musique: moon river mantovani the full sit-up [position assise droite]

Musique: ‚Moon River‘ Mantovani

Upload: clarissa-claudia-anable

Post on 11-Dec-2015




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Musique: ‚Moon River‘ Mantovani

The Full Sit-up

[Position assise droite]

The Awkward Spoon

[La cuillère délicate]

The Semicircle

[Le demi-cercle]

The Sunbather

[Ler bain de soleil]

The Double Bed

[Le grand lit]

The Half-Box

[ La boîte de moitié]

The Backstroker

[Le dos crawlé]

The Sleeping Baby

[Le bébé qui dort]

The Fur Pile

[La pile de fourrure]

The Full-Box

[La boîte pleine]

The Radiator Embrace

[L‘embrassement du chauffage]

The Sleeping Dog

[Le chien qui dort]

The Librarian

[Le bibliothécaire]

The Ruler

[La règle]

The Windowsill as hammock

[Le rebord de la fenêtre comme hamac]


The Clothes Dryer

[Le sèche-linge]

The Potluck

[..... À la fortune du pot]

The Weightless Headstand 

[Faire le poirier en état d‘apesanteur]

The Misfit - Out !

[Ler outsider > Oust !]

The Mid-Sentence

[Au milieu de la phrase...]

The Bag Of Limbs (Box Editions)

[Le sac des membres (édition boîtes)]

The Bag Of Limbs (Couch Edition)

[Le sac des membres (édition sofa)]


The Dog Bed (Mattress)

[Le lit-chien (matelas)]

The Office Worker

[L‘employé du bureau]


The Married Couple

[Le couple]

Photos forwarded by mail from a dear friend (thanks, Den! – love ya)

Photos and the translations of the pic titles arranged by >
