mutual broadcasting system+ the honorable hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an...

+ + + + + + + + + :r + + +-r++++++++++ MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ + The Honorable Hubert Humphrey United States Senate 140 Senate Office Building The Capitol ... c c .. 0 o..·- oti .. Cl 0.. ..0 M c >- ·- o- - 0 1: 0.. 0 0 o.. ... + 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 18 , N.Y.+

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Page 1: MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ The Honorable Hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd relates her experiences while

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+ The Honorable Hubert Humphrey United States Senate 140 Senate Office Building The Capitol

~ ... c c .. 0 o..·-oti .. Cl 0..

..0 M c >- ·-o-E~

- 0 1: 0..

0 0 o.. ...

+ 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 18 , N.Y.+

Page 2: MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ The Honorable Hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd relates her experiences while


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Attached is the complete transcript ot REPORtERS' ROUNDUP

with this week's guest - Senator Hubert B. Humphrey, Democrat ot



By-liners on this week's panel are: Jim Lucas ot Scripps-

Bovard lewapapers and Char lea W. Bailey of Cowles Publications.

F~ORTERS' ROUBDlJP, moderated by Commentator Robert l.

Burleigh, is a weekly nation-vide network feature produced by Mutual

in Washington and is heard coast to coast over moat of MBS' 582

affiliated stations, 9:30-10:00 PMEST (8:30-9:00 P)£ST).

Page 3: MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ The Honorable Hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd relates her experiences while




GUEST: Senator Hubert B. Humphrey (Dem., Minnesota)

MJDERA'l'OR: Robert F. Burleigh

PABEL: Jim Lucas, Scripps-Howard levspapers

Charles W. Bailey, Cowles Publications

--o--FISKE: REPORTERS' ROUifOOP, vbere bylines make headlines! In a moment

bear United States Senl•.tor HUBERT B. BUMPBREI, Democrat of Minnesota, answer

questions fired at him by a panel of veteran reporters.

BURLEIGH: Do you support the President's request for a three-year exten­

sion of the reciprocal trade agreements actt

LUCAS: Are any great number of Americana Jobless aa a result of foreign

competition under the reciprocal trade programst

BAILEY: What would extending this law do to our wage and labor standards

in the United Statest

BURLEIGH: Conaress is nov conaidering President Eisenhower's proposals for

stimulati~ world trade through a three-year extension of tbereciprocal trade

agreements act as its first order of business. The President is making a strong

appeal for passage of the trade program, arguing that it is vital to continued

friendly relations with America's allies and to help fight Communism abroad.

Opponents say that the high level of national income, high level of employment,

wages, profits and the lively flov of investment necessary to sustain our

economy are highly vulnerable. Our guest tonight is United States Senator

Hubert Humphrey, Democrat of Minnesota, and a member of the Foreign Relations

Comadttee. Senator Humphrey is a former Mayor of Minneapolis and was first

elected to tbe Senate in 1948 and re-elected in 1954. He serves on the

Presidentus Commission on International Relations and the Democratic Steering

CoJIIIIli ttee of the Senate. And now our guest is ready.

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FISKE: REPORTERS 11 ROUBDUP, vhich co•s to you tr81l8cribed this evening

troa the Senate Radio Gallery in your nation's capital, is presented by Mutual

and Facts Forum, Facts Forum, a non-profit, non-political organization, re-

prints ma.ny of these interviews in the monthly Facts Forum Bevs. The Februaey

issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd

relates her experiences while a member of the Communist Party and the reasons

for her denunciation of the Party. To reserve your copy, send your subscription

order direct to Facts Forum, Dallas, Texae - six monthis introductory subscription -

only $1.00. United States Senator Humphrey of Minnesota, one of the beat known

members of the Senate, will now meet this panel of Washington reporters: Jia Lucas

of Scripps-Bovard Bevspapera, and Charles w. Bailey of Cowles Publications. lour

mo~erator is Robert F. Burleigh.

HUlU.EIGH: Tonight i a REPORTERS' ROUBDUP presents a discussion of the reo.ip­

rocal trade between the tree world and the United States. Mr. Lucas, let's have

the first question tor Senator Humphrey.

LUCAS: Senator Humphrey, to establish a basis of discussion, perhaps set

the tone - Just how do you feel about the President's request that the Congress

extend the reciprocal trade agreements for a period of three instead of one yeart

HUMPHREY: Well, Mr. Lucas, I strongly support the President's request tor

the extension of reciprocal trade tor a period of three years. I think it vill

lend real etabili ty to our ecocomic negotiations and it can do much to pr~te

economic progress and stability throughout the free world.

LUCAS: This prosram, as I understand it, is approximately tventy years old.

It vas initiated by Cordell Bull.

HUMPHREY: Tbat 9 s about right.

LUCAS: During that period have any great number ot Americans become Jobless

as a result of foreign competition?

HUMPHREY: I don't believe eo. I suppose you can always find specific

industries and particular areas that may be somewhat adversely affected, at

least temporarily, but I think that a general review of the reciprocal trade

program would reveal that it. has been to the benefit of the United States, and

of course to other countries. The word "reciprocal" indicates that there is

some negotiatios. In other vords, it isn't something that we JU.t sign up without

going into the merits or the demerits ot a particular proposal. We give and

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we get . It ' s good Yankee horae trading .

L~AS: Well, that word •reciprocal" interests me . I see how we can

reciprocate in matters of foreign trade with a highly developed country like

Germany or Eogland, France, perhaps J apan, but1hat is there that we can

reciprocate, say with Viet-lam, onf

HUMPHREY: Well, 1n Viet-Jiam and in other parte of Southeast Asia they

have great supplies of very important and critical metals. As a matter of

fact, while 1111 facta are not Just before me, I think it is true that a rather

substantial proportion of the metals that we need tor modern American induatey,

with all of ita complexity and intricacy, coaes from this very area that you

have Just noted, not only from Indo..China, but from other areas auch as

Indonesia and the Malaya States, and other areas there. So ve could surely

make some agreements there.

BURLEIGH: Mr. Bailey.

BAILEY: Senator, I understand ttlat one part of the President's proposal

would grant a tax advantage to American firma vho invest their money overseas.

Do you think this vo~d be an unfair advantage tor large business firma compared

to small oneat I know you are a member of the Saall Buaineaa Committee of the

Senate and wondered whether you might have aome ca.ment on that.

BUMPBBEI: Well, Mr. Bailey, that hu been one part of the President's

overall economic message. It doesn•t relate directly to the reciprocal trade

program, but it doea relate to the economic, or the foreign ecoDOlllic policy

of ttl1a Administration. I would say that particular section, and I have ao

noted it, would require aome very careful study and analysis, because I think

there is an opportunity here to promote tVl excess flov ot American capital

in~o foreign areas where the profit opportunity could be much better than on

domestic production, or it even coUld be excessive, and thia could actuallJ

penalize internal economic development. I would 'V&Dt to ·_ .. ;eigb that very very

carefully. However 1 I do feel ve ought to do as much ae ve can vi thout

any adverse effect upon our own economy to promote some independent private

foreign investment -- much mom than ve have done to date o

BAILEY: Well, Senator, you mentioned the importance ot encouraging the

flow of American capital overseas. The opponents of this reciprocal trade

extension have pictured it u an aid program actually under which a fa industries

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would bear all the cost instead ot having the t axpayers in general bear the

cost of this program.

BUMPBlU.'Y: I don't reall.y tollov that argument very well, Mr. Bailey.

First of' all , I would Just like to say this - sometimes we haTe to do things

that ve v1sh sometimes ve didn 9 t. The truth is that ve are engaged in a colossal

struggle vith the forces of' international Communism, and for us Just to sit back

and think that ve can vin this s truggle by mili tar)' aeaDS alone and by vast and

huge expenditures of public f'unds for milit&rJ strength, I thiDk is being short­

sighted. The Soviet tvo years aso literally shifted its strategy and its tactics

not totally avaJ from the milit&rJ pressure - because ve surely knov that they

are building huge forces and threaten us at all times - but the emphasis has been

upon the economic warfare. It has been an emphasis upon moving in and makins

trade agreements, and the facts do r eveal that the Soviet has moved tar out in

front of' us in tenus of' tying down t rade qreeaents that vere advantageous to

the Soviet Union and the cause of COIIIIDuniSII.. llov I thiDk ve should be able to

meet that, and as the most powerful and the richest and the most productive

nation on the face of' the earth, I am UDVilling to accept the proposition that

the Soviet vit h its collectivism, with its State ownership, can outbid, out-

compete and outsell us 1n the markets of' the world.

LUCAS: Senator, there are areas of' the world where American capitalism, \

American capital investment 1 is not always welcome.

BUIIPBBE!: That is surely true and I don't thiDk that we ought to ever

be caught vith a program where ve say it's either this or nothing. That's one

of' the reasons that I have favored, as a member of' the Senate, substantial

ecoDOIIic aid in certain areas . I also believe that ve ought to look tonrard

to this program of' the Internati onal Finance Development Corporation, to the

use of' the Int ernational Bank, the World Bank, tor further economic development.

This is a very complex subJect, and i t isn't Just a mat ter of' General Motors

or Ford Motor co_,mv or some huge strons American corporation vith all of' its

efficiency going into e. country . That • s Just one of' t he opportunities that ve

have, but ve ought to bave mauy more .. We ought to have some Gove~nt program,

it seems to me. We ought to have this great international prograa that 8 s designed

through the World Bank and the International Finance Development Corporation,

which is nov i n the stages of' being established, and ve might very well increase

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our activities in private financing. coroll.ary

LUCAS: I take it, as ~to this, then you llight support the so-

called Marshall Plan for Asia1 1bich is pretty much dead, as I gathert

BUMPBREY: Well, no, I wouldn't -- thoae are names. If you aean, do I

believe that ve ought to lend on a very selective basio some economic assistance,

for e%8111Ple, in a country such as Pakistan, an ally of ours, I would s~ 1 yes 1

I think this is to our advantase. I happen to believe that military assistance

alone to JZtaDY of the Aaian countries is not adequate, because the stability of

their government will depend - will in a great sense determine hov much of an

ally they are go ins to be.

LUCAS: I don't lmov hov specific you want to get, but you b.ave mentioned

Pakiatan. Bow about Indiaf

HUMPHREY: I believe tbat we ought to give economic assistance to India.

As a matter of tact 1 while the Indians do Jl&ll1 things I don 9 t like 1 and vilile

Mr. lehru at times acts up in a Jl'l&llller that is displeasing to me1 the choice

in India today is not a choice between a good De.ocrat and a good Republican,

as you might want back here 1ll the United Statea, but it 's a choice between

the Congress Party ot India, vhich represents at least the forces of polit ical

freedom, and .the forces of Communism that are on the march. lov that Five Year

Plan which is coming to a conclusion here in the next tvo years baa some specific be

goals that need t2J•t, because there is going to be an fll.ection in India, and

India t~ as a sort of neutral is a whole lot better than India to110rrov as

an outright adJunct to or power in the Soviet orbit.

LOOAS: They have taken so11e rather restrictive measures against American

industry in India --

BUMPBRE!': Oh, recently

LU::AS: In the aviation field and in the automotive induatey -- is it pos-

sible that by the use of the reciprocal features of this legislation tbat some

ot those restrictions ~light be loosened!

BUMPBRB!: I think so. I vould hope so. At least it would otter an

opportunity. I think w: have to realize that a country such aa India, tbat

vas UDder British colODiali .. tor years, is ao..vbat aenaitive to vbat ve

might call Occidental veal.th1 or the great 110ney and power ot the Western vorld.

We are going to have our difficulties with India, but I want to tell you, troa

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my point of view, the diff1cultiee that ve are havins nov will be the irre­

ducible JDilliiiUil as compared to the difficulties ve vould have if the political

situation in India vent further to the left and fiually over into the

Cowwun:Jst orbit.

lltJIU.EIGB: Mr. Bailey.

BAILE!: SeD& tor, to get back to this side of the ocean on this question

again, do you think that some provision should be made to help Allericu

induatq 1 say that would be burt by foreip competition under the proviaione

of the reciprocal trade agreements - 80IIe form of subsidy for the .industry

or some compeo.sation for vorkera vbo are laid off because a business bas to

abut dovnt

BUMPBRBJ: I think ve are going to be faced with that, aurel.J. If ve go

through v1 th the three-year program, v1 tb the dovograding escalator clause so

to apeak - I mean where the President can cut five percent each year for

three years, and also to br1ns dOWD any tariff a that are over 50 percent dovn

to at least 50 percent llinimum, I tbiDk ve are goiog to have to take into account

the realities of vbat maJ happen in specific limited areas of A.erican ,•nterprise

ud industry 1 and it seeu to me that vhen ve make a DatD&l policy such as this,

then the whole Dation ought to bear the burden and not place this strictly on

the backs, let's say of the coal liiaers -- and coal today ia a sick industry.

I thiDk the Goverament of ~\le Ulli ted States has an obligation here to see to

it that ve do something in tbi&. particular area. It 11BJ happen, for example,

in some selected pottery industries in the United States -- possibly a program

of retraintns of workers, a prosram of capital loana for starting up new

industr,y that could re-hire these workers, or for cb&Dse-over of plant fraa

one form of equipment to uotber eo that it could stay in the .arltetplace and

provide Job a and still be able to maintain capital sol veney. I thiDk ve bave

got to face up to that.

BAILE!: Bov is this kind of a program that you have Just outlined different

in your view trom the type of action that vas taken last to raise the

tariff on 1111ports of Svisa watches into this countq after the ~stic vatch­

malters Calle dovn to Washington and presented their case and complained about

the situation! Do you see a difference between --

JlUNPBREI: Yes, I tbiDk there is a coneiderable difference. I vant to arq,

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however, that the vatcbraalter is in a peculiar categoey. First of all, tbat 0 s

a veey eenai ti ve kind of 1 should I ~ profession! I mean ve need these

skilled craftsmen. Bov ve may actualq have to pq a price to -.t.ntain this

kind of a skill so that it doesn°t become extinct so to speak, because these

men are frequently of the greatest importance in our national defense efforts.

I think that you can Juatity some programs, ~ I s&J1 on the te1'118 ot overall

national security and national defense. I think you have to clrav the line

so• place, however, and you have to recognize that if' you have an expanding

ecoDOIIJ - and that 0 s vhat I am. looking torvard to - where you have relati vel.y

full eQloyment, that even though one IDa)' be temporariq displaced 1n a par­

ticular industry tor a particular period of time, that it you have got a graving

ecollOIDJ and not a restricting one, he vill find work, particularly it you provide

during that interim period adequate employment compensation benefits, some

retrainins and relocation where the necessities may demand it.

BAILEY: Well, would you favor the progrBil ot American goverDIIIent spending

to accomplish these thiDSS rather thaD increases in the tariffs on certain

products vhen these industries get in distresat It see.. to me in the vatch­

aking situation you had an approach that vas quite different from the one

you have Just described.

BUMPIIBla: Yes. Yeo, and I think you have cited the situation very care­

tully and very adequately. I vould. I would say that instead of trying to

block ott foreign trade that ve would try to make some adJustments back here

in the domestic scene. We ~ bave to take our tille 1n some of this. these

things are not easy and I don 9 t sq tor a single minute that when you go into

a long range policy such as ve are talking about here that there won't be some

rather difficult readJustment periods.

BtJBLEIGB: Mr o Lucas.

LUCAS: Senator, this is a global problem, this pro~llem of world trade 1

and particularl.J in the Far East our friends such as the Japanese are 1n veey

difficult straits because they are not allowed to trade with the Chinese Reds.

BUMPBR!rf: Yea.

LUCAS: There are restrictiona placed on them tor good strategic aili tar)'

tactical reasons, but do you feel tbat there should be some easiug of the

restrictions on East-West tr&de if ve are going to solve this problea and

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raise vorld living conditions! ·

BUM'PBRBY: M,J ovn personal feeling is tbat in view of the tense inter- ·

· D&tioD&l situation -- and b;y the vq, I am one that thinks it's not quite aa

roB)' as the Administration spokesmen so indicate -- that vhat ve should be

tr)'iDg to do is to improve the area of trade and co.-rce aaongst the free

nations of the vorld and 8110Dgst that great uncoaaitted bloc - and there is

still a great uncOJIIIlitted bloc - and that's vh;y a trade prograa such u ve

are talkiDg about here is tied in Yith 11&111 other thiDga. It's tied in Yith

ailit&rJ securit;y; it's tied in vith ecoDCIIic securit;y. I happen to believe,

for exuaple, that b;y the illprovement of the li vi.Dg standards of substantial

nuabers of people, let • s 88.7 in Southeut Asia, still not in the COR'ID2 at

area, that we could find a great market for American goods. You can't sell

something to paupers. You canvt sell highl;y developed American goode, ~u­

factured goods or even raw 11aterials 1 to people that are totall.J Y1 thout inc011e.

Therefore 1 it' a to our advantas;e as the greatest producer nation on the face

of the earth to have a credit program, a capital improve~~ent program, an

economic aid program that lll&kea possible customers. )i)dern American industr)'

understands this veey vell. They lmov t~ that the best place for them to

sell their goods is to a vell paid worker 1 and the;y realize that if the;y are

going to stq in business 1 our large corporations 1 that thq have got to have

customers - customers Y1 th IIODeJ 1n their pocket. Bov that's vbJ I aq that

in a foreign trade prograa ;you are Just talltiDg theoey if ;you are not thiDking

1n tel'IDS of hoY to sell to people that have it. Therefore, to • as a United

States Seu.tor and aa a citizen, I believe it's all to our advantage at t1••

to help other people help tbeaaelves so that tbe;y in turn can bUJ some ot the

things that ve a1ght produce.

~: This 1a entirel.7 ott the subJect, 11114 I Yill let Chuck briug 1t

back Y1 th his next question, but I am interested b;y ;your observation that thiDgs

are not so roa;y as baa been pictured b;y the Adain1stration. Could )'OU expand

on that a bitt

llUMPBREl': Well, I still feel that the Soviet Union is increaaiDg ita

mili tar)' pover. I still teel that there are highl)' critical and tense areas

in the world. I aa not at all pleased Y1 th some ot the developments that I

see happening in Southeast Asia. I think there are difficulties in lorth Atric:a

that are being m1Dim1zed. And I do not believe that ve oupt to go around kidding

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ourselves tbat ve are 11 ving in an era ot pee.ce 11 nor do I think ve ought to

fall tor the propaganda of the Soviet Union that 1t we vill Just co-exist

that everything will be lovely and Just tiDe. It ve mean by co-existence

tbat ve vill get on the march v1th a trade prograa, Y1th an ecoDOJD1c program

and v1th 111litary strength, and tryiDg to fiDel nev friends 8DC1 build new areu

ot stre~, then I will go tor co-existence, but it you aean by co-existence

that ve Just sort ot play dead and act l1ke we are aoaehov bappy about the

whole ai tuation, then I 88iJ that we would be li viag :i.n a tool v a paradiae and

falae aecuri t)'. So from. this man • s point ot rtev I think that ve oupt to

continue bu1ld1Dg our militaey strength. We ought to ccmt1D.ue to build our

alliances. We ought to continue to expand our toreip trade, and 1n that area

and 1n economic development 1 I think, Just u a matter ot aatioDal. pride, in the world,

as the greatest arch&nts 1n the world, the greatest producer!} the greatest

induatriaUata in . the world, the finest skilled vorltera in the vorld, that ve

Americana ousb.t to be a little bit ashaaed ot ourselves to think that we would

have to tate a back seat or a second place to aDJ other nation on the face ot

the globe. Look ... ve can outproduce thea, · o\d:aell thea, outdistribute thea -

ve can outdo thea in ~ area ve vant to as lons u it is in production,

eelliDS ud JRrketiDg. This is aomething that ve really k.nov. We 111Q not

be ao clever around some ot the diplomatic couterence tablea, because aoaeti.ea

ve stub our toe there, but I think tbat if we will give American 1nduat17 ancl

AErican capi t&l, backed up vi th Allerican govern~~ent confidence and strength,

an opportun1 ty to show what can be done ve can real.l1 aake headvay u

B1JRLEIGB: Jlr. Bailey.

BAlLEt: SeD&tor, a year ago the President proposed a tbree-Jear exteaaion

of th1a trade asreements act. 1'he Congress extended it for one }'ear and it

appeared tbat the President 'ft8 aatistied for the time beiDg. low ap1n he

reque•ta a three-Jear extension rather than a one-year extension. Do you think

it's neceaa&rJ to go tor three yeara, and it ao, vhJt

BUJCPBREI: I do. I think 1 t vas nece888.17 laat Je&r 1 ancl the reaaon wbJ

ia ve17 obvious. Firat ot all, our foreign exporters, our private exporters

in the buaineaa world tl"Jin& to do business v1 th ill:portera in the Kuropeu,

let • a s&J, business world -- 1 t soaett.ea takes ua six to eigbt a>ntha to even

come to aD aaree.nt, and it you have onl.J got a one-year exteuion of a

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reciprocal. trade act upon vb1ch JOU are buill& thia agreement that you have

worked so ateadtastl)' to arrive it, you real.lJ haven't se»t auch, but to do

bue1neaa I th1Dk JOU have sot to have lonaer perio4a of tt.e 1D the vtLole

area ot interu.t10Dal or foreign econoaic policJ it JOU are soina to Jlake

aDJ forward prosrese. You need tille tor origiMl planning. It'• going to

take a lot ot ti11e on some ot these reciprocal trade asree.nta Juat to

ugotiate them. !hen JOU a.ee4 tiM tor deliftl"J• You need tt.e to see vbat

the effect ot that will be. Therefore, I aupport this three-Je&r prograa.

BAILE!: ADother one ot the Preaiclent'a general tre.cle propoaala would

enviaaae a cle&1'1Dg up of our cwstoma regulations --


BliLEI: -- to make it aore, apparentlJ .ore, ailllple to tultiU those

requireaenta. Doea this tie in with that ..... general idea ot stabilitJ and

predictabilit7 in the field ot interuatioDal tra4et

BUMPIIBB'f: It surelJ does, and aga1D ~ I srq, aa the leadiD& COIIMrcial

Dation on the face of the earth - and that 8 • exactlJ vbat ve are, and I want

to bout about it because tt•s the truth - ve oupt to have a cuat01111 procedure

in th1e countey that expedi tea the flov of co._rce, and I aa happJ to a8J

in the 83r4 CoDgresa, u JOU gentlemen Jmov, we did pus an act to uk tor a

atua, to be IB4e 1D that, and tor proposals to come back to ua tor further

eillpl1f1cation. I thilllt that is a good aoUD.d ausaeet1on.


LUCAS: Senator, I have gotten the iapreasion that our cuata.a aervlce

1a in prett7 ba4 abape per80illlelv1ae, and there bave been turtber cuts in

recent Congresses.

BUIIPBREI: That's true.

LUCAS: · Can w so into this sort ot a program v1 th an iMdequatelJ staffed

cuatc.a service, or aut that be built up'l

BUMPIIBB'f: I • not prepared to 881 Juat what the proport1ona of that

aernce is. I bave Y1a1ted, hoveYer, ~ ot our cuatoma offices, and I aa

ot the op1D1on froa vbat I do kDov that it is Ulldentatfed, tbat I • sure

that tbere will be neceaa1t7 tor ao.e retra11l1q, and too, 1t JOU atart to

so 1Dto a .ore mclern cuatOM program, aDd I th1Dk 1n the 1t 70u are

so1aa to enter upon th1a ld.Dd ot a poliq "" ought to realize tbat ve are

soins to have to forward it at ao.e cost.

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- 11 -

Ltl:AS: Well, we have discussed this thins troa t he policy and pb.iloaophical

p viewpoint, both at home 8l1d overseas. lov in the real.JI ot practical politics

Just hov much cbaDce does this Prosr&ll have ot approval 111 this Coasrust

BUIIPBREI: I th1Dlt it has a very good chaJlce 1 sir. I • uot so sure Juat

hov auch cbaDce the one item. that ve discussed e&l"lier, the tax concessi0118

tor foreign - Aaericu capital 111 foreign coUDtries - 111ght have. Ot course

that would require sc.e tax treaties Y1 th other coUDtr1es because tb&t requires

a good deal ot ccmaerc1al negotiation, but by a three-year exteuion, I thiDk

Y1 th the President's support - 1t he v1ll cont111ue his support nov -- and I aq

that because he advocated three years before and then settled tor ODe -- it the

President v1ll stick. with ua, and 1t his Adii1D1stration VOD't let us clovl11 I

thi.Dk we will be able to get a three-year extension through, and further custOIDS

simplification and SOllie other areas that he rec01111eDded 111 his econom.ic message.

~: Well, the tum-over in the Senate, particularly this tiae, vun't

too great. 'lhere vere, oh, leas thaD ten chaD&e•·

JIUJIPIIRK!': That's correct, but I th1Dk it the President last tt. -- 1t the

Ada1D1stration forces, let me put it this war, 1t the J4wtn,stration forces and ·

the Ccmgress last tt. had come out with a three-year exteuion bill it would have

goDe through, but they came out , aa you lmov, vith a one-Je&r prograa, and vben

so. ot the DnK>crata tried to make it a three-year one, ve bad the rug pulled

out from Ullderneath us by a statement troll the Wh1 te Bouse that the one-year vas

adequate. So all ·I ask is, ot our good President, is - St&J v1th us and ve

will deliver the program.o

BtJRLBIGB: llr. Bailey.

BADJD": I had aDOther question in the reala ot practical politics.

Bistoricall.J ve have seen a pattern of Congressioaal vot1Dg 011 these proble.a

vhere the .anutactur1Dg areas of the lortbeast and vbat might be called the eastern

part ot the Midwest have favored high tar1tts vhile the South and the West 1 v1 th

aaricultural products to sell, have favored tree trade . .Do you th1Dk this pattern

still existsf

BUIIPBREI: I think it exists somnbat 111 what you aigllt call the preJudices

ot the 111ncl, but the ecoDOIIic facts reveal toc1a)' tbat the South is bec0111Dg

h1gllly industrialized and the 111clvest, vhich vas ODCe basicall.J a producer ot

raw •ter1als, tood and tiber& is becom1D.g 111duatri&l.ized. I thiDk that JOU

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.. •

- 12-

are finding that this whole attitude of high tariff in Aaerica bas lost ita

• It isn't a great political subJect aDJ mre. Bo politician 1e going

to pq to go out aDd arouae the fervor of the people 'bJ giYing high tariff

policy, but I think you can go out to the people and point out tbat we are

engaged in a colossal atru@'ale i.n this world tbat is llilit&rJ, ecoDOIIic, aDd

it ia diploaaat1c. We have every opportUD.itJ to bal.allce ott on the ll1l1tarJ.

We have the capacitJ to doit. We can do it on the diplo.tic and on the We ought to lead, and 1t ve are goiua to lead ve are go1Dg to a.eed

to do vbat bas been outlined here - techDJ.eal uaistance, eCODOIIic aasiatance,

extension of reciprocal trade, cuetoma ataplification - and I repeat, tbis ia

a aatu:ral area tor the American people. We are born capitalists aDd traders.

We ought to be able to do thirJ .

BUBLEIGB: I aa atJrrJ, Gentlemen, but I 0a goiua to have to cut in here.

Our board of Judges baa selected the three prise-v1DD1D& queatiou subJii tted

by our listeners tor this eveDiua's broadeaat. - In a BOIIent Senator Bu.,phrq

ia go1Dg to anner these questions. Stand by tor the DalleS of the viDDera.

FISKE: A large portion of the responsibility for keepiag the Aaerican

people the best 1Dt01"11led people in the world beloDgS to radio nevscaatera,

cCJa~entators and anal7sta. On Mlltual you •u find veteran DeV~~men 1n eveey

categoey who are experts 1n their fields and vho take their relfPODSibili ty to

you, the liatener 1 v1 th utmost seriousness. Whether you prefer a fast, five-

minute digest of the big headlines ot the mo.ent or thoushttul penetrat1Dg and

. informed c011aentary, Mutual is your network for neva 1 aa you like it and when

you like it. Weekcbq eveniaga there are Ful. ton Lewis, Jr. 1 Gabriel Beater and

Virgil, with full quarter hours of DeYS1 u well u Lyle Van and his

tamed five~ute DeV8 capsule. ADd the cbqti.JDe favorite, Robert F. Burleigh,

is heard every .orning with Den and Cedric roster, vhoae constant

search tor background takes him to 8aD1 corners of the vorld. ADd CecU Brown,

Bill CunDingbaa and Sam. Bqe. These are but a tev of the Jt&ltual aaaea tor news.

Bear them all regularly moat of these eta tiona. Mu.tual is your netvort tor


questions froa our liateDere.

Page 15: MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ The Honorable Hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd relates her experiences while

. "

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FISIE: From David Brewer Jetmore, of Jerse7 CitJ, B. J ..

JIURI.BIGH: In view of the fact that ve caDDOt 1Dcreaae our ialports unless

we tear dovn our present high tariffs to encourase illporta, what ia to be

the prime determining factor in arri viq at a proper trade balance for this

countey'l ·

llU.NPIIRE'f: Well, I vould 8&1 to our questioner that it JOU look upon the

~rican economic situation as one that is static, in which there is little

hope for prosress, then ind.eed there voulcm't be much opportunitJ for increased

imports without some disturbance to local Mlerican enterprise, but I guess

DJ8lbe I am Just an opt1a1et. I aa of the opinion that we are gains to haYe

expand1Dg markets. We have a groviag population, and b'J loveri.Jig scae of

these tariffs we vill be able to bring 1Dto America nev products that v1ll

not necesearil'J displace vbat we have but f1Dd a nev market.

FISKE: J'roa Almie Lee, of NaJ.den, llusachusetts.

JlUBI.BIGB: Bov can the American vortera retain their h1sh wages if the

tariff is lowered ud foreip. goods undersell the American aarkett

JWNPBREr: Well, I think it should be crystal clear that ve don •t intend

to let our country be flooded v1 th so-called depressed wage cOIIIDOdi ties. We

are talking about reciprocal trade progr&~~B. Furthermore, let the record be

clear. The AEricu worker is a greater producer per 118.11 hour per person than

any worker in the world. Be baa the capital tools at his fiqer tips to produce

goods anc1 services. Actuall.7 the Alllericu worker can face ccapetition troll

practicall.7 aDJ country in the world, despite our hish va&e standards. This

is the gr.-v,t aecompliatu.nt ot our tree enterprise s;vatea.

PISD: Froa Blla S1JB)na, ot Shei'MD, 'l'exaa.

JlUBLBIGB: It ve lowered our tariff ancl iacreued our toretp trade with

our triencle and also the countries behind tb.e Iron Curtain to a certain degree -

wouldn't it relieve the world tension aDd ake mre frieudat

JlUIIPBBEt: I 8lll ot the opinion that if ve cu 1Dcreaae world trade tbat

it·vill relieve s0111e of the teuion. Jbre illportant, however, it vill protect

those areas tbat are t~ s~t vulnerable to C01111UD1st infiltration. It

will give thea that solid base ot ecoDOJDic growth azul atabili t7 froa whence

Ca.uniea doesn't pin ~ friends.. In other words, I look upon this program

as bav1Dg three assets: Economic streagth UIODgst our allies, as the President

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... .. c.,.


- 14 -

said; lumber two 1 economic growth iu underdeveloped areas to improve their

particular situation, both political an4 ecoDOJDic; aDd th1~, an increasi.Dg

volu.e of' world production and tra.cle vill help aa to our ovn ecoDODlic growth

and a rise in our ovn standard of' li v1Dg. I th1Dk that~ e a prett7 good package

and I think it can be veU defended.

PISD: Bandsome c,ma Dual Purpose Clocks are being sent to the persona

Dalled tor aubmi tting the three prize-Y1DD1ng queationa on th1a eveniDg• a broad­

cut. 'this program ia preaented bJ Mutual and Facta Forum to provoke turtber

thought and interest in D&tioDal. and international ieeuea. J1aD1 Facta Forum

progrmu are published in tbe monthl.J Facta Forua Bevs. Tile Februal')' issue

containe a special feature article by Freda UtleJ, a veU-known and respected

authorit,. on the Far East, revealiD& her conviction, based on actual experien.c:e,

that the Russian people actually despise their Soviet t,.ranta. For more intol'll&­

tion about the February Facta Forum :&eve, vr1 te to Facta Forua, Da1 J as, Texas.

Each veek our listeners are invited to eend in queatiou. lat week our neva­

uking guest vill be questioned on whether foreign econoad.c aid should be continued

or discontinued. The writers of' the three most interesting and t1me~ queetione

vill each receive this handsome prize: a C;yma Dual Purpose Clock, b7 the

world tamoua C,.. watcbaakera. 'this Cyma Clock vill be JOur companion at ho•

or wherever you so. Send in your questiona on the back of' a postcard vith JOur

f'ull u.e and complete addreaa to REPORTERS' ROUIIDJP, Mutual Broadcaatina Syatea,

Waehinaton, D. C. All queatione remain the J'ropertJ of' REPOB'lERS' ROUIWP.

BURLEIGH: I VBDt to thank United States Seaator Hubert B. llUIIPbrq of'

JliDDesota tor being our gueat on tonight • s BEPOBTERS 0 ROtJBlXJP, which came to JOU

transcribed from the SeDate Radio Galler,. in Washington, D. c. .., thanks also

to the reporters on our panel: Jim Lucaa of' Scripps-Bonrcl and Chal:les W. BaileJ

ot Cowles Publications. Until nat week, JOur IIOderator, Robert F. Burleigh.

FISD: This broadcast of' REPORTERS' ROUBDUP will make nen because ita

guest, Senator Hubert B. llum,phre;y of' Mimaesota, baa faced questiona which are aaked

bJ aU AmeriCaDS. Bext veek and each veet thereafter, REPORrERS • ROUBWP ¥111

seek out the top DeVa and the IIIIUl vho IIBkes it. You'll aet the stor,. behind the

headllnea u our guest speaker ansvera the queatione of' Robert F. Burleigh 8Dd

a p&Del of' veteran reporters. Fred Fiske speaking.

Page 17: MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM+ The Honorable Hubert … · 2012. 11. 20. · issue contains an interview with Dr. Bella Dodd by Ralph de Toledano. Dr. Dodd relates her experiences while

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