musee du louvre (paris, france)

{ Musee du Louvre (Paris, France) By Christopher Flores

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Musee du Louvre (Paris, France). By Christopher F lores. This room, called the Salon Denon ( named after the first director of the Louvre Museum under Napoleon I ), houses the extraordinarily intricate ceiling painting by Charles-Louis Mülle , and several other beautiful works of art. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

{Musee du Louvre

(Paris, France)

By Christopher Flores

Page 2: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

This room, called the Salon Denon (named after the first director of the Louvre Museum under Napoleon I), houses the extraordinarily intricate ceiling painting by Charles-Louis Mülle, and several other beautiful works of art.

Page 3: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

As we all know, this room is home to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa portrait. This beautiful work of art has its own dedicated wall (right). The rest of the room is decorated with other great Italian works. Opposite to Mona Lisa you can see The Wedding Feast at Cana by Veronese (left) which depicts Jesus’s first miracle where he turned water into wine.

Page 4: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

The Michelangelo Gallery is one of my personal favorites in the museum, the sculptures are absolutely amazing to see. Just knowing that they were once shapeless blocks of stone that were fashioned into works of art by one mans patients .

Page 5: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

The Cour Marly and the Cour Puget are both large rooms containing many grand sculptures all being bathed in light by the enormous glass ceilings covering both rooms. The glass roof was designed by Ieoh Ming Pei (the architect of the Pyramid at the entrance).

Page 6: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)

The grand entrance, and the last thing I will be touching upon, is an enormous glass pyramid designed by Ieoh Ming Pei (left). There are several glass pyramids located at the Louvre including an incredible upside down pyramid that reaches near the floor (right). This pyramid can be recognized from the movie The da Vinci Code.

Page 7: Musee  du Louvre  (Paris, France)
