my six favorite relationship resources - divine time...

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                                             !!                                                                              ©2015  All  Rights  Reserved  •  

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!!Hi, my name is Karen M. White, and I’m a Vedic astrologer who is deeply involved in a lifelong love affair with astrology. Why? Because astrology has so much to offer in the area of love relationships; healing for past relationship heartbreak, understanding a mate on a deep level, understanding our love style, and understanding

how to fulfill our greatest emotional needs. !!! If you’ve been single for a long time and you’re puzzled as to why you haven’t found love even though you’ve been “working on yourself,” Vedic astrology will tell you exactly what is getting in the way of love.!!! If you get an astrological consult with me or another astrologer, one of the things we do is make remedial recommendations based on your birth chart. !!In addition to the spiritual remedies given for the Moon, Venus, or Jupiter such as mantra, journaling, and other planetary therapies, it is education on relationships, communication skills, and getting personalized support that makes the most difference in a person’s love life. !!! The following six recommendations provide crucial education on relationships (just understanding the differences and the unique needs of each sex brings a huge amount of enlightenment in relationships). Each of the love experts below has a unique angle on love and there is sure to be at least one of them that you resonate with. !!! You can get personalized support from some of these resources too; there are services that can provide the witnessing, guidance, and the feedback you need to make your vision of love                                              !!                                                                              ©2015  All  Rights  Reserved  •  

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come true.!

Favorite Recommendation #1: Carol Allen

The work of astrologer and author, Carol Allen, of and has probably done more to educate the layperson on the correct use of astrology than just about anything else I’ve found.!!I recommend her excellent e-books because of the Planetary Personality Profiles (how to spot the planetary type a man is without having to know his birth chart), the explanations of how astrology does and does not work, the

timing of love, and her audio programs are hands-down the best work I’ve seen in the astrological field for the layperson since Linda Goodman. !!! Her newsletters are excellently written and a person can learn a lot about astrology just from reading those, but most importantly, one can learn a lot about love and our part in making it successful for ourselves regardless of our birth charts. ! !

I owe Carol a LOT. She is the one who sent me to Ernst Wilhelm (to the left) to learn the Vedic Compatibility Technique six years ago. I was using Horary astrology to help my clients with their love lives (an awesome form of astrology in and of itself) and reading her amazing newsletters. I don’t remember how they ended up in my inbox, but obviously, it was fate!!!

! She kept talking about the amazing Vedic Compatibility Technique in her newsletters and I recognized a lot of Dr. Pat Allen’s work in her advice on love based on the differences between men and women. In fact, I thought she might be Pat Allen’s daughter because of her last name! !!! But mostly, as an astrologer, I wanted to use the Vedic Compatibility technique in my own practice. Most of my clients were interested in their relationships above everything else in life. !!! So, I emailed her and asked if she was one of Pat Allen’s daughters (no relation), and if she would teach me the Vedic Compatibility technique. She told me that she learned it from Ernst Wilhelm and sent me to him with her blessings. !!! This Vedic Compatibility technique was the first of many Vedic

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techniques I learned from him and it changed my life personally, and as an astrologer.!!! My confidence in my practice as an astrologer grew tremendously because the Vedic Compatibility Technique is so reliable, accurate, and healing. It answered some questions for me personally as well, about a past relationship that didn’t work out. !!! I wanted to understand why love wasn’t enough to save the relationship and all my searching for answers through therapy, 12-Step programs (Al-Anon & ACA), and reading self-help books, etc., didn’t answer all my questions. Though I did receive a lot of healing through this search and all of it was very, very helpful. !!! !! Since learning and practicing the Vedic Compatibility Technique as an astrologer, I have completely healed from the heartbreak of that relationship because I understand now, through astrology, the real, spiritual reasons, we met, fell in love and why we ultimately weren’t meant to be together for life. !!! I was able to let go of thinking that we could have done anything differently to make it work. !!! As an astrologer, I consider the Vedic Compatibility technique, along with Horary astrology, to be my best tools in helping my clients with their relationships, past, present, and future. For many of us, love is our greatest desire and reason for being and this kind of information is clearly a gift from the divine.!!! It turns out that Dr. Pat Allen’s work was instrumental in understanding the ancient Vedic Compatibility technique; it’s evident all through the Vedic

Compatibility Report (aka The Right Man Report on Carol Allen’s websites). !!Ernst told me that it was Dr. Pat Allen’s work that finally made the Vedic astrological technique make sense to him because it provided context for it (times

may change, but people never do - the masculine/feminine dance is the same from age to age). !!! Pat Allen’s gift is to teach psychological science to the layperson and her research into Carl Jung’s archetypical psychology, modern brain science, and Eric Berne’s cognitive psychology led her to write, lecture, and teach to the layperson (and to therapists through The Want Institute organization). !

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!! Fortunately, Ernst Wilhelm, the pioneering astrological genius, came across the work of the psychological genius and pioneer, Dr. Pat Allen, and everything fell into place. In my opinion, it was clearly by divine design! !!! Dr. Pat Allen was my therapist in my 20’s and learning the Vedic Relationship Capacity and Compatibility Technique as taught by Ernst was a way of coming full circle for me and completing my quest for healing. !!! Because of her, my questions were answered about men, what it means to be a woman, where feminism fits into love, and how to have a healthy relationship. I was a young woman in the 70’s and 80’s and I was so confused. She was like a second mother to me and because of her, I was able to get married and become a mother myself.!!! There are pages of videos on YouTube with interviews of Pat Allen, and other videos of Pat Allen giving seminars, or leading people in one of her famous relationship “pledges.” !

!Favorite Recommendation #2: Dr. Patricia Allen

As mentioned above, Pat was my therapist in my 20’s and she helped me to get married and have a daughter, in fact, without her I don’t think I would have been

able to marry, at least not to someone who was actually good for me. ! !!I had heard several of her weekly profound and funny Open Forum Relationship seminar tape recordings about the masculine and feminine energy roles in relationships, and it was helping to make sense of my on-and-off

relationship with the then love-of-my-life. They were riveting!!!! Growing up, my parents were ill with the disease of alcoholism and being the oldest child, I was raised to be more of a boy than a girl. Self-sacrificing, overly responsible (I was a second mother to my siblings), and a rescuer without healthy boundaries, I tended to get involved with men who were great boyfriends but not good husband material. !!! They tended to be fun, “spontaneous,” and not interested in commitment of any kind, “the eternal boy” type of man. It was what I was comfortable with and it inevitably caused me tremendous pain in my love life.!                                              !!                                                                              ©2015  All  Rights  Reserved  •  

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!! Pat helped me to end the 13-year-long, on-and-off relationship with my first-love boyfriend. With her support and encouragement, I met and married my first husband and had a daughter. !!! Many years later, after learning the Vedic Compatibility technique, I found out that in my first long-term relationship, the energy was reversed between us. I was the masculine and he was the feminine, which explained why we were angry at each other so often. To get a deeper understanding of what I’m talking about here, read about the reversal of energy and its effects HERE (called “Respect”).!!! With my first husband, however, the energy flowed from him to me, so I was the feminine and he was the masculine. I had healed to the point that I could be emotionally vulnerable and relate from my feeling-feminine side rather than from my over-intellectualizing, over-functioning, and performing-for-love, masculine side. !!The Want Institute & Her Relationship Improving Seminars & CDs !! At The Want Institute website, you can buy her lectures and CDs on communication and how to have a loving relationship, what it means to be a woman, how to know if you love yourself or not (and how to fall in love yourself so a good man can fall in love with you too), how to negotiate a good relationship deal for yourself, and all about the true nature of men (you’ll fall in love with men too just as they are).!!Getting To ‘I Do’ !

The book I recommend the most by Dr. Patricia Allen (& Sandra Harmon) is Getting To ‘I Do.’ It’s a great introduction to what she has to offer your love life and it has the best descriptions, in detail, of what the feminine-energy person brings to a relationship and what the masculine-energy person brings to the relationship. !!In this book, she also tells you how you can have a good relationship with a feminine-energy man if you are comfortable being the masculine-energy partner. This works equally well for gay and lesbian couples too.!!!If therapy is part of the love remedies given to you by me

or another astrologer, you can find an excellent therapist trained by Dr. Pat Allen

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through The Want Institute, the best investment into your love life that you ever make!!!Pat’s Free Audio Files on Flirting !! To get an idea what Pat’s lectures are like, listen to her free audio files on How to Flirt! There are eight lectures in all and they cover many of the highlights of what Pat teaches in all of her relationship lectures. !!! She continues to have free weekly relationship seminars in Orange County and Los Angeles (often on flirting) where you can attend in person and work with her on your relationship issues in front of the audience. !!On The Millionaire Matchmaker !! Pat is the love doctor on the popular The Millionaire Matchmaker show hosted by Patti Stanger about millionaire men looking for the woman of their dreams. She speaks directly to the millionaire men in an earthy way, at first it can be shocking, it’s like listening to grandma swear. But she speaks the truth and once you hear it with her unique spin, you’ll never forget it!!

Favorite Recommendation #3: Lauren Frances!

Lauren Frances is the Love Coach from the Institute for Romantic Research. Carol Allen introduced her in one of her newsletters, I believe (they’ve done some events together too), because Lauren is one of the premier online love coaches in the world. She is also known for teaching safety in online dating.!!I recommend her services and classes because of her modern advice on dating in today's cyber world and the huge role texting and social media plays in romance. Her funny,

infectious optimism and confidence about love is what I want my clients to catch from her, it is very possible to find real love online! !!! She is an excellent teacher because she is so good at making her ideas stand out; she is a master of the metaphor. !!

In her book Dating, Mating, and Manhandling – The Ornithological Guide to Men, she likens men to birds, and as a metaphor, it works. Learn how to demystify male courtship

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behavior (why do they fly away just when you’re getting close?), flirt like a man-magnet and get “flocked” with suitors! !!Lauren’s audio courses are excellent and full of information you can use right now. She has lots of free teleseminars you can listen to also (get on her mailing list) full of great information.!!! She's incredibly skilled with relationship marketing and she’ll help you find and express your relationship brand; colorful, vivid, and very appealing to the type of man you want. A modern-day Scarlett O’Hara who calls herself !Dr. Double-D, Lauren has really done her homework. !!! She has dated several very wealthy and famous men herself and is the queen of flirting and romance, what she teaches women about love, dating, and mating has resulted in many women getting married and having a “legendary love and bodice-ripping romance.” !!! And, they met their husbands online! After working with Lauren, it’s common for a woman to go from few “winks” and contacts from men online to literally hundreds of high-quality men ready for a real relationship wanting to connect with her. !!! She even has a wonderful Man-Magnet Makeover WeekendTM available that gives a woman a real lift and makes her feel confident, attractive, and like the woman she never thought she could be (see VIDEO).!!! I recommend her MP3 Podcast Courses because they are so upbeat and practical yet they really stand out in the advice given on paving the way to love, no matter how old you are, if you’re divorced, a busy career-woman, or if you haven’t gone on a date in a decade or two. I recommend taking her MP3 courses in this order:! !

a. Legendary Love MP3 e-course (this one helps with healing past heartache)!

b. All of her On-line Dating e-courses (step-by-step instructions on creating an on-line profile and how to conduct yourself on-line with men in the modern world of dating). Her clients go from a few guys being interested in her online to thousands. I’m not kidding!!

c. All of her free podcasts too (scroll down to the end of the page for her Romantic Reboot free podcast.!!

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!Favorite Recommendation #4: Rori Raye

Rori Raye of has an interesting story that I believe every woman can relate to. She has figured out the secret to success in attracting and keeping a relationship alive - don’t try to control your man and to inhabit only your own skin completely. This is magnetic and invites a man to pursue you even after being married to him for many years. !!

! Her methods seem almost like magic, and in a way they are magical in that many of the exercises given are mind-set changes and self-love practices designed to shift a woman’s energy field.!!! The way they build a woman’s emotional strength and resilience and support her femininity is some of the most beautiful material I’ve ever seen. Once you know how to honor your feelings, feel them, and then express them, you are able to fully express your femininity, and help a man to connect to his heart.!!! I love her Modern Siren program because she gives several energetic exercises that make you feel beautiful and really good about being a woman. This attracts men like crazy! She gives extensive and detailed help in how to have a conversation, a confrontation, or to ask for what you want from a man in a way that brings him closer, even when you are sharing painful feelings.!!

Have The Relationship You Want, her e-book, is about the 5 Keys To Creating a Great Relationship and is full of energetic exercises for handling strong feelings with grace, and successfully dealing with the fear of not being in control of the relationship, but instead letting go to get what you want. It’s about having faith in the feminine.!!A client once told me that she wanted to know the exact words to say to her guy when things weren’t going well because she tended to clam up in any kind of conflict or confrontation. Well now there is something for her! Rori has

created exactly that, scripts for handling the most difficult conversations in your love relationships, simply called Love Scripts.!!! Rori has a whole catalog of products now and you can browse through the catalog, and her newsletter gives lots of valuable information and exercises                                              !!                                                                              ©2015  All  Rights  Reserved  •  

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you can do right now for free. ! !

Favorite Recommendation #5: Byron Katie!!The silver-haired woman with a man’s first name and a woman’s last name, but who is called Katie, is not a relationship expert exactly, but she has created a simple self-enquiry method that can free you from any kind of emotional pain.!!

! Her blog,, has many videos of her using this self-enquiry method with people in every kind of situation.!! !! If Mars is influencing your Moon, or is in the second sign from the Sun, or in certain houses in your birth chart, you are likely ruining your relationships without knowing it. Katie’s method, what she calls “the work,” helps you to let go of your idealistic ideas of the way things and people “should” be and to love what is (the true function of Mars).!!! Also, if you tend to over-think everything and get lost in the details, Katie’s process will help you to find clarity and peace, in any situation. She teaches how to question your thoughts and to let go of your “story.” It’s a path to true inner freedom; it’s simple, though not always easy. Liberation on the deepest level is possible through this simple four-question pattern.!!Katie has several books, the most famous one at this time is probably Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, and, I Need Your Love – Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead. !!! You can watch many videos on her channel at where she demonstrates the process with people at her live events. She has a great sense of humor and you can see people starting with tears and ending with laughter through doing the work. At her blog, she has a Relationship category with videos you can watch to see how The Work is applied to love. Some of it is hilarious!!!! You can even go to her School For The Work if you want to master the process and use it to help others. You don’t have to attend the school to do it, but if you want to know you have mastered it, this is a good way to do it.!

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Favorite Recommendation #6: David Cunningham!

Last but not least, David Cunningham’s e-book, The Man’s Guide to Great Relationships & Marriage for $39.97 is a book I recommend all the time to my men clients, though women could learn a lot from it too (like what a good man is like). !!You can find it at his website, along with two free bonus e-books Break-Up Busting 101, What Women Want, and a free subscription to his daily newsletter. !!Just his newsletters are worth the $39.97 alone, but the e-books are full of the crucial information women wished men knew about them and about love over the

long term.! !

David wrote this book for men who want to win, keep, or win back the woman he loves. I read this book and what he has to say about women and what they need to be happy in a relationship is pretty spot on. !!

His book is written for the man who wants a long-term committed relationship, or who is already in a relationship. It’s not for the man who wants to know how to bed as many women as he can.!!

I especially like everything he says about creating attraction for a woman. A woman can love you but not be attracted to you anymore, making her more susceptible to an affair.!!

This book can be eye opening for women too because of what David describes as a real man. It can help you figure out what you do and don’t want in a man. Keep in mind it would be pretty hard for any man to have all of the attributes David describes, but it does bring clarity. !!

You can get a relationship coaching session with David too to help you with your personal situation. He’s very logical, yet kind, which is refreshing when you are dealing with an emotional situation like a break-up or when you are at a crucial stage in a relationship. David is known as “the Doc” because he can help with just about anything you need. !

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In Conclusion: !There are many other worthy relationship resources, of course, but these

are my top six at this time. During a consultation, I will recommend many other books and resources also depending on what we’re talking about. I’ve been making a study of relationships for as long as I can remember and I love to read on a variety of other subjects too. !!The Really-Ready-for-Love Astrological Consultation !

If you want to know exactly what is going on in your love life (or!NOT going on) in 90 minutes or less, book an appointment with me!to get your Really-Ready-for-Love Consultation.! !

Finally know what is in the way of love for you and what you can do to become as receptive and magnetic to love as possible. Most people won’t tell you what you’re doing that’s pushing them away, they just tend to disappear or end the relationship. ! !

If you're already in a relationship, find out exactly what your partner!needs to feel loved and what parts of the relationship will flow easily with little effort, and where you'll need to be more conscious and intentional together.! !

Create a life of love using your personal divine love map - your Birth!Horoscope - as a guide. There really IS an owner's manual for your life, and!for your love life too, it was created at the divinely appointed time!of your birth.!  !

"Thank you so much for helping me to sort out my relationship with my boyfriend. After my divorce from a man I felt was the love of my life, I was afraid to move on with my current boyfriend and make that "commitment" to him--I care for him, but was so afraid that I'd make another mistake as I've done in the past with men. But after discussing our compatibility strengths and compatibility points I was able to move on with him that very same day and now we are discussing our future. He's as happy as am I. I have grown to love Vedic Astrology because it allows us to look at our relationships realistically (not just on the soul mate and so-called chemistry level), but offers us "fixes" for problems we may have and helps us to understand our partners on a deeper level.

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I could write a book, but let me end by saying thank you for your guidance and recommendations. I cannot even begin to tell you how much of an impact our conversation has had on my life and my relationship." !--Natalie Thomas, Pittsburgh, PA --------------------------- For the past few years you have been a guiding light in my life. Whenever I have had doubts about my relationships, you were there to help guide me to making the right choices. You told me when relationships would fail - and they did. You told me when one relationship was not done - and he came back! Twice!! --L.H. Aliso Viejo, CA

 !==================================================! !May the stars bring you hope, healing, and happiness!!!

� !Karen M. White!Divine Time Astrology! [email protected]!714-754-6443

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