music notation guided notes

Music Notation Notes for Music Notation Pitch--Definition and Practice When a frequency is sounded, for example A=440 hz, a pitch is created. A=440 is notated as A4, the n ote A belo middle ! on the piano. "or a complete list of frequencies, please loo# at the folloin$ ebpa$e% http%&&'suits&notefreqs.html

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8/15/2019 Music Notation Guided Notes 1/16

Music Notation

Notes for Music Notation

Pitch--Definition and Practice

When a frequency is sounded, for example A=440 hz, a pitch is

created. A=440 is notated as A4, the note A belo middle ! on thepiano. "or a complete list of frequencies, please loo# at the folloin$ebpa$e% http%&&'suits&notefreqs.html

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The Octave and Octave Register

Musical notation follos the alphabet (A, ), !, *, +, ", and returns to

A-. All notes ithin an octae (from one musical pitch, * for example,

upto and includin$ the octae aboe-. /here are 1 unique pitchidentifiers (!2 for example- ithin the octae re$ister. 3oeer, in an

octae re$ister there are unique pitches.

Defining Pitch and Time

/he function of musical notation is to define pitch (hi$hness or

loness- and time (lon$ness or shortness-.

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/he 5taff as e #no today ori$inated in the 1th and th centuries.6t as a form of musical annotation to reli$ious texts and these

annotations ere called re$orian !hants. )efore that time, symbolsere used in con7unction ith text to represent pitch. With re$orian

!hant, lines be$an to be used to represent pitch and the relatiehi$hness or loness of those pitches. While the first re$orian !hants

only had one line, eentually a system as expanded to include fourlines. 3oeer, more lines ere used for different instruments (for

example the lute 8ancestor of the $uitar9often had seen lines-. 6n

"rance a system hain$ fie lines be$an and soon this as standardpractice throu$hout the :th century in +urope.

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Example of Gregorian Chant ! line s"stem#

/his is the /he 6ntroit audeamus omnes, scripted in square notationin the 4th;<th century raduale Aboense, honors 3enry, patron

saint of "inland. /o hear this !hant, $oto(http%&&en.i#ipedia.or$&i#i&re$orianchant-

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The Clef 

/here are three types of clefs ( clef, " clef, and ! clef-. +ach of these

indicate the foundational pitch ( for +xample, ith the clef- the the

clef assi$ns on the staff. /he ord clef is "rench and means, >#ey.>

The Position of the Clefs

+ssentially, the clef allos most of the notes ith in different tessituras(pitch ran$e for an instrument or oice- to be located on the staff. "or

example, the 5oprano clef is attached to the bottom line as thetessitura of the soprano instrument (soprano recorder, ocal ran$e of

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soprano- ould require a ma7ority of the notes to be aboe the staff./he soprano clef is used to ma#e the ma7ority of the notes in the staff.

5ource% (http%&&en.i#ipedia.or$&i#i&!lef-

The Grand $taff 

The Grand $taff cont%#

5ource% (http%&&en.i#ipedia.or$&i#i&5taff(music--

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The Ma&or $cale

/he Ma7or 5cale employs this pattern of hole and half steps.Whole&Whole&half&Whole&Whole&Whole&half 

'hole $tep('hole Tone

! to * is a hole step, because there is a pitch on the piano inbeteen

it called !2.

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)alf $tep($emitone

! to *b is a half step, because *b is the ery next pitch on the piano

from !.

Defining *ccidentals

An accidental is a symbol that raises or loers a pitch by a half orhole step.

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The Tetrachord

+ach Ma7or scale is made up of to tetrachords, one be$innin$ of thest scale de$ree (st note of the scale- and the <th scale de$ree (the

<th note of the scale-.

The Tetrachord cont%#

5ource% (http%&&en.i#ipedia.or$&i#i&/etrachord-

The C Ma&or $cale($cale Degrees

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/he ! Ma7or scale is the only scale that does not hae any sharps orflats?

+ach of the scale de$rees is assi$ned a name%

st@@/onic or #ey note

1nd@@5upertonic (Super meaning above the tonic)rd@@Mediant (in the middle beteen the tonic and the dominant and

the ma7or third aboe the tonic-4th@@5ubdominant (5ub meanin$ belo the dominant-

<th@@*ominant (the second most important scale de$ree to the tonic-

:th@@5ubmediant (the minor third belo the tonic-th@@Beadin$ /one or Beadin$ Note (the note that leads to the tonic

The Ma&or +e" $ignatures $harp +e" $ignatures#

/he Cey 5i$nature ith%

5harp@@ Ma7or

1 5harps@@* Ma7or 5harps@@A Ma7or

4 5harps@@+ Ma7or< 5harps@@) Ma7or

: 5harps@@"2 Ma7or

5harps@@!2 Ma7or

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*nother 'a" to Remem,er the order of $harp +e"$ignatures

Demember the sentence%

Good Deeds *re Ever earing .ried Chic/en%

EAll #eys are ith 7ust the letter name, except the last to hich must

add a sharp. /he reason is there is a "@natural Cey 5i$nature that is aflat #ey, and !@natural has no sharps and no flats.

The Ma&or +e" $ignatures .lat +e" $ignatures#

/he Cey 5i$nature ith%

"lat@@" Ma7or1 "lats@@)b Ma7or

"lats@@+b Ma7or

4 "lats@@Ab Ma7or< "lats@@*b Ma7or

: "lats@@b Ma7or "lats@@!b Ma7or

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*nother 'a" to Remem,er the Order of .lat +e"$ignatures

Demember the sentence%

.ive ig Elephants *te Doroth"0s Good Cheese

EAll #eys end ith flat except the first ". NF/+% 6f it as "@flat it

ould actually be the note +, so this is not possible.

Enharmonic +e"s

/hese #eys are +nharmonic. /hey sound the same but are ritten


6f to ma7or #eys are not enharmonic, then they are transpositions ofeach other. /ranspositions are the exact same formula built off of a

different pitch. /o transpose means to rite or play music in some #ey

other than the ori$inal.

Order of $harps in a +e" $ignature

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/he order of sharps in a #ey si$nature is alays%",!,,*,A,+,)

A mnemonic deice to remember the order of sharps in a #ey

si$nature is%

Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.

Order of .lats in a +e" $ignature

/he order of flats in a #ey si$nature is alays%),+,A,*,,!,"

A mnemonic deice to remember the order of flats in a #ey si$nature


)attle +nds And *on oes !harles "ather.

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The Circle of .ifths

/he !ircle of "ifths (or circle of fourths if you read it counter cloc#ise-

shos the relationships beteen the tele tones of the chromaticscale and their correspondin$ #ey si$natures. +ssentially, by startin$

at any pitch, ascendin$ by the interal of an equal tempered perfectfifth, one $oes throu$h all teled tones and returns to the startin$


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1nteractive Circle of .ifths

oto (http%&&!ircleFf"ifths&- to study and loo# at the

relationships in the !ircle of "ifths more.

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)elp in 2earning the Circle of .ifths

oto (http%&&.circle@[email protected]&- to assist you in learnin$ the!ircle of "ifths.