msc cs syllabus

Syllabus M. Sc. (Computer Science) Department of Computer Science Assam University, Silchar

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M. Sc. (Computer Science)

Department of Computer ScienceAssam University, Silchar

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Course Structure for M.Sc. (Computer Science)-5 years integrated

I-Semester L T P S E TM101. General English 4 1 - 25 75 100102. Digital Electronics & Fundamentals 4 1 - 25 75 100

Of computers103. Statistical Methods and Applications 4 1 - 25 75 100104. Programming Fundamentals and 4 1 - 25 75 100

Problem Solving (with FORTRAN)

Total Contact Hours: 20Hours/Week II-Semester L T P S E TM201. Alternative English/MIL 4 1 - 25 75 100202. Mathematics 4 1 - 25 75 100203. Computer System Organization & 4 1 - 25 75 100

Architecture204. Programming with C 4 1 - 25 75 100

Total Contact Hours: 20Hours/Week

III-Semester L T P S E TM301. Environmental Studies 4 1 - 25 75 100702. Scientific Computation 4 1 - 25 75 100303. Data & File Structure 4 1 - 25 75 100304. Laboratory Course in

(a) Scientific Computation - - 6 13 37 50(b) Data & File Structure - - 6 12 38 50

Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week

IV-Semester L T P S E TM401. Design and Analysis of 4 1 - 25 75 100 Computer Algorithms402. Microprocessor and Assembly 4 1 - 25 75 100 Language403. Data Base Management Systems 4 1 - 25 75 100404. Laboratory Course in

(a) Microprocessor and Assembly - - 6 13 37 50Language

(b) Data Base Management Systems - - 6 12 38 50Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week

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V-Semester L T P S E TM501. System Analysis and Design 4 1 - 25 75 100502. Object oriented Design and Programming 4 1 - 25 75 100503. Operating System and Architecture 4 1 - 25 75 100504. Laboratory Course in (a) Object oriented Design and Programming - - 6 13 37 50 (b) Operating System and Architecture - - 6 12 38 50Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week

VI-Semester L T P S E TM601. Computer Networks and 4 1 - 25 75 100 data communications602. Computer Graphics 4 1 - 25 75 100603. System programming 4 1 - 25 75 100604. Project - - 12 25 75 100 Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week

VII-Semester L T P S E TM701. Theory of Computation 4 1 - 25 75 100702. Advanced Data Base Management System 4 1 - 25 75 100703. Artificial Intelligence 4 1 - 25 75 100704. Laboratory – IV

(a) Practical on Advanced DBMS - - 6 13 37 50(b) Practical on Artificial Intelligence - - 6 12 38 50

Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week VIII-Semester801. Software Engineering 4 1 - 25 75 100802. Principles of Computer Design 4 1 - 25 75 100803. Modeling and Simulation 4 1 - 25 75 100804. Laboratory – V

(a) Practical on Computer Design - - 6 13 37 50(b) Practical on Modeling & Simulation - - 6 12 38 50

Total Contact Hours: 27 Hours/Week

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IX-Semester901. Advanced Computer Architecture 4 1 - 25 75 100902. Operating Research 4 1 - 25 75 100903. Parallel & Distributed Computing 4 1 - 25 75 100904. Laboratory – VI

(a) Practical on Operations Research - - 6 13 37 50(b) Practical on Parallel & D. Computing - - 6 12 38 50

Total Contact Hours: 35 Hours/Week X-Semester1001. Elective** 4 1 - 25 75 1001002. Fuzzy set theory and applications 4 1 - 25 75 1001003. Project - - 25 50 150 200Total Contact Hours: 35 Hours/Week Electives**:1. Digital Image Processing2. Natural Language Processing3. Neural Networks and Applications4. Internet Technologies and Applications L: Lecturer Hrs/Week T: Tutorial P: Practical Hrs/WeekS: Sessional Marks E: End Semester Marks TM: Total Marks

Total Marks / Semester – 400

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BCS- 101. General English

AS prescribed in Assam University Undergraduate courses in the P.G department.


AS prescribed in Assam University Undergraduate courses in the P.G department.

BCS -102. Fundamentals of Computers and Digital Electronics:

Unit I:Electronics: Diode as a rectifier, SMPS, transistor characteristics, Amplifiers, multi-vibrators, Basics of IC technology. Unit II: Binary Systems, Boolean algebra and logic gates, simplifications of Boolean functions, the map method, two and three variable – maps, product of sums, simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, other two level implementation, Don’t-care conditions, The tabulation method, determination of prime implicants, selection of prime implicants.

Unit III:Combinational logic: Introduction , Design procedures , Adders, Subtractors, Code conversions, Analysis procedure, Multi level NAND circuit, Exclusive –OR and Equivalence functions, Binary Parallel Adder, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, multiplexers, Read Only Memory(ROM), Programmable Logic Array(PLA).

Unit IV: Sequential Logic: Introduction, Flip-Flops, Analysis of Clocked Sequential circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, Flip-Flop-Excitation table, Design Procedure, Design Of counters, Design with state Equations.

Unit V:Registers, Counters and the Memory Unit: Introduction, registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Timing Sequences, The memory Unit, Examples of Random Access memories.


Digital Logic and computer design- Morris mano,PHI,1995

Digital Principles and applications- Malvino and Leach,TMH,1991

Digital Computer Electronics- Malvino A.P. TMH,1991

Digital Computer Fundamentals- T.C bate, McGraw Hill,1998

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BCS - 103. Statistical Methods & Applications

Unit I:Measures of location, measures of dispersion, skewness, co-efficient of skewness, Theory of probability, Axiomatic approach to probability, concept of events, sets, Additional multiplication theorem on probability, conditional probabilities, independent, pair wise independent and mutual independent events and applications, Bay’s theorems and applications, Laws of expectations, Moment Generating functions and variance-covariance matrix.

Unit II:Random variables, Discrete and continuous, Probability mass function, probability of function, Joint distribution, P.D.F., conditional distribution and marginal distribution. Unit III:Theoretical discrete and continuous distributions, Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Beta, Exponential distribution, other discrete distributions (Derivations not necessary).

Unit IV:Correlation, simple, partial and multiple correlations, regression, simple and complex regression, lines of regression, regressive curves and coefficients, Curve fitting by the least squares, Possible solution to system of linear equations by Lagrange’s principle squares. Unit V:Sampling, sampling of attributes, standard errors, sampling distribution, Testing of signal unitizing X,T,F and Z-statics ,analysis of variance –one way and two way classes ,co-variance analysis .


Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics. -S.C.Gupta,V.K Kapoor and Saxena ,1996,S Chand & Co. New DelhiMathematical statistics -Kapoor and Saxena ,1996,S.Chand & Co .New DelhiStatistical methods -S.P.GuptaStatistics -C.B.GuptaMethods and Application -Sanchetti and KapoorFundamentals of Applied Statistics -S.C.Gupta and V.K.Kapoor

BCS - 104. Programming Fundamentals and Problem Solving (with FORTRAN)

Unit I:Introduction ,Program Organization: Introduction, Storing Number Reading in Data, Making Decision, Overview of computer and Languages. Arithmetic Statements: Introduction, Numerical constants (numbers), Variable Names(Names of Storage Location),Type statements –Integers, Real, Arithmetic Operators-Integers and Real Arithmetic Assignment Statements, Computer Arithmetic .

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Unit II:Numerical Input/output: Introduction, unformatted and formatted input output, formatted input and input field specifications, literal field, records, multiple records, slash, reception factor , simple complete program. Transfer of control, flowcharts introduction, unconditional transfer, relation expression, Logical IF statement, Controlling a loop, Arithmetic IF statement, Computed GOTO statement algorithms

Unit III:DO Loops Introduction , CONTINUE statement, simple uses of the DO statement, DO statement, rules on the use of the DO loops, exit from a DO loop, transfer within and to a DO loop , Necessity of the CONTINUE statement, nested DO loops. Arrays and Subscripted variables. Introduction, one-dimensional arrays, DIMENSION statements, arithmetic expressions for subscripts, examples using DO loops, programming techniques example.

Unit IV:Functions and Subroutines: Introduction, FUNCTION subprograms, calling FUNCTION Subprograms, FUNCTION Subprograms computing several values, Arrays and FUNCTION Subprograms, variable dimensions, arithmetic statement function, subroutines, subroutine Vs function. Programming techniques and numerical calculations: Introduction, sorting, merging, searching, update, vectors and matrices, linear equations. Unit V:Character Information, logical variables and operations: Introduction, sorting character, A-Field, manipulating character information, H-Field, logical constants and logical variables, logical operators and logical expressions, assigning logical values, L-Field, hierarchy of operation, execution-time format, ASSIGN, COMMON and EQUIVALANCE statements.


Theory and Problems of programming with FORTRAN77- William E. Mayo & Martin

Computer Programming in FORTRAN 77, 4th edition- Rajaraman, PHI

Computer Programming in FORTRAN 90,- Rajaraman, PHI

How to solve it by computer- Dromey G. Prentice Hall,1985

Computing System Fundamentals- Danhof, Addison Wesley, 1981

Computer Programming with FORTRAN 77/90- Grover, Allied Publishers

Programming with FORTRAN 77- Ram Kumar, TMH

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BCS - 201. Alternative English/MIL

As prescribed in Assam University undergraduate courses in the PG Department.


As prescribed in Assam University Undergraduate courses in the PG departments.

BCS - 202. Mathematics

Unit I:Dot product and Cross product of two vectors, differentiation and partial differentiation of vector functions, derivative of sum, gradient, divergence of curl.

Unit II:System of circles, standard equations and properties of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. General equations of second degree in two variables, tracing of conic section, sphere. Unit III:Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem, partial differentiation, curvature, asymptotes, singular points, concativity points of inflection and tracing of Cartesian curves.

Unit IV:Integration of irrational functions, reduction formulae, rectification, quadrature, volumes and surfaces of revolution, differential equation of first order.

Unit V:Groups, rings, fields, vector spaces, graph theory.


Vector Algebra- Shanti Narain, S. Chand & Co.

Analytical Geometry and vector analysis- B. Das, Orient Book Co.

Integral Calculus- Das & Mukherjee

Higher Algebra (Abstract & Linear)- S. K. Mapa, Ashoka Prakashan

Differential Calculus- Das & Mukherjee

Integral Calculus- Maity & Ghosh

Co-ordinate Geometry- S. L. Loney.

Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to Computer Science- J. P. Trembley & R. Manohar

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BCS - 203. Computer System Architecture

Unit I:Register transfer and micro operations, register transfer language, bus and memory transfers, arithmetic logic micro operations, shift micro operations, basic computer organization and design: Instructions and instruction cases, computer instruction. Timing and control, Instruction cycle, memory reference instructions, input output interrupts; complete computer description.

Unit II:Programming the basic computer: machine language, assembly language, the assembler, program loops, programming arithmetic and logic, subroutines and input output programming. Micro programmed control: control memory, address sequencing, microprogram example, design of control unit. Unit III:Central processing unit: general register organization, stack organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, program control, reduced instruction set computer, pipeline and vector processing, parallel processing, pipelining, arithmetic pipeline, vector processing, array processors. Computer arithmetic: addition and subtraction, multiplication algorithms, division algorithms, floating-point arithmetic operations, decimal arithmetic unit, and decimal arithmetic operations.

Unit IV:Input Output Organization: Peripheral devices, input output interfaces, asynchronous data transfer, modes of transfer, priority interrupt, direct memory access (DMA), input output processor (IOP), serial communication. Unit V:Multiprocessors: Characteristics of multiprocessors, interconnection structures inter processor arbitration; inter processor communications and synchronization, cache coherence.


Computer System Architecture- Morris Mano, Prentice Hall, 1998

Introduction to computer architecture- Stones S. Galgotia Publication

Computer Architecture and organization- John. P. Hayes, McGraw Hill, 1998

Computer Organization and Architecture design for Performance, 4th edition- W. Stallings, PHI

Computer Engineering - Hardware Design- M. Morris Mano, PHI

Computer Architecture and parallel processing- Kai Hwang & Faye Briggs, McGraw hill, 1985

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BCS - 204. Programming with C

Unit I:Introduction to C: The C character set, identifiers and keywords, data types, constants, variables and arrays, declaration, expressions, statements, symbolic constants.Arithmetic operator: Unary operators, library functions, data input/output, preparing and running complete C program. Control statements: preliminaries, the WHILE, DO-WHILE, FOR, IF-ELSE, SWITCH, BREAK, CONTINUE, GOTO STATEMENTS, nested loops, the COMMA operator.

Unit II:Functions: A brief overview, defining a function, accessing a function, passing arguments to a function, specifying arguments data types, function prototypes, recursion. Program structure, storage classes, automatic variables, external variables, static variables, multi file programs.Arrays: Defining an array, processing an array, passing arrays to functions, multi dimensional arrays, arrays and strings.

Unit III:Pointers: Fundamental, pointer declarations, passing pointers to a function, pointers and one dimensional arrays, operations on pointers, pointer and multi dimensional arrays, array of pointers, passing functions to other functions, more about pointer declaration. Unit IV:Structures and Unions: defining a structure, processing a structure, user define data types, structures and pointers, passing structure to a function, self referential structure, union. Unit V:Data files: Opening and closing a data file, creating a data file, processing a data file, programming with C unformatted data files.Enumeration, command line parameters, macros, the C preprocessor.


Programming with C- E. Balagurusamy, McGraw Hill, 1997.

Programming with C- Gottfried., Schaum’s Outline Series, 1991

Programming with C- Rajaraman R.,PHI

Programming with ANSI C- B.T. Holmes, BPB

The C Programming Language- Kernighan & Ritchie, PHI

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BCS 301. Environmental Studies

As prescribed in Assam University undergraduate courses in PG departments.

BCS 302. Scientific Computation

Unit I: Floating Point Arithmetic: Basic concepts of floating point number systems, implications of f finite precision, illustrations of errors due to round off.

Unit II: Interpolation: Finite difference calculus, polynomial interpolation.

Unit III: Approximation: Uniform, discrete, least square, polynomial, Fourier.

Unit IV: Numerical Integration and Differentiation: interpolation, numerical integration, numerical differentiation.

Unit V: Solution of Non-linear equations: Bisection, fixed point iteration, Newton-Raphson Methods, Solution of ordinary differential equations, Taylor series method, Runga-Kutta method, Euler method.

Text /References:

Numerical Analysis -S.S. Sastry, PHIComputer Oriented Numerical Methods -Rajaraman, PHINumerical Computations - VenkataramanComputer Oriented Numerical Methods -Stoer, Bullrich, Springer Verlag, 1980

BCS 303. Data and File Structures

Data Structures

Unit I: Linear and List Structures: arrays, stacks, queues and lists, sequential and linking structures, simple lists, circular lists, doubly linked lists, inverted lists, threaded lists, operations on all these structures and applications.

Unit II: Arrays: Multidimensional arrays, sequential allocation, address calculations, sparse arrays.

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Unit III: Tree Structures: Trees, binary trees, tree traversal algorithms, threaded trees, binary search trees, trees in search algorithms, B-trees, B+ trees and applications.

File Structures

Unit IV:Physical storage devices and their characteristics, constituents of a file viz. fields, records, Fixed and variable length records, primary and secondary keys, file operation, basic files system operation.

Unit V: File organization: serial, sequential, indexed sequential, direct inverted, multi-list, hashing functions and collision handling methods.


Data structures using C -Tenenbaum, PHI, 1996Fundamentals of Data Structures -Horowitz and Sahani, Computer Science Press,1978 Data structures and Algorithms

- Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and J.E. Ullman.An introduction to data structures with applications -Jean Paul Trembley and Paul Sorenson, McGraw Hill, International Student

Edition,1985Data Structures - Rean GoldData Structures and Program design in C, 2nd edition -R. Kruse, Leung & Tondo, PHI publication.

BCS 304. Laboratory Course in

(a) Scientific Computation(b) Data & File Structures

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BCS 401. Designs and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

Unit I: Introduction: writing structured programs, analyzing algorithms, stack and queues, tree, heap and heap sort, graphs and hashing.

Unit II: Divide and conquer: the general method, binary search, finding the maximum and minimum merge sort, quick sort, strassen’s matrix multiplication, minimum spanning tree.

Unit III: Dynamic programming : the general method, multistage graphs, all pair shortest paths, optimal binary search trees/I knapsack, reliability design, the traveling sales persons problem, flow shop scheduling.

Unit IV: Basic search and traversal techniques: the techniques, code generation, AND/OR graphs, game trees, biconnected components and depth search.

Unit V: Backtracking: Hamilton cycles, the fast Fourier transform, NP-HARD and NP complete problems.


Fundamentals of computer algorithms -Ellis Horowitz and Satraj Sahani, computer science press,1984Design and analysis of computer algorithms -TenenbaumDesign and analysis of computer algorithms - Aho A.V, Hopcroft, J.E. Ullman, Addison-Wesley, 1974Algorithms- the construction, proof and analysis of programs -Berlionx, P., Bizard, P., john Wiley &sons, 1986

BCS 402. Microprocessor And Assembly language

Unit I: Evolution of microprocessor: overview of Intel 8085 to Intel pro Pentium, Motorola 800 series, power PC, DEC-alpha chip, RISC and CISC architecture.

Unit II: Basic microprocessor architecture and interface: internal architecture, external system bus architecture; memory and I/O interface.

Unit III: Programming model: general purpose computers; printer and index registers; flags, segment registers; program invisible registers; memory addressing and addressing models.

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Unit IV: Memory interfacing: Memory address decoding, cache memory and cache controllers.

Unit V: Basic I/O interfaces: I/O mapped I/O, memory mapped I/O, basic input/output and handshaking, input/output, I/O port address decoding,8285 programming peripheral interface;8279 programmable keyboard and display interface; interrupts-interrupts vector, Vector tables, hardware and software interrupts 8259 programmable interrupts controller, real-time clock; direct memory access ,8237/8257 DMA controllers video controller, shared bus operations;

Text/References: Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Applications

-Ramesh S. Goankar, Wiley eastern, 1994Introduction to microprocessors

-Aditya P Mathur, TMH, 1995Microprocessor-Principles and Applications

-Ajit Pal, TMH, 1990

BCS 403. Database Management SystemsBCS 403. Database Management Systems

Unit I:Unit I: Data modeling for a database: records and files, abstraction and data integration, database management systems; the three levels architecture of a DBMS, components of a DBMS.

Unit II: Data models and there implementation: Relational, networks, hierarchical, Relational data manipulations; relational algebra, relational calculus, SQL.

Unit III: Relational database design: functional dependencies, findings keys, decomposition computing closures of a FD’s.

Unit IV: Query processing: general strategies for query processing query optimization, query processor, concepts of security and recovery.

Unit V: Database design project: definition and analysis of existing systems, preliminary and final design, testing and implementation, operation and tanning .use of relational DBMS package for class project.

Text/references: Data Base Management System

-Henry F. Korth & Abraham Silberschatz, McGraw hills, 1991. An introduction to data base management system vol I &II

-Date C.J., Addison Wesley, 1981, 1983 Principles of data base system

-Ullman J.D., computer science ,1982.

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BCS 404. Laboratory Course in

(a) Microprocessors and assembly language.(b) Data base management systems.


BCS- 501. System Analysis and Design

Unit I:Introduction to system analysis and design : Effective communication in systems analysis; tools of the systems analyst, problem definition, classification, data collection and analysis.

Unit II:System planning and alternative, flexibility, Selection of a system plan, the system proposal, System cost determination, system cost and system benefit, comparative cost analysis processing cost, DP cost centre concept.

Unit III:A structured approach o systems design : Structured Top-Down design, logical design requirements, data administration and dictionaries, auditable systems : forms requirements and design, CRT screen design, program specification, development complementation schedule, structured walk-through.

Unit IV:Project management and control : Development of standards, project control, Gantt chart PERT and CP/M.

Unit V:System conversion and management : Planning consideration, conversion methods, systems follow-up, quality assurance of a new systems.


System Analysis and Design, 2nd edition- Awad, E Homewood, Galgotia publications, 1998

System Analysis’s Techniques- Cougger, John Willey & Sons Publication

System Analysis and Design- Don Yeates, Maura Shields & David Helmy, Macmillan

Publication, 1996

BCS- 502. Object Oriented Design and Programming

Unit I:Introduction to object oriented Modeling, modeling techniques, Object oriented design, object Design, comparison of methodologies(SA/SD, OMT, JSD)

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Unit II:Principles of Object Programming, Beginning with C++, Tokens, Expressions and Control structure.

Unit III:Function in C++, Classes and Objects, Constructors, Destructors.

Unit IV:Operator Overloading and Type Conversions, inheritance : Extending Classes.

Unit V:Pointers, Virtual Functions and polymorphism, Working with Files.


Object-Oriented Programming with C++- E. Balagurusamy, TMH

Tech yourself C++- Herbert Schildt, Osborne McGraw Hill

Object-Oriented analysis and Design with applications- Grady Booch

C & C++ Complete reference - Herbert Schildt, Osborne McGraw HillObject-Oriented programming in C++

- Nabajyoti Barkakati, PHIC++ Primer Plus

- Stephen Prata, Galgotia Publications, 1996C++ The Complete Reference

- Herbert Schildt, Osborne McGraw Hill, 1991

BCS- 503. Operating System Architecture

Unit I:Operating System Architecture : Operating System as an extended machine and resource manager, Operating System classification, Operating System modes and system calls, Operating System architecture. Processor management functions : process model, hierarchies and implementation, process states and transitions, multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading, levels of schedules and scheduling algorithms, micro kernel architecture.

Unit II:Memory management functions : memory management of a single user operating system, memory management for multiuser operating systems, partition, swapping, paging, segmentation, virtual memory.

Unit III:Device management Functions : I/O Device and controllers, interrupt handlers, device independent I/O Software, user user/Space I/O software, Disk scheduling, clock hardware, software, software, Terminals I/O Software.

Unit IV:File management Functions : File naming structure, type, access mechanism, attributes and operations, Hierarchical directory system, Directory structure and

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directory operations, File-space allocations, File sharing, file locking, symbolic links, file protection and security, distributed file system.

Unit V:Concurrent programming, Sequential and concurrent process, precedence graph, Bernstein’s conditions, time dependency, critical node selection, mutual exclusion problem, classical coordination problem, deadlock handling, inter-process communication. This course can be taught with UNIX operating system as a prototype.


An introduction to operating systems- H. M. Dietel, Addition Wesley 1990

Modern Operating Systems- Andrew S Tenenbaum.

Operating System Concepts, 2nd Edition- Peterson & Silberschatz, Addison Wesley 1985

Operating Systems- Madnick and Donovan, McGraw Hill

Principles of Operating Systems- Ullman, Galgotia Publications.

BCS- 504. Laboratory Course in

(a) Object Oriented Design and Programming.(b) Operating Systems and Architecture.


BCS- 601. Computer Networks and Data Communication

Unit I:Data Communication : Concepts of data, signal, channel, bandwidth, bit-rate band-rate, Fourier analysis, Maximum data-rate of channel, Analog and digital communications, asynchronous and asynchronous transmission, Data encoding techniques, Modulation techniques.

Unit II:Multiplexing, TI/EI carrier systems, Transmission Medium, Transmission errors, error-detection and correction codes.

Unit III:Network classification and data communication Services : Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, inter network, switched multimegabit data service, X.25, frame relay, narrow band and broad band ISDN, asynchronous transfer modes.

Unit IV:Network reference modes : Layered architecture, protocol hierarchies, interface and service, ISO/OSI reference models, TCP/IP reference models, Novel Network Internet Protocol Stacks.

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Unit V:Data link Layer Functions and Protocols : Framing, error-control, flow control, sliding window protocol, HDLC, SLIP and PPP protocol, Medium Access Sub layer : CSMA/CD Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, IEEE standards for LAN and MAN, satellite networks TDMA and VSAT. Introduction to network Programming.


Computer Networks- Andrew S. Tenenbaum, PHI, 1995

Computer Networks and Distributed Processing- Martin, James, PHI, 1985

BCS- 602. Computer Graphics

Unit I:Development of computer graphics : basic graphics systems and standards, raster scan and random scan graphics, continual refresh and storage displays, displays processor and character generator, color display technique, frame buffer and bit operation, concept in raster graphics. Unit II:Points, lines and curves, scan conversion, line drawing algorithm, circle and ellipse generation, polygon filling, conic section generation, antialiasing.

Unit III:Two-dimensional viewing : Basic transformations, co-ordinate systems, windowing and clipping, segments, interactive picture construction techniques, interactive input/output devices.

Unit IV:Three dimensional concepts : 3-D representation and transformation, spline curve and surfaces, fractals, quad tree and octree data structure.

Unit V:3-D viewing, algorithm for 3-D volumes, hidden lines and surface rendering, animation. Introduction to graphics packages and applications.


Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics- Newman, W. Sproul, R.F., McGraw Hill,1980

Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics- Foley J.D., Van Dome, Addison Wesley,1982

Computer Graphics- Hearn D., Baker, PHI, 1986

Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics - Rogers D. F., McGraw Hill, 1986Object-Oriented programming in C++

- Nabajyoti Barkakati, PHI

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BCS- 603. Systems Programming

Unit I:Introduction and machine structure Evolution of the component of a program system. Evolution of operating system general machine structure with special reference to IBM 360 and 370 system. Machines assembly language-examples.

Unit II:Assemble : Assembler general design procedures-design of assembles – statements of problems formation of tables-format of variables.

Unit III:Micro instructions, features of micro Facility, Implementation.

Unit IV:Different loader schemes design of an absolute loader, design of an Direct-linking loader.

Unit V:Compilers, Recognizing Basic Elements, Intermediate form, storage allocation, code generation, General model of compiler.

BCS-604. Project The Project gives an opportunity to the students to use the methodologies/techniques taught in several courses in the curriculum. The topics for the project to be undertaken by the department, after deliberations among the faculty members, shall be notified to the students. The project is a group project and is to be carried out under the guidance of a faculty member of the department. The group of students should submit 3 copies of dissertation for evaluation at the end of the semester and present their project as a seminar topic. The external examiner in consultation with the internal examiner shall carry out the adjudication, after giving due weightage to the work carried out in the project, the presentation of the project, and viva voice. The guide/supervisor will be the internal examiner and external shall be appointed from a panel of examiners. Marks Distribution:

Internal Assessment – 25 marksDissertation – 50 marksViva Voce - 25 marks

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CS-701. Theory of Computation

Unit I:Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata (DFA and EFA).Equivalence of DFA and NFA. Properties of the languages Accepted by Finite Automata

Unit II:Recursive Definitions, Regular Expression, Transition Graphs, Kleene’s Theorem, Regular and Non-regular language.

Unit III:Context-free Grammar, Regular Language and context free language, Chomsky’s Normal Form, Pushdown Automata, Properties of Context Free Languages, Determinism and Parsing.

Unit IV:Turing machines (TM): Computing with TM, Post machines, Minsky's theorem, Extension of the TM, Chomsky’s Hierarchy.

Unit V:Primitive and n-Recursive Function, Church’s thesis.The Halting problem, Unsolvability, Computational Complexity.


1. D.I.A Cohen : Introduction To Computer Theory (J. Wiley).2. H. R. Lewis & C.H. Papadimitriou : Elements of The Theory of Computation (P.H.I)3. J. E. Hopcroft & J. D. Ullman : Introduction To Automata Theory, Language and Computation (P.H.I)4. J. Carroll & D. Long : Theory of Finite Automata5. M. Davis & Weyukur : Computability, Complexity and Languages.6. M. Machtey & F.R. Young : Introduction To General Theory of Algorithms.

CS-702. Advanced Data Base Management System Unit I:Object Oriented Database: Persistent Programming Language, Object identity and its implementation, Clustering Indexing, Client Server Object Bases Coherence.

Unit II:Parallel database: Parallel Architectures, Performance measures, shared nothing/shared disk/shared memory based architectures, Data partitioning, Intra-operator parallelism, Pipelining, Scheduling, Load balancing, query optimization with Volcano as a case study.

Unit III:Distributed Database: Query processing, semi-joins, query optimization, ConcurrencyControl Heterogeneity issues.

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Unit IV:Advanced Transaction Models : Save points, Sagas, Nested Transactions, Multilevel Transactions, recursive query processing : Top-down and bottom-up evaluation, Magic optimization.

Unit V:Recovery: Multi-level recovery, Shared disk system, Distributed system 2PC, 3PC, replication and hot spares.Recursive query processing: Top-down and bottom-up evaluation, Magic optimization. Texts/References:


CS-703. Artificial Intelligence

Unit I:Definition, Short History of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Brief Discussion of Major Topics (Expert System, Natural Language Processing, Speech and Pattern Recognition etc.) of AI. Problem Definition as a State Space Search, Production System, Control Strategies, Problem Characteristics.

Unit II:Forward Versus Backward Reasoning, Matching, Indexing, Search Techniques, Depth-First and Breadth-First Search Technique Best First Search, A*, AO* algorithms Adding Heuristics, Hill-Climbing, Search Technique, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Game Playing.

Unit III:Knowledge Representation in predicate and Prepositional Logic, Resolution in Predicate & Prepositional Logic, Deduction and theorem Proving, Question Answering, Structured Representation of knowledge declarative representation semantic networks conceptual dependencies frames and scripts procedural representation.

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Unit IV: Overview of Expert System, Design of Rural-Based Expert System, Selecting a problem for expert system development. The knowledge Engineering Process, Conceptual models and their role in Knowledge acquisition.

Unit V:AI language & their important characteristics, Overview of LISP and PROLOG, Computer Architectures for AI Application, LISP Machines & Parallel Machines. Note

Implementation in LISP or PROLOG. Text/References : 1. E. Rich : Artificial Intelligence (McGraw Hill Pub)2. P.H. Winston & B. P. Horn : Lisp (Addison Wesley)3. E. Charniak & D. McDermott : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Addison Wesley)4. P.H. Winston : Artificial Intelligence (Addison Wesley)5. S. Garavaglia : PROLOG Programming Techniques and Application (Harper)6. A. Barr & E. A. Feigenbaum : The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence 3 Vols. (Los Altos) CS-704. Laboratory Course in

(a) Practical on Advanced DBMS(b) Practical on Artificial Intelligence

Semester-VIII CS-801. Software Engineering

Unit I:Importance of software, Characteristics, Components, Applications of Software, Software Myths. Definition of the Classic Life Cycle, Prototyping, The Spiral Model, Fourth- Generation Techniques. Planning and Management of software Project : People, problem and process, measures, matrices and indicators, matrices for software quality, scooping, software project estimation, make-buy decision, software acquisition.

Unit II:Software risks: Identification, Projection assessment, monitoring, Project scheduling and tracking tasks/work breakdown structures, timeline chart, project plan, CASE tools. Requirement analysis: Communication techniques. FAST, quality development, analysis principles, modeling, partitioning, prototyping, specifications, SRS and SRS reviews, analysis models : data modeling, functional modeling and information flow, Data flow diagrams, extensions to real-time systems, behavioral models, mechanics of structured analysis, ER diagrams, control modeling, data dictionary CASE tools.

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Unit III:Design Fundamentals: Software design and software design process, principles and concepts, abstraction, refinement and modularity, software architecture, control hierarchy, partitioning, data structure, information hiding, effective modular design, cohesion, coupling, design module, design document.Design Method: Architectural design and design process, transform and transaction flow, design steps, Interface design, procedural design, graphical and tabular design notations.

Unit IV:Software testing and testing strategies : Software testing fundamentals, test case design, white-box, black-box testing, control structure testing, strategic approach to testing, strategic issues, unit testing, integrated testing, validation testing, system testing.

Unit V:Software quality concepts, Software quality assurance (SQA) and approaches, Software Reliability, SQA plan, ISO 9000 and SEI standards for software, software configuration management (SCM), base lines, scan process, version control, change control, SCM audits. Texts/References:

1. Roger Pressman : Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill pub.2. P. S. Pressman : Software engineering (McGraw Hill)3. Pankaj Jalote : An Integrated Approach of Software Engineering (Galgotia)4. M. Shooman : Software engineering (McGraw Hill) CS-802. Compiler Design Unit I:Overview of process, some compiler structures. Regular expression, finite automata and Lexical Analysis, Syntax tress, ambiguity, context free grammar & derivation of parse trees, basic-parsing techniques, and deduction.

Unit II:Syntax – Direction Translation: Top-down and bottom-up parsing operator precedence parsing, LR parsers, syntax direction definition, translation schemes, L-attributed & S-attributed definition.

Unit III:Symbol Tables: The contents of a symbol table, Data structures for symbol table (ST), design of ST, ST for block structured languages.Run-time storage administration: Storage allocation strategies, static dynamic & heap memory allocation, memory allocation in block structured languages, memory allocation in recursion, and memory allocation in FORTRAN.

Unit IV:Code Generation: Object programs, Problems in code generation, a machine model, A machine model. A simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, Peephole optimization.

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Code Generation: Object programs, Problems in code generation, a machine model, A machine model, A simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, Peephole optimization.


1. D. M. Dhamdhere : Complier Construction – principles & practice (McMillan)2. A. V. Aho, R. Sethi & J. D. Ullman : compiler-principles, techniques & tools (Addison Wesley)3. J. Trembley & P. G. Sorenson : the theory and practice of compiler writing (McGraw)4. W. A. Barrett et al : compiler construction theory & practice (Galgotia)5. D. Gries : compiler construction for digital computer (JW)6. A. V. Aho and J. D. Ullman : Principles of Computer Design, (Narosa Publishing House) CS-803. Modeling and Simulation

Unit I: System models and role of simulation: Basic concept and nomenclature, Type of system – deterministic, stochastic, continuous and discrete system, System simulation – uses of simulation and its limitations, steps in simulation studies, Random variate generation for Uniform, Exponential, Normal and Poisson distributions, Sampling and estimation, Maximum ;likelihood estimation, Confidence interval estimation.

Unit II:Discrete Event Simulation : Representation of time, Approaches to discrete event simulation, Queuing models – single and multi-server queues, steady state behavior of queues, network of queues, Inventory system simulation, Programming languages for discrete event system simulation – GPSS,SIMSCRIPT (brief overview).

Unit III:Modeling and performance evaluation of computer system : Behavioral, data flow and structure modeling, overview of hardware modeling and simulation using VHDL, VHDL description for design reuse, test generation and fault simulation for behavioral model, Single server Centre models, central server models of interactive systems, use of VHDL in front-end and back-end system development, Evaluation of multiprocessor systems, workload characterization & benchmarks.

Unit IV:Continuous system simulation : Continuous system models- open and closed loop system, Models described by differential equations, System dynamics, Growth and decay models, Systems dynamics diagram, Simulation of aircraft models, Biological and sociological system simulation, Simulation languages overview – CSMP.

Unit V:Virtual reality modeling : Overview of Virtual reality modeling language VRML 2.0, creating dynamic worlds, Integrating Java scripts with VRML, Verification and validation of simulation models- Goals of model verification and validation, Input data analysis, Output analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Hypothesis testing, Performance measures and their estimation.

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Text/References : 1. J. E. Banks and J. S. Carson II “ Discrete System Simulation “, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, NJ.2. G. Gordon “System Simulation, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.3. D. Ferrari “Computer System Performance Evaluation, Prentice Hall, NJ”.4. J. Bhasker “ Computer System Performance Evaluation, Prentice Hall, NJ.5. Glenn Vanderburg et. Al. “Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus, Sams. Net Publishing, 1996.6. Narsing Deo “System Simulation with Digital Computer” PHI pub. CS-804. Laboratory Course in

(a) Practical on Computer Design(b) Practical on Modeling & Simulation

Semester-IX CS-901. Advanced Computer Architecture

Unit I:Introduction to parallel processing, parallel computer Structures, pipeline and Array Computers, Multiprocessor System, Architectural Classification Scheme.

Unit II:Principles of pipeline and Vector-Processing, Multifunction and Array Pipelines, Design of Pipelined Processors, Data buffering and busing System, Vector Processing Requirements, Pipeline Computers and Vectorization Methods, Architecture of Typical Vector Processors, Vectorization and Optimization Methods.Unit III:Structures and Algorithms for Array Processors, SIMD Array Processors, SIMD Interconnection Networks, Typical Parallel Processors, Multiprocessor Architecture, Loosely and tightly coupled Multiprocessor, Interconnection Networks.

Unit IV:

Parallel Memory Organization, Design of Cache Memory, Cache coherence in Multiprocessor System, Multiprocessor Operating Systems, Multiprocessing Control, System Deadlocks and Protection, Examples of Multiprocessors.

Unit V:Data Flow Computer Architecture, Reduced Instruction Set Computer and Architecture Characteristics. Text/References:

1. K. Hwang and F. A. Briggs : Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (McGraw Hill)2. D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitsiklis : Parallel and Distributed Computation (PHI)3. M. S. Stone : Introduction to Computer Architecture (Galgotia)4. R. W. Hockney and C. R. Jesshope : Parallel Computer (Adam-Hilger)

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5. K. Hwang : Super Computer Design and Application (Computer Society Press) CS-902. Parallel & Distributed Computing

Unit I:Introduction, Minsky’s Conjecture, Amdahl’s Law, Gustafson’s Law, Tree, Diamond Network, Mesh, Linear array, Ring, Star, Hypercube, Choral ring, Cube- connected cycles, perfect shuffle network, ILLIAC IV, Torus, PM 21, Butterfly, Mesh of tree, Pyramid, Generalized Hyper bus, Twisted cube, Folded Hypercube, Incomplete Hypercube, Enhanced Incomplete Hypercube, Cross Connection Cube, Banyan Hypercube.

Unit II:Non blocking Networks: CLOS, Re-arrangable Benes Network, Blocking Networks: Baseline, Omega, Flip (Cube). PRAM, CRCW, CREW, EREW, Simulating CRCW on CREW & EREW. Boolean Circuit Model, Theorem 1* (Pipepenger and Fisher). Theorem 2** (Borodin). NCK Problems, P – Complete problems, PRAM algorithms: List Ranking, Parallel Prefix on a list, Finding Roots of trees in a Forest, Maximum of an Array, etc.* Relating sequential Time with Parallel Space.** Related Sequential Space with Parallel time. Addition on Tree, Cube, Mesh, Linear array, PSN, etc. Matrix multiplication on Mesh, Cube, Tours etc.

Unit III:Parallel Sorting : Odd – Even transportation sort on Linear Array, Merge Splitting sorting, Theorem of Odd-Even Merging, Zero- One Principle, Batcher networks, Bitonic sorting on PSN, Mesh, Tree, Hypercube, Time and comparator requirement for odd-even and Bitonic sorting.

Unit IV:Fourier transforms on Butterfly, Cube, PSN etc. Associative processing : Examples systems like STARAN , PEPE, Associative algorithms such as Pattern Matching, Finding maximum and minimum elements, Not smaller-then search, Summation of Vector Components, etc. LAN, WAN, NOS, DOS, Distributed File Servers, Distributed Real Time System, Client Server Computing.

Unit V:Procedure calls mechanism and message passing – example DOS System such as ACCENT O.S. and SODS/O.S. File server and example systems such as Xerox, Cambridge, Electronic Mail Server and example system such as Grapevine.Distributed Database, Concurrency Control in Distributed Database etc.


1. Hwang and Briggs : Computer Architecture and Parallel processing (PHI).2. Crichlow : Introduction to Distributed and Parallel Computing.3. M. J. Quinn : Designing of efficient algorithms for Parallel Computers (McGraw).4. V. Rajaraman : Elements of Parallel Computing (PHI).5. Joseph Ja: Introduction to Parallel Algorithms.6. S.G. Akl : The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms. Prentice Hall, NJ 19897. S.G. Akl “ Parallel Sorting Algorithms “, Academic Press 19858. R. H. Perrott, “Parallel Programming”, Addison – Wesley 1987

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9. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture – Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1993.10. Michael J. Quinn, “Parallel Computing – Theory and Practice (second edition) McGraw Hill 1994

CS-903. Operations Research

Unit I:Introduction, convexity and related results, linear programming problem, Solution by Graphical and Simplex method. Theory of simplex method, optimality condition, Duality, Fundamental Theorem of duality.

Unit II:Study of transportation Problem – Method for finding initial solutions (North-west corner method, Least cost method, Vogel’s Approximation Method), Modi method for optimum solution, Assignment problems- Mathematical formulation and solutions of assignment problems, Hungarian method, Variations of Assignment problems, traveling salesman problem.

Unit III:Revised Simplex method, Sensitivity Analysis, Integer programming formulation- types of integer programming, concepts of a cutting plane, Gomory’s all integer cutting plane method, Gomory’s mixed integer cutting plane method, Branch and bound technique.

Unit IV:Introduction to game theory, Maximum-minimum Principle, games without saddle point, reduction to LPP, Networks Scheduling by PERT and CPM, Critical path analysis. Resource Analysis in Network Scheduling, Project cost, Time cost Optimization algorithm, Probability in PERT Analysis.

Unit V: Queuing theory, essential features of queuing system, operating characteristics of queuing, probability distribution in queuing system, classification of queuing models etc. Sequencing problems: introduction, processing n jobs through two machines, processing n jobs through three machines, processing n jobs through m machines, processing two jobs through m machines.


1. J. Mehdi : Stochastic Process, Wiley Eastern.2. H. M. Wagner : Principles of Operations Research, PHI3. H. A. Taha : Operations Research, PHI.4. S.I. Gass : Linear programming5. J. K. Sharma : Operation Research, theory and applications, McMillan.6. W Feller : An introduction to Probability theory & its applications, Wiley Eastern.7. M.R. Spiegel : Probability and statistics, Schaum series.8. C. W. Churchman & EL Arnchoff : Introduction to Operation Research, Wiley.9. E. Gillett : Introduction to Operations Research, Tata McGraw Hill10. D. Gros & C M Harris : Fundamentals of Queuing theory, Wiley.

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CS-904. Laboratory Course in

(a) Practical on Operations Research(b) Practical on Parallel & D. Computing

Semester-X CS-1001. Elective

(1) Digital Image Processing

Unit I:Levels of Computer Vision, Role of Computer, Relationship with Human Vision System. Image Formation : Image Capture, Imaging Geometry, Image Functions, Properties- Spatial & Color, Perspective – Projective Transform, Camera Calibration, Radiometric Image Formation – Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function.

Unit II:Early Processing: Image Sampling & Digitization, Image Transforms (Fourier, Walsh-Hadamard, Discrete Cosine, Karhunen-Loeve), Image Filtering (Linear and Nonlinear Operators, Lowpass, Highpass, Median Filtering), Gray Level to Binary Conversion (Thresholding, Halftoning), Histogram Equalization, Image Compression.

Unit III:Image Segmentation : Edge Based Approaches, Textural Segmentation, Use of Hough Transform, Geometrical feature Extraction, Morphological Method (Minkowski’s Operators), Pyramidal Processing.

Unit IV:Image Motion: Image Sequence Analysis, Optical Flow, Spatio-Temporal Relationship, Dynamic Image Analysis.Three-Dimensional Vision : Shape from shading, Shape from Texture, Structure from Motion, Binocular stereo (Epipolor Geometry, Corresponding Problem, Surface Extraction).

Unit V:Object recognition : Pattern Recognition (Nearest Neighborhood Technique, Bayes Theory), Unsupervised Learning and Clustering, 2-D Object Recognition, Polyhedral Surfaces (Understanding line Drawing), 3-D Object Recognition. Text/References:

1. R. Schalkoff, “Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision”, Wiley.2. D. H. Ballard and C. M. Brown, “Computer Vision”, Prentice Hall.3. R. C. Gonzalez and P. Wintex, “Digital Image Processing”, Addison Wesley.4. A. K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Prentice Hall, India.5. J. M. Brady, Ed.”Computer Vision”, North Holland 19846. W. K. Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley & Sons 19787. J. Serra, “Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology”, Academic Press 1982.

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(2). Natural Language Processing

Unit I:Introduction to NLP : Some example application, Achievements and brief history, Open problems, Major Goals.Introduction to Language Structure and Language Analyzer : Introduction to Language Structure, Overview of Language Analyzer Requirement of Computational Grammars.

Unit II:Preprocessor : Objectives of Processor, Analyzing a text, Discourse Language, Punctuation’s, Abbreviations, names, special characters, Need for human Preprocessor.

Unit III:Words and their Analyzer : Introduction, Why Morphological Analysis, Morphological Generation using paradigms, Morphological Analysis using Paradigms, Speedup Morphological Analysis by compilation, Morphological Analyzer – Some Additional Issues.

Unit IV:Rule Base : Sentences and their analysis, Why Rule Base, Application in Rule Base, Verb Groups, Noun Group, Strategy for Grammar Development, Semantics in stages.

Unit V:Machine Translation : Introduction, Problems of Machine Translation, Is Machine Translation?, Brief History, Possible Approaches, ANGLABHARTI and its importance. Text/References:

1. Natural Language Processing – Akshar Bharati, Vineet Chaitanya, Rajeev Sangal (PHI)2. Abhayankar, K.V. and V.P. Limaye, Vakyapadiya of Bhartrhari Vol.2, Sanskrit and Prakrit Series, University of Poona, Pune.3. Sangal, Rajeev, Programming Paradigms in LISP, McGraw Hill, New York.4. Renu Jain, R.M.K. Sinha, Natural Language Processing.5. Sangal, Rajeev, Vineet Chaitanya and Harish Karnick, “An Approach to Machine Translation in Indian Languages”, Proc. Of Indo – US Workshop on System and Signal Processing, IISc, Bangalore. (3). Neural Networks and Applications

Unit I:Introduction to Neural Networks : Biological and Artificial Neurons, Perceptrons classification and Linear Separability X-OR problem, Hopfield Networks, Overview of Neural Networks Architectures-Multilayered feed forward and Recurrent Networks. Learning-Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement, Generalized Delta Rule.

Unit II:Multilayered Networks : Backpropagation (BP) Networks, BP Training Algorithm and Derivation for Adaption of weight, variations in Back propagation and Alternative cost function, Radial Basis function (RBF) Networks, Applications of BP and RBF Networks.

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Unit III:Recurrent Networks and Unsupervised Learning : Counter Back propagation Networks, Boltzmann Machine, Unsupervised learning methods, Hebbian learning Kohonen’s Self Organizing feature maps, Adaptive Resonance Theory.

Unit IV:Associative Memories : Matrix, Auto, Hetero and Bidirectional Associative memories, Applications of Associative Memories. Neuro Fuzzy System : Relevance of Integration between Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks-pros and cons, Fuzzy Neurons, Fuzzy Neuro Controllers.

Unit V:Neuro Computation : Domains of Application of Neural Networks – Expert System & Decision Making system, Pattern Recognition, Neuro Controllers and Fuzzy Neuro Controllers. Text/References:

1. B. Kosko “Neural Networks and Fuzzy System : A Dynamical System Approach to Machine Intelligence”, Prentice Hall of India (PHI), 19972. Limin Fu, “Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence”, McGraw Hill International, 19943. John Hertz, Anders Krogh and Richard G. Palmer, “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computations”, Addison Wesley 19914. Yoh-Han Pao, Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks”, Addison Wesley 1989. (4) Internet Technologies and Applications

Unit I:Network Layer Function and Protocols : Switching, Routing and congestion control, X.25, Internet Protocol (IP).

Unit II:Transport Layer Function and Protocols : Addressing flow control, Connection management, multiplexing, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Socket and TLI interface.

Unit III:Application Layer Services and Protocols : Domain Name Services, networkManagement protocol , electronic mail and file transfer protocol , World Wide Web.

Unit IV :Survey of Contemporary Internet Technologies : Role, use and implementation ofCurrent tools ; Basic TCP/IP, name space, correctness and protocols; World Wide Web/HTML Techniques for text, images, links and forms; Indexing methods : gopher,WAIS; Server site programming, CGI scripts; Security issues.

Unit V: Emphasis on understanding, exploring and extending internet technologies using Java or Perl.

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1. Computer Networks – by Andrew Tenenbaum, PHI , Third edition.2. Computer and Data Communication – by William Stalling, PHI, Fifth edition.3. Programming with Java : A Primer – by E. Balagurusamy, McGraw International.4. Java 2 : The Complete Reference – by Naughton Patrick & Herbert Schildt, McGraw Hill International. CS-1002. Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications

Unit I:Introduction, Basic concepts on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets versus crisp sets, Properties of alpha-cuts, Representation of fuzzy sets, Extension principle, Fuzzy arithmetic – Fuzzy numbers, Arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers.

Unit II:Operation on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy union, intersection and complement, combinations of operations, Fuzzy relations, Projections & cylindric extensions, Binary fuzzy relations, Fuzzy equivalence and compatibility relations, Fuzzy ordering relations, Fuzzy morphism.

Unit III:Fuzzy measures, Belief and possibility measures, Evidence theory, Possibility theory versus Probability theory, Fuzzy logic, Multivalued logic, Fuzzy propositions, Fuzzy qualifiers.

Unit IV:Approximate reasoning – Fuzzy expert system (an overview), Fuzzy implications, Selection of fuzzy implication, Multiconditional approximate reasoning, Fuzzy system (general discussion), Fuzzy controllers (overview and example).

Unit V:Fuzzy system & neural network, Fuzzy automata, Pattern recognition (introduction), Fuzzy clustering, Fuzzy pattern recognition, Fuzzy image processing. Text/References:

1. 1. Fuzzy set theory & application – by G. J. Klir and Folger2. 2. Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic theory and application – by George J. Klir and

Bo Yuan, PHI publication, 19973. 3. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems : A Dynamic Systems Approach to

Machine Intelligence – by B. Kosko, PHI publication, 19974. 4. Neutral Networks in Computer Intelligence – by Limin Fu, McGraw Hill

International, 19945. 5. Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computations – by John Hertz,

Addison Wesley, 1991 CS-1003. Project The Project gives an opportunity to the student to use the methodologies/techniques taught in several courses in the curriculum. The topics for the project to be undertaken by the department, after deliberations among the faculty members, shall

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be notified to the students. The project is to be carried out under the guidance of a faculty member of the department. A student should submit 3 copies of dissertation for evaluation at the end of the semester and present his project as a seminar topic. The external examiner in consultation with the internal examiner shall carry out the adjudication, after giving due weightage to the work carried out in the project, the presentation of the project, and viva voice. The guide/supervisor will be the internal examiner and external shall be appointed from a panel of examiners. Marks Distribution:

Internal Assessment – 50 marksDissertation – 100 marksViva Voce - 50 marks