multimedia presentation wellbeing

WELL-BEING By: Amanda Miller Contemporary Social Issues – 30 GNED2057 Teacher: Emily Brett

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Page 1: Multimedia Presentation Wellbeing


By: Amanda Miller

Contemporary Social Issues – 30 GNED2057

Teacher: Emily Brett

Page 2: Multimedia Presentation Wellbeing



Mental Health

Substance Abuse

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Bullying: CyberFACTS

- About 43% of kids have been bullied online- Ranks as highest concern by teachers Cyber bullying includes:

Sending mean messages or threats Spreading rumors online or through texts Posting hurtful or threatening messages on social media Stealing a person's account information Pretending to be someone else online to hurt others

AFFECTS- Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing

suicide.- More likely their grades drop- More likely to be abusive to themselves or others- Disinterested in their life- Ill and unhappy

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Bullying: PhysicalFACTS

- Physical bullying tends to increases in elementary school, tops in middle school and decreases in high school

Physical bullying includes: Hitting Pushing Tripping Spitting

AFFECTS- 46 percent of males admit to being victims while 26 percent of

females have admitted to being victims - Violence is commonly linked to gangs and drugs,

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Bullying: Verbal FACTS- one in four people have been verbally attacked

more than once

Verbal bullying is insulting others with words including:threating name callingspreading rumors

AFFECTS- affects one's self image, and affect in emotional and psychological ways.- can lead to low self-esteem and depression - the bullied may turn to substance abuse or suicide.- physical consequences

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Bullying Solution

Zero tolerance in school resulting in suspension, removal from teams ect.

Parents speak to children about being bullied and the bully

Self-esteem support groups

Bully education day

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Metal Health: YouthFACTS

- Around10-20% of Canadian youth are affected by a mental illness or disorder

- Mental illness is increasingly threatening the lives of our children

- Suicide is among the leading causes of death in 15-24 year old Canadians,.

- mental disorders in youth are ranked as the second highest hospital care

- 20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime.

- 1 out of 5 children who need mental health services receives them.

- Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population

Mental Health Includes – ADHD - self-esteem, - eating disorders

- depression - bipolar disorder - anxiety


- Success in school, trouble with relationships, overwhelming feeling

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Mental Health: Adults


-20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime

- ADHD affects 3% to 10% of school-aged children and an estimated 60% of those will continue to have symptoms and affect them as adults.

- Prevalence rates for ADHD in adults are not well determined but are in the 4% to 5% range.

- ADHD affects males at higher rate than females in childhood and adulthood

Mental Health Includes – ADHD - self-esteem, - eating disorders

- depression - bipolar disorder - anxiety


- Its hard to hold a job concentrate and be organized

- When its not managed behavioral, emotional, social and academic problems occur

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Mental Health: Solution

Talk about it

Awareness and Educate

Positive Supportive Appmosphere

Therapy/ Support groups

Family Involvement

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Substance Abuse: Legal Drugs

FACTS 83% of Ontario students drink alcohol in grade twelve 49% admit to binge drinking Between 1991 and 2007, opioid-related deaths doubled in Ontario.

AFFECTS inflammation of the liver which can lead to cirrhosis     lowered blood pressure increasing chances of heart disease, stroke     ulcers from irritated stomach lining     inflammation of the pancreas     increased risk of cancers in the mouth, throat, larynx and oesophagus

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Substance Abuse:IllegalFACTS

- Percent of persons 12 and over with any illicit drug use in the past month: 8.9% (2010)

- Percent of persons 12 and over with marijuana use in the past month: 6.9% (2010)AFFECTS - Changes the way your brain functions, leads to irritability, paranoia, delusions, and anxiety

- Destroys the body, infects the lining of your heartsand valves, sores and weight loss

- Effects the brain and heart leading to cardiac

arrest or seizures, and respiratory failure

-Health problems like liver disease, lung disease, HIV/AIDS and blood clots

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Substance Abuse: Solution

More awareness

Law makes it harder to produce/buy/sell

More rehab centers with better/cheaper cost


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Well Being Theory - These relate and affect society because everyone has dealt with one of the topics previously discussed and has a strong opinion on it.

- Theses opinion's make up how people with theses problems are treated and seen in the world. Which affects how they help their community.

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References (n.d) 11 Facts About Cyber Bullying Retrieved from http:// Bullying Statistics - Stop Bullying, Harassment, and Anti-Bully in School/Work (2013)

Retrieved from Canadian Mental Health Association (2013) Fast Facts about Mental Illness Retrieved from CDC (2013) Illegal Drug Use Retrieved from Sherri, G. (2013) 6 types of bullying Retrieved from http:// Teen Challenge Canada (n.d) retrieved from The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (n.d) Above the Influence Retrieved

from WedMD (2013) Retrieved from http://