m^sssss^sbbo^ssimsssi - nys historic newspapers › lccn › sn83031529 › ... · *

*<m"^P mm «m ->>;•' .^^p ..- *£?• mm " ^p»^" *>mmv u v -^pKf^'wa^ ^:ftsM§*S^*l8y aass ^ »i«isi ^tS gsafc* BixLM mm M 91'. ma >m z%mm m kSp; Mm, fflfc sss wm lowetwvwt*,* ft rriedinwal merely to the j he unhappy t iatt nately caused! s iiss » prtfc^bij., itoce ow last, | Vfitimt1i«iii»rtt0Cf, 40iMiM|nn^JiMl^MwNi|D^^« •MNraJMMWiMf' ^gftfeWlft^* and; that #*dwar4*«ffer n , toa «»t in the roo» of « i * w ^ k ^ admitted, aadtke. Jltting mttttor* tb»bo*rt«tfc«mrt«r» t iow»^»«nc«»fihfir wawtt ttiatwe M|not dinger amon|%i thought would mow interesting to o«r rea- lty ^rite^i^ been engaged pnnctpafy f for two or three .wfek^irt'Jekfegopiate tf: & Judjeiayy bill, »nd by the la*t accoaou the debit! was about |^pgj'io>i..,,«| < oif f i ' The prosper was, that the bill would pass tho House, a* repof ted by the Judiciary eommmee, by * lirgp n»j6tfty. An amendment to the bill was offered by a member, proposing to limit the number of Judge* to nine instead of ten, which w « negatived by t vote of more than In the Senate, on the 1 Oth, the committee on thei subject, reported! an amendment to the |$,S^0op|iitnt|oii>» providing for the choice ^otjsresidentaiid Vice President by |the pl^|ii t frt prittftiy inieetiugs, &c.; ' The &*> a IP/ . -0. ®$M'i' p#' 'Jl filr, ^ t^kuJy «j>p^t5d, Senear in Con- \i^i%p'#!#»t' ,tie» %Whi|'?l|lej. jedthepistieatonoatfie tyetr, 1100,000 j edi&rp|Bpjtfpj*n^^4l^> '.W*>4l^< . i da^*^^^ntoidtfjfnat^ th^bttttJMP»tf»ns. ? 1 acted ill tfofhi how|«,!ir4 *adition*ttfc$hat gin en? morel* l e B g t M « # ^ &«t wdffiMe £a* derived foicyeair i i ^«li«t»rpart ortte^fuiidirpled^diQr tttlv|i^|l|^ptJ^:oX;th? »;»i^; :,*.*M. limamBam^ifyfap^^ oC ,«mph o.idf on the subject of ^^p^aa»a««^ inking capital, have already *rrei«edTera»rk and diflfereace of opinion at ; eoinmittee.--There aryof tHeiflk^eo/ M: s f ^ A " 1$; butthattnis e T-lo^N'^e.^ poorest »|tion in existence; far it may be presumed, 1M«n|^e|#fe year>'|a§t,-of4>- than onefcwn^t^W^wnj^ii'oZiar*,which, :ii»W^#^ial5her^'thea^,- inrist posting; no valuable mines either or^silTer, td assist in making tip Hfa•&B6&to$g~' &*t we afJpre- -|i^l^'*hj«i6p^e-i#\diflferent^8tatet of •^^^^^^N#^i|s%' weal<h v and ||^||^|^^s^^,inipcyctSAveK ethibHed >by oar custom hou?e , Jm"*fiidil«td# d'f a floatfthlng pattoattticed by the «ini >ta ireadi: «pr t Monday the SOihttlt. assigttlljli It* wnsideiration. [^%e report of tht comnittte i accompanying the resolu- tion, contained Hi MS. $<tgn % and occupied We intend |^o«itrt#hce puWttbin^again in our qej^ wbflel^rriimary of th« proeeed- <£6e4ingi,for«*nich p w r r w wo l*all avail ouVtelves of th*1abomf.«f the-tditor of the we*kly newspapers, 0ase*dl *hi»^^>w%*g«|d 5 years, was killed in aT:ilmligi nwiwwfr' While-fcaldlng a iK^e atthe* watering place, with bis hand throuah the doqse plphf #l«ef» «h« animal started and-*mh dragging 'the boy o?tpt^n rough earth, by whichfci*head' wa» dread- ftt% : b.|ui5^di Wteaming *fettce, drew hit 'r$^$$ffi+i&:tetterrroroa ^entle- man at BeliSit, to l$e editors of this paper* dated Jan. !*»' states* *hat a few days previ- ous, two Indians weire- murdered near the rtter^HfliBiii? wh'de »n* stateof intoxication, by a,g'ojua*4 r ?or Whiefroffepte she was im- mediately put to death by another Indiah, hJbjbroUieHntlaw., . Tllc'Deiloit papersofthe idti* uu. relate another jl^tance of In«Jia|J murder, perpetra- ted in the streets of th it city, Thft head of th« dfieeiiedi Man was' badlj mangled Wild 4 toroStiawfo A notorioos irar-chief, by the name 61" Ets^kattko, and his son, were immediately suspected as the offenders; and pursued, by a deputy sheriff, arrested, brpt^ftirbiiCk^iflft coMrdittedto)air to await thenltriatjt. . itt'tfie ^ourl^f 0en^itfBes«6m . C*unterjltittrd<lecU(l,—Q.Q Uie2htull « rotn Uy.tt^«iuji«; uf Ptaboflif.iiirt* arrestliat N*W' Hmvf«jOR »u»pk;wrf of b»vio|f pM»»d r CiH»flttr. frifr I««M9JVWNI» vpwwd* cf se»e JrwIdolUr.efetuntkr frit WrtkbU*wer*f«iiid iu hU Messlon, of the folfowlnf ' deicripUoft: i',-,\t-~ :•> ••••> :}. - j • *..j » " - 4 • . v-i'i-f^- t L. Of the Utica bank, pti-4tbt j<eiW»»«n|lwn of 1% npnf^do.^eWo>k, MfflMj&g*,. ix m Hafctford, 10, ITlrTiaV Vffim&>. id^ tittore, 100; Wilmington arid Brandy wine do. Delaware, 2 0 ; Gfntv* bank, 10 and 3; Orange coflnty iio, 6 J r'miiklin bank, ProTidcnce, It I, 6; Agticulturaldo. Pittsfield,6; JttWMjyJB»Bk, E ayalwat thu Ontartfrhank,stateof Wew-rXora, ;. Ontario da 6 ; Manhattan Cowpapy, 6} HEarrisburg bank, P«nns|lvania, 5; tandhold- era do. South Klnjiton, R. I. 3 ; Commercial Bank, Perth Araboy, W. J. 9 i Washirictori batik, Westerly, ft. t. 3 ; Chenango do. 3 ; Central do. Cherry Valley, 1. Abont one hundred dollars of good money, was found on him. He was commUted for tri- al. (He ww onbJ* way from Canada, to Wash* iafton, in a o»j» horse wagon, with a young gen* te«|wanrtoaodinfsrjtchild.] ,, - v% Mr. LJoyd, SeoatorJn Congress from Mary, land* has resigned hii teat in coququt-uce of ill health, ' ; Mtiam Q. <fifcf, welt known in the field of pontics as "Farrow Giles," is a candidate for aTi*af io the ffoose of Repres«tita4i«e* of th^ Uaited States, from the District lately repreien- ted by Mr. Rtmdolpk* JHazmMKniagu*~\l appears firom the re. port of the Treasurer of the Western shore of -Maryland, that there were received during the year ending the, lit of December last, f 7|8t>5 88 for marriage licences.'' ., the House of Representatives in Pennsyhra- nfa,1tave reported fire bills for canal and'rad- wky companies in diffrrent part* of that State. Jhe Lexrtifton, Kentucky Reporter, of the Sd tost, states that the commissioners for construct* ing a canal aroond the Falls of the Ohio »i Vooi»riU% hare contracted with Messrs. Cbap- ,maoan,d others of New York, to complete the. work'fot 070,000, which is nearly £0 per cent, less th'Sh the cost eitirhated by the Engineers. The work is to be commenced before March next and completed before October, 1827 Theie is a singular case of contested election in Chaytauque county. Henry Baker received 8dfl»pie*ote.s than Wm. Jonef for Coroner, but tits canvassers made a WStake in adding up the sam total, and the certificate was given to the latter.' Mr. B. petitioned the teguilature to recti- fy the error, but the committee' ou privilege I and elections have reported that, in their opinion, the jurisdiction of the legislature does not extend to county offices, and. the subject was' referred to the Attorney General.' Notwithstanding the heavy loss sustained by Messrs. Parker &, Co. the Utica Sentinel says the* have promptly filled fhetr teams with new horses, and they advertise that the fare from Utica to Albany is reduced to two dollars and fifty cents. Mr. Cooper's new novel, of the * last of the Mohicans,' is nearly from the press, The scene is laid partly in the neighborhood of Lake George. The Indians about Detroit have a singular su- perstition—they cannot, says the Detroit Ga- zette, be prevailed upon to kill a wolf, insisting that a wblf is their brother, and lives by hunting deer like themselves. If the Indians could be persuaded to kill the wolves, that country would be filled with deer. On the 6th Januaryfinehundred Turjths were driven in pairs fromUie neighborhood of Greens- burg, Pa. destined for the Washington mirk- The life, writings, and speeches, of the hit William Finkney, is about to be published by Henry Wheat on, Esq. They will include some of the speeches of Mr. Finkney in Congress and at the Bar, which have never before been published, The. receipts of the American Bible Society during December were |2262 20, Bibles and Testaments issued during the same period to of^Bn?BCT^ V* ^WeiceoBSfiea^ t h e ^ % seriouscwmdtfatioaafour legUUtors,a*dt* TP^fl*WaWsl^^a^^iW"WWw|p^fc ttl*w$(§.*' • placed upon ^hem by the coHimui.itt. l»«wr co'u'ntry^aBd^ndited^'in ^^--0^m^0^^r tion, the basis of paper money may be formed of lbs ptrctQui metals, but if >• well known that without that excellent sentiment which we ealt public confidence, the bfst conducted moeey in- •titution would not be able to exist for a term of any length. Public confidence gives Currency to the circulations which may proceed front cer. tain institutions, and those inttitutioni, on the other hand, have every inducement to introdnce" diicretioh and good seme into the rnsnegeojeht of their concerns. "The publk; 6-ehng ^nd the' corporate privileges mutually act upon each other?, and the results are prosperity, happiness, aod the means of itjdus%ampnjp the people.-~ What would the tf/ahtt of a few thousands, in gold and silver secreted in the vsjplls of Ja mjf% ntrd ipstitution, avail the,m, IJC bf the interpo- «Wloiof^Ifro'viaenceT<h«^ c o n i M e n l e o W f t ' p l l | He in tNir discretion cftiM fie wrestel^hr them for the period, aimjnyy of a week t'^l^- cies of tlie same good faith which is sBuluallyi felt by the people aud Hjcir repreiematives in the organistatiop and conduct of our forte} of government, is the pr«va|yng principle,which keeps ppr monjed and other wcorporatioos in the course ofjustice and.prop lety. The goW andr iihrer I r f d # country are **fr small in amonnt. Thii U called tbe only basts of a sound mediuro^sffld trihiy be i o In in ar- bitrary country, where the people enter tainwell founded iuipic»n» of tjieir governmrni,and all the institutions wndw its authority. But,in ow country, privaiesvorih ai^ iep»ta|ipjj,«ol»ected info ataugible^ocuibymeansof a inoniod In* corporation, form the principal basis on which our circulating medium, reits. Such a system is expedient for the rising cdhdiddnof our eoun- try. We with to make the^ most of bar spare' goKMsjd §Uver f «nd if ^ihe interna) arid daily exchanges which common life requires, car*be made on the basis of virtue^ reputation and public confidence. It enables our mercantile cla »$r.s to add to the amount ofthepreciou* metals thus displaced, to the.avaitable;,capitali i^Cotirie hi eontents'tdttst.tsf«ttnit<A-a'4 -•&^4&l&iF%- fai M^f ••& •*• .''W"' -N* p. j _ ifllr^Btaailij'sjeportrtHiys atef^ration of #e 4 ^^fi^uiislrl, fmpvte f 'that-Wis- dona^worihofforeii fflfrtihffl Ituridred. ^,^«, ._^«hm fs ^resatt| jivpair? which from o\A '^SSrlafl^ faWSfWrnm dutia _ aiMs »apt*» ol tb# 17th .'**S% ' " •»*-*' Peace, for CnyUg^ ioiunty^week before last, qnepf tbej d*dq#eys of the state prisdn^t Auburn was indicted and tried for an assault and battery o n a female prisoner confined therein, ft mp^ini in evidence tft|t the defe^darkh'adfsevewilly whipped the girl, in violation .of the statute regulating the state priso'd discipline,-*litteb provides that corpo^ re^l punishment'shal 11 not be rnflictedon ariy prisdner, unlessjby ^hft direction & the in. specttiE5 of the prison, mo of vhom shall alwaysibo present ^hen auch puniahmeht takes place -.apd that ««o puhisbnl^nt by whip-ptng shall be inflicted on a fetnale. >} » The Turnkey was convicted, andfined|25. The ur^foHtinatBifeniiiap was taken sick and diedfaoob after the imflictian of thepaaish^- ment; and it 1 was jhe opinion of the attend- ing physicians, t^at her sickness was caused byvthe **' violence of the whipping, and the exertions 4 of body and excitement of mind «|detVitMs}aiio1iis^. 0 -' m Zofkm } 'P^brV^0m half of the great ixM of tU9Q$Qi in trfteiature tottery, lately drawn, was sold to two young men, clerks, in the ctty Of^Kew-Ybrlt} the other half was tent to i ticket vender inPough- t^paK&^wis^^9M<!ll fimiined l^a«iaalirhe^tin?o;oi l rar»wing>- ^The #50,- (HW prise wiis sold iio shares, part of which Was sold ^Fa,tick»| ; Tende^in t^ttca. fW^k^4^^ A '^¥^M the ''ti$jxifjwm Mwtim*"wpubiisJied by Mr. fiarnuiff*- ^ i s iprinted v on an im- "" "( : aialui%peataitoe. is ttety fiy i ^% ^l^i^i^s^ '&&&/&&&&& *06lt^*j^ptisstsjt^ r,«V>ur^d^yse^,b^grmK^tbeltfge*t 'a* SJI^^#ists^^'ifetta s^^ft^ a^ais^ltisWsttit , JSV aTawf a^spBtpP ^^^^^^^t^^^m^^^^i^ tM«-^aw js^ijisfegJi ^atsssMk. /M4a«daaas«i i> merchants in New-York, have pledged themselves', that for debts contracted after this date, they will in no instance discharge any debtor in case of insolvency, who shall in any manner make A preference in paying or secur- ing any creditor whatever, except for money ac* tually borrowed, for accommodation notes dis- counted at some bank, and for Custom House Bonds. New-England teoraU<-+Tbc Worcester Spy states that during more than thirty years past, in Worcester County, comprehending, at pres- ent, fiflif-fonr totoni and eighty thoutand inhab- itants, there has been but one solitary conviction for tf capital offence. Rhode /-/anrf.—Among the accounts allowed by the Rhode Island Legislature, at the session which has just closed, was one of $6 32, to a man for repairing the pillory, and preparing the fixtures for cropping and branding a poor rogue by the name of Palmer Hines. In consequence of the Opening of the Stock- too and Darlington Rail rond in England, h is said the price of Coal at the former place ii re- duced from eighteen to twelve shillings per ton. Goods are transported at one halfpenny a ton per mile. A Coach baa beep established on the same Bail road which carries passengers at one penny a mile. JEfean made hip appearance on the Philadel- phia Stage the 18th instant—he was greeted with the warmest applause mingled with a few hisses. No ladies were present. The Rcvolulion—It is supposed that there are yet about One thousand venerable men living, who served their country inarms, as officers in the revolutionary war. They are urging, before the Congress of the United States, a fulfilment of the promises made to them, at various times, from 1778 to 1783, by the revolutionary congres- ses. . ' l Oanai Ptyjed*.—A meeting of ciltgens of Herkimer county are about to propose to the legislature (he construction Of a canal on the »orth fide of the Mohawk, parallel to the Brie canal. A meeting was heir] at MiddleviUe, for oblaioing a canal from the German Fists to the tiveV $£. I^awrence, by the rallies of Canada Creek and Black river, and pawing ttirotigri l,d#f,000 acres of state lands. The Citizens of Fraklm County have had a meeting at Malone, to concert measures for connecting lakes Ontario and Cham- plain with the AtttmtiCi Uy way of Connec- ihftMttiriM':«*.^ •••••*. *••••••> - •• " The citiaens of Schenectady sure taking measures to procure the improrerdem of the ijatii^jrSif^ -'. v/^i&te&Wi wnbolis,rii Miiiiberfof Congress from Maine, h w r ^ ^ '•': suc<e«l «ov. PafTis^ wrw o^linos a re-elec- rt»a boat resstlts of the lata earthquake raport, riM bwn, to rolkeroahj parsons aeouaittvad wHhrt»ali«id« of chardia^.<)f wh'mbthey «s^s?U es^erwisa hava died la total ignoc Mleii%i',i el '•'"}-•'';• *fj^vjr r 'V iHi :T-" fi i r , A larga Fa<«svy latWin^lasw just haasi «Ws|aisMH lh> 9/^9m$-w mpW* wwwpifw mm._ of the/ouotty. Conscious t$at tHe stability of our mqntea institutions depend upon the conn-, dence with which the pivblic view them, we can- not but question the policy, especially at the present time, of any measures whereby the pub- lic mind may become agitated or unsettled. Sir. Wsudell may be «ry sincere in offering his ret- olution,bu| before he urges it onward, he should cast bis eyes around biit country and endeavor, to ascertain the state of the commeicial woTld before he proceeds further. Public conndence is indeed a sensitive plant in a season' of calam- ity and distress, *nd legislative interference w*HI sometimes do more harm than good on such occasions. Congreis.~~In the Sfnateon Monday, a debate of some length, was had on the report by Mr,. Hayne, concerning Capt. Porter's letter t9 the Senate of the United States, requesting an in- vestigation of the charges made by Messrs Mountain and Randall; and we regret to say, that the result of the debate was, to recommit the report to the Naval Committee, with instruc- tions to strikeout the following portions of it: " It appear* that the case of Captain Poster has been submitted to the proper tribunals j and ( the Committee dwnot feet themselves, warranted in rormtng any opinion unfavorable to their de- cisions, or indulging any impression that their proceedings require revision. The Coffimlitrr Consider it doe alike to the preservation of ft proper dicipline, aod to the repotatiob of our officers, that appeals should not be encouraged from the decisions of the military courts, 'fin- der this f iew of the subject, and seeing no satis- factory reason for interposing the authority of the House in matters which have been dually settled by the competent authorities.*' This was the essence of the report—the com- roittee is indeed discharged, aod.no further or ISM ' " ^^^WfM^ jiwi issued from the press. It is occupied with apeiab^berafaAidei.Vtfying^biot^ nat«raand«terest,botcharaicWsisV out by talent, ir^ustty and ta«weh. A work of •t«siiais^|sj»ji0^ '•••' 4N**6a|ji}m:#* a mind, is ;*&#&*$.£ support, and should never be susTered for want of patronage, ' Am^4&mffi8ffl!* •-"^SJM one upon &Wmmmw4jpr, ftryoristyie,the one upon tifrWMBmmwiijpr, fieibictf^-lnost $B^'w^&&fcm1b8%fr!fc .TUm.Vl KIERULFf infom mm Wis. l i f t arjdgeutlameBof rbit yieWkt, mmt^t ml intends to giv« « public COIVCfemT # To~Morro0 Evening, at 7 o'efoet, 1m tbo room over Measrs P, Townsadd, jr. ifrCd*» store, tFcrfurtherpamculartsecbinoftke ) CswMisstesVs«s>^«av 1, IU^ ;jeefy of jrhichk 'jmm&&~'M& f i^..^ most satUrattortly, the misstaterocfifs welder, and show* coji^rus' **' •*-•* mfi^^mMh has df l*M m^SSSSS^SBBO^SSimSSSi n»tel»dk»ns,andi«uerafurkmsiirs4t jo^^andonja^s^ve.rniBf«^'--tetjt- to&m * ThUMagktmewhich if published in « urn vwm t consists -^iwmmsm from foreign periodical puWieatians^ audi* the 'of^eviewsiMt-Magaliw^^ilW •if tn»;'#i>rk' m^^U^^^g'm^if1^^•• preeedmg^olittnesi' aitd/wei* •sk#.#»o|1Bi'u thai ?aJ pablldiJloa of *00wx ^l^pddgelt"; have been more generally known, and more ex- tensively « w « | a M <r*-'^f*?f^•*••*- ; i> J - ' The number for January 1826, coMams pages, closery printed on^otoble tolutnrtsi aod^ of nearly double the s'tKe printi manner. v Tfi«-«oiifentsW'tS!. ... found In the advertisement of the publishers, who may aafely rest their «puiation for judg- ment and taste upon the character of thearti- cles which it comprises.. ^ ;reat advantagci as this, conducted in such a judicious manner, contist in the opportunity it affords us in this country of obtaining the roost interesting arti- cles from foreign journals, at a moderate price, unincumbered with the useless tnaHerj which will always be found mingled with the good in suchpnblicationsi. The eapense of importing a single review or rbagazine from JSnglandy would be at.teasreqoatt6^e^e|of*iH^ . this contains selections froh^ metre than tWettty^| «nd will be found to comprise the estentittl arii- * cles of them all,—JVetc ForT eUta\ 130nS£7C« i 'S^ - ! nT r , ' (Ra 9, Lmwtfmwml) , : ICBARD STARR fc Co. rwpeetfol-. ly inform tho Ynniers of the state of' 3 11 are now prepared to east ettgijife of Type from Konpareil to Great m , itstlnsive 5 »iihtnany of the &• and Oma- r , l -- a .-^l» »»d OrisaaaenSs, They also make Brass Rules of esary d«aetip*MS«i »U of which they will fotuish eMal tas^uarsty and ones |ood terms as any WouotUj m the ^liae^t|tef. They a n JNrapasiog mens of their Type, whtefc w for warded to Pnatarfc * From^tke kmg esperience of Mr Starr m the btsslness, they Aaitar tliemseivea that they will be ahle to five roll satssfaetwn to #r 1 <£*, rOlabortJyhe >!S! ders, Oiliy Copal and itt& Chmicnl and ^tpothwai^ ^ H is p. ^z ewafts^wtfssMpat- .uta L* , SMSSBSMSSSSSSSSI WJB^^uFr^tt^latnt^^itingStim^Bsn^; of Hivin^Ston Manor, in this state, aged 26 ye*r8. In Pittsburgh, f»a» Hon« ^atr^i $mm®$$. member of CongVess •*•-•* #rt•$>•'•*? !.*"*• At New ¥ork, ^Wt^m^^rf^^^mf^PV^i rora Indians. ., ... ^ ^,_, . *.,.*_. IHiMg, I9f*. Gear,; WeofIftfWfiM Gea'r,^^roY'S*ilofiW^mire1|€t^a%ftam imm»MU*mm9mtmamt*im. -i.H£»fr^ifrif »»it^»^Ms»A^aa*J Pw^^P mmm> ^awWJpp^H' "WP*f- "^a^^asp 1 •w^mm^mW^^^, ^m^pm JP!^JF"*"*V >t iia lv« low ass the wi»- fMissg the JUver, Wsjaisi'WRfl^mW*Bmm&mmf wHm mmmmBfrnmr JS^^WWW' ^^' - ^^*f u e n r w w i a i e v i uu tnuTiiw T _ but the reasons, the sound and sensible/ an manly reason which rendered such a course ne-' cessary and becoining on the part of the Senate, are to be suppretsed-~and ^11 pot of delicacy to Capt. Porter, who has himself evinced so little .regard for decorum or propriety, or. delicacy, in his own proceedings. The very fact that* Capt. Potter, while tying undertentence of a Court Martial, which suspends himj front service, should have addressed such a letter to the high- est legislative body io the country, argjjtes entire indifference to received usages and opinions.— It u convenient, however, for some gentlemen in the indulgence of their own hostility to the administration, to use Capt. Porter as a stalking horse. He will himself discover probably ere long, that those who now asect most sensitive- ness to bis suppossed wrongs, feel in truth as - little for him or them, as he may suppose his ad- versaries to do.^rJYcwYorkMitriccm. Fabrtiation.—h will be recollected that in April last we published an account, stating that Dwiglit A. Thompson, of Herkimer cO- was found aboqt two miles east of the village of Herkimer, near die turnpike road in the woods, with his hands and feet tied, his pocket book open a short distance from htm, and the papers strewed about upon the ground*, that Thomson alledged that he bad been robbed of hir money by two strangers who had left him in that situa- tion. Thompson made oath of all the circumstan- ces, amount of .money taken, description of the bills, &c. The governor was applied to, and lie Issued a proclamation oflerjug a reward of #250 to detect the robbers. Two citizens of Herki- mer went in pursuit of the supposed robbers, with Thompson, «o Canada* endihehce to New- York, the expense of whicb wai'paid from the county treasury. Several persons Wet* arrest' edon suspicion, and oae person was confined in the jail of this fit v, for some days. Sympa* thy for Thompjon*i loss, prottucjdiubKpptions for his benefit to a considerable amount* . .. We now learn from the Herfcirpar *A f 'pt$can l that all of Thompson's story was kite, 1r seems that many persons have uniformly doubtW its truth, aod ait theirmvdtf gating themattetv some of thedrcumstauceidetailcabyhlBi werefouhd to be incorrect, lie hat receatly absconded ftrom the county, and ;his neighbors and $«»J who have hitherto been his active fucads this affair, are now folly sattfjtefl.^dtaithe; F ¥ * e story o f the robbery'.Is an entire fabrlcatfon, '• ••» • •' • j ;' . mfyn^3k$gy&^tKr l: . ' ^<^Tot^'Be^'£^e.^ftii , Vlth ? mto fiction that ws announce the estaWiihmentdf a frtwlin^ fcrifta^lrta^ W&nria^&rtra-ia^ *##tfisnt»iit# ff i^iiwwwsl^ to«s«woa^si«»rrk«,wkktw»afwbkhea^ LTIJ^^ir «k^ twi waa a* baaasi at Trwy, aisdtwo at Rear £&&fm-&(WW : - '• :|snajl Jaaarsftt waiy * j e^y*Jr*- ljjm ,. A . '*.9** f «*e%,%a;**2fai«s«# r £Ssa-ssM>ttk>' t , v .^.. *$$&$,*, -.if. \Wfi' irjvHE Ontario M^^M^m^^^^msifk *... a ieject %atoi|o^#.A^|Mi^ip| Cjhurcrt in this viliage^n ^nd^ --mij&tg- thelSthinsl. PaTticulars oe« week. % ,C<?n^^a%uo, J^fctfiSfrx ^.• i ..-jt^ 11 ••iitjnit$n'i[ift«^6i;.|iiiai!iiCTy'* 1 £i«« «ill1ll.lililiiM«<|lwll»i i iri-iit— highest prize gm^Jm^Mnm^M highest m $tffl%m^fam $(.**)$$ of;i^e.jitesem # rit09th-4fIftjyNNf 5 -St' " Maryland, which contains more brilliant prizes than any ever drawn in the Union, wilt draw on the 22d day of the present month—highest priie 5100,000^-tickets 550, shares in propoition* Fortheschame of this splendid tottery, see the opposite page ofthe Repository. : -, highest prize «20,p00^tickets ^ sh^ h* I * ^^5H&* proportion- ; " ^ , ' ^ "^ r #br the C^tTAH. •*m&&'Wmm ahbVeXdtteries.iip^lyio. -•"* *-"•••, , * T, le&.I,iuf8. - *••'•"'•';'" - ; " " - i l JAZV. »a »•» •V -4r^ s -a tlof^lMnei ffiftllejet 1118*1 jrll»j»—-*. -—|- eerie?, as they are w WIS* f t ^ * Snrine stoBk "*» most splendida|»4i|«41^^«|irla^lr^ to % % a " ^ & | jMC W - his-present stock, cOmAr&ing "a geheralli-: ^>rtfnentiof f .' ^ { *- •^ Tiu ^ -^- : Dry Goods, Groceries, Crocke- ry, Hardware, Glass Ware* &C* & C . ° ' £¥i trjjsjw ^T^^j^ |^» ^ ^-| +;• \ i; V#vT;( v ? . % ,.^ GENERAL assortment of Weavcr*s Reeds forsale Wjp H ' p ' ^**«p* mn^ §.»*F '- * •< a w7wws^^igw» vv ' Jsi .'-'..r »> 'A l> N act havini Uture, postponing the l»sV--aJltai^sed^l%^ * '-"•^afsPwja^ay - v .WS * <'i * that the m ail aftaars of taxes ifcoyaaitlti. . ;; .•^aaP^aw 1 , "#^ww fa^sa^^ asu|^^ ^^j«Bt ^^_^^^^^^a^^^g«v le&,aoofthat,»ot«#i usuaBo#^rkefllnf^ i~n.. ^ ^ ^ | May tz,ms. •••* o»^^i m H E etibscriber Ji quality WHEAT,. . i n Bloomfield. -^ ' J, w signed m,_ _^__^ .WWW WPSSW ^'HwipF'^S- S^Kue^^tam^ - r*"T^a^awSsp^^p^^aa^aw^P^a ^GssfsdBjak# Jsa^> 'ttsMs^sWst wjhua^a^^^. ^aj.^|ssKsjt ^sv^ar ^f^^TSjwfla "^^|B^^^aw^swsjp j nsssV^atsttlBV flBalkMBvlfc JrsslK ^UUSK- ^SSVAB^IS- " to tte plana ^Im ds^Ms^B^MMksl ttst ^vbstt •! •^^ ***•-"* %T a >-* <^» V #

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Page 1: m^SSSSS^SBBO^SSimSSSi - NYS Historic Newspapers › lccn › sn83031529 › ... · *

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m kSp; Mm,





ft rriedinwal

merely to the j he unhappy t


nately caused! s



prt fc^bi j . , itoce ow last,

| Vfitimt1i«iii»rtt0Cf,

40iMiM|nn JiMl MwNi|D^ « •MNraJMMWiMf' gftfeWlft * and; that #*dwar4*«ffern, toa «»t in the roo» of

« i * w ^ k ^ admitted, aadtke. Jltting mttttor*


wawtt ttiatwe M | n o t dinger amon|%i

thought would mow interesting to o«r rea­lty ^r i t e^ i^ been engaged pnnctpafyf for two or three .wfek^irt'Jekfegopiate tf: & Judjeiayy bill, »nd by the la*t accoaou the debit! was about |^pgj'io>i..,,«|<oiff

i' The prosper was, that the bill would pass tho House, a* repof ted by the Judiciary eommmee, by * lirgp n»j6tfty. An amendment to the bill was offered by a member, proposing to limit

the number of Judge* to nine instead of ten, which w « negatived by t vote of more than

In the Senate, on the 1 Oth, the committee on thei subject, reported! an amendment to the |$,S^0op|iitnt|oii>» providing for the choice otjsresidentaiid Vice President by

|the pl^|ii t frt prittftiy inieetiugs, &c.; ' The


a IP/ . -0. ®$M'i'

p # '


filr, t ^ k u J y «j>p^t5d, Senear in Con-

\i^i%p'#!#»t' ,tie»



tyetr, 1100,000 j

edi&rp|Bpjtfpj*n^^4l^> '.W*>4l^< . i da^*^^^ntoidtfjfnat^ th^bttttJMP»tf»ns.?

1 acted ill tfofhi how|«,!ir4 *adition*ttfc$hat g i n en? morel* l e B g t M « # ^ &«t wdffiMe £a*

derived foicyeair i i

^ « l i « t » r p a r t ortte^fuiidirpled^diQr tttlv|i^|l|^ptJ^:oX;th? »;»i^; :,*.*M.

• limamBam^ifyfap^^ oC ,«mph o.idf on the subject of

^ ^ p ^ a a » a « « ^ inking capital, have already

*rrei«edTera»rk and diflfereace of opinion at

; eoinmittee.--There

aryof tHeif lk^eo/ M :

s f •


1$; butthattnis e

T-lo^N' e. poorest »|tion in existence; far it may be presumed, 1 M « n | ^ e | # f e year>'|a§t,-of4>-

than one fcwn^t^W^wnj^ii'oZiar*, which, : i i » W ^ # ^ i a l 5 h e r ^ ' t h e a ^ , - inrist

posting; no valuable mines either or^silTer, td assist i n making tip

Hfa•&B6&to$g~' &*t we afJpre-

- | i^ l^ '*hj« i6p^e- i# \d i f l ferent^8tatet • of

• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N # ^ i | s % ' weal<hv and

| |^ | |^ |^^s^^, in ipcyctSAveK

ethibHed >by oar custom hou?e , Jm"*fiidil«td# d'f a floatfthlng

pattoattticed by the «ini

>ta ireadi: «prt Monday the SOihttlt.

assigttlljli It* wnsideiration. [ %e report of tht comnitttei accompanying the resolu­tion, contained Hi MS. $<tgn% and occupied

We intend |^o«itrt#hce puWttbin^again in our qej^ wbflel^rriimary of th« proeeed-<£6e4ingi,for«*nich pwrrw wo l*all avail ouVtelves of th*1abomf.«f the-tditor of the

we*kly newspapers,

0ase*dl *hi» >w%*g«|d 5 years, was killed in aT:ilmligi nwiwwfr' While-fcaldlng a iK^e atthe* watering place, with bis hand throuah the doqse plphf #l«ef» «h« animal started and-*mh dragging 'the boy o?tpt^n rough earth, by which fci* head' wa» dread-ftt%:b.|ui5^di Wteaming *fettce, drew hit

'r$^$$ffi+i&:tetterrroroa ^entle-man at BeliSit, to l$e editors of this paper* dated Jan. !*»' states* *hat a few days previ­ous, two Indians weire- murdered near the rtter HfliBiii? wh'de »n* stateof intoxication, by a,g'ojua*4r?or Whiefroffepte she was im­mediately put to death by another Indiah, hJbjbroUieHntlaw., .

Tllc'Deiloit papersofthe idti* uu. relate another jl^tance of In«Jia|J murder, perpetra­

ted in the streets of th it city, Thft head of

th« dfieeiiedi M a n was' badlj mangled Wild 4 toroStiawfo A notorioos irar-chief,

by the name 61" Ets^kattko, and his son,

were immediately suspected as the offenders;

and pursued, by a deputy sheriff, arrested,

brpt^ftirbiiCk^iflft coMrdittedto)air to await


. itt'tfie ^ourl^f 0en^itfBes«6m

. C*unterjltittrd<lecU(l,—Q.Q Uie2htull « rotn Uy.tt^«iuji«; uf Ptaboflif.iiirt* arrestliat N*W' Hmvf«jOR »u»pk;wrf of b»vio|f pM»»drCiH»flttr.

frifr I««M9JVWNI» vpwwd* cf se»e

JrwIdolUr.efetuntkr frit WrtkbU*wer*f«iiid iu hU Mess lon , of the folfowlnf ' deicripUoft:

i',-,\t-~ :•> ••••> :}. • - j • *..j » " - 4 • . v - i ' i - f ^ - t

L. Of the Utica bank, pti-4tbt j<eiW»»«n|lwn of 1 % n p n f ^ d o . ^ e W o > k , MfflMj&g*,. i x m Hafctford, 10, ITlrTiaV Vffim&>. i d ^ tittore, 100; Wilmington arid Brandy wine do. Delaware, 2 0 ; Gfntv* bank, 10 and 3 ; Orange coflnty iio, 6 J r'miiklin bank, ProTidcnce, It I, 6 ; Agticulturaldo. Pittsfield,6; JttWMjyJB»Bk,

Eayalwat thu Ontartfrhank,stateof Wew-rXora, ;. Ontario da 6 ; Manhattan Cowpapy, 6 }

HEarrisburg bank, P«nns|lvania, 5 ; tandhold-era do. South Klnjiton, R. I. 3 ; Commercial Bank, Perth Araboy, W. J. 9 i Washirictori batik, Westerly, ft. t. 3 ; Chenango do. 3 ; Central do. Cherry Valley, 1.

Abont one hundred dollars of good money, was found on him. He was commUted for tri­al. (He ww onbJ* way from Canada, to Wash* iafton, in a o»j» horse wagon, with a young gen* te«|wanrtoaodinfsrjtchild.] , , -


Mr. LJoyd, SeoatorJn Congress from Mary, land* has resigned hii teat in coququt-uce of ill health, ' ; Mtiam Q. <fifcf, welt known in the field of pontics as "Farrow Giles," is a candidate for aTi*af io the ffoose of Repres«tita4i«e* of th^ Uaited States, from the District lately repreien-ted by Mr. Rtmdolpk*

JHazmMKniagu*~\l appears firom the re. port o f the Treasurer of the Western shore of -Maryland, that there were received during the year ending the, l i t of December last, f 7|8t>5 88 for marriage licences.'' .,

t h e House of Representatives in Pennsyhra-nfa,1tave reported fire bills for canal and'rad-wky companies in diffrrent part* of that State.

Jhe Lexrtifton, Kentucky Reporter, of the Sd tost, states that the commissioners for construct* ing a canal aroond the Falls of the Ohio »i Vooi»riU% hare contracted with Messrs. Cbap-

,maoan,d others of New York, to complete the. work'fot 0 7 0 , 0 0 0 , which is nearly £0 per cent, less th'Sh the cost eitirhated by the Engineers. The work is to be commenced before March next and completed before October, 1827

Theie is a singular case of contested election in Chaytauque county. Henry Baker received 8dfl»pie*ote.s than Wm. Jonef for Coroner, but tits canvassers made a WStake in adding up the sam total, and the certificate was given to the latter.' Mr. B. petitioned the teguilature to recti­fy the error, but the committee' ou privilege I and elections have reported that, in their opinion, the jurisdiction of the legislature does not extend to county offices, and. the subject was' referred to the Attorney General.'

Notwithstanding the heavy loss sustained by Messrs. Parker &, Co. the Utica Sentinel says the* have promptly filled fhetr teams with new horses, and they advertise that the fare from Utica to Albany is reduced to two dollars and fifty cents.

Mr. Cooper's new novel, of the * last of the Mohicans,' is nearly from the press, The scene is laid partly in the neighborhood of Lake George.

The Indians about Detroit have a singular su­perstition—they cannot, says the Detroit Ga­zette, be prevailed upon to kill a wolf, insisting that a wblf is their brother, and lives by hunting deer like themselves. If the Indians could be persuaded to kill the wolves, that country would be filled with deer.

On the 6th January fine hundred Turjths were driven in pairs fromUie neighborhood of Greens-

burg, Pa. destined for the Washington mirk-

The life, writings, and speeches, of the hit William Finkney, is about to be published by Henry Wheat on, Esq. They will include some of the speeches of Mr. Finkney in Congress and at the Bar, which have never before been published,

The. receipts of the American Bible Society during December were | 2 2 6 2 20, Bibles and Testaments issued during the same period to



^WeiceoBSfiea^ t h e ^ % seriouscwmdtfatioaafour legUUtors,a*dt*

TP^fl*WaWsl^^a^^iW"WWw|p^fc ttl*w$(§.*' •

placed upon ^hem by the coHimui.itt. l»«wr co'u'ntry^aBd^ndited 'in • ^^--0^m^0^^r tion, the basis of paper money may be formed of lbs ptrctQui metals, but if >• well known that without that excellent sentiment which we ealt public confidence, the bfst conducted moeey in-•titution would not be able to exist for a term of any length. Public confidence gives Currency to the circulations which may proceed front cer. tain institutions, and those inttitutioni, on the other hand, have every inducement to introdnce" diicretioh and good seme into the rnsnegeojeht of their concerns. "The publk; 6-ehng ^nd the' corporate privileges mutually act upon each other?, and the results are prosperity, happiness, aod the means of itjdus%ampnjp the people.-~ What would the tf/ahtt of a few thousands, in gold and silver secreted in the vsjplls of Ja mjf% ntrd ipstitution, avail the,m, IJC bf the interpo-«Wloiof Ifro'viaenceT<h«^ coniMenleoWft'pll | He in tNir discretion cftiM fie w r e s t e l ^ h r them for the period, aimjnyy of a week t ' ^ l ^ -cies of tlie same good faith which is sBuluallyi felt by the people aud Hjcir repreiematives in the organistatiop and conduct of our forte} of government, is the pr«va|yng principle,which keeps ppr monjed and other wcorporatioos in the course of justice and. prop lety.

The goW andr iihrer I r f d # country are **fr small in amonnt. Thii U called tbe only basts of a sound mediuro^sffld trihiy be i o In in ar­bitrary country, where the people enter tainwell founded iuipic»n» of tjieir governmrni,and all the institutions wndw its authority. But,in ow country, privaiesvorih ai^ iep»ta|ipjj,«ol»ected info ataugible^ocuibymeansof a inoniod In* corporation, form the principal basis on which our circulating medium, reits. Such a system is expedient for the rising cdhdiddnof our eoun-try. We with to make the most of bar spare' goKMsjd §Uver f «nd if ^ihe interna) arid daily exchanges which common life requires, car*be made on the basis of virtue^ reputation and public confidence. It enables our mercantile cla »$r.s to add to the amount o f theprec iou* metals thus displaced, to the.avaitable;,capitali i^Cotirie h i eontents'tdttst.tsf«ttnit<A-a'4

-•&^4&l&iF%- fai •

M^f ••& •*• . ' ' W " ' -N*

p . j

_ ifllr^Btaailij'sjeportrtHiys

atef^ration of #e4

^^f i^ui i s lr l ,

fmpvtef 'that-Wis-

dona^worihofforeii fflfrtihffl Ituridred.

„ ^ , ^ « , . _ ^ « h m f s ^ r e s a t t |


which from o\A ' ^SSr la f l^ faWSfWrnm


_ aiMs »apt*» o l tb# 17th

. ' * * S % ' " • » * - * '

Peace, for CnyUg^ ioiunty^week before last, qnepf tbej d*dq#eys of the state prisdn^t Auburn was indicted and tried for an assault and battery ona female prisoner confined therein, ft mp^ini in evidence tft|t the defe^darkh'adfsevewilly whipped the girl, in violation .of the statute regulating the state priso'd discipline,-*litteb provides that corpo^ re^l punishment'shal 11 not be rnflictedon ariy

prisdner, unlessjby hft direction & the in. specttiE5 of the prison, mo of vhom shall alwaysibo present ^hen auch puniahmeht takes place -.apd that ««o puhisbnl^nt by whip-ptng shall be inflicted on a fetnale.>}» The Turnkey was convicted, and fined |25 . The ur foHtinatBifeniiiap was taken sick and diedfaoob after the imflictian of thepaaish^-ment; and it1 was jhe opinion of the attend­ing physicians, t^at her sickness was caused byvthe **' violence of the whipping, and the exertions4 of body and excitement of mind «|detVitMs}aiio1iis^.0-'

mZofkm}'P^brV^0m half of the great ixM of tU9Q$Qi in trfteiature tottery, lately drawn, was sold to two young men, clerks, in the ctty Of Kew-Ybrlt} the other half was tent to i ticket vender inPough-t ^ p a K & ^ w i s ^ ^ 9 M < ! l l fimiined l^a«iaalirhe^tin?o;oi lrar»wing>- ^The #50 , -

(HW prise wiis sold iio shares, part of which

Was sold ^Fa,tick»|;Tende^in t^ttca.

fW^k^4^^A'^¥^M the ''ti$jxifjwm Mwtim*"wpubiisJied by Mr.

fiarnuiff*- ^ i s iprintedvon an im-"""(:aialui%peataitoe. is ttety f iy

i ^%

^ l ^ i ^ i ^ s ^ '&&&/&&&&& * 0 6 l t ^ * j ^ p t i s s t s j t ^


'a* SJI^^#ists^^'ifetta s ft a^ais^ltisWsttit , JSV aTawf a spBtpP ^^^^^^^t^^^m^^^^i^ tM«- aw js^ijisfegJi ^atsssMk. /M4a«daaas«i


merchants in New-York, have pledged themselves', that for debts contracted after this date, they will in no instance discharge any debtor in case of insolvency, who shall in any manner make A preference in paying or secur­ing any creditor whatever, except for money ac* tually borrowed, for accommodation notes dis­counted at some bank, and for Custom House Bonds.

New-England teoraU<-+Tbc Worcester Spy states that during more than thirty years past, in Worcester County, comprehending, at pres­ent, fiflif-fonr totoni and eighty thoutand inhab­itants, there has been but one solitary conviction for tf capital offence.

Rhode /-/anrf.—Among the accounts allowed by the Rhode Island Legislature, at the session which has just closed, was one of $6 32, to a man for repairing the pillory, and preparing the fixtures for cropping and branding a poor rogue by the name of Palmer Hines.

In consequence of the Opening of the Stock-too and Darlington Rail rond in England, h is said the price of Coal at the former place ii re­duced from eighteen to twelve shillings per ton. Goods are transported at one halfpenny a ton per mile. A Coach baa beep established on the same Bail road which carries passengers at one penny a mile.

JEfean made hip appearance on the Philadel­phia Stage the 18th instant—he was greeted with the warmest applause mingled with a few hisses. No ladies were present.

The Rcvolulion—It is supposed that there are yet about One thousand venerable men living, who served their country inarms, as officers in the revolutionary war. They are urging, before the Congress of the United States, a fulfilment of the promises made to them, at various times, from 1778 to 1783, by the revolutionary congres­ses. . ' l

Oanai Ptyjed*.—A meeting of ciltgens of Herkimer county are about to propose to the legislature (he construction Of a canal on the »orth fide of the Mohawk, parallel to the Brie canal.

A meeting was heir] at MiddleviUe, for oblaioing a canal from the German Fists to the tiveV $£. I^awrence, by the rallies of Canada Creek and Black river, and pawing ttirotigri l,d#f,000 acres of state lands.

The Citizens of Fraklm County have had a meeting at Malone, to concert measures for connecting lakes Ontario and Cham-plain with the AtttmtiCi Uy way of Connec-i h f t M t t i r i M ' : « * . ^ •••••*. *••••••> - ••

" T h e cit iaens o f Schenectady sure taking measures to procure the improrerdem of the i j a t i i ^ j r S i f ^ -'. v/^i&te&Wi wnbolis,rii Miiiiberfof Congress from Maine, h w r ^ ^

'•': suc<e«l «ov. PafTis wrw o^linos a re-elec-

rt»a boat resstlts of the lata earthquake raport, riM bwn, to rolkeroahj parsons aeouaittvad wHhrt»ali«id« of chardia^.<)f wh'mbthey «s s?U es^erwisa hava died la total ignoc Mleii%i',i el '•'"}-•'';• *fj^vjrr'V iHi :T-"fii

r , A larga Fa<«svy latWin^lasw just haasi «Ws|aisMH lh>9/^9m$-w mpW* wwwpifw mm._

of the/ouotty. Conscious t$at tHe stability o f our mqntea institutions depend upon the conn-, dence with which the pivblic view them, we can­not but question the policy, especially at the present time, of any measures whereby the pub­lic mind may become agitated or unsettled. Sir. Wsudell may be « r y sincere in offering his ret-olution,bu| before he urges it onward, he should cast bis eyes around biit country and endeavor, to ascertain the state of the commeicial woTld before he proceeds further. Public conndence is indeed a sensitive plant in a season' of calam­ity and distress, *nd legislative interference w*HI sometimes do more harm than good on such occasions.

Congreis.~~In the Sf nateon Monday, a debate of some length, was had on the report by Mr,. Hayne, concerning Capt. Porter's letter t9 the Senate of the United States, requesting an in­vestigation of the charges made by Messrs Mountain and Randall; and we regret to say, that the result of the debate was, to recommit the report to the Naval Committee, with instruc­tions to strikeout the following portions of i t :

" It appear* that the case of Captain Poster has been submitted to the proper tribunals j and(

the Committee dwnot feet themselves, warranted in rormtng any opinion unfavorable to their de­cisions, or indulging any impression that their proceedings require revision. The Coffimlitrr Consider it doe alike to the preservation of ft proper dicipline, aod to the repotatiob of our officers, that appeals should not be encouraged from the decisions of the military courts, 'fin­der this f iew o f the subject, and seeing no satis­factory reason for interposing the authority of the House in matters which have been dually settled by the competent authorities.*'

This was the essence of the report—the com-roittee is indeed discharged, aod.no further or

ISM'" ^ ^ ^ W f M ^ jiwi issued from the press. It is occupied with a p e i a b ^ b e r a f a A i d e i . V t f y i n g ^ b i o t ^ nat«raand«terest,botcharaicWsisV out by talent, ir^ustty and ta«weh. A work of

•t«siiais^|sj»ji0^ '•••' 4N**6a|ji}m:#*a mind, is ;*&#&*$.£ support, and should never be susTered for want of patronage, ' Am^4&mffi8ffl!*

•-"^SJM one upon &Wmmmw4jpr, ftryoristyie,the one upon tifrWMBmmwiijpr,

fieibictf^-lnost • $B^'w^&&fcm1b8%fr!fc

.TUm.Vl KIERULFf in fom mm W i s . l i f t arjdgeutlameBof rbit yieWkt, mmt^t


intends to giv« « public COIVCfemT # To~Morro0 Evening, at 7 o'efoet, 1m tbo room over Measrs P, Townsadd, jr. ifrCd*» store, tFcrfurtherpamculartsecbinoftke

) CswMisstesVs«s> «av 1, IU^

;jeefy of jrhichk 'jmm&&~'M&fi^..^ most satUrattortly, the misstaterocfifs welder, and show* coji^rus' **' •*-•*

mfi^^mMh has



m^SSSSS^SBBO^SSimSSSi n»tel»dk»ns,andi«uerafurkmsiirs4t

jo^^andonja^s^ve.rniBf«^'--tetjt- to&m


ThUMagktmewhich if published in n»

« urn vwmt consists -^iwmmsm from foreign periodical puWieatians^ audi* the

'of^eviewsiMt-Magal iw^^i lW •if tn»;'#i>rk' m^^U^^^g'm^if1^^••

preeedmg^olittnesi' aitd/wei* •sk#.#»o|1Bi'u thai ?aJ pablldiJloa of *00wx ^ l^pddge l t"; have been more generally known, and more ex­tensively « w « | a M <r*-'^f*?f^•*••*- ; i > J -

' The number for January 1826, coMams 9« pages, closery printed on^otoble tolutnrtsi aod^

of nearly double the s'tKe printi manner. vTfi«-«oiifentsW'tS!. . . . found In the advertisement of the publishers, who may aafely rest their «puiation for judg­ment and taste upon the character of thearti-cles which it comprises.. ^

;reat advantagci as this, conducted in such a judicious manner, contist in the opportunity it affords us in this country of obtaining the roost interesting arti­cles from foreign journals, at a moderate price, unincumbered with the useless tnaHerj which will always be found mingled with the good in suchpnblicationsi. The eapense of importing a single review or rbagazine from JSnglandy would be a t . t easreqoat t6^e^e |o f* iH^ . this contains selections froh^ metre than tWettty^| «nd will be found to comprise the estentittl arii- * cles of them all,—JVetc ForT

eUta\ 130nS£7C«


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, ' (Ra 9, Lmwtfmwml) ,:

ICBARD STARR fc Co. rwpeetfol-. ly inform tho Ynniers of the state of' 3

11 are now prepared to east ettgijife of Type from Konpareil to Great m , itstlnsive 5

»iihtnany of the & • and Oma-r, —l--a.-^l» »»d OrisaaaenSs, They also make Brass Rules of esary d«aetip*MS«i »U of which they will fotuish eMal tas^uarsty and ones |ood terms as any WouotUj m the ^l iae^t | te f . They an JNrapasiog mens of their Type, whtefc w for warded to Pnatarfc * From tke kmg esperience of Mr Starr m the btsslness, they Aaitar tliemseivea that they will be ahle to five roll satssfaetwn to

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rOlabortJyhe >!S!

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WJB^^uFr^tt^latnt^^itingStim^Bsn^; of Hivin^Ston Manor, in this state, aged 26 ye*r8.

In Pittsburgh, f»a» Hon« ^atr^i $mm®$$. member of CongVess •*•-•* #rt•$>•'•*? ! . * " * •

At New ¥ork, ^Wt^m^^rf^^^mf^PV^i

rora Indians. . , . . . ^ ^,_, . *.,.*_.

A« IHiMg, I9f*. Gear,; WeofIftfWfiM Gea'r,^^roY'S*ilofiW^mire1|€t^a%ftam


-i.H£»fr^ifrif »»it^»^Ms»A^aa*J Pw^^P mmm> ^awWJpp^H' "WP*f- " a asp1 •w^mm^mW^^^, ^m^pm JP!^JF"*"*V >t

iia lv« low ass the wi»- fMissg the JUver, Wsjaisi'WRfl^mW*Bmm&mmf wHm mmmmBfrnmr J S ^ ^ W W W ' ^ ^ ' - ^ ^ * f

u e n r w w i a i e v i uu tnuTiiw T_ but the reasons, the sound and sensible/ an manly reason which rendered such a course ne-' cessary and becoining on the part of the Senate, are to be suppretsed-~and 11 pot of delicacy to Capt. Porter, who has himself evinced so little

.regard for decorum or propriety, or. delicacy, in his own proceedings. The very fact that* Capt. Potter, while tying undertentence of a Court Martial, which suspends himj front service, should have addressed such a letter to the high­est legislative body io the country, argjjtes entire indifference to received usages and opinions.— It u convenient, however, for some gentlemen in the indulgence of their own hostility to the administration, to use Capt. Porter as a stalking horse. He will himself discover probably ere long, that those who now asect most sensitive­ness to bis suppossed wrongs, feel in truth as -little for him or them, as he may suppose his ad­versaries to do.^rJYcwYorkMitriccm.

Fabrtiation.—h will be recollected that in April last we published an account, stating that Dwiglit A. Thompson, of Herkimer cO- was found aboqt two miles east of the village of Herkimer, near die turnpike road in the woods, with his hands and feet tied, his pocket book open a short distance from htm, and the papers strewed about upon the ground*, that Thomson alledged that he bad been robbed of hir money by two strangers who had left him in that situa­tion. Thompson made oath of all the circumstan­ces, amount of .money taken, description of the bills, &c. The governor was applied to, and lie Issued a proclamation oflerjug a reward of #250 to detect the robbers. Two citizens of Herki­mer went in pursuit of the supposed robbers, with Thompson, «o Canada* endihehce to New-York, the expense of whicb wai'paid from the county treasury. Several persons Wet* arrest' edon suspicion, and oae person was confined in the jail of this fit v, for some days. Sympa* thy for Thompjon*i loss, prottucjdiubKpptions for his benefit to a considerable amount* . ..

We now learn from the Herfcirpar *Af'pt$canl that all of Thompson's story was kite, 1r seems that many persons have uniformly doubtW its truth, aod ait theirmvdtf gating themattetv some of thedrcumstauceidetailcabyhlBi werefouhd to be incorrect, l i e hat receatly absconded ftrom the county, and ;his neighbors and $«»J who have hitherto been his active fucads *» this affair, are now folly sattfjtefl.^dtaithe; F ¥ * e

story o f the robbery'.Is an entire fabrlcatfon, '• ••» • •' • j ; ' . mfyn^3k$gy&^tKrl:.

' ^<^Tot^'Be^'£^e.^ft i i , Vlth ? mto fiction that ws announce the estaWiihmentdf a frtwlin^ fcrifta^lrta^

W & n r i a ^ & r t r a - i a ^ *##tfisnt»iit# ff i ^ i i w w w s l ^

to«s«woa^si«»rrk«,wkktw»afwbkhea^ L T I J ^ ^ i r « k ^ twi waa a* baaasi at Trwy, aisdtwo at Rear£&&fm-&(WW :- '•

:|snajl Jaaarsftt waiy *je^y*Jr*-ljjm,. A. ' * . 9 * * f «*e%,%a;**2fai«s«#r£Ssa-ssM>ttk>'

t ,v .^.. *$$&$,*, -.if. \Wfi' irjvHE Ontario M^^M^m^^^^msifk *... a ieject %atoi |o^#.A^|Mi^ip|

Cjhurcrt in this vil iage^n ^ n d ^ - - m i j & t g -thelSthinsl. PaTticulars o e « week. %

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highest prize gm^Jm^Mnm^M

highest m$tffl%m^fam $( .**)$$ of;i e.jitesem#rit09th-4f IftjyNNf5 -St' "

Maryland, which contains more brilliant prizes than any ever drawn in the Union, wilt draw on the 22d day of the present month—highest priie 5100,000^-tickets 550, shares in propoition* Fortheschame of this splendid tottery, see the opposite page of the Repository. : -,

highest prize «20,p00^tickets s h ^ h* I * ^ ^ 5 H & * proportion- ; " ^ , ' ^ "^ r #br the C ^ t T A H . •*m&&'Wmm

ahbVeXdtteries.iip lyio. -•"* *-"•••, ,

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his-present stock, cOmAr&ing "a geheralli-: ^>rtfnentiof f.' ^ {*- •^Tiu -^- • : Dry Goods, Groceries, Crocke­

ry, Hardware, Glass Ware*

&C* & C . ° '


trjjsjw ^ T ^ ^ j ^ |^» ^ ^- | +;• \ i ; V#vT;( v ? . % ,.^

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