, Colin? Yeah. OK. You have a nice time, boys. Surprise! Jesus! Roger and I decided to take you on an adventure. What the hell Colin! Get back here, you little bastard! Colin!

You're fired! You hear me? Do you think he saw me? Snuggle up. This is fun. This is the getaway car. I oughta feel

like this every day. We have today, anyway. We have one day to do whatever you like.

Then we can go back to real life tomorrow. Only one day? Well, maybe the weekend. Or a week!What should we do now? We could go to Windsor Castle, if you like. Detective Chief Superintendent Smith. I'm escorting this lady

and gentleman for the day. They'd like to look around the castle.

I need a contact name for the book. You don't know Her Majesty, by any chance? Yes, we met at a movie premiere. She said my dress was pretty. I don't think that quite does it, sir. My godfather works here. He's the royal librarian. Sir Owen

Morehead. Hello, sir. Colin, my boy! Come in! Forgive the dust. Oh, you are very

pretty, my dear. Gee, I'd sure liketo read all these books. Luckily, one doesn't

really have to. A lot of them just have pictures in. This is by an artist called Holbein.

She's beautiful. She was the daughter of one of the king's courtiers. Nearly 400

years ago. Gee, I hope I look that good when I'm 400. These are by Leonardo da Vinci. Didn't he paint that lady with the funny smile? The Mona Lisa. Do you have that one here, too? Alas, that one got away. The Queen's sorry to have missed you. Really? Oh, yes! Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "What

must it be like to be the most famous woman on Earth?"

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Colin, look. Gee, I sure never had a doll's house like this when I was a kid. Can I?

Yes, of course. This is me. That's you, and these are our kids. Oh, our

daughter's so pretty. All little girls should be told how pretty they are. Should grow up knowing how much their mother loves them.

There she is! Shall I be her? Are you somebody, mate? No. I'm no one. So this is your old school, huh? Did you sing in the school

choir? No. That's a lie, I can tell. How old were you? I was sent away to boarding school when I was eight. Why? Didn't your parents like you very much? That's just how they do it in my family. Well, I'd never send my kids away. Eton is 500 years old. It was founded by King Henry VI. No wonder it's so dusty. Looks more like a palace. That room

there, upper school, that's where you're sent if you don't work hard enough. You're whipped.

No. That's awful. It's Marilyn Monroe! Look who it is! Come see Marilyn. Well, hello, boys. Pleased to meet you! Blow us a kiss, Marilyn! Sure. All right, boys. Work hard! I don't want anyone whipping

you. You can whip me anytime, Marilyn! Maybe we should go. It's time to go. Lovely to see you. Hurry up, slowpoke! There's no... We haven't got our... We can't... Oh, God. This is great. What if a boat goes past? We'll be arrested. Don't worry. Roger will fix it. What? I have something in my eye. Let me see. I can't see anything. That's the first time I've kissed anyone younger than me.

There's a lot of older guys in Hollywood. Don't be shy, Colin. It's nothing you haven't seen before. Oh, Colin. And you, an old Etonian.

My God, it's cold. It's freezing! Here. Come here. Let me warm you up. Is that better?

I want this to be the perfect date.I haven't had a real date since I was 13 years old. That was nice.

Ahem! Time to go home, I think, Miss Monroe. Be careful not to get in too deep, son.

Hi, Milton. The next time I come on set, you better make sure Colin is there. Take him home.

You spent the day with her. What frame of mind was she in? She was fine, sir. Oh, how lovely. Well, go and find out why she's not standing

here right now in front of that. There's a good chap. And perhaps on this splendid day we can persuade her to do some of the work that she is currently paying herself to do.

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Don't start, Dickie. You won't get any sympathy from me. She's trying her best. Oh, dear. Little Colin's in love. Colin? What's the matter? It's Marilyn. She's asking for you. She hasn't made a sound for over an hour. So how many pills did she take? Jesus! Who knows. I wasn't counting. Marilyn? So how about the window? Marilyn, darling? Open the door, bubbeleh. That's her window. Marilyn? Marilyn. Colin?

Oh, hi, Colin. Are you OK? Everyone's worried about you. Qh, phooey. Colin! Colin, come on, open up! You don't understand her. I'm gonna keep an eye on her, and I will sleep on the sofa. Colin, listen to me. You can't talk to her. I can't find the key. Look, you can all go home now. You don't understand her. Come on. Go home. Colin. What are you doing here? Uh, I came in through the window. Milton thought that you were

sick. The window. How romantic. That's just like Romeo and Juliet.

What... Why would they say that I'm sick? Please. Please don't take any more. Who's this? Who's that? That's my mama. She bought me a white piano. Right before they

took her to the asylum. I grew up in other people's homes, mostly.

Is that Abraham Lincoln? That's my dad. Well, I don't know who my real father is, so it may as well be

him, right? Do you have a home, Colin? A real one? With a mama and a daddy?

Yes, I do. Do they love you? I'm sure that they do. Mm. You're lucky. Yes. Do you love me, Colin? Yes. You're like some Greek goddess to me. I'm not a goddess. I just wanna be loved like a regular girl. Mr. Miller loves you. No, I found his notebook. He said the most horrible things about

me. Writers, they scribble all kinds of things. It doesn't mean

anything. No, he wanted me to find it. He said he wished he'd never

married me. Why do the people I love always leave me? I will never leave you. All people ever see is Marilyn Monroe. As soon as they realize

I'm not her, they run. You're different. You're not like that. You should date that wardrobe girl. She's so pretty.

I don't want to. I love you. This is nice. It's like spoons. I used to do this with Johnny.

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Who's Johnny? Johnny Hyde. He was my agent back in the old days. He was thin

just like you. Marilyn, do one thing for me. Come to the studio on-time

tomorrow and show everybody what you can do. Show Larry that you are a great actress.

No matter what others may say or do Light of heart and fancy free That's the way to start There will be nothing to lose Till you lose your heart

This is intolerable! With deepest respects, sir. My message was so important, I had

no choice but to intrude. Revolution? No, sir. Miss Marina's aunt has been in a motor accident. What? Oh, go away, you silly man. Miss Marina, your aunt. Do you realize how serious her condition

is? Well, it's her own fault. She has no right out this time of

night. She's 93! Cut it there. Well, whatever it was you did to her, boy, keep doing it. I've

never seen her so happy.Yes. We need Colin at the house right away. Got a pain in my side, for Christ's sake. What are they trying

to make me think I'm crazy or something? Is that what it is? You know I don't just rev it up like a Model T.

I don't just crank it up. No one's asking you to just crank it up. We're worried about you... Isn't that what you're saying? I was sick, for God's sake! Can I be sick? Colin's here. Colin thinks I'm a good actress. Don't you, Colin? Yes I do. You were wonderful today. See? Marilyn's tired now. I want him to stay with me. And what would Arthur say if he knew Colin was here? You heard what she said, she wants me here. Come on. You have no idea of your position in the world, Marilyn. You are

the greatest actress that has ever been. I love you like a daughter. My darling girl. I know it's hard now. But you will survive this and go on to better things. You're young. Your life is ahead of you, just beginning. Sit with Colin, mm?

Oh, Paula, I'm sorry. Come here. I'm here now. Colin? I'll look after you. Don't leave. I'm not. Please don't leave. Oh, it hurts, it hurts! It's a baby! It's a

baby! I can't lose the baby! Colin! Roger! Call a doctor! Who's in charge here? I've given Mrs. Miller an injection and the bleeding stopped.

But she needs to stay in bed tomorrow, and after that she'll be fine. I suggest someone stays with her.

She'll be safe with me. Thank you. Thank you. Good night, then. Was she really pregnant, sir?

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I think that's a private matter between Mr. and Mrs. Miller, don't you?

Arthur's on his way back. When this movie is over, I'm gonna settle down and be a good wife to him. I'm gonna learn to make matzo-ball soup as good as his dad. We have to forget this whole thing ever happened.

I don't want to forget. Let me protect you from all this. Oh. What are you gonna do? Marry me? Why not? You could quit this. Forget Marilyn Monroe. Forget

Hollywood. Let it all go. Just let it go. I couldn't just give it up. Why not? Why not, when it drives you crazy? You think I'm crazy? I just meant that you could be happy. I am happy. Of course you're happy. You're the biggest star in the world.

You're right. We have to forget all this. So from now on, I'm just the third assistant director, and we will never look at each other again.

Maybe just a wink. Once in a while. My dear. My dear. Yes? They're ready for you on set. Marilyn? Just arrived. Only an hour late. Not bad by her standards. Perhaps we'll

finish this bloody film after all. Five-two-seven. Take one. Cut it there. And check that, please. Five-eight-four, take two. Take five. Six-four-nine, take two. Let's cut it there. Very quiet, studio. I found a dream Laying in your arms The whole night through I'm

yours No matter what others may say Or do Light of heart and fancy free That's the way to start There will be nothing to lose Till you lose your heart

First love is such sweet despair, Colin. Cut. That's a wrap. She's there. I hope you will all forgive me. It wasn't altogether my fault,

but I've been ill. I'd like you to remember I tried. Lucy, um... I was wondering if you were doing anything on

Saturday. I'm washing my hair. Did she break your heart? A little. Good. It needed breaking. We're back, everyone! All right... You do look, my son, in a moved sort, as if you were dismayed.

Be cheerful, sir. Our revels now are ended. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. She's quite wonderful. No training, no craft to speak of. No guile, just pure instinct. She's astonishing.

You should tell her that. Oh, I will. But she won't believe me. President Taft. It's probably what makes her great. It's almost certainly what

makes her so profoundly unhappy. Oh, Miss Marina, won't you have some champagne? Oh, I don't

know, Your Grand Ducal. You really think I ought? I tried my best to change her, but she remains brilliant,

despite me. Maybe just up to... Ah!

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Do you know, I think directing a movie has to be just about the best job ever invented. But Marilyn's cured me of ever wanting to do it again. Well, now I'm back to the theater. John Osborne's writing a piece for me.

Sir, I thought you hated all that Royal Court stuff. Well, Miller made me see things a little differently. Thank you,

Colin, for all your help. Glad you ran away to the circus? I've got a solemn word of warning for you. What is that, my

beloved? You know what's going to happen. I'm going to fall in love with you. I'm going to fall in love with you</i> because I always, always do.

There you go. Buy a girl a drink? I'll get another one of those, please, Barry. I wasn't going to leave without saying goodbye. Don't forget me. As if I could. Everybody else on the picture wishes they could. They don't understand you. Walk me to my car? Nice place you got here. Thanks for being on

my side. Looking a couple of inches taller than when I first saw you. Here's what I remember most: Her embrace. Her belief in me. And

the joy she gave. That was her gift. When I think of her now, I think of that time when a dream came true. And my only talent was not to close my eyes.

That old black magic Has me in its spell That old black magic That you weave so well And down and down I go Round and round I go In a spin Lovin' that spin I'm in Under that old black magic Called love For you're the lover I have waited for The mate that fate Had me created for But every time your lips meet mine Darling, down, down Down I go Round, round, round I go In a spin Loving that spin I'm in Under that old black magic Called Love

Height: cúspideMaking of a film: rodaje To go wrong: ir mal, torcerseTo take flight: huirUppity-oh: arrogante, engreidoHeatwave: ola de calorTo rise: subirSeat: traseroTo wave: agitar, moverCustomer: clienteTo prove: demostrarTo remember: recordarOverachiever: estudiante con desempeño sobresaliente Art historian: historiador de arte Ahead of: por delante deDissappointment: decepcion Solace: consuelo

Chance: oportunidadPupil: alumnoSilly: estúpidoTo get sth out of one’s system: quitar una idea de la cabezaCharming: encantadorTo mind: importarle a unoIn no time: enseguidaTo make one’s own way: abrirse caminoTo join: unirseTo shoot: rodarNearer: más cercaDetermined: decidido, obstinadoDarling girl: chica encantadoraPosterior: traseroTo keep: guardarTo threaten: amenazar con

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To withhold: retirarTo have a word with: habrar conAmbassador: embajadorPlay: obra de teatroRe-write: borrador revisado y corregidoBrand: marcaGhastly: horribleGorgeous: guapísimoTo look after: cuidarTo be born: nacerTo tur around: dar la vueltaDress: vestidoTo ravish: adorar (lit.violar)To fly in: llegar en aviónSuitable: apropiado,adecuadoBloody: maldito (lit.sangriento)Out of the question: imposible, fuera de discusion To tramp: caminarTo agree: aceptar, estar de acuerdoTo look elsewhere: buscar en otro lugarTo introduce: presentarPleasant: agradableTo build: construirTo ditch: quitar,deshacerse deMigraine: migrañaTo keep sth quiet: guardar un secretoOwner: propietarioTo guess: suponerTo see to: arreglarNice job,kid: buen trabajo, chavalNaïve: ingenuoLight: ligeroUnion: sindicatoTo owe: deberAssistant director: ayudante de direccion To shit: cagarDoorstep: umbral, escalón de entradaGot it?: lo captasNearby: cerca

Bloody: jodido (lit.sangriento)To book: reservarRough: cutreTo get used to: acostumbrarseBodyguard: guardaespaldasTo sort out: resolver, arreglarSensitive: delicadoSuperintendent: comisarioNot just any actress: no se trata de una actriz cualquieraBehaviour: comportamientoReputedly: según dicenAmongst: entrePill: pastillaOdd: ocasional Early warning: aviso con tiempoTo sign: firmarWhat brings you up this way: que le trae por aquiQuid: libras esterilinasIn advance: por adelantadoTo share: comparirMemories: recuerdosNuts: locoTo belong: ser apropiadoTime is too tight: no hay suficiente tiempoPain in the ass: pesado, plomo (lit. dolor en el culo)Reds: rojo, comunistaShe’ll have to be met: habrá que recibirlaTo greet: saludarLow-key: discreteTo join: conectarMayhem: caos, tumuloPlaywright: dramaturgoFront page: portadaSet: preparadoRoyalty: realezaTo introduce: presentarThird time lucky: a la tercera va la vencida You bet: y tanto (to bet: apostar)Stage: escenario

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To wear: llevar puestoLavender: lavandaSnap: fotiThe newly-weds: los recién casadosFiring squad: pelotón de fusilamientoNonsense: tonteríasTo fall in love: enamorarseDetermined: decididoNot even: ni siquieraCouple: parejaSuch a lark: que divertidoTo long to: anhelar, desearCompliments: saludosRead-through: lecturaQuaint: singularMadness: locuraTo approve: aprobarTo strive: esforzarseLed: guiadoGood grace: Buena voluntadTo cherish: amar, estimarAs long as: mientrasI’ll say: si, muchoHardly: apenasMatters: problemasGee: carayPlain: sencillamenteTo suffice: ser suficienteOld hat: pasado de modaEmbasy: embajadaTo party: andar de fiestaTo have fun: divertirseTo pick up: retomarBuck: dolarWe might as well use her: más vale utilizarlaOn her own terms: tal y como esTo drive s.o crazy: enloquecer, volver locoWhat have I got myself into?: en que lio me he metidoRule: reglaRandly little bugger : tio calenturiento

Shooting: rodajeSet: platoTake: tomaMake-up: maquillajeFull costume: vestuario de rodajeFair: justoAt long last: por finTo deal with: encargarse deProp: utileriaTo call out: convocar una huelgaUnion: sindicatoMember: afiliadoTo fall out: pelearseLivelihood: sustentoTo make’s one point: expresarse claramenteManagement: direccion To blink: pestañearRighto: de acuerdoPicket line: piqueteStrike: huelgaMother-in-law: suegraVague: despistadoDeaf: sordoBoredom: aburrimientoHideous: horrorosoAbbey: abadiaLine: fraseTo go wrong: equivocarseTo have another go: intentar/probar otra vezDeeply: profundamenteFlattered: halagadoTo print: positivarYou were elsie to the life: has dado vida a elisaTo wonder: preguntarseKindness: favor (lit. bondad)To make them stick: recordar el dialogo (to stick: pegar)To cast: asignar un papelTo keep an eye on: vigilarTo figure out: entenderGifted: dotadoFaith: fe

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Disappointed: decepcionadoTo pray: rezarKnee: rodillaTo admit: reconocerI guess so: supongo que siTo afford: permitirseWages: sueldoTo be worth: valerAverage: medio, corrienteAccount: cuentaCash: efectivoWhile: ratoTo make an early start: madrugarTo go over: repasarSchedule: plan, programaI should be off: deberia irmeAss: culoTits: tetasTo make allowances: hacer concesionesTo kiss: besarHem: dobladilloGarment: vestidoProperly: correctamenteTo apologise: disculparseTo concern oneself: preocuparseTo have things on one’s mind: estar preocupado por alogoGift: donTo bully: intimidar, amedrentarTo roll: rodarPretty damn good: buenisimoTo knock: pegar, golpearTo get it right: acertarTo be behind: estar atrasadoExperienced: experimentadoTo upset: alterarDressing room: camerinoTo look forward to: esperar ilusionadoDate: citaTo pick up: recogerSlow down: tranquiloTo stand back: apartarseTiny: minuscule

Straight away: enseguidaTo turn over: volver a rodarTo drop: dejar, eliminarTo get: entenderTo sleep with: acostarse con To pretend: simulatCrap: mierdaTo be in absolute agreement: estar totalmente de acuerdoTo fake: fingirJolly good: muy BuenoPerformance: actuacion As long as it takes: todo el tiempo que sea necesarioTo fail: fallarInstead of: en lugar deInside out: a la perfección (lit. d adentro para afuera)In awe of: asombradoTo rely on: confiar enFarewell: adiosPlume: pluma, penachoTo butter up: lisonjear, adularSeason: temporadaTo stand for: tolerarBadger: tejonTo calm down: tranquilizarNo wonder: no es de extrañarTo be scared: tener miedoTraining: formaciónTo deal with: enfrentarse aTo buy: creerse, tragarHeaven knows: sabe DiosTempting: tentadorDoped up: drogadoCash cow: gallina de los huevos de oroTo slip away: escaparCheers: saludPart: papelWhat the hell: que diablosGofer: recaderoWhose side are you on?: del lado de quien estas?Cuddle: achuchon

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Choir: coroTo serenade: dar una serenata Freak show: circoBreak: descansoTo smash: romper, destrozarTo take sth the wrong way: malinterpretarBride: noviaDreadful: terribleSlave driver: tratante de esclavosMiracle: milagroSuperb: soberbio/ brillanteWild: loco, salvajeBrutal: despiadadoTo suit: favorecerUndressed: desnudoWho cares?: que mas da?Disgraceful: indignanteTo shine: brillarTo make one’s life hell: destrozarle la vida a alguien When it comes to…: cuando se trata deeTo handle: poder con (lit. manejar)To change one’s mind: cambiar de ideaWhat’s up?: que pasaTo drop by: pasar porTo help oneself to a drink: servirse una copaTo check: comprobarTray: bandejaStarved: hambrientoMean: desagradableTo slum: actuar con desprecioPackage: paqueteTied up: ocupado (lit. atado)Bush: arbustoTo see the sights: hacer turismoTo frighten: asustarDoom: desastre, destruccion Dirty look: Mirada asesina (lit. sucia)Crew: equipoTo trust: confiar en

Sideways: de costadoChat: charlaTo chuckle: soltar una risitaTo behave oneself:comportarseChum: amigo, camaradaTo grow up: madurarRushes: secuenciasInadequacy: insuficienciaDespite: a pesar deGuts: agallasTough: agallasTenth: decimoTo pick up: cogerTo quit: dejar, abandonerHave it your way: como quierasOff-limits: zona vedadaGossip: cotilleosTo fancy: sentirse atraído físicamenteTo have fun: divertirseTo set one’s higher: apuntar más altoTo fire: despedirTo snuggle up: acurrucarseGetaway: huidaLips: labiosTo escort: escoltarBy chance: por casualidadPremiere: estrenoI don’t think that quite does it: eso no es suficienteGodfather: padrinoLibrarian: bibliotecarioDust: polvoCourtier: cortesanoTo get away: escaparseTo miss: perder, no verDoll’s house: casa de muñecaMate: tio, colegaLie: mentiraBoarding school: internadoTo whip: azotarSlowpoke: lentorroTo fix: arreglarShy: timido

Page 25: My Week With Marilyn

Freezing: heladoTo warm up: calendarDeep: profundoLeaf: hojaDrift by my window: pasan frente a la ventanaSun-burned: bronceadoTo miss: echar de menosFrame of mind: estado de ánimoCurrently: ahora, actualmenteBubala: cariñoPhooey: sandecesAsylum: manicomioGoddes: diosaNotebook: cuadernoTo scribble: escribir (lit. garabatear)To date: salir conWardrobe: vestuarioSppon: cucharaFancy free: sin compromisoTo intrude: molestar, importunarFault: culpaTo rev up: acelerar el motorTo crank up: poner ahínco (lit. arrancar con manivela)To be in charge: ser el responsible

To bleed: sangrarPregnant: embarazadaTo settle down: sentar la cabezaTo give up: dejarFrom now on: de ahora en adelanteWink: guiñoOnce in a while: de vez en cuandoBy her standards: por ser ellaDespair: desesperacion That’s a wrap:hemos acabadoAltogether: totalmenteDismayed: abatidoCheerful: alegreCraft: ofocioGuile: astuciaAstonishing: asombrosoWarning: avisoInch: pulgadaBelief: feTo come true: hacerse realidadSpell: hechizoTo weave: tejerIn a spin: mareadoMate: parejaFate: destino