mutual mercantile co, the week commencing jan. 30thmutual mercantile co, special for the week...

Mutual Mercantile Co, SPECIAL for the Week Commencing Jan. 30th MEN'S $5.50 ALL WOOL £-% ~j c SHIRTS VO./O MEN'S $2.50 ALLWOOL I AC SHIRTS I .00 MEN'S HEAVY $4.50 LOGGERS GOLD SEAL RUBBERS, -> 1C CLOSING AT O .O J> MEN'S $5.50 HEAVY WHITE GOODRICH RUB- BERS, 1 /A CLOSING AT O . O U 25 °fo off on our men's all wool union suits Complete line of Ladies' Heather Mixture Hose at $1.50 pah- Silk and Wool Mixture at $2.25 pair Ladies' Gauntlet White Wool Gloves 75c pair Mutual Mercantile Co. Closes at 6 p. m. Saturdays during winter months Railroad Items of Timely Interest Mr. J. D. Lefevre left for his home in Hilyard on Monday. Mr. Lefevre hat been engineer on the switch en- gine at this place but is not very well and will spend the balance of ;he Wa- ter at home recuperating. Miss Edith Troll and Mrs. Gafn.iv were among those attending the Schumann-Heinck concert in We-.,t- --chee Friday evening. Geo. Nelson has been confined to his home with the flu, but is oui again. Ernest Severson had th \u25a0 mis*)i tune to have two of the finders on his right hand badly cut at Omak scivr al days ago. He is unable to be on duty. Mrs. J. J. White and Mrs. G. A. Punch were hostesses at the home of the latter on Monday evening to twelve of their friends, Five Hundred being the diversion of the evening Mrs. Hanover was the lucky wmne.' of the first prize, a pair of bcuitiful hand made pillow cases, while Grace Hitchcock was equally lucky in win- ning second prize, a beautifu' hand- made dresser scarf in yellow Mrs. Eckhardt and Mrs. Franklin found consolation in winning handkerchiefs. An effective color scheme of dainty yellow and blue was carried out hi '.he score cards, the place cards, the little favors, the prizes and the de- licious two-course luncheon which was served about eleven p. m. John Reity returned from Spokane on Wednesday after spending several days with his parents in the city. Wm. Tyrrel is confined to his home on account of sickness. Mrs. E. R. Matthews of Everett and little son spent the week-end in I.eavenworth. Mrs. C. H. Bentley of Spokane spent a few days with Mr. Bentlev the early part of the week. Mrs. Ida Smith spent a couple of days in Seattle the early part of the week, taking her little daughter there where she is attending school. Mrs. Spiva returned from on Monday but is confined to her home by sickness at present. Agent C. J. McClure is on the sick list. The family of H. F. Ring and Fred Getchman, who lives with them, are all down with the flu. I'I.AIN NOTES. I'ete McConnell returned Monday from Wenatehee where ho was visit- ing for the past week. He is on hi; way back to Red Mountain. The neighborhood folks enjoyel a cafeteria style supper at tbe school house last Friday night. After the supper an old time spelling match was indulged in. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willet left on Wednesday's stage for a couple weeks visit with relatives at Belling- ham. They will return to Cashmere, where they will lie employed by Fred Bulges-;, an uncle of Mrs. Willetts. Louis Ault went to Leavenworth Monday whore he is under care of a doctor for stomach trouble. Mr. Hoyt, of the Great Xortherr Lumber Co., was up to the camps this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rupel enter- tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leavell and family, Mr. an<: Mis. Everett Dallison and Mr. Mott. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD SKRVK'KS. IKB .">. Sunday School, 1:41 p. m. PrMehinff, 8 p m. ami 7:30 p. m. We expect to have with us Brother and Sister Parkins, returned Mission- KrUs, who have spent twenty years in Liberia. They will have something to tell nf what God tl doing in West Africa, which will be of Inter— l to iH, Mill-week services. Tuesilay an<l Friday, 7:80 p. m, PASTOB Md'HKK AND WIFE. Do not forget the evangelistic ser- vices beginning at the Methodist church Sunday evening, Feb. sth Reverend Curry will be the preachel each evening. All in the community are invited heartily to co-operate, Little "Dickie" White, while coast- ing Saturday afternoon, had a regular smashup, and somewhat scrambled his face, but as "Dicky," is a sturdy little- chap, he is fast recuperating. Mr. J. A. Warman was here on business Monday. Mrs. Billy Spanger returned last Thursday from Tacoma, where she has been visiting for a month. Forrest Leedy was in Wenatchee Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Spanger entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hauber and family at din- ner Sunday, Jan. 20, in honor of Mr Spanger's birthday. The Harley Osborne family are all sick with the flu, requiring the se vices of a trained nurse. Dr. Leasing is the attending physician. The Brotherhood organization of this place held a dinner at the Wood- men hall last Thursday evening. The Community Circle ladies served the dinner. Menu: Scalloped chicken gravy, mashed potatoes, hot rolls. baked beans, salad, pickles and jellies; fruit jells with whipped cream, cake and coffee. Right after the dinner our local boy scouts gave an exhi- bition of first aid to the injured, after which Mr. Field of Leavenworth, Mr. Hauber ami Mr. Springer all gave in- teresting talks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright are ill. Mr. Kroneman returned Saturday from Spokane. Breezy Bits of News From Peshastin Mrs. Ameil very pleasantly enter- tained quite a crowd of young folks Saturday afternoon in honor of the twins' eighth birthday. Coasting and inside games were enjoyed by the kid- dies, and lovely refreshments were served them late in the afternoon. Leonard Harvey returned from Se attic last Wednesday, when he ha-; been for a week or so. The Cash & Cany opened its new \u25a0<jtore here Saturday, enticing new customers with a pound of coffee to all paying it a call on its first day. Needless to say, several pounds of coffee were dispensed with. The P. Li F. card party took place Saturday night at the Harry Harvej home, seven table? being in play. Mi- Baker won first honors, Lee Young the consolation. Sherbet, cake and coffee were served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Spanger, Lee Young and Miss Washbum were <*vests. A hard times dance was given by the Royal Neighbors at the Woodmen Hall Saturday night. The McDaniel orchestra of Leavonworth furnished the music. John McCoy left Sunday for \( braska to visit his parents for a feu- weeks. METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday School, 9:45. Missionary Sunday, opening service in charge of Mrs. Seely. Epworth League, 6:30. Topic, "One of America's Opportunities." Leader. Ralph Hanson. Preaching services, 11 a m., and 7:30 p. m. Rev C.C. Curry. District Supt. of the Wenatchee District, will preach in the morning. Announce- ment willbe made Sunday morning as to speaker for Sunday evening. I Everybody welcome to the sen-ices. WM. BOSUNS, l'astor. "We had a governor a little while afro in Illinois who appointed 2.'! gam" wardens for the city of Chicago!" h" continued. "I crossed Mich, avenue with the high-power motor cars go- in? both ways at top speed, and was safe because the traffic cop held up his hand ami let me by. But with those 23 game wardens, what chance wouk' a jackrabbit have in Chicago!" As to waste in other cities, he spoke of a capitol building with .".47 janitors where they discharged 300, "and the spitoon? never shone so bright as they did next morning!" "We men simply must do something about all this vaste and untaxed property, for the women have some thinp to say now in politics, and if we don't get to work wo will find our- selves at home washing dishes.-" That the "fool taxpayer" made An- drew Carnegie's fortune for him was one allocation Regan made, support- Ing it with illustrations of the way the billionaires were allowed to ilodp-o legitimate taxes, to the extent of many millions of dollars "Who owns the public road?" he asked in conclusion, declaring that wher all taxable property is on the rolls even country roads can be macadamized at state expense, with- out the adjoining property owners having to pay for it." MAKING PROGRESS; ELKS IN THE VAN. \\ ork for the memorial to be erect- ed at Centralia in honor of the ex-ser- vico men who were killed in that city on Armistice Day 1919, gained great headway during the past week. From st:>te headquarters of Centralia Mem- orial Association in Seattle comes word of the selection of the .six dis- trict chairmen who are already get- tinr the work under way in the six districts into which the state has been divided. Frank I. Sefrit of Belling- ham has the Northwest district; K. L. French of Olympia, the Southwest; Frank W. Schultz of Wenatehee, the North Central; Col. W. L. Lemon of Yakima, the South Central; Charles Hebberd of Spokane, the Northeast; and Col. Paul H. Weyrauch of Walla Walla, the Southeast. It is expected that county organization will b<< prac- tically completed by the end of the week. First among the big fraternal or- ganizations of the state to put Itself on record in support of the memorial plan is the Washington State Elks Association, which represents the community of interests among Elks' lodges of the state. At the midwinter meeting of the association trustees, held in Chehalis last Thursday, reso- lutions were unanimously adopted in- dorsing the memorial, calling upon all Elk.- and Elk lodges to give their sup- port and urging a direct appropria- tion of money by the grand lodge. THE LEAVENWORTH ECHO CUT WASHINGTON TAXES TO 1 PER CENT SAYS REGAN. "It is all nonsense for the people of Washington to pay 8 per cent taxes: 1 pel' cent Is enough, One third of what you pay now is sheer waste, un- necersary, pure extravagance; and another third is easily covered by tax- able property now escaping taxation. j You can cut your tax bill from $1.80 to 60c if you want to." said former congressman Frank s. Regan of II linoil in an address on "The Fool Taxpayer," at convocation at Wash- ington State Colll ire. And Regan knows what he is talk- in); about. It is his special business to go about an.l help lift the tax load from poor men's shoulders and put ll where it belongs by digging out the million- of dollars worth of untaxed property escaping the tax lists. A short time ago he took 1 1 day.; off in Rockford, 111., and dug out $10,- --000,000 of taxable property that was | not paying a cent, Another time he i put ir. live weeks in Chicago for some real estate men who were feeling th« ; tax weight too heavy, ami helped thorn pet 65 timer as much property, j thai had been escaping taxation, on \u2666he rolls as was already taxed. It is easy to see how that would reduce the tax of the few that had been carry- | ing all the weight The executive committee of the Memorial Association met in Seattle last Wednesday and outlined the plan' foi the campaign, leaving the execution of details in the hands of Col. c. B. Blethen, general chairman, and Frank C. Jackson, state director. It was decided that all subscriptions to iN memorial fund should entitle the subscriber to a handsome certifi- cate of membership, carrying :i pic- ture of the Memorial building, the emblems of the American Legion, the contributor's name, and suitable pa- triotic symbols. This certificate, duly Signed will go to every contributor, whether the amoint given be large or small. NOTICE. Is hereby given that the I'egistra tion Books in and for the City of Lenvenworth will be open for regis- trations on anil after the first Mon- day in January. 1922. at the City Clerk's office. City Hall, City of Leavemvorth, Chelan County, Wash- ington. All persons wishing to vote at an; Primary or General Election must register. E. C, COWING. City Cltik. COLLECTION. GIRL'S STATEMENT WILL HELP LEAVENWORTH. Many women will profit by the fol- lowing statement of one of their sex: "I was afraid to sat on account of i stomach trouble. Even rice did not ; I agree. After taking Adler-i-ka I can j eat anything." Adler-ika acts on i BOTH upper and lower bowel, re- I moving foul matter which poisoned stomach. EXCELLENT for gas on the stomach or sour stomach. Guard? against appendicitis. It brings out poisonous matter you never thought I was in your system.—Wheeler's Drug Store—Advertisement. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT KOI.I. IN TREASURER'S OFFICE FOR NOTICE IS HEKEBY QTVEN that the assessment roll for the Improve- ment of Commercial Street from Eighth Street, to the east line of Thir teenth Street, Division Street from alley in block one of Second Addition to I.eavenworth to the alley in block three of Second Addition to I.eaven- worth; Main Street from Eighth .Street to Tenth Street, Eighth Streei from Main Street to Commercial Street and Ninth Street from Main Street to Commercial Street, by con- structing a cement sidewalk five feet in width along both sides of Commer- cial Street from Eighth Street to the oast line of Thirteenth Street and along both sides of Division Street from the alley in block one of Second Addition to Leavenworth to the alloy in block three of Second Addition t > I.eavenworth, and along the nort i side of Main Street from Eightn Street to Tenth Street and along the East side of Eighth Street from Main Street to Commercial Street, and along both sides of Ninth Street from Main Street to Commercial Street. comprising Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 10, under Ordinance No. 201 is in my hands for collection, anil as- sessment thereon or any portion of any such assessment may be paid without penalty, interest or costs a' any time within thirty days from the 3rd day of February, 1922, Any assessment or portion thereof remaining unpaid at the end of the thirty days herein specified may In- paid in ten equal annual installments with interest at the rate of 798 pe- annum, payable anually from the Bt.i day of February, 1!)22. R. V. TAYLOR, City Treasurer. Date of first publication, 3rd day of February, 1022. (2t) NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR DECREE OK OISTRIBITION. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Chelan. In the Mattel- of the Estate of CHARLES CROMWELL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SAMUEL ELSTON CROMWELL, the executor of the above entitled es- tate under a Non-Intervention Will, has tiled in this court his petition for distribution of said estate, and that Wednesday, the Bth day of March, A. D. 1922, at the hour of 9::iO o'clock A. M., of said day, at the court room of our said Superior Court, at Wen- atehee, in said County has been duly appointed by our Superior Court as the time and place for hearing said petition, at which time the court is asked to make and enter a decree finding and adjudging that all debts have been paid, finding and adjudging also the heirs ami those entitled to take under the Will, and distributing the property to the person or persons entitled to the same, at which time and place any person interested may appear and contest the said petition. WITNESS the Hon. Wm. A. Grim- shaw, Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court af- fixed this 28th day of January, 1922 A. A. STEVENS. Clerk of the Superior Court, By ISABEL A. ROSS, Deputy. HERMAN HOWE, Attorney for Executor, P. O. ADDRESS: Leavenworth. Chelan County. Washington. (It—Feb. 3-24) No. 484. NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the Superior Court of the State df Washington In ami for Chelan County. In Probate. In the .Matter of the Guardianship Of Ruth Mitchell, Opal Mitchell. Paul Mitchell and Clarence Mitchell, mi- nors. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN: That under and by virtue of an order of the above entitled court made and entered in the above entitled matter on the 26th day of .lanuary. 1928, the undersigned guardian of the estates of Paul Mitchell, a minor and Clar ence Mitchell, a minor, will on or after the 20th day of February 1922, at the offices of the undersigned guardian, in Wenatehee. in Chelan County. State of Washington, offer for sale and sell at private sale, subject to all tax liens against said property and subject to continuation of the above entitled court, all the right, title, es- tate and interest of the said Paul Mitchell, a minor atid Clarence Mitch- ell, a minor in and to the following described real estate situate in Chekn County, State of Washington to-wit: Lot numbered Four (4) of Eagle Dale Orchard Homes, ac- cording to the recorded plat thereof now of record in the of- fice of the Auditor of Chelan County, state of Washington. Said sale will be made either for cash or upon the following terms to- -1 wit: At least one-fourth of the pur- i bass price of said promises to be paid in cash at the time .-aid -ale is con- firmed and a deed issued therefor and the balance of the purchase price to I he divided into three equal annual in- Defendants. No. 346. ! .-taliments. each'payment to be ma It lon or before the due date therefor, and said deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum, Interest to be made payable annual); . and each of the deferred payments to be evidenced by the promissory note oi the purchaser and such notes to be \u25a0 secured by a good and sufficient mort- gage on the premises sold. Thai all bids or offers must be nun. in writing and be accompanied by the certified check of the bidder made payable to the undersigned guardian, for at least lO c/r of the amount of said bidder's bid, and the same to be left at the said offices of the under- signed guardian, or said written bids and certified check may be left at the office of the clerk of the above en- titled court Dated this 2(ith day of January. 1922. COMMERCIAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Guardian of the Es- tates of Paul Mitchell, a minor and Clarence Mitchell a minor. (2t Feb. 3-10) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Chelan County. S. P. BEECHER, Plaintiff, vs 11. M. TREADWELL; and all persons unknown, If any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter describ- ed, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to 11. M. Treadwell, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that S. P. Beeeher is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency num- bered 3406, issued on the 10th day o December, 1921, by the County of Chelan, State of Washington, for the amount of One and 04-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1017, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property assessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed owner, situate.l in said County, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to- wit: Tax No. 2 in Section 25, Township 24 North. Range 17, E.W.M., correct- ly described as follows, to-wit; a strip of land wide enough for a roadway along- the ridge Miru the easterly and southeasterly part of the north half of section 2. r >. Township 21 North. Ilan^e 17. E. W. M. in Chelan Coun- ty, Washington, the same being a strip of land 30 feet wide across the land above described, and upon which he has paid taxes assessed against said property as follows: Tax Year's Date Keceipt Tax Paid No. Amount !!M!> Dec. 10, 1921 A 6670 .70 1918 Dec. 10, 1021 A 6870 .70 l!) 20 Dec. !0, 1!)21 6863 .fiii Total Amount of Taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delin- quency .1.90 all of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of twelve per cent per an- num; and you are further notified that he will apply to the Superioi Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, for a judgmei foreclosing his lien against the prop- erty hereinbefore mentioned, and you are hereby summoned to appear with- in sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, ex- clusive of the day of said first publi- cation, and defend this action or pay the amount due, together with costs: and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered forcclosin ; the lien for said certificate of delin- quency, taxes, penally. Interest and costs, against the lands and premises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication February '\u25a0'. 1922. Any pleadinir or process may be served upon the undersigned at tin' address hereafter mentioned. SUMNER & LEBECK, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. Address: Plough Building. Wenatehee, Coun- ty of Chelan, Washington. (Ot—Feb. 3, March 10) SIMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Chelan County. Great Northern Lumber Com- pany, a corporation, I'laintiir. vs. Charles Lyts, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property here- inafter described, Defendant.-. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to Charles Lyts and all persons un- known, if any, having or claiming !<> havo an interest in ami to the real property hereinafter described: Yor and each of you are hereby no- tified that Great Northern Lumber Company, a corporation, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency num- bered fWTS, issued on the 11th day of December, 1920, by the County of Chelan, State of Washington, for the amount of eighty-three cent.-, the No. 348. Makes LOTS of Good BREAD per sack Peach Blossom Flour Best for "Home" Baking SOLD THRU GROCERS Wcnatchec Milling Co. Wenatchee, Washington same being the amount then due ami delinquent for taxes for the year 1916 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property as- sessed to you anil nf which you are the owner or reputed owner, situated in said County, and particularly hounded and describe as follows, to- wit; Tax No. 1 in lection <>. Township 26 North, Range 17. E.W.M., correct- ly described as follows, to-Wit! South- west quarter of northwest quar- ter of southeast quarter of section six (6) in Township twenty- six (28) north of Range Seventeen(lY) Bast of the Willamette Meridian, and Upon which it has paid taxes assessed against said property as follows: Tax Yeei \u25a0 Date Receipt Tas laid No. Amount 1916 Dec. 11. i:>2(> A.6791 $ .".I 1917 Dec. 11. 1920 A6791 ' ."!• 191S Pec. 11. 1920 A.">7!M .:;U 1919 Pec. 11, 1920 6606 .61 1920 Dec. 1. 1921 0087 .52 Total Amount of Taxes paid since date of Certificate of De- linquency . . |2.12 all of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of twelve per cent per an- mini: and you are further notified that it will apply to the Superior Court nf the state of Washington, in and for said County, for a judgment foreclosing its Men against the prop- erty hereinbefore mentioned, and you are hereby summoned to appear with- in sixty days after the date of the , first publication of this summons, ex- clusive of the day of said first publi- cation, and defend this action or pay th:l amount due. together with costs; and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lion for said certificate of delin- quency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and premises hereinbefore mentioned. Pate of first publication December TO. 1021. Any pleading or process may he served upon the undersigned at the address hereafter mentioned. SUMNER & LEBECK, PaintifTs Attorneys. T\ O. Address: Plough Bldg.. Wen- atchce, County of Chelan,Washington. (6t—Pec. HO. Feb. 3) SIMMONS FOR PUUI.RATION IN FORECLOSURE OP TAX LIEN. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Chelan County. Great Northern Lumber Com- pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, VB. Charles Kyts, and all persons, unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property here- inafter described, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to Charles Lyta and all persons un- known, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that Great Northern Lumber Company, a corporation, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency num- bered 8878j issued on the 11th day of December, 1020, by the County of Chelan, State of Washington, for the amount of Eighty-three cents, the same beinp the amount then due and dcliniuent for taxes for the year 1015 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property as- sessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed owner, situated in said county, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to- wit: 'J'a> No. 3 in section (i, Township 2(> North, Range 17. E.W.M., correct- ly described as follows, to-wit: North- west quarter of southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section six (6). in Township twenty-six (2(>) north, of Range seventeen (17), Kast of the Willamette Meridian, and upon which !t has paid taxes assessed against said property as follows: Tax Year's Date Receipt Tax Paid No. Amount 101U Dec. 11. 1!)20 A 5792 $ .31 101T Doc. 11, 1020 A 5792 .39 101S Dec. 11, 1020 A. r)792 .36 1919 Dec. H, 1020 0606 .51 1020 Dec. 1, 1021 fiOHO .52 Total .Amount of Taxes paid sinco date of Certificate of De- linquency $2.12 all of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of twelve per cent per an- num; and you are further notified that it will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and fo' ' said county, for a judgment foreclos- | int; its lien against the property here- inbefore mentioned, and you are herr- | by summoned to appear within sixty dayH after the date of the first publi- | cfitior of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publicaton, and defend this action or pay the amount due, together with costs; and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will he rendered foreclosing the lien Tor Mtid certificate of delinquency, taxes, penalty, interest anil costs, agaicsf the lands and premises here- inbefore mentioned. Date of first pub- lication December ,'iO, 1021. Any pleading or process may be served upon the undersigned ait the address hereafter mentioned. SUMNER & LEBECK. Paintiff's Attorneys. I. O. Address: Plough nidg., Wen- atchee, County of Chelan,Washington (6t—Dec. 30, Feb. 3)

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Page 1: Mutual Mercantile Co, the Week Commencing Jan. 30thMutual Mercantile Co, SPECIAL for the Week Commencing Jan. 30th MEN'S $5.50 ALLWOOL £-% ~jc SHIRTS VO./O MEN'S $2.50 ALLWOOL I AC

Mutual Mercantile Co,

SPECIAL for the WeekCommencing Jan. 30thMEN'S $5.50 ALLWOOL £-% ~j c





CLOSING AT O .O U25 °fo off on our men's all wool union suitsComplete line of Ladies' Heather Mixture Hose

at $1.50 pah-Silk and Wool Mixture at $2.25 pairLadies' Gauntlet White Wool Gloves 75c pair

Mutual Mercantile Co.Closes at 6 p. m. Saturdays during winter months

Railroad Items ofTimely Interest

Mr. J. D. Lefevre left for his homein Hilyard on Monday. Mr. Lefevrehat been engineer on the switch en-gine at this place but is not very welland willspend the balance of ;he Wa-ter at home recuperating.

Miss Edith Troll and Mrs. Gafn.ivwere among those attending theSchumann-Heinck concert in We-.,t---chee Friday evening.

Geo. Nelson has been confined tohis home with the flu, but is ouiagain.

Ernest Severson had th \u25a0 mis*)itune to have two of the finders on hisright hand badly cut at Omak scivral days ago. He is unable to be onduty.

Mrs. J. J. White and Mrs. G. A.Punch were hostesses at the home ofthe latter on Monday evening totwelve of their friends, Five Hundredbeing the diversion of the eveningMrs. Hanover was the lucky wmne.'of the first prize, a pair of bcuitifulhand made pillow cases, while GraceHitchcock was equally lucky in win-ning second prize, a beautifu' hand-made dresser scarf in yellow Mrs.Eckhardt and Mrs. Franklin foundconsolation in winning handkerchiefs.An effective color scheme of daintyyellow and blue was carried out hi'.he score cards, the place cards, thelittle favors, the prizes and the de-licious two-course luncheon which wasserved about eleven p. m.

John Reity returned from Spokaneon Wednesday after spending severaldays with his parents in the city.

Wm. Tyrrel is confined to his homeon account of sickness.

Mrs. E. R. Matthews of Everettand little son spent the week-end inI.eavenworth.

Mrs. C. H. Bentley of Spokanespent a few days with Mr. Bentlevthe early part of the week.

Mrs. Ida Smith spent a couple ofdays in Seattle the early part of theweek, taking her little daughter therewhere she is attending school.

Mrs. Spiva returned from Spoka.ieon Monday but is confined to herhome by sickness at present.

Agent C. J. McClure is on the sicklist.

The family of H. F. Ring and FredGetchman, who lives with them, areall down with the flu.


I'ete McConnell returned Mondayfrom Wenatehee where ho was visit-ing for the past week. He is on hi;

way back to Red Mountain.The neighborhood folks enjoyel

a cafeteria style supper at tbe schoolhouse last Friday night. After thesupper an old time spelling matchwas indulged in.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willet left on

Wednesday's stage for a coupleweeks visit with relatives at Belling-ham. They will return to Cashmere,where they will lie employed by FredBulges-;, an uncle of Mrs. Willetts.

Louis Ault went to LeavenworthMonday whore he is under care of adoctor for stomach trouble.

Mr. Hoyt, of the Great XortherrLumber Co., was up to the campsthis week on business.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rupel enter-tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs.T. A. Leavell and family, Mr. an<:

Mis. Everett Dallison and Mr. Mott.


Sunday School, 1:41 p. m.PrMehinff, 8 p m. ami 7:30 p. m.

We expect to have with us Brotherand Sister Parkins, returned Mission-KrUs, who have spent twenty yearsin Liberia. They will have something

to tell nf what God tl doing in WestAfrica, which will be of Inter—l to iH,

Mill-week services. Tuesilay an<lFriday, 7:80 p. m,


Do not forget the evangelistic ser-vices beginning at the Methodistchurch Sunday evening, Feb. sthReverend Curry will be the preacheleach evening. All in the communityare invited heartily to co-operate,

Little "Dickie" White, while coast-ing Saturday afternoon, had a regularsmashup, and somewhat scrambledhis face, but as "Dicky," is a sturdylittle- chap, he is fast recuperating.

Mr. J. A. Warman was here onbusiness Monday.

Mrs. Billy Spanger returned lastThursday from Tacoma, where shehas been visiting for a month.

Forrest Leedy was in WenatcheeTuesday.

Mrs. Wm. Spanger entertained Mr.and Mrs. Hauber and family at din-ner Sunday, Jan. 20, in honor of MrSpanger's birthday.

The Harley Osborne family are allsick with the flu, requiring the sevices of a trained nurse. Dr. Leasingis the attending physician.

The Brotherhood organization ofthis place held a dinner at the Wood-men hall last Thursday evening. TheCommunity Circle ladies served thedinner. Menu: Scalloped chickengravy, mashed potatoes, hot rolls.baked beans, salad, pickles and jellies;fruit jells with whipped cream, cakeand coffee. Right after the dinnerour local boy scouts gave an exhi-bition of first aid to the injured, afterwhich Mr. Field of Leavenworth, Mr.Hauber ami Mr. Springer all gave in-teresting talks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright are ill.Mr. Kroneman returned Saturday

from Spokane.

Breezy Bits of NewsFrom Peshastin

Mrs. Ameil very pleasantly enter-tained quite a crowd of young folksSaturday afternoon in honor of thetwins' eighth birthday. Coasting andinside games were enjoyed by the kid-dies, and lovely refreshments wereserved them late in the afternoon.

Leonard Harvey returned from Seattic last Wednesday, when he ha-;

been for a week or so.The Cash & Cany opened its new

\u25a0<jtore here Saturday, enticing newcustomers with a pound of coffee toall paying it a call on its first day.Needless to say, several pounds ofcoffee were dispensed with.

The P. Li F. card party took placeSaturday night at the Harry Harvejhome, seven table? being in play. Mi-Baker won first honors, Lee Youngthe consolation. Sherbet, cake andcoffee were served at midnight. Mr.and Mrs. Billy Spanger, Lee Youngand Miss Washbum were <*vests.

A hard times dance was given bythe Royal Neighbors at the WoodmenHall Saturday night. The McDanielorchestra of Leavonworth furnishedthe music.

John McCoy left Sunday for \(

braska to visit his parents for a feu-weeks.


Sunday School, 9:45. MissionarySunday, opening service in charge ofMrs. Seely.

Epworth League, 6:30. Topic, "Oneof America's Opportunities." Leader.Ralph Hanson.

Preaching services, 11 a m., and7:30 p. m. Rev C.C. Curry. DistrictSupt. of the Wenatchee District, willpreach in the morning. Announce-ment willbe made Sunday morning asto speaker for Sunday evening.

IEverybody welcome to the sen-ices.WM. BOSUNS, l'astor.

"We had a governor a little whileafro in Illinois who appointed 2.'! gam"

wardens for the city of Chicago!" h"continued. "I crossed Mich, avenuewith the high-power motor cars go-in? both ways at top speed, and wassafe because the traffic cop held uphis hand ami let me by. But withthose 23 game wardens, what chancewouk' a jackrabbit have in Chicago!"As to waste in other cities, he spokeof a capitol building with .".47 janitorswhere they discharged 300, "and thespitoon? never shone so bright as theydid next morning!"

"We men simply must do somethingabout all this vaste and untaxedproperty, for the women have somethinp to say now in politics, and if wedon't get to work wo will find our-selves at home washing dishes.-"

That the "fool taxpayer" made An-drew Carnegie's fortune for him wasone allocation Regan made, support-Ing it with illustrations of the waythe billionaires were allowed toilodp-o legitimate taxes, to the extentof many millions of dollars

"Who owns the public road?" heasked in conclusion, declaring thatwher all taxable property is on therolls even country roads can bemacadamized at state expense, with-out the adjoining property ownershaving to pay for it."


\\ ork for the memorial to be erect-ed at Centralia in honor of the ex-ser-vico men who were killed in that cityon Armistice Day 1919, gained greatheadway during the past week. Fromst:>te headquarters of Centralia Mem-orial Association in Seattle comesword of the selection of the .six dis-trict chairmen who are already get-

tinr the work under way in the sixdistricts into which the state has beendivided. Frank I. Sefrit of Belling-ham has the Northwest district; K. L.French of Olympia, the Southwest;Frank W. Schultz of Wenatehee, theNorth Central; Col. W. L. Lemon ofYakima, the South Central; CharlesHebberd of Spokane, the Northeast;and Col. Paul H. Weyrauch of WallaWalla, the Southeast. It is expectedthat county organization will b<< prac-tically completed by the end of theweek.

First among the big fraternal or-ganizations of the state to put Itselfon record in support of the memorialplan is the Washington State ElksAssociation, which represents thecommunity of interests among Elks'lodges of the state. At the midwintermeeting of the association trustees,held in Chehalis last Thursday, reso-lutions were unanimously adopted in-dorsing the memorial, calling upon allElk.- and Elk lodges to give their sup-port and urging a direct appropria-tion of money by the grand lodge.



"It is all nonsense for the people ofWashington to pay 8 per cent taxes:1 pel' cent Is enough, One third ofwhat you pay now is sheer waste, un-necersary, pure extravagance; andanother third is easily covered by tax-able property now escaping taxation.

j You can cut your tax bill from $1.80to 60c if you want to." said formercongressman Frank s. Regan of IIlinoil in an address on "The FoolTaxpayer," at convocation at Wash-ington State Colll ire.

And Regan knows what he is talk-in); about. It is his special businessto go about an.l help lift the tax loadfrom poor men's shoulders and put llwhere it belongs by digging out themillion- of dollars worth of untaxedproperty escaping the tax lists.

A short time ago he took 1 1 day.;off in Rockford, 111., and dug out $10,---000,000 of taxable property that was

| not paying a cent, Another time hei put ir. live weeks in Chicago for somereal estate men who were feeling th«

; tax weight too heavy, ami helpedthorn pet 65 timer as much property,

j thai had been escaping taxation, on\u2666he rolls as was already taxed. It iseasy to see how that would reduce thetax of the few that had been carry-

| ing all the weight

The executive committee of theMemorial Association met in Seattlelast Wednesday and outlined theplan' foi the campaign, leaving theexecution of details in the hands ofCol. c. B. Blethen, general chairman,and Frank C. Jackson, state director.It was decided that all subscriptionsto iN memorial fund should entitlethe subscriber to a handsome certifi-cate of membership, carrying :i pic-ture of the Memorial building, theemblems of the American Legion, thecontributor's name, and suitable pa-triotic symbols. This certificate, dulySigned will go to every contributor,whether the amoint given be large orsmall.

NOTICE.Is hereby given that the I'egistra

tion Books in and for the City ofLenvenworth will be open for regis-trations on anil after the first Mon-day in January. 1922. at the CityClerk's office. City Hall, City ofLeavemvorth, Chelan County, Wash-ington.

All persons wishing to vote at an;Primary or General Election mustregister.

E. C, COWING.City Cltik.



Many women will profit by the fol-lowing statement of one of their sex:"I was afraid to sat on account of

i stomach trouble. Even rice did not ;I agree. After taking Adler-i-ka I can jeat anything." Adler-ika acts on iBOTH upper and lower bowel, re- Imoving foul matter which poisonedstomach. EXCELLENT for gas onthe stomach or sour stomach. Guard?against appendicitis. It brings outpoisonous matter you never thought I

was in your system.—Wheeler'sDrug Store—Advertisement.


NOTICE IS HEKEBY QTVEN thatthe assessment roll for the Improve-ment of Commercial Street fromEighth Street, to the east line of Thirteenth Street, Division Street fromalley in block one of Second Additionto I.eavenworth to the alley in blockthree of Second Addition to I.eaven-worth; Main Street from Eighth.Street to Tenth Street, Eighth Streeifrom Main Street to CommercialStreet and Ninth Street from MainStreet to Commercial Street, by con-structing a cement sidewalk five feetin width along both sides of Commer-cial Street from Eighth Street to theoast line of Thirteenth Street andalong both sides of Division Streetfrom the alley in block one of SecondAddition to Leavenworth to the alloy

in block three of Second Addition t >I.eavenworth, and along the nort i

side of Main Street from EightnStreet to Tenth Street and along theEast side of Eighth Street from MainStreet to Commercial Street, andalong both sides of Ninth Street fromMain Street to Commercial Street.comprising Local Improvement Dis-trict No. 10, under Ordinance No. 201is in my hands for collection, anil as-sessment thereon or any portion ofany such assessment may be paidwithout penalty, interest or costs a'any time within thirty days from the3rd day of February, 1922,

Any assessment or portion thereofremaining unpaid at the end of thethirty days herein specified may In-paid in ten equal annual installmentswith interest at the rate of 798 pe-annum, payable anually from the Bt.iday of February, 1!)22.

R. V. TAYLOR,City Treasurer.

Date of first publication, 3rd day ofFebruary, 1022. (2t)


In the Superior Court of the Stateof Washington in and for the Countyof Chelan.

In the Mattel- of the Estate ofCHARLES CROMWELL, Deceased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatSAMUEL ELSTON CROMWELL,the executor of the above entitled es-tate under a Non-Intervention Will,has tiled in this court his petition fordistribution of said estate, and thatWednesday, the Bth day of March, A.D. 1922, at the hour of 9::iO o'clockA. M., of said day, at the court roomof our said Superior Court, at Wen-atehee, in said County has been dulyappointed by our Superior Court asthe time and place for hearing saidpetition, at which time the court isasked to make and enter a decreefinding and adjudging that all debtshave been paid, finding and adjudgingalso the heirs ami those entitled totake under the Will, and distributingthe property to the person or personsentitled to the same, at which timeand place any person interested mayappear and contest the said petition.

WITNESS the Hon. Wm. A. Grim-shaw, Judge of the said SuperiorCourt, and the seal of said Court af-fixed this 28th day of January, 1922

A. A. STEVENS.Clerk of the Superior Court,


HERMAN HOWE,Attorney for Executor,

P. O. ADDRESS:Leavenworth.Chelan County.Washington.

(It—Feb. 3-24)


ESTATE.In the Superior Court of the State

df Washington In ami for ChelanCounty.

In Probate.In the .Matter of the Guardianship

Of Ruth Mitchell, Opal Mitchell. PaulMitchell and Clarence Mitchell, mi-nors.

NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN:That under and by virtue of an orderof the above entitled court made andentered in the above entitled matteron the 26th day of .lanuary. 1928, theundersigned guardian of the estatesof Paul Mitchell, a minor and Clarence Mitchell, a minor, will on or afterthe 20th day of February 1922, at theoffices of the undersigned guardian,in Wenatehee. in Chelan County.State of Washington, offer for saleand sell at private sale, subject to alltax liens against said property andsubject to continuation of the aboveentitled court, all the right, title, es-tate and interest of the said PaulMitchell, a minor atid Clarence Mitch-ell, a minor in and to the followingdescribed real estate situate in CheknCounty, State of Washington to-wit:

Lot numbered Four (4) ofEagle Dale Orchard Homes, ac-cording to the recorded platthereof now of record in the of-fice of the Auditor of ChelanCounty, state of Washington.Said sale will be made either for

cash or upon the following terms to--1 wit: At least one-fourth of the pur-ibass price of said promises to be paidin cash at the time .-aid -ale is con-firmed and a deed issued therefor andthe balance of the purchase price to

I he divided into three equal annual in-


No. 346.

! .-taliments. each'payment to be ma Itlon or before the due date therefor,and said deferred payments to bearinterest at the rate of 8% per annum,Interest to be made payable annual); .and each of the deferred payments tobe evidenced by the promissory note oithe purchaser and such notes to be

\u25a0 secured by a good and sufficient mort-gage on the premises sold.

Thai all bids or offers must be writing and be accompanied by thecertified check of the bidder madepayable to the undersigned guardian,for at least lOc/r of the amount ofsaid bidder's bid, and the same to beleft at the said offices of the under-signed guardian, or said written bidsand certified check may be left at theoffice of the clerk of the above en-titled court

Dated this 2(ith day of January.1922.

COMMERCIAL BANK & TRUSTCOMPANY, Guardian of the Es-tates of Paul Mitchell, a minorand Clarence Mitchell a minor.

(2t—Feb. 3-10)


In the Superior Court of the Stateof Washington for Chelan County.

S. P. BEECHER,Plaintiff,

vs11. M. TREADWELL; and allpersons unknown, If any,having or claiming to havean interest in and to the realproperty hereinafter describ-ed,

THE STATE OF WASHINGTONto 11. M. Treadwell, and all personsunknown, if any, having or claimingto have an interest in and to the realproperty hereinafter described:

You and each of you are hereby no-tified that S. P. Beeeher is the holderof Certificate of Delinquency num-bered 3406, issued on the 10th day oDecember, 1921, by the County ofChelan, State of Washington, for theamount of One and 04-100 Dollars,the same being the amount then dueand delinquent for taxes for the year1017, together with penalty, interestand costs thereon, upon real propertyassessed to you and of which you arethe owner or reputed owner, situate.lin said County, and particularlybounded and described as follows, to-wit:

Tax No. 2 in Section 25, Township24 North. Range 17, E.W.M., correct-ly described as follows, to-wit; a stripof land wide enough for a roadwayalong- the ridge Miru the easterly andsoutheasterly part of the north halfof section 2.r>. Township 21 North.Ilan^e 17. E. W. M. in Chelan Coun-ty, Washington, the same being astrip of land 30 feet wide across theland above described, and upon whichhe has paid taxes assessed againstsaid property as follows:

TaxYear's Date KeceiptTax Paid No. Amount!!M!> Dec. 10, 1921 A6670 .701918 Dec. 10, 1021 A6870 .70l!)20 Dec. !0, 1!)21 6863 .fiii

Total Amount of Taxes paid sincedate of Certificate of Delin-quency .1.90

all of said amounts bearing interestat the rate of twelve per cent per an-num; and you are further notifiedthat he will apply to the SuperioiCourt of the State of Washington, inand for said County, for a judgmeiforeclosing his lien against the prop-erty hereinbefore mentioned, and youare hereby summoned to appear with-in sixty days after the date of thefirst publication of this summons, ex-clusive of the day of said first publi-cation, and defend this action or paythe amount due, together with costs:and in case of your failure to do so,judgment will be rendered forcclosin ;the lien for said certificate of delin-quency, taxes, penally. Interest andcosts, against the lands and premiseshereinbefore mentioned. Date offirst publication February '\u25a0'. 1922.

Any pleadinir or process may beserved upon the undersigned at tin'address hereafter mentioned.

SUMNER & LEBECK,Plaintiff's Attorneys.

P. O. Address:Plough Building. Wenatehee, Coun-

ty of Chelan, Washington.(Ot—Feb. 3, March 10)


In the Superior Court of the Stateof Washington, for Chelan County.

Great Northern Lumber Com-pany, a corporation,


Charles Lyts, and all personsunknown, if any, having orclaiming to have an interest inand to the real property here-inafter described,


to Charles Lyts and all persons un-known, if any, having or claiming !<>havo an interest in ami to the realproperty hereinafter described:

Yor and each of you are hereby no-tified that Great Northern LumberCompany, a corporation, the holderof Certificate of Delinquency num-bered fWTS, issued on the 11th day ofDecember, 1920, by the County ofChelan, State of Washington, for theamount of eighty-three cent.-, the

No. 348.

Makes LOTS of Good BREAD per sack

Peach BlossomFlour

Best for "Home" BakingSOLD THRU GROCERS

Wcnatchec Milling Co.Wenatchee, Washington

same being the amount then due amidelinquent for taxes for the year 1916together with penalty, interest andcosts thereon, upon real property as-sessed to you anil nf which you arethe owner or reputed owner, situatedin said County, and particularlyhounded and describe as follows, to-wit;

Tax No. 1 in lection <>. Township26 North, Range 17. E.W.M., correct-ly described as follows, to-Wit! South-west quarter of northwest quar-ter of southeast quarter ofsection six (6) in Township twenty-six (28) north of Range Seventeen(lY)Bast of the Willamette Meridian, andUpon which it has paid taxes assessedagainst said property as follows:

TaxYeei \u25a0 Date ReceiptTas laid No. Amount1916 Dec. 11. i:>2(> A.6791 $ .".I1917 Dec. 11. 1920 A6791 ' ."!•191S Pec. 11. 1920 A.">7!M .:;U1919 Pec. 11, 1920 6606 .611920 Dec. 1. 1921 0087 .52

Total Amount of Taxes paidsince date of Certificate of De-linquency . . |2.12

all of said amounts bearing interestat the rate of twelve per cent per an-

• mini: and you are further notifiedthat it will apply to the SuperiorCourt nf the state of Washington, inand for said County, for a judgmentforeclosing its Men against the prop-erty hereinbefore mentioned, and youare hereby summoned to appear with-in sixty days after the date of the

, first publication of this summons, ex-clusive of the day of said first publi-cation, and defend this action or payth:l amount due. together with costs;and in case of your failure to do so,judgment will be rendered foreclosingthe lion for said certificate of delin-quency, taxes, penalty, interest andcosts, against the lands and premiseshereinbefore mentioned. Pate of firstpublication December TO. 1021.

Any pleading or process may heserved upon the undersigned at theaddress hereafter mentioned.

SUMNER & LEBECK,PaintifTs Attorneys.

T\ O. Address: Plough Bldg.. Wen-atchce, County of Chelan,Washington.

(6t—Pec. HO. Feb. 3)


In the Superior Court of the Stateof Washington, for Chelan County.

Great Northern Lumber Com-pany, a corporation,


Charles Kyts, and all persons,unknown, if any, having orclaiming to have an interest inand to the real property here-inafter described,


to Charles Lyta and all persons un-known, if any, having or claiming tohave an interest in and to the realproperty hereinafter described:

You and each of you are hereby no-tified that Great Northern LumberCompany, a corporation, the holderof Certificate of Delinquency num-bered 8878j issued on the 11th day ofDecember, 1020, by the County ofChelan, State of Washington, for theamount of Eighty-three cents, thesame beinp the amount then due anddcliniuent for taxes for the year 1015together with penalty, interest andcosts thereon, upon real property as-sessed to you and of which you arethe owner or reputed owner, situatedin said county, and particularlybounded and described as follows, to-wit:

'J'a> No. 3 in section (i, Township2(> North, Range 17. E.W.M., correct-ly described as follows, to-wit: North-west quarter of southwest quarter ofsoutheast quarter of section six (6).in Township twenty-six (2(>) north, ofRange seventeen (17), Kast of theWillamette Meridian, and upon which!t has paid taxes assessed against saidproperty as follows:

TaxYear's Date ReceiptTax Paid No. Amount101U Dec. 11. 1!)20 A5792 $ .31101T Doc. 11, 1020 A5792 .39101S Dec. 11, 1020 A.r)792 .361919 Dec. H, 1020 0606 .511020 Dec. 1, 1021 fiOHO .52

Total .Amount of Taxes paidsinco date of Certificate of De-linquency $2.12

all of said amounts bearing interestat the rate of twelve per cent per an-num; and you are further notified thatit will apply to the Superior Court ofthe State of Washington, in and fo'

' said county, for a judgment foreclos-| int; its lien against the property here-inbefore mentioned, and you are herr-

| by summoned to appear within sixtydayH after the date of the first publi-

| cfitior of this summons, exclusive ofthe day of said first publicaton, anddefend this action or pay the amountdue, together with costs; and in caseof your failure to do so, judgmentwill he rendered foreclosing the lienTor Mtid certificate of delinquency,taxes, penalty, interest anil costs,agaicsf the lands and premises here-inbefore mentioned. Date of first pub-lication December ,'iO, 1021.

Any pleading or process may beserved upon the undersigned ait theaddress hereafter mentioned.

SUMNER & LEBECK.Paintiff's Attorneys.

I. O. Address: Plough nidg., Wen-atchee, County of Chelan,Washington

(6t—Dec. 30, Feb. 3)