mwf summary report 2011

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Minhaj Welfar eFoundation Summary Report 2011 - A5


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[email protected]

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Founder’s Statement

It is with great satisfaction that I am able to report that Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) has continued

to successfully fulfi l its objectives in attempting to alleviate poverty around the world, responding to natural disasters promptly and effectively with much needed aid and supplies, and improving the lives of countless people the world over. MWF continues to grow in its scope of activities and charitable revenue and is considered to be one of the leading charities in the UK. It is also encouraging to note that in spite of the current economic climate, people continue to give to others less fortunate than themselves, thereby allowing MWF to achieve many of its targets.

One of MWF’s major achievements over the last year was responding to the 2010 fl oods in Pakistan, commented by many as one of the world’s worst disasters of recent years. A truly monumental effort by MWF helped to raise over £1 million to go directly to those affl icted by this disaster. Furthermore, its other major project, the construction of the orphanage in Lahore, has progressed almost to completion, again a grand testament to the generosity of its donors and efforts of workers and volunteers. The orphanage will go a long way in providing love, stability and education to the lives of destitute or displaced young people.

As we have always said, the success of charitable work stems from the support and backing of its volunteers; those who devote their time and resources to help those in need. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is immensely grateful to all those who have contributed with donations or their time, thereby making it possible to implement the vast array of projects in the developing world, and closer to home.

One of our key ambitions remains to convert short term projects into long term and sustainable projects for the benefi t of all communities in need, and regardless of geography, religion or culture. MWF hopes to continue in working in its three main areas of work; Education, Health and General Welfare, and we hope that you will continue supporting MWF in all its endeavours in creating a safer world.

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-QadriMinhaj Welfare Foundation

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WorldwidehumanitarianDevelopmentOrganisationA vision for a better futureBuilding a healthy environment through the model of good education, health care, sustainable living and water & sanitation is like building the framework of a house. Each pillar provides crucial support, without which the whole thing would eventually crumble.

This is the vision of Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri. Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri is the founder of Minhaj Welfare Foundation, a Worldwide Humanitarian Development Organisation. It has sub branches in over 80 countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Europe.

The founder of Minhaj Welfare Foundation has changed how the world views charitable giving. The vision to eradicate poverty stems from many reasons and one of them is lack of education.

During 2010 -2011, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri was invited to speak and address audiences in tackling these issues on various stages. Shaykh-ul-Islam was invited to speak at various prominent stages in the UK, Europe and the USA. Shaykh-ul-Islam was also invited to speak at the U.S Islamic World Forum in Washington DC.

“…Islam stood up for the poor and oppressed people, orphans, and women and gave respect and dignity to mankind irrespective of their race, religion and culture. This is Islam which came for promotion of global peace and mercy and dignity”

Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at the US Institute of Peace 2010

Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at Georgetown University in Washington 2010

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s powerful speech at GPU 2010.

Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at theWorld Economic Forum 2011

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“Even though it might take decades, with a focus on health and education and by improving household and community livelihoods, Minhaj Welfare Foundation will continue to provide long-term support for this crippled nation”

Minhaj Welfare Foundation wants to empower everyone as they are all part of a wider

system. It means understanding that if we’re going to help the world’s poor break free from poverty, we must fi rst empower their family & friends, improve their schools, outfi t their health clinics and build their water facilities. It means making change sustainable so that they can realise their rights, get their education and live to their full potential.

That’s what End the Cycle of Poverty is...Minhaj Welfare Foundation implements the program in rural and marginalised areas in Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, Bangladesh and other underdeveloped countries. Designed to meet the basic needs of developing communities and eliminate the obstacles preventing children from accessing education. End the Cycle is made up of four pillars crucial to lifting society from poverty: education, sustainable living, health care, and water & sanitation.


This year Minhaj Welfare Foundation is focusing on the following key projects:

• “AGHOSH” – A Unique Orphan Care Home (500 Orphans).

• Pakistan Floods 2010: Sustainable and Long Term projects.

• Your Village, Your Home (Help Africa).

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More than 20 million people were affected and over 800,000 homes destroyed by fl oods and landslides brought on by the monsoon rain in Pakistan 2010. The disaster was greater than the Indonesian Tsunami & Haiti disaster combined. We were among the fi rst on the ground providing basic emergency relief.

To eradicate poverty in the third world and to ensure a sustainable future is provided for the deprived and needy. To focus on people's basic needs.

More than 120 million children do not have access to primary education. MWF has more than 630 educational institutes, with more than 150,000 students. We are now developing 60 more primary and secondary schools.

Millions of people die due to inadequate Health Care; MWF has provided accessible Health Care in marginalised areas. It is currently providing hospitals, medical dispensaries, free eye camps and ambulance services.

MWF has initiated various programs which provides basic needs for all. It has established more than 750 water pumps and has provided bridal gifts for more than 600 couples.

Emergency Relief Aid Charitable expenditure

Better Education Charitable Expenditure

Better Health CareCharitable Expenditure

General Welfare Charitable expenditure8% 4%

75% 13%

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Email: [email protected] Office: 01282 723 456

Web: www.minhajwelfare.orgMWF -12 carr road - nelson - lancashire - bb9 7js: Charity Reg 1084057

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Pakistan floodsremembered

More than 20 million people were affected and over 800,000 homes destroyed by fl oods and landslides brought on by the monsoon rain in Pakistan 2010. The disaster was greater than Tsunami and Haiti combined. The fl ood saw the emerging of water-borne diseases making it a threat to survivors.


Long Term: Sustainable and Capital Projects

To build 1000 homes for victims of the floods. (so far 100 homes have been rebuilt).

To reconstruct and upgrade damaged and destroyed schools.

Establish new model schools in the flood affected areas especially in the various relief camps of Minhaj Welfare Foundation.

To provide sustainable living and drinking water for the flood victims.

Promise to continue the relief efforts until everyone has gone back to their home.






The Worlds LARGEST disaster

Minhaj Welfare Foundation with the help of more than 15,000 volunteers in Pakistan was the fi rst NGO on the ground in responding to the devastating fl oods which had wiped out major areas of Pakistan.

The founder of Minhaj Welfare Foundation addressed the Pakistani nation and to the rest of the world:

“All efforts should be made in supporting the fl ood victims. Volunteers and

supporters of MWF should spend their time with the affectees”

Groundbreaking work

JULY 2010

JULY 2010

Emergency relief 100’s of trucks dispersing to the flood affected areas

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Minhaj Welfare Foundation immediately began its relief and rescue service in Nowshera and Akora Khataq. It was reported that these two areas were worse affected at the start, the fl oods then hit Southern regions of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan.

The second phase of relief efforts was to provide basic essentials such as food, clean water, clothing, medicine and shelter. MWF established 21 tent settlements and 28 relief camps throughout the affected areas in Pakistan assisting a ground breaking number of 11,825 families.


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RAMadhanUnique and extraordinary

efforts of over 9500 volunteers ensured that 339 truck loads of basic essentials reached affected areas continuously for four months and more than 4050 volunteers set up 432 collection camps.The fl oods affected millions of people medically; MWF established 125 medical camps and provided medical assistance to

over 70,000 people.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation provided 3700 families with two months ration. It provided daily cooked food throughout the Islamic month of Ramadhan, with more than 15,000 volunteers of MWF in Pakistan spending their Ramadhan and Eid with the fl ood victims.

3700 families with two months ration. It provided daily cooked food throughout

The Following Areas are amongst whereMWF were assistng on the ground:KHAYBER PAKHTUNKHWASwatKalamShanglaNowsheraCharsaddahPeshawarDera Ismail KhanLakki Marwat

PUNJABRajanpurDera Ghazi KhanMianwaliLayyahBakharMuzaffargarhJhangRahimyaar Khan


BALOCHISTANSibbiBarkhanKohluDera Murad Jamali 15,000 Volunteers

11,825 Families provided temporary Shelter

432 Collection camps set up

6 Months continuous effort

august 2010

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BREAKDOWN OF pakistan FLoods 2010

No. Category Number Maintenance Expenses (£)

1 Small/Big MinhajTent Settlements 40 Small/Big Minhaj

Tent Settlements £82,560

2 Minhaj Relief Camps 29 Individuals11,825 x 1000 £144,269

3 Number of Trucks(Ration & Others) 400

400,000 per Truck(Ration Tents, Medical Camps, Doctors & Paramedical Staff)


4 Volunteers 15,000 - Volunteers cost in Lieu

5 ReliefCollection Camps 432 Workers 4,050 Volunteers

cost in Lieu

6 Medical Relief 125 70,000 Patients Volunteerscost in Lieu

7 Cash Paid to Families - Families in the Flood Affect Areas £157,478

8 Health CareIncluding: Ambulances,

Medicine & Medical Dispensaries

Establishment by Regional Offi ces in Pakistan £55,312

9 Transportation 339 Trucks 15,000 x 339 Volunteerscost in Lieu

10 Dispatchof Monthly Rations - Small/Big Minhaj

Tent Settlements £182,300

11 Medicine Number of Mobile & Other Camps

Establishment by Regional Offi ces in Pakistan £23,591

12 Dispatch of Monthly Rations - Distribution by Regional Offi ces in

Pakistan £111,728

13 Qurbani on Eid Flood Affected Areas100,000 People Distribution of meat £567,255

14 Relief on Eid - ul - Fitr - Distribution of Gifts

by Regional Offi ces in Pakistan £87,756

15 Miscellaneous

Includes - Travel , Supervision of Tents

& Congregational Marriages

Regional Offi cesin Pakistan £16,234

Total £2,800,000

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Pakistan Floods - MWF Volunteers Worldwide

MWF Volunteers Worldwide

Volunteers of MWF worldwide initiated various fundraising events in their towns and cities. Whether it was collecting funds in the train station of Glasgow or standing in the cold in the streets of Oslo, MWF volunteers were determined to raise as much funds for the victims of the Pakistan fl oods 2010.

Long term and Capital Projects

MWF initiated a unique plan to rebuild 1000 homes for those who lost everything in the fl oods. So far MWF has completed more than 100 homes and we are in the process of completing more homes.

donate £1000rebuilding a housetowards

young volunteers from walsall

collecting funds for the

pakistan floods 2010

MWF is rebuilding 1000 homes,

100 homes have already been

completed in nowshera

volunteers organising collection

at glasgow train station

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would you sponsor and orphan ad

Pakistan Floods - MWF Volunteers Worldwide

....Sponsor an Orphan?

Would you...


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‘AGHOSH’orphan care home

The Orphan Care Home once complete will house and accommodate 500 children.

The children will go through formal education procedure; primary, secondary, college and university (This will include both secular and religious education).

A lot of work has been done in completing this project and most importantly in ensuring the safety of the children.

An independent review has shown that this project will be the biggest of its kind providing an asset to the developing world.

500 Orphans in waiting, 500 Children in anticipation for a helping hand, 500

Children to bring change to their society, 500 Children to be provided a prosperous future, 500 Children to be provided a better opportunity, 500 Children in waiting.

The harsh reality of the world that we live in is as such that children are:

• Left displaced from the disasters of civil war and natural disasters.

• Working at the age of 5 or 6 years earning less than 2 dollars a month.

• looking towards a better future.

Aghosh is one of the most prominent and sustainable programs of Minhaj Welfare Foundation. This is one of the largest Orphanages in Pakistan which will be used as a safe abode and pivotal point for a better education.

WOULD YOU...sponsor an orphan?

Why should we support the project?




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This project began with a pilot scheme that was to cater for just 50 Orphans that came from the Pakistan earthquake disaster in 2005. Further plans were made in place to extend this into a more comprehensive project with the aim of including thefollowing:

the Progress since the past two years

A home like environment (of a middle class family) which will be different to any other project.

These are our children, this is our responsibility. We want to provide the donors an opportunity of treating these children as their own.

Excellent standard of education from primary all the way till University.

Excellent standard of living including; food, accommodation, study time, outdoor activities and effi cient health care.

24 hour around the clock care, YOU KNOW THEY ARE SAFE.



Through MWF’s large network of volunteers and branch offi ces we have set up a team to ensure a fair policy is set up in place for the selection of the children.

what’s the plan?

• The child must be an Orphan.

• The child must have a relative in case of any such incidence.

• The beginning age is 7 - 8 years old.

Aghosh will offi cially open in August 2011, enrolment of children will begin immediately. Hopefully by the year 2013, we are hoping to see the full 500 children in the Aghosh building.

Through MWF’s large network of volunteers and branch offi ces we have set up a team to ensure a fair policy is set up in place for the selection of the children.

what you will get?

• Photo of the child.

• Annual report of the child.

• Hopefully you will have the ability to support them till University and this will be an act of continuous reward for you and your family.

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Minhaj Welfare Foundation provides assistance to ordinary men, women and children caught up in confl icts and natural

disasters. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is amongst the leading NGO’s in providing water and sanitation. So far it has set up more than 775 clean water facilities with a vision to build 1500 by the year 2015.

MWF's vision is that women can play a vital role in the upbringing, stability and education of their children.

This is why MWF has provided skilled training to women so they can provide for their families. A targeted project was initiated in 2005 which focused at girls who came from a poor family background and whose family were unable to provide the dowry for their marriage. MWF has arranged more than 600 marriages of young women, ensuring that they have a better life.

EVEryone hasthe life and good living


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EVEryone hasthe right....

Water & Sanitation Projects

Peace Demonstration for Womens Rights

Vocational Classes for Women


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emergency reliefjapan and libya

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In our experience in international development we have never come across an emergency on such an overwhelming scale as that facing the millions of people in Japan. The images relayed on various TV channels

around the world were shocking however they did not show the extent to which lives and livelihoods were wrecked by this emergency.

Due to the enormous impact of the tsunami in Japan and ongoing crisis in North Africa and Libya, Minhaj Welfare Foundation initiated an emergency appeal to help raise funds and save more lives. The death toll in the Japan disaster had risen above 15,057 and more than 450,000 had to leave their homes. The ongoing crisis in North Africa had seen more than 110,000 displaced from their own homes.

MWF on the ground in Japan and North Africa

Thank you for Your donations Every penny is vital especially in circumstances faced by the people in Japan and North Africa; in North Africa affectees were provided basic essentials such as water, food, medicine. In Japan MWF provided cash donations and volunteer help.

emergency reliefjapan and libya

A disaster of two kinds



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Email: [email protected] Office: 01282 723 456

Web: www.minhajwelfare.orgMWF -12 carr road - nelson - lancashire - bb9 7js: Charity Reg 1084057

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‘Your Village, Your Home’ model provides communities 1 school, 1 medical clinic, 1 clean water well at a time which can help lift the community out of poverty.

“Your Village, Your Home”

If we are going to ‘end the cycle of poverty now’ we must empower the communities in these poor regions to improve their education, medical dispensaries, build water facilities and improve their housing facilities.

Change has to be sustainable; our vision has to be long term. That is what ‘Your Village, Your Home’ model is all about.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation is implementing these projects in rural and marginalised areas in Africa.

end the cycle of poverty

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The water and sanitation element of ‘Your Village, Your Home’ will help provide communities in need with localised clean water sources and sanitation facilities. This will help to reduce the spread of waterborne diseases and stop children from trekking daily to collect water.

Water & Sanitation

Through this unique education program, donors can help build or rebuild schools, classrooms, provide furniture, uniforms and contribute to the teachers salaries.

"Education is the best means for a better and prosperous future for a lot of children living in Africa"

donate £1000towards a water well


“We could prevent the loss of life in this small village if we had a medical centre.”

Unfortunate circumstances have meant that when someone falls extremely ill, the people of Kitere, Kenya would have to travel 150 km to the nearest hospital.

You can contribute towards resources for the farmers which can help them purchase material for harvesting the crops.You can contribute £365 towards the full harvest in the year.

"Harvesting has always been a major dilemma in warm countries, this causes major problems in supporting families"

towards education

health care sustainable living

donate £100

towards health caredonate £100

towards better livingdonate £365


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RAMADHAN PROJECTSIn this special month for Muslims around the world we like to distribute essentialssuch as food and clothing so even the poorest can enjoy this blessed monthand look forward to Eid-ul-Fitr.

‘Itikaf City’ PakistanSponsor the largest gatheringof Itikaf after Harmain Sharifain

Programs being heldthroughout the world.



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Programs being heldthroughout the world.


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Minhaj Welfare Foundation is continuing in monitoring all its projects and programs in

the third world and responding to the global recession so that it can emerge in a strong position. MWF is always improving the way it works to ensure that it achieves the maximum impact on Global Poverty through the help of projects held in the UK & Europe.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation has always supported a number of local project initiatives which have helped to develop young people's insight into the Charity sector and most importantly the reality in the third world.

* Charity Nasheed Events* Challenges UK & Overseas* National Scheme Programs* Empowering British Youth about Charity

Water everywhere, not a drop to drink

A fundraising event in Derby raised money for the victims of the Pakistan fl oods. A dinner and charity auction at the Heritage Hotel in Derby’s City centre was arranged on December 2010. 100’s of people were present.

Organisers from a local voluntary group, Refl ection Project in conjunction with Minhaj Welfare Foundation helped to raise funds for the rehabilitation project.

Amer Saleem from the Refl ection Project said the dinner was the fi rst of its type organised by the volunteers in Derby to raise money for the Pakistan fl ood victims.

Rebuilding Lives: An Evening of Mercy

A fundraising event in Sheffi eld raised money for the Orphans of the Pakistan fl oods 2010. Inspirational talks and Nasheeds at the Hilton Hotel in Sheffi eld’s City centre were arranged in March.

The event raised funds for the Aghosh project, a unique orphanage project which will house more than 500 Orphans affected by the fl oods.

Tehseen Khalid said the event was open to the public but most importantly saw “an excellent response” from a very young audience.

supporting projects

£27,000 Raised in Derby in support of the fl ood affectees in Pakistan.

Almost 250Turned out to support the “AGHOSH” Project in Sheffi eld.


Daring people trekked the Great Wall of China.

Volunteers inWalsall, Glasgow, Bury, Bradford, Copenhagen, Oslo, Paris and Amsterdam raised funds for the Pakistan Floods 2010.

‘If you want to take part in our support the project initiative, please get in touch with our challenge team’

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From the Great Wall of China to the Trek of Mount Kilimanjaro 2011

Minhaj Welfare Foundation took a group of daring trekkers to China to trek the Great Wall in September 2010. The trek was to raise money for the Orphans of the “AGHOSH” Project; a unique Orphan

Care Home for 500 Orphans.

MWF Challenges returns with another daring challenge to Mount Kilimanjaro.The trek will run between 5th – 15th September 2011.

Trek to Kilimanjaro is a journey that will change your life forever and help the Orphans of the Pakistan fl oods 2010.

register yourselfand take part now!

raise money for charity

group photoof the daring

trekkers atthe great wall

of china

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Where we Work Minhaj Welfare Foundation

“Did you know there are more than students currently under the MWF educational program”

In 2010/11 Minhaj Welfare Foundation saw an increase in the areas it was working in:

• 10,000 volunteers were based overseas.

• 1000’s of volunteers were based in more than 80 offices around UK and Europe.

We provided aid to hundred’s of thousands affected by the floods in Pakistan.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation is a Worldwide Humanitarian Development organisation; it has sub branches in more than 80 countries worldwide with a huge network of volunteers working on relief and development.


HaitiEmergency ReliefEducationFood & Shelter

BosniaEmergency ReliefFood Packages

KyrgystanEmergency ReliefFood PackagesMedical Aid

PalestineStudent SponsorshipMedical AidEid Gifts

NigeriaEducationWater & SanitationHealth CareSustainable Living

SomaliaEducationWater & SanitationHealth CareSustainable Living

KenyaEducationWater & SanitationHealth CareSustainable Living

SudanEducationWater & SanitationHealth CareSustainable Living

TanzaniaEradicating PovertyEducation

IraqFood ProgramEid GiftsSeasonal Programs

Pakistan & KashmirEducationWater & SanitationSustainable LivingOrphan Care HomeCongregational MarriagesEmergency ReliefAmbulance ServiceFree Eye Surgery

BangladeshClean WaterEducationMedical Care

IndiaEducationFood ProgramsHealth CarePoverty Relief

IndonesiaSustainable LivingWater Purifi cationOrphans & Widows

JapanEmergency Relief

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IndonesiaSustainable LivingWater Purifi cationOrphans & Widows

JapanEmergency Relief


ld y


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Birmingham14 Naseby Road

Allum RockBirmingham

B8 3HETel: +44 (0) 121 3266 537

Bradford187 Mannigham Lane

BradfordBD8 7HP

Tel: +44 (0)1274 720 760

Burnley143 Leyland Road

BurnleyBB11 3DN

Tel: +44 (0) 141 4339 364

London292- 296 Romford Road

Forest Gate, LondonE7 9HD

Tel: +44 (0)208 257 1786

ManchesterThe Madina Hall

122 Withington RoadManchester

M16 8FBTel: +44 (0)161 2267 172




er F



sor a





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MWF BANK DETAILS: Minhaj Welfare FoundationHSBC BANK PLC (ANY BRANCH) SORT CODE 40-15-17ACCOUNT NO: 21651803

SWIFT CODE: MIDLGB22IBAN: GB95 MIDL 4015 1721 6518 03

Birmingham14 Naseby Road

Allum RockBirmingham

B8 3HETel: +44 (0) 121 3266 537

Bradford187 Mannigham Lane

BradfordBD8 7HP

Tel: +44 (0)1274 720 760

Burnley143 Leyland Road

BurnleyBB11 3DN

Tel: +44 (0) 141 4339 364

London292- 296 Romford Road

Forest Gate, LondonE7 9HD

Tel: +44 (0)208 257 1786

ManchesterThe Madina Hall

122 Withington RoadManchester

M16 8FBTel: +44 (0)161 2267 172

Rochdale162 Whitworth Road

RochdaleOL12 4JG

Tel: +44 (0)208 257 1786

Sheffi eld37 Jessops Riverside

BrightsideSheffi eldS9 2RX

Tel: +44 (0)114 321 8647

Walsall49 Woodwards Road,

Alum Well, WalsallWS2 9RN

Tel: +44 (0) 1922 612 010

AustriaToss Gasse 4, A-1150 Wien (Vienna), Austria

Tel: 0043 69910925176

DenmarkBispevej 25m 2400 København NV, Denmark

Tel: 0045 88 42 95 50

France1, Rue Prévoté, 93120, La Courneuve, Paris, France

Tel: 0033 148362929

GermanyAlbusstr. 19, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel: 0049 69-21996445

HollandHoutzagerssingel 63, 2512 XH Den Haag, Holland

0031 70 305 0189

ItalyVia Forlanini 36, Desio (Monza e Brianza), Italy

Tel: 000362 1785685

NorwayEnebakkveien 36 B, 0657 Oslo, Norway

Tel: 0047 22191983

SpainC / Erasme de Janer, 9-11, 08001, Barcelona

Tel: 0034 93 443 32 95

MWF OperationsUK & Europe

12 Carr Road, NelsonLancashire BB9 7JS Telephone: +44 (0)1282 723 456

Dundee5-7 Dura Street

DundeeDD4 6RU

Tel: +44 (0) 1382 226 923

Glasgow145 albert Road

Cross Hill, GlasgowG42 8UE

Tel: +44 (0) 141 4339 364

UK Regional Offi ces European Country Offi ces


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