my medical check up experience

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Post on 02-Mar-2018




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  • 7/26/2019 My Medical Check Up Experience



    In Indonesia when I do a medical check-up as one of the visa

    requirement for entering Taiwan, I chose one that I think the

    location of the clinic closest to where I live. At that time my

    condition was ve months pregnancy and according to the

    procedure medical check-up, its required to conduct blood tests,

    physical tests height, weight, blood pressure, eye tests!, urine

    tests, "-ray, and #ubella vaccine mandatory. This all is the

    standard applied by the government of Taiwan when making visa.

    $ue to my ignorance, I went through all the procedures, but

    before I was always told the sta% that was in a state of pregnancy,

    so I do "-#ay and then in the #ubella vaccine. &hen return from a

    medical check-up I tried browsing about relation my pregnancy

    sate with the in'ection of rubella vaccine and perform "-ray test.

    (omewhat surprising I found out the fact that the vaccine and the

    )-ray tast in a state of pregnancy is very fatal consequences for

    the fetus in the uterus. After the results of the medical check-up

    come, its turn out theres written in the result paper that to the

    mothers who are pregnant are not required to conduct

    vaccine and x-ray, and it can be done after the baby is


    In Taiwan , universities required international students to conduct

    medical checkup at the designated hospitals namely *+

    hospital . n the specied date , I do medcek . /ospital sta% who

    knew I was pregnant with my circumstances to quickly inform the

    hospital and tell me that pregnant women are not obliged to

  • 7/26/2019 My Medical Check Up Experience


    perform " - ray as it can harm the fetus . I was also in the rst

    serve prioriti0e even when I had been in query line. (ervices of

    the *+ /ospital are very professional , fast and friendly,

    medcek I e)perience here much di%erent from the the one that I

    do in Indonesia.