muscular chest arms

How To Build A Thick Muscular Armour Plated Chest By Lee Hayward Lee Hayward is a Physique Transformation Specialist who is committed to helping aspiring bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts gain muscle, burn bodyfat, and develop the lean muscular body that they desire. Make sure to visit Lee’s website and sign up for his FREE Bench Press Training e-Course at: Copyright 2008 Lee Hayward

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Page 1: Muscular Chest Arms

How To Build A Thick Muscular Armour Plated Chest

By Lee Hayward

Lee Hayward is a Physique Transformation Specialist who is committed to helping aspiring bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts gain muscle, burn bodyfat, and develop the lean muscular body that they desire. Make sure to visit Lee’s website and sign up for his FREE Bench Press Training e-Course at:

Copyright 2008 Lee Hayward

Page 2: Muscular Chest Arms

Everyone wants a huge chest, plain and simple. The chest has always been regarded as

one of the most powerful muscle groups in the body. A man with a well-developed chest

is usually characterized as strong and virile.

Just imagine for a moment if King Kong had flexed his biceps to display his supremacy

rather than pound his massive chest. No doubt it would still be impressive, but not nearly

as daunting.

There are many different chest workouts and exercises you can perform to develop your

pecs, heavy benching isn't the only way to build a chiseled chest. While the standard

barbell bench press is a fantastic exercise and is one of the most popular gym lifts. It

often times gets over used as a lot of guys judge their progress based on how much they

can bench. Egos sometimes get in the way of proper training, and oftentimes guys end up

lifting too heavy and using poor technique in effort to move more weight.

Start With A Mass Building Compound Exercise

My personal favorite chest mass building compound exercise is the dumbbell bench

press. This exercise has all the muscle building benefits of the regular barbell bench

press, but it has some other unique muscle building advantages as well.

Dumbbells allow you to work through a more natural range of motion. You are not

locked into a fixed position as you are when holding a barbell. This generally places less

strain on the wrists, elbows, and shoulder joints.

Dumbbells also force both the left and right sides of the body to handle an equal

workload and thus develop both sides of the chest equally. When you use a barbell or

machines your stronger side can actually compensate for your weaker side and perform

more of the lifting.

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And because you have to stabilize and balance 2 dumbbells, instead of just 1 barbell,

there is a higher level of nero-muscular activation. You’ll recruit more of the small

stabilizer muscles to help balance and support the weights. Most people will feel a deeper

level of muscular fatigue after doing an all out set of dumbbell bench presses compared

to doing an all out set of barbell bench presses.

Dumbbell Bench Press

To get in position for the dumbbell bench press set the dumbbells down in front of the

bench about a foot apart.

Bend your legs and squat down as if you were doing a dumbbell deadlift, stand up and

then hold the ends of the dumbbells against the front of your thighs.

Sit back onto the end of the bench with the dumbbells resting on your thighs.

Keeping your body in this position, let yourself slowly fall back onto the bench so that

the dumbbells are resting against your chest. And then securely position your feet flat on

the floor.

This may seem simple and easy to do when using light-weights. But when you get to the

point of using dumbbells where the combined weight is equal to or greater then your

bodyweight, then getting in position to do the exercise is a lot more difficult and proper

set up technique is critical.

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Fully Stretched Exercise

Doing exercises where you work the muscles through a full range of motion and

experience a good stretch in the bottom of the lift are incredibly effective for maximizing

your muscle growth. In the case of chest training nothing works better here then the

dumbbell flye.

When I do dumbbell flyes I purposely use light to moderate weights, higher reps, and

really emphasize the stretch at the bottom. Rather then trying to lift heavy, I simply focus

my attention on doing dynamic stretching with weights. Stretching exercises, like

dumbbell flyes, help to stretch the connective tissue which surrounds the muscles, and

there by expand the fascia and enable the muscles to grow bigger and stronger.

The ideal time to perform fully stretched exercises is right after you’ve trained a

particular bodypart with a big basic compound movement and the muscles are “pumped

up” and feeling tight. At this stage the connective tissues are already being stretched from

the blood volume in the muscles, and then by doing full range of motion stretching with

weights you will really stretch the fascia and increase the muscle growth potential.

My personal favorite variation is the incline dumbbell flyes performed on a 45 degree

angle bench. This really stretches out the upper chest and I find the angle doesn’t place as

much stress on my shoulder joints.

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Incline Dumbbell Flyes

When doing dumbbell flyes, start off really light, I’ll start off with just 20 lb. dumbbells

and work up to only 50’s at most, and I’m an experienced bodybuilder. The weight is not

important here. The main thing is feeling the deep stretch and working the muscles

through a full range of motion. If you go too heavy you’ll not be able to stretch as deep

and you’ll risk pulling or tearing a muscle.

Hold the bottom position for a second or two to really emphasis the stretch, and then only

bring your arms half way up before lowering them down to the bottom position again.

DO NOT lift your arms all the way to the top where the dumbbells touch, as this just

takes the tension off the chest muscles.

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Peak Contraction Exercise

Peak contraction exercises are basically the opposite of fully stretched exercises. The

majority of the tension is in the muscles is at the top of the movement when muscles are

fully contracted. And there is less tension at the beginning and mid-range of the exercise.

In the case of chest training, exercises like pec-deck flyes and cable crossovers work the

chest hardest in the full contracted position. You have to strain to keep the handles

together at the completion of the movement, you can’t lock out the weight at the top and

get a little break like you can with bench presses.

After completing a heavy mass building compound mid-range exercise like the bench

press, then doing a fully stretched exercise like the dumbbell flye, finishing up with a

peaked contraction exercise like the cable cross over will really work the entire chest

through a full range of motion.

Again heavy weights are not critical here. The main thing is squeezing and flexing the

chest muscles. Hold the peak contracted position for 1-2 seconds at the top of each rep.

Don’t worry about the stretch with this exercise, just focus your attention on the top half

of the lift and pumping as much blood as possible into your chest muscles.

Cable Cross Overs

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The Final Pump Up...

If you have anything left in the tank after completing the previous 3 exercises then you

can finish off your chest workout with high rep push ups.

Push ups are one of my favorite chest exercises of all time. Before I got involved with

bodybuilding I was training in martial arts and got quite good at doing high rep push ups.

At my peak I could pump out 100 push ups in a single set. I honestly feel that all the push

ups that I did while training in martial arts really helped give my chest development a

head start and is part of the reason why my chest is one of my best body parts today.

Push ups are quite simple, just hit the floor and pump them out. I shoot for 100 total reps

at the completion of my chest workouts. Basically, I’ll do a set for as many reps as I can,

rest a minute, do another set, rest a minute, etc. until I’ve completed 100 total reps.

Push Ups

After you’ve done 100 push ups at the completion of your chest workout your pecs will

feel so pumped and tight that you’ll think they are going to burst.

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Re-Cap Of The Workout

Here is just a final re-cap of the entire mass building chest workout:

Start with a mass building mid-range compound exercise: Do a variation of the bench press, such as dumbbell bench press, barbell bench press,

incline bench press, decline bench press, etc.

Warm up with light-weights and pyramid up in weight each set until you get to your top

work set weight. Use a top weight that allows you to complete between 5-10 reps per set.

This is your compound power movement so do 3 heavy sets.

Perform a fully stretched exercise: Use a variation of the dumbbell flye (i.e. incline, flat, or decline).

Warm up with really light-weights and stretch out the muscles. Gradually increase the

weights, but don’t go too heavy. Focus on stretching the muscles, not moving big

weights. Work up to 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Finish off with a peak contraction exercise: Do either pec-deck flyes or cable cross overs.

Do 1-2 warm up sets and then jump to a working weight that allows you to complete 2-3

sets of 12-15 reps. Focus on squeezing and flexing the muscles with each rep rather then

moving big weights.

Optional Exercise: High rep push ups, strive to complete 100 total reps if you can.

Well, there you have it... a complete muscle pumping chest workout that will help pack

on slabs of new muscle growth to your pecs.


If you follow this routine for the next 6-8 weeks make sure to save some money in a

piggy bank because you’ll need it to buy some bigger shirts

Page 9: Muscular Chest Arms

Imagine Having A Proven Muscle

Building System At Your Disposal

The "Blast Your Bench" program will help you to increase your strength and muscle

growth and make your workouts 3 times more productive without spending extra time in

the gym. You’ll Learn how to prevent training plateaus and make consistent gains with

your workouts week after week.

I have personally used this system to build a double bodyweight bench press (445 bench

@ 220 bodyweight) and it has helped over 10,000 people worldwide increase their

bench press strength as well. Check it out for yourself now at:

"Put 90 lbs. on his Bench Press & Gained 35 lbs. of

Muscular Bodyweight in just 4 months!"

My name is Jason, and I'm a 17 year old high school football player. Around 4 months

ago I looked into the Blast Your Bench program. I was pretty skeptical, thinking it was

impossible to make those kinds of gains. I decided to buy the program, knowing that I

had nothing to lose. I was 180 lbs when I started with a bench press of 250. I did the

program the first time and my bench went through the roof! After just 3 weeks my

bench was 300 lbs - I had caught up to the number one bencher on our team! I couldn't

believe it! My coach even had me tested for steroids! I waited 2 months and decided to

do it again. Once again I shocked my body into "the incredible hulk" mode. I just

finished it the second time around. I now weigh 215 lbs and my max bench is 340.

Thank You!

Jason Loutensock

Page 10: Muscular Chest Arms

How To Build Huge Guns - Complete Muscle Building Arm Workout

By Lee Hayward

There are few things in bodybuilding that are as desirable as big muscular arms. In fact when most people pick up a dumbbell for the first time they try to perform some sort of bicep curl with it. And when people ask you to “flex your muscle” you automatically assume that they are asking to show them your bicep.

We all want big baseball biceps and horseshoe triceps. The kind of arms that will make you proud to wear a short sleeve shirt and show them off. But most people go about arm training the wrong way. A typical arm workout for most guys involves endless sets of curls, usually lifting way too heavy and swinging and cheating the weights up.

When training the major muscle groups like the legs, back, and chest I generally recommend that you constantly strive to increase your training poundages on a regular basis. After all a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle. However, with arm training constantly trying to up the weights can actually back fire. There is a big difference between adding 5 lbs. to a 400 lbs. deadlift and adding 5 lbs. to a 30 lbs. dumbbell curl.

With arm training you’ll make better gains over the long term if you focus on simply working the muscles, rather then moving maximum weights. Obviously, as your arms get bigger they will also get stronger and you’ll have to increase your weights accordingly, but don’t force it. You’ll know when it’s time to up the weights for your arm workouts.

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Since your arms come into play with so many other bodypart workouts (i.e. biceps are worked with all rowing exercises and triceps are worked with all pressing exercises). You’ll only need to devote one training day per week to direct arm work.

One of the most effective workouts for building muscle in the arms is using a training technique called “Positions of Flexion”. Which basically means training each muscle group through it’s full range of motion; starting with a compound mid-range exercise, then moving on to an exercise that works the muscle in the completely stretched position, and then finishing with an exercise that works the muscle in the fully contracted position.

IronMan Magazine writer Steve Holman has written a lot about “Positions of Flexion” workouts, but the concept is certainly not new. In fact if you watch the movie Pumping Iron you can see that Arnold used this style of training for his workouts, and his arm development was simply incredible, even by today’s standards.

To give you an example, here is a typical bicep workout that Arnold used to do:

• Barbell Curls (this is a mid-range exercise as most of the tension is on the biceps in the middle of the rep)

• Incline Dumbbell Curls (this is a stretched position exercise as most of the tension is on the biceps at the bottom or fully stretched position)

• Concentration Curls (this is a peak contraction exercise as most of the tension is on the biceps at the top of the rep when the biceps are fully contracted)

Lately I’ve been focusing my own workouts around the “Positions Of Flexion” concept and the results have been awesome, I’ve gotten the most intense muscle pumps that I’ve felt in years. In the past I usually just focused most of my efforts around the big basic compound mid-range exercises, but by incorporating fully stretched movements and fully contracted movements I can tell that I’m working muscle fibers that are not getting touched with just basic compound lifts. POF training utilizes the best of both compound and isolation exercises to work the muscles through a complete range of motion.

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Bicep Workout

Standing Barbell

Start each bicep workout with a basic exercise such as the standing barbell curl. Do a couple progressively heavier warm up sets and then keep the same weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. Rest about 2 minutes in between each set.

This is the way my sets usually go:

- On the first I will get all 10 reps with good form.

- On the second set I’ll usually have to use a slight bit of body momentum on the last few reps to complete the set as my muscles are a bit fatigued from the first set.

- On the third set I’ll get about 6-8 reps and then have to put the bar down for a 10 second rest pause before completing the rest of the set.

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Incline Dumbbell Curls

Lying back on a 45 degree angle incline bench. Let the dumbbells hang down at your sides so that you feel a good stretch in the bottom. Really emphasis the stretch position during the entire exercise.

You should use a slight rebound out of the bottom position to help lift the weights back up. When you use a quick twitch at the point of stretch, you activate the myotatic reflex, which sends a shock to the nervous system and forces reserve muscle fibers to come into play.

Obviously, start off light and build up gradually. This is definitely not an ego exercise. You are doing this to work the muscles, not see how much weight you can lift. Training in the fully stretched position has a lot of potential for growth, but it also has an increased risk for injury if you are not careful.

Again, do 2-3 progressively heavier warm up sets and then keep the same weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. Rest about 2 minutes in between each set.

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Concentration Curls

This exercise isolates the biceps and is good for getting a peak contraction in the muscles. The peak-contraction effect finishes off the muscle and helps further stimulate those reserve fibers you recruited with the stretch in the previous exercise.

Sit at the end of an exercise bench with your legs spread. Reach down between your legs and pick up a dumbbell with one hand. Brace your elbow against your knee and fully straighten your arm. Place your other hand on your opposite leg to support your upper body.

Moving only your forearm, use your bicep strength to curl the dumbbell up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same for your other arm.

Since your biceps are all pumped and warmed up at this stage you can just jump to your working weight and do 3 sets of 10 reps for each arm. Rest only 1 minute in between each set, while you are training one arm the other will be getting a rest.

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Tricep Workout

Close Grip Bench Press

Start your tricep workout with a big basic compound movement that heavily works the triceps throughout the mid-range of the exercise. Lie down on the flat bench press and grab the bar with a grip no wider then the width of your torso, generally for most guys this will be with the index fingers on the smooth part of a standard Olympic barbell. Using too close of a hand spacing will only place excess strain on the wrists and limit the amount of weight that you can lift.

Do a couple progressively heavier warm up sets and then keep the same weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. Rest about 2 minutes in between each set.

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Overhead Tricep Extensions

I like to do this exercise with an ez curl bar as it is more comfortable on the wrists. By doing tricep extensions overhead you’ll get a better stretch throughout the muscles and it will work more of the long head of the triceps. Make sure to use a full range of motion and use a little bit of a rebound out of the bottom position to help lift the weights back up. Working in this stretched position point where you rebound and change direction between lowering and lifting can help trigger hyperplasia or fiber splitting and thus improve overall muscle growth and size gains.

Do 2-3 progressively heavier warm up sets and then keep the same weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. Rest about 2 minutes in between each set.

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Dumbbell Kick Backs

This is a good exercise to hit all three heads of the triceps with a good peak contraction and finish off your tricep workout with an incredible skin stretching muscle pump.

Brace yourself against a flat exercise bench. Grab a dumbbell in one hand. Place your other hand on the bench to support yourself.

Keep your upper arm along the side of your torso during the entire exercise. Moving just your forearm lift the dumbbell in an arc motion until your arm is straight. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the triceps. Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat.

Since your triceps are pumped and warmed up at this stage you can just jump to your working weight and do 3 sets of 10 reps for each arm. Rest only 1 minute in between each set, while you are training one arm the other will be getting a rest.

Well, there you have it... a complete arm workout that will blast your biceps and triceps through a true full range of motion and stimulate some new muscle gains.

Page 18: Muscular Chest Arms

4 Volume Big Arms E-book Special

Lee Hayward

Dear Friend,

You're about to discover what might be the most powerful arm training system ever created. This is the secretive information old time bodybuilders have passed down through the years to pack on impressive muscle mass with out using steroids and other muscle enhancing drugs.

You're going to learn results-producing training and nutritional techniques that will help you win the Big Arms race and see steady gains in strength and muscle week after week.

Page 19: Muscular Chest Arms

If you go into any gym you'll see that most of the regular members look exactly the same now as they did this time last year. And is a lot of cases they are lifting the exact same weights as they were this time last year. 99% of all gym members are literally just spinning their wheels, and going nowhere in terms of building a stronger more muscular body.

The best way to build a big muscular physique is to find out who's got the body you want to have for yourself and then do what they did to get it.

But I'm not suggesting that you copy today's bodybuilding pros! Most of them got big by shooting syringe after syringe of steroids.

To find the very best natural training and nutrition information, you are better off studying the training secrets of the old time bodybuilders over today's juiced up stars.

You've got to admit that the top bodybuilders of yesterday built impressive muscular physiques and did it without drugs. They used superior and highly secretive training and nutrition methods.

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