museum id - imagineear household cavalry museum session for study day

Multimedia Guides Redux The Household Cavalry Museum May 1st 2014

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Study session about the Household Cavalry Museum's interactive multimedia guides by imagineear's Clare Cooper-Hammond and Andrew Nugée for Museum ID study day, 1st May 2014.


  • 1. Multimedia Guides Redux The Household Cavalry Museum May 1st 2014

2. This morning Thank you for the early start ! The multimedia guide at The Household Cavalry Museum Big Data Product roadmap 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 2 3. The original brief 3 to 6 month project development timeline Audio guide project Translation into four languages (French, German, Spanish and Italian) Limited budget Telling the story of the Regiment, past and present Help raise awareness of the Museum, generate footfall 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 3 4. The opportunity Multi-strand content development project Rich, deep and long Regimental history First person accounts of living soldiers, oral history Ceremonial v Operational activities Blended audience, tourist, military historians, ceremonial interest, members of the Regiment Strong PR story, Londons Hidden Gem 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 4 5. The approach Multimedia v audio? Orientation? (physically and chronologically) Duration? Sources and media types? Project delivery process 3 drafts of a script? Evaluation process? Whose view? Iteration 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 5 6. The tour branding, choices 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 6 7. The tour - orientation Broadly chronological Self orientation, with a sequence 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 7 8. The tour- visual recognition Based on existing displays 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 8 9. The tour Wide range of media sources Output Music Interviews Narration Video Stills 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 9 10. The tour Photography sources raiding the family album! 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 11 11. The tour First person accounts, straight from the horses mouth Powerful memories - captured. 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 12 12. PR Results Targeted 33 journos Trade, lifestyle, consumer, regional Articles 7, Twitter 6 Trade and consumer Specialist audience 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 13 13. Outcomes The multimedia tour well, two tours! Translations Oral History archive 15 hours of first person interviews, all transcribed PR and awareness campaign Evaluation of audience 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 14 14. Learnings Agile, flexible project management Dual purpose asset development Holistic process and integrated activity Make the pennies go further Dont limit the ambition Evaluate! Iterate! 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 15 15. Integrated evaluation Change content Understand interface design Tech roadmap 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 16 16. Big Data Three, linked, Mega Trends to watch: Mobile Personal Data 17. Big Data Data is vital for the construction of insight-rich business plans, the changing of organisational cultures to become more visitor focussed and, crucially, to ensure that continual improvement delivering a great visitor experience becomes [the] norm. Museums & Heritage Magazine Spring 2014 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 18 18. Big Data Audience segmentation by language group, showing the impact of adding Brazilian, in this case 19. Big Data Audience segmentation by time spent and content experienced 20. Big Data Illustrative audience segmentation by type, based on time and experience 21. Big Data Visitor analysis by stop and media consumption 22. Big Data Typical stop profile showing % of visitors listening to specific 2nd level stops 23. Big Data Visitor analysis showing % of visitors taking the stop intro, and the 2nd level, highlighting potential problem stops 24. Big Data Turning data into insight: using the analysis to explain behaviour and improve the tour over time 25. Data collection Passive data What language How long What stops What order Automatically collected in the background Pro-active data Why What do you think Who are you Questionnaire based 26. Behind the scenes Hardware Player records all key-strokes / screen-taps with a time stamp mediaPacker, MPtouch, MPinteractive Android OS Software suite Record: tourBuilder Download: Reptor Analyse and present: ArtTool 27. Thank you and questions 27/06/2014 Museum ID presentation 28