music analysis - krept & konan devils playground

Cinematograp hy Editing Mise-en- scene Narrative Relation to Lyrics (lyrics and music) Representa tion Genre/ codes and conventi ons Mid-shot of Krept in the car, then Konan in the car later in the video. Panning used of the locations. Long shots of the setting as they are driving past it. Extreme close-up of Krept and Konan. Long takes on the artist/ settings . Fade cuts in- between shots. Natural lighting of the setting. Gloomy colours throughou t video. Matching clothing, all black, and both wearing a beanie. Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. Telling a story about their past, and what had happened. For example, when they joined a gang, and how it affected their lives. Now they realise how much it affected them and they are trying to better themselves. Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. ‘Devils playground is a term meaning where the vile things happen’. But in this case, devil’s playground is the ghetto (where they grew up), and they reminisce on it. That where you live has an impact on your lives. Rap The music video by the Duo Krept and Konan was released on YouTube on 29 th November 2012. This video had a narrative of Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. Telling a story about their past, and what had happened. For example, when they joined a gang, and how it affected their lives. Now they realise how much it affected them and they are trying to better themselves. Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. They take turns in the shots they are in, so when Krept is rapping he is driving and rapping, then when Konan is rapping he is in the shot rapping. They promoted this video as it was one of their first official videos, and it was the first to hit one million views along with other videos such as ‘Go down south, Otis (Remix), Too young’ and others. To get as many views for this video, they promoted it on their Instagram, Twitter,

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Music Analysis - Krept & Konan Devils Playground

Cinematography Editing Mise-en-scene

Narrative Relation to Lyrics (lyrics and music)

Representation Genre/codes and conventions

Mid-shot of Krept in the car, then Konan in the car later in the video.

Panning used of the locations.

Long shots of the setting as they are driving past it.

Extreme close-up of Krept and Konan.

Long takes on the artist/settings.

Fade cuts in-between shots.

Natural lighting of the setting.

Gloomy colours throughout video.

Matching clothing, all black, and both wearing a beanie.

Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. Telling a story about their past, and what had happened. For example, when they joined a gang, and how it affected their lives. Now they realise how much it affected them and they are trying to better themselves. Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up.

‘Devils playground is a term meaning where the vile things happen’. But in this case, devil’s playground is the ghetto (where they grew up), and they reminisce on it.

That where you live has an impact on your lives.


The music video by the Duo Krept and Konan was released on YouTube on 29th November 2012. This video had a narrative of Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. Telling a story about their past, and what had happened. For example, when they joined a gang, and how it affected their lives. Now they realise how much it affected them and they are trying to better themselves. Krept and Konan’s feelings towards the world in which they grew up. They take turns in the shots they are in, so when Krept is rapping he is driving and rapping, then when Konan is rapping he is in the shot rapping. They promoted this video as it was one of their first official videos, and it was the first to hit one million views along with other videos such as ‘Go down south, Otis (Remix), Too young’ and others. To get as many views for this video, they promoted it on their Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and their website. This shows them using various platforms to gain a larger audience. The elements for both Krept and Konan are similar as they share similar experiences.

Page 2: Music Analysis - Krept & Konan Devils Playground

The use of cinematography used in this music was the elements Mid-shot of Krept in the car, then Konan in the car later in the video. A mid-shot is viewers can see artists’ faces clearly and the way they interact. When Krept was rapping the mid shots of him driving a car through the ‘hood’ shows how much apathy he has. Then he says ‘Driving through the hood, thinking how fucked it is, like how the fuck can anybody be in love with this’ means that Now he’s moved out, he’s thinking how can anyone love living here, as he does not want to remember the times he had living around there. This indicates that he is lucky to leave the situation where he was, and reflects on it as a bad experience. This is the same with Konan, he raps as if they got lucky, and moved out of the ‘hood’. Him and Krept shared the same experiences, growing up facing gang-violence, drugs, money, loss of friends etc. The next use of cinematography panning used of the locations. For example, the cameraman pan shops and devalued images in the video, to show the audience what they grew up in. This gives them an idea of how lucky Krept & Konan were to escape the ‘Devils Playground’ and get an in-depth overview of their surroundings when they were growing up.

The use of long takes on the artist/settings through editing is to get closer with the audience and how they feel deeply. Long takes are used in music videos which lasts much longer than common shots used. The editing reduces the pace of when a cut will appear lasting longer than a usual cut. For both Krept and Konan they stare at the setting as they drive past it, and the camera shots edited into long takes to give the audience full effect of how the

Page 3: Music Analysis - Krept & Konan Devils Playground

experience. They stare at the setting because it is very personal to them, and because they are telling a story, it gives more meaning. Another editing technique used fade cuts in-between shots, whilst they are driving. A fade is a dissolving image transition from one image to another. The use of fade in this video however is showing the contrasts between how they have grown out of the life they used to live, and now they are reflecting. The impact it has on the audience is that they know the story behind their upbringing.

The lighting of the setting is natural lighting, and in the daytime, however the weather is gloomy and depressing. This is to show the mood of the song as explicit, as their story describes how lucky they were to escape. The natural lighting makes the scenario more realistic as the mood matches the weather; this is pathetic fallacy, where the mood of the setting is shown through the weather. The next mise-en-scene technique used is both artist wearing similar clothing for example matching clothing, both in all black, and both wearing a beanie. This shows that they both went through the same experiences, and have the same story. It also suggests that the struggles were very similar to each other, and one of them has not had more experiences than another. They are also driving slowly in the area they grew up.

‘Devils playground’ is a term meaning where the bad things happen. In this case, devil’s playground is the ghetto (where they grew up), and they reminisce. I think they do not want to reminisce, because the experience they had growing up was one they would want to forget it, but do it to remember how they begun. In the introduction Krept says ‘‘I call it the devil’s playground, I realise late, but better late than never’’ means that there’s many names for the hood, but he says it is called ‘’devil’s playground’’ as realises now that it is not a good place to be. They call it devil’s playground because they went through experiences of drugs, money, and gang-violence. Even though they want to forget about it, they want to connect with the audience on how they were brought up. The audience with feel sympathy, and will understand that it is hard for black working-class males to succeed after the experience they had went through. Nevertheless, they are subverting that stereotype and improving their livelihood. The representation of this video is where you live has an impact on your lives, as they drive through the ‘hood’ in disgust hoping for a better life.