
Many times the things that are being taught in our early childhood are craved on our brain. Like during my kindergarten days I was very much fascinated by drinking tea. As my parents use to have tea I use to demand for tea but like parents know how to take the best care and limit their kids. My parents use to scare me that the kids who drink tea are taken by wicked old ladies and punish kids drinking tea. This fake story has still kept me away from drinking tea. I still crave for milk and fruit juice. But that has what kept me healthy. In the same manner we need to teach the power of yoga to our kids when there mind is shaping and once they get addicted to good habits it is very much impossible for them to come in contact with bad habits. Yoga has the power to heal besides they make us very much strong internally. And if kids are taught about this they grow very strong as human being. It also boosts their confidence. I know kids are very moody and fussy if you tell them to rest them at one place and meditate they will actually start dancing on your heads. They are restless and you really cannot help it. But sometimes their restlessness lands them in trouble just to avoid we can teach them some good techniques to keep them away from restlessness. And at the same time it is also beneficial for all the age groups. Usually oldies have problem with exercise as they often complain about the pain or they even get into trouble while performing any exercise. So it is very good for them and when it comes to the group of youth, they escape out making an excuse of time. But as this Mudra are friendly they actually don’t limit to any particular time. Like one of the best example is Hasta Mudra. Mudra according to Hinduism and Buddhism is considered as form of spiritual gesture which gives amazing energy. And hast means hand, it is really incredible as we all know it is just impossible to think ourselves without our hands but the magic that our hand creates in healing our stress in just outstanding. Hast Mudra is form of

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Page 1: mudras

Many times the things that are being taught in our early childhood are craved on our brain. Like during my kindergarten days I was very much fascinated by drinking tea. As my parents use to have tea I use to demand for tea but like parents know how to take the best care and limit their kids. My parents use to scare me that the kids who drink tea are taken by wicked old ladies and punish kids drinking tea. This fake story has still kept me away from drinking tea. I still crave for milk and fruit juice. But that has what kept me healthy.

In the same manner we need to teach the power of yoga to our kids when there mind is shaping and once they get addicted to good habits it is very much impossible for them to come in contact with bad habits. Yoga has the power to heal besides they make us very much strong internally. And if kids are taught about this they grow very strong as human being. It also boosts their confidence.

I know kids are very moody and fussy if you tell them to rest them at one place and meditate they will actually start dancing on your heads. They are restless and you really cannot help it. But sometimes their restlessness lands them in trouble just to avoid we can teach them some good techniques to keep them away from restlessness.

And at the same time it is also beneficial for all the age groups. Usually oldies have problem with exercise as they often complain about the pain or they even get into trouble while performing any exercise. So it is very good for them and when it comes to the group of youth, they escape out making an excuse of time. But as this Mudra are friendly they actually don’t limit to any particular time.

Like one of the best example is Hasta Mudra. Mudra according to Hinduism and Buddhism is considered as form of spiritual gesture which gives amazing energy. And hast means hand, it is really incredible as we all know it is just impossible to think ourselves without our hands but the magic that our hand creates in healing our stress in just outstanding. Hast Mudra is form of exercise that makes a person stronger and in a cheapest way. In fact it doesn’t even cost a single penny.

As we all know that the entire universe in made up of five elements but let me tell you that even our body is made up of five elements which is represented by our five fingers. The nomenclature of our body comprises of Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Sky. And as I said earlier that they are represented by fingers so every finger has their own arena. Like

Our thumb represents fire. Index finger is for air. Middle finger stands for space Ring finger symbolizes the mother earth And lastly little finger is represented by water.

It is proved with the help of science that synchronization of these five elements pedals the internal glands of our body parts and helps in their functioning. Well we can’t mention but there is some amazing energy that gets triggered as we practice this Mudra regularly which makes healthy and fit.

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I don’t need actually to tell but every heart and brain knows that to remain healthy and devoid from sickness we need to balance all the elements of our body. As there is any misbalance in with their coordination it welcomes illness.

1. Gyan Mudra also known as Mudra of Knowledge:

As the name of type depicts its importance, Mudra of knowledge enhances your brain power.

This exercise will help in sharpening your brain and boost the memory power. It acts greatly to improve your concentration level but at the same time puts you to good

sleep guarding your body against insomnia. Well, no doubt all this is achieved by regular practice but daily practice will also help to

fight against mental hysteria, anger and depression.

There is specific method to practice all this Mudra hence Gyan Mudra is practiced in following way;

Bring in contact the tip of thumb with the tip of forefinger and leaving the rest three fingers extended out.

As we have mentioned that this Mudra helps in promoting the well being of brain and knowledge the tip of thumb comprises the core of pituitary gland and endocrine gland. Now when these two glands are constricted together both the glands get activated parallel.

And the biggest forte of this Mudra is that you can perform this anytime and anywhere and with no restriction of time. So time is definitely is not the excuse that will keep you or your kids away from this simple exercise.As well as it is very simple which even your kids can perform without your assistance.

2. Prithvi Mudra which is called as Mudra of Earth:

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From ancient times earth is known as mother. Mother earth heals all problems. Even earth is represented as the sign of calmness and coolness. The earth has huge power to soothe the body elements.

Likewise performing Prithvi Mudra helps you to remain lively and healthy. It has amazing effects on the people suffering from anemia and boosts their body to gain

weight. Well, most importantly all the beautiful girls who are reading please bring your attention

as this Mudra helps in glowing your skin and beautify your complexion.

Yeah now I know that your heart is plunging to get he information on how to practice then just follow this simple method.

Get your tip of the finger in contact with the tip of thumb. While bringing these fingers in touch free out the rest three fingers stretched.

As this Mudra is very beneficial is restoring your weight back it is very beneficial during the sickness as it is the time when body suffers from major weakness.

And even this Mudra can be performed anytime of the day in any motion.

3. Varuna Mudra also recognized as Mudra of Water:

Everyone knows our body is 60 % made up of water. And it is the most vital element of our body. There are innumerable benefits of water in the body. Water helps out in

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flushing all the toxins from the body making a smooth way for all the nutrients and the red blood cells. As they reach the organs safely its helps in proper blood circulation. Like we all know kids frequently skip water and sip some stupid carbonated drinks which hammer their health. So it is very important for kids to drink lots of water and avoid consuming carbonated drinks.

Well this method is not useful for kids but works amazingly on adults.

This Mudra balances the water content in the body levels and guards our body against all the ailments

Lack of water kills the moisture in skin and causes all kinds of skin irritation hence performing all this Mudra will regain the level of water in your body keeping you away from these ailments.

As this helps in blood circulation it also preserves the clarity of blood and travel smoothly to all the organs of the body.

Regular practice of Varuna Mudra helps in Gastroenteritis troubles and Muscle Shrinkage

Well the method you need to adapt for this Mudra is as follows:

Let the tip of   your little finger feel the tip of your thumb, and rest your three fingers extended in air.

Even this Mudra can be performed any time and anyplace.

4. Vayu Mudra commonly known as Mudra of Air:

Vayu Mudra the name itself mentions its properties. It is related to air. I will sound dumbIf I tell you that we need air to breathe. But yes we just don’t need air to breathe we need pure air to breathe, that is free from pollution which is actually next  to impossible in today’s world. Our lifestyle have make us so addicted to easy transport system and even many other factors that are responsible for damaging environment.

Our kids and we regularly breathe in the same atmosphere. And if we need to stay away from pollution we will actually need to discover a new continent on the globe. We definitely cannot do this but we can definitely guard our body against all the troubles caused by air pollution.

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The most important uses of this Mudra are that it refrain all the people suffering from gas troubles which disturbs you intestinal organ of the body.

It actually guards you from all ailments that are caused by the inhaling impure air. Vayu Mudra is very helpful to the people suffering from Rheumatism, Arthritis and

Parkinson’s disease. To our surprise it is also beneficial for cervical spondylitis. And if you have got a catch in your neck this Mudra is the best solution to get relieved.

The step to follow this Mudra is:

Pushing thumb place the forefinger on the base of thumb while retaining the rest three fingers straight.

Vayu Mudra if practiced for forty five minutes lessens the intensity of the trouble in twelve to twenty four hours. And within two months they give amazing results.

5. Shunya Mudra known as Mudra of Emptiness:

It is Sanskrit word for nothingness and void, Shunya Mudra represents the emptiness. It is very important yoga Mudra which has amazing benefits.

It is proved in providing relief to ear ache and in within a span of four to five minutes.

This Mudra is mainly used in treatment of deaf and mentally challenged children but they cannot be used for inbred cases.

Shunya Mudra has amazing effects on the dull moods.

Mudra of Emptiness can be practiced in following steps:

Locate your second finger that is the middle finger at the mount of Venus while pressing it with thumb.

An individual can practice it for almost forty to sixty minutes regularly to heal the disease.

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These are first five Hasta Mudra which we have covered in the first part. To have more information on Hasta Mudra and benefit yourself from all the Mudra continue reading the next article.

6. Surya Mudra:

Surya Mudra can be termed as Mudra of Sun in English. As the term provides half of the information like it is related to sun. Sun is the father of all planets. It is sun who provides light and energy to the all the living organism in the entire world. Thus this Mudra helps us a lot in getting revitalized.

The very first sun being the sign of energy it reduces dullness and tensions from mind making a person cheerful and energetic.

This Mudra helps in lessening the level of cholesterol and lowers down your weight. It is also recommended as best solution for digestion troubles. The thyroid gland present in human body is sharpened with the regular practice of this


Well like I said it is sun Mudra there is no need to practice it in morning sun or something like that. Just follow a simple step:

While bending the annularly i.e. the ring finger just press it with your thumb.

And yes you need to follow this procedure every day for five to fifteen minutes.

7. Prana Mudra:

Prana Mudra which is regarded as Mudra of Life:

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As the name indicates that it is related to life, it helps us in getting stronger internally and physically. Many times a person look very healthy from externally but internally they are very weak. Such people cannot handle pressure; they often get panic and think unnecessarily. Your brain is the key to the power you excess hence it is very important to have a healthy brain. And I need not tell you all readers that when all your brain receives all the required nutrients and relaxation it is considered as the healthy brain.

So Prana Mudra helps in developing the power of brain and the cells.

Especially it is best recommended to boosts the immunes system of the body. Your vision is highly benefited with the practice of this Mudra and eliminates all the

troubles that are linked with eyes. There is hell lot of people who are facing with vitamin deficiency. And all this folks just

pop in some pills and get revitalized temporarily but people forget that problems should always be eradicated from the root levels and hence Prana Mudra gives on amazing increment in vitamin level of the body.

It also reduces the clamps that take place in blood vessels.

This method can be performed in flowing steps:

Twist the third finger and pinkie i.e. the little finger and contact it with the tip of thumb. But during this process let the rest two fingers stretched.

Well feel free to perform this Mudra any time no reservation of time.

8. Apana Mudra often known as Mudra of Digestion:

The English term Mudra of Digestion shows the uses of this Mudra. Well this Mudra is related to cure all the digestion problems. Hence it also regulates the excretory system of the body. Actually whatever your body eats it has to be digested properly so there is proper excretion.

As it is helps the digestive system of the body it is very helpful is the constipation. This Mudra keeps diabetics in control. The day to day practice also cures piles.

This method can be performed in very easy steps:

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Connect the second finger and the ring finger with the tip of the thumb while the forefinger and the little finger should be sustained straight.

You may practice it day by day for forty five minutes.

9. Apana Vayu Mudra reckoned as Mudra of Heart:

Heart the main organ of the body needs extra care and attention. We usually tend to neglect the most delicate part of the body. Once a person suffers from cardiac problems he realizes the importance of it. It is proved that Mudra acts as powerful as an injection for heart troubles.

As it is related to heart it mainly improves the strength of the heart. Usually, a heart patient trembles a lot; hence practice of this Mudra controls the

shivering. Apart from this it also regulates excretory system. It restores the gas related problems.

Well I would like to tell all the individuals that it is not very difficult to carry on this exercise:

The tips of the second finger and ring finger touch the tip of thumb, while the forefinger touches the bottom of thumb and little finger extended out.

There is no harm in practicing this Mudra as many times as you can. And especially it is regarded best if Heart patients and Blood Pressure patients can practice it for fifteen minutes regularly two times for healthier results.

10. Linga Mudra is well known as Mudra of Heat:

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Usually in winter we need a lot of energy to beat the cold and hence body needs to generate good amount of heat. Thus Linga Mudra helps is forming heat in the body and battles with cold in winter.

Besides it also gives strength to the lungs while producing phlegm. It also protects you severe cold. It is regarded as the best cure for bronchial infections. The Mudra of Heat revitalizes your body.

It is a simple method to practice this Mudra:

Intermingle the fingers of both the hands and keep the thumb of the left hand upright and enclose it with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand.

While performing this Mudra you need to take a caution that don’t carry out it for a longer time as it produces a lot of heat in the body. if carried for a longer span it may also develop sweat in winter.

Life is very precious. It is not important how long you live? But yes it is very important how you lived your life? How many minutes you waste of your life, in grumbling about the errors that occur? Grumbling over thing that is done by every creature human being is the one who fights with calm and smiles whenever an error occurs. Everything in life almost everything can be sorted with just a smile.

Thus these Mudra are one the most peaceful way to eliminate all problems with a just a little effort and smile.

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Compilation: Yoga

Mudras have been a part of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions as also many other cultures from ancient times.

My date with the mudras began only a few years ago, with my foray into the amazing world of meditation. A regular practice of mudras led me to discover that mudras not only serve as an ideal meditative tool, but also as a healing software for our emotional, mental, and physical problems and spiritual enhancement.

Called the yoga of the hands, a mudra [sign or seal], is a specific hand gesture, or position, that helps in releasing the energy locked within our body and directing its flow and reflexes to the brain. Mudras are known to alleviate a host of ailments such as asthma, depression, piles, cough, diabetes, stress, and even a heart attack – to name just a few.

When used over time, mudras can create inner peace and harmony, health and wealth, and balance the left and right sides of the brain — and, promote a sense of wellbeing. They can also change your life considerably, through gradual spiritual regeneration.

Mudra work and healing

The innate healing power of hands and the 10 fingers are explained in the Atharva Veda. This power can be easily fortified by the practice of special gestures formed by varying the position of the fingers through mudras. Mudras heal by activating both the meridians [nadis] as well as the chakras [energy centres] – in more ways than one.

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Our physical body is made up of five elements, viz., water, earth, akasha [ether], air, and fire, which are represented by the little finger, the ring finger, the middle finger, the index finger, and the thumb, respectively. Imbalances in these elements upset our immune system and cause various ailments The joining of two or more fingers to form hand mudras, and holding them in a certain fixed pattern, creates balance for the five elements, following which healing ensues.

Imbalances in the chakras are suggested to affect the body’s energy circuit. One of the ways to activate and balance chakras is through mudras. As the five fingers are associated with the lower five chakras, the right positioning and holding of the fingers together in a specific pattern brings balance. The body, thus, gets energised, diseases get healed and, gradually, spiritual awakening is experienced.

Key mudra techniques

Of the many known hand mudras, a few of the essential “key mudras” are presented here. Practice them with both the hands in a convenient asana [posture], or sitting in a chair, for about 5-30 minutes a day, or as long as you enjoy doing them.

Gyana mudra

This is performed by joining the tips of your index finger and thumb, and keeping the other three fingers stretched and joined together. This is very powerful and effective in cases of mental ailments and sleeplessness [insomnia]. It also imparts happiness, develops the intellect, sharpens your memory, and concentration powers.

Apaan mudra

Join the tip of the thumb with the tips of middle and ring fingers, keeping the other fingers straight. This helps individuals who have difficulty in passing urine, or when there is a possibility of “obstruction.” The posture reduces constipation, and purifies the body of harmful substances.

Prana mudra

Join the tip of the thumb with tips of your little and ring fingers, and keep the other two fingers straight. This mudra balances the root chakra and infuses pranic energy into your body. It is also beneficial for many diseases; it improves vision and mental clarity.

Vaayu mudra

Press the index finger at the base of the thumb and keep the thumb on the index finger, keeping the other fingers straight. This mudra is useful in ailments such as arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, polio, and paralysis. For better results, practice it after prana mudra.

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Apaan vaayu mudra

Join the tip of the thumb with the tips of the middle and ring fingers, while the index finger [turned inside] rests on the root of the thumb. Let the little finger remain extended. This posture is said to work like a “fire-fighting aid” in the event of a heart attack.

Shunya mudra

The middle finger is lowered into the base of the thumb and is covered by the thumb, while the other fingers remain extended. This is good for ear afflictions, listening and speech difficulties.

Linga mudra

Interlock the fingers of both hands, and keep one of the thumbs up encircled by the other thumb and index finger. This mudra produces heat in the body, and helps in easing colds and cough.

Mudra benefits

Mudras endow the practitioner with benefits like improved meditation and calmness of mind. It also addresses a host of health concerns and infuses greater self-reliance and self-discipline. Mudras are easy to practice, because they are free hand body gestures, that gradually lead you to spiritual rejuvenation.

There is, perhaps, nothing better in the world than the practice of mudras for success and wellbeing.

Mudras and Reiki

Combining mudras with Reiki seems to strengthen their healing powers further. Try using Reiki [with, or without symbols] with the mudras and watch your energy levels soar.

To do this, sit in a chair with a straight back, connect to Reiki by intent, draw the symbols mentally on your hands, and join the fingers in “key mudras” relevant to the goal.

In Reiki, the most commonly practiced mudras are the Hakini, the Gassho, the Rin, and the Sha mudras.

Hakini mudra

When you join the tips of the five fingers of the right hand, with those of the left, it forms the Hakini. This mudra is helpful in balancing the right and left sides of the brain; it also benefits the “third” eye, and the lungs.

Gassho mudra

This is a prayer position. It is performed by holding hands in namaste position before the chest.

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Rin mudra

Interlace the fingers and clasp your hands together, keeping the middle fingers joined and extended. This strengthens our mind and physical body. It is useful for good emotional health.

Sha mudra

This is obtained by interlacing the fingers and clasping the hands together with the index fingers joined and extended. The mudra is used to direct and focus energy to a particular area in the body to provide the healing effect.

10 Hand Mudras for Better Health and Fitness

Practicing hand mudra positions can help improve your wellbeing, fitness and strength immensely. Mudras are powerful centres of energy. The regular practice of these hand mudra positions can result in wonderous health benefits and a strong body.

1. Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge): This hand mudra requires you to touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out. This hand mudra helps enhance your knowledge. The tip of the thumb connects to the centers of the pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press these centers with our index finger, the two glands get stimulated and work actively to increase and retain knowledge. There is no particular time duration to practice this hand mudra. It can be done sitting, standing or lying on bed at whatever time and place you wish.

Benefits:- Increases memory power and sharpens the brain- Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia- Regular practice ensures the cure of psychological disorders such as hysteria, anger, depression and other mental problems.

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2. Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth): This hand mudra requires you to touch the tip of the ring finger with the tip of the thumb, while stretching out the other three fingers. It is known to reduce all physical weakness and can be practiced at any time, place or duration.

Benefits:- It helps to increase the weight of weak people.- It improves the complexion of skin by making it glow.- It makes the body healthy and active.

3. Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water): Touch the tip of the little finger with the tip of thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out to practice this hand mudra. Regular practice of this hand mudra balances the water content in your body and prevents diseases that occur due to lack of water from happening. Varuna Mudra has no specific time duration and can be practiced at one's leisure.

Benefits:- It helps retain the clarity in blood by balancing the water content in your body.- Prevents the pain of diseases such as gastroenteritis and muscle shrinkage.

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4. Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air): This hand mudra requires you to keep the index finger on the base of the thumb and the thumb pressing over the bent index finger. The other three fingers should be held straight. The Vayu Mudra helps prevent all illnesses that occur due to imbalances prevalent in the air. The practice of this mudra for 45 minutes daily reduces the severity of the disease in 12 to 24 hours. It should be continously practiced for two months for better results.

Benefits:- It cures diseases of old age such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, parkinson's disease and paralysis without the use of any medicine.- It is useful for Cervical Spondilytis, paralysis to face and catching of nerve in neck.- It helps get rid of the disorder of gas in the stomach.

5. Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): This hand mudra requires you to keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with your thumb. The Shunya Mudra helps reduce the dullness in our body. It should be practiced for around 40 to 60 minutes daily until you are cured from the disease.

Benefits:- It relieves an earache within 4 or 5 minutes.- It is useful for deaf and mentally challenged people who were not born with the condition.

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6. Surya Mudra (Mudra of Sun): This hand mudra for better health requires you to bend the ring finger and press it with your thumb. The main specialty of the Surya Mudra is that it sharpens the center in your thyroid gland. It should be practices twice a day for around 5 to 15 minutes.

Benefits:- It brings down cholesterol in your body and helps in reducing weight.- It decreases anxiety.- It corrects indigestion problems.

7. Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life): The practice of this hand mudra requires you to bend the ring finger and little finger and touch the tip of your thumb with their tips, while keeping the remaining two fingers stretched out. This mudra is special as it is the mudra of life. The Prana Mudra is known to make weak people become strong. It decreases the clamps in blood vessels and helps make you more active. It can be practiced at any time for any duration.

Benefits:- It helps immunity get better.- It increases the power of eyes and brings down the incidence of eye related diseases.- It removes vitamin deficiency and the feeling of fatigue.

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8. Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion): This hand mudra requires the tips of your middle finger and ring finger to touch the tip of your thumb while the other two fingers are stretched out. The Apana Mudra plays an important role in health and fitness, as it helps regulate the excretory system of our body. It should be practiced daily for around 45 minutes. If you practice this hand mudra position longer, you will benefit more.

Benefits:- It regulates diabetes.- It cures constipation and piles.- It helps in regular excretion of normal waste.

9. Apana Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Heart): In this mudra, the tips of your middle finger and ring finger need to touch the tip of your thumb, while the index finger touches the base of the thumb and the little finger is stretched out. The main speciality of the Heart mudra position is that it benefits your heart. It works like an injection to reduce the effects of a heart attack and is just as strong as a sorbitate tablet. It also helps in bringing down the gas content in your body. The Apana Vayu Mudra should be practiced as many times as you can. Heart patients and people with blood pressure problems may practice it for 15 minutes twice a day for better results.

Benefits:- It strengthens the heart and regularizes palpitation.- It regulates the excretory system.- It reduces gastric trouble.

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10. Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat): This hand mudra requires one to interlock the fingers of both hands and keep the thumb of the left hand vertically straight. This thumb needs to be encircled with the thumb and index finger of the right hand. The Linga mudra helps generate heat in our body. In addition to practicing this hand position, one may also have milk, ghee, more water and fruit juices to reap extra health benefits. It can be practiced at any time and place. Practicing this hand mudra for a long time produces a large amount of heat in the body and may also cause sweating in winter.

Benefits:- It stops the production of phlegm and gives power to lungs.- It cures severe cold and bronchial infections.- It invigorates and strenghtens the body.

These 10 hand mudra positions greatly benefit health and physical fitness of the body, without the use of expensive modern medicines. It is amazing but true. If you want to see the results, try these hand mudra positions today!