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© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved. Name Multiple Meaning Map Multiple Meaning Map 4ink of as many meanings as you can for volume. 4Write a definition for each meaning. 4For each meaning, write a sentence that uses that meaning. Unit 16 • Lesson 1 • Step 3 volume (continued)

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Multiple Meaning MapMultiple Meaning Map

4Think of as many meanings as you can for volume.

4 Write a definition for each meaning.

4For each meaning, write a sentence that uses that meaning.

Unit 16 • Lesson 1 • Step 3



© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Multiple Meaning MapMultiple Meaning Map

4Think of as many meanings as you can for minute.

4 Write a definition for each meaning.

4For each meaning, write a sentence that uses that meaning.

Unit 16 • Lesson 1 • Step 3 (continued)


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 1 • Step 5

Decodable Text: “The Complete Athlete”

4Write four facts about Special Olympics that you learned from “The Complete Athlete.”

4Try to include words that tell who, where, when and how in your sentences.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________________


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 2 • Step 3

Find It: Past Participles 4Find and read an article in a newspaper or magazine.

4�Locate four sentences from the article that have past participles that come before the noun and act as adjectives.

4�Copy the sentences and underline each past participle form.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________________


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 2 • Step 5

Rewrite It: Pronouns

4Review the Singular and Plural chart.

Singular PluralI weyou youhe, she, it they

4Read the sentence pairs below.

4Read the pronoun that is circled.

4Underline the noun that the pronoun is replacing in each sentence pair.

4Rewrite the second sentence using the noun.

1. Special Olympics is a unique sporting event. It achieves three goals.



2. Eunice Kennedy Shriver made things happen. She began a summer day camp for special athletes.



3. Many athletes are like Steven Walker. He is a runner.




Rewrite It: Pronouns (continued)

4. People volunteer their time and money to Special Olympics. Their donations help keep Special Olympics going.



5. Special Olympics is different from the Olympic Games. It doesn’t focus on winning.



6. George Ashley was a coach. He was there for his stepdaughter.



7. Steven Walker lives in Kansas. In the summer of 2003, he traveled to Ireland to compete in Special Olympics.



8. Walker says he likes to hear the crowd shout. He likes the other competitors he meets.



Unit 16 • Lesson 2 • Step 5

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 3 • Step 4

Identify It: Main Verb or Helping Verb 4Imagine that you are an extreme athlete participating in a competition.

4Write four sentences about the experience using main and helping verbs.

1. Tell who you are, using a form of be as a main verb.


2. Tell what you are doing, using a form of be as a helping verb.


3. Tell what you have, using a form of have as a main verb.


4. Tell what you have done, using a form of have as a helping verb.


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 3 • Step 5

Instructional Text: “Tony Hawk: Extreme Athlete” 4 Choose four vocabulary words from this list: dilemma, financial, drastically, phoenix,

endorsement, and adhere.

4 Use each selected word in a sentence

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________________


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 4 • Step 2

Double It

4Read the words in the first column.

4Fill in the second and third columns.

4Read the endings.

4Fill in the fifth and sixth columns.

4Write the word with its ending.

Base WordEnds in e

Does Not

End in e Ending

Ending Begins With

Put the Base ∙ Ending TogetherVowel? Consonant?
















admiredivide requirepaveevadeadvertise


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 4 • Step 5

Labeling Parts of a Business Letter

4Read the example business letter.

4In the provided lines, write the name of each part of the business letter.

Mr. Francis Kafka, Parks and RecreationCity of Greenville 1013 Bleeker StreetGreenville, IL 11111September 21, 2009

Joan Chen 77 Woodbourne StreetGreenville, IL 11111

Dear Ms. Joan Chen:

I would like to invite you to the opening of the Greenville public skate park. You will be our guest of honor because of your tireless dedication to the fundraising, design, and construction of the new park. Please send an R.S.V.P. before October 31st of 2009.


Francis Kafka

Francis Kafka

Unit 16 • Lesson 6 • Step 2

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Build It: Prefixed Words

4 Read the syllables in the Word Bank.

4 Combine the prefix sub- with the syllables in the Word Bank to make new words.

4 Record the words on the line under the heading sub-.

4 Look in a dictionary to verify that words are real words and to learn their meanings.

Word Bank

plot set urb

ject mit tract


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 6 • Step 6

Rewrite It: Pronouns

4Review the Singular and Plural chart.

Singular PluralI weyou youhe, she, it they

4Read the sentence pairs below.

4Read the pronoun that is circled.

4Underline the noun that the pronoun is replacing in each sentence pair.

4Rewrite the second sentence using the noun.

1. Tony Hawk is a famous skateboarder. He has skated for most of his life.



2. Tony Hawk’s mom took him to a pool. She said Tony wanted to swim the length of it without taking a breath.



3. Tony’s older brother found a solution to Tony’s dilemma. It was a skateboard.




Rewrite It: Pronouns (continued)

4. Tony started playing on the bright blue board. His thin body finally started to catch up with his brain.



5. People lost interest in skateboarding. They stopped buying Tony’s boards.



6. Tony Hawk became the “Phoenix.” His success rose again.



7. Tony wrote a book about his skating. It is an autobiography.



8. Tony built ramps at his house. They helped him practice skating.



Unit 16 • Lesson 6 • Step 6

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Participial Phrases with Past Participles

4�Look in a history or science textbook and find three participial phrases that begin with past participles.

4Copy the sentences that you find.

4Underline the participial phrase and circle the past participle in each sentence.

4Then draw a box around the noun or pronoun that the participial phrase modifies.

4Use the example as a guide.

Example: The warriors, defeated in battle, returned to their homes.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________________


Unit 16 • Lesson 7 • Step 3

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Organizing Information: Informal Outline

4Read the prompt and circle the word that shows the purpose.

4Fill out the informal outline. Begin by choosing star ideas for the left side of the outline.

4Choose E’s (examples, explanations, and evidence) for the right side of the outline.

4Use the outline to draft a Two to Three Sentence Introductory Paragraph.

Prompt: Write an essay that describes why Special Olympics is both supportive and competitive.

Star ideas: H –

H –








Unit 16 • Lesson 7 • Step 6

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Rewrite It: Adjectives of the Same Kind

4�Read the example.

4�Write three sentences about athletes or sports. Make sure each sentence uses an adjective.

4�Rewrite each sentence adding a conjunction and an adjective of the same kind after the original adjective.





1. ______________________________________________________________________________



2. ______________________________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________________________



Unit 16 • Lesson 8 • Step 4

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


The tall basketball player blocked the opponent’s shot.

The tall and aggressive basketball player blocked the

opponent’s shot.

© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Multiple Meaning MapMultiple Meaning Map

4Think of as many meanings as you can for promote.

4 Write a definition for each meaning.

4For each meaning, write a sentence that uses that meaning.

Unit 16 • Lesson 9 • Step 3



© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Multiple Meaning MapMultiple Meaning Map

4Think of as many meanings as you can for subject.

4 Write a definition for each meaning.

4For each meaning, write a sentence that uses that meaning.

Unit 16 • Lesson 8 • Step 3 (continued)


© 2009 by Sopris West Educational Services. All rights reserved.


Unit 16 • Lesson 9 • Step 6

Write It: Descriptive Paragraph 4�Think about all of the places extreme athletes can skate.

4�Write a three sentence paragraph describing the different places extreme athletes can skate.

4�Use examples from “Extreme Athletes” in the Student Text.





