my 3 careers these are the 3 careers i choose. programming engineering pro game broadcaster

My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Page 1: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

My 3 Careers

These are the 3 careers I choose.ProgrammingEngineering

Pro Game Broadcaster

Page 2: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

#1 – Programming

I chose computer programming because it makes very decent money, and I feel it is something I would definitely be interested in.

Page 3: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

#2 Engineering

It’s a family business, so right now I’m basically forced into it. It’s a fairly easy job, with very decent money to be made.

Page 4: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

Engineering Fun Fact

• The first wireless remote, designed by Zenith's Eugene Polley, is essentially a flashlight. When Zenith discovers that direct sunlight also can change channels on the remote-receptive TVs, the company comes out with a model that uses ultrasound; it lasts into the 1980s, to the chagrin of many a family dog. The industry then switches to infrared.

Page 5: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

ProgrammingI would like to become a video game programmer because it is something that interests me. My father wants me to get into mechanical engineering because it is a family business. If my video game programmer career doesn’t work I will resort back to my mechanical job. I would love to be a video game programmer because I’ve been playing games since I was a very young child. It started out as using my sisters hand me downs every now and then. As I started to get more interested in them I would get my own consoles and games. I started out with a wii. Now that I’m older I realize how bad wii is but back then I thought that thing was legendary. I could play all sorts of games like sport games, racing games, balancing games… Yes, and even Call of Duty they had it then (in 2005). But I wasn’t really into it then because wii is like impossible to use. Then it came to the Xbox original made in I believe 2001. I received it when I was 5 (in late 2005) and that was when gaming actually really started getting addicting for me. I had games like Star Wars Battle Front 2 which is what everybody had then it was the “Stuff” back then. It was the first game you could actually play with your friends on and… It was STAR WARS!! Then it came to BurnOut 2-3 a super sport car racing game where you could race other cars and smack em’ into walls to knock them out of the game. After that my brother begged my dad to get the Xbox 360, which is when I got a membership and I could play/talk to my friends without them being over (2007-2008 I believe). As you can tell after me reading all of that you can tell I have a deep interest in video games and I believe that it would be really cool if I could make a fun interactive video game. Like I said previously the value part of this career fits me because I have a deep passion for games. The tasks and responsibilities are going to be similar to mechanical engineering because like mechanical engineering if you mess up on a single letter or sign you have to restart the whole thing. You would need to work with people to get the overall idea of what the game would be like; you use data with the codes, but not many things because it is all virtual. Work environment would be with a team of other developers. Working hours would depend where the developers are located, you can also do the work from home so it all depends. Your aptitudes and abilities must be having a very open mind, being very creative and on task. Your education and training depends on what section of programming you go for. There is software programming where you make software, and exploratory programming. But for game programming you may not need any training or up to 4 years. It all depends on the game or owner and what he wants. Salary can be very bad or very good depending on how much funding is set towards the game or how popular the game is. So anywhere from 20-200k per year. Gaming is growing more and more by the minute so I, and many others believe the demand will always be very high. Like I said the location you need to be in depends on the owner of the project and where he needs you to be. I believe this careers “Career Cluster” fits in the technology category.

Page 6: My 3 Careers These are the 3 careers I choose. Programming Engineering Pro Game Broadcaster

EngineeringI would like to be a mechanical engineer because it is what my whole family is, what I’m being taught to do, and it makes some pretty decent money. I believe my values match those of a Mechanical Engineer because the money would be great and the challenge would be great! The tasks are very large and intricate and the responsibility is huge because if you make one mistake the whole job has to be redone. Mechanical Engineering requires a lot of working with people data and many, many different things. The work environment is in a cubicle and if you’re lucky at home, or in a shop. The working hours depend if you work in a cubicle, or at home. My aptitude fits Mechanical Engineering because I love making new things, using math, and working with a blueprint. Personally when I do Mechanical Engineering my favorite part is putting the assemblies together from all the parts. Education and Training is very hard considering you go to a good college like U of M. U of M has a great Mechanical Engineering course you can take which is anywhere from 2-4 years. The salary is also another great plus of the career, you can make anywhere from 50-200k a year realistically. The job does get very repetitive when you have to look up then down at the blueprint. But at the end of the day (Hour for me) it pays off. The career outlook in Mechanical Engineering fluctuates. It is a benefit to live in/near the “Motor City” but the city is definitely starting to lose its name because some of the companies have been giving out fewer jobs and not being as active in Detroit. I believe it is because of all of the craziness that’s happening there. For example think of how good it was in the 40’s or 50’s and after the riots it started to slow down. Internationally I believe there is going to always be a need for engineers but not always mechanical. Engineers might have to sprout out to different branches. If I did end up being a Mechanical Engineer I would have some goals for myself. Those goals would to be somewhat like my dad/family has. Making a great amount of $ (like 100k+ which is kind of a lot I know). Working in a facility (or shop as we call it) where you know the owner and do special jobs for him. Like I said earlier,”It is a benefit to live in/near the Motor City” depending if it stays a good capital for manufacturing. I believe Mechanical Engineering falls between Engineering, Manufacturing, and Business category as a career cluster.