multimedia messaging service center (mmsc) v 2.6

Multimedia Messaging Service Center (MMSC) v 2.6 Installation Manual v 1.0 Reference: MMSC-2.6-IM -1.0

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Page 1: Multimedia Messaging Service Center (MMSC) v 2.6

Multimedia Messaging Service Center (MMSC) v 2.6 Installation Manual v 1.0 RReeffeerreennccee:: MMMMSSCC--22..66--IIMM --11..00

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Confidentiality Statement Copyright © 2009-2010, Comviva Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. This product or document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, optic recording or otherwise without prior consent, in writing, of the copyright owner. Statutory declaration under section 52A of the Copyright Act 1957.

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Restrictions and Copyright Declaration The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for the use of prospective Comviva customers for the sole purpose of the agreement under which the document is submitted. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Comviva. The intended audience for this document is professional personnel, who assume full responsibility for using the document appropriately. Comviva welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of its documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding, but shall be defined in contextual specific eventual agreement made between Comviva and the customer. However, Comviva has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate, sufficient and free of material errors and omissions. Comviva will, if necessary, explain issues, which may not be covered by the document. Comviva’s liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Comviva will not be responsible, in any event, for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential, including monetary losses, that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by Patent, Copyright and Trademark laws in accordance with relevant Indian laws. The only warranties for Comviva products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying its products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Comviva shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The Comviva logo is a registered trademark of Comviva Technologies Ltd. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective companies and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © 2009 Comviva Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Contents 1 Document Overview ....................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Audience ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Conventions ................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 2

2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3

2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Features .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.3 Network Architecture and Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 5

3 Pre-Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 11

3.1 System Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 11

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 11

3.1.2 Software Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 11

3.1.3 Network / Interface Components .................................................................................................................. 11

3.2 Pre-Installation Checks .............................................................................................................................. 12

3.3 Pre-Installation Activities ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.1 For MySQL Database ................................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.2 SMS Gateway................................................................................................................................................ 12

3.3.3 For LDAP Server ........................................................................................................................................... 13

3.3.4 Installing the PHP .......................................................................................................................................... 14

4 Installation ................................................................................................................................................. 15

4.1 Installing Admin Module ............................................................................................................................ 15

4.1.1 Admin Module Directory Structure ............................................................................................................... 18

4.1.2 Admin Module Configurations ...................................................................................................................... 19

4.2 Installing MMSC........................................................................................................................................... 19

4.3 MMSC Directory Structure ......................................................................................................................... 28

4.3.1 exes ................................................................................................................................................................ 29

4.3.2 conf ................................................................................................................................................................ 29

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4.3.3 log................................................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3.4 gui................................................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3.5 scripts ............................................................................................................................................................. 31

4.3.6 fcgi .................................................................................................................................................................. 31

4.3.7 MMSC Logger ............................................................................................................................................... 31

4.3.8 mdata ............................................................................................................................................................. 32

4.3.9 Monit .............................................................................................................................................................. 32

4.3.10 Backup Tool ......................................................................................................................................... 32

4.4 MMSC Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 33

4.5 Installing Centralized Administration Module (CAM) ............................................................................ 34

4.6 CAM Directory Structure ............................................................................................................................ 36

4.7 CAM Configurations ................................................................................................................................... 37

4.8 MM7 Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 37

4.9 MM7 Directory Structure ............................................................................................................................ 40

4.10 MM7 Configurations ................................................................................................................................... 41

4.11 SNMP Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 43

4.12 SNMP Directory Structure ......................................................................................................................... 45

4.13 SNMP Master Agent Configuration .......................................................................................................... 46

4.14 SNMP Un-Installation.................................................................................................................................. 46

4.15 CDR Logger Installation ............................................................................................................................. 46

4.16 CDR logger Directory Structure................................................................................................................ 47

4.17 CDR Logger Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 47

4.18 CDR Logger Un-Installation ...................................................................................................................... 48

4.19 System Configuration................................................................................................................................. 48

4.20 Web Server Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 49

4.21 Application debugging tool in Production Environment ...................................................................... 49

4.22 Configuration of Health Script .................................................................................................................. 50

4.23 Additional Configuration for Admin Module........................................................................................... 50

4.24 MM7 SOAP Interface for IBM Web Sphere .............................................................................................. 50

4.25 MM7 SOAP Interface for Apache Tomcat ................................................................................................ 52

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4.26 Un-installation ............................................................................................................................................. 55

4.26.1 Uninstall Admin Module ...................................................................................................................... 55

4.26.2 Uninstall MMSC ................................................................................................................................... 55

4.26.3 Uninstall CAM ...................................................................................................................................... 57

4.26.4 MM7 Un-Installation ............................................................................................................................ 58

Appendix A — Configuration Files............................................................................................................ 60

Appendix B — MMSC Directories .............................................................................................................. 65

Appendix C — MM7 Interfaces................................................................................................................... 69

Appendix D — Customer Support ............................................................................................................. 71

Document Change History ......................................................................................................................... 73

Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................... 75

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Figures Figure 2-1: Block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2-2: MM1 ................................................................................................................................ 5 Figure 2-3: MMS Call Flows ............................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2-4: MM3 Call Flows ............................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2-5: MM4 ................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2-6: MM4 Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2-7: MM4 Call Flow ................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2-8: MM7 Call Flow ................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 4-1: Untar Admin Module Installable...................................................................................... 16 Figure 4-2: License Agreement ........................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4-3: Admin Module installation Path ...................................................................................... 17 Figure 4-4: Admin Module installed .................................................................................................. 18 Figure 4-5: Admin Module Directory structure .................................................................................. 18 Figure 4-6: MMSC Untar Installable ................................................................................................. 20 Figure 4-7: MMSC License Agreement ............................................................................................ 20 Figure 4-8: Installation Process ........................................................................................................ 20 Figure 4-9: MMSC ID ....................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 4-10: MMSC Directory and Verification.................................................................................. 21 Figure 4-11: MMSC Script Configuration ............................................................... 22 Figure 4-12: MMSC Database Configuration .................................................................................... 22 Figure 4-13: MMSC SMTP configuration .......................................................................................... 23 Figure 4-14: MMSC WEB Server configuration ................................................................................ 23 Figure 4-15: MMSC SMS Gateway and PPG configuration .............................................................. 24 Figure 4-16: MMSC LDAP configuration .......................................................................................... 25 Figure 4-17: MMSC Database Schema ............................................................................................ 25 Figure 4-18: MMSC Database Schema Contd.................................................................................. 25 Figure 4-19: MMSC LDAP Database Schema .................................................................................. 26 Figure 4-20: MMSC monit configuration ........................................................................................... 26 Figure 4-21: MMSC Admin Module Configuration ............................................................................ 26 Figure 4-22:MMSC MM3 Interface configuration .............................................................................. 27 Figure 4-23: MMSC Installation Completed ...................................................................................... 28 Figure 4-24: MMSC Directory Structure ........................................................................................... 29 Figure 4-25: MMSC exes directory ................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4-26: MMSC conf directory ................................................................................................... 30 Figure 4-27: MMSC log directory ..................................................................................................... 30 Figure 4-28: MMSC gui directory ..................................................................................................... 31 Figure 4-29: MMSC scripts directory ................................................................................................ 31 Figure 4-30: MMSC fcgi directory ..................................................................................................... 31 Figure 4-31: MMSC Logger directory ............................................................................................... 32 Figure 4-32: MMSC mdata directory ................................................................................................ 32 Figure 4-33: MMSC Monit directory.................................................................................................. 32 Figure 4-34: MMSC Backup Tool directory ....................................................................................... 32 Figure 4-35: CAM Module Un-tar ..................................................................................................... 35 Figure 4-36: CAM module license agreement .................................................................................. 35 Figure 4-37: CAM Module Absolute Path ......................................................................................... 36 Figure 4-38: CAM Module Installed .................................................................................................. 36 Figure 4-39: CAM Module Directory Structure .................................................................................. 37 Figure 4-40: MM7 Module Un-Tar .................................................................................................... 38 Figure 4-41: MM7 Install script ......................................................................................................... 38 Figure 4-42: MM7 Java, Tomcat Path .............................................................................................. 39 Figure 4-43: MM7 Absolute Path...................................................................................................... 39 Figure 4-44: Installing MySQL Driver classes ................................................................................... 40 Figure 4-45: MM7 Module Installed .................................................................................................. 40 Figure 4-46: MM7 Directory Structure .............................................................................................. 41 Figure 4-47: Un-tar SNMP Installable ............................................................................................... 43 Figure 4-48: SNMP Installation ........................................................................................................ 43 Figure 4-49: SNMP License Agreement ........................................................................................... 44

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Figure 4-50: SNMP Installation Path ................................................................................................ 44 Figure 4-51: SNMP Sub-Agent Installation Process ......................................................................... 45 Figure 4-52: SNMP Sub-Agent Installed........................................................................................... 45 Figure 4-53: SNMP Directory Structure ............................................................................................ 46 Figure 4-54: Un-tar CDR Logger Installable ..................................................................................... 47 Figure 4-55: CDR Logger Directory Structure ................................................................................... 47 Figure 4-56: Admin Module Uninstall ............................................................................................... 55 Figure 4-57: MMSC Un-installation .................................................................................................. 56 Figure 4-58: MMSC Un-Installation contd.. ....................................................................................... 56 Figure 4-59: MMSC Database Un-installation .................................................................................. 56 Figure 4-60: MMSC Un-Installation Completed ................................................................................ 57 Figure 4-61: CAM Module Uninstall.................................................................................................. 57 Figure 4-62: MM7 Uninstalled .......................................................................................................... 58 Figure 4-63: MM7 Directory Structure .............................................................................................. 68

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Tables Table 1: Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 1 Table 2: Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 2 Table 3: Admin Module Files Shipped .............................................................................................. 16 Table 4: MMSC Files Shipped ......................................................................................................... 19 Table 5: SLA Matrix ......................................................................................................................... 71 Table 6: Document Change History ................................................................................................. 73

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Document Overview 1

1 Document Overview 11 ..11 SSccooppee This manual provides comprehensive information on how to install and configure MMSC.

11 ..22 AAuudd iieennccee The information contained in this manual is for system administrators, network engineers and other users of the MMSC.

11 ..33 CCoonnvveenntt iioonnss Table 1: Conventions

Information Convention

Window/Screen/Button/Icon/Menu/Field Names

All names as seen in the applications are written in bold.


Click OK to continue.

The New User window appears.

Enter your login name in User Name.

Names of Files/Sections/Documents/Folders/Parameters

File/Section/Document/Path names are written in Italics.


Refer to Information.doc for details.

Text to be Entered/Commands/Code Example: C:> DOS

Command output Example: User is successfully added

Key Presses Example:

<Enter> <Esc> Source: Comviva

Warning Message


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Installation Manual: MMSC – 2.6

2 Document Overview

11 ..44 AAccrroonnyymmss aanndd AAbbbbrreevv iiaa tt iioonnss Table 2: Acronyms and Abbreviations

Term Full Form

AT Application Terminated

CIMD Computer Interface to Message Distribution

GIF Graphics Interface Format

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GSM Global Systems for Mobile Communication

3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project

HTTP Hypertext Markup Language

JPEG Joint Pictures Expert Group

LAN Local Area Network

MBPS Mega Bytes Per Second

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface

MMS Multimedia Message Service

MMSC Multimedia Messaging Service Center

SOAP Simple Access Object Protocol

SMS Short Message Service

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

VAS Value Added Service

VASP Value Added Service Providers

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WSP Wireless Session Protocol

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Introduction 3

2 Introduction 22 ..11 OOvveerrvv iieeww Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a technology that allows the users of MMS enabled mobile device to send and receive messages with formatted text, images, audio and video clips. Multimedia contents like video sequences, audio clips and high-quality images can be downloaded to the mobile phone / PDA from various WAP content providers. Alternatively, using an attached accessory, such as a digital camera, image or video can be captured. An MMS messages can be sent either to another MMS-enabled mobile phone or to an E-mail address. MMS supports standard image formats such as GIF and JPEG, video formats such as MPEG 4 and audio formats such as MP3 and MIDI. Multimedia messaging takes advantage of the high transmission speeds, something that the GPRS and the new high-speed 3G technologies can provide, to deliver multimedia content and value added services to the end user. The MMSC provides the means of delivering the multimedia messaging service over the various mobile technologies such as GSM, CDMA etc to the MMS subscriber. MMS offers total freedom to convey ideas, exchange information or to express oneself. The technology is all about presenting the content in the way you prefer. 3GPP and OMA MMS standards compliant, the Multimedia Message Service Center (MMSC), is a highly scalable carrier grade system for rich multimedia messaging. A Wide range of functionality and availability in various platforms enables smooth service takes offs and provides operators with new opportunities in service differentiation. It provides long-term storage for multimedia messages and storage capacity in addition to the terminal’s memory capacity. These services can be accessed via web. Legacy phone support enables mobile users to experience multimedia messaging via SMS. If the receiver does not have a multimedia terminal, on receipt of a multimedia message he/she will be notified via SMS, which can be accessed via web. MMS solution can be seamlessly integrated to the operator’s existing network infrastructure. Smooth assimilation ensures that billing, network management, and other systems work effectively and efficiently with new applications. The MMSC provides a cost effective and highly scalable MMS solution for easy implementation on an existing WAP infrastructure. The scope of this document is to provide Installation procedure for MMSC.

22 ..22 FFeeaa ttuurreess The MMSC includes the following features:

Compliance with Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) MMS Specifications TS 23.140 version 5.3.

Compliance with OMA MMS Specification version 1.0. Support for standard interfaces

MM1 Interface services: phone-to-phone messaging MM3 Interface Services: phone-to-legacy system messaging MM7 Interface Services: SOAP enabled interface to value added services /

applications. Inter operability with Other MMSC in accordance with 3GPP MM4-interface


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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

4 Introduction

Support for different message flows like: Mobile originated (phone to web/phone) Mobile terminated (web to phone) Application originated (web to phone) Application terminated (phone to web) Mail originated (web to phone) Mail terminated (phone to web)

Legacy terminal support. Non-multimedia terminal users receive an SMS detailing how to retrieve their

messages Multiple viewing of messages Operator configurable SMS message

Album services

Store, browse, retrieve, forward multimedia messages Compose new multimedia messages Notification of new messages

Web-based administration

Provisioning on request Self-provisioning features GUI for every component

Class of service based subscriber management Support for CDR’s SNMP support Database support (MySQL) Billing support (MM8) as per 3GPP

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

Introduction 5

22 ..33 NNeettwwoorrkk AArrcchh ii tteecc ttuurree aanndd IInn ttee rr ffaacceess The working of the MMSC is described in the diagram shown below. The interfaces used are explained in detail with their call flow diagrams in the following sections.

Figure 2-1: Block Diagram

MM1 This interface defines the means to send messages from MMS phone to another MMS enabled phone. It also allows pushing of information from the MMSC to the MMS client as part of MM notifications. The interface can be realized over WSP using a WAP gateway or using HTTP. MM notifications require a push proxy gateway as these notifications are sent to client devices using WAP push.

Figure 2-2: MM1

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

6 Introduction

The following figure shows the call flow for MM1 interface and the components that come in to picture when this interface is used.

Figure 2-3: MMS Call Flows

MM3 Legacy systems like SMTP can send MM message using this interface. Example: mail to phone. The MM3 interface allows an MMSC to communicate with external (legacy) messaging systems. One such example is the interface to available E-mail messaging systems. Mails can be sent from mobile devices to a valid E-mail address. Mails can be received from E-mail clients for destination mobile devices. The interface protocol used is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Figure 2-4: MM3 Call Flows

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

Introduction 7

MM4 MMS system can send the request to other MMS system using MM4 interface. This interface is necessary for exchanging multimedia messages between distinct MMS environment. The originator MMSC (MMSC associated with the sender of a MM) has to send the message to each of the recipients’ MMSC using SMTP. The MMSC has to resolve the recipient's MMSC domain name to an IP address (Example using DNS, domain name server, based on the recipient's address).

Figure 2-5: MM4

MM4 support with MMSC requires Qmail installation. The MMSC machine could have the Qmail installation else Qmail could be on the same LAN.

Figure 2-6: MM4 Block Diagram

MMSC implements ENUM based forwarding (DNSENUM) as part of MM4 delivery implementation. This works by looking into a standard database and matching a range of MSISDNs to a MMSC. On submit of MM message, if message is not in home network, then the DNSENUM server is contacted to determine recipient MMSC. The recipient MMSC is then contacted over the MM4 interface (SMTP). MMSC uses DNSENUM as it has the advantage of being an industry standard database implementation. The following figure shows the call flow for MM4 interface.

Figure 2-7: MM4 Call Flow

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

8 Introduction

MM6 This is an Interface between the MMS proxy relay and the MMS storage. These databases maintain user specific information such as user profiles and subscription parameters. User profile in the MMS shall be able to support the ability to create, update, store, transfer, interrogate, manage and retrieve a user’s MM profiles. The MM profiles shall allow a user to configure and personalize his multimedia messaging environment with the multimedia messaging profiles (example which media types and notifications that shall be delivered to the recipient, such as voice only or text only).

MM7 This interface allows VAS applications to request service from MMSC (message submission, and so on.) and to obtain messages from remote MMS User Agents. VAS may be provided by the network operator of the MMSC or by third-party VASP (providers). VAS can send request to the MMS system using MM7 interface over HTTP. The following figure shows the call flow for MM7 interface.

Figure 2-8: MM7 Call Flow

MM8 Interface between the MMS proxy relay and the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA). The BMA and the MMSC have a propriety interface. Only CDRs generated according those standards. The MM8 interface provides billing records for billing clients based on their usage of MMS services. Two basic forms of billing namely pre-paid and postpaid are supported. Pre-paid billing is implemented by interfacing with the billing system of the MSP. Post-paid billing is implemented by writing CDR files for MMS services used. The other interfaces are:

SMPP Short Messaging Peer To Peer CIMD Computer Interface to Message Distribution SMSC Short Messaging Service Center HTTP

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

Introduction 9

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol WSP: Wireless Session Protocol VAS: Value Added Services

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Pre-Installation 11

3 Pre-Installat ion 33 ..11 SSyyss tteemm RReeqquu ii rreemmeennttss Before you install MMSC, make sure you have the hardware and software ready as per the system requirements specified.

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements 1. 2 CPU machine. 2. Memory: 2 GB RAM and above. 3. Disk Space: 36 GB of hard disk space required. 4. Processor speed: 1 Ghz recommended.

3.1.2 Software Requirements The MMSC is available in different platforms. Please check your license information for details regarding the operating system and database required.

Sun Solaris 8 OE Apache web server MySQL server/client JAVA JDK version 1.3 Jakarta Tomcat version 3.3 / IBM Websphere application server (version 4 or

above.) SMTP server- confirming to RFC 821 (Qmail 1.0.3) GCC compiler is required to install Qmail. PNG image compression library, libpng should be installed for content adaptation. Net-SNMP 5.0.8 SNMP manager Open LDAP 2.0 or above

Please check for availability on variants of UNIX platform. The flexible architecture of MMSC enables it to support MySQL database server. Other external software dependencies include:

WAP gateway confirming to WAP 1.2.1 specification PPG confirming to WAP 1.2.1 with support for Multimedia Messaging Service

(MMS) PUSH. SMS gateway supporting SMPP 3.3 / 3.4 or CIMD 2 protocols.

3.1.3 Network / Interface Components Connectivity to local LAN / PDSN / SMSC Internet connectivity SMS gateway MySQL database server SMTP server

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

12 Pre-Installation

33 ..22 PPrree -- IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn CChheecckkss Prior to the installation of MMSC and enabling its functionality as a MMSC proxy server, essential components have to be setup for preparing the network. This section provides a guideline for setting up the networks as per specific requirements. In terms of making the network ready for installing and integrating MMSC for the CDMA/GSM network, the following steps have to be followed: The machine that will execute MMSC should have access to the interface components. Ascertain that MMSC machine is able to ping the external network components.

Set the host name of the machine on which MMSC will execute. If PDSN is on a separate network then an Ethernet connection should be

established between MMSC server and PDSN hardware. The machine that is going to run MMSC should also be connected to a local HTTP

/application server if it is required to host a site for a whole gamut of VAS content and applications being provided to the mobile subscribers by the cellular providers themselves.

33 ..33 PPrree -- IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn AAcctt iivv ii tt iieess Create a separate user account as Username “mmsc” and group “mmsc” on the

server for the MMSC.

Seek assistance of your system administrator in getting the account created and necessary privileges and desired home path for the user account.

Web server installed, configured and server instance running

A Web server user needs to be configured for the MMSC. The user should be the same as the system user created for the MMSC.

3.3.1 For MySQL Database MySQL client installed. Get a user account and password created in the MySQL server. Cross check the given MySQL command, followed by the username, password

If unable to connect check with the MySQL database administrator.

3.3.2 SMS Gateway SMS gateway connectivity and access to the gateway. The user name and

password needs to be created and configured for the MMSC, at the SMS gateway.

Seek assistance of your SMS gateway administrator. SMTP server access. The IP address and port of the SMTP relay server. This software component is a prerequisite for installing MMSC’s MM7 interface.

Java version 1.3 or above must be installed. PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables must be set correctly for the proper working of JVM.

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

Pre-Installation 13

Jakarta-Tomcat version 3.3 or IBM Websphere version 4.0 must be installed, configured and working. This software component is a prerequisite for installing MMSC’s MM7 interface.

Qmail server must be installed and configured for receiving incoming mails. Qmail-default file must be created and configured to invoke mail2mms executable of MM3 interface for all incoming mails.

Seek assistance of your mail administrator or network administrator. /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc directory structure must be created and ownership must

be changed to MMSC system user. Files for MM3 interface will be installed in the above directory.

Read and write permission for MMSC user in /var/tmp directory. PNG image compression library, libpng must be installed and the environment

variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to include the path of the libpng library. After installation of MMSC, go to <INSTALLDIR>/MMSC/exes directory, give

command: - ldd adaptation_broker. It will list all the dynamic dependencies of adaptation_broker and the path where the dependencies are located. In case it is not able to locate the library path, then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should be updated to include the path of that library.

3.3.3 For LDAP Server MMSC supports LDAP implementation of MM6 interface. It is possible to store all user related information in an LDAP server.

Pre-Requisites and Configurations:

OpenLDAP server should be installed. (Refer for more information). Following LDAP schema definition files are provided with MMSC (inside the

directory LDAP/schema) 1.blackwhitesubscribers.schema 2.class_master.schema 3.subscriber_information.schema

Copy these schema definition files to schema directory of the LDAP. (Example: ./usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/)

Change slapd.conf file, present in the LDAP server configuration directory.(/usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.con)

The following entries are to be made in slapd.conf # The list of includes include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/subscriber_information.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/blackwhitesubscribers.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/class_master.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/java.schema # Database definition suffix ", c=in" rootdn "cn=root,,c=in"

Note: Comment the existing 'suffix' and 'rootdn' definitions in the slapd.conf

If you want to put specific directory or partition to load the subscriber data, edit the parameter "directory" and specify path. Example: directory /tmp/ldap/mmsc

Restart the LDAP server after the above changes have been done.

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

14 Pre-Installation

Execute the script present in LDAP directory to initialize the ldap directory structure, if not initialized already.

Execute the script present in LDAP directory to test the ldap installation.

Start the MMSC only after the above steps.

Post Installation Steps: After successful installation, default LDAP support for MM6 will be disabled. If this support is required, please set the LDAPDBSUPPORT_MM6 parameter to 1 in conf/rcvserver.conf, conf/prvserver.conf and gui/wt_mmsc.conf Using the admin GUI for MMSC, create the subscriber classes that the subscribers shall belong to. Following are the modules that are to be installed for complete MMSC installation:

1. Admin module installation. 2. MMSC installation. 3. Centralized Administration Module (CAM) Installation. 4. SNMP installation 5. CDR logger installation 6. MM7 installation.

3.3.4 Install ing the PHP PHP is one of the prerequisites for installing CAM Module. PHP requires apache web server libraries, first build apache. Installing Apache

Download apache (httpd-2.0.55) source from Copy apache sources to /usr/local/src Go to apache source directory. Run ./configure

Run make clean all Run make install

Installing PHP

Download PHP (php-4.4.1) from Go to PHP source directory. Run ./configure '--with-oci8' '--with-


Run make clean all Run make install

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Installation 15

4 Instal lat ion 44 ..11 IInnss ttaa ll ll iinngg AAddmmiinn MMoodduu llee The admin module allows the configuration of the MMSC components. It understands the XML protocol specified in the CAM (Centralized Administration Module) module. The CAM module contacts admin module for performing several operations. The admin module supports the following operations:

Getting configuration information of specified configuration file. Setting configuration information of specified configuration file. Starting of MMSC components. Stopping of MMSC components. Reloading of MMSC components.

This section describes steps to successfully install and use the admin module. Installation steps:

Copy the package on to a machine. You should create a separate directory and copy it there. Untar the package

First unzip with following command. $gunzip <package>

Untar the package $tar xvf <above unzipped package>

Run to install the software. $ bash

The following section explains the on screen instructions with the screenshots.

Do not use sh command to run the installation script.

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

16 Installation

Table 3: Admin Module Files Shipped

Tar the adminmodule-1.0.0-Build4.tar to get the list of files as shown in the screen below.

Figure 4-1: Untar Admin Module Installable

S.No. File/Directory Description

1 README Text file containing the information about installation, version and copyright of MMSC administration module

2 RELEASENOTES Text file containing the details of the released product like the open issues and the new features

3 LICENSE Text file containing the license document for MMSC administration module

4 adminmodule.tar.gz Tar file used by program. It contains the accessory files required for the operation of MMSC administration


Installation script file

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Installation 17

Run the file to start the installation. License agreement is displayed on running the script install script. Type Q to go to the end of the agreement or press space bar to view and read the agreement. Type Y to agree for the license agreement. You need to agree to the license agreement to continue the installation.

Figure 4-2: License Agreement

The install script will prompt you for a path, where the software must be installed. Enter a valid path.

Figure 4-3: Admin Module installation Path

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18 Installation

Installation of the admin module is completed successfully on entering the valid path.

Note: Add “ScriptAlias /adminmodule/ Installpath” in httpd.conf file.

Figure 4-4: Admin Module installed

4.1.1 Admin Module Directory Structure The following screen shows the directory structure for admin module. Go to the directory where the admin module is installed and type Is command to view the files. The following are the files: <INSTALL_DIR>/adminmodule <INSTALL_DIR>/adminmodule.conf <INSTALL_DIR>/

Figure 4-5: Admin Module Directory structure

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Installation 19

4.1.2 Admin Module Configurat ions Make sure that the following ScriptAlias is added to apache webserver. Add 'ScriptAlias /adminmodule/ Installpath' in httpd.conf. Example: ScriptAlias /adminmodule/ “/tmp/adminmodule/”

44 ..22 IInnss ttaa ll ll iinngg MMMMSSCC Following are the steps involved in the installation of MMSC:

1. Have a user account on the server where the MMSC is to be installed. It is advisable that a separate login be created for installation. The default values in the configuration are set, assuming that the server has been installed in a separate login, whose login name is MMSC. This is a highly recommended step, since it shall enable efficient management and monitoring of MMSC

2. Copy the installation files (, LICENSE, README, Jataayu_mmsc.tar.gz), to the server user home directory either by mounting the Installation CD on the server or making an ftp from a desktop PC, if installation is to be done remotely.

3. The home directory of the proposed login is where the file is executed and MMSC is setup.

Do not use the sh command to run the installation script.

Table 4: MMSC Files Shipped

S. No. File/Directory Description

1 README Text file containing the information about installation, version and copyright of MMSC

2 LICENSE Text file containing the license document for MMSC

3 Jataayu_mmsc.tar.gz program uses this tar file. It contains the accessory files required for the operation of MMSC.

6 Installation script file

2 RELEASENOTES Text file containing the details of the released product like the open issues and the new features.

6 LDAP Directory contains the scripts and schema information file required for LDAP initialization.

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20 Installation

Untar the given installable. Run to install the software. $ bash

Figure 4-6: MMSC Untar Installable

License agreement is displayed on running the script Type Q to go to the end of the agreement or press space bar to view and read the agreement. Type Y to agree for the license agreement.

Figure 4-7: MMSC License Agreement

This process checks the installable and the host name on which the software will be installed.

Figure 4-8: Installation Process

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Installation 21

Please enter ID for MMSC (should be unique number, example: 1)

The ID for MMSC is used to administer the multiple MMSC on the same machine.

Upon entering the required MMSC ID the user is asked for the confirmation Do you want to continue (Y/N). Type y to continue.

Figure 4-9: MMSC ID

You are prompted to enter the installation directory. Enter the installation path [Absolute path] for installing in current working directory press <Enter>. Example: /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyrelay' If the installation directory is not present then it is created. Verification of the installation components and the required files is done.

Figure 4-10: MMSC Directory and Verification

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22 Installation

The script file is configured. SNMP subagent uses this file to control MMSC.

Figure 4-11: MMSC Script Configuration

As mentioned in the prerequisite requirements earlier in the document, you need to have the required information like IP address, port, database instance user name, and password. Upon entering the required information Do you want to continue (Y/N) message is displayed. If the input is correct, press Y to continue to next step or else press N to re-enter the input value.

1. Enter database name: Example: mmscdb 2. Enter username for the database instance: Example: mmsc 3. Enter password for the database instance: Example: mmsc 4. Enter IP address of the database server: Example: 5. Enter port number where the database server is listening: Example:


Figure 4-12: MMSC Database Configuration

The SMTP server details like IP address, port is required to proceed further with installation.

1. Enter IP address of the SMTP server: Example: 2. Enter port of the SMTP server: Example: 25(Default)

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Installation 23

3. Enter SMTP server mail domain name: Example:

Figure 4-13: MMSC SMTP configuration

Upon successful entry of the SMTP required parameters, you are prompted with the web server IP address and port. The web server is required in serving the MMS content, management of MMSC O&M modules and MMSC related modules. Refer the section Web server configuration in the document to carry out the necessary configuration after the installation process is completed.

1. Enter IP address of this machine where web server is accepting requests: Example:

2. Enter port number where web server is listening: Example: 6081(Default port where MMSC listens).

Figure 4-14: MMSC WEB Server configuration

After accepting the confirmation for the web server, you are prompted with the SMS gateway IP address, port, username and password. The SMS gateway parameters are required for the MMS notifications. Steps 14 –18 are related to SMS gateway.

1. Enter IP address of the SMS gateway: Example: 2. Enter port where SMS gateway is listening: Example: 7788 3. Enter user name of the SMS gateway login: Example: jataayu 4. Enter password of the SMS gateway login: Example: jataayu

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24 Installation

After entering the required parameters for the SMS gateway, you are prompted to enter the PPG URL:

1. Enter the URL of PPG: Example:

Caution: The next step should be performed only if the user is performing a fresh installation. Accepting “yes” would create the necessary tables on the MySQL server database.

If you are performing a re-installation of the MMSC, please skip data base creation by entering N for no. Entering yes will overwrite the existing tables and entries already available in the database.

Any existing MMSC data might be lost if database is recreated.

Figure 4-15: MMSC SMS Gateway and PPG configuration

1. If LDAP support is required then press Y to continue to next step or else

press N to re-enter the option. 2. Only in case of LDAP option is selected. Enter IP address of the LDAP

server: Example: 3. Enter LDAP server port: Example: 389 4. Enter rootdn for the LDAP database: Example:

cn=root,,c=in After entering, the specified information is displayed again rootdn for the LDAP database: root,,c=in.

5. Enter password for the LDAP database: Example: secret The configuration files are created, if the details entered are correct.

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Installation 25

Figure 4-16: MMSC LDAP configuration

Here the database schema required for MMSC is created. Example, the subscriber information schema required for MMSC.

Figure 4-17: MMSC Database Schema

Figure 4-18: MMSC Database Schema Contd..

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26 Installation

Here the LDAP schema required for MMSC is created. Example, the subscriber information schema required for MMSC.

Figure 4-19: MMSC LDAP Database Schema

The configuration of monitor scripts for monitoring MMSC.

Figure 4-20: MMSC monit configuration

The admin module installation path needs to be mentioned here.

Figure 4-21: MMSC Admin Module Configuration

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Installation 27

After entering the required inputs in admin module, you are prompted for the installation of MM3 interface of the MMSC during the installation process. The required directories containing installable for MM3 is created under the installed directory. Execute the scripts available in the corresponding directory to carry out the installation and configuration of MM3 interfaces separately. This program will install MMSC's MM3 Do you want to continue (Y/N): Before proceeding with the installation of MM3 interface please verify the pre-requisite list. If you want to start the installation type Y or else type N to abort the installation of this component. Follow the onscreen instructions for installation of this component. The MM3 interface will be installed in /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm3. The script will prompt you to update the qmail-default file with Qmail commands. Login as root user and update the same. After updating, press <Enter> to continue with rest of installation. Example: Updating /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default file... Please login as root user and update the /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default file. Add following entry in the first line: |${Mail2MmsHome}/bin/mail2mms ${Mail2MmsHome}/conf/

Figure 4-22:MMSC MM3 Interface configuration

After installing MMSC, run the start_jmmsc script to start the MMSC.

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28 Installation

Figure 4-23: MMSC Installation Completed

44 ..33 MMMMSSCC DDii rreecc ttoorryy SStt rruucc ttuurree The install directory has sub directories containing the following files:


The following are the files under the Install directory: This is the script to create database. mmsc_create_table.sql: Run this script to create a table. mmsc_drop_table.sql: Run this script to drop the table created in database. restart_jmmsc: Run this script to restart the MMSC. start_jmmsc: Run this script to start MMSC. stop_jmmsc: Run this script to stop MMSC. Run this script to uninstall MMSC. alter_class_master_table.sql: Modifies the class master table created by

mmsc_create_table.sql used by MMSC. This table stores service class information.

alter_receive_cdr.sql: It alters the receive cdr table created by mmsc_create_table.sql.

alter_retrieving_cdr.sql: It alters the receive cdr table created by mmsc_create_table.sql.

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Installation 29

init_ldap_mm6.ldif: It contains the information about the structure to be initialized with the ldap database. A script allows the user to start/stop and check status of the MMSC.

Figure 4-24: MMSC Directory Structure

4.3.1 exes All the executable files are stored under the exes subdirectory. The files under the exes’ subdirectory are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file functionality.

Figure 4-25: MMSC exes directory

4.3.2 conf All the configuration files are stored under this directory. The files under the conf’ directory are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file functionality.

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30 Installation

Figure 4-26: MMSC conf directory

4.3.3 log The logs of MMSC are stored under this directory. The files under the log directory are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file folder functionality.

Figure 4-27: MMSC log directory

4.3.4 gui All the cgi files of the web interface screens and the help files are stored in this directory. The files under the cgi folder are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file folder functionality.

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Installation 31

Figure 4-28: MMSC gui directory

4.3.5 scripts The scripts to control and monitor health are present in this directory. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file or folder functionality.

Figure 4-29: MMSC scripts directory

4.3.6 fcgi The files under the fcgi folder are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file functionality.

Figure 4-30: MMSC fcgi directory

4.3.7 MMSC Logger The files under the MMSCLogger folder are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file functionality.

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32 Installation

Figure 4-31: MMSC Logger directory

4.3.8 mdata The folders under the mdata directory are shown in the screen below. Refer Appendix B to get the details for file or directory functionality.

Figure 4-32: MMSC mdata directory

4.3.9 Monit It is an application, which monitors status of the MMSC components.

Figure 4-33: MMSC Monit directory

4.3.10 Backup Tool This script allows you to take the backup of retrieve and receive CDRs.

Figure 4-34: MMSC Backup Tool directory

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Installation 33

44 ..44 MMMMSSCC CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn Web Configuration: The following are the list of script aliases to be configured in the web server configuration file: This is the MMSC URL for message submission. ScriptAlias /mms/ "$INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/receive_agent.cgi This is the MMSC URL for message retrieval. ScriptAlias /m1 $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/retrieve_agent.cgi ScriptAlias /login/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/gui/ ScriptAlias /not $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/get_notification

For The list of aliases to be configured in the web server configuration file please check CAM Module README.

Set the values of the following environment variables in the web server configuration files.

Give the web server a restart after these entries have been added to the configuration files of the web server.

Apache access log format The apache access log shall log date and time using the following format %{%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S}t Example:27/12/2005:11:22:53 Adding MIME Types AddType audio/MA-2.mmf AddType audio/midi.mid LDAP configuration: MMSC supports LDAP implementation of MM6 interface. It is possible to store all your related information inside an LDAP server. Requirements

1. Open LDAP server 2. Configuring LDAP server : Following LDAP schema definition files are

provided with MMSC (inside the directory LDAP/schema) a) blackwhitesubscribers.schema b) class_master.schema c) subscriber_information.schema

3. Copy these schema definition files to schema directory of the ldap. (Example: /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/)

4. Change slapd.conf file, present in the LDAP server configuration directory.(/usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf).

5. Put the following entries in to the slapd.conf. # The list of include's $LDAPSCHEMADIR/subscriber_information.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/blackwhitesubscribers.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/class_master.schema include $LDAPSCHEMADIR/java.schema # Database definition suffix ", c=in" rootdn "cn=root,,c=in"

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34 Installation

Comment the existing 'suffix' and 'rootdn' definitions in the slapd.conf.. If you want to put specific directory or partition to load the subscriber data, edit the parameter directory and specify path. Example directory /tmp/ldap/mmsc

6. Restart the LDAP server after the above changes have been done. 7. Execute the script present in LDAP directory to initialize the ldap

directory structure, if not initialized already. 8. Execute the script present in LDAP directory to test the ldap

installation. 9. Start the MMSC only after the above steps.


After successful installation, default the ldap support for MM6 will be disabled. If this support is required, please set the LDAPDBSUPPORT_MM6 parameter to 1 in conf/rcvserver.conf, conf/prvserver.conf and gui/wt_mmsc.conf. Using the admin GUI for MMSC, create the subscriber classes that the subscribers shall belong to.

After successful installation of the MMSC, the PI dispatcher can be configured to check for the prepaid balance of the destination subscriber before sending the notification. Add the following entries to the configuration file of PI dispatcher, pi_dispatcher.conf, under the GENERAL section. 1. PrepaidBillingSupport (1/0) 2. PrepaidBillingReceiveTimeout (timeout in seconds) After successful installation of the MMSC, receive server and mail2mms can be configured to send the configured error messages in MM1 interface and MM3 interface. Adding the messages in UTF-8 or ASCII format in the conf/rcvserver.conf and mail2mms.conf file can do this.

44 ..55 IInnss ttaa ll ll iinngg CCeenntt rraa ll ii zzeedd AAddmmiinn iiss tt rraa tt iioonn MMoodduu llee ((CCAAMM)) CAM is centralized administration, which is used for controlling more than one MMSC server running on the same or different machine using single web interface. This section describes the steps to install the CAM.

Pre-requisites 1. Solaris 9 2. Apache web server with PHP support. 3. PHP 4.x or above with curl support. Refer section 3.3.1 for Apache and PHP

installation. Installation Steps

Copy the package on to a Solaris machine. Create a separate directory and copy the contents in it. Untar the package

First unzip with following command. $gunzip <package>

Untar the package $tar xvf <above unzipped package>

Run to install the software.

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Installation 35


The install script will prompt you for a path where the software must be installed. Enter a valid path.

Note: Ensure that there is no "jmmsc" directory. Also make sure that the web server is properly configured as per the install directory path. Read "WEBSERVER CONFIGURATION" section below for more info.

Web Configuration

If the CAM module is not installed under document rootdir (/var/www/html), you have to create an alias entry in httpd.conf like

Alias /jmmsc/ "$CAMINSTALLDIR" Untar the given installable. Run to install the software.

$ bash

Figure 4-35: CAM Module Un-tar

To continue with the installation you need to agree the license agreement.

Figure 4-36: CAM module license agreement

Enter the installation path [Absolute path]. To install in current working directory press <Enter>. Example: /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyrelay'

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36 Installation

Upon entering the required installation path to confirm the path, type Y and press <Enter>.

Figure 4-37: CAM Module Absolute Path

The files and folders are created and installed. The software is installed successfully.

Figure 4-38: CAM Module Installed

44 ..66 CCAAMM DDii rreecc ttoorryy SStt rruucc ttuurree The following is the CAM directory structure.

/<INSTALL_PATH>/gwicons- This folder contains the images of the web UI. /<INSTALL_PATH>/phpfiles- The php files used for web UI are stored in this

folder. /<INSTALL_PATH>/cam_help- Online help files are stored in this folder. /<INSTALL_PATH>/templates- The table structure used by the web interface is

stored in this folder.

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Installation 37

auxiliaries.ini: This file contains the path and IP address of the MM7 and MM3. This also defines the path and port of admin module.

jss.conf: This file contains the list of instances in the cam. This is script to uninstall the CAM module. include.php: This file is used to add the list of php files. manage.js: It is the JavaScript file for validation. userinfo: The user details like the admin user name, password, instance wise

permissions etc are stored in this file. common.js: this is the JavaScript file used for displaying the help window. index.php: This is a default login page for the MMSC UI. resource.en: This is the english language support file. test.php: This is a test file to know the details of the php. You can type in

http://<machineIP>/aliaspath/test.php to view the details on the browser.

Figure 4-39: CAM Module Directory Structure

44 ..77 CCAAMM CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonnss The CAM module is not installed under document rootdir (/var/www/html), you have to create an alias entry in http.conf like Alias /jmmsc/ "$INSTALLDIR" Alias /gwicons/ "$INSTALLDIR/gwicons/"

44 ..88 MMMM77 IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn

The MM7 Interface can be installed only with root permission. The following are the steps to install the MM7 Component:

Copy the package on to a machine. You should create a separate directory and copy it there. Untar the package

First unzip with following command. $gunzip <package>

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38 Installation

Untar the package $tar xvf <above unzipped package>

The files are extracted to the install_mm7 folder in the current path.

Figure 4-40: MM7 Module Un-Tar

Run to install the software.

$ sh

Figure 4-41: MM7 Install script

The installation prompts you to confirm, if you want to install the MM7 interface on required platform. If yes type ”y” to continue. Installation scripts checks for the java software and displays the status if java is installed. Type “y” if the Jakarta-Tomcat is installed. If not installed then please install it. If installed, then enter the path of the Tomcat home directory and the port.

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Installation 39

Figure 4-42: MM7 Java, Tomcat Path

After entering the port press, <Enter>. You are prompted Do you want to continue (y/n). Type “y” to continue installation. Enter the absolute path for MM7 installation or to use default path press <Enter>.

Figure 4-43: MM7 Absolute Path

MySQL driver classes are installed. The details of the scripts created and their locations are displayed in the screen below.

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40 Installation

Figure 4-44: Installing MySQL Driver classes

The soap.war file path is displayed. JNDI database pool is using the server.xml file. This file needs to be edited and

then the Jakarta needs to be restarted. mm7Interface.conf needs to be configured properly. The installation completion status message is displayed.

Figure 4-45: MM7 Module Installed

44 ..99 MMMM77 DDii rreecc ttoorryy SStt rruucc ttuurree The following screen shows the directory structure for MM7:

/<INSTALL_PATH>/conf mm7interface.conf: To configure the parameters of MM7 interface for MMSC. You

need to configure the ReceiveAgentUrl= This is the MMSC URL for submission. Refer Appendix B for other MM7 parameters.

/<INSTALL_PATH>/mmssoap /<INSTALL_PATH>/mmssoap/client /<INSTALL_PATH>/mmssoap/server: This folder contains the deployment xml

files. /<INSTALL_PATH>/mmssoap/client/jataayu: This folder is the testing folder to test

the MM7 interface.

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Installation 41

Figure 4-46: MM7 Directory Structure

44 ..1100 MMMM77 CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonnss To deploy the mm7interface service invoke $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ To undeploy the mm7interface service invoke $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ To use the test program /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm7/mmssoap/client/jataayu/

Editing server.xml file in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/ If database pool (JNDI) is needed add a context for soap in server.xml between <Host> </Host> tags as follows and edit the parameters as per the current settings. Please refer the Jakarta Tomcat documentation for further details. <Context path="/soap" docBase="soap.war" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> <Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/> <!-- please check the configuration file for the Resource name jdbc/TestDB for the key value JNDIJNDIDataSource --> <Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/> <ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB"> <parameter> <name>factory</name> <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value> </parameter> <!-- maximum possible database connection at atime -->

<parameter> <name>maxActive</name> <value>10</value> </parameter> <parameter> <name>maxIdle</name> <value>3</value> </parameter>

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42 Installation

<parameter> <name>maxWait</name> <value>1000</value> </parameter> <parameter> <name>username</name> <value>mmsc</value> </parameter>

<parameter> <name>password</name> <value>mmsc</value> </parameter> <!-- change this field according to the data base used --> <parameter> <name>driverClassName</name> <value>mysql.jdbc.driver.MYSQL Driver</value> </parameter> <!-- edit the following feilds as per the installations --> <parameter> <name>url</name> <value>jdbc:mysql:thin:[email protected]:1521:mmsc</value> <!--<value>jdbc:mysql:thin:[email protected]:1521:mm</value>--> </parameter> </ResourceParams> </Context> Check if all the MM7-Services are deployed properly. Check the SOAP admin client at http://<tomcat server ip>:<port>/soap/admin/index.html Configuring LDAP database for basic http authentication. If HTTP basic authentication of VASP is enabled with LDAP user database, please configure the following parameters in mm7interface.conf file To enable and disable the ldap database support

LdapSupport=enable Ip address of the machine in which LDAP server is running

LdapServer= Port in which ldap server is running

LdapPort=389 Number of connection in the ldap database connection pool

NumberOfConnections=5 DN of the LDAP server ( Here we should specify the 'rootdn' string present

in slapd.conf file of ldap installation). rootDN=cn=root,,c=in

Password to connect with ldap server Password=secret

In ldap server there will be a tree structure. Here specify the node from which search for the subscriber entries should start.

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Installation 43

baseDN=ou=subscriberinfo,ou=jMMSCClient,,c=in Specify the object type of subscriber (specified in ldap schema)


44 ..1111 SSNNMMPP IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn

The SNMP Sub-Agent can be installed only with ROOT permission. The following are the steps to install the SNMP component:

Copy the package on to a machine. You should create a separate directory and copy it there. Untar the package

First unzip with following command $gunzip <package>

Untar the package $tar -zxvf <above unzipped package>

Extract the contents of the compressed file to start the SNMP sub-agent installation. The files are extracted to the mmsSnmpBuild folder in the current path.

Figure 4-47: Un-tar SNMP Installable

Change the directory to mmsSnmpBuild ; cd mmsSnmpBuild/. Run to install the software.


Figure 4-48: SNMP Installation

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44 Installation

License agreement is displayed on running the install script. Type q to go to the end of the agreement or press space bar to view and read the agreement. Type Y to agree for the license agreement.

Figure 4-49: SNMP License Agreement

The following are the parameter details to be entered:

Enter the mmsc home path. (This indicates the path where the MMSC is installed). Enter the MMSC user name under which MMSC runs. Specify the maximum limit of the hardware usage. The maximum CPU limit that MMSC can use. It is in %. The maximum CPU limit that MMSC can use in %. The maximum disk space MMSC can use in bytes. If you want to change the parameters please edit the /etc/profile file

Enter the installation path if it is other then default to install SNMP subagent. If it is default then press <Enter>.

Figure 4-50: SNMP Installation Path

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Installation 45

The SNMP subagent will be installed in path mentioned while installation. Type Y to view the readme file.

Figure 4-51: SNMP Sub-Agent Installation Process

The important points to be remembered after installing SNMP subagent for proper functioning are: Execute the command source /etc/profile before starting the jsnmpsubagent. The MMSC path, CPU usage, disk usage, memory usage and the MMSC user name should be proper.

Figure 4-52: SNMP Sub-Agent Installed

44 ..1122 SSNNMMPP DDii rreecc ttoorryy SStt rruucc ttuurree The following screen shows the directory structure for SNMP.


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46 Installation


Figure 4-53: SNMP Directory Structure

44 ..1133 SSNNMMPP MMaass tteerr AAggeenntt CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn Include the following parameters in snmpd.conf file

master agentx agentxTimeout 60 agentxRetries 0

start the snmpd with the options: snmpd -f -d -L -V -x <System IP>:port Example: snmpd -f -d -L -V -x (please use system IP instead of or localhost)

44 ..1144 SSNNMMPP UUnn-- IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn To uninstall the SNMP subagent just removes the snmpsubagent directory.

44 ..1155 CCDDRR LLooggggeerr IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn The following are the steps to install the CDR logger component:

Copy the package on to a machine. You should create a separate directory and copy it there. Untar the package

First unzip with following command. $gunzip <package>

Untar the package $tar -zxvf <above unzipped package>

Running the program 1. Go to bin directory 2. Execute

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Installation 47

Figure 4-54: Un-tar CDR Logger Installable

44 ..1166 CCDDRR llooggggeerr DDii rreecc ttoorryy SStt rruucc ttuurree The following screen shows the directory structure for MMSC CDR logger. Go to the mmsc_cdrlogger folder and list the folders.


Figure 4-55: CDR Logger Directory Structure

44 ..1177 CCDDRR LLooggggeerr CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn Edit the mmsc_cdr_logger.conf and set the following parameters:

The directory where mmbox monitor generates the CDR files. CDRDIR=/tmp/cdr

Time interval in seconds to poll the input CDR directory. POLLINGTIME=10

The directory to put the output CDRs generated. OUTPUTDIR=/tmp/out

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48 Installation

Minimum possible value of transaction id. Transaction id generated by the script will be reset to this value when it reaches the maximum value. TRANSACTIONIDMIN=700000000

Maximum possible transaction ID that the CDR logger can generate. TRANSACTIONIDMAX=900000000

Prefix for the output file. that the CDR logger can generate. OUTPUTFILEPREFIX=MMSC

Log directory LOGDIR = ./

The service provider for MMSC assigns the following Platform ID. PLATFORMID=2222

The service provider for MMSC assigns the following Product ID. PRODUCTID=3333

MMSC server name.

MMSC server IP address. SERVERIP=

A comma separated list of international domain.,

Nation code for subscriber number NATIONCODE = 66

path to rating.conf configurration file of mmsc RATINGFILE=../../../conf/rating.conf

path to bma.conf configurration file of mmsc BMACONFFILE = ../../../conf/bma.conf

Vasp id of the BMG BMGVASPID=8888

Vasp ID of the MGW MGWVASPID=9999

[ACCESSTECHNOLOGY] Access technology for different applications sending messages (MM7 or Webtop).


44 ..1188 CCDDRR LLooggggeerr UUnn-- IInnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn To uninstall the CDR logger delete the directory where the CDR logger is extracted.

44 ..1199 SSyyss tteemm CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn Following system configuration settings for Solaris OS are required in the machine where MMSC software will be installed.

Following changes are required in /etc/system file set tcp:tcp_conn_hash_size=4096

(Default value 256) set maxpgio=25468

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Installation 49

(Default 64) set slowscan=500

(Default 100) Following changes are required in “/etc/rc2.d/S69inet” file

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 60000 (Default value 240000)

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_fin_wait_2_flush interval 67500 (Default value 675000)

UFS logging must be enabled. If two instances of MMSC are running in clustered mode then both the machine must have same date time and time zone settings.

44 ..2200 WWeebb SSeerrvveerr CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn Web server Port: Jataayu mmsc

Listen: 6081 User/Group

User: mmsc Group: mmsc Performance details Following changes are required in the httpd.conf file. MaxClients 250 StartServers 8 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 10 MaxRequestsPerChild 10000

The list of ScripAliases to be configured in the web server configuration file. ScriptAlias /mmsc/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC ScriptAlias /mms/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/receive_agent.cgi ScriptAlias /m1 $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/retrieve_agent.cgi ScriptAlias /login/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/gui/ ScriptAlias /mmst $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/jmmstranse

ScriptAlias /not $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi/get_notification

The list of Aliases to be configured in the web server configuration file. Alias/gui/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/gui/ Alias /mmsc_help/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/gui/mmsc_help/ Alias/gwicons/ $INSTALLDIR/MMSC/gui/gwicons

For SNMP support in MMSC please refer the SNMP manual.

44 ..2211 AApppp ll iiccaa tt iioonn ddeebbuugggg iinngg ttoooo ll iinn PPrroodduucc tt iioonn EEnnvv ii rroonnmmeenntt GNU gdb 5.2.1 for Solaris or above is required in the integration environment for debugging purpose. This software component can be removed after the initial phase of testing is over.

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50 Installation

44 ..2222 CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn oo ff HHeeaa ll tthh SSccrr iipp tt The health script for load balancer must be kept inside the LBprobe directory under the web server’s document root.

44 ..2233 AAdddd ii tt iioonnaa ll CCoonnff iigguurraa tt iioonn ffoorr AAddmmiinn MMoodduu llee The list of configuration files that needs to be configured for proper functioning of the MMSC admin module is mentioned in this section. The configuration files are available under the gui directory of the MMSC installed path. Example: /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/MMSC/gui INCLUDE file SCRIPT_PATH = http://<IP Address of MMSC Server>: <Port Number>/login CONF_PATH=<INSTALLDIR/MMSC/conf> CGI_CONF_PATH= <INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi> MM7INTERFACE_PATH= <INSTALLDIR/MMSC/conf> MM3INTERFACE_PATH= <INSTALLDIR/MMSC/fcgi> SCRIPT_PATH = <> Example: SCRIPT_PATH CONF_PATH=/usr/local /jataayu/MMSC/conf/ UI_CONF_PATH=. /conf CGI_CONF_PATH=/usr/local/jataayu/MMSC/fcgi/ MM7INTERFACE_PATH=/usr/local /jataayu/MMSC/conf/ MM3INTERFACE_PATH=/usr/local /jataayu/MMSC/conf/ SCRIPT_PATH =

Edit the Include file and update as per the MMSC server IP address and installed path of MMSC.

44 ..2244 MMMM77 SSOOAAPP IInn ttee rr ffaaccee ffoorr IIBBMM WWeebb SSpphheerree The MM7 interface installable file name is mm7interface_WAS.tar.gz. This installable contains following components:

1. IBM Websphere Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) file: Set of SOAPenabled MM7 Services.

2. MM7 VAS client: Sample MM7 client to test the SOAP services.

Pre-requisite: Before starting installation of the MM7 interface please check the following details: (Please contact your Websphere administrator or network administrator for further help)

IBM web sphere (version 4.0 or above) is installed and working. The installed version of IBM web sphere has inbuilt support for apache SOAP 2.2

or above. Following JAR files must be present in the CLASSPATH of Websphere’s JVM in

the order specified. xerces.jar (version 1.2.3) mail.jar

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Installation 51

activation.jar soap.jar j2ee.jar certpath.jar xss4j-dsig.jar xalan.jar soap-sec.jar tools.jar

IMPORTANT: The xerces.jar must be the first item in the CLASSAPTH. All the above JAR files are part of IBM Websphere application server and can be found in <WAS_HOME>/lib directory.

Network connectivity to MMSC server.

Deployment Steps: Follow the steps from 1 to 7 for deployment of the MM7 interface EAR.

1. Extract the EAR file (mm7interface.ear) from the installable $ gunzip mm7interface_WAS.tar.gz $ tar –xvf mm7interface_WAS.tar 2. Invoke/Start the “application server administrative console”. 3. Select Install to invoke “application installation wizard” 4. Select the extracted EAR file (mm7interface.ear) for installation and go to

the next step. 5. Select the virtual host name as default_host and precompiled JSP option as

“Yes”. Click “Finish” to complete the deployment. 6. Change / Update the ReceiveAgentUrl parameter value in

<WAS_HOME>/installedApps/mm7interface.ear/soap.war/WEB-INF/classes/ file. Please see the configuration section for more details.

77.. Start the MM7 SOAP interface EAR application. Check for the status of the application.

Configuration The MM7 SOAP service uses 2 configuration files present under WEB-INF/classes directory. The configuration files are described below:

File [MM7Interface] Complete HTTP URL of the MMSC Receive Agent

ReceiveAgentUrl = Name of the X-MSISDN Header

XMsisdnHeaderName = X-MSISDN Directory where the default application terminated requests will be stored.

ATSaveDir = /var/tmp/saved-data File

Default log level to ERROR. Other levels are INFO and DEBUG. log4j.rootLogger= DEBUG, ROOT

log4j.appender.ROOT=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log file name log4j.appender.ROOT.File=../logs/mm7interface.log

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52 Installation

log4j.appender.ROOT.MaxFileSize=1000KB Keep 5 old files around. log4j.appender.ROOT.MaxBackupIndex=5

log4j.appender.ROOT.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout Format almost same as Websphere's common log format. log4j.appender.ROOT.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] %t %c %-5p - %m%n

Any change in the configuration will take into effect only after restarting the MM7 SOAP interface EAR application.

Installation of Client Following are the basic steps involved to install and configure the MM7 SOAP VAS sample client

1. Extract the MM7 SOAP VAS sample client (mm7Client.tar.gz) $ gunzip mm7interface_WAS.tar.gz $ tar –xvf mm7interface_WAS.tar

2. Move the mm7Client.tar.gz to the directory where you want to install mm7 SOAP client.

3. Extract the sample client files. $ gunzip mm7Client.tar.gz $ tar –xvf mm7Clinet.tar

4. Update the CLASSPATH in file

Testing Steps to test the MM7 Interface

1. Using MMSC’s gui add an VAS user. 2. Edit the SubmitReq.SoapEnvp file to update the VAS ID and destination

address. 3. Enable the MM7 submit request command in the file. 4. Execute the file to send a submit request. 5. Check the MM7 interface response in the newly created out file. 6. Check the <WAS_HOME>/logs/mm7interface.log file for the log generated

by the SOAP service.

44 ..2255 MMMM77 SSOOAAPP IInn ttee rr ffaaccee ffoorr AAppaacchhee TToommccaatt The MM7 interface installable file name is mm7instalable.tar.gz. This installable contains following components:

1. Apache Tomcat Web Application Archive (WAR) file: Set of SOAP enabled MM7 services.

2. MM7 VAS client: Sample MM7 client to test the SOAP services. 3. The following support jar files.

a) activation.jar b) classes111.jar c) log4j-1.2.8.jar d) mail.jar e) mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar f) soap.jar g) xerces.jar

4. MM7 configuration file mm7_interface.conf

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Installation 53

5. Log configuration file 6. Installation script 7. Readme file README-MM7

Pre-requisite Before starting installation of the MM7 interface please check the following details: (please contact your tomcat administrator or network administrator for further help)

Apache tomcat (version 5.0 or above) is installed and working. Java version 1.4 or above installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. Network connectivity to MMSC server is available.

Deployment Steps

Follow the steps to deployment MM7 SOAP interface. 1. Extract the tar.gz file (mm7installable.tar.gz) from the installable $ gunzip mm7installable.tar.gz $ tar –xvf mm7installable.tar

2. It will create a sub directory called install_mm7 move to the sub directory. $ cd install_mm7

3. To start the installation, type the following command $ sh

4. The installation will ask tomcat home directory path to install SOAP interface.

5. The installation will install SOAP Interface, MM7 client, supporting jar files and deploy MM7 services in tomcat.

6. Start the “MM7 SOAP Interface” application using tomcat admin control panel.

Configuration The MM7 SOAP service uses 2 configuration files present in /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm7 directory. The configuration files are described below:

File conf/mm7interface.conf [MM7Interface] Complete HTTP URL of the MMSC Receive Agent

ReceiveAgentUrl = Name of the X-MSISDN Header

XMsisdnHeaderName = X-MSISDN Directory where the default Application Terminated (AT) requests will be

stored. SaveDir = /var/tmp/saved-data

Level of Log information Critical, Warning and Debug LogLevel = 7

List of allowed MM7 version numbers. MM7SupportedVersions=5.6.0,5.3.0,6.5.0..

Maximum no of connections to MMSC. MMSCMaxRequests = 50

HTTP basic authentication for MM7 clients. HTTPBasicAuthFlag = Enable/Disable

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54 Installation

VAS User authentication in database, If JNDI is enabled JNDIDataSource value will taken otherwise DataSource’ value will taken.

LDAP Authentication for VAS user. LdapSupport=enable/disable

Ldap server IP address LdapServer=

LDAP Port LdapPort=389

Number of ldap connections in connection pool. Setting this to value 0 will disable connection pooling. Then separate connections will be made for each transaction. NumberOfConnections=5

root dn of the ldap server rootDN=cn=root,,c=in

base dn to search for the subscribers baseDN=ou=subscriberinfo,ou=jMMSCClient,,c=in

Object name of the subscriber ObjectClassName=ou

File : Default log level to ERROR. Other levels are INFO and DEBUG.

log4j.rootLogger= DEBUG, ROOT log4j.appender.ROOT=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender

Log File Name log4j.appender.ROOT.File=/usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm7/mm7interface.log

log4j.appender.ROOT.MaxFileSize=1000KB Keep 5 old files around.

log4j.appender.ROOT.MaxBackupIndex=5 log4j.appender.ROOT.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout Format almost same as Websphere's common log format.

log4j.appender.ROOT.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] %t %c %-5p - %m%n Any change in the configuration will take into effect only after restarting the MM7 SOAP Interface application.

Testing Steps to test the MM7 interface

1. Using MMSC’s gui add an VAS user. 2. Edit the SubmitReq.SoapEnvp file to update the VAS ID and destination

address. 3. Enable the MM7 submit request command in the file. 4. Execute the file to send a submit request. 5. Check the MM7 interface response.

Check the TOMCAT_HOME>/logs/mm7interface.log file for the log generated by the SOAP service.

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Installation 55

44 ..2266 UUnn-- iinnss ttaa ll llaa tt iioonn

4.26.1 Uninstall Admin Module To uninstall the admin module, run the script present in the installation folder.

$ sh

The files and the folders related to the admin module is removed and the un-installation is completed successfully.

Figure 4-56: Admin Module Uninstall

4.26.2 Uninstall MMSC To uninstall the MMSC, run the script present in the installation folder. Execute the script as an mmsc user and follow the on screen instructions to successfully uninstall the MMSC server and related components. Un-installation of the MMSC involves removal of all the MMSC related components from its corresponding directories. Example: $ sh /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyrelay/MMSC/

Execute the script as an MMSC user and not as root or any other user.

Caution: Please note by performing the above, all MMSC related components and database entries would be removed.

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56 Installation

Type Y to continue with un-installation.

Figure 4-57: MMSC Un-installation

The path where the MMSC is installed needs to be given. The uninstalling process begins if the path entered is valid. Press <Enter> to continue.

Figure 4-58: MMSC Un-Installation contd..

The database uninstalling process starts by dropping the tables created by MMSC. Type Y to drop the table. Enter the user name, password; database name, database server IP, and database server port. If the above-entered parameters are right, then the table is dropped successfully.

Figure 4-59: MMSC Database Un-installation

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All the MMSC components are removed and the un-installation process is completed successfully. The uninstall.log file is created under /tmp folder which gives the status of the un-installation of MMSC.

Figure 4-60: MMSC Un-Installation Completed

4.26.3 Uninstall CAM To uninstall the CAM module, run script present in the installation folder. Type Y to continue the uninstall procedure. The directories and the files under the installation directory are removed on successful un-installation.

Figure 4-61: CAM Module Uninstall

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58 Installation

4.26.4 MM7 Un-Instal lation To uninstall the mm7, run the script present in the installation folder.

Figure 4-62: MM7 Uninstalled

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Installation 60

Appendix A — Configuration Files All the below configuration files are available under the directory conf in the installed path of the MMSC. Example: ./usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/MMSC/conf adaptation.conf

PORT = < TCP PORT number at which adaptation server is listening > LOGLEVEL = < amount of log information that will be logged > OldLogsDir = < directory path where rotated logs will be stored > RecvTimeout = < time out value in seconds > AcceptThreadPool = < number of threads that is waiting for incoming requests > DeviceConfiguration = < content adaptation related information for each user

agent > Each device configuration entity must contain following information elements. <User Agent / Model Name> <Image directory> <Audio Directory> < Display area in pixels for the User Agent / Model > < User Agent/Model supports Color depth > < content types supported by the User Agent / Model Name, multiple entries separated by : > White space separates Individual information element. Example: For LG RD2030 DeviceConfiguration Model Name = RD2030 Image Directory = $(CONTENTINSTALLDIR)/mms/imag Audio Directory = $(CONTENTINSTALLDIR)/mms/audios/LG Display Area = 128X64 Color Depth = 8 Content Type = image/png:audio/mid So the configuration file entry must be: DeviceConfiguration = RD2030 /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/images/LG /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/audios/LG 128X64 8 image/png:audio/mid. Example: For ACMEPhone Device Configuration Model Name = ACMEPhone Image Directory = $(CONTENTINSTALLDIR)/mms/images/SAMSUNG Audio Directory $(CONTENTINSTALLDIR)/mms/audios/SAMSUNG Display Area = 128X64 Color Depth = 8 Content Type = image/png:audio/MA-2 So the configuration file entry must be: DeviceConfiguration = ACMEPhone /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/images/SAMSUNG /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/audios/SAMSUNG 128X64 8 image/png:audio/MA-2. Example: For SCH-N191 Device Configuration Model Name = SCH-N191 Image Directory = $(CONTENTISNTALLDIR)/mms/images/SAMSUNG Audio Directory = $(CONTENTISNTALLDIR)/mms/audios/SAMSUNG

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Display Area = 128X64 Color Depth = 8 Content Type = image/png:audio/MA-2

So the configuration file entry must be: DeviceConfiguration = SCH-N191 /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/images/SAMSUNG /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/content/mms/audios/SAMSUNG 128X64 8 image/png:audio/MA-2

at_dispatcher.conf CONNECTSTRING = <TNS INSTANCE Name of the database connection> USERNAME = <username for database connection> PASSWORD = <password for database connection> LOGLEVEL = <amount of information that will be logged. Values are 7 (DEBUG),

4 (WARNING), 1 (CRITICAL)> ProxyServer = <IP address of the proxy server, if present> ProxyPort = <port number of the proxy server> OldLogsDirPath = <path where rotated logs will be stored> POLLINGTIME = <database polling interval in seconds> MAXCONN = <maximum number of database connections that are made to the

database> Example: CONNECTSTRING = WAS USERNAME = MMSC PASSWORD = MMSC LOGLEVEL = 7 ProxyServer = 0 # Proxy not required. ProxyPort = 0 # No proxy set OldLogsDirPath = ../log/old_logs/ POLLINGTIME= 10 MAXCONN = 2 database.conf

DefaultServer=<IP address of the database server> DefaultPort= <port in which database server is listening> DefaultConnectionString=<TNS INSTANCE Name of the database connection> DefaultPassword=<password for database connection> DefaultUsername=<userName for database connection> Example:

DefaultPort=1521 DefaultUsername=MMSC DefaultPassword=MMSC DefaultConnectionString=WAS

mail_dispatcher.conf SmtpServerAddress = <SMTP server ip address> SmtpPort = <port Number where SMTP server is listening>

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62 Installation

MailMode = <SMTP / ESMTP> EsmtpUserName = <user name for ESMPT Login> EsmtpPassword = <password for ESMTP Login> LogLevel = <amount of log information that will be written> CONNECTSTRING = <TNS INSTANCE Name of the database connection> USERNAME = <userName for database connection> PASSWORD = <password for database connection> OldLogsDirPath = <path where rotated logs will be stored> POLLINGTIME = <database polling interval in seconds> MAXCONN = <maximum number of database connections that are made to the

database> Example: SmtpServerAddress =

SmtpPort = 25 MailMode = 1 EsmtpUsername = ril1 EsmtpPassword = ril1 CONNECTSTRING = WAS USERNAME = MMSC PASSWORD = MMSC POLLINGTIME = 10 MaxConn = 2

prvserver.conf IPADDRESS = <IP address of the system where provisioning server is running> TCPPORT = <TCP port number at which provisioning server is listening for

requests> ServerRecvTimeout= <time out on connection from MMSC> AcceptThreadPool = <number of threads that is waiting for incoming requests> LogLevel = <amount of log information that will be written> UDPPORT = <UDP port at which it waits for alert message> LogFile = <name of the log file> StatFile = <name of the statistics file> OldLogsPath = <directory path where rotated logs will be stored> DatabaseIPAddress = < IP address of the MySQL database > DatabasePort = <port number of database server> DatabaseConnectString=<TNS INSTANCE name of the database connection> DatabaseUserName=<username for database connection> DatabasePassword=<password for database connection> AllowedClientList = <clients who are allowed to connect>

Example: IPADDRESS =


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Installation 63

LOGFILE = prov_server.log STATFILE = prov_server.stat OLDLOGSPATH = ../log/old_logs DatabaseConnectString=WAS DatabaseUserName=MMSC DatabasePassword=MMSC AllowedClientList = *

rcvserver.conf RecieveIPAddress = <IP address of the M/C where receive server is running> RecieveTcpPort = <port number at which receive server is running> ServerRecvTimeout = <time in seconds after which server will close connection

with agents> AcceptThreadPool = <number of threads waiting for connection establishment> LogLevel = <amount of log information that will be written> RetrieveServerUrl=<URL sent to destination client for message retrieval> PrePaidBillingSupport <flag to enable or disable prepaid billing> NotificationAddressShowAll =<global parameter to switch off address hiding> SubscriberAuthenticationRequired = <flag to enable or disable the authentication

of the subscriber> MailDomainName=<domain name of the mail server> DefaultExpiryTime = <default expiry time of the message, in HRS> OldLogDir= <path where rotated logs will be stored> ContentAdaptationSupport= <globally enable or disable content adaptation> AdaptationServer= <IP address of the content adaptation server> AdaptationPort= <port number in which content adaptation server is listening> ReceiveSubscriberProvisioningAllowed= <global flag to enable or disable

subscriber provisioning> NationCode = < ISD code for you country > MappingEnable = < flag to enable or disable conversion of MDN to primary MDN >

Example: RecieveIPAddress= RecieveTcpPort=18400 ServerRecvTimeout=10 AcceptThreadPool=5 LogLevel=4 RetrieveServerUrl= PrePaidBillingSupport = 0 NotificationAddressShowAll = 0 SubscriberAuthenticationRequired= 0 DefaultExpiryTime = 168 OldLogDir=../log/old_logs ContentAdaptationSupport=0


ConnectionString = <TNS INSTANCE Name of the database connection>

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64 Installation

DBUserName = <userName for database connection> DBPassword = <password for database connection> GatewayIP = <IP address where SMS gateway is running> GWUserName = <username for SMS G/W connection> GWPassword = <password for SMS G/W connection> PushPort = <port number where SMS gateway is listening for push request> JMMSURL = <Url of the Jad file of the MMS Client> LogLevel = <amount of log information that will be written> Pollinginterval = <database polling interval for SMS dispatcher> OldLogDir = <directory path where rotated logs will be stored>

Example: ConnectionString = WAS

DBUserName = MMSC DBPassword = MMSC GWUserName = jataayu GWPassword = jataayu GatewayIP = PushPort = 7799

JMMSURL = Http:// LogLevel=4 pollinginterval = 5 OldLogDir= ../log/old_logs By carrying out the above mentioned changes and configuration the MMSC is ready for usage. Execute the script to start the MMSC as mentioned below:

$ sh <INSTALLDIR>/MMSC/log/start_jmmsc

Example:sh /usr/local/mmsc/jataayummscproxyserver/MMSC/log/start_jmmsc This completes the installation and configuration of the MMSC.

Check Points

Check script alias’s and alias in the web server configuration file. Check whether all the required tables are created in the database. Check configuration files in the $(MMSCINSTALLDIR)/MMSC/conf directory. Check configuration files in the $(MMSCINSTALLDIR)/MMSC/fcgi directory. MMBOXPATH=/tmp (where user specifies MMS is stored).

USERINFO = ./conf/userinfo.conf (used for maintaining user of web administration).

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Installation 65

Appendix B — MMSC Directories The details of all the files that are generated on installation under various sub directories are as below:

exes directory

File Name Description

adaptation_broker This exe takes care of content adaptation functionality of the MMSC

at_dispatcher Notification dispatcher of application terminated messages over the MM7 interface

des_server Takes care of DNS enumeration functionality of MM4 interface

mail_dispatcher It is the notification dispatcher for the mail messages over the MM3 interface

mediation_server Takes care of the prepaid interface of the MMSC for interaction with the prepaid network

mmbox_monitor Takes care of CDR generation functionality of MMSC

pi_dispatcher Notification dispatcher for mobile terminated MMS notifications over the MM1 interface.

prov_server Takes care of the provisioning interface of the MMSC.

recv_server It is the MM1 interface of the MMSC for MO MMS messages.

retr_server It is the MM1 interface of the MMSC for the retrieval of MT MMS messages.

sms_dispatcher Notification dispatcher for MT SMS notification for legacy phones over the MM1 interface

notification_server It is used to handle notification for legacy devices which cannot store multiple notifications.

conf directory

File Name Description

adaptation.conf Configuration file used by adaptation broker server.

at_dispatcher.conf Configuration file used by AT dispatcher server

bma.conf Billing mediation server configuration file

database.conf Configuration file used by Receive and Retrieve server for database connection information

des.conf DNS-ENUM server configuration file.

dns_enum.conf DNS-ENUM client configuration file.

fs_api.conf It is the configuration for file system path where user MM is stored

mail_dispatcher.conf Mail dispatcher server configuration file.

monitor.conf MMbox monitor configuration file

pi_dispatcher.conf PI dispatcher configuration file.

provisioning.conf Configurations file containing provisioning server information.

prvserver.conf Configuration file used by provisioning server

rcvserver.conf For receive and retrieve server

sms_dispatcher.conf SMS dispatcher configuration file

user_profile.conf Configuration file for the user profile GUI.

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66 Installation

File Name Description

userinfo.conf File controlling the access to the admin UI.

uierr.conf Error codes for the UI

fcgi directory

File Name Description

receive_agent.cgi Common gateway Interface program which connects receive server

receive_agent.conf Configuration file used by receive_agent.cgi application.

retrieve_agent.cgi Common gateway Interface program which connects retrieve server

retrieve_agent.conf Configuration file used by retrieve_agent.cgi application.

log directory

File Name Description

at_dispatcher.log Log file for the at dispatcher transactions

bma_parent.log Log file for the billing mediation server transactions

des_parent.log Parent process log file of DNS-ENUM server

dns_server.log Log file generated by the child process of DNS-ENUM server

leatrace.log Log file for tracing Law Enforcement Authority (LEA) related operations

mail_dispatcher.log Log file generated by the mail dispatcher server

mediation_server.log Log file generated by the mediation server

mmbox_monitor.log Log file generated by the mmbox monitor server

nohup.out System generated file when servers are generated

pi_dispatcher.log Log file for the pi dispatcher transactions

prov.log Log file generated by the provisioning server child process.

prov_parent.log Log file generated by the provisioning server parent process.

rcvs_parent.log Log file generated by the receive server parent process.

recv_server.log Log file for the receive server transactions

retr_server.log Log file for the retrieve server transactions

sms_dispatcher.log Log file for the SMS dispatcher transactions

scripts directory

File Name Description Template file for generating SNMP scripts SNMP script for MMSC start/stop operations

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

Installation 67

scripts/health directory

File Name Description script file for health monitoring of the MMSC script file for system monitoring

mdata directory Under this directory you have the following sub-directory:

• pid • stat • trap

mdata/stat/ directory

File Name Description

at_dispatcher.stat AT Dispatcher statistics file

des_server.stat DES server statistics file

mail_dispatcher.stat Mail dispatcher statistics file

mediation_server.stat Billing mediation server statistics file

mmbox_monitor.stat MMBox monitor statistics file

nserver.stat Notification server statistics file

pi_dispatcher.stat PI dispatcher statistics file

prov_server.stat Provisioning server statistics file

recv_server.stat Receive server statistics file

retr_server.stat Retrieve server statistics file

sms_dispatcher.stat SMS dispatcher statistics file

mdata/trap/ directory

File Name Description

at_dispatcher.trp AT Dispatcher trap file

des_server.trp DES server trap file

mail_dispatcher.trp Mail dispatcher trap file

mediation_server.trp Billing mediation Server trap file

mmbox_monitor.trp MMBox monitor trap file

nserver.trp Notification server trap file

pi_dispatcher.trp PI dispatcher trap file

prov_server.trp Provisioning server trap file

recv_server.trp Receive server trap file

retr_server.trp Retrieve server trap file

sms_dispatcher.trp SMS dispatcher trap file gui directory: The files under this directory are the cgi files used for web interface.

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

68 Installation

File Name Description

INCLUDE This files contains the details of the various directory paths. The screen below shows the INCLUDE file.

Figure 4-63: MM7 Directory Structure

gui/conf directory: This directory contains the gui configuration files. gui/log directory: This directory contains the logs of the web interface.

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Installation 69

Appendix C — MM7 Interfaces [MM7Interface] # url to hit the mmsc. ReceiveAgentUrl= XMsisdnHeaderName=X-MSISDN # directory to save data sent by mmsc ATSaveDir=/var/tmp/saved-data # Enable or disable HTTP basic authentication HTTPBasicAuthFlag=disable # Whether the servlet Container Supports JNDI or Not. JNDISupport=disable # if the JNDI support is enabled then put the database resource name in server.xml # for value of JNDIDataSource JNDIDataSource=jdbc/TestDB # FOR TOMCAT jdbc:mysql:thin:username/passwd@DBHOST:DBPORT:DBINSTANCE # e.g. jdbc:mysql:thin:scott/tiger@dlsun511:1721:dbms733 DataSource=jdbc:mysql:thin:username/[email protected]:1521:dbstring #Name space given for MM7 MM7NameSpace=MM7Interface # allowed mm7 versions MM7SupportedVersions=5.6.0,5.3.0,6.5.0,1.0,6.8.0,6.6.0,6.5.0,6.4.0,6.3.0,5.10.0,5.8.0,5.5.0 # Configurations to enable ldap support LdapSupport=enable # port in which ldap server is listening LdapPort=389 # Number of ldap connections in connection pool. Setting this to value 0 will disable connection pooling. # Then separate connections will be made for each transaction. NumberOfConnections=5 # ldap server ip address LdapServer= # root dn of the ldap server rootDN=cn=root,,c=in

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Installation: MMSC – 2.6

70 Installation

# password to authenticate the ldap server Password=secret # base dn to search for the subscribers baseDN=ou=subscriberinfo,ou=jMMSCClient,,c=in # Object name of the subscriber ObjectClassName=ou

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Appendix D — Customer Support 71

Appendix D — Customer Support SLA Matrix The following table represents the Service Level Agreement (SLA) matrix of Comviva. This matrix describes the different problems that impact the Comviva’s client business, the corrective action that would be taken by Comviva to solve such problems, and the minimum time that would be required to take such corrective actions.

Table 5: SLA Matrix

Problem Severity

Response Time

Work-around SLA



30 minutes 4 hours The correction work starts immediately and continues until a work-around solution is available. After a work-around solution is available, the case is downgraded to Major category.


2 hours 72 hours Comviva’s personnel shall start working immediately on the problem, and continue till a work-around solution is found.


24 hours

3 weeks

Software correction shall be available within 3 weeks.


72 hours


Comviva will start development if the client has asked for enhancements/customizations.

Requires a Go-ahead from authorized Customer personnel, and an approval of Purchase Order.

Source: Comviva

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Document Change History 73

Document Change History Table 6: Document Change History

Version Number

Description of Changes

Comments Date of Creation Author

1.0 Initial Release June 2008 Prema

Source: Comviva

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Contact Us 75

Contact Us Corporate Office A-26, Info City Sector 34 Gurgaon 122001 Haryana, India T: +91-124-4819000 F: +91-124-4819777 Bangalore Office 4, 12th Km Bellary Road, Jakkur Bangalore 560064 India T: +91-80-43401600 F: +91-80-28565854 Mumbai Office Unit 1-4, 1st Floor, Paradigm Tower Tower B, Mindspace Malad(W), Mumbai 400064, India T: +91-22-40774300 F: +91-22-40774333 E-mail: [email protected]