mums 80 th

Elsie’s 80th 1| Mom,Mummy, Mum, Mama, MamaElsie, Lau Sim, Sio Sim, Aunty,Zhou Sim, Lan Cheng Ee, Cheh, Jee Koh, Auntie Heng 80 Years | 2

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Elsie’s 80th

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Mom,Mummy, Mum, Mama,

MamaElsie, Lau Sim,

Sio Sim, Aunty,Zhou Sim,

Lan Cheng Ee, Cheh, Jee Koh,

Auntie Heng

80 Years

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many situations that often stared at our lives and leaving us helpless. You have shown

us that there is a better way around our lives. And this is you in our eyes.

You have a big heart for all of us, you display that by showering us with gifts from your

travels. We are always on your mind when you traveled to places and wherever you

went, you often brought back special gifts for each of us. For all the most unique

treasures you have showered us with, we are most thankful and grateful for.

Nothing is impossible with you. A complaint of any illness will be taken care of with a

cure from your ancient book of herbs and certainly they worked even though some of

us may not admit that. Your concern for our good health is unbelievable.

Well Mom, we hope that you will have many wonderful moments reading this book

compiled with everyone’s wishes for your 80th birthday. We know you will treasure it as

much as all of us. A book that will go down with the generations for all of us.

Lots of Love from all of us

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Dearest Mom

Celebrating one’s 80th birthday is a big deal and a major

milestone. Our first thought is how could we capture

and preserve this moment for you and for all of us too.

We want to create a legacy for you. One that will bring

about immediate gratification and appreciation of our LOVE for

you. You have been a wonderful Mom, Aunty, Lau Ee and Ah

Cheh to all and through these pages that follow in this book we

would like to express ourselves to you. We would like to remind

you of some special moments in your life with us and recalling

them for you through the years.

Firstly we want acknowledge you for your most caring attitude

for us.

You always step up to help where you can and you have difused


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01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction


01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction


02 Preface

07 Jessie Heng

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

01 Introduction

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My Dear Ah Ee,

Today is a special day and certainly an opportunity

to say thank you for always being there – like the

time when I fell and dislocated my shoulder, you

were the first person I could think of to call. You

are someone all of us can rely on to take charge.

Your tireless energy in cooking and making festive

goodies will be something that we will always

remember. You certainly know how to keep us fed

and our stomachs happy!

May you have many, many more Happy Birthdays

to come and enjoy the very best of health!

With Love,


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Jessie Heng

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Well, as much as I can, I’m going to piece together some of your stories to leave behind

for your grandchildren and great grandchildren so they’ll be able to think of you and

Papa fondly and be proud to pass on your stories to their family.

This is for all your grandchildren...

Mama Elsie was born in Singapore on the 16th November 1929.

Mama’s mother, was Bernadette Chua Sai Eng (a buddist and then later converted to


Mama’s dad, was Joseph Tan Kim Hoe, (also a buddist and then later converted to

Catholicism). He was a civil servant, english educated, had 7 children, mama was one

of 3 sisters and there was 4 brothers. He loved playing tennis as I recalled. I just

remembered that as a small child I used to sit and watch him play tennis with friends.

They lived in Newton, quite near to the Newton hawker center.

Mama was at school till the age of 13, then 2nd world war broke. The Japanese

occupied Singapore. Mama’s dad, Kong Kong, was out of work because his office had

to close down. So mama started working at the age of 14 to help the family.

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Cathy Heng

My dearest dearest Mummy,

It’s hard to believe that you’re 80 this year. It didn’t seem so long ago that you were in

the ‘Humana Hospital’ holding Jade in your arms when she was born.

Well, I hope that when I reach that, I will some of your boundless energy, your passion

for life, your generous spirit, your wisdom, your devoted care in always putting your

family and friends first.

I’m really lucky to have you as my mentor, my guide, my guru and with that I hope I’m

able to pass some of those values on to Jade and Lee. And because of who you are, I

know that’s what makes me who I am today. I’m lucky to have a loving family.

I love you and thank you so much for always being there for us, mummy.

Till now, I’ve been thinking that one of these days I’ll find a little space in my busy life

to write down things that you have told me about yours and Papa’s past. You might

recall that I was quizing you so much during our holiday in Umbria.

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She worked at a local factory that made soya sauce and ketchup and mama’s job was

washing bottles and labelling them by hand. And that didn’t bring in enough money so

mama had a second job working in the evening at an amusement arcade called ‘New

World’. She worked as a cashier at a games stall and because she finishes work at

about 11pm, she would cycle to work every day.

She had a boyfriend then but unfortunetly her mum thought that he was too young to

marry her. Later, what was sad was, while he was working as a bus conductor, he was

stabbed to death.

It was a tough time for all, while the Japanese occupied Singapore, they use to take

advantage of their position and would get inebriated in the evening and then go and

knock on doors of households to see if they could find any young single girlsto rape.

Because of this Kong Kong would always hide mama and another young girl (who

came to stay with them) in the loft of the house.

The japs didn’t believe Kong Kong was telling them the truth, so they would end up

hitting him. Mama says that during the day when they were sober, and as long as you

bowed to the Japanese solders they were polite enough to bow back.

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Six months later the drains started to back up and overflow.

They thought some of the bends in the pipes might have been too sharp.

So they dug them up and replaced them.

The system still didn’t work.

They thought the angle of the drop might not have been steep enough.

So they dug down and raised part of it.

It still wasn’t flowing properly.

All the experts stood around and looked at it.

They sucked air through their teeth and scratched their chins.

They were out of ideas.

The only thing to do was put a CCTV camera down there.

Send it along the pipe and see if it could locate the problem.

This cost a lot of money, but they located the source of the blockage.


The very same rubble that Mummy had advised the workers about when they were

putting the pipes in.

If they’d listened to her, and covered up the manhole, they would have saved

themselves a lot of time and money.

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When Mummy comes to stay with us, she likes to watch the English workmen.

It always makes her laugh.

One man will be working down a hole, while two men will be standing around the top

watching him.

She thinks they are so inefficient and lazy.

A few years ago we were having the house renovated and she was watching the

workmen putting in the drains.

She went over and said to them, “Excuse me, I think you should put a cover on the

manhole while you’re working.”

The workman said, “Sorry love?”

She said, “Otherwise you could get rubble in the drainage pipes and it could be a

problem later on.”

The workmen looked at each other.

They figured it was just a Chinese lady getting confused.

They said, “Don’t you worry love, we know what we’re doing.”

And they ignored her and carried on.

Dave Trott

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So they assumed she didn’t know what she was talking about.

What they didn’t know was that in Singapore she ran a large plumbing company, also

a cast iron foundry, and a stainless steel works.

Her husband had built up these companies.

But because he didn’t speak or write English, he needed her help to run them.

And, because she was better educated, she had to translate everything he wanted


He would want her to order large submersible pumps from Germany.

So she would need to know the pressure rating, the rpm, and the rate of fluid

movement, etc.

He would want to order massive steel pipes from Australia.

So she would have to know the diameter, the connections, the lining, the rate

of flex, etc.

Then she would negotiate contracts and tender for jobs.

She would also need to direct the workers on site, and at the factories, and check

the quality of their work.

All the English workmen saw was a Chinese lady bringing them a cup of tea.

What they didn’t see was a blue-collar trained, hands-on specialist-plumbing

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A little while later we were having a new shower fitted.

Mummy was watching the workman putting it in.

She said to him, “Excuse me, is that a fibreglass shower tray?”

He said, “Yeah, probably.”

She said, “Fibreglass is no good, you need a fired-clay shower tray.”

He said, “Pardon?”

She said, “Fibreglass won’t take the weight.”

He looked at the Chinese lady and said, “Don’t you worry love, I’ll put a wooden frame

under it.”

He thought that would keep her quiet.

But Mummy said, “Wood is no good. The basin will move and it will leak.

If you’re going to use a fibreglass shower tray you’ll need a concrete base. Otherwise

please put in a fired-clay shower tray which will take the weight and not move.”

The guy went back and checked with his boss.

They checked with their suppliers.

And sure enough it should have been a fired-clay shower tray.

So they put it in and it hasn’t leaked once.

All the workmen saw was a Chinese lady being curious.

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Dave Trott

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She had handled jobs larger than any of them ever had.

Mummy had been born at a time when women weren’t equal.

When women were expected to cook and raise the children, and leave work to the men.

So she did the cooking, and raising a family, and everything else women do.

But she also did everything men do, better than most men.

That’s a side of Mummy that’s been a great example to her daughters and her


You don’t have to do what anyone tells you you’re allowed to do.

You don’t have to do what everyone tells you you’re supposed to do.

You can make your own rules.

Just like Mummy did.

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Dave Trott

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found in most countries and this would allow us to recreate your recipes and make it

as authentic as possible and finally a reality for us.

Thank you for being my mom and for all the love you have showered on me and my

family. I would never change you for another mom and from the bottom of my heart,

‘A Happy and Blessed Birthday to you’. Always remembered and always treasured.

Lots of Love to you


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Dearest Mummy,

Your 80th birthday is here ( November 16, 2009) and it is a great occasion to celebrate

with you. My wish is for you to live many more years and enjoy your travel as I know

that the change in environment from time to time gives you great excitement and


Your quick shopping trips are also much treasured by you and YES I wish that you’ll

have much more lined up from year to year. As the family is scattered around the world

you have greater opportunity to fly around the world to see us. We have always enjoyed

your visits especially when we know that we will be well fed with all the wonderful

delicacies from your expert cooking.

Everyone remembers what is “Mama cooking” and that is the love you leave with

all of us.

I am still compiling the old favorites recipes so that we can replicate the wonderful

dishes one recipe at a time. We are fortunate that the most weird ingredients are now

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Bebe Heng

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Dearest Mum,

It is hard to imagine that you are now celebrating your 80th birthday when you were

only celebrating your seventy some birthday with us in Arizona.

Coming from my heart, I would like to wish you many more birthdays to come and may

the LORD Bless you dearly while you celebrate this wonderful day.

You have taught us to take care of our health and I am certainly going to do this so that

I can follow your footsteps of a long and healthy life on this planet. As many would say

it, wealth without the health is futile.

Live life fully and enjoy the grandchildren and soon great grandchildren in the coming


Love from us in Arizona


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Mum, as your son I cannot thank you more for the education of life, where there are

no books I can turn to. I do hope you approve of my way of bringing your three

grandchildren Eldon, Krystal and Tiffany. If they misbehave in any way, do correct them

for me. Thank you Mum.

My children and I wishes you a happy 80th bithday and many more to come.

Love always... Tony.

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My dearest Mum, quick...time flies... Mum, you have lived through 80 illustrious years and

counting. Yes, through life we all have our ups and downs. I remember the times when

Papa was alive, he ruled the home with an iron fist, very tough and at times very

unreasonable. Mum you were our saving grace. Only you could stand up to him and you

fought hard for all of us. We children are eternally grateful and can only love you more

as we grow older and grasp deeper your feeling at the time. Thank you Mum. Don't get

me wrong Mum we love Papa for what he was, he had many stong points in family

values we love him too, but from you we draw strength,courage and tenacity to deal

with what lies ahead in our lives. Once again thank you Mum.

The softer side of you is also amazing, your strong belief in Buddhism/Toaism...your

years of support and love for Kuan Imm Teng, Koh Thye and Koh Neo, is indeed

uncanny, but as I get older Mum, I now understand how you find solace and hope with

the help of your strong belief and indeed your love and mentor Koh Neo especially. I

can never forget the pain you suffered with her passing on. Till today I still see you talk

to her in your own way... indeed beautiful.

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Tony Heng

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Dearest Mum,

How time flies! It seems like only yesterday that we celebrated your 70th, and now a

decade has gone by and you're 80, quite unbelievable and still so energised and up and

about as you've always been. Being active, as I remember ever since the very early

days at Lynwood is like a a routine for you from Tong Nam's days right till today as you

visit the Temple everyday helping as many who's there. And I remember in the midst of

all your "busy-ness" you always enjoyed cooking and through your love of cooking we

enjoyed 'popiah' parties, 'mee siam' gatherings, the CNY nyonya lunch feast which all

the relatives and family alike love year after year. I shall remember all those times you

called me to join you for the home cooked dinner meals you prepared altho simple

because they were just usual weeknight meals but still delicious and mostly it was also

the casual chit- chat over the meal that mattered. ....... enough of my nostalgic

ramblings, I just want to wish you many more healthy and happy years. God Bless!

lots of love, Bet

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Betty Heng

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me from the arrival lounge and I could see that you were kind of panicking. You were

dashing this way and that hoping to find me. I saw your panic and instead of

confronting you, I decided to creep up behind you to surprise you. When that happened

your words to me were "see nan kia". I could then see the relief in your face to say

the least.

Mum I love You and may God bless You.


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Dearest Mum,

You have been my greatest inspiration and mentor through the years of my life. You

were always there when I needed you and I thank you for your help and support.

I cannot believe that you are now celebrating your 80th birthday. Happy, happy birthday

to you and many more to follow.

Keep doing what you love and live your life fully and meaningfully as you deserve it.

Travel as much as you can as I know that makes you happy and keeps you going.

My most treasured memories of you is when you always make sure my meals are

taken care of and always create the food that I have thought of eating. You are a great

chef and I have followed your footsteps and I have been trying to cook the food the

same like you. I know that when you cook a meal you don’t need a recipe and it is

always done with the greatest passion and that is why it always so tasty and yummy.

The funniest moment for me is this one… during one of your returning trips from China

with your friends, I was at the airport waiting for you. And of course you could not see

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Alex Heng

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Dearest Mummy,

A Very Happy Birthday to you and may you be blessed with longevity and the best of

health in the many years to come.

I cherish the many lessons I learnt from you. I remember the time when Alex, you and

myself were on holiday and you taught me how to enjoy many types of food from the

different countries. You have also equipped me with ideas of how to stay strong and

practical when I travel for business. I am now a braver traveler and I am able to cope

with food a lot better. I do not drag my feet when I am given an assignment overseas.

You have been my mentor as far as work and family goes. You have also taught me to

stay healthy and be happy and that I am grateful for.

Being in the financial world life gets very hectic and stressful and I have learnt to cope

better in that situation. Thank you for all the things I have learnt from you .

Mummy once again Thank you and god bless you for the years to come. Love Linda

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Linda Heng

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Many Happy Returns of the Day, Mummy!

With Lots of Love,


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My Dear Mummy,

A birthday comes around but once a year, but to reach the grand age of 80 is indeed an

occasion worth celebrating and remembering! Today, we celebrate the special person

that you are and the many things that you have done for each of us at various stages of

our lives.

Your amazing energy and enthusiasm puts most of us to shame – always ready to jump

in and participate. Your love for life and enjoyment is an inspiration – I remember well

the times when you visited Hong Kong and would be ready to start the day whilst I

would still be struggling to get out of bed!!! How you would trek around the shops and

streets……always remembering to buy this and that for this person and that - it’s


Today, I wish you all the special things in life, Good Health, Fun, Laughter, Love and

above all, I wish you Peace. Today, for once, take time off, kick off your shoes put your

feet up, relax and pamper yourself. May you have many, many more Happy Birthdays

to come.

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Angy Heng

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Dearest Mama

When mum said you were celebrating your big birthday this year I was excited and

happy for you. I always think of you as the mama that flies around and gave us warm

awesome kampong local meals and laughter. Despite the fact that you are now 80

years old I still think of you as the mama that cared for us when we are younger.

As a kid you took me and Eldon places that provided great fun, like Serene center and

McDonalds and the video arcade. You were so patient in waiting for us and that I am

thankful for. I miss celebrating Chinese New Year with you and enjoying your

homemade pineapple tarts and cakes.

Thank you for allowing me to stay with you for the first year, when I was home for NS,

I will never forget that!

I wish you all the best on your 80th birthday!

Lots of Love, Bradley

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Bradley Lim

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Jade Trott

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Some of the fondest memories I have of Mama Elsie are when Bradley and I were

growing up and she would take us out to play, be it at a McDonald's playground or a

video game arcade. She was always cool with us going crazy whilst playing and we

didn't have a care in the world.

I guess the main point was that she was just really happy to be spending time with us

and we were happy whilst we were with her and that in retrospect, means so much

more to me than just an outing.

Thanks Mama! Happy 80th birthday with many

more blessed years to come!



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Eldon Heng

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Holly Lim

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Lee Trott

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Dear Mama Elsie,

Congratulations! You’ve officially survived the last 8 decades and have come out pretty


I remember when we used to have weekly Friday night dinners where everyone would

come together to eat good food and drink milk tea. Especially the rare popiah nights

when all the kids would make a huge mess and end up eating popiah “skin” for dinner.

Wait, that was just me and Tiff. I’ll never forget the incredible house that you used to

live in with the scary dogs in the kitchen and the huge backyard. The hours we spent

inventing new games in the playground upstairs were undoubtedly the best times of my


Happy Birthday Mama, I love you and I hope that you’ll live to be 120 years old so that

we’ll still have time to create more awesome memories.

All my love, Krystal xx

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Krystal Heng

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Dear Mama Elsie,

Happy 80th Birthday!

I found this quote, and I immediately thought of you…

“Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism

and long on love.” ~Author Unknown

Yeah that’s right, you were never one to dwell on any of my wrongdoings and was

always there to support me. I’ll never forget the way you always managed to sort out

my incessant quarrels with Krystal and find a way to make us both happy.

You’ll always be the grandma who never hesitated to give whatever she could just so

that her grandchildren would be happy. You taught me to be generous and giving, and

for that, I am forever grateful.

Lots of love,

Tiffany xoxo

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Happy 80th Birthday Mama Elsie!

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Tiffany Heng

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Mama’s 80th birthday story

Mama you are so cool.

To me, you are:

World’s best Chef

Best traveling companion - Best trip together – Hong Kong 09

Best dressmaker - “Private label Elsie” silk pyjamas exclusive to the Hengs

Shopping buddy – love cheongsam making in china and all the bling bling

My movie buddy – Harry Potter full series

I picked this small passage for you

The bond we have remains unchanged by time and distance.

A friendship based on love, respect and a genuine liking of each other as a person.

You are a precious and valued person who deserves all the best in life…….


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Ryan Heng

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Darrel Heng

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Dear Lau Sim,

Thanks so much for taking care of me when I came to Singapore and stayed with you

in my growing up years. I've managed to learn good family values from both you and

Lau Chek.

Your home cooked food was and is always excellent. In addition you have given me lots

of guidance when I came from Bangkok and taught me to speak English and tutored

me in my other subjects. I've been blessed to have been part of your family. I owe my

success to both you and Lau Chek.

I've attached 1 photo taken at Arthur's wedding last year. Have a wonderful and happy

80th Birthday!"

Heng Teng Beng

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Teng Beng Heng

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“Sio Sim, thank you for your Care and Guidance during my younger days.

Wishing you Great Health always and a Happy 80th Birthday!” from Ah Ying

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Imm Heng

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Dear Sio Sim,

I often told my children and I hereby, acknowledge that you are my benefactor and I

owe greatly to you for what I am in life.

Among others, I always mentioned that you and late Sio Chik helped me richly in the

following :

i) Made it possible for me to continue study and complete my secondary and

subsequently, tertiary education whilst working part-time in Tong Nam;

ii) Accommodated me to stay in Bradell Heights home till my marriage;

iii) Gave financial help in the construction of my family old attap house into a better

zinc-brick house to live in;

iv) Notwithstanding the tight office schedules, you attended my two Singapore Poly

technic convocations. Your valued presence invariably moved me to pursue hard

in my further studies and career.

On your 80th birthday my family and I wish you a happy and blessed BIRTHDAY!

Heng Seng Woo, Siew Luang and my grandkids

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SengWoo Heng

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Dearest Aunty,

Time flies! Since I came from Thailand in 1957, it has been more than 50 years.

I remembered that when I came from Thailand to study in Singapore, my command

of English was poor. During my school days, you patiently gave me English tuition

every night and I treasure the hardship and time you spent on me. I will never forget

your most caring attention.

In 1972, I was married and I now have two sons who have married. I am grateful that

what I have achieved today cannot be possible without your kindness and care in my

growing years.

My family pays respect to you every Chinese New Year and we always make it a point

to taste your excellent cooking. Your home cooked traditional Teochew dishes are

always dearly missed when my family or I lives or travels far from Singapore. Thinking

of the Teochew dishes to the kiamchye duck soup, buahkeluak and vegetarian food

always bring back old memories!

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Teng Huat Heng

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Happy 80th Birthday

to you Lau Sim

May God grant you good health

and your heart’s desires

on this special day.

While we may be miles away, we want you to know that

we all miss you and are thinking of you.

From : Ah Howe (Vincent), Meigui (Rose),

Asaph, Dorcas and Clara

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I have managed to find two very old photos of our family and like to share with you. One

photo is of my wedding in 1972 that was taken with you and uncle, another photo is

my family went to one of the Indonesia islands for holiday.

May Health, Happiness accompany you, always. HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY!

From Ah Huat and family.

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Vincent Heng

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Heart Wishes from Singapore!

Wishing you all your dreams come true on your special day, Lao Sim!

From: Janet, Rebecca, Hillary and Kok Meng

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Janet Heng

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Dear Lau Sim,

We, five sisters (Ah Choo, Mary, Ah Hiang, Ah Hoon and myself, Ah Meow), daughters

of Koh Chiak Kim and Heng Boon Keow, would like to wish you a very HAPPY 80-YEAR-

OLD BIRTHDAY. May you be blessed with good health in your golden years.

Our relation exists because my mother is a daughter of the Heng family. That makes

me a distant descendant of the Heng family tree. Time flies. You have relinquished your

senior position to your children and are promoted to a mentor now. Congratulations!

That is the circle of life. Just like the Chinese proverb goes: the back wave will push

the front wave........

You must be very comforted that your children have compiled a birthday book for you.

It's a priceless gift. I am also very honoured to occupy a leaf of this novel book.

Lau Sim, thank you for giving me some precious moments in my childhood. I had

always looked forward to accompany my parents to Braddell Heights to attend Lau

Chek's and Lau Sim's birthday celebrations and also during Chinese New Year to pay

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Meow Leng Koh

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Dearest Zhou Sim,

With age comes with a wealth of knowledge and experiences. At 80, it is undeniable the

richness of knowledge and experience you bring forth to the younger generations.

Being 80 is special. The number Eight symbolizes prosperity and living to this age is

like entering a different era of aging – it brings forth good fortune. Good fortune is

really how fortunate one feels and it can only be measured by oneself. It is important to

feel fortunate.

The Heng family has done much for the Koh family. Till to date, my parents and

family will remember the generosity levied to us during hard times. While there is no

way to recover such kindness, for the younger generation who knows, it will stay in

our hearts.

Zhou Sim, on behalf of the Koh family, we wish you good health.

To wish that you will live to a ripe old age is an understatement. More importantly, we

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our respect. Your Home was where the 'Sua Theng' kampong me could get to enter a

'Jia Huang Chu' and enjoyed good food, like the ngoh hiang, satays, curry, tiam tng,

chuk huey tng.....

During Chinese New Year, you never failed to fill up my handkerchief with Van Houten

Chocolate bricks to take home. How I had wished that girl's handkerchief was as big

as the boy's! Greedy, right? Pardon me. Chocolate treat came only once a year then.

Also, not forgetting all the help my humble family had gratefully received from Lau

Chek. Thank you Lau Chek.

The world of today is small. We are connected though physically apart.

Most importantly, treasure this very moment ......... with your loved ones.........

Happy Birthday Lau Sim once again!

With best wishes,

Grandniece Koh Meow Leng

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Chong Hwa Koh

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Dear Lan Cheng Ee / Mummy,

You have filled our lives with fond memories through the years in your own special


Your spontaneity to help us (brothers and sisters) get into good institutions of learning

had indeed opened up opportunities for us in one way or another. For this we are

grateful. Johnny also remembered vividly how our mother would look up to you for

guidance and approval. During his primary school days (in the 1960s) and when our

father was out of town, our mother would always ask you to review his school report

card after each exam and sign-off on her behalf. Again thank you for all the support

you have given to our family.

Your graciousness in opening your home for our mum and aunties to gather together

to cook / bake during the many festivals are never forgotten.

Your generosity to offer a delectable spread for the various occasions are well enjoyed

and remembered.

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wish you to live to the fullest you can be. Live every moment like your last and you will

feel fulfilled and forever happy.

“Happiness is what we build for ourselves, not what is bestowed upon us”

Happy 80th Birthday.

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Henry Lim

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Our Dearest Lan Cheng Ee,

Happy Happy 80th Birthday ! We’re very happy to hear that you’re celebrating your

80th Birthday in November.

We’re always grateful to your kindness to all of us especially to our mom. Please keep

fit and stay young forever. We hope your special day is filled with happiness and love.

We wish we could be there to celebrate your Birthday with you. Please remember that

you’re always in our thoughts.

We hope we look as good as you when we reach your age. Congratulations to our

special and lovely Auntie !


Oyama Family

Kim Gwek, Cho-Boon, Miki, Elena, Keigo, Shin

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We are very glad and happy that you are still in the pink of health and globetrotting

around the world to be with the various members of your family.

Though we are not able to offer our best wishes to you personally on your birthday, we

nevertheless want to wish you here, ‘A very, very happy birthday, today and many more

years to come.’

Henry especially would like to send his best wishes to you, his god-mother, who has

over the years taken good care of him.

“Happy Happy Birthday, Lan Cheng Ee / Mummy’

Tar Kian (Ah Kian)

Luan Cheng (Ah Luan/Linda)

Yong Joo (Johnny/Ridwan)

Song Joo (Henry)

And all other members of the Lim Family

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Cho Boon Oyama

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Dear Mummy,

A Happy and Healthy 80th Birthday to you!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the help, love and encouragement

throughout my life.

When I was anaemic in my teenage years, you made sure that I had my weekly iron

shots at William Heng's clinic and when I got into SIA, you put me in touch with people

to help me settle in quickly as it was my first job. You rushed around buying herbs and

such for me when I gave birth and ensured that my children had auspicious Chinese

names to carry them through their lives.

These are but some of the many things that you have done for me and I want you to

know that I remember and appreciate them greatly.

For a person with such a generous heart, it only leaves me to wish for you good health,

much love and blessings in the years to come with your grandchildren as you travel

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Mabel Lee

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Dearest Mummy / Mama,

It’s with great joy as part of the family to wish you a wonderful, wonderful 80th birthday.

Seems that it’s just yesterday when we were all under your wings, being lovingly cared

for and fed to, as only you knew how.

Till today, Shannon laments that he misses your bamboo shoot soup that you whip up

so effortlessly every Chinese New Year. Samuel wishes for more ‘tek chak hoi’ and Teck

Chong agrees wholeheartedly. Spencer, on the other hand, dreams of pineapple tarts.

I guess I am the lucky one who has tasted all the above and many many more for

more years.

Thank you mummy for showering us with all your love and blessings. As I reminisce,

the picture that epitomizes your great love is captured on my wedding day during the

tea ceremony. The pride and affection is clearly shown with such great joy.

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around the world to now touch their hearts.

With love,

Mabel and Simon

Dear Mama Elsie,

We miss your pineapple tarts, achar and crabmeat bamboo shoot soup.

We wish you a Happy 80th birthday! Long life and good health to you so that we may

get to savor some of the above in the years to come.

Natalie, Nigel and Nicolette.

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Melanie Lee

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Happy Birthday, Cheh,

'Seng Ti Kiang Kang, Soong Soong Peng Ang'.

Thank You for taking care of me and my 2 girls since

the passing on of Bong Su.

I wish you many more good years ahead.

Lan Hiang

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Lan Hiang Tan

75 |

But my favourite photo has to be of the 12

bibik’s looking so resplendent and grand.

You all look so regal and beautiful…..

We wish you continued good health, great

peace and happiness and lots of travelling

in the years ahead.


Teck Chong & Melanie,

Shannon, Spencer & Samuel.

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Dearest Mummy,

Our wedding wouldn’t be perfect without

your presence and of course gifts!!!

We loved and enjoyed your nonya dishes

every Chinese New Year.

We wish you continued good health and

most enjoyable 80th birthday.

Hugs and kisses

Raymond and Family

Raymond Tan

77 |77 |

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Dearest Jee Koh

Mummy wishes you a very Happy 80th Birthday and may you continue

to enjoy good health and happiness as you so deserves.

Love from Helen Tan, family members, and grandchildren

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Vivian Tan

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"Dear auntie Heng, birthday greetings from Charles in Singapore.

Wishing you a great 80th and many happy returns.

It has been a while since we met.

You have always been like a mother to me and I always felt at

home speaking teochew with you.

Thank you for your kind hospitality when I stayed at your

daugher's home in Hampstead Heath several years ago..."

Charles Chow He Shen

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Charles Chow He Shen

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