my hair story - la storia dei miei capelli


Upload: estellawaklen

Post on 12-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Androgenetic alopecia or common male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more

than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men

will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of fifty

approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. Approximately twenty

five percent of men who suffer with male pattern baldness begin the painful process

before they reach the age of twenty-one.

Contrary to societal belief, most men who suffer from male pattern baldness are

extremely unhappy with their situation and would do anything to change it. Hair loss

affects every aspect of the hair loss sufferer's life. It affects interpersonal relationships as

well as the professional lives of those suffering. It is not uncommon for men to change

their career paths because of their hair loss.

The American Hair Loss Association recognizes how devastating male pattern baldness

can be for men of all ages, and has created resources for men to get completely

objective answers to their hair loss questions.

We strongly advise against researching your options through the yellow pages or

commercial websites. There are hundreds of products and services being sold to the

vulnerable hair loss consumer, but currently there are only two FDA approved products

that have been clinically proven to stop or prevent hair loss. In addition, only a handful of

surgeons are performing surgical hair restoration to state of the art standards.

Causes of Hair Loss

Androgenic alopecia or male pattern

baldness (MPB) is responsible for

the vast majority of hair loss in men.

While there are many possible

reasons people lose their hair,

including serious disease, reaction

to certain medications, and in rare

cases extremely stressful events,

most hair loss in men can be

blamed on heredity.

What male pattern baldness

sufferers are actually inheriting are

hair follicles with a genetic

sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone

(DHT). Hair follicles that are

sensitive to DHT begin to

miniaturize, shortening the lifespan

of each hair follicle affected.

Eventually, these affected follicles

stop producing cosmetically

acceptable hair.

Male pattern baldness is generally characterized with the onset of a receeding hairline

and thinning crown. Hair in these areas including the temples and mid-anterior scalp

appear to be the most sensitive to DHT. This pattern eventually progresses into more

apparent baldness throughout the entire top of the scalp, leaving only a rim or

"horseshoe" pattern of hair remaining in the more advanced stages of MPB. For some

men even this remaining rim of hair can be affected by DHT.

A closer look at DHT

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a derivative or by-product of testosterone. Testosterone

converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha-reductace, which is held in

the hair follicle's oil glands. While the entire genetic process of male pattern baldness is

not completely understood, scientists do know that DHT shrinks hair follicles, and that

when DHT is suppressed, hair follicles continue to thrive. Hair follicles that are sensitive

to DHT must be exposed to the hormone for a prolonged period of time in order for the

affected follicle to complete the miniaturization process. Today, with proper intervention

this process can be slowed or even stopped if caught early enough.


Typical male pattern baldness is usually diagnosed

based on the appearance and pattern of the hair

loss, along with a

detailed medical history, including questions about

the prevalence of hair loss in your family. An

experienced medical hair loss expert should examine

the scalp under magnification (preferably with a

device called a densitometer), in order to assess the

degree of miniaturization of the hair follicles. This

assessment is very important when recommending

the proper course of treatment.

Some advertised "clinics" might recommend a costly

hair analysis or a scalp biopsy to properly diagnose

your hair loss. The only reason to have a hair

analysis is to assess the possibility of poison induced

hair loss. A hair analysis may reveal substances

such as arsenic or lead, however, hair loss caused

by poising does not present itself in a typical male

pattern. You should avoid these clinics and seek the

advice of a physician who can properly examine you

and help you treat your hair loss.


tIn the past few years, medicine has made tremendous strides in

the treatment of men's hair loss. With the advent of 5-alpha-

reductase inhibitors such as Propecia and the evolution of

surgical hair restoration, for many, living with noticeable hair loss

is no longer inevitable. For the first time in the history of mankind,

it is now possible to stop or slow the progression of hair loss and

to replace lost hair through surgery with completely natural

results. However, with that

said, the vast majority of hair loss treatments being marketed

today are still nothing but "snake oils."

You've all seen the ads in the back of men's magazines, you've

heard the commercials on the radio and you've seen the

infomercials promoting miracle treatments for hair loss. The

bottom line is that the vast majority of advertised "treatments" do

not work for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. If a hair

loss treatment is not approved by the FDA or recommended by

The American Hair Loss Association, chances are you are

wasting your precious time and money. Remember, successful

treatment of hair loss is greatly dependent on early intervention.

It is critical to begin treatment with an effective product as soon

as you notice the onset of hair loss.

The following two treatments have been clinically proven to

successfully treat hair loss in men to varying degrees.

What kind of treatment is best for hair loss?

I'm trying to find the best natural or any product

best to stop my hair from falling i've have hair loss

since starting getting my period and it been getting

thin i need help :(! I don't want to wear a wig or any

of those stuff i want my hair back


There seem to be as many treatments available for hair loss nowadays as the

number of people suffering from it. Hundreds of products claiming to cure hair

loss as well as help in the growth of new hair are available in the markets. So how

do you choose the best from what is available? Hair loss surgery is a sure fire

way to treat hair loss. The different kinds of surgeries include Hair

Transplantation, Scalp Reduction, Flap

Surgery, and Tissue Expansion. But these should only be used as a last resort

and for extensive hair loss.

Other hair loss treatments depend on the cause for hair loss.

For me, the best one is Arganrain products