mutual fund final

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  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final



  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final



    Sunflag Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. is a prestigious unit of the SUN FLAG GROUP. Sunflag Steel

    is a member of the Sunflag Group of Companies. India.

    Plant Layout

    The whole plant of SISCO situated in 550 hector, and 450 acre accquired by

    plant. More than 1300 manpower working in plant including staff, 2500 contract labour.


    The Sunflag group, founded by Shri Satyadev Bharadwaj in Kenya in 1937, today

    has its operation spread over 6 countries. Sunflag has diversified range of activities in Kenya,

    Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameroon, U.K. & Thailand. .

    Sunflag Iron & Steel Company Ltd. was incorporated on 12th September, 1984 as a

    Public Limited Company in the State of Maharashtra forsetting up a composite steel plant for the

    manufacture of Mild and Alloy Steel Rolled Products in Bhandara district, near Nagpur, inMaharashtra.

    Within a short period of its inception in 1989, the SUNFLAG STEEL has established

    itself as a major global force. This modern complex pulsating with world-class technology,

    expert human resources and a commitment to excellence, has created a distinct niche in spring

    steel and attained the position of market leader in the segment.

    Business Description:

    Sunflag Iron & Steel Company Limited. The Group's principal activity is to manufacture

    automobile spring steel. The products include rolled products, billets and sponge iron. It also

    generates power from its captive plant. Today SUNFLAG STEEL has also embarked on an

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    export thrust and is regularly receiving prestigious orders from Japan and many other Far East,

    Afro-Asian and Middle-East countries.

    During the year the power plant has generated 1,500.02 lacs KW of power. It exports

    steel products to Japan, Far East, Afro Asian and Middle East countries.


    Sunflag is the first composite Steel in India accredited with the prestigious ISO 9002, QS 9000,

    ISO 9001,ISOts 16949 certificate of systematic quality monetary. The plant has capacity of

    produce 200,000 tunes per annum high quality special steel using Iron ore & non cooking coal as

    basic inputs. SISCOs establishment cost is more than 10 million.

    Sunflag is Actively engaged inPollution Control.

    SISCO code of Business PrinciplesSISCO Code.

    The Company also runsSunflag SchoolandSunflag Hospitalfor the benefit of its
  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final



    SISCO produces various part of automobile. Product of SISCO






  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    Mutual Fund

    The financial market plays a crucial role in the in the economic development of a

    country by facilitating the allocation of scarce resources. Financial markets

    essentially involve the allocation of resources. This can be thought of as the brain

    of the entire economic system, the locus of central decision-making; if they fail,

    not only will the sectors profit be lower than would otherwise have been, but the

    performance of the entire economic system may be impaired.

    The efficiency of financial market how ever, depends on the existence of active

    and efficient financial intermediaries in the system. Deposit taking institutional

    investor is the important financial intermediaries involved in the task of allocating

    assets. Structural changes in the financial market have induced a reverse trend in

    financial intermediation, i.e. financial disintermediation, in which the central role

    of banking is being taken over by investment institutions and institutional

    investors. The shift from a credit-based system to a financial has initiated the

    process of disintermediation, and capital market based factors like insurance,

    pension funds and mutual funds are increasingly playing the central role.

    The reforms have successfully dismantled the entry barriers, with the result that

    today there are domestic and foreign financial institutions, like mutual funds,

    broking firms and insurance companies, operating in the Indian market. The

    introduction of capital adequacy norms, prudential regulation and world class

    regulatory mechanisms to protect the interest of investor, besides the strict

    requirement of disclosure, have given a boost to the confidence of domestic and

    foreign investors. The Indian economy has slowly integrated itself with the global

    economy and financial market.

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    What is a Mutual Fund?

    Mutual fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the

    investors and investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as

    disclosed in offer document.

    Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and

    sectors and thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all

    stocks may not move in the same direction in the same proportion at the same time.

    Mutual fund issues units to the investors in accordance with quantum of money

    invested by them. Investors of mutual funds are known as unit holders. The profitsor losses are shared by the investors in proportion to their investments. The mutual

    funds normally come out with a number of schemes with different investment

    objectives which are launched from time to time.

    A mutual fund is required to be registered with Securities and Exchange Board of

    India (SEBI) which regulates securities markets before it can collect funds from

    the public.

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    How is a mutual fund set up?

    A mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has sponsor, trustees, asset

    Management Company (AMC) and custodian. The trust is established by a sponsor

    or more than one sponsor who is like promoter of a company. The trustees of the

    mutual fund hold its property for the benefit of the unit holders. Asset Management

    Company (AMC) approved by SEBI manages the funds by making investments in

    various types of securities.

    Custodian, who is registered with SEBI, holds the securities of various schemes of

    the fund in its custody. The trustees are vested with the general power ofsuperintendence and direction over AMC. They monitor the performance and

    compliance of SEBI Regulations by the mutual fund.

    SEBI Regulations require that at least two thirds of the directors of trustee

    company or board of trustees must be independent i.e. they should not be

    associated with the sponsors. Also, 50% of the directors of AMC must be

    independent. All mutual funds are required to be registered with SEBI before they

    launch any scheme. However, Unit Trust of India (UTI) is not registered with

    SEBI (as on January 15, 2002).

    What is Net Asset Value (NAV) of a scheme?

    The performance of a particular scheme of a mutual fund is denoted by Net Asset

    Value (NAV).

    Mutual funds invest the money collected from the investors in securities markets.

    In simple words, Net Asset Value is the market value of the securities held by the

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    scheme. Since market value of securities changes every day, NAV of a scheme

    also varies on day to day basis. The NAV per unit is the market value of securities

    of a scheme divided by the total number of units of the scheme on any particular

    date. For example, if the market value of securities of a mutual fund scheme is Rs

    200 lakhs and the mutual fund has issued 10 lakhs units of Rs. 10 each to the

    investors, then the NAV per unit of the fund is Rs.20. NAV is required to be

    disclosed by the mutual funds on a regular basis - daily or weekly - depending on

    the type of scheme.

    - Scope for Development of Mutual Fund

    A Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an

    opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities

    at a relatively low cost. India has a burgeoning population of middle class now

    estimated around 300 million. A typical Indian middle class family can have liquid

    savings ranging from Rs.2 to Rs.10 Lacs today. Investments in Banks are liquid

    and safe, but with the falling rate of interest offered by Banks on Deposits, it is no

    longer attractive. At best a part can be saved in bank deposits, but what is the other

    sources of investment for the common man? Mutual Fund is the ready answer.

    Viewed in this sense globally India is one of the best markets for Mutual Fund

    Business, so also for Insurance business. This is the reason that foreign companies

    compete with one another in setting up insurance and mutual fund business units in

    India. The sheer magnitude of the population of educated white collar employees

    provides unlimited scope for development of Mutual Fund Business in India.

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    Benefits of Mutual Funds

    There are numerous benefits of investing in mutual funds and one of the key

    reasons for its phenomenal success in the developed markets like US and UK is the

    range of benefits they offer, which are unmatched by most other investment

    avenues. We have explained the key benefits in this section. The benefits have

    been broadly split into universal benefits, applicable to all schemes, and benefits

    applicable specifically to open-ended schemes.

    1. Professional ManagementThe investor avails of the services of experienced and skilled professionals

    who are backed by a dedicated investment research team which analyses the

    performance and prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to

    achieve the objectives of the scheme.

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    2. DiversificationMutual Funds invest in a number of companies across a broad cross-section of

    industries and sectors. This diversification reduces the risk because seldom do

    all stocks decline at the same time and in the same proportion. You achieve

    this diversification through a Mutual Fund with far less money than you can

    do on your own.

    3. Convenient Administration

    Investing n in a Mutual Fund reduces paperwork and helps you avoid many

    problems such as bad deliveries, delayed payments and unnecessary follow up

    with brokers and companies. Mutual Funds save your time and make

    investing easy and convenient.

    4. Return PotentialOver a medium to long-term, Mutual Funds have the potential to provide a

    higher return as they invest in a diversified basket of selected securities.

    5. Low CostsMutual Funds are a relatively less expensive way to invest compared to

    directly investing in the capital markets because the benefits of scale in

    brokerage, custodial and other fees translate into lower costs for investors.

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    6. LiquidityIn open-ended schemes, you can get your money back promptly at net asset

    value related prices from the Mutual Fund itself. With close-ended schemes,

    you can sell your units on a stock exchange at the prevailing market price or

    avail of the facility of direct repurchase at NAV related prices which some

    close-ended and interval schemes offer you periodically.

    7. TransparencyYou get regular information on the value of your investment in addition to

    disclosure on the specific investments made by your scheme, the proportion

    invested in each class of assets and the fund manager's investment strategy

    and outlook.

    8. FlexibilityThrough features such as regular investment plans, regular withdrawal plans

    and dividend reinvestment plans, you can systematically invest or withdraw

    funds according to your needs and convenience.

    9. Choice of SchemesMutual Funds offer a family of schemes to suit your varying needs over a


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    10.Well RegulatedAll Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and they function within the

    provisions of strict regulations designed to protect the interests of investors.

    The operations of Mutual Funds are regularly monitored by SEBI.

    11.Understanding and Managing RiskAll investments whether in shares, debentures or deposits involve risk: share

    value may go down depending upon the performance of the company, the

    industry, state of capital market and the economy; generally, however longer

    the term, lesser the risk; companies may default in payment of

    interest/principal on their deposits/bonds debentures; the rate of interest on

    investment may fall short of the rate of inflation reducing the purchasing


    While risk cannot be eliminated, skillful management can minimize risk.

    Mutual fund helps to reduce risk through diversification and professional

    management. The experience and expertise of Mutual Fund managers in

    selecting fundamentally sound securities and timing their purchases and sales

    help them to build a diversified portfolio that minimize risk and maximizes


    12.Tax BenefitsThe incomes under Mutual Funds are much more Tax efficient than any fixed

    income security due to the following benefits:-

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    Section 80L of the income Tax Act ,1961 enables tax free income upto rs 15000 and dividends from MF s are eligible for this benefit.

    When you invest for over a year, the tax payable on encashment isLong term Capitals gains tax at 20%. Once also get an indexation

    benefit which has been approximately 8% per year. This reduces the

    taxable income and thus decreases the tax liability.

    There is also an opportunity to set off capital losses against gains fromincome schemes.

    Full exemption from capital gains tax as it comes under Section54EA/EB of the income tax Act.

    One has to pay tax only when he encash units, but have to pay tax onthe interest earned on other debt instruments every year on an accrual

    basis, even though he receives the interest later. This generates higher

    post tax returns compared to other debt instruments.

    Tax is just like a monster that frightens a number of individuals through

    out the nation. There are just tow way to fight with this monater:

    . Conceal/Depress Income

    . Make tax efficient investments.

    Perhaps the second option is far better than the first as it gives the peace

    of mind together with a feeling that one is a responsible citizen of the

    nation. With increasing amount of awareness that is taking birth in the

    minds of investors, mutual fund has become cynosure of the eye of the

    several investors.

    The taxes available are tow kinds:

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    . To the mutual fund- as explained below in No 1

    . To the Investor- as explained below in No 2


    Portfolio Diversification Professional management Reduction / Diversification of Risk Liquidity Flexibility & Convenience Reduction in Transaction cost Safety of regulated environment Choice of schemes Transparency.


    No control over Cost in the Hands of an Investor No tailor-made Portfolios Managing a Portfolio Funds Difficulty in selecting a Suitable Fund Scheme

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    2.6 - Investment criteria

    Lower cost

    It is a lower cost of investment as compare to other mode of investment

    option in the market. Here the investor can invest a minimum of Rs500

    in the scheme of ELSS (Equity Link Saving Scheme).

    Less paper work

    Here less paper work is require than other. The investor give his detail

    information like his/her name,age,address,phone no., pan card no,

    nominee name and address(in case of minor) and three full signature of

    the candided.

    No cash Transactions

    Investor need not require paying cash, instead of cash investor has to

    pay cheque or demand draft. Which help to prevent misappropriation

    and also save the tax. Here the investor just writes the product name of

    mutual fund and sign on it. It also saves the time.

    No Age Bar

    There is no age bar of investor here any age group can invest in mutual

    fund. In case of minor(below 18 year) there is a nominee, so a child can

    invest through his guardian and a person having age of 70 also invest in

    mutual fund ,which is not possible in other investments.

    Service or any kind of income group

    A service holder or any kind of income group or a student or

    unemployed people can invest in mutual fund but the person is a

    rational human being having sound knowledge of investment company.

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    The objective of the study is classified into primary and secondary objectives asthey are follows, Primary objective.

    1. The primary objective of this study is to study the job satisfaction level ofemployees and to suggest measures, which might be help the organization in

    improving the "job satisfaction level" among the employees.

    2. Secondary objectives To understand the level of employee satisfaction andfactors which mak.

    3. 0bjectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree.4. Objectives of society are dually considered and served"

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    1. The financial management of the company is as per the industry norms andthe quantum of the funds employed is reasonable.

    2. The sources of funds are proper.3. The liquidity position of the company is very good.4. The company having quotable mutual fund control.5. The overall return on funds employed is optimum.6. That liquidity position of concern is satisfactory.

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    Research is a process of systematic and in-depth study of research

    of any topic, subject backed by the collection, presentation andinterpretation of relevant data. Methodology is important tool in any

    research work. It acts as a guideline and leads to completion of

    research project. It consists of various steps that are generally adapted

    by researcher in study in problem along with logic behind them. On

    the basis of general guideline, a model of the following steps is

    prepared and presented in the dissertation work.

    A) Selection of subject:

    Selection of subject or topic for dissertation work is a very

    important job for researcher. The difficult task is the information

    which is required for the purpose of research. It should be easilyavailable.

    Researcher has chosen this subject after discussion with guide and

    with other person.

    B) Title of dissertation:

    In view of the object behind the selection of subject researcher

    has chosen the topic entitled.

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    C)Collection of data:

    The research methodology would like to gather information for

    carrying out analysis by using the following method during research


    Secondary data:

    Financial search is the systematic design, collection and analysisof data and finding relevant to specific financial aspects of the


    The data was collected through financial statements like:1)Explorative.2)Descriptive3)Experimental4)Descriptive

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    1. On the basis of Age of the Investors:




    No. of


    0 4 3 2 1 0


    According to this chart out of 10 Mutual Fund investors of Bhandara the most

    are in the age group of 31-35 yrs. i.e. 40%, the second most investors are in the

    age group of 36-40yrs i.e. 30% and the least investors are in the age group of

    below 46-50 yrs.



















    Age group of the Investors

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    2. Occupation of the investors of Bhandara.



    In Occupation group out of 10 investors, 40% are Pvt. Employees, 20% are

    Businessman, 30% are Govt. Employees, 0% are in Agriculture and 10% are in










    Govt. Service Pvt. Service Business Agriculture Others


    Occupation of the customers

    Occupation No. of Investors

    Govt. Service 3Pvt. Service 4

    Business 2

    Agriculture 0

    Others 1

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    (3) Investors invested in different kind of investments of Bhandara.

    Priority of Investments No. of Respondents %

    Saving A/C 98

    Fixed deposits 50

    Insurance 99

    Mutual Fund 10

    RD 45

    Real Estate 35

    Interpretation: From the above graph it can be inferred that out of 200 people,

    98 % people have invested in Saving A/c, 91.6% in Insurance, 51.6% in Fixed

    Deposits, 11% in Mutual Fund, 43% in RD and 21.6% in Real Estate.







    0 50 100 150

    Saving A/c



    No.of Respondents%


  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    4. Educational Qualification of investors of Bhandara.



    Number of


    Graduate/ Post Graduate 5

    Under Graduate 2

    Others 3

    Total 120


    Out of 120 Mutual Fund investors 50% of the investors in Bhandara

    are Graduate/Post Graduate, 20% are Under Graduate and 30% are

    others (under HSC).




    Graduate/Post Graduate Under Graduate Others

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    5. Preference of factors while investing

    Factors (a)


    (b) Low


    (c) High


    (d) Trust

    No. of


    10 31 40 19


    Out of 100 People, 40% People prefer to invest where there is HighReturn, 31% prefer to invest where there is Low Risk, 10% prefer

    easy Liquidity and 19% prefer Trust





    Liquidity Low Risk High Return Trust

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    6. Awareness about Mutual Fund and its Operations


    From the above chart it is inferred that 39% People are aware of

    Mutual Fund and its operations and 61% are not aware of MutualFund and its operations.



    Yes No

    Response Yes No

    No. of Respondents 35 55

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final


    7. Channel Preferred by the Investors for Mutual Fund Investment

    Channel Financial Advisor Bank AMC

    No. of


    6 1 3


    Out of 10 Investors 60% preferred to invest through Financial

    Advisors, 30% through AMC and 10% through Bank.




    Financial Advisor Bank AMC

  • 7/29/2019 mutual fund final



    The global financial market has transformed from Sellers market to Buyers

    market with liberalization, Globalizations and privatization. The Indian mutual

    fund market has also become global when foreign funds entered, they came up

    with probably best marketing strategies to beat Indian giants have come up with

    aggressive strategies to beat the foreign funds. Now the cutthroat competition goes

    on and on.

    Mutual funds have rewarded investors with hand some returns. The good news is

    that this is poised to become a trend. The mutual funds have strengthened their

    distribution networks, become more transparent and investor friendly and are

    rewarding investors. The mutual fund is finally, proving itself as a vehicle of safety

    for investments. But it is still the fund managers investment philosophy that

    makes the difference between the winner and the losers.

    Careful market analysis, consumer segmentation, identification of investor needs,

    service designing are to be carried out for the successful implementation of

    different schemes by mutual fund organizations. Regulatory measures by SEBI

    should be clearly explained to the investors. Positioning of the schemes and their

    branding will help a lot for growth of the industry. Creativity and innovation are

    the means of marketing in the days to come for Indian mutual fund market.

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    Mutual Fund is one of the largest mutual funds and well-established fund

    house in the country with consistent and above average fund performance

    across categories since its incorporation on December 10 /1999. The single

    most important factor that drives Mutual Fund is its belief to give the

    investor the chance to profitably invest in the financial market, without

    constantly worrying about the market swings.

    1) Fund managers should continuous Investor awareness Programs to

    make the investors aware of technicalities of fund management and

    the return aspects.

    2) Agents, Service personnel must be able to give correct and timely

    information about NAV and the return on different schemes.

    3) Monthly income scheme should be introduced.

    4) Scheme should be offered as per the needs and the requirement of the


    5) The regulatory norms provided by the regulatory authorities like SEBI

    are required to be known to all including investors.

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    Some of the persons were not so responsive. Possibility of error in data collection because many of investors may havenot given actual answers of my questionnaire.

    The sample size may not adequately represent the whole market. Some respondents were reluctant to divulge personal information whichcan affect the validity of all responses.

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    Fact Sheet And Statement Mutual Fund Hand Book